

(创建页面,内容为“{{FA}} {{Tab|图册}} {{Quote left|我一直想成为一名冒险家'''永远'''。尝试新事物,帮助人们,就像和薇丝一样去行动……'''这'''就是我'''热爱的!'''|探戈,''刺猬索尼克'' #47}} {{Nihongo|'''探戈'''<ref>''刺猬索尼克'' #9, 点名</ref>|タングル・ザ・リーマー<ref name="Vol-1-JP">{{Cite book|date=2020年5月8…”)
(Saikishiro移动页面Tangle the Lemur探戈

於 2023年11月16日 (四) 23:07 的修訂

本文譯自 Sonic News Network 的專題文章


— 探戈,刺蝟索尼克 #47

探戈[1] (タングル・ザ・リーマー[2][3] Tanguru za Rīmā?) 是出現在刺蝟索尼克 系列中的角色。她是來自螺旋山村的一位擬人化環尾狐猴,也是鑽石切割者當前一代的成員。她在蛋頭戰爭後的混亂中首次與索尼克及其朋友們相識,當時她為保衛村莊而行動起來,對抗在全世界各地恐嚇定居點的機器壞蛋群。從那時起,她一直是索尼克及其盟友冒險的常客。


探戈的創造是因為IDW Publishing的工作人員想要一個能陪伴索尼克冒險並在冒險中看起來很酷的女性索尼克角色。由於主要的女性索尼克角色都不適合這個角色,因此創造了能夠輕鬆參與索尼克的冒險並在其中表現出色的探戈。[4] 她由作家Ian Flynn構思,而藝術家Tyson Hesse負責角色設計。[5]

在甚至被賦予名字之前,IDW希望探戈「像許多其他偉大的索尼克角色一樣,擁有與其特徵相關的特殊能力。」[6] 她最終受到了原型索尼克設計的啟發。索尼克的一個概念是一隻可以用耳朵撿起和扔掉物體的兔子,[4] 因此,她最初被提出為「探戈兔子」。[7] 經過對能用其特徵做出很酷事物的動物的頭腦風暴,如彎曲的兔子耳朵和食蟻獸類型的鼻子,[8] 工作人員決定選擇環尾狐猴,其尾巴可以成為非常多功能的武器。最後,她被賦予了「探戈」這個名字,作為她喜歡與壞人「糾纏」的參考。[6]


探戈被描述為漂亮,[9] 是一隻擬人化的環尾狐猴(擁有科克雷爾長毛狐猴的皮毛顏色),主要擁有淺灰色皮毛和蘭花紫色眼睛。她的每隻眼睛上都有一根睫毛,一個小黑鼻子,以及一條長而蓬鬆、帶有灰色條紋的尾巴。她還有灰色的口鼻部和眼睛間的皮毛,以及眼睛兩側、眼皮和圓耳朵上的深灰色皮毛。她頭頂和胸部還有額外的皮毛,以及小小的臉頰。




探戈已經在螺旋山村居住多年。她和珠兒甲蟲一起長大,後者成為了她最好的朋友。珠兒經常照顧探戈,因為她有衝動冒險的傾向。多年來,探戈在她的冒險中找到了幾件物品,珠兒用它們來管理礦物博物館[10] 探戈也是螺旋山村沙龍的常客,因為她通常買他們的刷子來保持她的尾巴整潔。[10]



探戈和索尼克一起對抗機器壞蛋,來自刺蝟索尼克 #4




在去往天使島的路上,探戈花時間玩紙牌同時捉弄銀色刺蝟。然而,當他們的靠近天使島時,艾格艦隊將其擊落。幸運的是,探戈及其盟友在船墜毀前下了船。隨後在天使島着陸,探戈和薇絲被分配保護塔爾斯,同時這隻小狐狸做他的事情。不久之後,探戈忙於破壞艾格兵[12] 探戈後來試圖用艾格艦隊的一門大炮對付其他艦船。在薇絲的掩護下,她成功了。後來,當天使島海岸線上的最後一個機翼單元被塔爾斯劫持的艾格艦隊戰艦炸毀時,探戈用她的尾巴抓住了即將掉下去的鱷魚維克托,同時嬉笑地對塔爾斯喊要小心。她隨後將自己和維克托帶上了塔爾斯已經控制的戰艦。[13]

探戈和布蕾茲一起摧毀了Master Overlord的一個翼,來自刺蝟索尼克 #11

不久之後,探戈和艾米發現布蕾茲在天使島上空盤旋,當島嶼開始下沉時,她將布蕾茲帶上了戰艦。當新金屬索尼克——在他的新主寶石誘導變形,Master Overlord——接近戰艦時,船員們被納克斯指示要將機械人霸主引向天使島,同時他專注於從他身上奪回主寶石。在索尼克提供的開路下,探戈和她的朋友們加入了戰鬥並遵循納克斯的指示。在戰鬥中,探戈被震落下主宰者,但被銀色刺蝟用他的念力救了下來。隨後,納克斯將主寶石從主宰者身上取走並帶回天使島,將島嶼恢復到天空中,同時主宰者恢復到普通的金屬索尼克。隨着戰鬥結束,探戈被帶到了天使島上。她非常興奮地被艾米告知,這次冒險對他們來說並不新鮮。[14]



File:Annual 2019 Tangle Whisper Jewel.png
探戈將珠兒甲蟲薇絲介紹給彼此,來自Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2019





File:IDW 16 Tangle.png
探戈提供幫助給索尼克塔爾斯,來自刺蝟索尼克 #16


探戈 & 薇絲


探戈準備幫助薇絲阻止Mimic,來自刺蝟索尼克: 探戈 & 薇絲 #1



探戈在掩體爆炸前確保自己和薇絲安全,來自Sonic the Hedgehog: Tangle & Whisper #2




Tangle and Whisper regain their trust and determination, from Sonic the Hedgehog: Tangle & Whisper #3.

Horrified of what she had seen, Tangle took off Whisper's mask and softly handed it back to her. Whisper explained that when the coast was clear, she went back into the Eggman base to rescue the rest of the team's Wisps and then went to team's base to take Smithy's prototype Variable Wispon. Tangle was at a loss for words and became frustrated. After taking a deep breath, she asked why Whisper would hold onto that footage, to which the wolf replied "Never forget. Never forgive." Tangle then realized that this was why she continued to fight as the "Guardian Angel of the Battlefield" and later joined the others to fight Neo Metal Sonic. She also realized that it must have been difficult for her to see Shadow on the mission as well. Tangle lastly asked why Whisper chose to leave her behind knowing how Mimic could toy with and asked why she did not ask someone like Sonic to help her even if she did not want the lemur's company. Whisper told her that she was the first real friend she allowed her to have since the incident and could not stand the thought of losing anyone again. Tangle teared up and declared that Whisper was her friend as well and friends looked out for each other no matter what. When Whisper reminded her that Mimic nearly destroyed them both, Tangle stated that he would get double the payback and make him regret all of his actions. As Tangle helped Whisper up, she told her that she knew his tactics now and he would not catch her off guard again. When Whisper noted that Tangle could not be discouraged, Tangle replied saying that Whisper needed positive energy and her friends needed avenging. With this, Whisper hugged the lemur and thanked her. The wolf then noted that the trail was cold and it would take a while to find Mimic again. Tangle disagreed, believing Eggman would want solid proof about their deaths this time, meaning that Mimic would come back and they will give him a taste of his own medicine. Whisper then left a message for Mimic, saying that they will finish the fight where they started.[19]

Tangle fights Mimic, from Sonic the Hedgehog: Tangle & Whisper #4.

