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(创建页面,内容为“{{Archie|角色|前超级创世波}} {{EnME}} :''For the version of this character after the Super Genesis Wave, see Rotor the Walrus.'' {{Infobox character |title = Rotor Walrus |image = Rotor Walrus Pre-SGW.jpg |caption = Rotor Walrus, from ''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #236. |first = ''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #0 |media = |family = *Sherman Walru…”)
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此后,Rotor试图对Sonic的叔叔Chuck进行去机器化处理。尽管他努力尝试,Chuck仍然是一个[[Robian (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Robian]]。<ref name="StH34">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 34|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #34]], "To 'Bot or Not To 'Bot!"</ref>
此后,Rotor试图对Sonic的叔叔Chuck进行去机器化处理。尽管他努力尝试,Chuck仍然是一个[[Robian (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Robian]]。<ref name="StH34">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 34|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #34]], "To 'Bot or Not To 'Bot!"</ref>

不久后,Rotor创建了一个遥控器,使自由战士能够前往[[Zone of Silence]]并寻找Sally的父亲[[Maximillian Acorn|King Max]]。然而,由于King Max处于某种咒语之下,自由战士无法将他带回[[Mobius Prime]],被迫返回。<ref name="StH36">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 36|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #36]], "Heart of Darkness"</ref>

,使自由战士能够前往[[Zone of Silence]]并寻找Sally的父亲[[Maximillian Acorn|King Max]]。然而,由于King Max处于某种咒语之下,自由战士无法将他带回[[Mobius Prime]],被迫返回。<ref name="StH36">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 36|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #36]], "Heart of Darkness"</ref>

后来,Rotor在议会上审查了Sonic使用Neuro-Overrider并允许自己被机器化的想法。Rotor和其他议会成员一样反对,称这个想法风险太大。在Sonic被[[Nack the Weasel (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Nack the Weasel]]捕获并机器化后,Rotor帮助准备Bunnie以防御[[Mecha Sonic (Robian)|Mecha Sonic]]。在Bunnie被击败和[[Knuckles the Echidna (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Knuckles the Echidna]]被击晕后,Rotor设法在他坠落时用网捕捉到了[[Echidna (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Echidna]]。<ref name="StH39">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 39|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #39]], "Race Against the Machine"</ref> 当Knuckles恢复意识时,他遭受了错觉,并因为(由于他的体重)他认为Rotor是Robotnik而攻击了Rotor。然而Sally设法使Knuckles恢复了理智,战斗继续。Rotor监督使用Neuro-Overrider在Knuckles身上,允许他在成为[[Mecha Knuckles (Archie)|Mecha Knuckles]]与Mecha Sonic战斗时保持自由意志。战斗结束后,Rotor与Nicole合作将受损的Mecha Sonic转换回Mobian。<ref name="SMM">''[[Archie Sonic & Knuckles: Mecha Madness Special|Sonic & Knuckles: Mecha Madness Special]]'', "Mecha Madness"</ref>
后来,Rotor在议会上审查了Sonic使用Neuro-Overrider并允许自己被机器化的想法。Rotor和其他议会成员一样反对,称这个想法风险太大。在Sonic被[[Nack the Weasel (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Nack the Weasel]]捕获并机器化后,Rotor帮助准备Bunnie以防御[[Mecha Sonic (Robian)|Mecha Sonic]]。在Bunnie被击败和[[Knuckles the Echidna (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Knuckles the Echidna]]被击晕后,Rotor设法在他坠落时用网捕捉到了[[Echidna (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Echidna]]。<ref name="StH39">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 39|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #39]], "Race Against the Machine"</ref> 当Knuckles恢复意识时,他遭受了错觉,并因为(由于他的体重)他认为Rotor是Robotnik而攻击了Rotor。然而Sally设法使Knuckles恢复了理智,战斗继续。Rotor监督使用Neuro-Overrider在Knuckles身上,允许他在成为[[Mecha Knuckles (Archie)|Mecha Knuckles]]与Mecha Sonic战斗时保持自由意志。战斗结束后,Rotor与Nicole合作将受损的Mecha Sonic转换回Mobian。<ref name="SMM">''[[Archie Sonic & Knuckles: Mecha Madness Special|Sonic & Knuckles: Mecha Madness Special]]'', "Mecha Madness"</ref>
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几周后,Rotor用他的[[Neutralizer]]帮助Sonic前往Zone of Silence,并最终成功从Zone of Silence中救出King Max。<ref name="StH41">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 41|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #41]], "...And One Shall Save Him!"</ref><ref name="StH43"/> 在此之后,Rotor与[[Dr. Quack]]合作创建了[[Dream Watcher]],以便他们能够查看King Max的心灵并将他从昏迷状态中唤醒。Sonic设法做到了这一点,尽管King Max仍然处于结晶状态。<ref name="StH43">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 43|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #43]], "The Dream Zone"</ref>
几周后,Rotor用他的[[Neutralizer]]帮助Sonic前往Zone of Silence,并最终成功从Zone of Silence中救出King Max。<ref name="StH41">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 41|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #41]], "...And One Shall Save Him!"</ref><ref name="StH43"/> 在此之后,Rotor与[[Dr. Quack]]合作创建了[[Dream Watcher]],以便他们能够查看King Max的心灵并将他从昏迷状态中唤醒。Sonic设法做到了这一点,尽管King Max仍然处于结晶状态。<ref name="StH43">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 43|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #43]], "The Dream Zone"</ref>

几天后,Rotor向Sonic展示了他的新武器,“[[Party-Hearty Quadra Sonic Rock 'N' Roller]]”,以及他的[[Remote Scanner]]。同一天,自由战士发现自己与Knuckles the Echidna一起与[[O'Nux|Anti-Knuckles]]和[[Scourge the Hedgehog|Anti-Sonic]]作战。然后他们前往[[Moebius|Anti Mobius]],在那里他们发现Dr. Ivo Robotnik正在从[[Sunken Island]]的[[Anarchy Beryl|Chaos Emeralds]]窃取能量。在Robotnik被传送回Mobius Prime后,Rotor对于他在这场风波中从未得到使用他的Remote Scanner感到失望。<ref name="StH44">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 44|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #44]], "Black and Blue and Red All Over"</ref>
几天后,Rotor向Sonic展示了他的新武器,“[[Party-Hearty Quadra Sonic Rock 'N' Roller]]”,以及他的[[Remote Scanner]]。同一天,自由战士发现自己与Knuckles the Echidna一起与[[O'Nux|Anti-Knuckles]]和[[Scourge the Hedgehog|Anti-Sonic]]作战。然后他们前往[[Moebius|Anti Mobius]],在那里他们发现Dr. Ivo Robotnik正在从[[Sunken Island]]的[[Anarchy Beryl|Chaos Emeralds]]窃取能量。在Robotnik被传送回Mobius Prime后,Rotor对于他在这场风波中从未得到使用他的Remote Scanner感到失望。<ref name="StH44">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 44|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #44]], "Black and Blue and Red All Over"</ref>!

在[[Operation: EndGame]]期间,Rotor在Knothole时,Dr. Robotnik到达现场。Rotor说:“Robotnik在Knothole?这辈子不可能!”他试图用Party-Hearty Quadra Sonic Rock 'N' Roller向Robotnik开火。Robotnik设法使枪的爆炸相位消失并将其摧毁,同时劫持了整个村庄。<ref name="StH48">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 48|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #48]], "Sonic the Fugitive"</ref><ref name="StH49">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 49|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #49]], "Escape from the Floating Island"</ref> Rotor和Tails后来设法潜入下水道系统,但在试图逃跑时被[[Combot]]捕获。<ref name="StH50">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 50|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #50]], "The Big Goodbye"</ref>
在[[Operation: EndGame]]期间,Rotor在Knothole时,Dr. Robotnik到达现场。Rotor说:“Robotnik在Knothole?这辈子不可能!”他试图用Party-Hearty Quadra Sonic Rock 'N' Roller向Robotnik开火。Robotnik设法使枪的爆炸相位消失并将其摧毁,同时劫持了整个村庄。<ref name="StH48">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 48|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #48]], "Sonic the Fugitive"</ref><ref name="StH49">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 49|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #49]], "Escape from the Floating Island"</ref> Rotor和Tails后来设法潜入下水道系统,但在试图逃跑时被[[Combot]]捕获。<ref name="StH50">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 50|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #50]], "The Big Goodbye"</ref>

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后来,当Rotor在[[Freedom HQ]]时,他被他的反Mobius对应者,[[Boomer]],攻击,Boomer嘲笑他无法自卫。Rotor因为无法帮助保卫Freedom HQ而被反抗队伍攻击,由于他的颈部受伤而哭泣。相反,他逃离现场联系[[Chaotix (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Chaotix]]报告情况,后来投票支持重新夺回Freedom HQ的任务,但被议会其他成员否决。<ref name="StH189">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 189|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #189]], "A Bold New Moebius Part One: Unwelcome Guests!"</ref><ref name="StH190">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 190|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #190]], "A Bold New Moebius Part Two: Duality!"</ref><ref name="StH191">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 191|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #191]], "Metal and Mettle Part 1"</ref> 他后来协助Sonic前往[[Moebius]],这是Sally下达的命令,后来当她因违反议会关于Sonic的命令而受审时,Rotor站出来为她辩护。<ref name="StH197">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 197|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #197]], "Consequences"</ref> 在对[[Eggdome]]的最后推进中,他为自由战士和Chaotix提供了后援;在[[Egg Phoenix]]被摧毁后,Rotor架设了一个力场发生器,让自由战士可以结束这一天,但他自己没有得到任何睡眠,而是准备了与新Mobotropolis的视觉链接。他后来留下来,而其他人进行了最后的攻击。<ref name="StH198">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 198|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #198]], "Phoenix-down!"</ref><ref name="StH199">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 199|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #199]], "Knocking On Eggman's Door"</ref> 在Sonic成功击败Eggman后,Rotor帮助他们乘坐吉普车回家庆祝胜利。<ref name="StH200">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 200|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #200]], "Turn About Is Fair Play"</ref>
后来,当Rotor在[[Freedom HQ]]时,他被他的反Mobius对应者,[[Boomer]],攻击,Boomer嘲笑他无法自卫。Rotor因为无法帮助保卫Freedom HQ而被反抗队伍攻击,由于他的颈部受伤而哭泣。相反,他逃离现场联系[[Chaotix (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Chaotix]]报告情况,后来投票支持重新夺回Freedom HQ的任务,但被议会其他成员否决。<ref name="StH189">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 189|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #189]], "A Bold New Moebius Part One: Unwelcome Guests!"</ref><ref name="StH190">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 190|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #190]], "A Bold New Moebius Part Two: Duality!"</ref><ref name="StH191">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 191|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #191]], "Metal and Mettle Part 1"</ref> 他后来协助Sonic前往[[Moebius]],这是Sally下达的命令,后来当她因违反议会关于Sonic的命令而受审时,Rotor站出来为她辩护。<ref name="StH197">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 197|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #197]], "Consequences"</ref> 在对[[Eggdome]]的最后推进中,他为自由战士和Chaotix提供了后援;在[[Egg Phoenix]]被摧毁后,Rotor架设了一个力场发生器,让自由战士可以结束这一天,但他自己没有得到任何睡眠,而是准备了与新Mobotropolis的视觉链接。他后来留下来,而其他人进行了最后的攻击。<ref name="StH198">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 198|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #198]], "Phoenix-down!"</ref><ref name="StH199">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 199|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #199]], "Knocking On Eggman's Door"</ref> 在Sonic成功击败Eggman后,Rotor帮助他们乘坐吉普车回家庆祝胜利。<ref name="StH200">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 200|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #200]], "Turn About Is Fair Play"</ref>

