

英文名Scourge the Hedgehog
  • Evil Sonic
  • Anti-Sonic
  • King Scourge
  • Snot
  • Scourgey (by Rosy)
  • Babe (by Fiona)
  • Mucus
家庭Anti-Jules Hedgehog (father)
毛色(原 藍色)
發色(原 藍色)
  • 黑色火焰皮夾克
  • 白手套
  • 紅色太陽鏡
  • 綠色和黑色的靴子
首次登場Sonic the Hedgehog #11
  • 有魅力的女性
  • 製造麻煩
  • 毀壞東西
  • 復仇
  • Fiona Fox
  • 用不乾淨的手段戰鬥
  • Destructix
  • 通過恐懼和恐嚇來控制和支配
  • 索尼克
  • 叛徒
  • 命令
  • 依賴他人
  • 被嘲笑
  • 超級速度
  • 增強強度
  • 增強雜技技巧和反應能力
  • 增強體力
  • 肉搏戰技巧
  • 混沌能量
  • 駕馭混沌能量
    • 超級形態變身

Evil Sonic? Anti-Sonic? Old news. The new hotness is a real Scourge. 「邪惡」索尼克?「反」索尼克?都是老掉牙的事了。如今最炫的新玩意兒是一個貨真價實的「天災 」。

— 刺蝟天災, Sonic the Hedgehog #161

刺蝟天災, 曾被稱為「Anti-Sonic」或「Evil-Sonic」,是一個出現在由阿奇漫畫出版的《刺蝟索尼克》漫畫系列及其衍生作品中的角色。他是平行時空 Moebius 的索尼克,也是Moebius的統治者。

早期,天災只是索尼克的一個競爭對手,兩隻刺蝟之間偶爾會發生爭鬥。然而,當他與露姬一起試圖偷走王者翡翠時,他使用了翡翠的混沌能量,刻意變得比索尼克更強大。然而,在 Locke 從翡翠吸收能量時,他被擊中,導致他轉變成一個綠色的模樣,終於與索尼克有了明顯的區別。

外貌[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

天災被成為 "Anti-Sonic" 的形象, 圖源 Sonic the Hedgehog #11.


Anti-Sonic變成天災時,他的毛皮顏色變成了綠色,很可能是由於混沌能量的影響。天災的軀幹上還出現了一對由守護者Locke攻擊他時造成的劃痕。天災的眼睛顏色也從綠色變成了淺藍色,他的皮靴被換成了綠色運動鞋,他的復古風格墨鏡也被換成了帶紅色鏡片的太陽鏡。在被扔進「Zone Jail」之前的短暫時間裏,天災頭上戴着類似王冠的物件,呈灰色,上面有三個尖刺。

人物經歷[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

早年經歷[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

大約在七歲時,天災的父親Anti-Jules Hedgehog在被稱為反-莫比烏斯的維度上極力宣揚了「大和平」。由於這個原因,天災幾乎沒有與他的父親交流,他將父親稱為「一個滿口空話的人」。[1][2]

接管反莫比烏斯[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

在「大和平」開始之後的十年裏,反莫比烏斯逐漸走向衰落和停滯,當它陷入低谷時,邪惡索尼克準備掌握權力。據推測,他甚至殺害了自己的父親。之後,Evil Sonic 與 Anti-Sally 聯手將King Anti-Max——即 Maximillian Acorn 國王的邪惡分身,投入了寂靜之地,從而控制了Mobotropolis,鐵腕統治之下。他們唯一的反對者是善良的獸醫 Dr. Julian Kintobor,他的掃描機械人單位會清理反自由戰士留下的一地雞毛。[1]

與平行空間的交集[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Anti-Sonic 最初的形象

Evil Sonic 首次遇到Prime Zone索尼克是在索尼克通過宇宙洲際公路途中偏離了路線。在迷路後,索尼克來到了反宇宙。兩者簡短地進行了戰鬥,後 Dr. Kintobor 幫助索尼克捉住了他的邪惡分身。然後,索尼克繼續沿着洲際公路回到了莫比烏斯主宇宙

