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{{Archie|character|Pre-Super Genesis Wave}}
{{Quote left|[[Hamlin Pig|你]]可以信任我。我一生都在保卫我们所有人。我不会做任何危害我的人民的事情。|Sally Acorn, [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 197|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #197]]}}
{{Quote left|[[Hamlin Pig|你]]可以信任我。我一生都在保卫我们所有人。我不会做任何危害我的人民的事情。|Sally Acorn, [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 197|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #197]]}}
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自由战士的最终目标是推翻压迫暴君Dr. Robotnik,并恢复埃克恩王国。隐藏在[[Great Forest|大森林]]深处的诺索尔叛军总部,自由战士对Robotnik的行动进行了游击攻击。<ref name="StH3"/><ref name="StH7"/> 作为自由战士的领导者,Sally监督了许多针对Robotnik的行动,但她不是那种留在前线后面的人。她参与了许多使自己处于巨大危险中的任务,包括一个将Rotor伪装成Robotnik以防止炸弹使用的计划(结果是一个虫子炸弹),<ref name="StH3">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 3|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #3]],"炸弹让我烦!"</ref> 参加了Robotnik设置的被操纵的奥林匹克竞赛,<ref name="StH5">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 5|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #5]],"奥运会试验和错误"</ref> 一个前往废弃场寻宝的任务,据信是[[Sir Charles Hedgehog|查尔斯叔叔]]留下的强大武器(结果是一盒装有Sonic铜制婴儿鞋的箱子),<ref name="StH7">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 7|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #7]],"查尔斯叔叔的宝藏!"</ref> 一个拆除地雷的任务,导致与[[Nerb Kingdom]]接触并发现Robotnik背后的地下钻探计划,<ref name="StH10">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 10|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #10]],"Nerbs的复仇"</ref> 一次直接攻击[[Robotropolis (Archie)|Robotropolis]]以窃取一个将Sonic发送到[[Prehistoric Mobius]]并将他带回的装置,
自由战士的最终目标是推翻压迫暴君Dr. Robotnik,并恢复埃克恩王国。隐藏在[[Great Forest|大森林]]深处的诺索尔叛军总部,自由战士对Robotnik的行动进行了游击攻击。<ref name="StH3"/><ref name="StH7"/> 作为自由战士的领导者,Sally监督了许多针对Robotnik的行动,但她不是那种留在前线后面的人。她参与了许多使自己处于巨大危险中的任务,包括一个将Rotor伪装成Robotnik以防止炸弹使用的计划(结果是一个虫子炸弹),<ref name="StH3">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 3|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #3]],"炸弹让我烦!"</ref> 参加了Robotnik设置的被操纵的奥林匹克竞赛,<ref name="StH5">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 5|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #5]],"奥运会试验和错误"</ref> 一个前往废弃场寻宝的任务,据信是[[Sir Charles Hedgehog|查尔斯叔叔]]留下的强大武器(结果是一盒装有Sonic铜制婴儿鞋的箱子),<ref name="StH7">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 7|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #7]],"查尔斯叔叔的宝藏!"</ref> 一个拆除地雷的任务,导致与[[Nerb Kingdom]]接触并发现Robotnik背后的地下钻探计划,<ref name="StH10">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 10|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #10]],"Nerbs的复仇"</ref> 一次直接攻击[[Robotropolis (Archie)|Robotropolis]]以窃取一个将Sonic发送到[[Prehistoric Mobius]]并将他带回的装置,<ref name="StH12">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 12|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #12]],"及时到达!"</ref> 一个任务破坏大规模[[Roboticization (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|机器化]] [[Robostorm|航天器]],导致在行星[[Muckury]]上降落并几乎窒息而死,<ref name="StH13">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 13|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #13]],"太空中的你的脸!"</ref> 以及一次几乎是自杀性的向Robotropolis进军,迫使Robotnik投降,当时Sonic被认为已经死亡。<ref name="StH20">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 20|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #20]],"那是精神!"</ref>

<ref name="StH12">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 12|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #12]],"及时到达!"</ref> 一个任务破坏大规模[[Roboticization (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|机器化]] [[Robostorm|航天器]],导致在行星[[Muckury]]上降落并几乎窒息而死,<ref name="StH13">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 13|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #13]],"太空中的你的脸!"</ref> 以及一次几乎是自杀性的向Robotropolis进军,迫使Robotnik投降,当时Sonic被认为已经死亡。<ref name="StH20">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 20|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #20]],"那是精神!"</ref>

在其中一个任务中,Sally在遭受激光火力攻击时从走道上掉落,掉入了一个化学品容器中,幸运的是这只是让她的皮毛变色。尽管没有致命效果,Sally还是非常沮丧,而且花了几周时间沐浴才完全洗净化学品。<ref name="KtE29"/>
在其中一个任务中,Sally在遭受激光火力攻击时从走道上掉落,掉入了一个化学品容器中,幸运的是这只是让她的皮毛变色。尽管没有致命效果,Sally还是非常沮丧,而且花了几周时间沐浴才完全洗净化学品。<ref name="KtE29"/>

在诺索尔居住了一段时间后,Sally的导师和老师[[Julayla Chipmunk|Julayla]]生病了。Sally非常尊敬Julayla,当她因老年死亡时,Sally感到非常悲伤。<ref name="StH18">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 18|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #18]],"夜晚的宁静 莉公主的十字军第二部分"</ref> Julayla去世前,将埃克恩皇家印章交给了Sally,并告诉她她已经准备好领导自由战士。<ref name="StH18"/><ref name="StH120s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 120|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #120]],"皇家印章"</ref> Julayla还留给了Sally一件蓝色的背心,她多年来一直穿着。此后不久,Sally获得了一个“朋友”,即[[Nicole (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Nicole]],一台来自[[Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|另一个未来]]的有感知的超级计算机,那里的Sally是女王。感觉到她过去的自己会严重需要一个朋友,Sally让Rotor设计了Nicole并将她送回了过去。在Nicole的帮助下,Sally执行了一项原本意味着单独执行的任务(但自由战士陪同),前往[[Forbidden Zone (Northamer)|禁区]],通过守卫着的[[Cyclops]]、[[Griffon]]和[[Polysaurus Rex]],找到了一卷刻有“忠于自己”的话的卷轴。这似乎也是[[Sally Acorn (future version)|未来的Sally]]写的。<ref name="SIYF">''[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog In Your Face!|Sonic the Hedgehog In Your Face!]]'',"任务 莉公主的十字军:结论!"</ref>
在诺索尔居住了一段时间后,Sally的导师和老师[[Julayla Chipmunk|Julayla]]生病了。Sally非常尊敬Julayla,当她因老年死亡时,Sally感到非常悲伤。<ref name="StH18">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 18|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #18]],"夜晚的宁静 莉公主的十字军第二部分"</ref> Julayla去世前,将埃克恩皇家印章交给了Sally,并告诉她她已经准备好领导自由战士。<ref name="StH18"/><ref name="StH120s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 120|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #120]],"皇家印章"</ref> Julayla还留给了Sally一件蓝色的背心,她多年来一直穿着。此后不久,Sally获得了一个“朋友”,即[[Nicole (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Nicole]],一台来自[[Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|另一个未来]]的有感知的超级计算机,那里的Sally是女王。感觉到她过去的自己会严重需要一个朋友,Sally让Rotor设计了Nicole并将她送回了过去。在Nicole的帮助下,Sally执行了一项原本意味着单独执行的任务(但自由战士陪同),前往[[Forbidden Zone (Northamer)|禁区]],通过守卫着的[[Cyclops]]、[[Griffon]]和[[Polysaurus Rex]],找到了一卷刻有“忠于自己”的话的卷轴。这似乎也是[[Sally Acorn (future version)|未来的Sally]]写的。<ref name="SIYF">''[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog In Your Face!|Sonic the Hedgehog In Your Face!]]'',"任务 莉公主的十字军:结论!"</ref>

在Robotnik被他的叛变创造物,[[E.V.E.]],<ref name="StH21">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 21|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #21]],"E.V.E.的三个阶段"</ref> 所谓的“死亡”之后,Sally监督其他自由战士将[[SWATbot (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|SWATbot]]零件从Robotropolis搬出,但对[[Snively Robotnik|Snively]]在他叔叔缺席时继续征服[[Mobius (Archie)|摩比斯]]表示担忧。她的疑虑部分被证实是正确的,当Snively无意中说出了激活[[Operation: Wasteland|Robotnik超越坟墓的复仇计划]]的密码词,这使得所有他的机器人出动摧毁这个星球,因为如果他不能拥有,那么没有人可以拥有,而自由战士被卷入交火中。Sally试图组织疏散,但来自SWATbots的攻击浪潮太猛烈,无法进行任何工作。令人惊讶的是,Robotnik及时返回并取消了程序,让Sally和自由战士知道他是他们生存的负责人,同时削弱了Sonic的自尊。<ref name="StH22">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 22|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #22]],"回归"</ref>
在Robotnik被他的叛变创造物,[[E.V.E.]],<ref name="StH21">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 21|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #21]],"E.V.E.的三个阶段"</ref> 所谓的“死亡”之后,Sally监督其他自由战士将[[SWATbot (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|SWATbot]]零件从Robotropolis搬出,但对[[Snively Robotnik|Snively]]在他叔叔缺席时继续征服[[Mobius (Archie)|摩比斯]]表示担忧。她的疑虑部分被证实是正确的,当Snively无意中说出了激活[[Operation: Wasteland|Robotnik超越坟墓的复仇计划]]的密码词,这使得所有他的机器人出动摧毁这个星球,因为如果他不能拥有,那么没有人可以拥有,而自由战士被卷入交火中。Sally试图组织疏散,但来自SWATbots的攻击浪潮太猛烈,无法进行任何工作。令人惊讶的是,Robotnik及时返回并取消了程序,让Sally和自由战士知道他是他们生存的负责人,同时削弱了Sonic的自尊。<ref name="StH22">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 22|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #22]],"回归"</ref>
第44行: 第42行:
Sally、Sonic、Rotor和[[Miles "Tails" Prower (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Tails]]然后接近Robotropolis的边界去采摘药用浆果,但被Robotnik和Snively伏击,然后被一个名为[[Car-Heem]]的外星人绑架,他希望通过将他们放在一个基于他们家园的人造环境中来研究摩比斯的居民。与Robotnik暂时合作,Sally提出了一个最终导致他们自由的计划,但出乎意料的是,Robotnik将Car-Heem和Sonic一起弹射到太空中。Sally和Tails然后抓住了他和Snively,而Rotor将他们吸了回来。感激他们救了他的命,Car-Heem将他们带回了摩比斯。回到摩比斯后,Rotor释放了他的蚂蚁农场,Sally和其他人被他们不停的痒痒折磨。<ref name="StH23">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 23|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #23]],"Io Robotnik, 自由战士!"</ref>
Sally、Sonic、Rotor和[[Miles "Tails" Prower (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Tails]]然后接近Robotropolis的边界去采摘药用浆果,但被Robotnik和Snively伏击,然后被一个名为[[Car-Heem]]的外星人绑架,他希望通过将他们放在一个基于他们家园的人造环境中来研究摩比斯的居民。与Robotnik暂时合作,Sally提出了一个最终导致他们自由的计划,但出乎意料的是,Robotnik将Car-Heem和Sonic一起弹射到太空中。Sally和Tails然后抓住了他和Snively,而Rotor将他们吸了回来。感激他们救了他的命,Car-Heem将他们带回了摩比斯。回到摩比斯后,Rotor释放了他的蚂蚁农场,Sally和其他人被他们不停的痒痒折磨。<ref name="StH23">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 23|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #23]],"Io Robotnik, 自由战士!"</ref>

===Training new Freedom Fighters===
After seeing many of his plans fail due to her tactical prowess, Robotnik realized the Princess was a dire threat to his control and made her capture a top priority. Believing him to have defected to his side, Robotnik enlisted the help of the [[Rebel Underground]] leader, [[Geoffrey St. John]], in a scheme to replace Sally with a malevolent [[Auto Automaton|robotic double]], with a secondary plan of creating a whole line of robots modeled off of key resistance members lined up. With the help of Geoffrey, the real Sally uncovered this plot, unmasked the fake Sally, and destroyed the rest of Robotnik's duplicates while on a practice mission with her [[Substitute Freedom Fighters|trainees]] to destroy the sub-stations that supposedly powered Robotropolis' defense grid.<ref name="PSM1">[[Archie Princess Sally Issue 1|''Princess Sally'' #1]], "Deadliest of the Species Part 1"</ref><ref name="PSM2">[[Archie Princess Sally Issue 2|''Princess Sally'' #2]], "Deadliest of the Species Part 2"</ref><ref name="PSM3">[[Archie Princess Sally Issue 3|''Princess Sally'' #3]], "Deadliest of the Species Conclusion"</ref>
Robotnik的许多计划因为她的战术才能而失败之后,他意识到这位公主对他的控制构成了严重威胁,并将她的捕获列为首要任务。Robotnik相信[[Geoffrey St. John]]已经背叛到他这边,招募了这位[[Rebel Underground]]领袖,计划用一个恶意的[[Auto Automaton|机器人双胞胎]]替换Sally,并且有一个次要计划,准备创建一整系列模仿关键抵抗成员的机器人。在Geoffrey的帮助下,真正的Sally揭露了这个阴谋,揭穿了假Sally,并在与她的[[Substitute Freedom Fighters|实习生]]一起执行破坏Robotropolis防御网格所谓的子站的实践任务时,摧毁了Robotnik的其余复制品。<ref name="PSM1">[[Archie Princess Sally Issue 1|''Princess Sally'' #1]]"最致命的物种 1部分"</ref><ref name="PSM2">[[Archie Princess Sally Issue 2|''Princess Sally'' #2]]"最致命的物种 2部分"</ref><ref name="PSM3">[[Archie Princess Sally Issue 3|''Princess Sally'' #3]]"最致命的物种 结论"</ref>

[[File:Sally vs Anti-Sally.jpg|thumb|200px|left|Sally与她的[[Princess Alicia Acorn|反面自我]]战斗,来自[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 24|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #24]]。]]
当Sally确认她的实习生为自由战士,而Sonic再次未能找回King Max时,[[Suppression Squad|反自由战士]]前往[[Mobius (Archie)|Mobius Prime]],通过假装成他们Prime-verse的对应物造成混乱。这使得诺索尔的村民转向自由战士,所以Sally和其他人不得不逃离村庄,以弄清楚发生了什么。Sally决定等待冒牌货公开露面,并伪装成吉普赛人。当反自由战士乘坐他们的车辆到达时,Sally使用弓箭迅速制作了一个绊线,坏蛋们从他们的座驾上摔了下来。随后发生了一场混战,每个人都与他们的对立面交战。这些战术证明是无效的,因为他们都能一拳换一拳地匹配对方,所以Sally命令大家换对手来调整局势(这被证明是个好主意,因为她很容易就打败了[[Patch D'Coolette|Patch]])并允许他们打败他们的邪恶分身并将他们送回家。<ref name="StH24">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 24|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #24]],"当刺猬碰撞!"</ref>

Sally后来协助Rotor在Sonic的鞋上安装了一个[[Sonicam|微型摄像头]],以便在他进行新任务调查[[Collision Chaos Zone]]时跟踪他的状态。在得知Robotnik劫持了[[Amy Rose (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Amy]]之后,Sally召开了一个会议来决定如何救出Amy。然而,Sonic自作主张,派Tails去侦察新的[[zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|区域]],让Sally想知道“Princess Di”是否也有这样的日子。在Tails被捕并且Sonic前往该区域后,Sally注意到Sonicam上的画面有些奇怪,通过倒立手站来倒着看画面。看到是伪装成Robotnik的Snively在Sonic身后点燃轨道,Sally想知道Robotnik为什么要让Sonic只能一个方向前进,并命令Rotor获取Sonic最后已知位置的定位,以便他们能参与行动并提供帮助。他们乘飞机前往该区域,当Sally跳伞降落在Robotnik上方时,她用降落伞成功着陆,并破坏了他的最终陷阱,阻止了他压扁Sonic的机会。<ref name="StH25">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 25|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #25]],"放手吧... Mecha我的一天!"</ref>

在一个特别炎热的日子里,Sonic通过在河上跑步,向他的自由战士盟友,包括Sally,喷洒冷却水来帮助他们。很快,Sally感到一阵寒意,天空开始出现雪云。Sally将这一情况告知Nicole,Nicole确定这是一个“[[Weather Annihilator|人造环境调节器]]”,让Sally立即怀疑是Robotnik的所为。随着暴风雪袭来,Sally试图带领他们所有人回到诺索尔,但雪让这几乎成为不可能。她试图使用Nicole找到一个附近的洞穴,但她的电路因寒冷而冻结。幸运的是,他们自己找到了一个洞穴。Sally和其他人随后被[[Flip]]带到洞穴的一个更温暖的部分,那里他们遇到了他的队友,[[Arctic Freedom Fighters]]。在他们的帮助下,Sally和诺索尔自由战士成功地通过在北极自由战士创建的人造环境中练习来应对寒冷天气。Sally然后组织了对天气歼灭器的炮击攻击,使用周围的雪为他们建造的弹弓装填弹药。最终天气变得如此糟糕以至于Sally无法再瞄准,他们尝试了直接攻击,导致Snively用冰冻结了他们所有人直到肩膀,尽管当Snively试图运输他们时,他们被北极自由战士救了出来。战斗结束后,北极自由战士乘坐Snively的车辆离开,Sonic建议进行雪球战,Sally加入了轰炸他的雪球战。<ref name="StH26">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 26|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #26]],"Way Way Past Cool!"</ref>