Their victory was cut short as the [[Iron Dominion]] took over the empire, which the Freedom Fighters would learn from [[Monkey Khan]].<ref name="StH201">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 201|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #201]], "Change In Management"</ref> When the [[Iron Queen]] took control of Nicole and thus all of New Mobotropolis, Castle Acorn was sealed shut, trapping the royal family and Council of Acorn within.<ref name="StH208">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 208|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #208]], "Iron Dominion Part One"</ref> Rotor was later revealed to have been taken prisoner and was among those brought to the Coliseum for public "[[legionization]]"—a process that forcefully converts a Mobian into a brainwashed Dark Legion cyborg. When Rotor was brought out before Snively, who was in charge of the operation, he angrily reminded the Overlander that they had worked together in the past; smugly dismissing this, Snively was caught by surprise when Rotor suddenly attacked the Legionnaires holding him, subduing them simultaneously before lunging at a terrified Snively. Unfortunately, Rotor's heroic efforts were quickly halted by his injured back flaring up. Fortunately, [[Amy Rose (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Amy Rose]], Antoine and [[Geoffrey St. John]] soon appeared, and Amy destroyed the operating table to which Rotor was being dragged, scattering the villains and saving the walrus.<ref name="StH210">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 210|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #210]], "Home Invasion Part One: Breaking and Entering"</ref>
他们的胜利被[[Iron Dominion]]接管帝国所打断,自由战士从[[Monkey Khan]]那里得知此消息。<ref name="StH201">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 201|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #201]], "Change In Management"</ref> [[Iron Queen]]控制了Nicole,从而控制了整个新Mobotropolis时,橡树城堡被封闭,皇室家族和橡树议会被困其中。<ref name="StH208">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 208|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #208]], "Iron Dominion Part One"</ref> 后来揭露Rotor被俘虏,并被带到竞技场接受公开的“[[legionization]]”——一个将Mobian强制转换为被洗脑的黑暗军团赛博格的过程。当Rotor被带到负责此项操作的Snively面前时,他愤怒地提醒这位Overlander他们过去曾合作;Snively傲慢地忽视了这一点,当Rotor突然攻击控制他的军团士兵,并在扑向一个惊恐的Snively前同时制服他们时,Snively被惊吓了。不幸的是,Rotor的英勇努力很快因他受伤的背部发作而被迅速终止。幸运的是,[[Amy Rose (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Amy Rose]]Antoine[[Geoffrey St. John]]很快出现,Amy摧毁了拖拽Rotor的手术台,驱散了恶棍并救了海象。<ref name="StH210">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 210|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #210]], "Home Invasion Part One: Breaking and Entering"</ref>

===Final Time Saving The Herd===
With the threat of the Iron Dominion ended, Rotor and his fellow council members set about revising the new constitution of the [[Republic of Acorn]]. As such, Rotor did not accompany Sonic and Sally to become a member of the [[Wolf Pack Nation]] despite having been invited.<ref name="StH213">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 213|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #213]], "Reigning Cats and Dogs Part One"</ref> Just as Sonic and Sally helped resolve a crisis there, however, Rotor was informed by [[Hamlin Pig|Hamlin]] that the [[Arctic Freedom Fighters]] had called in with news that a [[Dark Egg Legion]] [[Northern Tundra Dark Egg Legion|chapter]] had captured the [[Walrus Herd]].<ref name="StH214">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 214|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #214]], "Reigning Cats and Dogs Part Two"</ref>
随着Iron Dominion的威胁结束,Rotor和他的同事议会成员开始修订[[Republic of Acorn]]的新宪法。因此,尽管Rotor被邀请,他并没有陪同SonicSally成为[[Wolf Pack Nation]]的一员。<ref name="StH213">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 213|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #213]], "Reigning Cats and Dogs Part One"</ref> 然而,就在SonicSally帮助解决那里的危机时,Rotor被[[Hamlin Pig|Hamlin]]通知,[[Arctic Freedom Fighters]]打来电话,报告一个[[Dark Egg Legion]] [[Northern Tundra Dark Egg Legion|分部]]捕获了[[Walrus Herd]]<ref name="StH214">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 214|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #214]], "Reigning Cats and Dogs Part Two"</ref>

[[File:Rotor's Nanite Suit.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Rotor ready to save his herd.]]
[[File:Rotor's Nanite Suit.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Rotor准备拯救他的族群。]]
得知情况后,Sonic邀请Rotor与他一起前往,尽管Hamlin迅速否决了Hedgehog的请求,Rotor同意他打算留在城市。然而,在让Nicole在他家与他会面后,他告诉她,他打算前往援助族群,并请求她为他构建[[Iron Rotor|一套纳米装甲]]。Rotor出发前往北极苔原,思考自己作为自由战士的先前行动,并决定一旦完成这次任务就永久退役。然而,在他到达战场之前,他被[[Silver the Hedgehog (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Silver the Hedgehog]]从空中拖下。<ref name="StH215" /> Rotor与Silver简短战斗后,发现自己无助。Silver
After learning of the situation, Sonic invited Rotor to go along with him, though Hamlin was quick to deny the Hedgehog's request, and Rotor agreed that he planned to stay in the city. However, after having Nicole meet him at his house, he informed her that he had every intention of going to aid the Herd, requesting that she construct [[Iron Rotor|a suit of armor from the nanites]] for him. Departing, he flew to the Northern Tundra, contemplating his previous actions as a Freedom Fighter and determining that he would retire permanently once this mission was completed. Before he got to the battlefield, however, he was dragged out of the air by [[Silver the Hedgehog (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Silver the Hedgehog]].<ref name="StH215" /> Engaging Silver briefly in battle, Rotor found himself helpless. Silver then accused him of not being "Boomer" Walrus, and then of being a traitor to the Freedom Fighters. Silver attempted to short Rotor's battle armor and use his telekinesis to halt him, but when Rotor explained what was at stake with the safety of his Herd and the Tundra area as a whole, Silver agreed to help him. When they arrived, they quickly found Dr. Eggman's nearby base, and found a neural interface Eggman could use to control the herd personally. Silver used it to send a psychic pulse, breaking the Herd's mind control and also scrambling the Orca members of the Dark Egg Legion in the area. Silver later said he also sent a signal that would forever block the Walrus Herd from future mind control attempts. He also figured out for himself that Rotor was indeed "Boomer", but the information he had about him was out-of-date.<ref name="StH216">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 216|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #216]], "Family Matters Part Two"</ref>

随后指责他不是“Boomer” Walrus,然后指控他是对自由战士的背叛者。Silver试图短路Rotor的战斗装甲并使用他的心灵感应停止他,但当Rotor解释了族群和整个苔原地区的安全所面临的风险时,Silver同意帮助他。当他们到达时,他们迅速找到了Dr. Eggman附近的基地,并发现了一个Eggman可以用来亲自控制族群的神经接口。Silver使用它发送了一个心灵脉冲,打破了族群的精神控制,也扰乱了该地区的黑暗军团虎鲸成员。Silver后来说,他还发送了一个信号,将永远阻止Walrus族群未来受到精神控制的尝试。他还自己弄清楚Rotor确实是“Boomer”,但他有关他的信息是过时的。<ref name="StH216">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 216|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #216]], "Family Matters Part Two"</ref>
===Naugus and Nicole===
When Geoffrey St. John seemingly betrayed Sonic during a mission and went MIA, the Council of Acorn was unsure of how to respond, as they had no way of knowing if Geoffrey, leader of the Secret Service, was working on secret orders.<ref name="StH219">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 219|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #219]], "In Service to the King Part One"</ref><ref name="StH220">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 220|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #220]], "In Service to the King Part Two"</ref> Additionally, they were left to deal with ever-increasing public concern over Nicole's control of the city.<ref name="StH222">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 222|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #222]], "The World Can Wait"</ref> Unknown to everyone, these issues became tied as Geoffrey, working with [[Ixis Naugus]], manipulated the public's fears of Nicole in order to set Naugus up as a potential savior of the people and giving his bid to take control of the Republic of Acorn more sway. Rotor pushed his fellow councilors to discuss the issue with Nicole, as the AI had been emotionally hurt by the public's increased fear and hatred of her, but when they were about to do so, Naugus himself arrived before the council, claiming the crown as rightfully his. Rotor was vehemently opposed to this, even going so far as to attempt to rally the other former Freedom Fighters among the council, but thanks to the wizard's ability to twist and amplify negative emotions, everyone soon began bickering with each other. Eventually, to Sonic and Rotor's displeasure, it was decided that the matter be dealt with formally and that Naugus be given a chance to argue his claim. However, all were taken by surprise by the unexpected launch of the new [[Death Egg Mark 2]].<ref name="StH223">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 223|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #223]], "Chaos and the Crown Part One: The Right to Rule"</ref><ref name="StH224">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 224|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #224]], "Chaos and the Crown Part Two: Total Authority"</ref>