後來,他被 Robo-Robotnik 召喚,任務是阻止所有地方守護的一隻巨大的「手」,這隻手可以激活巨大的機械人。這是他非常樂意接受的任務,並且順利完成。在 Evil Sonic 分散其他索尼克的注意力時,Robo-Robotnik 將那隻手傳送到了他的基地。

隨後,Evil Sonic 前往主宇宙莫比烏斯,這次他帶上了Anti-SallyAnti-TailsAnti-RotorAnti-Antoine,他們的穿着和主宇宙莫比烏斯的版本一模一樣。索尼克、塔爾斯Antoine 都不在此位面,一行人處於負面現實中,試圖進入寂靜之地以營救 King Max,而莎莉則忙於訓練替補自由戰士,這群反派開始恐嚇當地居民。索尼克等人最終出現,與他們的邪惡版本對峙,最後將他們送回反莫比烏斯。隨後 Evil Sonic 作為Dr. Robotnik的盟友捲土重來,並欺騙 Anti-Knuckles 幫助他從主宇宙莫比烏斯的浮島上偷走混沌翡翠。雖然這個計劃起初似乎奏效,但 Anti-Knuckles 的善良本質和自由戰士的幫助讓他擊敗了 Evil Sonic,並將他移交給了他的對手。

在Robotnik-Prime逝世後,Robo-Robotnik招募了Evil Sonic幫助他找到 Giant Borg 戰鬥服的碎片,此前 Robo-Robotnik 曾召喚他來對抗一個善良索尼克的替代軍隊,阻止他們摧毀同樣的武器。第一次被打敗後,Evil Sonic 在第二次嘗試中表現得相對更為得心應手,成功收集了除一個外的所有 Giant Borg 組件。不幸的是,他誤以為另一個Robotnik替代品是他當前的僱主,並因此被困在《音速三兄妹》的莫比烏斯維度中。被索尼婭曼尼從監獄中釋放出來後,這兩位都是那個維度的索尼克的兄妹,Evil Sonic 又一次被 Zonic the Zone Cop 抓住,他被關進了No Zone,然後 Zonic 向他透露,他的老團隊已經僱傭了 Evil St. John ,取代了他的位置。

Evil Sonic 還出現在 Litigopolis 維度,這是一個由電腦化版本羅伯尼克博士統治的城市,被稱為 Judgmental Unrelenting Digitized Government Enforcer (J.U.D.G.E.)。像往常一樣, Evil Sonic 肆意破壞,而J.U.D.G.E誤以為他是主宇宙的索尼克,因此將主宇宙的索尼克囚禁,以懲罰他的罪行。

逃脫並擊敗Zonic後,Evil Sonic 再次來到主宇宙莫比烏斯,但在與 Antoine D'Coolette 的戰鬥中失手了,Antoine D'Coolette 誤以為他是一個偽裝的索尼克,認為他試圖幫助自己,給父親留下深刻印象。然後,他再次被帶回No Zone,但只是為了逃脫並返回反莫比烏斯。

班門弄斧[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

在反莫比烏斯星球,Evil Sonic 遭到Patch的對峙,這是反自由戰士版本的Antoine,也是他的宿敵。輕而易舉地打敗了敵人後,Evil Sonic 策劃了一個復仇計劃,擊敗了Antoine Prime,把他帶回到反莫比烏斯,並讓Patch替代他來折磨他們。Patch迅速地適應並努力奪取權力啟發了Evil Sonic,Evil Sonic 也與正版索尼克進行了類似的交換。在模仿索尼克時,Evil Sonic 向Bunnie Rabbot艾咪以及Knothole村的其他女孩示好。然而,他很快將精力集中在他在莫比烏斯主宇宙上遇到的、在他膚淺的看法中,最有吸引力的女孩露姬身上。