有一次,Sally被迫将Sonic视为敌人。Sonic失去了记忆,并被Robotnik说服认为自由战士是世界的恶棍。当Rotor的安全系统在通往诺索尔的隧道中检测到一个秘密植入Sonic身上的发射器时,Sally命令封锁路线,但Robotnik已经在Sonic的手套中安装了一个激光器,并用它炸毁了将他锁在外面的门。Sally认为这证明了Sonic已经变节,不得不悲痛地选择淹没隧道。然而,这也失败了,Sonic冲入诺索尔,面对Sally和Rotor。<ref name="StH27">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 27|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #27]],"一个混乱的刺猬"</ref> Sally随后试图表现得好像没事一样,但失败了,因为Sonic使用他的速度打败了Rotor然后向她发起攻击。当他从后面抓住她时,Sally将他抛到了房间的另一边,Tails和Bunnie来支援她,而她和Sonic正处于混战中。尽管他们尽了最大努力,Sonic还是占了上风,直到Sally的实习生,[[Dylan Porcupine]],在黑暗中落在他身上,他才被制服。Sally在Sonic的床边,一旦他恢复了记忆,Rotor向他们俩揭示了微型发射器。Sally有了一个主意,让Tails进行侦察,而Sonic使用发射器引导Robotnik的拆迁拖拉机队伍出海。<ref name="StH28">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 28|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #28]],"周六晚上适合打架!"</ref>

[[File:Mechasally.jpg|thumb|200px|被[[Roboticization (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|机器化]]的Sally用枪指着[[Knothole Freedom Fighters|自由战士]],来自[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 29|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #29]]。]]
然后,Sonic和[[Dulcy the Dragon (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Dulcy龙]]发现了Rotor确定的一个便携式[[De-Roboticizer]],它只能进行最后一次去机器化。Sally认为他们应该使用它来治疗Bunnie,但她想到了让他们中的一个人被机器化,这样他们就可以在Robotnik鼻子底下破坏他的总部,然后稍后恢复正常。Sally自愿被机器化。几天后,当Sally(装备了[[Neuro-Overrider]])故意让自己被捕时,这个计划被执行。然而,装置从她身上掉落了,Sally完全被机器化过程影响,失去了自由意志,就像所有其他的[[Robian (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Robians]]一样。现在作为[[Mecha Sally]],Sally透露了她原本计划与自由战士会面的Robotropolis的秘密出口,并用除了Sonic之外的所有人都被捕获的机会捕捉了他们,Sonic当时忙于将Robotnik的SWATbots作为分心。Sonic回来后,看到他的朋友们被捕,并且在Robotnik、Snively和机器人Sally的面前。在自由战士们拒绝告诉他们去机器化装置在哪里之后,Robotnik命令所有人都由Sally机器化。幸运的是,Dulcy及时用去机器化装置将Sally恢复正常,阻止了她机器化自己的盟友。但随后Robotnik将她推开,决心机器化自由战士,但Dulcy用她的火焰呼吸融化了控制面板,并在过程中点燃了Robotnik的裤子,他们所有人都返回了诺索尔。<ref name="Sth29">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 29|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #29]],"钢带Sally"</ref>

过了一段时间,Sally偶然遇到了正在吃他的鞋子睡着的Sonic,并将他唤醒。Sonic透露他一直在梦见他的叔叔,[[Sir Charles Hedgehog]],以及他们营救他的失败尝试。同一天晚些时候,Chuck透露他已经恢复了自由意志,而Snively在Robotnik被困在[[Special Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Void]]时运营事务。Sally使用Nicole估计Snively可能会做什么,她透露Snively可能会摧毁整个星球。幸运的是,Snively的计划被挫败。<ref name="StH30">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 30|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #30]],"Uncle Chuck的回归"</ref>

Sally后来潜入Robotropolis调查有关发送新机器人来巩固Robotnik在大陆西部控制的谣言。她带着Nicole一起去,并让她下载机器人的设计图。然后[[Robotnik Express (Archie)|Robotnik Express]]来了,当Sally从一座桥上跳到火车上时,Nicole不得不边下载边走。之后不久,Sally成功登上了运载[[DYNAMAC|DYNAMAC-3000]]的车厢,并让Nicole扫描它。随后,她被Geoffrey St. John从后面抓住,Geoffrey开玩笑地亲吻了她,但Sally不会因为任务而分心,发现她和Geoffrey都希望停止DYNAMAC。然后火车被Geoffrey的手下强行停止,激活了DYNAMAC的应急功能。Sally询问Nicole建议,她说他们应该撤退并等待援军。不幸的是,这不是一个选项。DYNAMAC-3000随后追击刚刚降落在火车上的Sonic,Sally在Sonic被攻击后去检查他。然后DYNAMAC变形成蜘蛛形态,与Rotor和Antoine在他们的飞机上对抗。在表达了对Sonic和Geoffrey争吵的挫败感后,Sally咨询了Nicole,她说他们应该利用机器人的两个弱点,即它一次只能应对一种给定的战斗情况,并且可以通过Sonic携带的设备关闭。然后Sally被DYNAMAC抓住,只是在Sonic分散它的注意力并且Geoffrey救她免于坠落时被释放。Sonic关闭了机器人,然后Geoffrey的手下将其炸毁。两组人都利用了火车上的补给,Sally和Geoffrey以一个吻告别,然后她乘坐自由战士的飞机离开。<ref name="StH31">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 31|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #31]],"机器人横穿铁路"</ref>
===Freedom Fighter field leader===
[[File:Sally vs Anti-Sally.jpg|thumb|200px|left|Sally fighting her [[Princess Alicia Acorn|anti-self]], from [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 24|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #24]].]]
While Sally confirmed her trainees as Freedom Fighters and Sonic failed again to retrieve King Max, the [[Suppression Squad|Anti Freedom Fighters]] traveled to [[Mobius (Archie)|Mobius Prime]] and were causing havoc by pretending to be their Prime-verse counterparts. This got the villagers of Knothole to turn on the Freedom Fighters, so Sally and the others had to flee the village to figure out what happened. Sally decided to wait for the impostors to come out into the open and disguise themselves as gypsies. When the Anti Freedom Fighters arrived on their vehicles, Sally used a bow and arrow to quickly make a trip-wire, and the villains were thrown from their rides. A brawl followed, where everyone took on their opposite. These tactics proved ineffective since they could all match each other blow for blow, so Sally ordered everyone to switch opponents to mix things up (which proved to be a good idea as she took down [[Patch D'Coolette|Patch]] with little effort) and allowed them to beat their evil doubles and send them back home.<ref name="StH24">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 24|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #24]], "When Hedgehogs Collide!"</ref>

在一次新任务中,Sally和其他人在雪山中时遭到SWATbots的伏击,Sally在交火中悬挂在一根绳子上被抓住。她的绳子断了,多亏了Tails和他的飞行能力,她和其他人才得以幸存。然后他们逃跑,并发现他们被Sonic的机器化宠物狗[[Muttski (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Muttski]]追踪。在Sir Charles及时叫停机器人之后,他建议撤退,Antoine不小心发现了一个被Tails称为“[[Mobie]]”的冻结的洞穴熊。它被Rotor解冻后,在诺索尔小镇上搞了一场小小的破坏,差点伤到了肩膀上扛着锅的Sally。Antoine试图面对Mobie以保护公主,但Bunnie迅速到达并将他安全地放在一棵树上。他们讨论了如何处理他,Bunnie建议通过图片与他交流,但这只是唤起了他对失去的生活的记忆,他回到了他们发现他的山上。后来,Mobie和已经恢复意识的Muttski一起被带回了诺索尔,然后决定Mobie应该住在他会感到宾至如归的丛林中。<ref name="StH32">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 32|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #32]],"来自过去的爆炸"</ref> 不久之后,Sally和除了Sonic之外的所有自由战士因为厌倦了吃辣椒热狗而点了外卖。食物来自McRobo's,实际上是Robotnik通过细菌战新策略拥有的,使用他称为[[French Frirus]]的机器细菌。Sally后来住院,经Rotor通知Sonic后,被Sonic的努力和Sally自己的[[Auntie Bodies]]治愈。现在恢复健康的Sally享受了一顿正餐,实际上是用辣椒热狗做的鸡汤。<ref name="StH33">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 33|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #33]],"让我们变小!"</ref> 后来,在一个下雪的日子,她参加了一场与自由战士以及Snively和一群SWATbots为了他们的生命进行的曲棍球比赛。<ref name="StH33s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 33|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #33]],"Sonic Shot"</ref>
Sally later assisted Rotor in installing a [[Sonicam|miniature camera on Sonic's shoe]] so they could keep track of his status while on his new mission to investigate the [[Collision Chaos Zone]]. After learning that Robotnik had taken [[Amy Rose (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Amy]] hostage, Sally held a council meeting to decide on how to rescue Amy. Sonic took matters into his own hands however, and sent Tails off to scope out the new [[zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|zone]], making Sally wonder if "Princess Di" had days like this one. After Tails had been captured and Sonic had headed out to the zone, Sally noticed something odd about the footage from the Sonicam, and looked at the image upside down via handstand. Seeing it was Snively disguised as Robotnik burning the track behind Sonic, Sally wondered why Robotnik would want Sonic going one way. and ordered Rotor to get a fix on Sonic's last known location so they could get in on the action and help. They headed out to the zone by plane and once above Robotnik, Sally jumped out with a parachute and landed on top of him, foiling his chance to flatten Sonic in his final trap.<ref name="StH25">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 25|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #25]], "Go Ahead... Mecha My Day!"</ref>

在Dulcy向Sally和其他自由战士报告Robotnik制造了新的[[Combot]]s,并计划在第二天使用它们消灭大森林中的所有人之后,Sally意识到他们必须在机器人都聚集在同一地点时摧毁它们。Sonic、Uncle Chuck和Muttski选择在Combots被储存的地方放置炸药,Sally同意了。第二天黎明时,Bunnie、Antoine和Tails在未能与Sonic等人会合并且没有发现爆炸迹象后回到了大森林。Sally随后发现有东西向他们移动,只见Robotnik驾驶一辆坦克,Sonic被锁在其前方,Chuck和Muttski与Combots一起行进。Sally意识到被机器化的Mobians一定是重新对齐到了Robotnik的一方,并决定将诺索尔的所有人移至地下避难所,但Chuck驾驶一艘气垫船引导Robotnik到避难所,切断了自由战士逃生的最后机会。Sally勇敢地面对Robotnik,告诉他他无法抓住所有人,并且总有一天他们中的一个人会找到方法打败他。Robotnik在一个方面纠正了她,揭示Combots能追踪有机生命体,并将为此摧毁大森林。Sally对此感到震惊,说Robotnik不敢这么做。Robotnik试图证明她错了,下令他的Combots摧毁森林并捕捉Mobians,但它们都朝着悬崖行进并坠入海中。Sonic随后解放自己并控制了Robotnik的坦克,只是在Robotnik乘坐Chuck驾驶的气垫船飞走时被Muttski攻击。Sonic和Rotor随后向大家揭示Chuck和Muttski仍然保持自由意志并作为间谍活动,这既让Sally感到高兴又因为她没有被告知计划而感到愤怒。<ref name="StH34">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 34|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #34]],"要‘机器人’还是不要‘机器人’!"</ref>
During a particularly hot day, Sonic helped his Freedom Fighter allies, including Sally, by running atop the water of a river, spaying them with cooling water. Sally soon felt a sudden chill, and snow clouds began to appear in the sky. Sally ran this by Nicole, who determined the source was an "[[Weather Annihilator|artificial environmental modulator]]," making Sally immediately suspect Robotnik. With a blizzard beating against them, Sally tried to lead them all to Knothole, but the snow made it virtually impossible. She tried using Nicole to find a nearby cave, but her circuits had frozen up from the cold. Luckily, they found a cave on their own. Sally and the others were then escorted by [[Flip]] to a warmer part of the cave, where they met up with his teammates, the [[Arctic Freedom Fighters]]. With their help, Sally and Knothole Freedom Fighters successfully managed to deal with the cold weather by practicing in the artificial environment the Arctic Freedom Fighters had created. Sally then organized an artillery assault on the Weather Annihilator, using the surrounding snow to arm a catapult they built. Eventually the weather got so bad that Sally could no longer aim, and they tried a direct attack which resulted in Snively freezing them all in ice up to their shoulders, though they were saved by the Arctic Freedom Fighters when Snively tried to transport them. Once the battle was over and Arctic Freedom Fighters left in Snively's vehicle, Sonic suggested a snow ball fight, and Sally joined in in bombarding him with snow balls for it.<ref name="StH26">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 26|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #26]], "Way Way Past Cool!"</ref>

Sally后来被Sonic告知他在获得第十亿个力量环后与[[Ancient Walkers]]的遭遇,并看到了这个神奇物体安装在Sonic的墙上。<ref name="StH35">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 35|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #35]],"真理之环!"</ref>
At one point, Sally was forced to confront Sonic as an enemy. Sonic lost his memory and had been convinced by Robotnik that the Freedom Fighters were the world's villains. While in the tunnel that led to Knothole, Rotor's security system detected a transmitter that had been secretly planted on Sonic's person. Sally ordered the route locked down, but Robotnik had taken the liberty of installing a laser in Sonic's glove, and he used it to blast the door shutting him out. Sally saw this as proof that Sonic had turned traitor, and was left with no choice but to flood the tunnel, though reluctantly. This too failed, however, and Sonic stormed into Knothole before coming to face Sally and Rotor.<ref name="StH27">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 27|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #27]], "A Scrambled Hedgehog"</ref> Sally then tried to make it seem as if nothing was the matter, but failed as Sonic pummeled Rotor using his speed and then went for her. Sally threw him across the room when he grabbed her from behind and Tails and Bunnie came to back her up while she and Sonic were in the middle of a brawl. Despite their best efforts, Sonic overpowered them, and it was not until Sally's trainee, [[Dylan Porcupine]], landed on him in the dark that he was brought down. Sally was at Sonic's bedside and once he recovered with his memory, Rotor revealed to the both of them the microscopic transmitter. Sally had an idea, and had Tails provide reconnaissance and while Sonic used the transmitter to lead Robotnik's squadron of demolition tractors out into the ocean.<ref name="StH28">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 28|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #28]], "Saturday Night's Alright for a Fight!"</ref>

在另一天,Rotor向Sally和自由战士展示了他的相机拍摄的沉默区的照片,显示了一名骑在马背上穿着红色盔甲的人。Sonic观察到这个区域与他上次访问时看起来完全不同,但Rotor观察到Robotnik可以轻松进入沉默区,然而他们每次试图救出国王时总是失败,Robotnik还一直将Sonic被困的区域称为[[Special Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|虚空]],意味着他们一直去错了地方。Rotor的数据显示Robotnik正在使用大量的能量,Sally给了Sonic绿灯去调查,只要他不急于行动。在Sonic急于行动之后,Robotnik向这只刺猬揭示了他封印国王的区域已经出现了裂缝,他摧毁的机器可能意味着世界的末日,所以他提供了一个能量抑制器供他在区域内使用。Rotor建议将其作为最后手段使用,因为他无法理解其机械原理,除了他之外的所有人都进入了沉默区。在那里,那个穿红色盔甲的人出现了,伴随着[[Minion (Archie)|类似石像鬼的生物]]。Sonic击败了石像鬼,骑士变得愤怒,瞄准刺猬并准备开火。Sally将他从马上撞下来,只是碰掉了他的头盔,看到骑士竟然是她的父亲。国王打了她,让她昏迷不醒,告诉自由战士投降。Sonic激活了装置,发出了冲击波,使他们错过了入口门户。Rotor向沉默区射入了一根生命线,他们得救了。Sally流下了眼泪,因为无法救出她的父亲,但Sonic和Rotor向她保证他们会的。<ref name="StH36">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 36|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #36]],"黑暗之心"</ref>
[[File:Mechasally.jpg|thumb|200px|A [[Roboticization (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|roboticized]] Sally holds the [[Knothole Freedom Fighters|Freedom Fighters]] at gunpoint, from [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 29|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #29]].]]
Then, Sonic and [[Dulcy the Dragon (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Dulcy the Dragon]] discovered what Rotor determined was a portable [[De-Roboticizer]], that was good for one last de-roboticization. Sally though they should use to cure Bunnie, but she had the idea of allowing one of them to be roboticized so they could sabotage Robotnik's headquarters right under his nose, and then be reverted back to normal later. Sally herself volunteered to be roboticized. Days later, when Sally (equipped with a [[Neuro-Overrider]]) purposefully allowed herself to be captured, it was carried out. However, the device fell off of her, and Sally was completely subjected to the roboticization sequence, losing her free will just like all the other [[Robian (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Robians]]. Now as [[Mecha Sally]], Sally revealed the secret exit to Robotropolis she was to meet the Freedom Fighters at, and captured them all with the exception of Sonic, who was busy keeping Robotnik's SWATbots occupied as a diversion. Upon returning, Sonic saw his friends captured and in the presence of Robotnik, Snively and the robot Sally. After the Freedom Fighters refused to tell them where the De-Roboticizer was, Robotnik ordered them all to be roboticized at the hands of Sally herself. Fortunately, Dulcy came in the nick of time with the De-Roboticizer, and turned Sally back to normal with it before she roboticize her own allies. But then Robotnik shoved her aside, determined to roboticize the Freedom Fighters, but Dulcy melted the control panel with her fire breath, and set Robotnik's britches on fire in the process and they all returned to Knothole.<ref name="Sth29">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 29|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #29]], "Steel-belted Sally"</ref>

Sally和Sonic后来去到Robotropolis郊外的一个垃圾场与Sir Charles见面。他从一堆垃圾中显露出隐藏他的秘密总部,并告诉两人Robotropolis即将遭受一场大地震的袭击,地震发生时Dr. Robotnik和他的SWATbots将撤离城市。Chuck告诉他们,他计划进入城市去为被留下的Robians去机器化,以便他们能逃离地震。他们潜入Robotropolis,并得益于地震造成的破坏而成功到达去机器化装置。Sir Charles随后安排了这台机器爆炸,以便当所有Robians来捕捉入侵者时,爆炸能将他们去机器化。他的计划成功了,Rotor开着一架飞机来接所有人,但迎接他的是比预期中更多的人。Sally命令Chuck留下,以便她能和Sonic一起跑出城市。在命令Nicole规划他们的逃生路线时,碎片落在了Sally身上,Sonic不得不背着她昏迷不醒地返回诺索尔。在那里,她为Sir Charles和Nicole颁发了他们的行动奖章。<ref name="StH37">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 37|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #37]],"Robotropolis之日"</ref>
A while after, Sally stumbled across a sleeping Sonic who was eating his shoe, and woke him. Sonic revealed that he had been dreaming about his uncle, [[Sir Charles Hedgehog]], and their failed attempt to rescue him. Later that same day, Chuck revealed he'd regained his free will and that Snively was running things while Robotnik was trapped in [[Special Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Void]]. Sally used Nicole to estimate what Snively could potentially do, and she revealed that Snively would probably destroy the whole planet. Thankfully, Snively's plans were thwarted.<ref name="StH30">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 30|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #30]], "The Return of Uncle Chuck"</ref>