Whisper and Tangle traveled to the former Diamond Cutters base on the Clove Sea. They plotted to have Mimic view playbacks of the Diamond Cutters of how much he meant to them. Later, the girls found a squadron of Badniks coming their way. Whisper shot a large battleship Buzz Bomber in the sky, which forced it to crash down onto the second Buzz Bomber battleship. As Whisper explained to Tangle that the Badniks were only decoys, the latter realized that it was now her cue to confront Mimic. Tangle did offer to help fight the Badniks and try to protect the base but Whisper declined, reassuring her that it was fine. In the base, Tangle tripped up who appeared to be Sonic but was actually Mimic in disguise. Pretending to fall for his disguise, Tangle revealed the trap she and Whisper had set for him. She played back footage of Smithy, Slinger, Claire, and even Whisper praising him for his past work and asked if betraying them to save himself was worthwhile. Reverting to his normal form, Mimic showed no remorse for his misdeeds, dismissing the Diamond Cutters as a means to an end and that he had been in it only for the rewards. Outraged, Tangle lunged at Mimic, but stopped when he assumed Jewel's form, mocking her faith in the idea friendship. When he dared her to attack again, Tangle hesitated, but eventually kept up a fight well enough to impress the shapeshifter. Mimic overpowered her with her own tail and was about to finish her off with his dagger when Whisper arrived and attacked him. The ensuing fight bought Tangle time to get up, and just as Mimic disarmed Whisper, Tangle coiled her tail around him like a snake and threw him to the floor through a table. Refusing to admit defeat, Mimic struggled in vain against Tangle's grip, but to no avail as she ordered him to stay down.[20]

With Mimic subdued, Whisper prepared to execute him, but Tangle stopped her, insisting she would regret it and that it would be worse for Mimic to live on knowing he had failed his mission. Much to Tangle's relief, Whisper agreed. Tangle then suggested taking him to Tails. At the fox's workshop, Tails created a Test Chamber to imprison Mimic in and stated that he would not be able to escape. When Mimic declared that he would simply escape as he always had and taunted Whisper when she warned him not to, Tangle turned his insults back him, saying that even if he did escape, he would have to deal with Eggman's wrath after wasting several of his Badniks. Beaten at his own game, all Mimic could do was tell Tangle he disliked her, another insult she turned back at him. Tangle and Whisper thus said their goodbyes to Tails after he promised to send the cell to the nearest jail as soon as he could. Outside, Tangle asked Whisper what she would do next; the wolf told her that she was going to keep fighting until Eggman was gone and asked Tangle if she wanted to join. Tangle accepted the offer but wished to first of all take time off back at home. With their newfound bond, Whisper and Tangle fist bumped and said their farewells. As Tangle walked off, she high fived her own tail.[20]

The Last Minute

Tangle fends off Zombots, from Sonic the Hedgehog #21.

Some time after the encounter with Mimic, Tangle accompanied Tails and Whisper on a mission to Central City so that he could research a cure for the Metal Virus. While at his lab, Tangle watched in shock as Dr. Eggman's Faceship arrived in the city to distribute a large batch of the virus into the city. Tangle and Whisper took it upon themselves to begin evacuation of the city while Tails stayed behind at his lab to research a cure. About an hour later, Tangle and Whisper had managed to guide a number of survivors down to a dock while they fended off several Zombots in the city. Though Tangle found some fun in the situation, she still found it horrible. Tails soon called Tangle for updates he could give to Amy. After explaining how she found the situation to the fox cub, Tangle was startled by a Zombot close behind her, causing her to climb atop a lamp post before she gave actual updates to Tails. Afterwards, Tangle continued to fight against the Central City Zombots.[21]

At some point, she tried to distract some Zombots from on top of a lamp post but was nearly shaken off by one. Luckily, Whisper came to the lemur's aid knocked back the Zombots with her Variable Wispon. As Whisper kept up the pressure, Tangle tried contacting Amy at Restoration HQ for back-up but she did not pick up. She also tried reaching out to Cream and Vector they did not answer either. She managed to put in a call to Silver but he confirmed that he was busy dealing with a Zombot outbreak in Ice Paradise and could not reach them in time. Tangle and Whisper pressed onwards regardless but were forcibly sidetracked by a horde of Zombots, forcing them to move to a rooftop. Tangle then put in a call to Tails following a suggestion from Whisper and was soon given an update by him that he had nearly completed a cure for the Metal Virus and would be able to provide back-up soon. After a while, Tangle and Whisper decided to go back to the docks, with Tangle once again trying to call Tails. The fox cub managed to clear a path for the duo with his Cyclone and told them that he would cover them while they tended to the survivors. At the docks, Tangle soon saw a rescue shuttle coming in for a landing and she wondered why only one was present. Despite this, she and Whisper guided the survivors onboard while they also watched out for Zombots. Once everyone had safely boarded, Tangle called out for Tails to fly to the ship. Once Tails had arrived, the trio had received the bad news from Amy that Restoration HQ had fallen. Tails freaked out over this because he believed he still would have been able to do something with the incomplete upload at the HQ, revealing that he could not find a cure and was sabotaged by Zombots.[21][22]

Tangle becoming a Zombot, from Sonic the Hedgehog #24.