As the Freedom Fighters united to head into battle, the Royal Guard began ushering the council to the safety of the Royal Military Headquarters. However, Rotor ducked out with the intention of returning home to change into his nanite suit and join his friends in battle. He began changing when suddenly, the [[Genesis Wave (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Genesis Wave]] enveloped Mobius.<ref name="SFCB2012">''[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Free Comic Book Day 2012|Sonic the Hedgehog Free Comic Book Day 2012]]'', "Sonic: Genesis Awakenings - Rotor Walrus"</ref>
当Geoffrey St. John在一次任务中表面上背叛了Sonic并失踪后,橡树议会不确定如何回应,因为他们无法知道秘密服务的领导者Geoffrey是否在执行秘密命令。<ref name="StH219">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 219|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #219]], "In Service to the King Part One"</ref><ref name="StH220">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 220|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #220]], "In Service to the King Part Two"</ref> 此外,他们还需要处理公众对Nicole控制城市的日益增长的担忧。<ref name="StH222">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 222|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #222]], "The World Can Wait"</ref> 所有人都不知道,这些问题因为Geoffrey与[[Ixis Naugus]]合作,利用公众对Nicole的恐惧,试图将Naugus塑造为人民的潜在救星,并为他接管Acorn共和国增加影响力而联系在一起。Rotor推动他的同事议员与Nicole讨论这个问题,因为AI被公众的增加恐惧和仇恨所伤害,但当他们准备这样做时,Naugus本人出现在议会面前,声称王冠正当地属于他。Rotor强烈反对这一点,甚至试图动员其他前自由战士中的议员,但由于这位巫师能够扭曲和放大负面情绪,很快大家开始互相争吵。最终,让Sonic和Rotor不悦的是,决定正式处理这个问题,并给Naugus一个机会来争取他的主张。然而,所有人都被意外启动的新[[Death Egg Mark 2]]震惊。<ref name="StH223">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 223|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #223]], "Chaos and the Crown Part One: The Right to Rule"</ref><ref name="StH224">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 224|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #224]], "Chaos and the Crown Part Two: Total Authority"</ref>


友们的战斗。当他正在换装时,[[Genesis Wave (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Genesis Wave]]突然笼罩了Mobius<ref name="SFCB2012">''[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Free Comic Book Day 2012|Sonic the Hedgehog Free Comic Book Day 2012]]'', "Sonic: Genesis Awakenings - Rotor Walrus"</ref>

[[File:Genesis Buzzbomber.png|thumb|left|"Boomer" reprograms a Buzzbomber.]]
[[File:Genesis Buzzbomber.png|thumb|left|"Boomer"重新编程Buzzbomber]]
After the Genesis Wave had rewritten the [[Prime Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Prime Zone]], Rotor's reality underwent a significant change.<ref name="StH225">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 225|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #225]], "One Step Forward..."</ref> Soon after, Sonic found himself in a strange but oddly familiar setting; he eventually came across a prison pod and released those inside it, who introduced themselves as Sally Acorn, Antoine Depardieu and Boomer Walrus, having seemingly never met before. The group explained that they believed one Dr. Eggman to be responsible for several recent kidnappings, and Boomer added that he might be behind the increased number of earthquakes lately. Sonic agreed to help them hunt down the doctor. In the [[Marble Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Marble Zone]], they were attacked by Eggman's robots; Boomer captured and disabled a [[Caterkiller (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Caterkiller]] with his bare hands, impressing Sonic, and then set to reprogramming a damaged [[Buzzbomber (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Buzzbomber]], thinking it would be good to have the extra help. He did not want to stoop to Eggman's level and force a small animal to act as the robot's power supply, however, but Sally was able to get a Flicky bird to volunteer. This proved useful, as Boomer later used the Buzzbomber to airlift himself and Antoine to safety. Eventually, Sonic caught up to Dr. Eggman and fought him, forcing the doctor to retreat; Boomer was thoroughly impressed, and the group continued on to an underground tunnel they believed would lead them to the doctor's lair.<ref name="StH226">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 226|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #226]], "Genesis Part One: In the Beginning..."</ref> After becoming separated from Antoine in the [[Labyrinth Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Labyrinth Zone]], Boomer and his comrades pressed on through the [[Star Light Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Star Light Zone]] and finally into the [[Scrap Brain Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Scrap Brain Zone]], where Boomer almost fell down a pit. Soon, the group found Eggman deep with his [[Final Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Scrap Brain Zone]] base, as well as a waterlogged Antoine. After dealing with Eggman's final machine of death, Sonic sent the doctor hurtling out of his base in his destroyed Egg Mobile. As Boomer and the heroes watched as the Doctor descended, Sonic voiced his inkling that they hadn't seen the last of the dictator.<ref name="StH227">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 227|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #227]], "Genesis Part Two: Fate and Friends"</ref>
Genesis Wave重写了[[Prime Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Prime Zone]]后,Rotor的现实发生了重大变化。<ref name="StH225">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 225|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #225]], "One Step Forward..."</ref> 不久之后,Sonic发现自己处于一个奇怪但又熟悉的环境中;他最终遇到了一个监狱舱,并释放了里面的人,他们自我介绍为Sally AcornAntoine DepardieuBoomer Walrus,似乎从未见过面。这群人解释说,他们相信某个叫做Dr. Eggman的人负责最近的几次绑架,Boomer补充说,他可能也是最近地震增多的原因。Sonic同意帮助他们追捕这位博士。在[[Marble Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Marble Zone]],他们被Eggman的机器人攻击;Boomer用他的双手捕捉并禁用了一只[[Caterkiller (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Caterkiller]],给Sonic留下了深刻印象,然后开始重新编程一只损坏的[[Buzzbomber (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Buzzbomber]],认为有额外帮助会很好。他不想降低到Eggman的水平,强迫一只小动物作为机器人的动力来源,然而,Sally设法让一只Flicky鸟自愿做这件事。这证明是有用的,因为Boomer后来使用Buzzbomber将自己和Antoine安全空运。最终,Sonic赶上了Dr. Eggman并与他战斗,迫使博士撤退;Boomer对此印象深刻,这群人继续前往他们认为会通往博士巢穴的地下隧道。<ref name="StH226">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 226|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #226]], "Genesis Part One: In the Beginning..."</ref> 在与Antoine[[Labyrinth Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Labyrinth Zone]]分开后,Boomer和他的同伴继续穿越[[Star Light Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Star Light Zone]],最终进入[[Scrap Brain Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Scrap Brain Zone]],Boomer差点掉进一个坑里。很快,这群人在他的[[Final Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Scrap Brain Zone]]基地深处找到了Eggman,以及一个浸水的Antoine。在处理了Eggman的最终死亡机器后,Sonic将博士从他被摧毁的Egg Mobile中抛出他的基地。当Boomer和英雄们看着博士下降时,Sonic表示他们感觉还没有看到这位独裁者的最后。<ref name="StH227">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 227|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #227]], "Genesis Part Two: Fate and Friends"</ref>

With the matter of the mysterious earthquakes still shaking things up, the heroes set out to find the cause, now accompanied by Sonic's buddy [[Miles "Tails" Prower (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Tails]]. After making it out of the [[Chemical Plant Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Chemical Plant Zone]] in one piece, Sonic decided that he wants to head directly to Eggman's new base. Taking Tails, Boomer and the others were left to make their way through the [[Oil Ocean Zone (Archie)|Oil Ocean Zone]].<ref name="StH228">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 228|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #228]], "Genesis Part Three: Divide And Conquer"</ref> There, they were nearly wiped out by aerial badniks. Nonetheless, they soon made it to the center of the refinery and shut off the oil pipelines, leaving Eggman's bases without power. When Sonic set off another Genesis Wave aboard the Death Egg, now high up in space, Boomer began to panic as everything around him started whiting out, but a smiling Sally assured the walrus that everything would be fine; while baffled by the fact that she referred to him as "Rotor" during this exchange, he nonetheless trusted his friend in her certainty, as the planet completely faded to white.<ref name="StH229">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 229|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #229]], "Genesis Part Four: Reset"</ref>
当地震的神秘原因仍然在摇晃事物时,英雄们出发寻找原因,现在由Sonic的好友[[Miles "Tails" Prower (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Tails]]陪同。在完好无损地离开[[Chemical Plant Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Chemical Plant Zone]]后,Sonic决定直接前往Eggman的新基地。带上Tails,Boomer和其他人留下来穿过[[Oil Ocean Zone (Archie)|Oil Ocean Zone]]<ref name="StH228">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 228|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #228]], "Genesis Part Three: Divide And Conquer"</ref> 在那里,他们几乎被空中的badniks消灭。尽管如此,他们很快到达了炼油厂的中心并关闭了油管道,使Eggman的基地失去了电力。当Sonic在高空的Death Egg上发动了另一个Genesis Wave时,Boomer开始恐慌,因为周围的一切开始变白,但一个微笑的Sally向海象保证一切都会好的;尽管困惑于她在这次交流中称呼他为"Rotor"的事实,他仍然信任他的朋友对此的确定性,因为行星完全消失在白色中。<ref name="StH229">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 229|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #229]], "Genesis Part Four: Reset"</ref>

===Return to Duty===
当Prime Zone恢复到原始状态时,Rotor发现自己在家中,正处于从议员制服换装的过程中。Rotor努力回忆自己为何这样做,然后透过窗户注意到新的Death Egg正凝视着城市;一切都回来了。他正准备穿上他的纳米装甲以加入自由战士对抗这座飞行堡垒,但当他看到Tornado和自由战士特别机在天空中飞行时,他意识到城市需要他作为议会的一部分履行职责。<ref name="SFCB2012" />
When the Prime Zone returned to its original state, Rotor found himself in his home, midway into changing out of his councilors uniform. Rotor struggled to recall why he was doing this, before glancing out of the window and noticing the new Death Egg glaring down over the city; it all came back to him. He was in the process of donning his nanite suit in order to join the Freedom Fighters in combating the flying fortress, but as he caught sight of the Tornado and Freedom Fighter Special zipping around in the sky, he realized the city needed him to do his duty as a part of the council.<ref name="SFCB2012" />

In the aftermath of Eggman's [[Operation: Clean Sweep]], Sally was [[Mecha Sally|roboticized]], while Naugus took advantage of New Mobotropolis' fear of Nicole, unwittingly caused by Mina, to save the city from a [[Titan Metal Sonic (rebuilt model)|Titan Metal Sonic]] and usurp Elias as king. When the Council took a vote to exile Nicole to Freedom HQ, everyone but Rotor voted to do so because it was what the people wanted. Rotor was so disgusted and upset by the turnout that he resigned from the council right then and there.<ref name="StH235">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 235|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #235]], "Remember the Fallen"</ref>
Eggman[[Operation: Clean Sweep]]之后,Sally被[[Mecha Sally|机器化]],而Naugus利用Mina无意中引起的New MobotropolisNicole的恐惧,拯救了城市免受[[Titan Metal Sonic (rebuilt model)|Titan Metal Sonic]]的威胁,并篡夺了Elias成为国王。当议会投票将Nicole放逐到Freedom HQ时,除了Rotor之外的所有人都投票赞成,因为这是人民的意愿。Rotor对投票结果感到如此厌恶和不安,以至于他当场从议会辞职。<ref name="StH235">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 235|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #235]], "Remember the Fallen"</ref>

