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(重新導向自Belle the Tinkerer

If there's something that could use a little tinkering, I'm your girl.

— 貝爾, Sonic the Hedgehog #35

貝爾[1] 是一位出現在由IDW Publishing出版的音速小子漫畫系列及其衍生作品中的角色。她是一位自由意志且心地善良的Badnik,由蛋頭博士在他患有失憶症並被稱為「修補匠先生」時創造。[2][3] 貝爾的設計基於索尼克的世界中的一種女性擬人動物。與普通Badnik不同,貝爾的外殼完全由木頭製成。[4]

概念與創作[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

貝爾是由Evan Stanley構思和設計的,她提出了貝爾的粗略角色弧線和設計。[4][5] IDW的團隊希望引入一位具有可識別設計和概念的角色,使她們在索尼克的世界和角色中脫穎而出,又能融入其中。最終決定貝爾將是一個機器人(一個常見概念)並設計成木偶娃娃(一個新概念)。[4][5]

貝爾的設計部分受到了huldra(一種斯堪地那維亞神話生物)的啟發,特別是她的尾巴。[6][7] 在她的提案中,她有一個圍裙,圍裙口袋裡裝有工具,有深色的臉頰,沒有下巴線條,和光禿的肩膀。[5] 斯坦利最初還提出了貝爾作為一個明確的動物物種,即一隻老鼠,因為她「不確定貝爾非特定的木偶性質會如何發展。」[5][6] 但最終決定她不會基於任何特定的動物。這是因為斯坦利在設計她時意識到她不需要是任何特定的物種,這也增加了她的整體奇異性並賦予了更多的原創性。[6] 在設計的後期階段,SEGA要求Stanley在貝爾嘴巴下方添加下巴線條,以明確她是一個機器人並使她看起來更像木偶。[4][5]

外觀[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


角色歷史[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

過去[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

修補匠先生和貝爾,來自音速小子 #44.




鬧劇和機器人基地[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

索尼克與貝爾對戰,來自音速小子 #34

索尼克塔爾斯進入廢棄的蛋頭博士基地時,貝爾會在基地的陰影中潛行,避開兩位男孩的注意,並後來藏在一堆廢棄機器人中。[9] 最終,當索尼克無意中踢到一個螺絲釘時,貝爾從藏身之處掉了出來。索尼克立刻誤以為她是一個Badnik並攻擊她,同時試圖猜出她的名字。然而,貝爾不斷避開索尼克的攻擊,直到他拉了她的尾巴。這使得她本能地用雙腿踢了索尼克一腳,之後她為此道歉。最終,塔爾斯阻止了索尼克,並向貝爾解釋說他們通常遇到的機器人屬於蛋頭博士的軍隊。貝爾解釋說她不是蛋頭博士創造的,而是另一個她一直在尋找的創造者創造的。塔爾斯同樣對她完全由木頭製成感到印象深刻。然而,他們被基地內觸發的警報打斷,這是因為塔爾斯忘記關閉當地計算機的防火牆。節拍器隨後到達並包圍了英雄們。當索尼克和塔爾斯討論如何擺脫當前困境時,貝爾注意到一個蛋頭守護者正試圖抓住塔爾斯。因此,她推開了塔爾斯,結果自己被機器人困住。幸運的是,塔爾斯摧毀了蛋守護者並解救了貝爾。索尼克隨後告訴貝爾,他們將不得不利用她不尋常的能力,因為周圍的情況變得更糟。[8]