By this time, Eggman had attacked Spiral Hill Village with the Metal Virus, and the Restoration rushed to help after Jewel called Tangle in a panic. While her friends evacuated the town, Tangle went to the Mineral Museum to check on Jewel, but the beetle had already been converted into a Zombot and attacked the lemur, striking her on the shoulder and infecting her. After trapping Jewel in a glass case, Tangle engaged other Zombots, though she had to restrain herself to avoid accelerating her infection despite knowing she could not stall it forever. She was soon joined by Sonic, who had just arrived from an encounter with Eggman and Starline in Barricade Town. Unable to quickly flee without drawing attention from the Zombots, Tangle suggested Sonic carry her around while she wrapped her tail around nearby lampposts to create a trip wire to block the Zombots. When Sonic initially refused for fear of infecting her, she revealed her own infection. Sonic was horrified and apologized to her, but she urged him not to give up, stating there were still survivors to protect and that he could still set things right. With that, they enacted their plan, blocking off several Zombots in the town from reaching the Rescue Shuttle. Having resolved to stay behind, Tangle asked Sonic to apologize to the others for her, knowing Whisper would be devastated when she heard the news. Sonic said he would, and the two friends embraced before parting ways. As her friends left, Tangle bravely fought the Zombot horde until, finally, she succumbed to the Metal Virus, becoming a Zombot herself.[22][23][24]

All or Nothing

After the Deadly Six had taken over Eggman's plans, Zavok used his powers to lead a large horde of Zombots to Angel Island, which included Tangle. After the Faceship was effectively destroyed by Rouge, Zavok became Giant Zavok to attack the survivors on Angel Island. From this, he grabbed a handful of Zombots, including Tangle, and threw them onto the island's surface to face the survivors there. During the battle, Tangle confronted Whisper, who could not bring herself to fight her friend. Eventually, the Metal Virus was removed from her body by Super Sonic and Super Silver, restoring her to normal. As Tangle wondered what she was doing back on Angel Island, she was happily embraced by Whisper and her Wisps and asked if they had missed her.[25][26][27]

Out of the Blue

When Zavok tried attacking the civilians down below, Tangle went down from Angel Island to the surface and wrapped the Zeti in her tail. However, he easily broke free. Eventually, Zavok was restrained by Silver's psychokinesis. Soon after, Tangle saw Metal Sonic impale Gemerl and wondered where he was hiding as Whisper shot at him. Ignoring them, Metal Sonic blocked the attacks with his Black Shield, dropped Gemerl's body and flew away with Orbot and Cubot.[28]

Tangle parties with her friends, from Sonic the Hedgehog #31.

Some time later, Tangle and Tails went to rescue Rough and Tumble from a refuse pit in Echo Mine, which they were trapped in by Sonic back when they were still Zombots. They told the skunks that they were given another chance at life after Sonic had cured the world of the Metal Virus. Rough and Tumble simply laughed at this and ran off to cause more mayhem. When Tangle asked if this meant they would go right back to jail by the end of the day, Tails joked that this could happen if they found their way out of the mines first. Following this, when Tangle asked Tails if he was fine after Sonic's disappearance, he replied that he was fine; he was confident that they would see Sonic again as he has beaten the odds before and since he had never let him down before, he believed in him. Additionally, he believed that Sonic would be counting on them to keep the peace. Tangle complimented Tails' determination and invited Tails to a party that she was going to host in Spiral Hill Village. Later at the party, Tangle celebrated with her friends and used her tail as a jump rope with Jewel for Cheese and Chocola. She then went to tell Whisper to calm down after seeing her angrily monitor the Babylon Rogues due their attack on the town from before; the lemur stated that they have earned some peace as well since they helped save the world and she did not want to have another fight in her home town so soon. When Whisper accepted this, Tangle said that they should get the Wisps some food to eat but also asked if they even ate. Tangle was soon interrupted as the party was crashed by Eggman arriving in a large mecha with the intent of destroying everyone.[29] Tangle proceeded to take part in the attack on Eggman's mech. After Sonic returned and helped defeat Eggman, who departed in the aftermath, Tangle had everyone join up in a group hug with her tail until Jewel told her that they had yet to extinguish the fires in the village that had been started during the fight. Together with Sonic, Tangle helped put out the fires.[30]

Test Run!

After Jewel took over leadership of the Restoration, Tangle joined the organization to support her friend. However, Tangle ended up rarely seeing Jewel after that due to the latter's occupation with her new responsibilities.[31]

Tangle saving Belle from her blunder, from Sonic the Hedgehog #37.

While in the Restoration's new HQ, Tangle stopped a boat in the machine shop that was inadvertently destabilized by Belle the Tinkerer. As Belle was fired from her position in the workshop, Tangle took Belle with her and introduced herself. She also comforted a disheartened Belle, telling her that she too had problems in the beginning when she joined the Restoration. She also learned that Belle had a special ability related to her tail, much like herself. Moments later, they both heard rumors of a new Eggman tower outside the coast, which was causing unnatural storms. Hoping to get some excitement going, Tangle went to Jewel with Belle where they met Sonic, Tails, and Amy. When Sonic, Tails and Amy decided to investigate the Eggman tower, Tangle wanted to join the trio, but Jewel reminded her of her responsibilities with the Restoration. As such, a dismayed Tangle decided to stay to handle inventory. However, Belle soon after gave Tangle the idea of following Sonic and co. to the tower. The two of them then found a Big Bang Extreme Gear, which Belle began hotwiring. As Tangle began to doubt her current course of actions, Belle got the Big Bang working, and she and Tangle left the HQ.[31] Arriving at Eggman's tower, Tangle and Belle crashed the Big Bang upon landing, depriving them of one of their means of escape. Passing the broken Badniks in front the entrance, Tangle headed inside the tower with Belle. The duo soon after ended up in a room full of Badniks. Not yet detected by the robots, Tangle and Belle climbed the interior of the tower while avoiding detection until they came upon Orbot and Cubot discussing Sonic, Tails and Amy, who had broken into the tower and ended inside the test chambers for Eggman's robots. After watching the robotic duo relay these news to Eggman, who decided to make use of this opportunity, Belle asked Tangle if that was Eggman's voice she heard. Confirming that, Tangle wanted to go to help Sonic. However, Belle would slip and fall down right in front of some Egg Pawns. However, the Egg Pawns did not detect Belle. Pulling Belle back up, Tangle demanded an explanation. Belle thus told her that she was a Badnik herself and that she came to the tower to seek answers about her origin from Eggman. Deciding to trust Belle, regardless of what Belle believed she thought of her now, Tangle continued onward on her search for Sonic and co. with Belle.[32]

Tangle heading for the gate, from Sonic the Hedgehog #39.

Finding Orbot and Cubot again, Tangle tied them up with her tail and began interrogating them to find out which portal in the facility she could use to find Sonic, Tails and Amy. After a while, she finally tricked the robot duo into giving her the information she needed. Deciding to head into one of the portals to rescue Sonic, Tails and Amy, Tangle tied her tail to a nearby pipe so she could find her way back later. Initially, Belle tried to stop her, but Tangle convinced her to let her do it, and headed into the portal.[33] Arriving in a test chamber, Tangle came to the rescue of Sonic, Tails and Amy by damaging a green Egg Viper. She then proceeded to help her friends subdue the other Egg Vipers in the chamber. When Eggman had his Egg Vipers set to collide with the heroes, however, Tangle dragged Sonic back to the tower while Tails and Amy followed her using her tail that she had tied to the other side of the portal. Arriving back in the tower, Tangle and everybody else fled to the Tornado, which they used to escape the tower before it imploded from an overloading test chamber portal. On the way back, after parting ways with Orbot and Cubot, Tangle comforted Belle, who had discovered that her creator, Mr. Tinker (a persona Eggman had assumed while struck with amnesia), would never return to the peaceful life he once had. However, Tangle cheered Belle up by telling her that she had done a lot of good anyway, and that Mr. Tinker would be proud of her.[34]

Zeti Hunt!