露姬不像Evil Sonic的其他目標那樣容易被欺騙,她和自己一樣願意操縱對方,而且露姬希望自己幫助她從天使島偷走王者翡翠。為了滿足自己的欲望,Evil Sonic答應了,在露姬分散Locke的注意力時潛入其中。然而,主宇宙的索尼克比Evil Sonic預料中的更有能力,他返回到莫比烏斯主宇宙與他的對手進行戰鬥。兩人爭鬥了一會兒,直到Locke意識到露姬的欺騙,現身並使用王者翡翠將Evil Sonic傳送走。被露姬找到後,Evil Sonic用一個小一點的寶石安撫了她,他們的合作關係得以繼續。

成為「天災」[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Evil Sonic 和露姬的下一個計劃似乎也會同樣以失敗告終。這兩個小偷,他們對彼此的興趣明顯低於他們的貪婪,計劃讓對方被Locke抓到,但最後都被他在翡翠神殿找到。他們與Locke發生了戰鬥,露姬承受了大部分憤怒的守衛者的攻擊。但是,Evil Sonic並沒有幫助她,反而沖向了翡翠,試圖使用其能量變為超級形態,並宣稱這是給自己的生日禮物,說:「Sorry Rouge, but the birthday boy gets dibs on the goods!(對不起哦露姬,但壽星優先!)」Locke迅速介入,就在他即將完全進入超級狀態之前,用混沌能量強化的拳頭擊中了Evil Sonic。然而,Evil Sonic 很快恢復了過來,不過他已經發生一些轉變;他的皮毛現在永久地變成了綠色,並且他的力量顯著增強。

他宣稱自己是一個「貨真價實的天災」,並聲稱「邪惡雙胞胎」的伎倆已經結束,然後他殘酷地擊敗了Locke。露姬阻止了他進一步作惡,說按照她的規則,他們不會殺人,所以天災決定使用他新發現的力量去對其他人復仇:索尼克。憑直覺,他用王者翡翠喚醒了混沌控制,並將自己和露姬傳送到Knothole。雖然他短暫地幫助索尼克擊敗了Croctobot - 蛋頭送給索尼克的生日禮物,但他很快又對索尼克發起了攻擊。然而,他犯了一個錯誤,那就是攻擊了夏特,這兩隻主宇宙的刺蝟聯手對付他。當其他的自由戰士也加入戰鬥時,天災變得不堪一擊。在此過程中,他也了解到夏特比索尼克更為暴力和易怒,並被憤怒的夏特窮追不捨。露姬告訴他傳送他們回去,但他回應說沒有翡翠就辦不到。她接着告訴天災跑得更快,他回答:「Maybe if I didn't have this dead weight to tow.(我要是不拖着某位累贅就好了。)」當一個未知的扭曲金環傳送門出現時,他們從夏特手中逃脫,跳入其中。

Working with Finitevus[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Scourge with Fiona and the other Destructix, from Sonic the Hedgehog #183.

Not long after Scourge and Rouge had escaped Shadow's wrath, a Warp Ring supplied by Dr. Finitevus led the duo to an unknown location where Finitevus stood asking if they were interested in joining him in his goals. Scourge was quick to oblige so long as it involved harming Sonic in any way, shape or form. Thanks to his power, Scourge served as Finitevus' right hand man, teaming up with the Destructix on various occasions. His most scathing blow to Sonic and the others came when he revealed that he had become romantically involved with Fiona Fox, who then left with him after they briefly battled with Sonic, Amy and Tails.

Scourge would remain on Finitevus' side despite Fiona's misgivings and his own doubts about Finitevus' plans. Fearing that Finitevus' plan might fail, he charged up his Warp Ring with energy from the Master Emerald and was witness to Finitevus' tirade on how "corrupt" the world had become and his plan to "cleanse" all life in a wave of Emerald fire.