在塔爾斯為他們製造了一個逃生路線後,貝爾在塔爾斯被一個蛋守護者抓住時,通過一個跳躍將塔爾斯從蛋守護者的抓握中解救出來,這是在她的尾巴被拉動後完成的。索尼克隨後將他們倆拖出基地。之後,貝爾請求他們帶她一起去白色公園區,因為她當前的藏身處已被機器人占領。在塔爾斯說服索尼克同意讓她加入後,後者讓貝爾選擇了龍捲風的一個翼蹼一路飛往白色公園區,但她並不喜歡這次飛行。在白色公園大酒店下車後,貝爾仍然因飛行而感到搖晃不已。艾咪隨後帶領貝爾和索尼克去了克拉奇負鼠的套房,後者躺在地板上昏迷不醒。與此同時,奶油兔想要釋放克拉奇關在籠子裡的Chao,籠子上有許多鎖。聽到這個,貝爾決定幫助奶油兔打開籠子,因為修補是她的專長。奶油兔隨後向貝爾介紹了自己。不久之後,克拉奇起身並激活了他套房內的機器人,然後自己逃跑了。貝爾隨後再次被敵對的機器人包圍。[12] 在其他人的保護下,貝爾努力打開囚禁奇奧的籠子,但遇到了一些棘手的掛鎖。最終,她打開了掛鎖,奇奧幫助摧毀了機器人。塔爾斯和Rouge隨後出現,警告他們一場雪崩正在向酒店逼近。英雄們試圖疏散酒店,但斯塔萊恩博士很快出現並阻擋了他們的去路。在斯塔萊恩被牽制時,塔爾斯告訴貝爾,斯塔萊恩只是個蛋頭博士的模仿者。然而,當斯


武器[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


試跑![編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

貝爾的失誤被探戈狐猴修復,來自音速小子 #37

貝爾隨後由索尼克塔爾斯帶到復興聯盟的新總部,希望貝爾加入該組織並給她一個新家。在那裡,他們受到了艾咪珠兒的歡迎。貝爾說她擅長木工活,珠兒便派她去了機器工作室。在那裡,貝爾試圖幫助負責人,但她的笨拙只給自己帶來了麻煩。當一輛叉車後來碾過她的尾巴時,貝爾本能地踢了她所攜帶的箱子到一個懸掛在框架上的船上,打破了它的束縛。這在車間引起了恐慌,但探戈迅速來到並阻止了船的墜落。然而,貝爾因為她的失誤而失去了車間的工作。探戈帶著貝爾走時,貝爾向探戈坦白她在復興聯盟的困難時光。另一方面,探戈很快對貝爾尾巴的功能感到興奮,她感到有共鳴。不久後,他們都聽說了一個新的蛋頭博士塔樓的傳聞,該塔樓正在海岸外引發不自然的風暴。探戈和貝爾於是去找珠兒,那裡他們遇到了索尼克、塔爾斯和艾咪。當其他人在交談時,貝爾想知道蛋頭博士是否可能在塔樓里。然而,她拒絕說出來,因為這樣她就不得不解釋自己。儘管如此,她還是給了探戈一個想法,兩人可以自己去塔樓,幫助索尼克調查。貝爾隨後帶探戈去了一個未使用的大爆炸 極限裝備,她已經熱線接通了。緊接著,貝爾和探戈騎著它離開了總部。[10] 到達蛋頭博士的塔樓後,貝爾和探戈在降落時撞毀了大爆炸,失去了他們的一種逃生手段。經過塔樓入口前破碎的機器人,貝爾跟隨探戈進入塔樓,注意到牆上的蛋頭帝國徽章。不久後,他們進入了一個滿是機器人的房間。在沒有被機器人發現的情況下,貝爾和探戈攀爬塔樓的內部,直到他們遇到了小歐小秋,它們正在討論索尼克、塔爾斯和艾咪,他們已經闖入塔樓並進入了蛋頭博士機器人的測試室。在看到這對機器人將這些消息傳達給蛋頭博士後,貝爾問探戈她聽到的是否是蛋頭博士的聲音。探戈確認後,開始前往幫助索尼克,而貝爾不小心滑倒,正好掉在一些蛋頭士兵面前。然而,蛋子卒沒有發現貝爾。貝爾隨後被探戈拉了起來,探戈要求解釋。因此,貝爾告訴她她自己是一個Badnik,並且她來到塔樓是為了從蛋頭博士那裡尋找有關她起源的答案。她向探戈保證,她不想傷害任何人,但也理解探戈如果不信任她。然而令她驚訝的是,探戈選擇了無論如何都信任她,兩人繼續尋找索尼克等人。[3]