地震结束后,Sally派Sonic、Antoine和Tails执行侦察任务,以确定Robotropolis受到的损害。在Combot被雷击中爆炸并受伤后,Tails将Sally、Bunnie和Rotor带到Robotropolis找到了已经站起来的刺猬。Sally随后试图在Sonic坚持在没有检查或计划的情况下停止Robotnik时阻止他,只发现爆炸剥夺了Sonic的速度。Rotor提出了一个复杂的理论,这只是让Sonic生气,Sally不得不介入让他冷静下来。Nicole随后建议,既然力量环可以给Sonic额外的能力,如果他有多个环,他的速度可能会恢复。自由战士随后返回诺索尔村,Sally希望他们没有被跟踪。不幸的是,Nicole在大森林中发现了隐形的Combots时为时已晚,Sally和其他人被捕,Sonic似乎在一个池塘中溺水。在Robotropolis,Robotnik让Snively从自由战士那里榨取信息,得知Sonic没有他的速度。然而,当Sonic带着替代自由战士和一枚力量环来救Sally和其他人时,他记得他的背包里有一个备用环,并抓住了他早些时候攻击Combot的力量环。有了速度的回归,Sonic击败了Combots,但Robotnik领先一步,告诉他们他在实验室设置了一个炸弹,计时60秒爆炸,以便他们不能偷走他的任何技术。Sally和其他人在爆炸前安全逃出,Sonic发誓下一次,他和Robotnik会在他的条件下相遇。<ref name="StH38">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 38|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #38]],"Robotropolis的崛起... Sonic的陨落!"</ref>
Sally later infiltrated Robotropolis to investigate rumors of a new robot being sent to secure Robotnik's hold on the western side of the continent. She took Nicole with her and had her download the schematics for the robot. Then the [[Robotnik Express (Archie)|Robotnik Express]] came along and Nicole had to download on the go when Sally jumped off a bridge on to the train. A while afterward, Sally managed to board the train in the car carrying the [[DYNAMAC|DYNAMAC-3000]] and had Nicole scan it. She was then grabbed from behind by Geoffrey St. John fooling around, who quickly kissed her, but Sally wouldn't be distracted from her mission and found out she and Geoffrey both wanted the DYNAMAC stopped. Then the train was forcibly stopped by Geoffrey's men, and a fail-safe activated the DYNAMAC. Sally asked Nicole for suggestions, and she said they should retreat and wait for reinforcements. Unfortunately, that wasn't an option. The DYNAMAC-3000 then went after Sonic who had just landed on the train, and Sally went to check on him after he'd been attacked. Then the DYNAMAC changed shape to the form of a spider and took on Rotor and Antoine in their plane. After showing her frustration at Sonic and Geoffrey's bickering, Sally consulted Nicole, and she said they should exploit the robot's two weaknesses, which were that it could only cope with one given combat situation at a time, and could be shut down by a device Sonic was carrying. Then Sally was grabbed by the DYNAMAC, only to be freed when Sonic distracted it and Geoffrey saved her from falling. Sonic deactivated the robot, and then Geoffrey's men blew it up. Both groups took advantage of the supplies on-board the train, and Sally and Geoffrey departed with a kiss before she left on the Freedom Fighters' plane.<ref name="StH31">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 31|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #31]], "A Robot Rides the Rails"</ref>

On a new mission, Sally and the others were in the snowy mountains when SWATbots ambushed them and Sally was caught hanging on a rope in the middle of a firefight. Her rope broke and she and only survived thanks to Tails and his ability to fly. They then ran for it, and discovered they were being tracked by Sonic's roboticized pet dog, [[Muttski (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Muttski]]. After Sir Charles called off the robots in the nick of time, he suggested a retreat, and Antoine accidentally stumbled across a frozen cave bear deemed "[[Mobie]]" by Tails. He was thawed out by Rotor and then went on a small rampage in Knothole, almost harming Sally carrying pots on her shoulders. Antoine confronted Mobie in an attempt to save the princess, but Bunnie quickly arrived and placed him up in a tree out of harm's way. They discussed what to do with him, and Bunnie suggested they speak with him through pictures, but it only stirred up memories of his lost life and he went back to the mountains where they found him. Mobie was later brought back to Knothole with Muttski, who's consciousness had been restored by Sir Charles, and it was then decided that Mobie should live in the jungle where he would be at home.<ref name="StH32">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 32|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #32]], "Blast From the Past"</ref> Soon after this, Sally and all the Freedom Fighters except Sonic ordered take out food because they were sick of eating chili dogs. The food came from McRobo's, which was really owned by Robotnik in his new campaign by germ warfare, using robotic germs he called the [[French Frirus]]. Sally was later hospitalized and after Rotor informed Sonic of what was going on, cured by Sonic's efforts with the help of Sally's own [[Auntie Bodies]]. Now back to health, Sally was treated to a proper meal in the form of chicken soup (really made out of chili dogs).<ref name="StH33">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 33|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #33]], "Let's Get Small!"</ref> Later, on a snowy day, she participated in a game of hockey with the Freedom Fighters that later included Snively and a band of SWATbots in a wager for their lives.<ref name="StH33s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 33|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #33]], "Sonic Shot"</ref>
[[File:Sally_checks_on_Bunnie.png|thumb|left|150px|Sally检查受伤的[[Bunnie D'Coolette (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Bunnie]],来自[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 39|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #39]]。]]
Sonic后来带着一个打败Robotnik的计划来到Sally和大多数自由战士面前:他将使用Rotor的神经重写器,自愿让Robotnik机器化他,然后他将使用他的机器身体打败Robotnik并摧毁Robotropolis。Sally和其他人拒绝了他执行计划的许可,因为有太多可能失败的因素。Antoine建议密切关注Sonic,因为他似乎对他们拒绝这个计划感到非常生气,但Sally公开拒绝了Sonic对自由战士不忠的概念,并确保Antoine不再提出这样的建议。后来,Nicole探测到一个机器人接近,并向Sally确认那是被机器化的Sonic。Mecha Sonic试图对她、Rotor和Antoine进行扫射,她不得不推Rotor躲避Robian的激光火力。然后她命令Nicole执行DLG. 70操作,以便诺索尔出现他们三人的全息图,同时派Bunnie来帮忙。当Mecha Sonic一个接一个地摧毁全息图时,Bunnie飞翔在空中并发起进攻。Sally随后让Nicole将她与Tails连接,告知他们有一个“红色状况”,以便他可以召唤Knuckles the Echidna来支援。Mecha Sonic随后暂时使Bunnie失能,Sally和Rotor过去检查她,尽管她似乎昏迷不醒,但很快恢复并使用她的脉冲炮对Robian开火。Rotor随后告诉公主,那是Bunnie打败Mecha Sonic的最佳射击。Robian随后使用他的激光炮击中Bunnie并击晕了她,但Knuckles及时到达接手战斗,但他很快也被击倒。随着诺索尔看起来注定要毁灭,Sally下令执行“最后的手段”行动。<ref name="StH39">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 39|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #39]],"机器人竞赛"</ref>

Sally告诉犹豫不决的Rotor采取行动,他把昏迷的Knuckles交给了Antoine。在他离开的时候,Sally命令Nicole向她展示诺索尔,电脑告诉她,尽管Mecha Sonic在肆虐,所有的居民都已经被疏散。然后Rotor带来了一台从用来机器化Bunnie Rabbot的机器中回收的便携式机器人化装置,并认为它是可操作的。Rotor问这是否真的是正确的事情,因为这样做他们会降低到Robotnik的水平。Sally简单地说,他们需要以牙还牙来赢得这场战斗。Knuckles随后恢复意识,开始攻击Antoine,认为他是Mecha Sonic。然后他误以为Rotor是Robotnik并攻击他,Sally不得不用一个后翻踢让他恢复理智。他们想了一会儿他们没时间回忆的旧时光,Sally告诉他们准备好了机器人化装置和神经重写器,Knuckles没有浪费时间就使用它们让自己变成了[[Mecha Knuckles (Archie)|Mecha Knuckles]]。一场大战发生了,他们被撞到Robotropolis和那里储存的核弹头中,Sally在其他人远处默默哭泣,因为看起来他们都遇到了厄运。实际上,他们两个都活了下来,但都严重受损,尤其是Mecha Sonic。Mecha Knuckles把他带回了诺索尔,Sally跑回来找出发生了什么,并给了Mecha Knuckles一个拥抱,感谢他所做的一切。Nicole告诉Sally,Mecha Knuckles的情况有多糟,她命令Tails去把他去机器人化。Sally然后提醒Rotor,他们正在使用的旧机器人化装置不会对Mecha Sonic起作用,但他坚持认为他能感觉到Sonic在里面。当Sonic以Robian形态对Sally说话,说他不配活着因为背叛了他的朋友时,他被证明是对的。Sally然后把Nicole给了Rotor,让他们想出一个计划,同时她去给Mecha Knuckles敬了一个快速的礼,然后返回Nicole和Rotor那里。Nicole告诉Sally,Sonic获得了他的第十亿个力量环,如何赋予了他一个保护光环和内部盾牌,所以他的生命力和个性在被机器人化时仍深藏在他体内。Nicole然后让Rotor告诉她坏消息;他的实验室被摧毁了,没有足够的时间制造必要的设备来拯救Sonic。Nicole,然而,说她可以把他带回来。Sally让她试试,Nicole成功地把Sonic恢复到了他的精神和身体形态。Sally随后站在Sonic的身边,Knuckles过来和Sonic谈话,但他对他不屑一顾,完全不记得战斗的事情。Sally因为Sonic侮辱Knuckles而感到愤怒,然后看着Antoine因叛国逮捕了Sonic。<ref name="SMM">''[[Archie Sonic & Knuckles: Mecha Madness Special|Sonic & Knuckles: Mecha Madness Special]]'',"Mecha Madness"</ref>
After Dulcy reported in to Sally and the other Freedom Fighters that Robotnik had made new [[Combot]]s and planned to use them the next day to wipe out all those in the Great Forest, Sally realized that they would have to destroy the robots while they were all in the same place. Sonic, Uncle Chuck and Muttski opted to plant explosives where the Combots were being stored, and Sally agreed. At dawn the following day, Bunnie, Antoine and Tails came back to the Great Forest after failing to meet up with Sonic and the others and catching no sign of an explosion. Sally then spotted something moving towards them only to see Robotnik driving a tank with Sonic shackled to its front and Chuck and Muttski marching with the Combots. Sally realized that the roboticized Mobians must have been realigned to Robotnik's side and decided to move everyone in Knothole to the underground shelters, but Chuck guided Robotnik to the shelters in a hovercraft, cutting the Freedom Fighters off from their last chance of making it through. Sally faced Robotnik bravely and told him that he couldn't catch all of them and that one day one of their own would find a way to beat him. Robotnik corrected her in one area, revealing that the Combots could track organic lifeforms and that they would destroy the Great Forest to do so. Sally was aghast at this, saying Robotnik wouldn't dare do such a thing. Robotnik tried to prove her wrong by giving his Combots the order to destroy the forest and capture the Mobians, but they all marched towards a cliff and fell into the sea. Sonic then freed himself and took control of Robotnik's tank, only to be assaulted by Muttski while Robotnik flew off in a hovercraft piloted by Chuck. Sonic and Rotor then revealed to everyone that Chuck and Muttski still had their free will and were acting as spies, which both delighted Sally and infuriated her since she hadn't been let in on the plan.<ref name="StH34">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 34|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #34]], "To 'Bot or Not To 'Bot!"</ref>

Sonic后来被监禁,等待审判。Sally在监狱外观察了由Amy Rose领导的一场集会,要求释放Sonic,同时Rotor问她他是否会被判无罪,她说她不能讨论这类事务,并要求重建的进展报告。Rotor告诉她,King Maximilian Acorn的灾难计划非常周到,因为它为他们的大多数重型设备提供了备用单元。Sally说她的父亲总是想得很远,除了当Robotnik背叛他的时候。然后Rotor花时间告诉Sally她很好地填补了他的位置,她感谢他,说做皇室成员并不容易,然后当她想起她将不得不对Sonic进行军事法庭审判时稍微有点崩溃。Sally然后试图控制自己,面对Amy Rose,后者认为她来这里是为了满足她的要求并释放Sonic。当她被证明是错的时,Sonic大声说出他被错误指控,Sally告诉他要表现出一些责任感,因为Amy悬挂在他的每一个字上。第二天,Sally作为皇家法官主持了Sonic的审判。Antoine作为检察官,试图让Sonic被判流放。然而,Sonic反击他,并指出监狱空无一人。特别是,[[Nack the Weasel (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Nack the Weasel]]。Sally指出这是Sonic的审判,而不是Antoine的,然而,[[Hip and Hop|法官]]宣布Sonic犯有叛国罪。但Sonic最后恳求Sally,她说她会将他的判决延迟二十四小时。后来,在二十四小时结束前,Sonic自己出现,带着被捕的Nack the Weasel来坦白他的清白。Rotor带走了罪犯,而Sally感谢Sonic,并说她会宣布公开道歉和Sonic的复职,但这只刺猬告诉她不用麻烦,因为有太多事情要做。Sally说Sonic是她喜欢的自由战士类型,同时她希望Antoine,正在为他的接受演讲安排乐队,可以更像他。<ref name="StH40">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 40|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #40]],"军事法庭"</ref>
Sally was later told by Sonic of his encounters with the [[Ancient Walkers]] after obtaining his one billionth Power Ring and saw the magical object itself mounted on Sonic's wall.<ref name="StH35">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 35|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #35]], "Ring of Truth!"</ref>

On another day, Rotor showed Sally and the Freedom Fighters pictures of the Zone of Silence from his camera, showing a person in red armor on horseback. Sonic observed that the zone looked nothing like it had on his last visit, but Rotor observed that Robotnik could easily access the Zone of Silence and yet they always failed when trying to save the king, and Robotnik also kept calling the zone Sonic was trapped in the [[Special Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Void]], meaning they must have been going to the wrong place. Evidence from Rotor's readings then showed that Robotnik was using vast amounts of power, and Sally gave Sonic the green light to investigate as long as he didn't rush into anything. After Sonic rushed into something, Robotnik revealed to the hedgehog the zone he'd sealed King Acorn had made a breach and the machine he destroyed could mean the end of the world, so he provided him with an energy inhibitor to use when inside the zone. Rotor recommended they use it as a last resort since he couldn't understand the mechanics and everyone but him went inside the Zone of Silence. There, the person in red armor appeared accompanied by [[Minion (Archie)|gargoyle-like creatures]]. Sonic took out the gargoyles and the knight became angered, aiming his lance at the hedgehog and preparing to fire it. Sally tacked him off his horse, only to knock his helmet off and see the knight was none other her father. King Acorn hit her so she was delirious, telling the Freedom Fighters to surrender. Sonic activated the device and a shock wave went off, making it so they'd miss the portal entrance. Rotor shot in a life-line into the Zone of Silence and they were saved. Sally let out tears at not being able to rescue her father, but Sonic and Rotor assured her they would.<ref name="StH36">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 36|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #36]], "Heart of Darkness"</ref>
后来,Sally计划执行一次营救任务,从仍然不稳定的[[Special Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|沉默区]]中救出她的父亲。Rotor告诉公主,他缺少一件关键设备来制造一个中和器,以便他们可以拯救该区域并救出国王,所以Sally派Sonic去执行取回任务,Geoffrey St. John等待作为后备。很快,Sonic拿到了他们需要的部件,但很快又开始与St. John争吵,导致Sally不得不制止他们的争斗。Rotor完成了中和器,Sally告诉大家她会独自去,因为上次他们面对的危险。Sonic和Geoffrey都反对这一点,因为自由战士需要他们的领袖,这又导致两人之间的更多争吵。Sally再次打断他们并同意他们可以和她一起去。Rotor打开了通往沉默区的门户并给了他们三个原型喷气背包。Sally和她的两个朋友穿过门户,在沉默区漂浮,Sonic和Geoffrey继续争吵,直到Nicole通知Sally区域的磁场波动,他们都突然感到疼痛并漂流,直到着陆在一块岩石上。Sonic随后找到了他们上次见到国王时国王的头盔,Sally假设了最坏的情况。然后他们看到了他们第一次在沉默区面对国王时自己的超现实场景。Sally请求Nicole解释,她说这可能是Robotnik对该区域的实验结果,影响了其量子能量水平,破坏了基本原子结构的能量,并创建了“裂缝”,允许人们在该区域看到过去和未来的事件。然后他们看到了国王抵达沉默区的情况以及该区域的生物如何接纳国王并给他新的盔甲,任命他为他们的领袖。然后他们注意到区域中的风暴,并被风吹得飞起来,再次粗暴着陆。在Sonic由于该区域经历了时间差错后,Sally解释说沉默区正在与他们一起崩溃,他们无法阻止。Geoffrey然后想知道为什么喷气背包不工作,Sally在思考同样的问题后,Nicole回应说它们没有燃料了,需要正能量来充电。然后他们看到所有国王的部下被吸入正在吞噬该区域的宇宙漩涡中,然后Sally意识到中和器是正能量的来源,但这意味着牺牲沉默区。情况进一步复杂化,当国王出现要求该装置时。Sally试图让她的父亲记起她,但失败了,所以Sonic攻击了国王,而Geoffrey为Sally的喷气背包充电并起飞。Sonic骑着国王的飞马与他们会合,并告诉St. John激活中和器。然后他们带着昏迷的国王返回了Mobius Prime。<ref name="StH41">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 41|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #41]],"...And One Shall Save Him!"</ref>