Scourge's fears reached their breaking point during the fight between Super Sonic and Enerjak. Scourge recognized that with Enerjak on the loose, nowhere on Mobius would be safe, so he convinced Fiona to leave the planet altogether. Scourge admitted that ever since his battle with Sonic, he had been deeply considering Sonic's comments that he and Scourge weren't so different. Knowing he had changed since his transformation, Scourge resolved to find answers to who he was now, and left with Fiona through the enhanced Warp Ring to the places he could find them. Scourge promised Fiona, however, that it would be fun.

The Suppression Squad[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Scourge, still shocked at the realization that he and Sonic truly weren't so different, returned to Anti-Mobius, intent on distinguishing and separating everything from their Mobius Prime counterparts. Within a matter of days, Scourge took control of the entire planet, crowning himself king and making Fiona his queen. He then took back control of the Anti-Freedom Fighters, renaming and reshaping them into the Suppression Squad. Upon stealing a pair of Globe Posts, Scourge plotted, with Fiona's aid, to launch an assault and invade Freedom HQ. When the Posts were repaired and reactivated, Scourge sent the Squad ahead, who found the base's defenders surprised and unprepared. A pitched battle ensued, until Sonic returned from his duties with the Chaotix in New Megaopolis to turn the tide, only for Scourge to make his grand entrance and appear before them. Scourge then proceeded to battle Sonic, and in the midst of the battle, it was hinted he holds some unknown incentive that keeps the Squad loyal to him. Eventually the pitched battle between the two groups led the base dangerously close to collapse, forcing the Freedom Fighters to retreat, leaving Scourge victorious, though his taunting towards Sonic enraged him to the point he vowed to return for revenge.

Time in Mobius and the Suppression Squad's Betrayal[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

A couple of days later, Metal Sonic, under the direct control of Dr. Eggman, arrived and told Anti-Miles he was here to see Sonic. Anti-Miles, instead, summoned Scourge to inform him Metal Sonic had arrived on the scene. Instead of leaving, Eggman had Metal Sonic attack Scourge, saying "why pass up one uppity hedgehog for another?" As they battled, Sonic himself arrived, intent on battling Scourge and re-taking Freedom HQ on his own, as the Council of Acorn opted to focus their attacks on New Megaopolis and they doubted Scourge would make his gains on Mobius Prime as easily as on the newly renamed Moebius. Scourge was manipulated by Anti-Miles into ordering the Suppression Squad to allow himself to battle Metal Sonic, but soon found himself out-matched. Sonic saved him at the last second and offered another temporary truce. Scourge told Sonic to save his sympathy, as he was happy to bust two Sonic heads. Metal Sonic felt the same way, and Sonic found himself battling both. During the fight, Scourge suggested that Sonic join him and conquer Mobius, and then they could work together to conquer the multiverse. Before Sonic could give his answer, Eggman dispatched reinforcements to deal with both hedgehogs, in the form of Metal Scourge.

The battle started up again, with the robotic duplicates quickly holding their own. Sonic asked Scourge to reconsider a truce, but instead Scourge pointed out Sonic hadn't yet answered his question about conquering Mobius and then the multiverse. Sonic didn't refuse, as such, instead insisting he was too preoccupied with the present right now. Grinning evilly, Scourge took that as a "yes". As the battle amplified, Scourge's temper began to flare, refusing to give the robotic duplicates any ground when the battle began damaging Freedom HQ. Scourge also arrogantly insisted to Fiona that he could handle them, when she asked if she and the Squad should step in. In the end, however, he broke down and asked the Squad for help, leading to Metal Sonic and Metal Scourge's destruction.