貝爾和探戈不久後找到並制約了小歐和小秋。然後,他們試圖讓這對機器人告訴他們設施內哪個傳送門會把他們帶到索尼克、塔爾斯和艾咪那裡。與此同時,貝爾重定向了蛋子卒巡邏隊,以便他們不能干預他們的審問。當探戈後來從小歐和小秋那裡得到她需要的信息時,她試圖進入一個傳送門去營救索尼克等人,但貝爾阻止了她,因為她擔心她的安全。然而,她被探戈說服,讓她這樣做,並允許探戈進入傳送門。[15] 在等待探戈時,貝爾會在小歐試圖向她提問時怒斥他,並堅稱她不是一個常規的Badnik。隨後,她猶豫地向他和小秋詢問了他們與蛋頭博士的關係。當他們解釋自己作為他的助手機器人的職責時,貝爾溫情地回憶起修補匠先生的習慣,直到她突然收到了蛋頭博士通過小歐和小秋的平板電腦打來的電話。看到貝爾後,蛋頭博士回憶起他是如何製造貝爾的,而貝爾在面對她的創造者時感到恐懼。然而,在蛋頭博士掛斷電話之前,絕望的貝爾問他為何要進行殘忍的行動和她所在的塔樓。聽到蛋頭博士只是為了犯罪而製造塔樓,心碎的貝爾中斷了通話。然而,貝爾隨後注意到通往測試室的傳送門正在噴射能量,小歐透露這是塔樓即將內爆的跡象。當探戈稍後帶著索尼克的團隊返回時,貝爾警告所有人危險。在索尼克帶領大家逃出塔樓後,團隊在龍捲風上逃離了塔樓,然後塔樓內爆了。在與小歐和小秋告別後,貝爾向她的朋友坦白了她的過去,以及她希望蛋頭博士回到他作為「修補匠先生」時的舊模式的希望被粉碎了。不過,探戈稍後安慰她說,她今天做了很多好事,這會讓修補匠先生感到驕傲。[2]

澤蒂狩獵![編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


貝爾責怪斯塔萊恩博士讓蛋頭博士回歸,來自音速小子 #44


火之試煉[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


摩托蟲幫助貝爾熄滅了她手上的火,來自音速小子 #46




帝國之戰[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

貝爾向她的「父親」告別,來自音速小子 #50


Belle and Metal found Dr. Eggman under a city street with him standing over a defeated Dr. Starline. Belle told Eggman she found the letter he left for her when he was Mr. Tinker before Starline "ruined their lives". Eggman replied that Starline putting him "back in the correct frame of mind" was not a mistake. Belle recognized she can't change his mind and she has come to say goodbye, saying the father she knew is gone and she has to move on. Eggman rolled his eyes on how Belle and Metal are so clingy. He then went to the two robots and asked since Belle was "against" him, if she was going to duel Metal Sonic. Belle said all she did fixed him, like how she will help all the robots he abandons. As the street above them started to collapse, Eggman asked how she bypassed the control signal. Belle explained she used herself as a secure router. Eggman realized she interfaced with his coding directly and, since he was impressed by her work, he offered her a choice: join him as a mechanic or go back to Sonic and his "bothersome buddies. Belle once again said this was a goodbye and she is returning to her friends. Eggman laughed it off and left with Metal Sonic. As more debris fell near her, Belle called out to Starline to get out. Starline, however, was overwhelmed with sorrow over his defeat. Belle looked with distraught as Starline was buried under the rubble and she quickly left the area.