Tangle would later join Whisper and Jewel at Restoration HQ. When the Deadly Six eventually attacked the HQ, Tangle and her friends barricaded themselves in the control room.[35] From within the control room, Tangle wanted to assist Sonic in his fight against the Deadly Six, but Sonic told her to wait. Instead, she kept Whisper in a convenient shooting position and punched Zeena with her tail through a hole in the control room's door when she tried to reach into the control room. She soon after tried to attack Zavok as well, but he would grab her tail and tug her into the door until she was incapacitated. After Sonic and Tails took care of the Deadly Six though, Tangle informed them that Belle had been kidnapped by Dr. Starline.[36]

Trial by Fire

While out jogging in the Emeraldville Ruins one morning, Tangle found Whisper and her Wisps departing from Restoration HQ since Mimic was on the loose. Tangle tried to convince Whisper to stay, but she insisted that she was a liability to the others with Mimic around and that the Restoration was not her place to stay.[37]

Tangle heading out on a camping trip, from Sonic the Hedgehog #45.

Soon after, Tangle came along with Amy, Jewel and Belle on a camping trip. While Tangle was exited about going on another adventure, she kept thinking somberly about Whisper's departure while on the way to the camping site. Eventually arriving at the Forest Ridge Zone Campground, the group learned from the camp's ranger to careful with fire as the forest was dry this season. While setting up tent and roasting marshmallows during the following evening though, Tangle kept zoning out about Whisper. Eventually though, Tangle and the others had their futures predicted by Amy's fortune cards. Tangle in particular was given a rather open prediction about the "balance of opposing sides". However, tensions soon began running high despite Amy's attempts. Later, Tangle awoke to find the forest on fire. With Amy and Jewel joining her, they found the campsite in chaos. Amidst this, they found the camp ranger looking for his son, Ashe, who had disappeared. Volunteering to go look for Ashe, Tangle headed into the forest.[37] She eventually found Belle with a Motobug, which Belle told her was good. After then wrapping up Belle's burned hand with her own sports tape, Tangle had her and the Motobug help her look for Ashe. During their search though, Tangle struggled with the smoke from the forest fire. Eventually, the trio found Ashe and Red Hot on the other side of a ravine. As Tangle and Belle began sliding uncontrollably towards the ravine however, the Motobug got both of them to ride it, and by working together, they crossed the ravine. After Ashe had then told them about who started the forest fire, which Belle could verify, Tangle, Belle, Ashe, Red Hot and the Motobug tried getting out of the burning forest. Unfortunately, they were forced to the edge of a ravine by a falling tree. As Tangle dangled from the edge while holding Belle and Ashe, the cliff crumbled, leaving them and the Motobug to fall towards the river below.[38]

Landing in the river, the group found a log to hang onto. As they rode the rough river, Tangle amazed a perplexed Belle with how she thrived on this situation and dreamt of becoming an adventurer. Eventually landing at the campgrounds, Tangle and her group were found by Amy and Jewel. There, Tangle and Belle assuring a scared Jewel that their Motobug companion was nice. Regardless, the fire was still spreading. However, when Jewel came up with an idea to stop the fire, Tangle and her friends chose to join forces with her to help realize it. Tangle and Amy subsequently went to work temporarily damming the river, making it overflow long enough for its waters to quench much of the forest fire and prevent any remaining fires from spreading further. As the heroines celebrated however, Tangle surprised everyone by telling Jewel that she was quitting the Restoration. Although Tangle realized she had been too blunt, Jewel understood her decision and accepted her resignation after assuring her that they would be fine without each other. Despite this, the two of them came up with a new plan for them. Coming to Tails' Workshop afterward, Tangle told Sonic of their adventure. As Sonic then asked what her next move was, she explained that she was now ready to find Whisper and go traveling with her. Tangle subsequently bid her friends goodbye as she headed out on her bike.[39]

Rough Patch

Tangle eventually made it back to her home town of Spiral Hill where she was approached by Rough the Skunk. Rough begged her to join him and steal the Chaos Emerald (IDW) from the Mineral Museum for supposedly vigilante reasons. Tangle saw through the lie and decided to go undercover and join Rough to "babysit" the museum. The same night, Rough and Tangle broke into the museum via the skylight, but Rouge and Tumble broke in at the same time. Tangle played along with Rough's lie and pushed him to fight Tumble. As the two skunks fought, she talked to Rouge and explained why she was here. Rouge told her version of why she was here and proposed to team up to take Rough and Tumble in, which she happily accepted. The skunks realized they had the same plan and reunited, but before they could act, Tangle knocked them out and apprehended them with her tail. She then saw the Chaos Emerald was out of its case and saw Rouge fly away with it. Tangle was saddened by the betrayal.[40]

Future Growth

Tangle would return to Restoration HQ and help harvest the garden Silver and Blaze made in the Emeraldville Ruins. She enthusiastically dug out the potatoes while wielding three shovels, causing Amy to try and stop her.[41]

Urban Warfare

Tangle joined a new team Lanolin was assembling, along with Whisper. Later, Tangle was in a meeting with the team and Jewel to ask Sonic to join them on a mission to investigate Eggperial City. During the meeting, Tangle told Whisper she was happy to be with her again. When Sonic agreed to join them, he asked for a team name. Tangle suggested Diamond Cutters, which Lanolin liked. Whisper looked visibly angry about that name being chosen, which Tangle noticed and made her nervous.

The group left Restoration HQ and made it to Eggman's city, with Whisper and Lanolin scouting the city. When they noticed there were no major defenses, traps, or patrols, Sonic and Tangle went ahead and ran into the city. Tangle was enjoying fighting the Badniks and was ready to take lots of them. A Red Eye started to attack causing her to take cover behind Lanolin. Lanolin and Whisper took out the Red Eye and Lanolin yelled at Sonic and Tangle for reckless actions. Tangle apologized and said she is still getting used to team dynamics. Lanolin asked how Whisper handles Tangle; Whisper replied she doesn't. Concerned, Tangle asked if there was something they needed to talk about, but Whisper told her no, causing Tangle to look at her with worry.

Lanolin went on to survey the city and Whisper let her use her Green Wisp to take some readings. Lanolin concluded the city grew since the last time Sonic was there. Tangle is confused on how since there is no construction equipment. Sonic transformed into Green Hover to get a better view. When Sonic came back and confirmed Lanolin's theory, Tangle begged Whisper to let her try that with her Wisps, but she politely said "maybe later" and took the Green Wisp back to rest. Lanolin wondered where the city was getting the resources to grow and repair itself. Tangle speculated they were mining underground after seeing the bad looking trees around the city. Sonic remembered Belle saw a tunnel network under the city. Lanolin agreed to check them out, but with caution. They descended into the city, with Tangle and Lanolin stealthy taking out Badniks. Once they got down to the lowest point, Whisper blew a hole in the ground with her Variable Wispon and Lanolin and Tangle looked inside; Tangle using her tail as a tether. They discovered Eggman was strip-mining everything to build the city. Sonic and Lanolin argued over what they should do next. Tangle was unsure which path to take and Whisper said they can fall back while she stays to scout. This causes Tangle to snap at her, saying she won't because she had a close call recently and she needs to stop going solo.