Sally后来邀请Geoffrey St. John来到她的小屋,并在Sonic偷偷接近她的家时澄清了一个误会。她邀请他们俩进来,并向他们展示了状况恶化、现在变成水晶的国王Acorn。Sally然后透露,Geoffrey的角色是保护她的父亲,并保密他的归来,同时他们试图治愈他,这只臭鼬立即接受了他的职责。Sally向Rotor询问了关于国王状况的理论,他最好的猜测是他的身体适应了沉默区的条件,被带回Mobius Prime是导致结晶化的原因。Tails随后指出水晶看起来像是[[Chaos Emerald (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|混沌翡翠]]。Sally和其他人然后想到使用它们的力量和类似的魔法物品来看看是否有任何效果,Sonic立刻冲去拿他的第十亿个力量环。它帮助国王恢复了理智,但只持续了几分钟就恢复了原样。Rotor推测,由于第十亿个力量环与Sonic相连,它对国王不起作用,唯一的选择是收集尽可能多的其他力量环。自由战士随后开始制定计划,Sally建议去[[Lake of Rings (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|力量环湖]],因为进入[[Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|区域]]会太长和危险。Tails以为她指的是Robotropolis外的那一个,但她指的是最近在大森林中发现的那一个。Sally然后决定将自由战士分成三组;Antoine和Bunnie调查一个湖,而Sonic和Tails搜索另一个,她和Rotor会和国王待在一起。<ref name="SQ1">[[Archie Sonic Quest Issue 1|''Sonic Quest'' #1]],"Sonicquest: The Death Egg Saga Book One - Scrambled"</ref> 在两队去搜索湖泊一段时间后,Sally向Nicole求助于她父亲的状况,但她无法提供帮助,只能提供更新。Rotor随后报告说Antoine和Bunnie仍在前往Robotropolis附近的湖的路上,而他们仍然没有听到Sonic和Tails的消息。一时间,压力让Sally流下了几滴眼泪,倚在Rotor的怀里,因为他们所努力的一切似乎都在崩溃。<ref name="SQ2">[[Archie Sonic Quest Issue 2|''Sonic Quest'' #2]],"Sonicquest: The Death Egg Saga Book Two - Poached"</ref> Sally和诺索尔的其他人(以及大部分星球)随后看到并感受到了Robotnik的新Death Egg被Sonic和Tails摧毁的破坏,尽管当时她不知道这一点。她随即通过无线电联系了Sonic,并命令他和Tails带着他们的力量环回家,因为国王现在情况危急。<ref name="SQ3">[[Archie Sonic Quest Issue 3|''Sonic Quest'' #3]],"Sonicquest: The Death Egg Saga Book Three - Over Easy"</ref>
Sally and Sonic later went to the outskirts of Robotropolis to meet with Sir Charles in a dump. He revealed himself from a pile of rubbish disguising his secret headquarters and informed the two that Robotropolis was about to be hit by a massive earthquake and the city would be vacated of Dr. Robotnik and his SWATbots when it struck. Chuck informed them that he planned on going into the city to de-roboticize the Robians left behind so they could escape the earthquake. They infiltrated Robotropolis and managed to get to the de-roboticizer thanks to damage inflicted by the earthquake. Sir Charles then rigged the machine to blow so when all the Robians arrived to capture the intruders, the blast would de-roboticize them. His plan worked and Rotor arrived with a plane to take everyone out, but was greeted with more people than expected. Sally ordered Chuck to stay behind so she could run out of the city with Sonic. While ordering Nicole to plot their route out of the city, debris fell on Sally and Sonic had to carry her back to Knothole unconscious. There she awarded medals to Sir Charles and Nicole for their actions.<ref name="StH37">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 37|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #37]], "The Day Robotropolis Fell"</ref>

Robotnik后来设法潜入诺索尔,带着Sally的父亲,即King Max的复制品。叛徒自由战士[[Drago Wolf|Drago]]安排了Sally的刺杀计划,将罪名嫁祸给Sonic,这是一个复杂的陷害:他让[[Hershey St. John|Hershey]]伪装成Sonic(使用内置传感器的面具,使每个人都看起来像Snively),并切断了Sally的绳索,Sally似乎因为跌落而死亡。<ref name="StH47">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 47|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #47]],"Taking the Fall!"</ref>
After the earthquake had finished, Sally sent Sonic, Antoine and Tails on a scouting mission to determine the damage to Robotropolis. After Sonic was injured when a Combot was struck by lightning and exploded, Tails brought Sally, Bunnie and Rotor to him at Robotropolis, only to find the hedgehog getting back on his feet already. Sally then tried to stop Sonic when he insisted on stopping Robotnik without a check-up or plan, only to discover the explosion had robbed Sonic of his speed. Rotor voiced a complicated theory, which only got Sonic angry and Sally had to step in to cool him off. Nicole then suggested that since Power Rings could give Sonic additional powers, if he had multiple rings, his speed could return. The Freedom Fighters then made their way back to Knothole Village and Sally hoped they hadn't been followed. Unfortunately, Nicole detected invisible Combots too late in the Great Forest and Sally and the others were captured and Sonic had apparently drowned in a pond. In Robotropolis, Robotnik had Snively worm information out of the Freedom Fighters and learned Sonic did not have his speed. However, when Sonic came to rescue Sally and the others with the Substitute Freedom Fighters and a Power Ring, he remembered he had a spare ring in his backpack and grabbed the Power Ring he had earlier and had attacked a Combot with. With his speed returned, Sonic defeated the Combots, but Robotnik was one step ahead and informed them that he set a bomb to detonate in his lab in sixty seconds so they could not steal any of his technology. Sally and the others all got out fine before the explosion and Sonic swore the next time, he and Robotnik would meet on his terms.<ref name="StH38">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 37|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #37]], "The Rise of Robotropolis... the Fall of Sonic!"</ref>

Robotnik在假King Max泄露了其位置后,出人意料地出现在诺索尔。在抵达自由战士的家门口并挟持他们所有人为人质后,Robotnik宣布了他的计划,将叛军总部作为他的超级武器的测试场,他打算用这个武器根除地球上所有非机器生命。然而,他的“[[Operation: EndGame|终局]]”计划被叛乱军破坏,而Robotnik在武器反噬时被蒸发。<ref name="StH50">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 50|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #50]],"The Big Goodbye"</ref>
===Operation: Last Resort===
[[File:Sally_checks_on_Bunnie.png|thumb|left|150px|Sally checks on an injured [[Bunnie D'Coolette (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Bunnie]], from [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 39|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #39]].]]
Sonic later came before Sally and the majority of the Freedom Fighters with a plan to defeat Robotnik: he would use one of Rotor's Neuro-Overriders and willingly let Robotnik roboticize him and then he would use his robotic body to defeat Robotnik and destroy Robotropolis. Sally and the others denied him permission to proceed with the plan as there were too many factors that could fail. Antoine suggested keeping an eye on Sonic since he seemed so angry that they'd denied the plan, but Sally openly rejected the very concept of Sonic being disloyal to the Freedom Fighters and made sure Antoine didn't suggest such a thing again. Later on, Nicole detected a robot incoming and confirmed to Sally that it was Sonic roboticized. Mecha Sonic attempted to strafe her, Rotor and Antoine and she had to push Rotor out of the way of the Robian's laser fire. She then ordered Nicole to to execute maneuver DLG. 70 so holograms of the three of them appeared all over Knothole and that Bunnie was sent to help out. While Mecha Sonic blasted the holograms one by one, Bunnie flew through the air and went on the offensive. Sally then had Nicole patch her through to Tails and alerted him they had a "condition red" so he could call Knuckles the Echidna for back-up. Mecha Sonic then temporarily disabled Bunnie and Sally and Rotor went over to check on her, and while she seemed delirious, she soon recovered and used her pulse cannon on the Robian. Rotor then informed the princess that that was Bunnie's best shot at defeating Mecha Sonic. The Robian then used his laser cannon on Bunnie and knocked her out, but Knuckles arrived in the nick of time to take over the fight, but he was soon out for it too. With Knothole looking doomed, Sally ordered "Operation: Last Resort" to be put into action.<ref name="StH39">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 39|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #39]], "Race Against the Machine"</ref>

然后被揭露,跌落实际上使Sally陷入昏迷状态,[[Doctor Quack|Dr. Quack]]设法保住了她的生命。在得知Sally还活着后,Sonic设法唤醒了她。<ref name="StH50"/>
Sally told the hesitant Rotor to go into action and he gave an unconscious Knuckles to Antoine. While he was gone, Sally ordered Nicole to show her Knothole and the computer informed her that while Mecha Sonic was on a rampage, all the citizens had been evacuated. Rotor then brought in a portable roboticizer recovered from the machine used to roboticize Bunnie Rabbot and believed it operational. Rotor asked if this was truly the right thing to do, as they would be stooping to Robotnik's level. Sally simply said they needed to fight fire with fire to win this battle. Knuckles then recovered consciousness and started attacking Antoine, thinking he was Mecha Sonic. He then mistook Rotor for Robotnik and attacked him and Sally had to bring him back to his senses with a flip back kick. They thought about old times for a few moments they couldn't spare, Sally told him they had a roboticizer and Neuro-Overrider at the ready and Knuckles didn't spare any time using them on himself to become [[Mecha Knuckles (Archie)|Mecha Knuckles]]. A great battle took place and the two of them were sent colliding into Robotropolis and the nuclear warheads stored there and Sally silently cried away from the others as it seemed they had both met their demise. In reality, the two of them lived but were badly damaged, Mecha Sonic especially. Mecha Knuckles brought him back to Knothole and Sally came running back to find out what had happened and have Mecha Knuckles a hug for all he'd done. Nicole informed Sally of just how bad Mecha Knuckles was and she ordered Tails to get him de-roboticized. Sally then reminded Rotor that the old roboticizer they were using wouldn't work on Mecha Sonic, but he pressed on that he could feel Sonic in there. He was proven right when Sonic spoke in his Robian form to Sally, saying that he didn't deserve to live for betraying his friends. Sally then gave Nicole to Rotor so they could think up a plan while she went to give Mecha Knuckles a quick salute before his de-roboticization and then return to Nicole and Rotor. Nicole informed Sally about Sonic acquiring his One Billionth Power Ring and how it had granted him a protective aura and an interior shield, so his life force and personality remained deep inside him while roboticized. Nicole then let Rotor tell her the bad news; that his lab was destroyed and there wasn't enough time to make the necessary equipment to save Sonic. Nicole, however, said she could bring him back. Sally let her try and Nicole successfully restored Sonic back to his mental and physical form. Sally then stood by Sonic's side and Knuckles came over to talk with Sonic, only for him to diss him, not remembering a thing about the battle. Sally became infuriated with Sonic for insulting Knuckles and then watched as Antoine arrested Sonic for treason.<ref name="SMM">''[[Archie Sonic & Knuckles: Mecha Madness Special|Sonic & Knuckles: Mecha Madness Special]]'', "Mecha Madness"</ref>

在Robotnik被击败后,Sally努力重建旧王国,从夺回[[Robotropolis (Archie)|Robotropolis]]开始,这个城市被Snively和他的[[DYNAMAC]]机器人占领。<ref name="StH51">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 51|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #51]],"Reality Bytes"</ref><ref name="SSS2">[[Archie Sonic Super Special Issue 2|''Sonic Super Special'' #2]],"Brave New World"</ref> 甚至在此之前,她就与Mobius各地的其他[[Freedom Fighters (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|自由战士]]取得了联系。<ref name="StH52">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 52|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #52]],"First Contact"</ref> 她迅速欢迎剩余的Robians回归,拒绝让他们与其他人民分开。<ref name="SSS2"/> 她还欢迎了Knuckles和[[Julie-Su]]的访问。<ref name="StH53">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 53|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #53]],"Unfinished Business"</ref>
Sonic was later imprisoned, pending trial. Sally observed a rally consisting of Amy Rose to set Sonic free outside his jailhouse while Rotor asked her if he'd be acquitted, and she said she couldn't discuss such matters and asked for a progress report on the reconstruction. Rotor informed her that King Maximilian Acorn's disaster plan was well thought out, as it had back-up units for most of their heavy equipment. Sally said that her father had always thought ahead, except for when Robotnik betrayed him. Rotor then took the time to tell Sally she had done well to fill his shoes, and she thanked him, saying it wasn't easy being royal, then breaks down a little when she remembers that she's going to have to court-martial Sonic. Sally then tries to get a grip on herself and confronts Amy Rose, who believes she is here to meet her demands and free Sonic. When she is proven wrong, Sonic speaks up about how he has been wrongly accused and Sally tells him to show some responsibility since Amy hangs on his every word. The day after, Sally resided Sonic's trial as royal judge. Antoine, acting as the prosecution, put up a good attempt at getting Sonic sentenced to banishment. Sonic, however, came back at him and pointed out that the jailhouse was vacant of another prisoner. Namely, [[Nack the Weasel (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Nack the Weasel]]. Sally pointed out that this was Sonic's trial, not Antoine's, however, and the [[Hip and Hop|judges]] declared Sonic guilty of treason. But Sonic had one final plea with Sally and she said she would delay his sentence for twenty-four hours. Later, before the twenty-four hours were up, Sonic himself appeared with Nack the Weasel apprehend to confess his innocence. Rotor took the criminal away while Sally thanked Sonic and said she'd announce a public apology and Sonic's reinstatement, but the hedgehog told her not to bother, as there was too much to do. Sally said that Sonic was the type of Freedom Fighter she liked, while she wished Antoine, who was arranging a band for his acceptance speech, could be more like him.<ref name="StH40">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 40|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #40]], "Court-martial"</ref>

重建Robotropolis这片荒芜的废墟证明是困难的,而对Robians的歧视威胁要引发内战。<ref name="SSS2"/><ref name="StH55s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 55|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #55]],"Rise of the Robians!"</ref><ref name="StH54">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 54|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #54]],"Running to Stand Still"</ref> 更糟糕的是,Sally自己的父亲希望将Robians拆解,这后来被揭露是[[Ixis Naugus]]努力控制他的心智并主张王国的结果,这是为了感激国王在生存沉默区时提供的帮助。<ref name="StH55s2"/><ref name="StH53s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 53|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #53]],"Sounds of Silence"</ref> 与其他自由战士一起,Sally还将面对Snively的[[Eggbot (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Eggbots]]的威胁,<ref name="StH54"/><ref name="StH55">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 55|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #55]],"Monkey Madness"</ref> 她自己不小心释放的机械猴[[Monkey Khan]],<ref name="StH55"/> 甚至是在Angel Island上的[[Master Mogul]]<ref name="StH56">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 56|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #56]],"Immortality is forever... life is finite."</ref> 之前最终利用[[Sword of Acorns]]释放她的父亲并使他恢复正常。<ref name="SSS4">[[Archie Sonic Super Special Issue 4|''Sonic Super Special'' #4]],"The Return of the King"</ref> Sally迅速派遣Sonic和Tails追逐逃跑的巫师,在他出发前向Sonic深情告别。<ref name="StH57">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 57|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #57]],"Back to Basics"</ref> 当她的朋友们在Mobius漫游时,Sally得到了她父亲关于她家族历史和[[Source of All]]责任的历史课。然后她父亲向她提出了一系列无礼的要求:即她将嫁给Antoine并忘记Sonic。证明她一如既往的坚强,她拒绝屈服于父亲的命令,即使面对失去她的头衔,也选择跟随自己的心。<ref name="StH58s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 58|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #58]],"The Living Crown"</ref><ref name="StH59s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 59|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #59]],"The People's Princess"</ref><ref name="StH60s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 60|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #60]],"The Ultimatum"</ref>
===Return of the King===
Later, Sally intended to go out on a rescue mission to save her father from the still unstable [[Special Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Zone of Silence]]. Rotor informed the princess that he was missing a crucial piece of equipment to make a neutralizer so they could save the zone and rescue the king, so Sally sent Sonic on a retrieval mission with Geoffrey St. John waiting to act as back-up. Soon, Sonic had the part they needed and just as quickly, started butting heads with St. John again, leading to Sally have to break up the fight. Rotor finished the neutralizer and Sally informed everyone she'd be going alone due to the danger they faced the last time. Sonic and Geoffrey both spoke up against this as the Freedom Fighters needed their leader, which again led to more fighting between the two of them. Sally broke it up again and agreed they could come with her. Rotor opened the portal to the Zone of Silence and gave the three of them prototype jet packs. Sally and her two friends went through the portal floated through the Zone of Silence, Sonic and Geoffrey continuing to bicker before Nicole informed Sally of fluctuations in the zone's magnetic field and they were all sudden in pain and drifting before landing on a rock. Sonic then found King Acorn's helmet from the last time they saw him and Sally assumed the worst. Then they were treated to a surreal scene of themselves the first time they confronted King Acorn in the Zone of Silence. Sally asked Nicole for an explanation and she said that it could be the result of Dr. Robotnik's experiments on the zone and have effected its quantum energy levels, destroying energy at the basic atomic structure and creating "rips" that allow people to see past and future events in the zone before their eyes. They then saw King Acorn's arrival in the Zone of Silence and how the zone's creatures took the king in and gave him his new armor, appointing him their leader. They then notice a storm in the zone and are flung through the air and make another rough landing. After Sonic experienced a time lapse thanks to the zone, Sally explained the Zone of Silence was collapsing with them in it and that they could do nothing to prevent it. Geoffrey then wonders why the jetpacks don't work, and after Sally ponders the same, Nicole responds that they are out of fuel and need positive energy to recharge. They then see all the minions of King Acorn being sucked into the cosmic whirlpool that was consuming the zone, then Sally realized the neutralizer was a source of positive energy, but would mean sacrificing the Zone of Silence. The situation was further complicated when King Acorn appeared demanding the device. Sally tries to get her father to remember her, but fails, so Sonic attacks the king while Geoffrey powers up Sally's jetpack and takes off. Sonic meets up with them riding the king's flying horse and tells St. John to activate the neutralizer. They then made it back to Mobius Prime with Sonic carrying the unconscious King Acorn.<ref name="StH41">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 41|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #41]], "...And One Shall Save Him!"</ref>