With Sally's roboticization, Antoine's severe injuries, and Bunnie's departure, the Knothole Freedom Fighters were forced to disband. However, Rotor, along with Sonic, Tails, and Amy, successfully convinced the Council (sans Naugus) to approve two new Freedom Fighter teams: [[Team Freedom (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Team Freedom]], who would protect the city itself, and [[Team Fighters (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Team Fighters]], who would pursue Eggman's forces. Rotor himself used a special power suit that circumvented his back injury and let him return to active duty.<ref name="StH236">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 236|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #236]], "Cry Freedom!"</ref>
随着Sally的机器化,Antoine的重伤,和Bunnie的离开,Knothole自由战士被迫解散。然而,Rotor与SonicTailsAmy成功地说服了议会(除了Naugus)批准了两个新的自由战士团队:[[Team Freedom (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Team Freedom]],负责保护城市本身,和[[Team Fighters (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Team Fighters]],追击Eggman的部队。Rotor自己使用了一套特殊的动力装甲,绕过了他的背部伤势,让他返回到活跃的职责中。<ref name="StH236">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 236|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #236]], "Cry Freedom!"</ref>
作为团队领袖,Rotor接受了[[Big the Cat (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|大猫Big]]、[[Cream the Rabbit (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|奶油兔Cream]]和[[Cheese the Chao (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|奶酪Chao Cheese]]的加入,并重建了[[Heavy (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Heavy]]和[[Bomb (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Bomb]],使团队人数达到六名成员。尽管Naugus继续质疑该团队的可靠性,但当社区中心因[[Tails Doll (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Tails Doll]]的隐形攻击而坍塌时,Team Freedom证明了他们的价值;由于Naugus因[[Agunus|内在]] [[Nusgau|个人]] [[Suguna|问题]]而无法行动,Rotor和他的团队迅速行动起来,成功阻止了坍塌,同时获得了公众支持并使Naugus声誉受损。<ref name="StH236s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 236|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #236]], "Leader of the Band"</ref> 当Death Egg返回城市,发射[[Egg SWAT (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Egg SWATs]]和Team Metal时,该团队进一步显现了他们的区别。Rotor勇敢地带领他的新团队,激活了防护罩发生器,只是它被摧毁了,然后指派Cream引导平民到安全地点,而更有经验的团队成员继续战斗。Naugus赶到现场,试图用一波水晶魔法攻击一些Egg Swats来证明Team Freedom的多余性,只是他的身体经历了一次丑陋而痛苦的变异。Rotor不情愿地称赞巫师的技巧,希望让他重新加入战斗,保护了他不想要的国王,并呼叫Big将他安全地带走。然后他与[[Metal Tails (Archie)|Metal Tails]]对抗,并在Elias——与他的新[[Secret Freedom Fighters]]合作——用弩箭损坏机器人后,成功摧毁了这个机器人。团队庆祝他们的胜利,尽管Rotor怀疑他们从暗处得到了帮助。<ref name="StH240">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 240|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #240]], "Heroes Part Two: For the People"</ref>

Rotor的下一个任务没有那么危险——利用他的装甲与纳米粒子互动的能力,他打开了一个由Larry Lynx的不幸运气影响的坏锁。Penelope感谢他的帮助,开玩笑说他似乎无法停止为议会工作,介于领导Team Freedom和与纳米粒子合作之间。她问他是否也“疏通下水道”,Rotor回答说他可以,他只需要找到Big,这样他就能使用他的钓鱼竿。<ref name="SU44">[[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 44|''Sonic Universe'' #44]], "Unsung Heroes Part Four: Fight the Power!"</ref> 不久之后,Rotor和Team Freedom的其他成员参加了[[Mina Mongoose]]举办的一场音乐会,旨在提高支持将Nicole带回城市的意愿。当舞台意外坍塌——再次是Tails Doll的功劳——Rotor和他的团队迅速行动起来,拯救了Mina和她的乐队,[[Forget Me Knots]]。<ref name="StH
[[File:Rotor_Flying_and_Commanding.jpg|thumb|Rotor in action with Team Freedom.]]
As the leader, Rotor accepted [[Big the Cat (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Big the Cat]], [[Cream the Rabbit (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Cream the Rabbit]], and [[Cheese the Chao (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Cheese]], and also rebuilt [[Heavy (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Heavy]] and [[Bomb (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Bomb]], bringing the roster to six members. Though Naugus continued to dismiss the group's reliability, Team Freedom proved their worth when the community center collapsed due to an unseen attack by [[Tails Doll (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Tails Doll]]; with Naugus incapacitated due to [[Agunus|inner]] [[Nusgau|personal]] [[Suguna|matters]], Rotor and his team sprang into action and successfully stopped the collapse, simultaneously gaining public support and discrediting Naugus.<ref name="StH236s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 236|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #236]], "Leader of the Band"</ref> The team further distinguished themselves when the Death Egg returned to the city, launching [[Egg SWAT (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Egg SWATs]] and [[Team Metal]]. Bravely leading his new team, Rotor activated the shield generator only for it to be destroyed, and then assigned Cream to lead civilians to safety while the more seasoned members of the group continued fighting. Naugus arrived on the scene and attempted to prove Team Freedom's superfluousness with a blast of crystalline magic on some Egg Swats, only for his body to undergo a hideous and painful mutation. Grudgingly complimenting the wizard's skill in the hopes of getting him back into the fight, Rotor defended his unwanted king and called on Big to carry him to safety. He then went up against [[Metal Tails (Archie)|Metal Tails]], and was able to destroy the robot after Elias-working with his new [[Secret Freedom Fighters]]-damaged the robot with a crossbow bolt. The team celebrated their victory, though Rotor came to suspect that they had been aided from the shadows.<ref name="StH240">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 240|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #240]], "Heroes Part Two: For the People"</ref>

241">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 241|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #241]], "Unraveling"</ref> Rotor也在[[Metal Sonic v3.0|Metal Sonic v3.7]]劫持Antoine后,急忙赶到医院的Antoine房间,但到达时发现机器人已经离开。<ref name="SU50">[[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 50|''Sonic Universe'' #50]], "Forged in Fire"</ref>
Rotor's next task was nothing as dangerous-using his suit's ability to interact with the nanites, he opened a door with a broken lock affected by Larry Lynx's jinx. Penelope thanked him for his assistance, joking that he couldn't seem to stop working for the council between leading Team Freedom and working with the nanites. She asked him if he "unclog[ged] drains too" to which Rotor replied that he could and that he would just need to get Big so that he could use his fishing rod.<ref name="SU44">[[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 44|''Sonic Universe'' #44]], "Unsung Heroes Part Four: Fight the Power!"</ref> Shortly afterwards, Rotor and the rest of Team Freedom attended a concert held by [[Mina Mongoose]] that was aimed at raising support for bringing Nicole back to the city. When the stage unexpectedly collapsed-again courtesy of Tails Doll-Rotor and his team leaped into action to save Mina and her band, the [[Forget Me Knots]].<ref name="StH241">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 241|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #241]], "Unraveling"</ref> Rotor also rushed to Antoine's room at the hospital when [[Metal Sonic v3.0|Metal Sonic v3.7]] took him hostage, but arrived to find the robot gone.<ref name="SU50">[[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 50|''Sonic Universe'' #50]], "Forged in Fire"</ref>

Rotor后来在恢复的橡树城堡剪彩仪式上与Nicole一同出席,他向AI保证人们没有理由不信任她。他还对Naugus和Geoffrey的缺席表示感激,尽管Nicole因Naugus的状况而责备他的不友好。在得知她努力完成一个为巫师利益而创建的设备后,他评论说她太善良了,但随后震惊地发现城堡开始崩塌。他询问是否是基础设施失败了,但被告知是某些东西影响了纳米粒子。Cream随后向他提出Tails Doll可能是背后原因的理论,尽管她最初因她的复杂解释而感到尴尬。Rotor迅速赞扬了她的推理,并决定对这个理论进行测试。他们的怀疑被证实是正确的,因为Tails Doll,在认为Team Freedom被占据的情况下,进入了城市电站,只是发现英雄们在等待。不幸的是,他们随后被迫面对机器人的真正力量,因为它使用了一些重新编程的纳米粒子为自己创造了一个恶魔般的新形态。这个怪物的目标很简单:摧毁电力发生器,让Robotropolis的放射性进入城市,并消灭Team Freedom。然而,当他与Team Freedom一起被第二次[[Genesis Wave (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Genesis Wave]]卷入时,战斗被迅速结束。<ref name="StH247">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 247|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #247]], "At All Costs Part One: Fate Interrupted"</ref>
Rotor later joined Nicole at the ribbon cutting for the restored Castle Acorn, where he assured the AI that the people had no reason to distrust her. He also expressed gratitude at the absence of both Naugus and Geoffrey, though Nicole chastised him for being so unkind given Naugus' condition. After learning of her efforts to complete a device created for the wizard's benefit, he remarked that she was too kind, but was then shocked as the castle began to crumble. He then asked whether the foundation was failing, but was informed that something was affecting the nanites. Cream then approached him with the theory that Tails Doll was behind it, though she was initially embarrassed by her convoluted explanation. Rotor was quick to praise her reasoning, and decided to put the theory to the test. Their suspicions were proved correct as Tails Doll, believing Team Freedom to be occupied, entered the city power station only to find the heroes lying in wait. Unfortunately, they were then forced to face the robot's true power as it used a number of reprogrammed nanites to create a demonic new form for itself. The monster's objectives were simple: destroy the power generator, allow Robotropolis' radioactivity to enter the city, and eliminate Team Freedom. However, the battle was cut short when he along with Team Freedom were caught up in a second [[Genesis Wave (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Genesis Wave]].<ref name="StH247">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 247|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #247]], "At All Costs Part One: Fate Interrupted"</ref>
:''Note: From this point, Rotor's history continues from [[Rotor the Walrus#Countdown to Chaos|his new life in the altered timeline]].''
:''注意:从这一点开始,Rotor的历史从[[Rotor the Walrus#Countdown to Chaos|他在改变后的时间线中的新生活]]继续。''

Rotor通常是一个非常平静、随和且有点笨拙的个体,很少表现出攻击性。然而,他鄙视Dr. Robotnik和任何追随后者信仰的人,并会尽其所能反对之,一次又一次地在为他的星球的战争中证明自己勇敢和英勇。他非常保护他的家人和朋友,是所有认识他的人的可靠朋友,愿意以任何可能的方式帮助他们。在Sonic在太空的时间里,Rotor因为他设计的武器造成的事故而强烈反对使用火器。
Rotor is usually a very calm, easygoing and a bit clumsy individual, rarely showing aggression. However, he despises Dr. Robotnik and anyone who follows the latter's beliefs, and do whatever he can to oppose it, time and time again proving himself valiant and courageous throughout the war for his planet. He is very defensive of his family and friends, and stands as a trusted friend to everyone who knows him, willing to help them in any way possible. During Sonic's time in space, Rotor became vehemently opposed to the use of firearms due to accidents caused by weapons he had designed to help fight Dr. Robotnik in Sonic's absence.