Belle then regrouped with Sonic and Tails by hitching a ride on a Fullboar. Sonic asked where Metal was and she explained he returned to Eggman and left her. Belle then explained she modified the Badnik to not attack, but it was weirdly friendly when she did so. Belle was about to explain what happened to Starline, when Eggman announced over the city's PA system that he has retained control over the Badniks and sent the massive swarm to attack them.[22] Sonic raced off with Belle and the group went to hide. Once they were in the clear, Belle explained everything that happened to them today was Starline's fault. She laid out the plan and how it turned out and told Sonic Starline had died. Sonic asked how she knew this and Belle told him she downloaded some dated when she worked on Metal Sonic. Tails asks if she can find a map by connecting to the Eggnet. Belle tries and can't connect, but she does find a record of a hanger near where they are with a shuttle inside. Sonic and Tails discus what they should do and Belle apologies for not being a fighter. Sonic says that isn't necessary and the world needs types like her. She thanks Sonic and picks up Kit to make a run to the shuttle.

As Belle and Tails sneak to the shuttle, some Guards get near her, but to her surprise, they don't notice her. Seeing she's safe around them, Belle calls for Tails to take them out. Tails quickly disposes of the Badniks and they run into the shuttle. Tails is able to get it off the ground and they eventually fly over Sonic. Belle goes to a door and pulls Sonic inside the shuttle after he jumped up to it. Unbeknownst to them, Metal Sonic has been following them and flies through the ship, causing it to crash back onto the city. Belle, Tails, and Kit are unharmed, but Sonic broke his ankle.[23]

Overpowered[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Metal Sonic was charging up to attack Sonic, Tails, Belle, and Kit, but Tails was able to grab Kit and push Belle and Sonic out of the before Metal smashed into the ground. They made it into a cramped area so Metal wouldn't be at full speed. Belle picked up Kit again and pleaded for metal to stop. Metal did not listen and the group went into a room to hide. Kit was struggling to get out of Belle's grasp, even after explaining she was trying to help. Kit elbowed her in the nose and they fell on the ground. Soon, Kit agreed to help them fight Metal Sonic but said he needed water to refill his Hydro Pack. Belle noticed some water reservoirs and used her kicking ability to open them. Kit was able to take down Metal Sonic and the group got to the walls of the city. Sonic and Belle were on top of the wall when they saw Metal escaped and was coming right for them. Sonic told Belle to stand in behind him, but Belle stood in front of Sonic as Metal barreled towards them, which caused Metal to sop right in front of her. Belle told Metal Sonic is he wanted Sonic he would have to go through her. Metal paused for a moment, and before Belle could finish her next sentence, Metal smacked her aside. Sonic was disgusted and ready to fight, but and explosion in the center of the city caused Metal Sonic to leave to protect Eggman. Sonic asked Belle if she was okay, but she was too distraught to say anything.[24]

Belle and everyone else went to Tails' Lab after escaping the city. Belle was able to get Motobud on the way back and disassembled the robot. When Tails asked about her progress, she said there was a lot of damage and she wasn't sure what she was looking at or what she was looking for. Nevertheless, Belle said she would figure it out. When Sonic revealed the supposed fate of Surge to Kit, Belle helped comfort him. When Jewel reported to Sonic and Tails there was trouble in Central City, Belle decided to stay behind with Kit as he grieved. She watched a news report on Tails' computer about the attack, which caught Kit's attention. Kit tried to leave to help Sonic, but Belle stopped her, saying he needs to look out for himself. Kit reasoned he was made for Surge and since she is gone, he can be used by Sonic. He unleashed his water coils and told Belle he won't lose Sonic. Belle tried to reason with him and used her kick power to doge a coil, but she ended up hanging from the ceiling. Kit cut down some equipment and buried Belle under it. Belle called out to Kit, saying he already mattered, but he only gave her a look and left.[25]

Soon, Sonic and Tails returned and freed Belle. She apologized for what happened but Sonic told her not to worry. Belle soon noticed Whisper holding herself and her Variable Wispon in a corner. Belle introduced herself and said she knew about her after Tangle told her about her. Belle said she was good at fixing things and asked to take a look at her Wispon. Whisper handed it over and Belle thanked her.[26] Belle was indeed able to fix it and it was returned to Whisper.[27]