Sally反对她父亲的决定将带来意想不到的结果,因为他将她排除在他涉及改革的[[Royal Secret Service]]新项目之外。<ref name="StH63s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 63|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #63]],"On the Majesty's Secret Service Part 3"</ref> Sonic的生日的到来转移了她的注意力,尤其是当一个[[Egg Station|卫星]]驱动的流星雨在Sonic与Tails和Overlander [[Nate Morgan]]一起返回时落在Mobotropolis。Sally收到了更大的惊喜,因为秘密服务从前往Angel Island的任务中带回了她的母亲Alicia和兄弟Elias。此外,Max宣布不是Sally,而是Elias将登上王位。<ref name="StH69"/><ref name="StH68">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 68|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #68]],"Surprise"</ref> 更糟的是,Max随后宣布诺索尔自由战士将被解散,秘密服务将接管许多他们的职责。这一切都在Nate被一群逃犯绑架后开始,这些逃犯差点就干掉了自由战士。<ref name="StH70">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 70|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #70]],"Saving Nate Morgan"</ref> Sally随后会帮助Sonic拯救诺索尔免受卫星攻击。<ref name="StH71">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 71|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #71]],"Retro Activity"</ref>
Sally later invited Geoffrey St. John to her hut and cleared up a misunderstanding with Sonic when he caught him stealthily approaching her home. She invited them both in and showed them King Acorn, whose condition had worsened and was now turning to crystal. Sally then revealed that Geoffrey's role was to protect her father and keep his return a secret while they tried to cure him and the skunk accepted his duty immediately. Sally asked Rotor for a theory about the king's condition and his best guess was his body adapted to the conditions in the Zone of Silence and being brought back to Mobius Prime was what was causing the crystallization. Tails then pointed out the crystal looked like a [[Chaos Emerald (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Chaos Emerald]]. Sally and the others then thought of using their power and similar magical objects to see if it had any effect and Sonic rushed off to get his one billionth Power Ring. It helped bring the king back to sanity, but only for a few moments before he reverted. Rotor theorised that since the one billionth Power Ring was attached to Sonic, it would not work for the king and only option was to gather as many other Power Rings as possible. The Freedom Fighters then began planting the seeds of a plan and Sally suggested going to the [[Lake of Rings (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Lake of Rings]] since going into [[Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Zones]] would be too long and dangerous. Tails thought she meant the one outside Robotropolis, but she meant the one recently found in the Great Forest. Sally then decided to split the Freedom Fighters into three groups; Antoine and Bunnie would investigate one lake while Sonic and Tails searched the other and she and Rotor would stay with the king.<ref name="SQ1">[[Archie Sonic Quest Issue 1|''Sonic Quest'' #1]], "Sonicquest: The Death Egg Saga Book One - Scrambled"</ref> A while after the two teams had gone to search the lakes, Sally turned to Nicole for help on her father's condition but she could give no help, only supply an update. Rotor then reported in that Antoine and Bunnie were still en route to the lake near Robotropolis while they still hadn't heard from Sonic and Tails. For a moment, the stress got to Sally and shed a few tears in Rotor's arms as everything they had ever worked for seemed to be coming apart.<ref name="SQ2">[[Archie Sonic Quest Issue 2|''Sonic Quest'' #2]], "Sonicquest: The Death Egg Saga Book Two - Poached"</ref> Sally and the rest of Knothole (along with most of the planet) then saw and felt the destruction of Robotnik's new Death Egg after Sonic and Tails destroyed it, though she didn't know this at the time. She then immediately radioed Sonic and she ordered him and Tails back home with their Power Rings as the king was now critical.<ref name="SQ3">[[Archie Sonic Quest Issue 3|''Sonic Quest'' #3]], "Sonicquest: The Death Egg Saga Book Three - Over Easy"</ref>

===Near death and revival===
在Mobotropolis的电视网络被Dr. Robotnik的广播劫持,以及Robians从诺索尔消失后,Sally将带领诺索尔自由战士执行前往卫星的任务。<ref name="StH72">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 72|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #72]],"I, Robotnik!"</ref><ref name="StH73">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 73|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #73]],"The Truth is Out There"</ref><ref name="StH74">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 74|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #74]],"Don't Call it a Comeback!"</ref> 在那里,他们发现了被重新奴役的Robians,以及他们的老敌人[[Doctor Eggman (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Robo-Robotnik]],他返回来取代原始的Robotnik。<ref name="StH74"/><ref name="StH75">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 75|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #75]],"I Am the Eggman!"</ref> 他在战斗中被摧毁,但通过将他的思想数字化转移到一个新的机器人身体中,他能够作为"Dr. Eggman"继续生存。<ref name="StH75"/> 一段时间,Sally主持了新成立的[[Kingdom of Knothole]],这是一个直到Eggman像Robotnik一样了解其位置之前的避难所。<ref name="StH76">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 76|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #76]],"Business as Usual"</ref><ref name="StH77">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 77|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #77]],"Rebel Without a Pause"</ref><ref name="StH78">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 78|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #78]],"Changes"</ref> 在那之前,Sally帮助植入了一个病毒,防止他从他前任的文件中获得信息,<ref name="StH76"/><ref name="StH77"/> Sally还带领一次前往[[Station Square (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Station Square]]的任务,自由战士帮助了那里的[[human]]居民应对Dr. Eggman和[[Chaos (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Chaos]]的威胁。<ref name="StH79">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 79|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #79]],"The Discovery"</ref><ref name="StH80">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 80|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #80]],"If Wishes Were Acorns"</ref><ref name="StH81">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 81|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #81]],"City of Dreams..."</ref><ref name="StH82">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 82|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #82]],"Night of Chaos!"</ref><ref name="SSS9s13">[[Archie Sonic Super Special Issue 13|''Sonic Super Special'' #13]],"Sonic Adventure"</ref><ref name="StH83">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 83|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #83]],"Menace to Society"</ref><ref name="StH84">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 84|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #84]],"Perfect Chaos"</ref> 他们随后面临了首次[[Silver Sonic v2.0]]的威胁,然后返回家园。<ref name="StH85">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 85|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #85]],"The Big Payback"</ref> Sally和自由战士再次投入行动,与King Max一起努力拯救被Robotnik绑架的Elias。<ref name="StH88">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 88|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #88]],"Family Matters"</ref> 他们成功了,只是Max受到了导致瘫痪的伤害,让她照顾他和从昏迷中恢复的母亲Alicia。<ref name="StH89">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 89|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #89]],"Thicker Than Water"</ref><ref name="StH90">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 90|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #90]],"Sword of Omens"</ref><ref name="StH93">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 93|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #93]],"Crime 'n Punishment"</ref><ref name="StH94">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 94|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #94]],"New Order"</ref><ref name="StH95">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 95|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #95]],"Enemy Mine"</ref><ref name="StH96">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 96|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #96]],"The Messenger"</ref><ref name="StH97">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 97|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #97]],"My Secret Identity"</ref> Alicia很快醒来,全家人欢喜,<ref name="StH89"/> 只是Elias逃跑了,因为他认为自己应对了王国所遭受的一切,并说Sally会成为更好的统治者。<ref name="StH102">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 102|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #102]],"Family Dysfunction"</ref>
[[File:Sally_death.jpg|thumb|200px|Sally falls to her apparent death, from [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 47|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #47]].]]
Robotnik later managed to infiltrate Knothole with a duplicate of Sally's father, King Max. The traitorous freedom fighter named [[Drago Wolf|Drago]] arranged for Sally's assassination, pinning the blame on Sonic in an elaborate frameup: he had [[Hershey St. John|Hershey]] disguise herself as Sonic (using a mask with built-in sensors to make everyone appear as Snively), and cut Sally's rope, with Sally seemingly killed by the fall.<ref name="StH47">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 47|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #47]], "Taking the Fall!"</ref>

Robotnik后来设法潜入诺索尔,带着Sally的父亲,即King Max的复制品。叛徒自由战士[[Drago Wolf|Drago]]安排了Sally的刺杀计划,将罪名嫁祸给Sonic,这是一个复杂的陷害:他让[[Hershey St. John|Hershey]]伪装成Sonic(使用内置传感器的面具,使每个人都看起来像Snively),并切断了Sally的绳索,Sally似乎因为跌落而死亡。<ref name="StH47">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 47|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #47]],"Taking the Fall!"</ref>
Robotnik then appeared unexpectedly in Knothole after the fake King Max leaked its location. After arriving at the Freedom Fighters' doorstep and holding them all hostage, Robotnik announced his plan to use the rebel headquarters as a testing ground for his super-weapon, with which he intended to eradicate all non-robotic life on the planet. His "[[Operation: EndGame|Endgame]]" scheme was nevertheless foiled by the rebellion, and Robotnik was vaporized during the weapon's backfiring.<ref name="StH50">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 50|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #50]], "The Big Goodbye"</ref>

Robotnik在假King Max泄露了其位置后,出人意料地出现在诺索尔。在抵达自由战士的家门口并挟持他们所有人为人质后,Robotnik宣布了他的计划,将叛军总部作为他的超级武器的测试场,他打算用这个武器根除地球上所有非机器生命。然而,他的“[[Operation: EndGame|终局]]”计划被叛乱军破坏,而Robotnik在武器反噬时被蒸发。<ref name="StH50">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 50|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #50]],"The Big Goodbye"</ref>
It was then revealed that the fall had actually rendered Sally comatose, and [[Doctor Quack|Dr. Quack]] had managed to preserve her life. After learning that Sally was still alive, Sonic managed to revive her.<ref name="StH50"/>

然后被揭露,跌落实际上使Sally陷入昏迷状态,[[Doctor Quack|Dr. Quack]]设法保住了她的生命。在得知Sally还活着后,Sonic设法唤醒了她。<ref name="StH50"/>
===Rebuilding the kingdom===
In the wake of Robotnik's defeat, Sally worked hard to re-establish the old kingdom, beginning with the reclamation of [[Robotropolis (Archie)|Robotropolis]] from Snively and his [[DYNAMAC]] robot.<ref name="StH51">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 51|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #51]], "Reality Bytes"</ref><ref name="SSS2">[[Archie Sonic Super Special Issue 2|''Sonic Super Special'' #2]], "Brave New World"</ref> Prior even to that, she made contact with the various other [[Freedom Fighters (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Freedom Fighters]] across Mobius.<ref name="StH52">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 52|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #52]], "First Contact"</ref> She was quick to welcome the remaining Robians back into the fold, refusing to allow them to be separated from the rest of the people.<ref name="SSS2"/> She also welcomed a visit from Knuckles and [[Julie-Su]].<ref name="StH53">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 53|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #53]], "Unfinished Business"</ref>

在Robotnik被击败后,Sally努力重建旧王国,从夺回[[Robotropolis (Archie)|Robotropolis]]开始,这个城市被Snively和他的[[DYNAMAC]]机器人占领。<ref name="StH51">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 51|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #51]],"Reality Bytes"</ref><ref name="SSS2">[[Archie Sonic Super Special Issue 2|''Sonic Super Special'' #2]],"Brave New World"</ref> 甚至在此之前,她就与Mobius各地的其他[[Freedom Fighters (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|自由战士]]取得了联系。<ref name="StH52">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 52|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #52]],"First Contact"</ref> 她迅速欢迎剩余的Robians回归,拒绝让他们与其他人民分开。<ref name="SSS2"/> 她还欢迎了Knuckles和[[Julie-Su]]的访问。<ref name="StH53">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 53|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #53]],"Unfinished Business"</ref>
The desolate wasteland of Robotropolis proved difficult to rebuild, and discrimination against Robians threatened to spark a civil war.<ref name="SSS2"/><ref name="StH55s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 55|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #55]], "Rise of the Robians!"</ref><ref name="StH54">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 54|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #54]], "Running to Stand Still"</ref> Worse yet, Sally's own father wanted the Robians disassembled, which was later revealed to be a product of [[Ixis Naugus]]' efforts to dominate his mind and to claim the kingdom he had been promised by the king in exchange for his help in surviving the Zone of Silence.<ref name="StH55s2"/><ref name="StH53s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 53|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #53]], "Sounds of Silence"</ref> Together with the other Freedom Fighters, Sally would also contend with the menace of Snively's [[Eggbot (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Eggbots]],<ref name="StH54"/><ref name="StH55">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 55|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #55]], "Monkey Madness"</ref> the cyborg [[Monkey Khan]] (whom Sally herself accidentally released from his prison),<ref name="StH55"/> and even [[Master Mogul]] on Angel Island<ref name="StH56">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 56|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #56]], "Immortality is forever... life is finite."</ref> before finally freeing her father from Naugus' grip and restoring him to normal using the [[Sword of Acorns]].<ref name="SSS4">[[Archie Sonic Super Special Issue 4|''Sonic Super Special'' #4]], "The Return of the King"</ref> Sally was quick to dispatch Sonic and Tails after the fleeing wizard, bidding Sonic a fond farewell before he set out.<ref name="StH57">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 57|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #57]], "Back to Basics"</ref> With her friends wandering Mobius, Sally was treated to a history lesson on her family's history-and the responsibilities of the [[Source of All]]-by her father. She was then treated to a rude set of demands from King Max: namely, that she would marry Antoine and forget about Sonic. Proving as strong as ever, she refused to give in to her father's orders, even when faced with losing her title, choosing instead to follow her own heart.<ref name="StH58s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 58|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #58]], "The Living Crown"</ref><ref name="StH59s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 59|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #59]], "The People's Princess"</ref><ref name="StH60s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 60|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #60]], "The Ultimatum"</ref>

重建Robotropolis这片荒芜的废墟证明是困难的,而对Robians的歧视威胁要引发内战。<ref name="SSS2"/><ref name="StH55s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 55|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #55]],"Rise of the Robians!"</ref><ref name="StH54">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 54|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #54]],"Running to Stand Still"</ref> 更糟糕的是,Sally自己的父亲希望将Robians拆解,这后来被揭露是[[Ixis Naugus]]努力控制他的心智并主张王国的结果,这是为了感激国王在生存沉默区时提供的帮助。<ref name="StH55s2"/><ref name="StH53s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 53|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #53]],"Sounds of Silence"</ref> 与其他自由战士一起,Sally还将面对Snively的[[Eggbot (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Eggbots]]的威胁,<ref name="StH54"/><ref name="StH55">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 55|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #55]],"Monkey Madness"</ref> 她自己不小心释放的机械猴[[Monkey Khan]],<ref name="StH55"/> 甚至是在Angel Island上的[[Master Mogul]]<ref name="StH56">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 56|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #56]],"Immortality is forever... life is finite."</ref> 之前最终利用[[Sword of Acorns]]释放她的父亲并使他恢复正常。<ref name="SSS4">[[Archie Sonic Super Special Issue 4|''Sonic Super Special'' #4]],"The Return of the King"</ref> Sally迅速派遣Sonic和Tails追逐逃跑的巫师,在他出发前向Sonic深情告别。<ref name="StH57">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 57|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #57]],"Back to Basics"</ref> 当她的朋友们在Mobius漫游时,Sally得到了她父亲关于她家族历史和[[Source of All]]责任的历史课。然后她父亲向她提出了一系列无礼的要求:即她将嫁给Antoine并忘记Sonic。证明她一如既往的坚强,她拒绝屈服于父亲的命令,即使面对失去她的头衔,也选择跟随自己的心。<ref name="StH58s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 58|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #58]],"The Living Crown"</ref><ref name="StH59s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 59|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #59]],"The People's Princess"</ref><ref name="StH60s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 60|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #60]],"The Ultimatum"</ref>
Sally's decision to go against her father would have unexpected results, as he locked her out of his new project involving the reformed [[Royal Secret Service]].<ref name="StH63s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 63|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #63]], "On the Majesty's Secret Service Part 3"</ref> The arrival of Sonic's birthday redirected her attention, particularly when a [[Egg Station|satellite]]-motivated meteor shower came down on Mobotropolis at the same time that Sonic made his return with Tails and the Overlander [[Nate Morgan]]. Sally received an even greater surprise as the Secret Service returned from a mission to Angel Island with her mother Alicia and brother Elias in tow. Furthermore, Max announced that Elias, not Sally, would take the throne.<ref name="StH69"/><ref name="StH68">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 68|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #68]], "Surprise"</ref> To make matters worse, Max then announced that the Knothole Freedom Fighters were to be disbanded, with the Secret Service taking on many of their duties. This began after Nate was abducted by a group of escaped convicts, who nearly took out the Freedom Fighters in the process.<ref name="StH70">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 70|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #70]], "Saving Nate Morgan"</ref> Sally would then help Sonic in his efforts to save Knothole from a satellite attack.<ref name="StH71">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 71|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #71]], "Retro Activity"</ref>

Sally反对她父亲的决定将带来意想不到的结果,因为他将她排除在他涉及改革的[[Royal Secret Service]]新项目之外。<ref name="StH63s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 63|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #63]],"On the Majesty's Secret Service Part 3"</ref> Sonic的生日的到来转移了她的注意力,尤其是当一个[[Egg Station|卫星]]驱动的流星雨在Sonic与Tails和Overlander [[Nate Morgan]]一起返回时落在Mobotropolis。Sally收到了更大的惊喜,因为秘密服务从前往Angel Island的任务中带回了她的母亲Alicia和兄弟Elias。此外,Max宣布不是Sally,而是Elias将登上王位。<ref name="StH69"/><ref name="StH68">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 68|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #68]],"Surprise"</ref> 更糟的是,Max随后宣布诺索尔自由战士将被解散,秘密服务将接管许多他们的职责。这一切都在Nate被一群逃犯绑架后开始,这些逃犯差点就干掉了自由战士。<ref name="StH70">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 70|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #70]],"Saving Nate Morgan"</ref> Sally随后会帮助Sonic拯救诺索尔免受卫星攻击。<ref name="StH71">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 71|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #71]],"Retro Activity"</ref>
===Princess, diplomat, warrior===
Following a hijacking of Mobotropolis' television network by a broadcast on Dr. Robotnik and the disappearance of the Robians from Knothole, Sally would lead the Knothole Freedom Fighters on a mission to the satellites.<ref name="StH72">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 72|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #72]], "I, Robotnik!"</ref><ref name="StH73">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 73|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #73]], "The Truth is Out There"</ref><ref name="StH74">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 74|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #74]], "Don't Call it a Comeback!"</ref> There they would discover the re-enslaved Robians, along with their old foe [[Doctor Eggman (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Robo-Robotnik]], who had returned to take the place of the original Robotnik.<ref name="StH74"/><ref name="StH75">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 75|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #75]], "I Am the Eggman!"</ref> He was destroyed in battle, but through the digital transfer of his mind into a new robotic body, he was able to live on as "Dr. Eggman".<ref name="StH75"/> For a time, Sally presided over the newly-established [[Kingdom of Knothole]], a haven from Eggman until he too, like Robotnik, learned of its location.<ref name="StH76">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 76|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #76]], "Business as Usual"</ref><ref name="StH77">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 77|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #77]], "Rebel Without a Pause"</ref><ref name="StH78">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 78|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #78]], "Changes"</ref> Prior to that event, Sally helped plant a virus to prevent him from obtaining the information from his predecessor's files,<ref name="StH76"/><ref name="StH77"/> Sally would also led a mission to [[Station Square (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Station Square]] where the Freedom Fighters helped the [[human]] inhabitants deal with the threat of Dr. Eggman and [[Chaos (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Chaos]].<ref name="StH79">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 79|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #79]], "The Discovery"</ref><ref name="StH80">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 80|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #80]], "If Wishes Were Acorns"</ref><ref name="StH81">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 81|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #81]], "City of Dreams..."</ref><ref name="StH82">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 82|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #82]], "Night of Chaos!"</ref><ref name="SSS9s13">[[Archie Sonic Super Special Issue 13|''Sonic Super Special'' #13]], "Sonic Adventure"</ref><ref name="StH83">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 83|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #83]], "Menace to Society"</ref><ref name="StH84">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 84|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #84]], "Perfect Chaos"</ref> They would then face the menace of first [[Silver Sonic v2.0]] before returning home.<ref name="StH85">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 85|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #85]], "The Big Payback"</ref>