Just then, a devise appeared and created a portal. Sonic and Tangle recognized it from the Eggman tower when they were put in a cyber realm. Sonic ran off while Tangle held onto him, with her holding Lanolin and Whisper with her tail. Tangle enjoyed the "ride" and got some hits on some Badniks. A Zoomer broke Sonic and Tangle's grip, causing Tangle, Whisper, and Lanolin to fall into the portal.[42] The trio was then taken into a parallel world where they could see and hear others, but could not interact or be seen by anyone. Tangle got angry when she tried to wave down Sonic and the backup that arrived to help him, but they didn't see or hear her. Tangle called Lanolin "boss lady" and asked if she had a plan, which she said she didn't and she wasn't the boss. Tangle said she organized the team and made the mission, making her de-facto leader and they really needed one right now. Lanolin, in her sadness, said she formed the group out of desperation. She still remembered how her home town was attacked and didn't want anyone to feel the helplessness she felt. She called the mission a failure and blamed herself for it. Tangle tried to cheer her up by saying they failed together and its OK to make mistakes. She said they can get out of this as a team and grow stronger from it and it would make for a great story. Tangle said she was sure because they were awesome and never give up.

Tangle asked Whisper if she agreed. She then coldly asked Tangle why she chose the name the team after the friends she lost. Lanolin said she thought Whisper's old team disbanded after the war. Whisper clarified they were betrayed and destroyed. Tangle was stumbling her words and Whisper asked her to just spit it out. Tangle apologized to Whisper for naming the team Diamond Cutters, saying her old team were close friends and were cool and competent. She wanted their relationship to be like that so they wouldn't drift apart again. Tangle cried and said she was caught in the moment. Whisper then admitted her team was there for her then and now only their Wisps are what's left of them. Whisper said she has been walking away from the people trying to help her. She realizes the only person not trying to help her is herself. While Tangle had her tail wrapped around her head, Lanolin said she understood if Whisper can't trust people after being betrayed. Whisper clarified only one person took her life away from her. Whisper promised she isn't going to let his fear rule her life anymore. Whisper apologized for being a bad friend and teammate and asked for patience for her to move on. Tangle mumbled something with her Tails wrapped around her and Whisper pulled them down. Tangle was about to restate it, but Whisper said she knows what she said and told her "she will".

The group joined hands and Whisper told them they can remain the Diamond Cutters, as her old team would be honored for them to continue their cause. Tangle then gave them a group hug, and Lanolin says there has to be a hard count on the number of group hugs, which Whisper agreeing. Tangle held a bit tighter to make it count. Breaking the hug, Lanolin asked how Whisper's old team would handle their situation. Whisper said there was no chain of command and they relied on each other. She then said they would ask Claire for insight and if she saw nothing, they would scout the area. Tangle guesses Whisper is going to scout for them, then Lanolin comes up with a plan to gather intel for Sonic while he worked to get them back to reality. Whispers said they should go to the central control tower since it has the most critical resources and the Diamond Cutters move out.[43]

The Diamond Cutters made it into the command room of the tower where they saw Eggman with Orbot and Cubot overseeing the attack on the other heroes who arrived. Lanolin tried to stop Tangle from touching Metal Sonic, saying it isn't how they do things. Tangle touched through the robot said they aren't going to spot them. Lanolin gave up and told them to find some useful information. They then saw on a monitor Shadow Androids attacking Sonic and the others. Tangle remarked that's what happened to the first Diamond Cutters. Whisper looked on in horror and sunk to the ground. Tangle comforted Whisper and the wolf said it's too late for them. Before Whisper could finish the thought, Tangle said it won't happen again because she won't let it and promised they're going to figure this out. She gave Whisper a hug and Lanolin came over to comfort Whisper as well.

The team saw Eggman restart the city's power because of a power surge caused by Shadow. As Eggman expressed his anger that he can't see where the Restoration members on, Lanolin tells Tangle that surge nearly disabled the entire city. She speculates if they trigger a bigger one, and stop Eggman from throttling it, they can destroy the city. Tangle agrees to the idea, but they suddenly start to become visual to the real world again. Lanolin tells them not to panic and they freeze when Eggman sees them. Eggman says he has seen them before and they ran into his Spatial-Displacement Trap.

Eggman says they almost escaped when the power dipped, but reveals his new models that can shatter their atoms into oblivion. Whisper shoots Eggman with her Wispon, but it goes right through him. Eggman says her Wispon has been separated from normal space and she can't hurt him. The hexagonal trap surrounds Whisper and Tangle runs to save her, but the trap closes in on Whisper as she looks on in horror. Another trap starts to surround Tangle, but Lanolin shoved her out of the way. Lanolin commanded her to find the others and tell them what to do. Before she can give more instructions, the trap closes in on her. Eggman monologues that Tangle has nowhere to run and no way to fight as another trap surrounded her. She walked back into the glass wall, and unexpectedly walks right through it, falling into the city bellow.[44]

Thinking its the end, Tangle closes her eyes and tells Whisper she's sorry. She survives the fall, however, by phasing through the floor. Tangle then runs from Metal Sonic and the trap he commands. She hides from him in the ground. Once the coast is clear, Tangle holds herself and concludes the trap had the side effect of her phasing through things. She says she needs to tell Sonic and the others what's up and wishes the rest of the Diamond Cutters were there to help her. Tangle shakes off the doubt in her head and goes to a smoke pillar in the distance, thinking the heroes are there. Sure enough she does find them and Tangle's new ability amazes them. Tangle gets them to focus and starts to explain what happened, but she is cut off by Metal and the Spatial-Displacement Trap attacking them. Tangle realizes he followed her the whole time. The group takes care of them and Tangle explains what happened. This leads to the group splitting up, with Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Tangle going to the central tower to rescue the Diamond Cutters and take down the city. Metal Sonic attacks them again in an elevator and Tangle blinds Metal with her tail so Sonic can escape.