Not long after, Scourge sent Anti-Miles to bomb New Mobotropolis. When Anti-Miles returned, having been apparently chased by the Freedom Fighters, he and the rest of the squad, except Fiona, revealed their planned betrayal. Angry at Scourge for constantly abusing them, they attacked him alongside the Freedom Fighters. At first, Scourge and Fiona were getting the upper hand against both teams, but Sonic returned from his trip to Moebius and attacked Scourge. However, Boomer then blasted both hedgehogs and Anti-Miles threw them into the portal leading back to Moebius before it closed. Scourge, now trapped on Moebius with Sonic and Amy, promised to get revenge on his team, but then looked in fear at his old stalker, Rosy the Rascal, who told Scourge how she had an "extra-special smash" for him.

Super Transformation and Defeat[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The fight was interrupted when Shadow arrived using Chaos Control. Though he was actually looking for the Special Zone, Sonic asked if he wanted to destroy Scourge, to which Shadow agreed. Metal Sonic arrived later, followed by Silver and Rob, as well as Amy and Rosy. A confused Silver was unable to determine which one was Sonic Prime, and attempted to ask the others as they fought. Because they ignored him, he got angry and impatient and captured them all with his psychic powers. Silver stated that he had come from the future to destroy Sonic, and then proceeded to attack the hedgehog. Rob threatened Silver for an explanation, and Silver stated that during this point in time one of the legendary Freedom Fighters betrays and destroys them, dooming the future. He then stated that only Sonic was remembered to have had that kind of power. However, Scourge jumped in and attacked both of them, claiming that Silver should use his powers to give himself "a less-stupid haircut." Shortly afterwards, Sonic made a proposal to everyone to stop attacking each other and strictly finish off Scourge. But Scourge didn't give up. He rushed to the throne room, followed by Sonic and Shadow. Scourge turned the tables on everyone, claiming he placed an Anarchy Beryl in his throne. This managed to turn Scourge into a stronger, even more evil form: Super Scourge.

Despite their efforts, the numerous hedgehogs were no match for Super Scourge, who defeated all of them. Super Scourge then proceeded to defeat the combined might of the Knothole Freedom Fighters and Suppression Squad (minus Boomer and Fiona), who had returned to Moebius expecting Scourge to be defeated. While he seemed to be unbeatable, Sonic eventually realized the Anarchy Beryl would have a different (and negative) effect on Scourge to contrast the positive effect the Chaos Emeralds had on him once the transformation ended. Luring Super Scourge away from the others, Sonic managed to trick Scourge into de-transforming. As Sonic speculated, the Anarchy Beryl drained him of what energy he had left in his normal form, leaving him vulnerable. Sonic subsequently defeated Scourge and easily captured him.

Zone Lockdown[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

While Sonic was taking Scourge to the Zone Cops via the Cosmic Highway, Scourge broke loose and tried to escape, but he and Sonic were then arrested by Zone Cops Zector and Zespio for going through zones during a zone lockdown. The cops then took Sonic and Scourge to see Zonic via a Warp Ring. They arrive in a ruined No Zone and Scourge managed to escape by kicking the others out of the way and attempted to fully destroy the No Zone before going back to Mobius. Sonic and the Zone Cops then meet up with Zonic and they battled Scourge. They quickly captured him thanks to Sonic's skills and Zonic's special Control Collar. Because of Scourge's mutation, he had now become a wild card in the "cosmic scheme of things." Scourge then said that he was "Sonic the Hedgehog at his full potential" before being taken to jail.

Busting Out of Prison[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Thanks to his Control Collar and his spikes being pruned, Scourge was now the bottom of the food chain at the prison and was bullied constantly. Fiona and the other Destructix arrived to bust him out. Scourge was furious, convinced that he would be beaten up further for trying to form a gang, but Fiona convinced him to help make a plan to bust out. After winning the Destructix back, the six then broke out of prison. Fiona then says they have to work for Dr. Finitevus, but Scourge tossed the idea aside, saying he was the leader now. With that, he and his new gang start making plans on both Moebius and Mobius. Due to the Genesis Wave, Scourge's fate is unknown.