Future Growth and Urban Warfare[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Belle would later return to Restoration HQ and help harvest the garden Silver and Blaze made in the Emeraldville Ruins. When Tangle began zealously digging up potatoes, she obliviously flung one into Belle's face.[28]

Following the destruction of Eggperial City, Belle joined her friends for a picnic to celebrate. She was relieved to see the Variable Wispon still functional, having scavenged parts from old Chaos Drives to repair it.[29]

Personality[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Despite being a robot, Belle is remarkably lifelike and self-actualizing. As such, she is able to express virtually all kinds of emotions, including despair.[2][16][11] Belle has a good heart and loves helping out people by fixing things and solving problems.[13] However, while enthusiastic, she is rather clumsy and naïve, which leads her into all kinds of trouble and mishaps. Apparently insecure, she tends to worry about what other people think of her.[10]

While Belle is quite shy and a bit timid, in the face of real danger and with adequate motivation, she is capable of leaping into action. Also, while she has the tools to defend herself, she is a pacifist and cannot fight, nor does she like it, so she tries her best to avoid conflict.[8] Also, being made of wood, Belle shows an aversion to fire. This also makes her reluctant to use her built-in lighter.[17] She is also very embarrassed about her squeaky clown nose, which she does not want her friends to know about.[18]

Despite being outwardly helpful, Belle used to be rather uncomfortable speaking honestly about herself and unwilling to talk about her past, especially about her creator, Dr. Eggman.[13] She considers Dr. Eggman and Mr. Tinker to be completely separate people, only considering the latter as her true creator.[11] However, after she gave up hope of reasoning with Eggman, she no longer sees any reason to hide the truth.[2] Belle also does not like to be ignored by Eggman or being taken lightly when sharing her life story.[11]

Belle has great hopes of freeing Dr. Eggman's Badnik army from his control, and believes in spite of her pacifistic ways that she should fight for anyone who can be liberated.[20] As such, Belle has resolved to take care of any robot that Eggman has abandoned or is in need of help, even if it means aiding robots as dangerous and irredeemable as Metal Sonic.[22]

Powers and abilities[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Belle explains how her kicks work, from Sonic the Hedgehog #37.

Belle has great reflexes, as she was able to successfully dodge all of Sonic's hand-to-hand combat attacks when they first met.[8]

Belle's fingers conceal various handyman tools inside them that she can reveal by opening her fingers.[12] Her nose also makes a funny noise when squeezed.[18] Her tail also possesses a unique function that makes Belle kick outwards automatically when it is pulled.[8] This functionality can be used by Belle to make herself perform enhanced jumps or surprise kicks.[12][13][18]

Besides physical talents, Belle is a highly skilled mechanic, being able to hotwire something as advanced as an Extreme Gear, undo locks, and successfully tinker with robots as advanced as Metal Sonic.[10][13][22] She can also repair weaponry such as Whisper's Variable Wispon.[26] Even Dr. Eggman himself has taken an interest in her skills as a mechanic.[22] Being Eggtech, she is also able to read Eggman's blueprint ciphers perfectly.[13] In addition, she can wirelessly interface with Eggman's machines, which allows her to access their files and thus connect to Eggnet.[22]

Relationships[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Dr. Eggman[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Eggman remembers Belle, from Sonic the Hedgehog #40.

After Dr. Eggman lost his memories and took on the persona of "Mr. Tinker" while at Windmill Village, he created Belle as an aide robot to help with his workshop endeavors.[11] Mr. Tinker was very kind-hearted and affectionate to Belle, whom he would love as if she was his own daughter.[20] He also tried to introduce her to the villagers so that they would not feel nervous around her. In return, Belle would refer to Mr. Tinker as her father. When Mr. Tinker went missing, Belle eventually learned that he was a monster in the form of Eggman all along. Belle did not believe this due to her love for her father and set out to find out the answers about him. She believed that she could manage to convince her father to reassume his kind personality. However, she would not admit that it was Eggman who made her.[11]