Soon, they all end up in the control room and Tangle loses control of Metal Sonic. Another trap tries to get her, but when Eggman makes the tower mobile, it shifts the floor and causes it to miss.[45] Once the tower stabilized, Eggman was able to trap Sonic in a Spatial-Displacement Trap. He then ordered Metal Sonic to take out Amy and Tails, which Tangle tried to stop. Her phasing ability suddenly stopped working and Eggman grabbed her, putting a gun against her head before she could hit him. Only a moment later, Lanolin and Whisper reappeared, free from their traps. Whisper knocked Eggman and Metal away using her Wispon. Tails observed the computer going offline must of freed them. Tangle cried while Whisper comforted her; overwhelmed with the emotions of them coming back. Lanolin then used her Wispon to crack the glass wall of the observation room. With Sonic being back and kicking out Metal, the Diamond Cutters made their leave thanks to Whisper's Wispon's Green Hover ability.

Tangle and the others made it over to the Giant Fake Chaos Emerald tower Shadow made. Tangle got a hold of Sonic and Whisper launched themselves into the air by using the Orange Rocket mode of her Wispon. Tangle then flung Sonic into the tower, destroying it. The group narrowly escaped certain death thanks to Shadow teleporting the Fake Emeralds into the sky before they exploded. Later, Tangle and Whisper joined the other heroes on a picnic.[46]

Game appearances

Sonic Dash

In Sonic Dash, Tangle is one of the playable characters. In this game, she can be unlocked by either purchasing her for $3.99 USD, or by collecting 300 of her character cards.

Image Rarity Affinity Bonus Upgrade Profile
Power-Up Highest level
File:Sonic Dash Tangle Portrait 7.0.png
Common N/A Dash Boost 10
x2 Multiplier 9
Magnet 10
Shield 11
Headstart 10

Sonic Forces: Speed Battle

In Sonic Forces: Speed Battle, Tangle is one of the playable characters who was added to the game's roster in the version 2.19.0 update. She has the following gameplay characteristics:

Image Rarity Stats Items
Projectile Boost Trap

Speed: 7/10

Acceleration: 5/10

Strength: 10/10

File:SFSB Tail Strike.png
Tail Strike
File:SFSB Tail Spring.png
Tail Spring
File:SFSB Tail Strike.png
Tail Strike


You're the antithesis of "look before you leap".

Jewel the Beetle, Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2019

Heroic, optimistic, and just as fearless as Sonic the Hedgehog, Tangle is scrappy and loves to tangle with bad guys.[6][47] Not intimidated by danger in the slightest, she has a thirst for adventure and excitement and craves new challenges for herself.[10][18] As such, she is capable of heading into mortal peril and face deadly odds, all while wearing a smile on her face and having the time of her life.[12][13] However, her desire for adventure makes her reckless and prone to charging headlong into danger without a care in the world.[18] She can also be somewhat careless in battle, like using her tail in a way that gets it injured and getting so caught up in her own excitement that she forgets to watch out for enemies.[11]

Tangle excitedly recalling her past adventures, from Sonic the Hedgehog: Tangle & Whisper #1.

Tangle is loud, extroverted, and easily excitable, but also friendly, polite, helpful, and open. While having seen and overcome her own fair share of challenges in the form of Badniks, she is a novice heroine and the world still continues to amaze her. As such, she has seen little of the more outlandish subjects that exist out in the world, like a pyrokinetic princess from another dimension who guards fiery Emeralds. While such concepts tend to leave her speechless, she is nonetheless quick to be amazed by them. Whenever she sees or reflects on something exciting, she tends to get starry-eyed.[11][14][18] When reacting to a sudden sound or event, the hairs on her tail stand up.[9][19][29]

Because of her outings with Sonic and other heroes, Tangle grew bored of her life at home in Spiral Hill Village, and would grow hyperactive staying there since she could not stand the peace and quiet, much preferring to see the world and experience thrilling adventures. At the same time, however, she admitted to Jewel that she was both paranoid and nervous about leaving her home behind, as the village would be left vulnerable without her and that she would not have anyone to watch her back. Despite her newfound boredom, she remains loyal to her hometown and has gone through with staying when necessary and ensuring its safety despite how she felt and eagerly returning to it after long adventures.[18]

Possessing a strong sense of justice, Tangle is more than willing to aid her friends in any way that she can, even when she is denied. This was shown when she persisted on helping Whisper out in bringing down Mimic, even though the lone wolf rejected her pleas to aid her, a trait of which caused Whisper to note that Tangle could not be discouraged. Notably, Tangle will try to convince her friends at all costs to help them and prove his skills. Her lack of discouragement is similarly accompanied by a strong sense of hope. It was particularly shown when Tangle got infected with the Metal Virus, where she kept fighting Zombots with an optimistic attitude and even bolstered a despondent Sonic's spirits, as Sonic inspired her to never give up and never lose hope, despite knowing she did not have long before becoming a Zombot herself.[18][19][24]

Tangle has a bit of a mischievous side to her. When she played cards with Silver, she would deliberately try to mess with him while using her tail to peek at his cards.[12] She also has a bit of an ego; after finding out that some local children started a Sonic Fan Club, she told them they should make a Tangle Fan Club instead.[16] According to Ian Flynn, she likes to try to dance, stating that she has the energy and gumption for it, but is not very good at it, as she apparently lacks rhythm.[48]

Powers and abilities

Tangle using her tail in battle, from Sonic the Hedgehog #4.

Tangle's main draw is a highly prehensile tail that she can use and manipulate in various ways as if it was a third arm for a variety of situations. In practice, her tail can whip, snap, grip, curl, and even make a hand to form a fist with.[6][47] In addition, her tail can extend and contract at will like a rubber band, thus allowing her to wield it as a rope, a bungee cord, a slingshot, or even a pully for herself.[11] By curling it up like a coil, Tangle can also use her tail like a spring to bounce around and can even use this same method of wrapping her tail around someone or something to subdue them.[10][20] It also has enough strength to dent Badnik armor with a single strike.[11]

Physically, Tangle is very fit and agile, possessing the same level of athleticism as Sonic the Hedgehog.[47] According to Mimic, she has some combat skills as well, and with proper training, she could be a formidable opponent.[20]


Tangle appears to suffer from claustrophobia, causing her to panic when enclosed within small spaces. Her phobia is so severe that the resulting panic has caused her to pass out in the past.[9]

Tangle's main means of combat, her tail, can be exploited against her in many different ways, the most common of which is her opponents grabbing it to make her hit herself or use it to their advantage to slam her into the environment.[20][36]


Jewel the Beetle

Tangle and Jewel the Beetle have been best friends since their childhood. Jewel would always be there to look out for Tangle and make sure she did not fall into perilous danger. Tangle has become very grateful for Jewel's friendship as she feels lonely without her. Tangle also gets very worried when Jewel is in trouble, especially when she is not in the village, becoming frantic when the beetle was kidnapped by the Babylon Rogues and later when she was infected with the Metal Virus.[10][18]

Tangle would also join the Restoration just because of Jewel in order to show that she wanted to support her. As time passed, however, she realized that she was rarely able to see Jewel, and that she did not like working in the organization.[31] Ultimately, Tangle decided to leave it. Though she initially regretted speaking too quickly and enthusiastically about her departure, Jewel respected Tangle's choice and understood that she did not thrive in the organization.[29][39]

Sonic the Hedgehog

Tangle expressing her faith in Sonic, from Sonic the Hedgehog #24.