人物性格[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


當他被囚禁在No Zone時,他被戴上了一個可以抑制他的速度和耐力的項圈,他的尖刺也被剪去。失去了這些能力,天災變得幾乎毫無作為,淪為罪犯食物鏈的最低端。在那段日子裏,天災逐漸被恐懼和偏見困擾,只是曾經那個強大的自己的殘影。但多虧了Fiona的鼓勵,他漸漸重拾信心,當項圈一旦被取下,他便開始向那些欺辱過他的人展開復仇。

能力與特技[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

天災是來自另一個宇宙的索尼克,因此他的能力基本與索尼克的相同。兩隻刺蝟都能達到760英里/小時的平均速度,並且都能夠執行如旋轉衝刺之類的技巧。經過轉變後,天災似乎比之前獲得了更大的力量和耐力,如在他短暫與索尼克和夏特同時戰鬥的時候所表現的。天災還可以使用混沌翡翠執行混沌控制。 天災也能像音速那樣變身為超級形態,但天災的外觀變化,如預期的,是超級索尼克的反宇宙版本:他的毛皮變成了深紫色,眼睛的鞏膜從白色變為黑色,而他的虹膜變成了紅色。他的衣服顏色也發生了類似的反轉,他的墨鏡變得透明,框架為藍色,他的鞋子是紫色和黑色,而他夾克上的火焰則是藍色和白色。

Relationships[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Anti-Jules[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Scourge had a difficult relationship with his father, Anti-Jules Hedgehog. When he was only seven years old, his father contributed greatly to the Great Peace. However, it seems he made little time for his son. While he seems to have some mocking respect for how Anti-Jules "brought everybody together in one big group hug", he also complains that his father was full of empty words, and the peace was nothing but stagnation.

Scourge told Jules Prime that Anti-Jules is dead, and gleefully implied that he doesn't care and may even have had a hand in it, but as this was said in an attempt to intimidate Jules in a "surprise late-night pummeling", it cannot be known just how true this is. When Jules gave him a lecture over how he "may not care about the loss of [his] Jules", Scourge took the words to heart and left the hut in tears rather than furthering his attack on Jules or Sonic, suggesting that deep down, Scourge regrets the loss of his father and misses his family, but doesn't dare to admit it.

This may be another reason he dislikes Sonic; because he had a more attentive and caring father.

Sonic the Hedgehog[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

I know why you hate me. I know... And it's not just the Fiona thing, or that I'm better looking...it's that all it takes is one bad day, and you'd be just like me.''

— Scourge the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog #172

Though Scourge and Sonic the Hedgehog had nothing but hatred for each other, due to their identical abilities they do occasionally find themselves working together, such as when the pair and Shadow battled the sub-boss, Croctobot.

Scourge thought he figured out why Sonic did not like him: all Sonic needed was one bad day, and he would be just like Scourge. Sonic stated the exact opposite, saying that all Scourge needed was some good qualities and he would be just like Sonic. This gave Scourge a brief moment of self-doubt before Sonic got knocked down by Fiona. As a result, he later decided to leave Mobius to find out the truth about who he was.

Romance[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

As Sonic's Moebius counterpart, Scourge was very similar to him but lacks a number of his more refined qualities. One of these happened to be a respect for women: while Sonic had multiple relationships with girls, he would nonetheless settle on one girl at a time and treat her with the utmost respect; Scourge always attempted to satisfy his desires by shamelessly going after several females at once. This got him into trouble on several counts, the first ending with his banishment from the Anti-Freedom Fighters after he was caught cheating on Anti-Sally with Anti-Bunnie and Anti-Penelope. Despite impersonating Sonic on Mobius Prime, Scourge could not overcome this habit, and made blatant advances on Bunnie Rabbot, Amy Rose, Rouge the Bat, and Fiona Fox.