他设计武器的才能是他变得不愿意使用的东西,他在Sonic不在期间构建的武器不幸地对其他自由战士造成了友军伤害——幸运的是非致命的。然而,他仍然是自由战士的坚定助手,在创造其他有用的小工具方面。尽管有他的偏好,他确实协助Sir Charles创建了[[Metal Sonic Troopers]]。<ref name="StH29" /><ref name="StH31s3" /><
His talent for designing weapons is something he became reluctant to make use of, having constructed weapons during Sonic's absence that inflicted friendly fire-fortunately nonlethal-upon other Freedom Fighters. However, he remains a determined aid to the Freedom Fighters in creating other useful gadgetry. Despite his preferences, he did assist Sir Charles in creating the [[Metal Sonic Troopers]].<ref name="StH29" /><ref name="StH31s3" /><ref name="StH43" /><ref name="StH44" /><ref name="StH215" /><ref name="StH118s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 118|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #118]], "Heart to Heart"</ref>

ref name="StH43" /><ref name="StH44" /><ref name="StH215" /><ref name="StH118s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 118|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #118]], "Heart to Heart"</ref>
==Powers and abilities==
As a Walrus, Rotor is a bulky fighter with high physical strength, enhanced durability and an adept swimmer, and his endurance is top-notch as well. However, his greatest talent lies in his mechanical abilities. Rotor is a mechanical super genius, a quick thinker and very insightful, adept at creating tools and machines for use in the war against Dr. Robotnik and beyond, as well as deciphering new technology. He is known for his numerous creations that aided the Freedom Fighters early on. Some of these include the [[Bathysphere]] and the infamous [[Neuro-Overrider]], which would theoretically retain one's free will even if they were [[Roboticization (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|roboticized]]. Rotor also assisted [[Dr. Quack]] in keeping the crystallized [[King Max]] alive by providing him with medical technology and later helped his patients [[Geoffrey St. John]] and [[Hershey St. John|Hershey Cat]] by creating nanites to destroy the nanoprobes Eggman had infected them with. Other inventions include the [[Party-Hearty Quadra Sonic Rock 'N' Roller]] and the [[Remote Scanner]], as well as designing his own suit of nanite battle armor.

On a few occasions he has proved to be quite a marksman with firearm-like weapons as well, both with sniping and general marksmanship.
作为一只海象,Rotor是一个体格健壮的战士,具有很高的体力、增强的耐力和熟练的游泳能力,他的耐力也是顶尖的。然而,他最大的才能在于他的机械能力。Rotor是一位机械超级天才,思维敏捷且富有洞察力,擅长创造工具和机器以用于对抗Dr. Robotnik及以后的战争,并解读新技术。他以早期为自由战士提供帮助的众多创造而闻名。其中一些包括[[Bathysphere]]和臭名昭著的[[Neuro-Overrider]],理论上即使被[[Roboticization (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|机器化]]也能保留一个人的自由意志。Rotor还协助[[Dr. Quack]]通过提供医疗技术来维持结晶化的[[King Max]]的生命,并后来通过创造纳米粒子来帮助他的病人[[Geoffrey St. John]]和[[Hershey St. John|Hershey Cat]]销毁Eggman感染他们的纳米探头。其他发明包括[[Party-Hearty Quadra Sonic Rock 'N' Roller]]和[[Remote Scanner]],以及设计他自己的纳米战斗装甲。


====Iron Rotor====
====Iron Rotor====
{{Main|Iron Rotor}}
{{Main|Iron Rotor}}
'''Iron Rotor'''战斗装甲可能是Rotor最动态的发明。除了给予他支持以克服背部伤害,它还使他能够飞行并对对手使用射弹武器。
The '''Iron Rotor''' battle suit is probably Rotor's most dynamic invention. In addition to giving him the support to overcome back injury, it enables him to take flight and employ projectile weaponry against opponents.

*由于错误,Rotor在《Sonic the Hedgehog》漫画系列的最早几期中被命名为'''Boomer'''。这个错误在第6期及这些早期故事的重印中被纠正。然而,在读者信箱中,当一个粉丝询问Rotor的旧名字的情况时,解释说"Boomer"实际上是他童年的昵称;一些描绘自由战士童年时代的故事甚至用Boomer来称呼他。讽刺的是,这个错误后来为[[Silver the Hedgehog (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Silver]]的情节线提供了基础,Silver发现Rotor在早期自由战士的记录中被列为Boomer,得出他们是完全不同个体的结论。进一步提到这一点的是,Anti-Rotor的真名是Boomer,以便与普通Rotor区分。
**在由于[[Doctor Eggman (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Dr. Eggman]]的“[[Operation: Clean Sweep]]”导致时间线重置的时期,他再次被称为"Boomer Walrus"
*在《[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 148|Sonic the Hedgehog #148]]》中,Rotor对Fiona Fox发现一把枪的反应是''"自由战士从不使用枪。从来没有,将来也不会。"''。然而,这与他创建的"Party-Hearty Quadra Sonic Rock 'N' Roller"枪的使用相矛盾。《[[

Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 215|Sonic the Hedgehog #215]]》通过说明在过去他使用了自制枪支来修正这个情节漏洞,并且直到他意外伤害了其他Mobians,如[[Larry Lynx]],他才发誓再也不使用枪了。这在《[[Sonic the Hedgehog: The Complete Sonic Comic Encyclopedia]]》中进一步阐述,表明他会因此自相矛盾。
*在《[[Archie Sonic Free Comic Book Day 2009|Sonic: Evolution of a Hero]]》中,据称Rotor帮助教育Tails达到天才级智力。
*By mistake, Rotor was named '''Boomer''' in the earliest issues of the ''Sonic the Hedgehog'' comic series. It was corrected in issue #6, as well as reprints for these early stories. However, in the letters page, when a fan asked the deal with Rotor's old name, it was explained that "Boomer" was actually a nickname the character had in his childhood; some stories depicting the Freedom Fighters in their childhood even have him addressed as Boomer. Ironically, this error later provided the basis for a [[Silver the Hedgehog (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Silver]] plotline, in which he found Rotor listed as Boomer in a record of the early Freedom Fighters and came to the conclusion that they were separate entities entirely. A further nod to this is that Anti-Rotor's true name is Boomer to distinguish himself from regular Rotor.
*在战斗中穿着他的[[Iron Rotor|战斗装甲]]时,他与《Street Fighter X Tekken》中的坏箱艺Mega Man有着惊人的相似之处。
**In the period where the timeline was reset due to [[Doctor Eggman (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Dr. Eggman]]'s "[[Operation: Clean Sweep]]", he is again referred to as "Boomer Walrus".
*Rotor的黄色帽子是他母亲送给他的。<ref name="StH32s3"/>
*In ''[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 148|Sonic the Hedgehog #148]]'', Rotor reacts to Fiona Fox discovering a gun stating ''"The Freedom Fighters never use guns. Never have, never will."''. However, this is a contradiction of his use of the "Party-Hearty Quadra Sonic Rock 'N' Roller" gun which he created. [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 215|Sonic the Hedgehog #215]] fixed this plothole by saying back in the olden days he used home-made guns, and it wasn't until he'd accidentally injured fellow Mobians, such as [[Larry Lynx]], that he vowed never to use guns again. This was further elaborated In the ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog: The Complete Sonic Comic Encyclopedia]]'' by stating he would contradict himself as a result.
*In ''[[Archie Sonic Free Comic Book Day 2009|Sonic: Evolution of a Hero]]'', it is stated that Rotor helped in educating Tails to genius level intellect.
*When wearing his [[Iron Rotor|battle suit]] during combat, he has a striking resemblance to the Bad-Box-Art Mega Man from ''Street Fighter X Tekken''.
*Rotor's yellow cap was a gift from his mother.<ref name="StH32s3"/>

===Concept artwork===
<gallery widths="200">
<gallery widths="200">
Axerrotor.jpg|Concept artwork for Rotor's post-[[Xorda]] redesign. Art by [[Jeff Axer]].
Axerrotor.jpg|Concept artwork for Rotor's post-[[Xorda]] redesign. Art by [[Jeff Axer]].
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For the version of this character after the Super Genesis Wave, see Rotor the Walrus.

Template:Infobox 角色 Rotor Walrus(出生於3219年)是《Sonic the Hedgehog》漫畫書系列及其由Archie Comics出版的衍生漫畫中的主要主角之一。他是一隻mobian海象,是Knothole Freedom Fighters的關鍵成員,利用他對技術和機械的技能和知識,為Mobians對抗前獨裁者Dr. Ivo Robotnik以及自他去世以來的Dr. Eggman的勢力提供了優勢。跟隨Sonic the Hedgehog從太空返回後,Rotor減少了他的實地操作參與,並專注於提供數據和技術支持。在3237年,他被選為新Council of Acorn的成員。然而,當Ixis Naugus的操縱導致Nicole被不公正地從New Mobotropolis放逐時,Rotor立即因厭惡而辭去議會職務,並作為新Team Freedom的領導者全面回歸實地工作。

外觀[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

File:Rotor Walrus Second R.W..jpg

Rotor最初的漫畫設計主要基於他在《Sonic the Hedgehog試播集中的對應角色;後來對他在電視節目中的顏色方案和總體外觀所做的更改從未被採納。因此,他通常比大多數角色都要大,並且有紫色的皮毛,前軀幹和鼻子是桃色的皮膚,腳趾和手指較深;他戴着一條藍綠色的類似彈藥帶的工具帶和一頂反戴的黃色帽子。像漫畫早期的許多角色一樣,Rotor起初有淺藍色的眼睛;它們後來被確定為綠色。

小時候,他穿着綠色的工裝褲。他短暫地戴過羊毛帽、襯衫和大墜飾,但他在設計上最大的變化是加入了眼鏡、棕色的飛行員夾克和輕微的頭髮綹。他短時間內戴過頸托。除了他的日常裝扮外,他有時被描繪穿着他的藍色和紅色的橡樹議會制服,直到他從議會辭職。作為「Iron Rotor」,Rotor穿着他的納米戰鬥服,一套黃色和灰色的服裝覆蓋了他的大部分身體。頭盔與服裝其餘部分分開,配有透明的面罩。