Tangle has been described as a "kindred spirit" to Sonic the Hedgehog, namely due to their skill and enjoyment in battling Badniks, their common desire for adventure and excitement, and their shared confidence, optimism, and occassional recklessness. Even after meeting for the first time, the two were able to synchronize with each other in their battle against multiple enemies, including battling together alongside Blaze, who Tangle had only just met during said battle. Although their personalities seem to differ slightly, their passion for adventure is something that they share.[47]

Tangle enjoys going on various adventures with Sonic and tries to join him whenever she has the opportunity, becoming upset when something prevents her from doing so.[31] At the same time, she shows immense faith in his capabilities, believing that he will always be able to save the world. Tangle also learned to never give up from him.[24]

Blaze the Cat

Tangle seems to look up to and admire Blaze the Cat, as she finds her abilities and status as a princess amazing.[11] Just like with Sonic, Tangle was able to fight together with Blaze, despite their personalities being a bit different. Tangle showed gratitude to Blaze for helping save her town, and when Blaze offered to help calm the many flames in Tangle's hometown, Tangle was very appreciative.

Miles "Tails" Prower

Tangle first met Tails during their fight against Neo Metal Sonic. They started out as good allies and slowly developed into having a brother-sister relationship. Tangle has been continuously impressed by Tails' intellect and has thus been trusting of his various endeavors and inventions. As such, she feels that he has a solution for every problem and can be relied on in every situation. She has also been supportive of Tails emotionally, such as when she checked up on him after Sonic disappeared not sure if he was pretending to be lonely in front of her. When Tails told her of his belief that Sonic would definitely return like he always does however, Tangle understood why Sonic chose friends Tails for himself and openly praised Tails for his faith. Tails has likewise been appreciative of Tangle and has shown similar care towards her, evident when he said he would hate to see more of Eggman's robots target her hometown.[12][17][20][21][29]

Whisper the Wolf

Tangle reunites with Whisper and her Wisps, from Sonic the Hedgehog #29.

Tangle and Whisper the Wolf are quite the polar opposites; where Tangle is loud and perpetually excited, Whisper is quiet and reserved. Nevertheless, they enjoy each other's company and ultimately became best friends. They first met on the battlefield during the battle for Angel Island where Tangle was amazed at Whisper's skill.[12][13][14] The latter would even speak to her afterward and allegedly told her a joke.[15] Tangle liked Whisper so much in fact that Tangle invited her to her village and gave her an enthusiastic tour. At first, Whisper preferred to keep her distance from Tangle, keeping her from getting hugged or placed in the spotlight with her.[10] This was because Whisper didn't want to lose another friend.[19] Despite this, Tangle was very open towards her problems and wanted to help Whisper out at all costs. Even when Whisper ordered her to leave, Tangle persuaded her to share her past with her. After coming understand Whisper's pain, Tangle decided to help bring Whisper peace and avenge her friends among the Diamond Cutters that Mimic betrayed, at all cost.[19] Since then, the two have have become extremely close, to the point Whisper explodes with anger and despair upon learning that Tangle became a Zombot.[24] After Tangle was returned to normal, Whisper lunged at her, touched.[27]

Whisper enjoys Tangle's kind heart and her eagerness to make new friends. Tangle simply enjoys new friends regardless of their personalities and Whisper is no different. She appreciates Whisper's bravery and her initiative to look out for others. Due to her shy nature, Whisper does not like being put on the spot by Tangle, finding it a bit insensitive on her side. Whisper initially preferred it when Tangle did not invade her personal space with hugging, but after growing closer together, she has opened up more to the idea and has even been the one to hug her first. When Tangle was infected with the Metal Virus, she knew Whisper would be hurt and sent Sonic to apologize for her. Since Tangle was the closest to Whisper, she took it the hardest after Whisper left the Restoration to pursue Mimic after he had broken out of prison. This led to Tangle becoming unusually depressed, remaining in a funk for days afterward.[10][18][19][24][37]

Eventually, Tangle made the decision to join Whisper, prompting her to leave Jewel and the Restoration.[39] She returned to the Restoration to be a part of a team Lanolin was making with Whisper. To try to improve their bond, she called the team the Diamond Cutters. Whisper took offense to this and distanced herself from Tangle for a while. After Whisper confronted her about it, she apologized and broke into tears saying she didn't want them to drift apart again. Whisper realized what Tangle was trying to do and accepted her apology. She also decided to let them use the name of the team to continue her fallen comrades' mission, which delighted Tangle.[42][43]

As the one Whisper is closest to, Tangle acts as a confidante of sorts to her and is usually the one to calm her if she is angered. She convinced Whisper not to kill Mimic in cold blood and to give the Babylon Rouges a chance since they helped save the world from the Metal Virus.[20][29]


Tangle found an enemy in Mimic due to how he hurt Whisper, whom she considered a friend. Despite of all the evil he had committed however, Tangle tried to convince Mimic of the error of his ways by showing him videos of his old comrades from the Diamond Cutters praising him for his aid. However, when she heard that only Mimic cared about rewards and considered the Diamond Cutters as a means to an end, Tangle got mad at him and called him out for being "the worst." However, she did not believe in killing Mimic, reasoning that it would be a far worse fate for him to be imprisoned and knowing that he had lost to Whisper. Tangle is also cheeky towards Mimic despite knowing how dangerous he can be.[20]

Belle the Tinkerer

File:Weird Tail Buddies.jpg
Tangle comparing tails with Belle, from Sonic the Hedgehog #37.

Belle the Tinkerer is a rookie at the Restoration that Tangle during her membership of the organization. Tangle came to her rescue during an accident on her first day of work at the Restoration and helped integrate her into the crew. Tangle herself quickly became friends with Belle after relating to how Belle's tail also had a strange ability, which Tangle qualified as "weird." After that, she named them "weird tail buddies." She subsequently provided Belle with companionship by sharing her thoughts with her and encouraging her not to give up despite her rough start.[31] Tangle briefly became suspicious of Belle when she was outed as a Badnik, but ultimately chose to trust her, convinced that she was good no matter what she was or where she came from.[32] When Belle later had an emotional breakdown after losing hope at reforming Dr. Eggman, Tangle consoled her.[34]

Tangle and Belle have since their introduction come care for each other, especially in difficult emotional situations. Belle is comforted by Tangle's optimism and over-confidence in spite of all her own awkwardness,[31] although she did once threaten to dismantle the lemur's bicycle if she told anyone about Belle's squeaky nose. The two girls also show concern for each other's safety: Belle feared for Tangle's when the latter prepared to rescue Sonic and co. from Eggman's test chambers, and Tangle was likewise distraught when Belle was kidnapped by Dr. Starline.[33][36] When Tangle found Belle amid a wildfire with a Motobug and a burnt hand, her first instincts were to protect her friend and bandage the injury.[38]