In that last, however, Scourge found the first female partner he has ever come close to having genuine feelings for. The way he put it, most of the girls he liked on Anti-Mobius were of a dark nature from the very beginning, but Fiona chose to be so, which he found appealing. He demonstrated this added measure of attraction by staying loyal to her even when it would have been more profitable to save his own skin, and their relationship was a dark mirror to that of Sonic and Sally's - though of course with the differences that came with their personalities. Scourge, upon returning to his old dimension and invading his home world, announced he made Fiona his Queen. Although she fled from the battle before Scourge was captured, Fiona returned to break Scourge out of prison. She claimed that she ran to get help from the Destructix.

Scourge was irritated by Fiona's perceived desertion, but he was more concerned that he would get into trouble with other convicts for trying to form a gang. He had been close to having his ego broken, but Fiona managed to cheer him back up into being villainous, and then helped break him out of prison. It's not verified that they are back together already but it's quite likely. Due to the cancellation of the Archie continuity, Scourge's true fate is unknown.

Trivia[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The side of Scourge's glasses displays the word "SEGA", from Sonic the Hedgehog #192.
  • Scourge was originally believed to have been removed from the comics due to the Super Genesis Wave; this was contradicted when he appeared on the cover of Best of Sonic the Hedgehog Rivals. However, a CG model of him that was made to be used on a cover was later cancelled.[3]
    • While Scourge has never returned to the franchise in any form since, he does have a successor character of sorts in the form of IDW's Surge the Tenrec. Like Scourge, Surge is a green-furred hedgehog-like copy of Sonic who considers themselves Sonic's true enemy.
  • Scourge's eyes are the color of Sonic's fur, whilst his fur is the color of Sonic's eyes. He shares this look with another rival of Sonic, Jet the Hawk from the Sonic Riders series.
    • Also, Scourge's super form is purple, the contrasting color to Super Sonic's yellow.
  • On the side of Scourge's shades, the reader can see the word "SEGA".
  • Scourge has been seen saying censored swear words on some occasions.
  • Similar to how Amy's rage is the one thing Sonic is truly afraid of, Scourge has shown to only really fear Rosy's insanity.
  • His suggestion to Sonic that their only difference is "one bad day" is a reference to a line said by The Joker in Batman: The Killing Joke, where the villain states that all it takes to drive a man to insanity is "one bad day".
  • As Scourge never spent a year in space like Sonic did, this would mean that Scourge is effectively physically older than Sonic by a year. However, this has never been confirmed.
  • The reason why Scourge needed a charged up Warp Ring to travel from Mobius to Moebius is due to the fact that it is very difficult to travel between two dimensions without having enough power behind it.[4] This is, of course, also due to the fact that the Cosmic Interstate was in lockdown as the Zone Cops were at war with Dr. Eggman Nega. Zonic has also stated that the Zone Cops are the only ones who allow access to the Cosmic Interstate.
    • It has been suggested that Scourge did not have his Warp Ring later as he may have lost it due to his recklessness or Miles may have taken it for himself.[4]
  • In 2020, Scourge was licensed by Ken Penders to an indie company named Rush! Comics, as the protagonist of their comic book miniseries Scourge: The Speed Demon. However, the comic book was cancelled a week after its announcement due to backlash against the creators and Penders.[5]

Gallery[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Concept artwork[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Artwork[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

References[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Sonic the Hedgehog: The Complete Sonic Comic Encyclopedia
  2. Sonic the Hedgehog #192 - "Father and Son"
  3. "Rafa Knight (@rafaknight-rk) on Tumblr". Tumblr. 29 July 2015. d4rkm4nolo: But, if Archie requested you to make Scourge Model, that mean he Will be back soon? / Rafa Knight: Nop, because the cover where he was used was canceled.
  4. 4.0 4.1 "BumbleKast Q&A for August 17th, 2020". YouTube. BumbleKing Videos. 17 August 2020. Retrieved 18 August 2020.
  5. "Bit on Twitter". Twitter. 19 November 2021. Retrieved 28 December 2021.
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