Sally and the Freedom Fighters found themselves back in action, joining King Max in an effort to save a kidnapped Elias from Robotnik.<ref name="StH88">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 88|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #88]], "Family Matters"</ref> They succeeded, only for Max to suffer paralysis-causing wounds, leaving her to watch over him and her mother Alicia as the latter recovered from an operation to awake her from her coma.<ref name="StH89">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 89|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #89]], "Thicker Than Water"</ref><ref name="StH90">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 90|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #90]], "Sword of Omens"</ref><ref name="StH93">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 93|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #93]], "Crime 'n Punishment"</ref><ref name="StH94">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 94|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #94]], "New Order"</ref><ref name="StH95">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 95|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #95]], "Enemy Mine"</ref><ref name="StH96">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 96|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #96]], "The Messenger"</ref><ref name="StH97">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 97|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #97]], "My Secret Identity"</ref> Alicia soon woke up to the joy of the family,<ref name="StH89"/> only for Elias to run away, blaming himself for all that had befallen the kingdom and saying the Sally would make a better ruler.<ref name="StH102">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 102|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #102]], "Family Dysfunction"</ref>
在Mobotropolis的电视网络被Dr. Robotnik的广播劫持,以及Robians从诺索尔消失后,Sally将带领诺索尔自由战士执行前往卫星的任务。<ref name="StH72">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 72|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #72]],"I, Robotnik!"</ref><ref name="StH73">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 73|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #73]],"The Truth is Out There"</ref><ref name="StH74">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 74|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #74]],"Don't Call it a Comeback!"</ref> 在那里,他们发现了被重新奴役的Robians,以及他们的老敌人[[Doctor Eggman (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Robo-Robotnik]],他返回来取代原始的Robotnik。<ref name="StH74"/><ref name="StH75">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 75|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #75]],"I Am the Eggman!"</ref> 他在战斗中被摧毁,但通过将他的思想数字化转移到一个新的机器人身体中,他能够作为"Dr. Eggman"继续生存。<ref name="StH75"/> 一段时间,Sally主持了新成立的[[Kingdom of Knothole]],这是一个直到Eggman像Robotnik一样了解其位置之前的避难所。<ref name="StH76">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 76|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #76]],"Business as Usual"</ref><ref name="StH77">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 77|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #77]],"Rebel Without a Pause"</ref><ref name="StH78">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 78|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #78]],"Changes"</ref> 在那之前,Sally帮助植入了一个病毒,防止他从他前任的文件中获得信息,<ref name="StH76"/><ref name="StH77"/> Sally还带领一次前往[[Station Square (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Station Square]]的任务,自由战士帮助了那里的[[human]]居民应对Dr. Eggman和[[Chaos (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Chaos]]的威胁。<ref name="StH79">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 79|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #79]],"The Discovery"</ref><ref name="StH80">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 80|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #80]],"If Wishes Were Acorns"</ref><ref name="StH81">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 81|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #81]],"City of Dreams..."</ref><ref name="StH82">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 82|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #82]],"Night of Chaos!"</ref><ref name="SSS9s13">[[Archie Sonic Super Special Issue 13|''Sonic Super Special'' #13]],"Sonic Adventure"</ref><ref name="StH83">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 83|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #83]],"Menace to Society"</ref><ref name="StH84">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 84|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #84]],"Perfect Chaos"</ref> 他们随后面临了首次[[Silver Sonic v2.0]]的威胁,然后返回家园。<ref name="StH85">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 85|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #85]],"The Big Payback"</ref> Sally和自由战士再次投入行动,与King Max一起努力拯救被Robotnik绑架的Elias。<ref name="StH88">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 88|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #88]],"Family Matters"</ref> 他们成功了,只是Max受到了导致瘫痪的伤害,让她照顾他和从昏迷中恢复的母亲Alicia。<ref name="StH89">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 89|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #89]],"Thicker Than Water"</ref><ref name="StH90">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 90|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #90]],"Sword of Omens"</ref><ref name="StH93">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 93|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #93]],"Crime 'n Punishment"</ref><ref name="StH94">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 94|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #94]],"New Order"</ref><ref name="StH95">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 95|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #95]],"Enemy Mine"</ref><ref name="StH96">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 96|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #96]],"The Messenger"</ref><ref name="StH97">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 97|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #97]],"My Secret Identity"</ref> Alicia很快醒来,全家人欢喜,<ref name="StH89"/> 只是Elias逃跑了,因为他认为自己应对了王国所遭受的一切,并说Sally会成为更好的统治者。<ref name="StH102">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 102|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #102]],"Family Dysfunction"</ref>

In her efforts to return to her former role, Sally sneaked out of [[Castle Acorn (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Castle Acorn]] to help her friends deal with a mad [[Warlord]] [[Kodos Lion|Kodos]], defeating him using the reclaimed Sword of Acorns.<ref name="StH99">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 99|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #99]], "Blow by Blow"</ref><ref name="StH100">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 100|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #100]], "Reunion"</ref> Afterwards, she would use the sword to free the [[Robian (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Robians]] of [[Robotropolis (Archie)|Robotropolis]], escaping with them and the Freedom Fighters.<ref name="StH100"/> Like other inhabitants of Mobius, she was caught up in [[Chaos Knuckles]]' attempts to alter history, leaving her in an alternate reality where Robotnik had been defeated before his coup and where she was engaged to Knuckles, but remained close to Sonic.<ref name="StH101">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 101|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #101]], "Altered States"</ref> After reality was restored to normal, she and her family were attacked by a reprogrammed [[Heavy (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Heavy]] and [[Bomb (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Bomb]], former agents of the [[Royal Secret Service]].<ref name="StH102"/> Afterwards, she was appointed as an ambassador to Station Square, only for negotiations to be interrupted by the hostile dragon [[Zan]].<ref name="StH106">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 106|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #106]], "Crouching Hedgehog, Hidden Dragon"</ref><ref name="StH107">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 107|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #107]], "Crouching Hedgehog, Hidden Dragon Part Two"</ref> She and the other Freedom Fighters would then deal with the return of [[Doctor Ivo Robotnik (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Dr. Robotnik]],<ref name="StH108">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 108|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #108]], "Robotnik x2=Trouble!"</ref> [[Hope Kintobor]]'s desire for asylum in Knothole,<ref name="StH108s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 108|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #108]], "A Girl Named Hope!"</ref> freeing the [[Walrus Herd]] from Dr. Eggman using the Sword of Acorns,<ref name="StH109">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 109|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #109]], "I Heard It Through the Pipeline"</ref> talking with [[Mina Mongoose]] about their feelings for Sonic,<ref name="StH109s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 109|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #109]], "...The Crush!"</ref> and facing the threat of nuclear annihilation due to information Sally had provided for Station Square's [[O.T.I.S.]] computer.<ref name="StH110">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 110|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #110]], "Station Square Attacks!"</ref>
在她努力恢复到以前的角色中,Sally悄悄离开了[[Castle Acorn (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Castle Acorn]]帮助她的朋友们应对一个疯狂的[[Warlord]] [[Kodos Lion|Kodos]],使用回收的橡树之剑击败了他。<ref name="StH99">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 99|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #99]], "Blow by Blow"</ref><ref name="StH100">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 100|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #100]], "Reunion"</ref> 之后,她使用这把剑解放了[[Robotropolis (Archie)|Robotropolis]]的[[Robian (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Robians]],与他们和自由战士一起逃脱。<ref name="StH100"/> Mobius的其他居民一样,她被卷入了[[Chaos Knuckles]]试图改变历史的尝试,这让她处于一个交替的现实中,那里Robotnik在他的政变前就被击败了,而她与Knuckles订婚,但仍然与Sonic保持着亲密的关系。<ref name="StH101">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 101|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #101]], "Altered States"</ref> 在现实恢复正常后,她和她的家人被一个重新编程的[[Heavy (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Heavy]][[Bomb (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Bomb]][[Royal Secret Service]]的前代理人攻击。<ref name="StH102"/> 之后,她被任命为Station Square的大使,但谈判被敌对的龙[[Zan]]打断。<ref name="StH106">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 106|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #106]], "Crouching Hedgehog, Hidden Dragon"</ref><ref name="StH107">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 107|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #107]], "Crouching Hedgehog, Hidden Dragon Part Two"</ref> 她和其他自由战士随后处理[[Doctor Ivo Robotnik (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Dr. Robotnik]]的回归,<ref name="StH108">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 108|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #108]], "Robotnik x2=Trouble!"</ref> [[Hope Kintobor]]希望在Knothole获得庇护,<ref name="StH108s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 108|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #108]], "A Girl Named Hope!"</ref> 使用橡树之剑解放[[Walrus Herd]]脱离Dr. Eggman的控制,<ref name="StH109">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 109|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #109]], "I Heard It Through the Pipeline"</ref> [[Mina Mongoose]]讨论他们对Sonic的感情,<ref name="StH109s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 109|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #109]], "...The Crush!"</ref> 面对由于SallyStation Square[[O.T.I.S.]]电脑提供的信息导致的核毁灭威胁。<ref name="StH110">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 110|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #110]], "Station Square Attacks!"</ref>

[[File:RecentSally.jpg|thumb|right|Sally holding a gun after knocking out [[Nack the Weasel (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Nack]], from [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 123|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #123]].]]
[[File:RecentSally.jpg|thumb|right|Sally在击倒[[Nack the Weasel (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Nack]]后持枪,来自[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 123|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #123]].]]
Sally would then be pursued by the [[Arachne Clan]], children of the late [[Uma Arachnis]], who wished to possess the Sword of Acorns their mother had possessed. Terrified by the Sword's increasing attempts to force a destiny she did not want upon her, Sally entrusted them with it.<ref name="StH111">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 111|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #111]], "Kids of the Spider Woman"</ref> She then welcomed a visiting [[Lupe Wolf|Lupe]] and the [[Wolf Pack (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Wolf Pack]], helping them convince Chuck to forgive himself for actions he had committed under Dr. Eggman's control.<ref name="StH112s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 112|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #112]], "Forgiven"</ref> Later she bid farewell to Geoffrey and [[Hershey St. John|Hershey]] as they set out to find her brother Elias.<ref name="StH118s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 118|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #118]], "Heart to Heart"</ref> She would also assist in the training of Mina Mongoose as a Freedom Fighter,<ref name="StH120">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 120|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #120]], "She's gotta have him"</ref> and spend quality time with her mother [[Alicia Acorn]] in remembering her late mentor [[Julayla]].<ref name="StH120s2"/> Later she would help rescue her brother Elias from Eggman's encroachments, meeting her sister-in-law [[Megan Acorn]] at the same time.<ref name="StH121">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 121|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #121]], "The Prince & The Revolution"</ref> [[Nack the Weasel (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Nack the Weasel]] and his henchmen ([[Karl]], [[Jeff]], and [[Konor]]) would later kidnap her, but she handily escaped them even before Sonic arrived to save her. The two would then admit their love for each other, and Mina would save Sally's life by taking a bullet fired by Nack.<ref name="StH122">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 122|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #122]], "Heart Held Hostage Part One"</ref><ref name="StH123">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 123|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #123]], "Heart Held Hostage Part Two"</ref> Sally and Sonic would then announce their engagement to her parents, only for the alien [[Xorda]] to arrive and deliver their deadly ultimatum to the inhabitants of Mobius. After careful research, Sally discovered that the Xorda claims of Mobius having once been [[Mobius (Archie)|Earth]] were true, and attempted to communicate with them and find a peaceful solution. Rejected, she accompanied Sonic to Eggman's city, where the two of them boarded his [[Giga-Bot Prime]] to battle the Xorda, only for it to take them hostage. Escaping, they discovered that the only way to stop the [[Quantum Dial]] weapon from destroying Mobius would be to let Sonic sacrifice himself, leading to a tearful farewell between the two.<ref name="StH124">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 124|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #124]], "Sonic Adventure 2.5: Alpha"</ref><ref name="StH125">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 125|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #125]], "Sonic Adventure 2.5: Omega"</ref>
Sally随后被[[Arachne Clan]]追踪,他们是已故[[Uma Arachnis]]的孩子,希望拥有他们母亲曾经拥有的橡树之剑。Sally被橡树之剑越来越多地试图强加给她不想要的命运所恐惧,她把它托付给了他们。<ref name="StH111">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 111|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #111]], "Kids of the Spider Woman"</ref> 然后,她欢迎来访的[[Lupe Wolf|Lupe]][[Wolf Pack (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Wolf Pack]],帮助他们说服Chuck原谅自己在Dr. Eggman控制下所犯的行为。<ref name="StH112s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 112|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #112]], "Forgiven"</ref> 后来,她向Geoffrey[[Hershey St. John|Hershey]]告别,当他们出发去找她的兄弟Elias<ref name="StH118s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 118|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #118]], "Heart to Heart"</ref> 她还会协助Mina Mongoose作为一个自由战士的训练,<ref name="StH120">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 120|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #120]], "She's gotta have him"</ref> 并与她的母亲[[Alicia Acorn]]一起回忆她已故的导师[[Julayla]],度过美好时光。<ref name="StH120s2"/> 后来,她帮助从Eggman的侵扰中救出她的兄弟Elias,同时遇见了她的嫂子[[Megan Acorn]]<ref name="StH121">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 121|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #121]], "The Prince & The Revolution"</ref> [[Nack the Weasel (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Nack the Weasel]]和他的手下([[Karl]][[Jeff]][[Konor]])后来绑架了她,但她在Sonic来救她之前就巧妙逃脱了。两人随后承认了彼此的爱,Mina通过接住Nack发射的子弹,救了Sally的命。<ref name="StH122">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 122|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #122]], "Heart Held Hostage Part One"</ref><ref name="StH123">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 123|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #123]], "Heart Held Hostage Part Two"</ref> SallySonic随后向她的父母宣布他们的订婚,只是外星人[[Xorda]]到来,向Mobius的居民发出了他们的致命最后通牒。经过仔细研究,Sally发现Xorda关于Mobius曾经是[[Mobius (Archie)|Earth]]的说法是真的,并试图与他们沟通寻找和平的解决方案。被拒绝后,她陪同Sonic前往Eggman的城市,在那里他们登上了他的[[Giga-Bot Prime]]Xorda作战,只是最后被它们俘虏。逃脱后,他们发现唯一能阻止[[Quantum Dial]]武器摧毁Mobius的方法是让Sonic牺牲自己,这导致两人之间发生了悲伤的告别。<ref name="StH124">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 124|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #124]], "Sonic Adventure 2.5: Alpha"</ref><ref name="StH125">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 125|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #125]], "Sonic Adventure 2.5: Omega"</ref>

In the year that Sonic was gone, Sally let her hair grow long and never stopped mourning her fallen love. She was thus found at his grave site when Sonic returned, having been transported into space rather than being killed.<ref name="StH130">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 130|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #130]], "Home Part 1 of 4: The Blue Blur Returns!"</ref> Their happy reunion was cut short as Dr. Eggman launched [[Operation: Triple Threat]], forcing Sonic and the other Freedom Fighters to go into battle while Sally remained behind in safety.<ref name="StH130"/><ref name="StH131">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 131|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #131]], "Home Part 2 of 4: The Gathering"</ref><ref name="StH132">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 132|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #132]], "Home Part 3 of 4: A.D.A.M. & Evil"</ref> Watching the fight from afar, Sally was traumatized by the sight of Sonic being hurt, terrified that he would be lost to her yet again.<ref name="StH133">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 133|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #133]], "Home Part 4: Finale"</ref> Upon his return, she offered him a place at her side, ruling while her parents went on a world tour. Sonic refused, saying he could not, leading to her slapping him, accusing him of being selfish. This was followed by an intense argument in front of most of their friends. In tears, Sally asked Sonic if he would rather fight Robotnik, or be with her, and because Sonic was unable to answer, Sally ran away, later breaking up with Sonic after a routine mission.<ref name="StH134">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 134|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #134]], "Home: Epilogue Say You Will"</ref> She would then lead the Freedom Fighters in a mission to stop Eggman's new [[Auto Automaton]]s and save [[Tommy Turtle]].<ref name="StH137">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 137|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #137]], "Robo-Dyne Systems"</ref> Then she let Sonic and the [[Chaotix (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Chaotix]], who had taken up residence in Knothole, set off to rescue [[Locke]] at the news of his capture.<ref name="StH138">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 138|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #138]], "Return to Angel Island Part 1: The Message"</ref>
Sonic离开的那一年里,Sally让她的头发长长了,从未停止哀悼她逝去的爱人。当Sonic返回时,她就在他的墓地被发现,Sonic被传送到了太空而没有被杀死。<ref name="StH130">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 130|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #130]], "Home Part 1 of 4: The Blue Blur Returns!"</ref> 他们的欢乐重聚很快被Dr. Eggman发起的[[Operation: Triple Threat]]打断,迫使Sonic和其他自由战士进入战斗,而Sally留在安全的后方。<ref name="StH130"/><ref name="StH131">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 131|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #131]], "Home Part 2 of 4: The Gathering"</ref><ref name="StH132">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 132|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #132]], "Home Part 3 of 4: A.D.A.M. & Evil"</ref> 从远处观看战斗的Sally因看到Sonic受伤而感到心碎,恐惧他会再次失去。<ref name="StH133">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 133|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #133]], "Home Part 4: Finale"</ref> 他回来后,她提出他在她身边执政的位置,而她的父母去世界旅行。Sonic拒绝了,说他做不到,这导致她打了他一个耳光,指责他自私。这是在大多数朋友面前发生的激烈争论之后。Sally流着眼泪问Sonic,他是宁愿与Robotnik作战,还是与她在一起,因为Sonic无法回答,Sally跑了出去,后来在一次常规任务后与Sonic分手。<ref name="StH134">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 134|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #134]], "Home: Epilogue Say You Will"</ref> 她随后带领自由战士执行任务,阻止Eggman的新[[Auto Automaton]]s并救出[[Tommy Turtle]]<ref name="StH137">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 137|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #137]], "Robo-Dyne Systems"</ref> 然后,她让Sonic[[Chaotix (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Chaotix]],他们已经在Knothole定居,出发去救被捕的[[Locke]]<ref name="StH138">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 138|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #138]], "Return to Angel Island Part 1: The Message"</ref>