歷史[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

早年生活和家庭[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Rotor來自Frozen North SeaWalrus Island,他的家族是Walrus Herd的一部分。他的父親Sherman WalrusGreat War的老兵,作為Royal Army的一員與JulesBernadetteSir Charles Hedgehog一起服役,擔任他們部隊的司機。[1] 連同Rotor的母親Georgette Walrus(以及可能是Rotor的神秘哥哥[2]),Sherman從Iceborough遷移,尋求為他的家庭提供更好的生活。[3] Rotor在Dr. Ivo Robotnik發動政變期間因教育目的在Mobotropolis,但隨着城市內其他孩子一起被疏散到Knothole Village。他的父親在抵抗Robotnik的接管中喪生,而他的母親——那時懷着他的弟弟Skeeter Walrus——返回了Northern Tundra[3] Rotor的哥哥的命運未知,儘管假定他被機器化[2]Original Freedom Fighters的啟發,Rotor與SonicPrincess SallyAntoine D'Coolette和年輕的Miles "Tails" Prower一起組成了Knothole Freedom Fighters,在原始小組滅亡後。[4][5][6] 他對強大武器的迷戀——源於聽父親講述大戰的故事——加上他的工程努力有時帶來的災難性結果,為他贏得了「Boomer」這個綽號。[3]

Knothole自由戰士[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

當Sonic得知Robotnik據說開發了一種強大的炸彈(實際上是一個用來處理蟲害問題的蟲子炸彈)時,Rotor加入了Sonic和Sally,通過一場假抗議來欺騙Robotnik,然後他偽裝成Robotnik偷走炸彈(由於他的體型,這是一項輕而易舉的任務)。不幸的是,Robotnik想到了偽裝成Rotor來欺騙自由戰士,但混亂很快就被解決了。後來,他和Sonic旅行到Mobius的南部地區,兩人目睹了無助的Bunnie Rabbot被兩個SWATbots捕獲,準備機器化。儘管Sonic去救她,但由於他被繩索與Rotor連接,暫時被阻止。在救出部分機器化的Bunnie後,兩人將她帶回Knothole Village,她成為自由戰士的一員。[7]

當Sonic失憶並被Dr. Robotnik說服攻擊自由戰

士時,Rotor的安全系統檢測到放在Sonic身上的微型發射器,用以提供Knothole的位置。Rotor試圖阻止Sonic進入他們的秘密藏身處,但Sonic相對容易地繞過了他。[8] 最終Sonic的記憶被恢復,並移除了裝置。[9]

Rotor後來開發了「Neuro-Overrider」,一種設備,允許被機器化的Mobian保持自由意志。Sally希望使用這個設備讓自己被機器化,以便她能夠潛入Robotropolis並偷走一個機器化裝置,學習如何逆轉其效果。然而,Neuro-Overrider在Sally被機器化時脫落,她被剝奪了自由意志。她最終被Dulcy the Dragon安全恢復到正常狀態。[10]

尋找族群[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

在收到來自北海的母親的求救信號後,Rotor駕駛他的Bathysphere前往那裡查看情況。到達後,Rotor發現他的家人和整個Walrus Herd都被Dr. Robotnik的Neuron Bomb控制了思想。當他發現Robotnik希望凍結整個星球時,Rotor試圖逃跑並警告他的朋友們,但被一個Icebot打入海中。[11] 他很快被兩名Arctic Freedom FightersSealia SealAugustus the Polar Bear救起。然後三人設法滲透進Walrus Herd,Rotor試圖解放他們的思想控制。然而,整個Herd攻擊了Rotor,儘管Sealia和Augustus設法將他救出並帶到安全地帶。Rotor發誓要返回並將他的家族從Robotnik的思想控制中解放出來。[12]

繼續對抗Robotnik[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

在Knothole自由戰士(除Sonic外)被Robotnik的生化武器感染後,Rotor設法通知Sonic所發生的事情,然後失去了意識。Sonic使用縮小射線變得微小,進入Rotor體內,協助他的Aunti Body對抗French FrirusParis-Site。Sonic成功了,Rotor和其他人恢復了健康。[13]


不久後,Rotor創建了一個遙控器,使自由戰士能夠前往Zone of Silence並尋找Sally的父親King Max。然而,由於King Max處於某種咒語之下,自由戰士無法將他帶回Mobius Prime,被迫返回。[15]

後來,Rotor在議會上審查了Sonic使用Neuro-Overrider並允許自己被機器化的想法。Rotor和其他議會成員一樣反對,稱這個想法風險太大。在Sonic被Nack the Weasel捕獲並機器化後,Rotor幫助準備Bunnie以防禦Mecha Sonic。在Bunnie被擊敗和Knuckles the Echidna被擊暈後,Rotor設法在他墜落時用網捕捉到了Echidna[16] 當Knuckles恢復意識時,他遭受了錯覺,並因為(由於他的體重)他認為Rotor是Robotnik而攻擊了Rotor。然而Sally設法使Knuckles恢復了理智,戰鬥繼續。Rotor監督使用Neuro-Overrider在Knuckles身上,允許他在成為Mecha Knuckles與Mecha Sonic戰鬥時保持自由意志。戰鬥結束後,Rotor與Nicole合作將受損的Mecha Sonic轉換回Mobian。[17]

幾周後,Rotor用他的Neutralizer幫助Sonic前往Zone of Silence,並最終成功從Zone of Silence中救出King Max。[18][19] 在此之後,Rotor與Dr. Quack合作創建了Dream Watcher,以便他們能夠查看King Max的心靈並將他從昏迷狀態中喚醒。Sonic設法做到了這一點,儘管King Max仍然處於結晶狀態。[19]

幾天後,Rotor向Sonic展示了他的新武器,「Party-Hearty Quadra Sonic Rock 'N' Roller」,以及他的Remote Scanner。同一天,自由戰士發現自己與Knuckles the Echidna一起與Anti-KnucklesAnti-Sonic作戰。然後他們前往Anti Mobius,在那裡他們發現Dr. Ivo Robotnik正在從Sunken IslandChaos Emeralds竊取能量。在Robotnik被傳送回Mobius Prime後,Rotor對於他在這場風波中從未得到使用他的Remote Scanner感到失望。[20]! 在Operation: EndGame期間,Rotor在Knothole時,Dr. Robotnik到達現場。Rotor說:「Robotnik在Knothole?這輩子不可能!」他試圖用Party-Hearty Quadra Sonic Rock 'N' Roller向Robotnik開火。Robotnik設法使槍的爆炸相位消失並將其摧毀,同時劫持了整個村莊。[21][22] Rotor和Tails後來設法潛入下水道系統,但在試圖逃跑時被Combot捕獲。[23]

返回族群[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

由於Ultimate Annihilator導致Dr. Robotnik的死亡,Rotor決定返回族群。[24] 當他回到族群時,他感到欣慰和驚訝地發現,由於Ultimate Annihilator的發射,族群已經恢復了自由意志。他在Walrus族群中度過了幾周,與他的母親和弟弟Skeeter享受時光。然而,當Robo-Robotnik前往Mobius Prime並取代已故的Dr. Robotnik時,Rotor並不知情。因此,當族群突然再次受到精神控制時,Rotor不知道發生了什麼。Rotor藏在他的Bathysphere中,族群設法損壞了它並導致它下沉。Rotor被Arctic Freedom Fighters救出,他們告訴他Robotnik已經回來了。[25]

對抗Eggman的行動[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

返回Mobotropolis(他不知道它被Robo-Robotnik重新征服),Rotor發現自己與Mina Mongoose相遇,不久之後與Sonic相遇。這群人返回到Knothole,Rotor開始與其他自由戰士一起在Knothole高中就讀。[26][27][28]

在自由戰士得知Sword of Acorns可以恢復Robians的自由意志後,Rotor請求他們也使用它來恢復被控制的族群的自由意志。返回Walrus Island,Rotor在Walrus建造的石油鑽塔上放置了炸彈,而Sally使用Sword of Acorns恢復了族群的自由意志。[29]

在Sonic在太空中的一年裡,Rotor通過構建更強大的武器,在對Robotnik的戰爭中提升了自己的地位。不幸的是,他的努力不僅導致了機器人的毀滅,還導致了包括Larry Lynx在內的其他自由戰士受傷。對自己的所作所為感到震驚的Rotor決定永遠不再製造武器,儘管他後來協助構建了Metal Sonic Troopers來保衛Knothole。他後來感到這個決定是對他誓言的背叛,儘管他也意識到他的努力可能做得過頭了。[30][31]


Rotor繼續以任何可能的方式幫助他的朋友,甚至充當Tommy Turtle的准導師,幫助他適應新生活。不幸的是,這段關係在Tommy被A.D.A.M.奴役後結束,導致他在Egg Fleet的槍下死亡。[32][33]

File:Rotors back.jpg


議會成員[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

File:Sally rotor council.jpg

Rotor被選為新Council of Acorn的成員,這是一個由六名選舉成員和King Elias組成的團體,旨在為王國帶來急需的政治變革。[36][37] 然而,Rotor發現自己處於更危險的情況中,而不是從戰鬥的壓力中獲得休息:Knuckles的宿敵,由Chaos Emerald驅動的實體Enerjak,由於Dark Legion科學家Dr. Finitevus的策劃而重生,意圖征服Mobius。他和其他議會成員被Dimitri告知了這個問題,但投票決定在收集更多信息之前不採取行動。[37] 幸運的是,這個問題很快被Sonic和守護者Locke的努力解決了。[38]

後來,當Rotor在Freedom HQ時,他被他的反Mobius對應者,Boomer,攻擊,Boomer嘲笑他無法自衛。Rotor因為無法幫助保衛Freedom HQ而被反抗隊伍攻擊,由於他的頸部受傷而哭泣。相反,他逃離現場聯繫Chaotix報告情況,後來投票支持重新奪回Freedom HQ的任務,但被議會其他成員否決。[39][40][41] 他後來協助Sonic前往Moebius,這是Sally下達的命令,後來當她因違反議會關於Sonic的命令而受審時,Rotor站出來為她辯護。[42] 在對Eggdome的最後推進中,他為自由戰士和Chaotix提供了後援;在Egg Phoenix被摧毀後,Rotor架設了一個力場發生器,讓自由戰士可以結束這一天,但他自己沒有得到任何睡眠,而是準備了與新Mobotropolis的視覺鏈接。他後來留下來,而其他人進行了最後的攻擊。[43][44] 在Sonic成功擊敗Eggman後,Rotor幫助他們乘坐吉普車回家慶祝勝利。[45]