Lanolin the Sheep

Tangle considers Lanolin the Sheep the leader of the Diamond Cutters and follows her orders, though she does object to some of them. She has work to do with working with Lanolin and Whisper as a team, but she respects Lanolin and helped cheer her up after they got stuck in a parallel world.[42][43]





"Hey! Wisps! We've got a mission! Let no Eggman crony-robot otherwise-sleep well tonight! Because Tangle and Whisper are on the case! And we've got a whole wave of Wisps backing us up!"
—Tangle announcing a new adventure, Sonic the Hedgehog: Tangle & Whisper #1
"AIR! Don't care if it smells like burning!"
—Tangle after she and Whisper barely avoided being blown up, Sonic the Hedgehog: Tangle & Whisper #2


  • Tangle was first teased as an obscured silhouette in a piece of artwork on Facebook that featured her and Sonic. This image was first revealed five days prior to the release of the first four issues' solicitations for the Sonic the Hedgehog comics. The image was updated regularly to show more of the silhouette, up until her complete unveiling on 24 January 2018.[49]
  • Tangle was the first character exclusive to the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series that was revealed to the public.
  • Along with Whisper, Tangle is the first comic-exclusive character to appear in a Sonic game, with these being Sonic Dash and Sonic Forces: Speed Battle.
    • According to Ian Flynn, this is because Sega fully owns the characters from the IDW comic series, thus making it possible to use them in games.[50]
  • Kazuyuki Hoshino has stated that he loves both Tangle and Whisper and that he found it fun to team up with the IDW team to help create them.[51]
  • Tangle is briefly mentioned by Sonic in Sonic Frontiers when he's on Kronos Island.[52] This makes her the first comic character from the IDW series to be officially referenced in a mainline game.
  • Judging from Mimic's comments calling her a "rube" and a "yokel", she may have a country accent.[9]



  1. 刺蝟索尼克 #9, 點名
  2. ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ① フォールアウト! (in 日語). Wise Publishing. 2020年5月8日. ISBN 978-4909434715. {{cite book}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  3. Speedin' Through. "IDW Sonic has arrived in Japan! The first volume contains the first 4 issues of Sonic the Hedgehog!". Tumblr. Retrieved 2022年10月6日. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  4. 4.0 4.1 Thurmond, Joey (2018年2月15日). "Writer Ian Flynn Discusses Giving The Sonic Comic Series A Fresh Start". Game Informer. Retrieved 2018年2月16日. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= and |date= (help)
  5. 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 Twitter 的參考文獻內容文字。
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Yehl, Joshua (2018年1月24日). "Sonic the Hedgehog's Newest Ally Is Tangle the Ring-tailed Lemur". IGN. Retrieved 2018年1月24日. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= and |date= (help)
  7. "BumbleKast for May 23rd, 2022 - Priority Q&A Podcast with Ian Flynn". Youtube. 2022年5月23日. Retrieved 2022年5月23日. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= and |date= (help)
  8. "IDW Sonic Comic Squad". Facebook. 2019年4月19日. Retrieved 2019年4月19日. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= and |date= (help)
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 Sonic the Hedgehog: Tangle & Whisper #2, "Ambush"
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2019, "友誼的紐帶"
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 Sonic the Hedgehog #4, "Fallout, Part 4"
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 刺蝟索尼克 #9, "天使島之戰,第一部分"
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Sonic the Hedgehog #10, "The Battle for Angel Island, Part 2"
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 刺蝟索尼克 #11, "天使島之戰,第三部分"
  15. 15.0 15.1 刺蝟索尼克 #12, "天使島之戰的代價"
  16. 16.0 16.1 Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2019, "索尼克粉絲俱樂部"
  17. 17.0 17.1 刺蝟索尼克 #16, "感染"
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.7 18.8 18.9 Sonic the Hedgehog: Tangle & Whisper #1, "冒牌貨"
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 Sonic the Hedgehog: Tangle & Whisper #3, "背叛"
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.7 Sonic the Hedgehog: Tangle & Whisper #4, "Showdown"
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 Sonic the Hedgehog #21, "The Last Minute, Part 1"
  22. 22.0 22.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #22, "The Last Minute, Part 2"
  23. Sonic the Hedgehog #23, "The Last Minute, Part 3"
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 Sonic the Hedgehog #24, "The Last One Out"
  25. Sonic the Hedgehog #25, "A Sudden Shift"
  26. Sonic the Hedgehog #28, "All or Nothing, Part 3"
  27. 27.0 27.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #29, "All or Nothing, Part 4"
  28. Sonic the Hedgehog #30, "Cured"
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4 Sonic the Hedgehog #31, "Recovery, Part 1"
  30. Sonic the Hedgehog #32, "Recovery, Part 2"
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 31.5 Sonic the Hedgehog #37, "Test Run, Part 1"
  32. 32.0 32.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #38, "Test Run, Part 2"
  33. 33.0 33.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #39, "Test Run, Part 3"
  34. 34.0 34.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #40, "Test Run, Part 4"
  35. Sonic the Hedgehog #42, "Zeti Hunt, Part 2"
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 Sonic the Hedgehog #43, "Zeti Hunt, Part 3"
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 Sonic the Hedgehog #45, "Trial by Fire, Part 1"
  38. 38.0 38.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #46, "Trial by Fire, Part 2"
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 Sonic the Hedgehog #47, "Trial by Fire, Part 3"
  40. Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2022, "Rough Patch"
  41. Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2022, "Future Growth"
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 Sonic the Hedgehog #57, "Urban Warfare, Part 1"
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 Sonic the Hedgehog #58, "Urban Warfare, Part 2"
  44. Sonic the Hedgehog #59, "Urban Warfare, Part 3".
  45. Sonic the Hedgehog #60, "Urban Warfare, Part 4".
  46. Sonic the Hedgehog #61, "Urban Warfare, Part 5".
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 47.3 McDonell, Jeffrey (24 January 2018). "IDW Publishing's New Sonic the Hedgehog Comic Premieres in April". Gamnesia. Retrieved 26 January 2018.
  48. 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 FoodDance 的參考文獻內容文字。
  49. Yehl, Joshua (24 January 2018). "Sonic the Hedgehog's Newest Ally Is Tangle the Ring-tailed Lemur". IGN. Archived from the original on 21 July 2019. Retrieved 21 July 2019.
  50. "BumbleKast Q&A for July 6th, 2020". YouTube. 6 July 2020. Retrieved 6 July 2020.
  51. "purin_p on Twitter". Twitter. 24 June 2020. Retrieved 16 August 2020.
  52. Sonic Team (8 November 2022). Sonic Frontiers. PlayStation 5. Sega. Area/Level: Kronos Island. "Sonic: I bet Tangle would love climbing around these ruins."


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