Despite Mr. Tinker and Eggman technically being the same person, Belle refuses to acknowledge Dr. Eggman himself as her creator.[13] Rather, she sees Eggman's Mr. Tinker persona as her true father.[11]

When Belle finally met Eggman, Eggman showed no desire to go back to being Mr. Tinker. However, when he found out that Belle took care of his alter ego, he would nonetheless give answers to her decisions. Eggman also tried to convince her of his superiority over Mr. Tinker, arguing that his achievements were nothing compared to his old persona's works. Heartbroken, Belle broke down in despair as it became apparent to her that reasoning with Eggman was a lost cause.[2] Despite this, she has no intention of letting him push her around any longer and wants to tell him a few things in spite. Regardless, she still misses Mr. Tinker and blames herself for not being able to bring him back.[20]

Eventually, Belle accepted that Tinker was gone forever.[20] As such, she started calling Eggman her "father". However, this was only because she had decided to say goodbye to him in order to move on. Belle would soon after stand by her decision, as she would refuse Eggman's offer to join the Eggman Empire, while also promising to take care of every robot that Eggman had abandoned.[22]

Miles "Tails" Prower[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Miles "Tails" Prower had a fascination with Belle from the very beginning. He first saw her with Sonic when they were searching for data to fix Omega with. Right from the start, Tails was the only one who showed sympathy and affection towards her, namely by protecting her from the overly impulsive Sonic when he thought that she was just another Badnik to destroy. In fact, he presented himself to her without the slightest sign of spite from her, but with admiration from her for being a robot made of wood, something he had never seen before. Belle, in return, would save Tails twice soon after, earning him his gratitude and managing to convince Sonic of her good intentions. Cream's account of the release of Clutch's former Chao later convinced Tails that Belle would be useful to him in his workshop, so Belle accepted the request. Although he understood that she did not come by accident, but rather intentionally and that she could be a creation of Dr. Eggman's, Tails continues to believe in Belle's kindness and sincerity, in wanting to be of service and help Sonic and the others.[13][8]

Early on, when Tails suspected that Belle had to be an Eggman robot, he was not angry at her, but admitted that he wanted more honesty from her. Also, when he tried asking her about her true creator, only to receive no answer, he merely sighed and put no further pressure on her.[13] After this theory was confirmed however, Tails only showed concerned for Belle's emotional state of being.[2] Nevertheless, he is glad to have her help in his workshop and enjoys working with her on different occasion.[13][20]

Sonic the Hedgehog[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Despite knowing about Sonic the Hedgehog's "thing" with robots, Belle decided to follow him and Tails in the hope of finding her creator.[12] When they first met though, Sonic treated her as most other Badniks he had faced and tried to destroy her until Tails interrupted them.[8] Sonic initially remained suspicious about Belle and her creator, but as he began to take notice of Belle's kindness and character, he decided to trust her.[12] When Sonic later learned from Tails and Cream about how Belle had helped them, Sonic was convinced to apologize to Belle for having acted badly towards her and finally accepted her as an ally.[13] He also felt sympathy towards her when he found out that her creator, Mr. Tinker, returned to being Eggman and broke her heart.[2] Belle appreciates Sonic saying she plays an important role in their misadventures.[23] She even stood up to protect Sonic; standing in Metal Sonic's way as he was going straight after an injured Sonic.[24]

Tangle the Lemur[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

File:Weird Tail Buddies.jpg
Tangle comparing tails with Belle, from Sonic the Hedgehog #37.