他們的勝利被Iron Dominion接管帝國所打斷,自由戰士從Monkey Khan那裡得知此消息。[46]Iron Queen控制了Nicole,從而控制了整個新Mobotropolis時,橡樹城堡被封閉,皇室家族和橡樹議會被困其中。[47] 後來揭露Rotor被俘虜,並被帶到競技場接受公開的「legionization」——一個將Mobian強制轉換為被洗腦的黑暗軍團賽博格的過程。當Rotor被帶到負責此項操作的Snively面前時,他憤怒地提醒這位Overlander他們過去曾合作;Snively傲慢地忽視了這一點,當Rotor突然攻擊控制他的軍團士兵,並在撲向一個驚恐的Snively前同時制服他們時,Snively被驚嚇了。不幸的是,Rotor的英勇努力很快因他受傷的背部發作而被迅速終止。幸運的是,Amy Rose、Antoine和Geoffrey St. John很快出現,Amy摧毀了拖拽Rotor的手術台,驅散了惡棍並救了海象。[48]

最後一次拯救族群[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

隨着Iron Dominion的威脅結束,Rotor和他的同事議會成員開始修訂Republic of Acorn的新憲法。因此,儘管Rotor被邀請,他並沒有陪同Sonic和Sally成為Wolf Pack Nation的一員。[49] 然而,就在Sonic和Sally幫助解決那裡的危機時,Rotor被Hamlin通知,Arctic Freedom Fighters打來電話,報告一個Dark Egg Legion 分部捕獲了Walrus Herd[50]

File:Rotor's Nanite Suit.jpg

得知情況後,Sonic邀請Rotor與他一起前往,儘管Hamlin迅速否決了Hedgehog的請求,Rotor同意他打算留在城市。然而,在讓Nicole在他家與他會面後,他告訴她,他打算前往援助族群,並請求她為他構建一套納米裝甲。Rotor出發前往北極苔原,思考自己作為自由戰士的先前行動,並決定一旦完成這次任務就永久退役。然而,在他到達戰場之前,他被Silver the Hedgehog從空中拖下。[31] Rotor與Silver簡短戰鬥後,發現自己無助。Silver

隨後指責他不是「Boomer」 Walrus,然後指控他是對自由戰士的背叛者。Silver試圖短路Rotor的戰鬥裝甲並使用他的心靈感應停止他,但當Rotor解釋了族群和整個苔原地區的安全所面臨的風險時,Silver同意幫助他。當他們到達時,他們迅速找到了Dr. Eggman附近的基地,並發現了一個Eggman可以用來親自控制族群的神經接口。Silver使用它發送了一個心靈脈衝,打破了族群的精神控制,也擾亂了該地區的黑暗軍團虎鯨成員。Silver後來說,他還發送了一個信號,將永遠阻止Walrus族群未來受到精神控制的嘗試。他還自己弄清楚Rotor確實是「Boomer」,但他有關他的信息是過時的。[51]

Naugus和Nicole[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

當Geoffrey St. John在一次任務中表面上背叛了Sonic並失蹤後,橡樹議會不確定如何回應,因為他們無法知道秘密服務的領導者Geoffrey是否在執行秘密命令。[52][53] 此外,他們還需要處理公眾對Nicole控制城市的日益增長的擔憂。[54] 所有人都不知道,這些問題因為Geoffrey與Ixis Naugus合作,利用公眾對Nicole的恐懼,試圖將Naugus塑造為人民的潛在救星,並為他接管Acorn共和國增加影響力而聯繫在一起。Rotor推動他的同事議員與Nicole討論這個問題,因為AI被公眾的增加恐懼和仇恨所傷害,但當他們準備這樣做時,Naugus本人出現在議會面前,聲稱王冠正當地屬於他。Rotor強烈反對這一點,甚至試圖動員其他前自由戰士中的議員,但由於這位巫師能夠扭曲和放大負面情緒,很快大家開始互相爭吵。最終,讓Sonic和Rotor不悅的是,決定正式處理這個問題,並給Naugus一個機會來爭取他的主張。然而,所有人都被意外啟動的新Death Egg Mark 2震驚。[55][56]


友們的戰鬥。當他正在換裝時,Genesis Wave突然籠罩了Mobius。[57]

Genesis[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

File:Genesis Buzzbomber.png

在Genesis Wave重寫了Prime Zone後,Rotor的現實發生了重大變化。[58] 不久之後,Sonic發現自己處於一個奇怪但又熟悉的環境中;他最終遇到了一個監獄艙,並釋放了裡面的人,他們自我介紹為Sally Acorn、Antoine Depardieu和Boomer Walrus,似乎從未見過面。這群人解釋說,他們相信某個叫做Dr. Eggman的人負責最近的幾次綁架,Boomer補充說,他可能也是最近地震增多的原因。Sonic同意幫助他們追捕這位博士。在Marble Zone,他們被Eggman的機器人攻擊;Boomer用他的雙手捕捉並禁用了一隻Caterkiller,給Sonic留下了深刻印象,然後開始重新編程一隻損壞的Buzzbomber,認為有額外幫助會很好。他不想降低到Eggman的水平,強迫一隻小動物作為機器人的動力來源,然而,Sally設法讓一隻Flicky鳥自願做這件事。這證明是有用的,因為Boomer後來使用Buzzbomber將自己和Antoine安全空運。最終,Sonic趕上了Dr. Eggman並與他戰鬥,迫使博士撤退;Boomer對此印象深刻,這群人繼續前往他們認為會通往博士巢穴的地下隧道。[59] 在與Antoine在Labyrinth Zone分開後,Boomer和他的同伴繼續穿越Star Light Zone,最終進入Scrap Brain Zone,Boomer差點掉進一個坑裡。很快,這群人在他的Scrap Brain Zone基地深處找到了Eggman,以及一個浸水的Antoine。在處理了Eggman的最終死亡機器後,Sonic將博士從他被摧毀的Egg Mobile中拋出他的基地。當Boomer和英雄們看着博士下降時,Sonic表示他們感覺還沒有看到這位獨裁者的最後。[60]

當地震的神秘原因仍然在搖晃事物時,英雄們出發尋找原因,現在由Sonic的好友Tails陪同。在完好無損地離開Chemical Plant Zone後,Sonic決定直接前往Eggman的新基地。帶上Tails,Boomer和其他人留下來穿過Oil Ocean Zone[61] 在那裡,他們幾乎被空中的badniks消滅。儘管如此,他們很快到達了煉油廠的中心並關閉了油管道,使Eggman的基地失去了電力。當Sonic在高空的Death Egg上發動了另一個Genesis Wave時,Boomer開始恐慌,因為周圍的一切開始變白,但一個微笑的Sally向海象保證一切都會好的;儘管困惑於她在這次交流中稱呼他為"Rotor"的事實,他仍然信任他的朋友對此的確定性,因為行星完全消失在白色中。[62]

返回職責[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

當Prime Zone恢復到原始狀態時,Rotor發現自己在家中,正處於從議員制服換裝的過程中。Rotor努力回憶自己為何這樣做,然後透過窗戶注意到新的Death Egg正凝視着城市;一切都回來了。他正準備穿上他的納米裝甲以加入自由戰士對抗這座飛行堡壘,但當他看到Tornado和自由戰士特別機在天空中飛行時,他意識到城市需要他作為議會的一部分履行職責。[57]

在Eggman的Operation: Clean Sweep之後,Sally被機器化,而Naugus利用Mina無意中引起的New Mobotropolis對Nicole的恐懼,拯救了城市免受Titan Metal Sonic的威脅,並篡奪了Elias成為國王。當議會投票將Nicole放逐到Freedom HQ時,除了Rotor之外的所有人都投票贊成,因為這是人民的意願。Rotor對投票結果感到如此厭惡和不安,以至於他當場從議會辭職。[63]

隨着Sally的機器化,Antoine的重傷,和Bunnie的離開,Knothole自由戰士被迫解散。然而,Rotor與Sonic、Tails和Amy成功地說服了議會(除了Naugus)批准了兩個新的自由戰士團隊:Team Freedom,負責保護城市本身,和Team Fighters,追擊Eggman的部隊。Rotor自己使用了一套特殊的動力裝甲,繞過了他的背部傷勢,讓他返回到活躍的職責中。[64] 作為團隊領袖,Rotor接受了大貓Big奶油兔Cream奶酪Chao Cheese的加入,並重建了HeavyBomb,使團隊人數達到六名成員。儘管Naugus繼續質疑該團隊的可靠性,但當社區中心因Tails Doll的隱形攻擊而坍塌時,Team Freedom證明了他們的價值;由於Naugus因內在 個人 問題而無法行動,Rotor和他的團隊迅速行動起來,成功阻止了坍塌,同時獲得了公眾支持並使Naugus聲譽受損。[65] 當Death Egg返回城市,發射Egg SWATs和Team Metal時,該團隊進一步顯現了他們的區別。Rotor勇敢地帶領他的新團隊,激活了防護罩發生器,只是它被摧毀了,然後指派Cream引導平民到安全地點,而更有經驗的團隊成員繼續戰鬥。Naugus趕到現場,試圖用一波水晶魔法攻擊一些Egg Swats來證明Team Freedom的多餘性,只是他的身體經歷了一次醜陋而痛苦的變異。Rotor不情願地稱讚巫師的技巧,希望讓他重新加入戰鬥,保護了他不想要的國王,並呼叫Big將他安全地帶走。然後他與Metal Tails對抗,並在Elias——與他的新Secret Freedom Fighters合作——用弩箭損壞機器人後,成功摧毀了這個機器人。團隊慶祝他們的勝利,儘管Rotor懷疑他們從暗處得到了幫助。[66]

Rotor的下一個任務沒有那麼危險——利用他的裝甲與納米粒子互動的能力,他打開了一個由Larry Lynx的不幸運氣影響的壞鎖。Penelope感謝他的幫助,開玩笑說他似乎無法停止為議會工作,介於領導Team Freedom和與納米粒子合作之間。她問他是否也「疏通下水道」,Rotor回答說他可以,他只需要找到Big,這樣他就能使用他的釣魚竿。[67] 不久之後,Rotor和Team Freedom的其他成員參加了Mina Mongoose舉辦的一場音樂會,旨在提高支持將Nicole帶回城市的意願。當舞台意外坍塌——再次是Tails Doll的功勞——Rotor和他的團隊迅速行動起來,拯救了Mina和她的樂隊,Forget Me Knots[68] Rotor也在Metal Sonic v3.7劫持Antoine後,急忙趕到醫院的Antoine房間,但到達時發現機器人已經離開。[69]