During a celebration, Sally addressed the Knothole Freedom Fighters while celebrating Amy Rose's contributions to the defense of Fort Acorn. Realizing she had matured and become a capable fighter on her own, Sally asked Amy if she would become an official member of the Freedom Fighters after awarding her the Medal of Honor, an opportunity Amy accepted.<ref name="StH142">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 142|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #142]], "I Wanna Be a Freedom Fighter!"</ref> Later, in her efforts to heal her own broken heart, she started a column in the [[Knothole Inquirer]] under the pseudonym "Dear Aly", answering letters from such lovesick residents.<ref name="StH144s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 144|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #144]], "Love And Loss"</ref> Sally's relationship with Nicole would then reach a deeper level when a lab accident briefly resulted in the two of them switching bodies, allowing Nicole to see what it was like to have a Mobian body.<ref name="StH146s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 146|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #146]], "Circuit Me"</ref> This led to Nicole creating her own, which she showed to Sally during a rare night of peace.<ref name="StH151s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 151|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #151]], "Stargazing"</ref>
在一次庆祝活动中,Sally在庆祝Amy RoseFort Acorn防御的贡献时,向Knothole自由战士发表讲话。意识到她已经成熟并成为一名能够独立作战的战士,Sally询问Amy是否愿意在授予她荣誉勋章后成为自由战士的官方成员,这是Amy接受的机会。<ref name="StH142">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 142|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #142]], "I Wanna Be a Freedom Fighter!"</ref> 后来,在她努力治愈自己破碎的心时,她以假名"Aly"在[[Knothole Inquirer]]开始了一个专栏,回答这样的爱情困惑居民的来信。<ref name="StH144s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 144|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #144]], "Love And Loss"</ref> SallyNicole的关系随后达到了更深层次,当一次实验室事故短暂导致两人互换身体时,让Nicole体验到了拥有Mobian身体的感觉。<ref name="StH146s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 146|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #146]], "Circuit Me"</ref> 这导致Nicole创造了自己的身体,她在一个罕见的和平夜晚向Sally展示。<ref name="StH151s2">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 151|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #151]], "Stargazing"</ref>

[[File:Sally and Patch.jpg|thumb|200px|left|Sally being fooled into marrying [[Patch D'Coolette|Patch]], from [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 156|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #156]].]]
[[File:Sally and Patch.jpg|thumb|200px|left|Sally被欺骗与[[Patch D'Coolette|Patch]]结婚,来自[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 156|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #156]].]]
When King Max fell into a coma unexpectedly, Sally finally gave in to his long ago demand that she would marry Antoine.<ref name="StH155">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 155|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #155]], "Line of Succession Part One"</ref> However, the day afterwards, the wedding was quickly annulled when her groom turned out to be [[Patch]], an evil version of Antoine from a parallel universe. After her brother Elias took the throne and her father still into a coma due to Patch's poisoning, Sally returned to taking a more active role in overseeing the Freedom Fighters, even joining them in combat once again.<ref name="StH156">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 156|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #156]], "Line of Succession Part 2"</ref>
King Max意外陷入昏迷时,Sally最终屈服于他很久以前的要求,她将与Antoine结婚。<ref name="StH155">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 155|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #155]], "Line of Succession Part One"</ref> 然而,第二天,当她的新郎被证明是来自平行宇宙的Antoine的邪恶版本[[Patch]]时,婚礼迅速被取消。在她的兄弟Elias登基和她的父亲仍因Patch的毒药而陷入昏迷后,Sally回到了更积极地监督自由战士的角色,甚至再次加入战斗。<ref name="StH156">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 156|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #156]], "Line of Succession Part 2"</ref>

===Back on the front lines===
Sally agreed to be the maid of honor at Antoine and [[Bunnie D'Coolette (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Bunnie]]'s wedding, with Sonic serving as best man.<ref name="StH174">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 174|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #174]], "Union"</ref> Not long after the ceremony, Sally became one of the many Mobians that were captured during the [[Destruction of Knothole|aerial bombardment of Knothole]], but was promptly freed by a rescue mission mounted by the few who were not captured: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Nicole. With Knothole completely crushed, Dr. Eggman turned his sights on [[New Mobotropolis]].<ref name="StH175">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 175|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #175]], "Eggman Empire"</ref><ref name="StH176">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 176|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #176]], "Cracking the Empire"</ref> During a period of rest within the safety of New Mobotropolis' shields, Sally spoke with Antoine and Bunnie and had Bunnie cut her hair to its previous shoulder length, symbolizing that she was her old self again and had regained her confidence. She then led the charge against the enemy forces herself, resulting in the Freedom Fighters and [[Chaotix (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Chaotix]] defeating Eggman's [[Egg Beater]] battle suit.<ref name="StH177">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 177|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #177]], "Home, New Home"</ref>
Sally同意成为Antoine[[Bunnie D'Coolette (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Bunnie]]婚礼上的伴娘,而Sonic担任最佳男士。<ref name="StH174">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 174|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #174]], "Union"</ref> 婚礼结束不久,Sally成为了在[[Destruction of Knothole|Knothole空袭]]期间被捕的众多Mobians之一,但很快被几位未被捕获的人:Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Nicole发起的营救任务解救出来。Knothole被彻底摧毁后,Dr. Eggman将他的视线转向了[[New Mobotropolis]]<ref name="StH175">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 175|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #175]], "Eggman Empire"</ref><ref name="StH176">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 176|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #176]], "Cracking the Empire"</ref> New Mobotropolis'的护盾内休息期间,Sally与AntoineBunnie交谈,并让Bunnie将她的头发剪回以前的肩长,象征着她再次成为了她自己,并且回复了自信。然后她亲自带领对抗敌人的冲锋,结果自由战士和[[Chaotix (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Chaotix]]击败了Eggman[[Egg Beater]]战斗装甲。<ref name="StH177">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 177|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #177]], "Home, New Home"</ref>

Not long after, Sally interrupted a duel between her brother Elias and [[Amadeus Prower]], both of whom were leading separate factions in a schism that threatened to plunge New Mobotropolis into civil war. Reminding them of her own ruling experience, she managed to bring the duel to an end and worked with them to establish a new system of government. Though the new ruling body called for seven council members-including Elias-Sally declined running, apparently quite fine with leaving politics behind for a while. Sadly, her relief at the averted crisis was short-lived, as [[Dimitri]] arrived with horrifying news: [[Enerjak]] had returned.<ref name="StH178">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 178|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #178]], "House of Cards Part 1 of 2"</ref><ref name="StH179">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 179|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #179]], "House of Cards Part Two: Royal Flush"</ref>
不久之后,Sally打断了她的兄弟Elias[[Amadeus Prower]]之间的决斗,他们两人分别领导着在分裂中的不同派系,这种分裂威胁着将New Mobotropolis拖入内战。提醒他们她自己的统治经验,她成功地结束了决斗,并与他们一起建立了新的政府体系。虽然新的统治机构要求包括Elias在内的七名议会成员,Sally拒绝参选,显然她很愿意暂时离开政治。遗憾的是,她因避免了危机而感到的松懈很快就消失了,因为[[Dimitri]]带来了恐怖的消息:[[Enerjak]]已经回来了。<ref name="StH178">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 178|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #178]], "House of Cards Part 1 of 2"</ref><ref name="StH179">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 179|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #179]], "House of Cards Part Two: Royal Flush"</ref>

[[File:Mobians.JPG|thumb|right|Sally rallying the citizens of [[New Mobotropolis]] against [[Enerjak]], from [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 182|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #182]].]]
[[File:Mobians.JPG|thumb|right|Sally[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 182|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #182]]中召集[[New Mobotropolis]]的市民对抗[[Enerjak]]。]]
Upon learning that Enerjak had returned and that no mission would be sent to Angel Island in spite of Knuckles' continued absence, the Chaotix attempted to leave New Mobotropolis without authorization, only for Sally to stop them and ask that they remain in the city to help prepare for Enerjak's arrival. To appease them, she also sent Sonic and Tails to Angel Island to see what they could find out about Knuckles.<ref name="StH180">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 180|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #180]], "Preparations For War"</ref> At the same time, Nicole sent a [[Nanite-Powered Camera|probe]] to Angel Island to observe Enerjak's activities, which Sally also watched after failing to contact the various global Freedom Fighter groups for support due to Eggman's jamming. Luckily, she was able to make contact with [[Rouge the Bat (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Rouge the Bat]], who assured her that a [[Guardian Units of the Nation (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|G.U.N.]] agent would arrive to provide assistance. Sally then assembled the Freedom Fighters and Chaotix as Enerjak arrived, only to be horrified as he revealed himself to be none other than a brainwashed Knuckles.<ref name="StH181">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 181|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #181]], "Enerjak: Reborn Chapter One: Rising Evil"</ref> Fortunately, Sonic and Tails returned just in time, Sonic battling Enerjak while the others took cover. Unfortunately, even the arrival of [[Shadow the Hedgehog (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Shadow]] failed to stop Enerjak, as did a mass charge which Sally led against him. The arrival of the [[Egg Fleet (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Egg Fleet]] resulted in Enerjak being transported to [[New Megaopolis]], and Sally was unsure whether a rescue mission was advisable given the threat he presented. The decision was soon taken out of her hands as Enerjak escaped and then virtually leveled the city.<ref name="StH182">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 182|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #182]], "Fallen Angel"</ref><ref name="StH183">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 183|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #183]], "Desperate Times"</ref> In the end, Knuckles was returned to normal thanks to [[Super Sonic (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Super Sonic]] and [[Locke]]'s sacrifice.<ref name="StH184">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 184|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #184]], "Chaos Angel"</ref>
当得知Enerjak已经回来,并且尽管Knuckles持续缺席,也不会派遣任务前往天使岛时,Chaotix试图未经授权离开New Mobotropolis,只是被Sally阻止,并请求他们留在城市中帮助准备迎接Enerjak的到来。为了安抚他们,她还派SonicTails前往天使岛,看看他们能发现关于Knuckles的什么信息。<ref name="StH180">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 180|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #180]], "Preparations For War"</ref> 同时,Nicole向天使岛发送了一个[[Nanite-Powered Camera|探测器]]来观察Enerjak的活动,Sally在由于Eggman的干扰而未能联系到各个全球自由战士团体以寻求支持后也观看了这些活动。幸运的是,她能够与[[Rouge the Bat (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Rouge the Bat]]取得联系,后者向她保证一名[[Guardian Units of the Nation (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|G.U.N.]]代理人将到达提供援助。Sally随后组织了自由战士和Chaotix,因为Enerjak到来,但当他揭示自己竟然是被洗脑的Knuckles时,她感到震惊。<ref name="StH181">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 181|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #181]], "Enerjak: Reborn Chapter One: Rising Evil"</ref> 幸运的是,Sonic和Tails及时返回,Sonic与Enerjak战斗,而其他人躲避。不幸的是,即使是[[Shadow the Hedgehog (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Shadow]]的到来也未能阻止Enerjak,Sally领导的大规模冲锋也是如此。[[Egg Fleet (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Egg Fleet]]的到来导致Enerjak被传送到[[New Megaopolis]],Sally不确定是否应该发起救援任务,考虑到他所带来的威胁。很快,这个决定就被Enerjak逃脱并几乎将城市夷为平地的行为夺走了。<ref name="StH182">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 182|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #182]], "Fallen Angel"</ref><ref name="StH183">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 183|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #183]], "Desperate Times"</ref> 最终,得益于[[Super Sonic (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Super Sonic]][[Locke]]的牺牲,Knuckles恢复了正常。<ref name="StH184">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 184|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #184]], "Chaos Angel"</ref>

After Mammoth Mogul's escape from prison, he then took over Robotnik's old [[Casino Night (Archie)|Casino Night Zone]] and changed it to his own image. Meanwhile, Sally spent some time alone with Sonic in the ruins of Knothole talking about their past and feelings for one another. Their conversation was interrupted by Bean and Bark and the Destructix. Eventually, Sonic was knocked out by a shot from Nack the Weasel, who then gave Sally ten seconds to run for help while Sonic was dragged off by the Destructix.<ref name="StH187">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 187|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #187]], "Mister Popular"</ref> She soon liberated him with the help of Amy Rose and Geoffrey. When the heroes confronted Mogul, however, he denied all claims of wrong-doing as his accusers lacked any incontrovertible evidence. Sally and her friends were then sent away publicly humiliated.<ref name="StH188">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 188|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #188]], "Beating the House"</ref>
Mammoth Mogul从监狱逃脱后,他接管了Robotnik的老[[Casino Night (Archie)|Casino Night Zone]]并将其改造成自己的形象。与此同时,Sally和SonicKnothole的废墟中单独度过了一些时间,谈论他们的过去和对彼此的感情。他们的对话被BeanBark以及Destructix打断。最终,Sonic被Nack the Weasel的一枪击倒,然后Sally被给了十秒钟的时间去寻求帮助,而SonicDestructix拖走。<ref name="StH187">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 187|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #187]], "Mister Popular"</ref> 她很快就在Amy RoseGeoffrey的帮助下解救了他。然而,当英雄们面对Mogul时,他否认了所有的不当行为指控,因为他的指控者缺乏无可辩驳的证据。Sally和她的朋友们被公开羞辱地送走了。<ref name="StH188">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 188|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #188]], "Beating the House"</ref>

[[File:Untitled 26.png|thumb|200px|left|Sally vs. [[Fiona Fox|Fiona]], from [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 189|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #189]].]]
[[File:Untitled 26.png|thumb|200px|left|Sally[[Fiona Fox|Fiona]]对峙,来自[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 189|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #189]].]]
Following this, the [[Suppression Squad]] came to Mobius Prime through the [[Star Posts (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Star Posts]] and began attacking [[Freedom HQ]]. Sonic arrived back at Freedom HQ just as [[Scourge the Hedgehog|Scourge]] emerged.<ref name="StH189">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 189|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #189]], "A Bold New Moebius Part One: Unwelcome Guests!"</ref> Unfortunately, the Freedom Fighters found themselves matched blow-for-blow with the Suppression Squad, and the battle was taking its toll on the base so Sally convinced Sonic and the rest to retreat.<ref name="StH190">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 190|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #190]], "A Bold New Moebius Part Two: Duality!"</ref>
此后,[[Suppression Squad]]通过[[Star Posts (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Star Posts]]来到Mobius Prime,并开始攻击[[Freedom HQ]]Sonic刚回到Freedom HQ,[[Scourge the Hedgehog|Scourge]]就出现了。<ref name="StH189">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 189|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #189]], "A Bold New Moebius Part One: Unwelcome Guests!"</ref> 不幸的是,自由战士与Suppression Squad的战斗旗鼓相当,基地也因战斗而受损,所以Sally说服了Sonic和其他人撤退。<ref name="StH190">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 190|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #190]], "A Bold New Moebius Part Two: Duality!"</ref>

Later, Sally told Sonic he was being sent on a mission to invade Anti Mobius with Amy Rose. While they were gone, Miles from the Suppression Squad was sent to bomb New Mobotropolis. Sally and the Freedom Fighters arrived on the scene, only to find that Miles was actually willing to propose an alliance against Scourge. After Miles explained how Scourge took over their world, Sally agreed to helping him.<ref name="StH192">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 192|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #192]], "Metal and Mettle Part 2"</ref><ref name="StH193">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 193|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #193]], "Otherside Part One: How the Other Half Lives"</ref>
后来,Sally告诉Sonic他被派遣执行一项任务,与Amy Rose一起入侵反Mobius。在他们离开期间,来自Suppression Squad的Miles被派去轰炸New MobotropolisSally和自由战士赶到现场,只发现Miles实际上愿意提出联盟对抗Scourge。在Miles解释了Scourge是如何接管他们的世界后,Sally同意帮助他。<ref name="StH192">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 192|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #192]], "Metal and Mettle Part 2"</ref><ref name="StH193">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 193|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #193]], "Otherside Part One: How the Other Half Lives"</ref>

However, the Freedom Fighters and Suppression Squad were no match for Scourge. After Sonic returned to take on Scourge, they were both blasted by Boomer and thrown back into Moebius by Miles. Afterwards, Boomer shut down the star posts; therefore, Sonic and Scourge were unable to return to Mobius.<ref name="StH194">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 194|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #194]], "Otherside Part 2: Cross World Conflict!"</ref>
然而,自由战士和Suppression Squad都不是Scourge的对手。Sonic返回后对Scourge发起攻击,他们两人都被Boomer炸飞,被Miles扔回了Moebius。之后,Boomer关闭了星帖,因此,Sonic和Scourge无法返回Mobius<ref name="StH194">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 194|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #194]], "Otherside Part 2: Cross World Conflict!"</ref>