Tangle the Lemur is Belle's former colleague at the Restoration. She met Tangle on her first day at work, where Tangle saved her from an accident she caused and provided her with companionship by sharing her thoughts with her and encouraging her not to give up. Tangle subsequently quickly became friends with Belle after learning of Belle's tail's function, which Tangle qualified as "weird". After that, Tangle named them "weird tail buddies."[10] Belle is comforted by Tangle's optimism and over-confidence despite her own awkwardness.[10] Belle was surprised when Tangle chose to trust her even after she was outed as a Badnik,[3] and she in turn chose to trust Tangle on her risky plan to rescue Sonic and co. from Eggman's test chambers in spite of initially protesting out of fear for her new friend's safety.[15]

Since them, Belle and Tangle have come to greatly care for each other, especially in difficult emotional situations. Tangle in particular was shocked to learn that Belle had been kidnapped by Dr. Starline.[30] Also, when Tangle found Belle with her hand's casing burned of, her first instinct was to help her friend and wrap up her hand.[18]

Dr. Starline[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Belle was once kidnapped by Dr. Starline, who valued her as a priceless and unique piece of Eggman technology.[11] While Belle was initially concerned that Starline might want to destroy her, she soon learned that he was the reason Mr. Tinker became Eggman again, causing her to spitefully blame him for taking her father away and ruining her life.[16][11] Even so, Belle felt bad to see Starline mentally broken and left to die after his defeat in Eggperial City.[22]

Motobud[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Motobud is a unique Motobug created by Mr. Tinker, Dr. Eggman's kindly alter ego.[20] At first, Belle was scared of him, but when the robot helped put out her burning hand, she realized that there was more to him. In return, Belle protected Motobud from Tangle, who instinctively mistook him for an ordinary Badnik.[18] Belle soon after became attached to Motobud, who began to serve as her mount.[18][19] She also valued him for the fact that his programming might allow other Badniks to break freed from Eggman's control.[19][20] Belle was also not going to give Motobud back to Eggman, which led her to the difficult decision of cutting off his power when he fell under a control signal, despite fearing that she might not be able to restore his functionalities afterwards.[20]

Metal Sonic[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

As with the other robots made by Dr. Eggman, Belle has displayed great empathy towards Metal Sonic, having risked her own life to fix him. Even so, Belle knows that they are not allies, and that he still remains aligned with Eggman's causes.[22] Belle attempted to reason with Metal Sonic, but the robot slapped her aside, hurting her emotionally more than physically.[24]

Kitsunami the Fennec[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Belle was helpful to Kit when he was passed out in Eggperial City. When Kit arose, Belle still insisted on helping him despite Kit refusing and getting in a strum with her. Belle was shocked by Kit's abilities, but didn't treat him and different than her other friends.[24] When Kit was told Surge was gone, Belle comforted him and stayed behind with him in Tails' Lab when Sonic and Tails left. When Kit tried to leave to help them, however, Belle tried to make him stay for his own safety. Kit's mental programing made Sonic his new person to protect since Surge was gone, and he attacked Belle and buried her under some equipment. Despite this, Belle still tried to get through to him as he left the lab.[25]

Friends/allies[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Neutral[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Enemies[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Quotes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

"I-I'm Belle. Nice to meet you...?"
—Belle's start-up routine quote, Sonic the Hedgehog #44
"...Oh, sawdust."
—One of Belle's catchphrases, Sonic the Hedgehog #34
"Gears and starters..."
—One of Belle's catchphrases, Sonic the Hedgehog #46
"I...know that's how you feel. And I can't change that. So...so...I've come to say goodbye. My father is gone. I...I have to move on."
—Belle saying goodbye to Dr. Eggman, Sonic the Hedgehog #50

Trivia[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  • Belle was first revealed at the online New York Comic Con IDW Sonic Panel on 9 October 2020.[4]
  • "Mr. Tinker" and Belle's names allude to Tinker Bell.
  • Belle was originally planned to be introduced in the 2021 annual, then be incorporated into the main story when the opportunity arose. Alternatively, another option was for her story to be self-contained. However, after the annual was replaced with the 30th Anniversary Special, her introduction was moved to the main issues and her storyline was expanded and repurposed to connect several different story arcs post-Metal Virus.[31]
  • According to writer Evan Stanley, while Belle's chronological age is only around a year and a half, she is programmed to be like a 13-year-old.[32]

Gallery[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Concept artwork[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Model sheet[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Artwork[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