Rotor後來在恢復的橡樹城堡剪彩儀式上與Nicole一同出席,他向AI保證人們沒有理由不信任她。他還對Naugus和Geoffrey的缺席表示感激,儘管Nicole因Naugus的狀況而責備他的不友好。在得知她努力完成一個為巫師利益而創建的設備後,他評論說她太善良了,但隨後震驚地發現城堡開始崩塌。他詢問是否是基礎設施失敗了,但被告知是某些東西影響了納米粒子。Cream隨後向他提出Tails Doll可能是背後原因的理論,儘管她最初因她的複雜解釋而感到尷尬。Rotor迅速讚揚了她的推理,並決定對這個理論進行測試。他們的懷疑被證實是正確的,因為Tails Doll,在認為Team Freedom被占據的情況下,進入了城市電站,只是發現英雄們在等待。不幸的是,他們隨後被迫面對機器人的真正力量,因為它使用了一些重新編程的納米粒子為自己創造了一個惡魔般的新形態。這個怪物的目標很簡單:摧毀電力發生器,讓Robotropolis的放射性進入城市,並消滅Team Freedom。然而,當他與Team Freedom一起被第二次Genesis Wave捲入時,戰鬥被迅速結束。[70]


性格[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Rotor通常是一個非常平靜、隨和且有點笨拙的個體,很少表現出攻擊性。然而,他鄙視Dr. Robotnik和任何追隨後者信仰的人,並會盡其所能反對之,一次又一次地在為他的星球的戰爭中證明自己勇敢和英勇。他非常保護他的家人和朋友,是所有認識他的人的可靠朋友,願意以任何可能的方式幫助他們。在Sonic在太空的時間裡,Rotor因為他設計的武器造成的事故而強烈反對使用火器。

他設計武器的才能是他變得不願意使用的東西,他在Sonic不在期間構建的武器不幸地對其他自由戰士造成了友軍傷害——幸運的是非致命的。然而,他仍然是自由戰士的堅定助手,在創造其他有用的小工具方面。儘管有他的偏好,他確實協助Sir Charles創建了Metal Sonic Troopers[10][11]<

ref name="StH43" />[20][31][71]

能力與技能[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

作為一隻海象,Rotor是一個體格健壯的戰士,具有很高的體力、增強的耐力和熟練的游泳能力,他的耐力也是頂尖的。然而,他最大的才能在於他的機械能力。Rotor是一位機械超級天才,思維敏捷且富有洞察力,擅長創造工具和機器以用於對抗Dr. Robotnik及以後的戰爭,並解讀新技術。他以早期為自由戰士提供幫助的眾多創造而聞名。其中一些包括Bathysphere和臭名昭著的Neuro-Overrider,理論上即使被機器化也能保留一個人的自由意志。Rotor還協助Dr. Quack通過提供醫療技術來維持結晶化的King Max的生命,並後來通過創造納米粒子來幫助他的病人Geoffrey St. JohnHershey Cat銷毀Eggman感染他們的納米探頭。其他發明包括Party-Hearty Quadra Sonic Rock 'N' RollerRemote Scanner,以及設計他自己的納米戰鬥裝甲。


裝備[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Iron Rotor[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Iron Rotor戰鬥裝甲可能是Rotor最動態的發明。除了給予他支持以克服背部傷害,它還使他能夠飛行並對對手使用射彈武器。

冷知識[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  • 由於錯誤,Rotor在《Sonic the Hedgehog》漫畫系列的最早幾期中被命名為Boomer。這個錯誤在第6期及這些早期故事的重印中被糾正。然而,在讀者信箱中,當一個粉絲詢問Rotor的舊名字的情況時,解釋說"Boomer"實際上是他童年的暱稱;一些描繪自由戰士童年時代的故事甚至用Boomer來稱呼他。諷刺的是,這個錯誤後來為Silver的情節線提供了基礎,Silver發現Rotor在早期自由戰士的記錄中被列為Boomer,得出他們是完全不同個體的結論。進一步提到這一點的是,Anti-Rotor的真名是Boomer,以便與普通Rotor區分。
  • 在《Sonic the Hedgehog #148》中,Rotor對Fiona Fox發現一把槍的反應是"自由戰士從不使用槍。從來沒有,將來也不會。"。然而,這與他創建的"Party-Hearty Quadra Sonic Rock 'N' Roller"槍的使用相矛盾。《[[

Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 215|Sonic the Hedgehog #215]]》通過說明在過去他使用了自製槍支來修正這個情節漏洞,並且直到他意外傷害了其他Mobians,如Larry Lynx,他才發誓再也不使用槍了。這在《Sonic the Hedgehog: The Complete Sonic Comic Encyclopedia》中進一步闡述,表明他會因此自相矛盾。

  • 在《Sonic: Evolution of a Hero》中,據稱Rotor幫助教育Tails達到天才級智力。
  • 在戰鬥中穿着他的戰鬥裝甲時,他與《Street Fighter X Tekken》中的壞箱藝Mega Man有着驚人的相似之處。
  • Rotor的黃色帽子是他母親送給他的。[12]

圖冊[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

概念藝術[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

另見[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Notes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

參考資料[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  1. Sonic the Hedgehog #77, "Tales of the Great War Part 5: For Better or Worse..."
  2. 2.0 2.1 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 Aas 的參考文獻內容文字。
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Sonic the Hedgehog: The Complete Sonic Comic Encyclopedia, "Rotor the Walrus"
  4. Sonic the Hedgehog #142, "The Original Freedom Fighters Part 1"
  5. Sonic the Hedgehog #143, "The Original Freedom Fighters Part 2"
  6. Sonic Super Special #5, "When You and I Were Young, Sally"
  7. Sonic the Hedgehog #3, "Rabbot Deployment!"
  8. Sonic the Hedgehog #27, "A Scrambled Hedgehog Part 1"
  9. Sonic the Hedgehog #28, "Saturday Night's Alright for a Fight!"
  10. 10.0 10.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #29, "Steel-belted Sally".
  11. 11.0 11.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #31, "Tundra Road Part One"
  12. 12.0 12.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #32, "Tundra Road Part Two"
  13. Sonic the Hedgehog #33, "Let's Get Small!"
  14. Sonic the Hedgehog #34, "To 'Bot or Not To 'Bot!"
  15. Sonic the Hedgehog #36, "Heart of Darkness"
  16. Sonic the Hedgehog #39, "Race Against the Machine"
  17. Sonic & Knuckles: Mecha Madness Special, "Mecha Madness"
  18. Sonic the Hedgehog #41, "...And One Shall Save Him!"
  19. 19.0 19.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #43, "The Dream Zone"
  20. 20.0 20.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #44, "Black and Blue and Red All Over"
  21. Sonic the Hedgehog #48, "Sonic the Fugitive"
  22. Sonic the Hedgehog #49, "Escape from the Floating Island"
  23. Sonic the Hedgehog #50, "The Big Goodbye"
  24. Sonic the Hedgehog #72, "I, Robotnik!"
  25. Sonic the Hedgehog #85, "Home & Back"
  26. Sonic the Hedgehog #91, "Crash!"
  27. Sonic the Hedgehog #94, "New Order"
  28. Sonic the Hedgehog #96, "The Messenger"
  29. Sonic the Hedgehog #109, "I Herd It Through the Pipeline"
  30. Sonic the Hedgehog #158, "System Configuration"
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 Sonic the Hedgehog #215, "Family Matters Part One"
  32. Sonic the Hedgehog #168, "Order From Chaos Part One: The Gathering"
  33. Sonic the Hedgehog #169, "Order From Chaos Part Two: The Great Harmony"
  34. Sonic the Hedgehog #175, "Eggman Empire"
  35. Sonic the Hedgehog #177, "Home, New Home"
  36. Sonic the Hedgehog #179, "House of Cards Part Two: Royal Flush"
  37. 37.0 37.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #180, "Preparations For War"
  38. Sonic the Hedgehog #184, "Chaos Angel"
  39. Sonic the Hedgehog #189, "A Bold New Moebius Part One: Unwelcome Guests!"
  40. Sonic the Hedgehog #190, "A Bold New Moebius Part Two: Duality!"
  41. Sonic the Hedgehog #191, "Metal and Mettle Part 1"
  42. Sonic the Hedgehog #197, "Consequences"
  43. Sonic the Hedgehog #198, "Phoenix-down!"
  44. Sonic the Hedgehog #199, "Knocking On Eggman's Door"
  45. Sonic the Hedgehog #200, "Turn About Is Fair Play"
  46. Sonic the Hedgehog #201, "Change In Management"
  47. Sonic the Hedgehog #208, "Iron Dominion Part One"
  48. Sonic the Hedgehog #210, "Home Invasion Part One: Breaking and Entering"
  49. Sonic the Hedgehog #213, "Reigning Cats and Dogs Part One"
  50. Sonic the Hedgehog #214, "Reigning Cats and Dogs Part Two"
  51. Sonic the Hedgehog #216, "Family Matters Part Two"
  52. Sonic the Hedgehog #219, "In Service to the King Part One"
  53. Sonic the Hedgehog #220, "In Service to the King Part Two"
  54. Sonic the Hedgehog #222, "The World Can Wait"
  55. Sonic the Hedgehog #223, "Chaos and the Crown Part One: The Right to Rule"
  56. Sonic the Hedgehog #224, "Chaos and the Crown Part Two: Total Authority"
  57. 57.0 57.1 Sonic the Hedgehog Free Comic Book Day 2012, "Sonic: Genesis Awakenings - Rotor Walrus"
  58. Sonic the Hedgehog #225, "One Step Forward..."
  59. Sonic the Hedgehog #226, "Genesis Part One: In the Beginning..."
  60. Sonic the Hedgehog #227, "Genesis Part Two: Fate and Friends"
  61. Sonic the Hedgehog #228, "Genesis Part Three: Divide And Conquer"
  62. Sonic the Hedgehog #229, "Genesis Part Four: Reset"
  63. Sonic the Hedgehog #235, "Remember the Fallen"
  64. Sonic the Hedgehog #236, "Cry Freedom!"
  65. Sonic the Hedgehog #236, "Leader of the Band"
  66. Sonic the Hedgehog #240, "Heroes Part Two: For the People"
  67. Sonic Universe #44, "Unsung Heroes Part Four: Fight the Power!"
  68. Sonic the Hedgehog #241, "Unraveling"
  69. Sonic Universe #50, "Forged in Fire"
  70. Sonic the Hedgehog #247, "At All Costs Part One: Fate Interrupted"
  71. Sonic the Hedgehog #118, "Heart to Heart"

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