References[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  1. 音速小子 #35, "點名"
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 音速小子 #40, "測試跑, 第4部分" 引用錯誤:無效的<ref>標籤;name屬性「StH40」使用不同內容定義了多次
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 音速小子 #38, "測試跑, 第2部分"
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 NWCC 的參考文獻內容文字。
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 "Evan Stanley (@spiritsonic) 在Tumblr上". Tumblr. 2021年5月12日. Archived from the original on 2021年5月12日. Retrieved 2021年5月12日. Evan Stanley: 貝爾是我的想法– 她與她的粗略角色弧線和設計一起被提出。 [...] 我還提出了一個清晰的動物物種版本,因為我不確定她非特定的木偶性質會如何發展。 {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate=, |date=, and |archivedate= (help)
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 "Evan Stanley (@spiritsonic) 在Tumblr上". Tumblr. 2020年10月8日. Archived from the original on 2021年5月12日. Retrieved 2021年3月19日. Evan Stanley: 就目前而言,她並不是任何特定的動物– 我在設計她時意識到,她不需要是任何特定的物種,這增加了她的整體奇異性。也就是說,我在設計時也考慮過她作為一隻老鼠的可能性。 {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate=, |date=, and |archivedate= (help)
  7. "Evan Stanley (@spiritsonic) 在Tumblr上". Tumblr. 2021年12月13日. Archived from the original on 2022年1月13日. Retrieved 2022年1月13日. lilacreindeer: 嘿Evan,你提到貝爾的設計部分基於huldra。是主要因為她是個木製元素的可愛角色並有一個絨毛尾巴,還是我漏掉了其他有趣的事情? / Evan Stanley: 只是尾巴,至少目前是這樣! {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate=, |date=, and |archivedate= (help)
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 音速小子 #34, "索尼克賽跑和機器人基地, 第2部分"
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 音速小子 #33, "索尼克賽跑和機器人基地, 第1部分"
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 音速小子 #37, "測試跑, 第1部分"
  11. 11.00 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 音速小子 #44, "澤蒂狩獵, 第4部分"
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 音速小子 #35, "鬧劇和機器人基地,第3部分"
  13. 13.00 13.01 13.02 13.03 13.04 13.05 13.06 13.07 13.08 13.09 13.10 音速小子 #36, "鬧劇和機器人基地,第4部分"
  14. Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2022, "武器"
  15. 15.0 15.1 音速小子 #39, "測試跑, 第3部分"
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 音速小子 #42, "澤蒂狩獵, 第2部分"
  17. 17.0 17.1 音速小子 #45, "試煉之火, 第1部分"
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 音速小子 #46, "火之試煉, 第2部分"
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 音速小子 #47, "試煉之火, 第3部分"
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.7 20.8 音速小子 #49, "繞緊"
  21. 音速小子: 冒名者綜合症 #4, 故事一
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 22.6 22.7 Sonic the Hedgehog #50, "Battle for the Empire"
  23. 23.0 23.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #51, "Escaping the Empire"
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 Sonic the Hedgehog #52, "Overpowered, Part 1"
  25. 25.0 25.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #53, "Overpowered, Part 2"
  26. 26.0 26.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #54, "Overpowered, Part 3"
  27. Sonic the Hedgehog #57, "Urban Warfare, Part 1"
  28. Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2022, "Future Growth"
  29. Sonic the Hedgehog #61, "Urban Warfare, Part 5"
  30. Sonic the Hedgehog #43, "Zeti Hunt, Part 3"
  31. "Evan Stanley (@spiritsonic) on Tumblr". Tumblr. 25 October 2021. Archived from the original on 29 October 2021. Retrieved 29 October 2021.
  32. "Evan Stanley (@spiritsonic) on Tumblr". Tumblr. 31 December 2021. Archived from the original on 13 January 2022. Retrieved 13 January 2022. Evan Stanley: Her literal age is like a year and a half tops, but functionally she's designed to be like a 13-year-old!

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