Sally and Alicia ended up arguing about stranding Sonic and Amy in Moebius, but the two were interrupted when [[Rob o' the Hedge]] and [[Silver the Hedgehog (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Silver the Hedgehog]] arrived. Sally proceeded to explain to them what had happened to Sonic and Amy and how they were stranded in Moebius. Silver then used the warp ring to go there with Rob O' the Hedge. Sally then told Tails to start fixing up the Star Posts.<ref name="StH195">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 195|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #195]], "Hedgehog Havoc! Part 1"</ref>
SallyAlicia最终因为将SonicAmy留在Moebius上而发生争执,但当[[Rob o' the Hedge]][[Silver the Hedgehog (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Silver the Hedgehog]]到达时,两人被打断。Sally继续向他们解释SonicAmyMoebius上的情况以及他们是如何被留在那里的。随后,Silver使用传送戒指与Rob O' the Hedge一起前往那里。Sally然后告诉Tails开始修理星帖。<ref name="StH195">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 195|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #195]], "Hedgehog Havoc! Part 1"</ref>

Shortly after Tails had repaired the Star Posts and they went through them to Moebius, the Suppression Squad and Freedom Fighters where ambushed by [[Super Scourge]] and he tried to injure the cowardly [[Miles Prower (Anti-Miles)|Miles]], but Silver used his psychokinesis to grab and hold Scourge before he could, but he managed to break free nonetheless. Sally then ordered Silver to try this again so the others could pile on top of Super Scourge long enough for him to lose his super form, but Silver's power failed him yet again and Scourge threw the others off of him. Scourge was later defeated thanks to the quick thinking of Sonic, as the [[Anarchy Beryl]] drained Scourge of his strength when he powered down. Sally then walked back with the others to [[Doctor Ivo Kintobor|Dr. Kintobor]]'s [[Dr. Kintobor's tower|tower]] to go back to Mobius via the [[Globe Posts]].<ref name="StH196">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 196|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #196]], "Hedgehog Havoc! Part 2"</ref>
Tails修好星帖并他们通过它们到达Moebius后不久,自由战士和Suppression Squad[[Super Scourge]]伏击,他试图伤害懦弱的[[Miles Prower (Anti-Miles)|Miles]],但Silver使用他的心灵动力抓住并阻止了Scourge,尽管Scourge最终还是挣脱了。Sally随后命令Silver再次尝试,以便其他人能够堆叠在Super Scourge上足够长的时间让他失去超级形态,但Silver的力量再次失败,Scourge将其他人甩开。Scourge后来多亏了Sonic的机智被击败,因为当他力量下降时,[[Anarchy Beryl]]消耗了Scourge的力量。Sally随后与其他人一起回到了[[Doctor Ivo Kintobor|Dr. Kintobor]][[Dr. Kintobor's tower|]]通过[[Globe Posts]]返回Mobius。<ref name="StH196">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 196|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #196]], "Hedgehog Havoc! Part 2"</ref>

===Tried for treason===
[[File:Sally_protest.jpg|thumb|Accused of treason, Sally argues in her own defense, from [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 197|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #197]].]]
[[File:Sally_protest.jpg|thumb|被控以叛国罪,Sally为自己辩护,来自[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 197|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #197]].]]
从Moebius返回后,Sally被带到[[Council of Acorn]]前,进行听证会以决定她是否因违反了他们的命令(他们已决定反对采取行动对抗Eggman,而不是Suppression Squad)而应被逮捕,她的前学生[[Hamlin Pig|Hamlin]]担任检察官。针对Sally的案件相当有力,但这位公主通过提出一个替代方案来扭转局面,即如果她因违背议会的意愿做出决定而被认定有罪,她将来会拒绝在战斗中行动而不经议会同意,以确保她不会再犯同样的错误。她还补充说,她不会求助于Chaotix。或者允许她继续作为现场领导者做决定,就像她一直以来做的那样,并简单地信任她能正确执行她的职责。除Hamlin外的所有人随后投票决定放弃对Sally的指控。她后来与Hamlin交谈,不理解他的行为,他解释说他加入了替代自由战士是想做出改变,但大部分时间都被留在了后面。然后他说,如果他不被允许在战场上做出改变,那么他希望确保自由战士能按照规则行事,以利于所有人。Sally对他的苦涩感到有些不安。<ref name="StH197">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 197|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #197]], "Consequences"</ref>
After returning from Moebius, Sally was brought before the [[Council of Acorn]] to a hearing to decide if she deserved arrest for going against their orders of not retaliating against the Suppression Squad (as they had ruled in favor of acting against Eggman instead), with her former student [[Hamlin Pig|Hamlin]] as the prosecutor. The case against Sally was quite strong, but the princess turned the situation around by suggested an alternative that if she was found guilty of making a decision against the wishes of the council, she would in the future refuse to act without the council's say-so, even during a battle, to ensure she would not make the same mistake twice. She also added that she would not turn to the Chaotix for help. Or that the council allow her to continue to make decisions as a field leader as she always had and simply trust her to act out her duty properly. Everyone but Hamlin then voted for the charges against Sally to be dropped. She later spoke with Hamlin, not understanding his actions, and he explained that he had joined the Substitute Freedom Fighters wanting to make a change, only to be largely left behind. He then said that if he was not allowed to make a change on the field, then he wanted to ensure that the Freedom Fighters acted by the book for the good of all. Sally was left somewhat upset by his bitterness.<ref name="StH197">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 197|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #197]], "Consequences"</ref>

===Leading the charge against Eggman===
The next day, Sally led the attack against the [[Eggdome]], commanding both the Knothole Freedom Fighters and the Chaotix. Using her tactics, both teams managed to defeat the [[New Megaopolis Dark Egg Legion|Dark Egg Legion]] and force it into retreat. Before they could get the group to surrender, the [[Egg Phoenix]] showed up and began attacking. Sally came up with the plan to have Sonic distract Eggman while [[Ray the Flying Squirrel (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Ray]], [[Charmy Bee (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Charmy]] and [[Saffron Bee|Saffron]] planted Tails' [[Neutralizing Mine]]s upon the craft, causing its engines to fail and crash. After the Egg Phoenix was destroyed, Sally ordered the groups to set up camp for the night, as they were all battle-weary (except Sonic).<ref name="StH198">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 198|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #198]], "Phoenix-down!"</ref> The next day, Sally assisted Rotor in setting up a live feed to New Mobotropolis, thinking the citizens back home had a right to know how the battle went. After making their way inside the Eggdome itself, she linked up with Julie-Su via Nicole in order to coordinate the two teams. However, they eventually found that the Legionnaires had retreated; they also found they could go no further because of a barricade designed to bottleneck the group; investigating it, Espio came to the conclusion that it was designed to allow Sonic through alone. Sonic decided to take the invitation with the rest coming in later to back him up, though Sally was against it, however Sonic reminded her that this was how they usually fought. Sally reluctantly agreed, giving Sonic a hug and telling him to be careful before he left.<ref name="StH199">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 199|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #199]], "Knocking On Eggman's Door"</ref>
第二天,Sally领导了对[[Eggdome]]的攻击,指挥了Knothole自由战士和Chaotix。利用她的战术,两支队伍成功击败了[[New Megaopolis Dark Egg Legion|Dark Egg Legion]]并迫使其撤退。在他们能让该团队投降之前,[[Egg Phoenix]]出现并开始攻击。Sally提出了一个计划,让Sonic分散Eggman的注意力,同时让[[Ray the Flying Squirrel (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Ray]][[Charmy Bee (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Charmy]][[Saffron Bee|Saffron]]在飞行器上放置Tails[[Neutralizing Mine]],导致其引擎失败并坠毁。在Egg Phoenix被摧毁后,Sally命令团队搭建夜间营地,因为除了Sonic外,他们都感到疲惫。<ref name="StH198">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 198|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #198]], "Phoenix-down!"</ref> 第二天,Sally帮助Rotor设置了直播到New Mobotropolis,认为远在家乡的市民有权了解战斗的进展。在进入Eggdome本身后,她通过Nicole与Julie-Su连接,以便协调两支队伍。然而,他们最终发现Legionnaires已撤退;他们也发现由于一个旨在瓶颈团队的障碍而无法继续前进;Espio得出结论,这是设计让Sonic单独通过。Sonic决定接受邀请,其余人稍后支援,尽管Sally反对,但Sonic提醒她这是他们通常的作战方式。Sally勉强同意,给了Sonic一个拥抱,并告诉他小心。<ref name="StH199">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 199|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #199]], "Knocking On Eggman's Door"</ref>

After Bunnie and Mighty eventually managed to pull the doors, apart she ran ahead to see if Sonic needed help only to find Eggman in a state of insanity. After Snively told them that Sonic "broke" Eggman and that they had won, they decided to leave Snively to care for his now-ailing (and seemingly harmless) uncle. However, Sally noticed that Sonic was feeling uneasy about his victory, having not won in the way he was expecting, and tried to comfort him. They then joined the two teams as they returned home.<ref name="StH200">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 200|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #200]], "Turn About Is Fair Play"</ref>
BunnieMighty最终设法拉开大门后,她跑前去看Sonic是否需要帮助,只找到处于疯狂状态的Eggman。在Snively告诉他们Sonic“击碎”了Eggman并且他们已经赢了后,他们决定留下Snively来照顾他现在生病的(看似无害的)叔叔。然而,Sally注意到Sonic对他的胜利感到不安,没有以他期待的方式赢得胜利,并试图安慰他。然后他们与两支队伍一起返回家园。<ref name="StH200">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 200|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #200]], "Turn About Is Fair Play"</ref>

===Combating the Iron Dominion===
在庆祝Eggman的失败期间,Sally带Sonic去听音乐会,试图让Sonic享受自己,而他则在思考Eggman陷入疯狂的事情。然而,在[[Forget Me Knots]]开始演奏之前,Monkey Khan激烈地打断了他们,指责英雄们在世界其他地方处于动荡时庆祝。Sally对Khan的出现感到惊讶,但Sonic只是试图攻击这位机械人。幸运的是,Sally在身体接触发生前介入。Sally试图向Khan解释Eggman已经被击败,但Khan表示只是管理层发生了变化,现在[[Iron Dominion]]控制了Eggman帝国。当Sonic和Khan决定直接进攻时,Sally试图警告他们可能面临的危险,但她的警告被忽视,两位战士离开去战斗,而Sally留下,感到担忧。<ref name="StH201">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 201|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #201]], "Change In Management"</ref>
During the celebration of Eggman's defeat, Sally took Sonic to a concert in an attempt to get Sonic to enjoy himself, while he mulled over Eggman's descent into insanity. However, before the [[Forget Me Knots]] could start playing, Monkey Khan violently interrupted, chastising the heroes for celebrating while other parts of the world were in turmoil. Sally was surprised by Khan's appearance, but Sonic simply attempted to attack the cyborg. Fortunately, Sally intervened before physical contact could be made. Sally attempted to explain to Khan that Eggman had been defeated, but Khan stated that a mere change in management had taken place, and the [[Iron Dominion]] was now in control of the Eggman Empire. While Sonic and Khan decide to attack head-on, Sally tries to warn them of the dangers they might face, but her warnings fall on deaf ears, with the two fighters leaving to fight, while Sally stays, worried.<ref name="StH201">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 201|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #201]], "Change In Management"</ref>

Upon their return, she was the first to learn of New Megaopolis' current status, along with the apparent betrayal of [[Espio the Chameleon (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Espio the Chameleon]].<ref name="StH202">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 202|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #202]], "Dangerous Territory"</ref> Sally later led the Freedom Fighters in confronting the [[Iron Queen]] and Snively Robotnik when they entered New Mobotropolis, demanding the two surrender and sending Bunnie and Tails to engage the intruders when they refused to comply. She then called for backup from the Chaotix when Bunnie's cybernetics were taken over by the Iron Queen's [[Magitek]] powers and forced her to attack her allies. Sally then watched in dismay as the Iron Queen used her powers to take control of Monkey Khan and unleash him against the city.<ref name="StH203">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 203|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #203]], "Heavy is the Head Part One: Surprise Visit"</ref> Once Sonic returned from delivering Bunnie to safety, Sally briefed him on the situation, and bade Sonic not to hurt Monkey Khan when Sonic engaged him. She was then joined by Antoine, [[Vector the Crocodile (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Vector]] and [[Mighty the Armadillo (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Mighty]] in stalling the possessed Monkey Khan long enough for Sonic to obtain a [[Power Ring (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Power Ring]] from the [[Lake of Rings (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Lake of Rings]]. Once Monkey Khan was free from the Iron Queen's control, Sally consoled him over what had happened, even embracing him as she reiterated the importance of remembering who their friends and allies were.<ref name="StH204">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 204|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #204]], "Heavy is the Head Part Two: Iron Khan"</ref>
在他们返回后,她是第一个了解New Megaopolis当前状态以及[[Espio the Chameleon (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Espio the Chameleon]]明显背叛的人。<ref name="StH202">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 202|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #202]], "Dangerous Territory"</ref> Sally后来领导自由战士面对进入New Mobotropolis的[[Iron Queen]]Snively Robotnik,要求两人投降,并在他们拒绝遵从时派遣BunnieTails对抗入侵者。当Bunnie的电子设备被Iron Queen[[Magitek]]能力接管并被迫攻击她的盟友时,她随后呼叫Chaotix作为支援。Sally然后目睹Iron Queen利用她的能力控制Monkey Khan,并将他释放对抗城市。<ref name="StH203">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 203|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #203]], "Heavy is the Head Part One: Surprise Visit"</ref> 一旦SonicBunnie安全送达后返回,Sally向他简报了情况,并在Sonic与他交战时要求Sonic不要伤害Monkey Khan。随后她与Antoine[[Vector the Crocodile (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Vector]][[Mighty the Armadillo (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Mighty]]一起拖延被控制的Monkey Khan,足够长的时间让Sonic[[Lake of Rings (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Lake of Rings]]获得一个[[Power Ring (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Power Ring]]。一旦Monkey KhanIron Queen的控制中解放出来,Sally安慰他,重申记住谁是我们的朋友和盟友的重要性。<ref name="StH204">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 204|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #204]], "Heavy is the Head Part Two: Iron Khan"</ref>

[[File:Firewall.jpg|thumb|200px|left|Sally creates a firewall in the digital world, from [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 209|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #209]].]]
[[File:Firewall.jpg|thumb|200px|left|Sally在数字世界中创建防火墙,来自[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 209|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #209]].]]
Sally would later be one of the many Mobians to witness Eggman's imprisonment in New Mobotropolis after he escaped.<ref name="StH206">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 206|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #206]], "On the Run Part Two: Trouble by the Dozen"</ref> The princess would later have some heart to heart conversation with Bunnie and Ken, deciding to fully reconcile with Sonic and make a relationship with Ken.<ref name="StH207">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 207|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #207]], "Blackout"</ref> The Iron Queen would later take control of Nicole and New Mobotropolis forcing Sally, Tails, Ken and Sonic to use the [[Tornado (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Tornado]] and escape.<ref name="StH208">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 208|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #208]], "Iron Dominion Part One"</ref> At Freedom HQ Sally blamed herself for the events that transpired. After being comforted by Ken and Sonic, Sally and Sonic then transport themselves into New Mobotropolis' software. When Sally managed to get through to Nicole using a firewall, Nicole informed her about the Iron Dominion's forces and devised a plan. After they went through the plan, Sally and Sonic returned to Freedom HQ and Sally informed Tails, Sonic and Khan about the plan.<ref name="StH209">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 209|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #209]], "Iron Dominion Part 2"</ref>
Sally后来成为许多见证EggmanNew Mobotropolis被监禁的Mobians之一,这是在他逃脱后。<ref name="StH206">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 206|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #206]], "On the Run Part Two: Trouble by the Dozen"</ref> 这位公主后来与BunnieKen进行了一些心与心的交谈,决定与Sonic完全和解,并与Ken建立关系。<ref name="StH207">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 207|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #207]], "Blackout"</ref> Iron Queen后来控制了NicoleNew Mobotropolis,迫使SallyTailsKenSonic使用[[Tornado (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Tornado]]逃离。<ref name="StH208">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 208|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #208]], "Iron Dominion Part One"</ref> 在自由战士总部,Sally因发生的事件责备自己。在KenSonic的安慰下,Sally和Sonic随后传送到了New Mobotropolis的软件中。当Sally通过防火墙与Nicole取得联系时,Nicole告知了她Iron Dominion的力量并制定了一个计划。在他们讨论计划后,Sally和Sonic返回到自由战士总部,并向TailsSonicKhan通报了计划。<ref name="StH209">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 209|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #209]], "Iron Dominion Part 2"</ref>

===Journey to the east===
After arriving in the Dragon Kingdom, Sally was captured by the [[Gossamer Clan]] to ensure Sonic would meet with the [[Bride of the Endless Reach]] along with Monkey Khan and Tails. Upon Sonic's arrival, they were freed, but Khan noticed Sally seemed out of it and held back for a few minutes to talk with her. Sally confessed to him that her actions lately had caused her severe stress and even had her questioning her own abilities, but Khan helped her get her mind on track by saying she was the only hope they had for victory right now. After this, negotiations began with the Bride of Endless Reach, and Sally introduced herself, and insisted Khan refer to himself as the King of the [[Free People]], and they convinced her to rebel against the Iron Dominion for peace, and although she predicted it as a long and difficult journey, she agreed to this. Later on, they returned to the Temple of the Golden Lotus, and she conversed with Ken while eating with [[Li Yuen]] before a shuriken came through the window bearing a note, saying the Yagyu Clan wished to meet them.<ref name="SU13">[[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 13|''Sonic Universe'' #13]], "Journey to the East Part One: Endless Reach of Fate"</ref>
到达龙王国后,Sally被[[Gossamer Clan]]俘获,以确保Sonic会与Monkey Khan和Tails一起会见[[Bride of the Endless Reach]]。在Sonic到达后,他们被释放,但Khan注意到Sally似乎有些心不在焉,并停下来与她交谈了几分钟。Sally向他坦白,她最近的行动给她造成了严重的压力,甚至让她质疑自己的能力,但Khan通过说她现在是他们获胜的唯一希望,帮助她调整了心态。此后,与Bride of Endless Reach的谈判开始,Sally介绍了自己,并坚持要求Khan称自己为[[Free People]]的国王,并说服她反抗Iron Dominion以求和平,尽管她预见这是一段漫长而困难的旅程,她同意了这一点。后来,他们返回到金莲寺,并在与[[Li Yuen]]一起用餐时与Ken交谈,这时一枚携带着一张纸条的手里剑穿过窗户飞来,上面写着Yagyu Clan希望见他们。<ref name="SU13">[[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 13|''Sonic Universe'' #13]], "Journey to the East Part One: Endless Reach of Fate"</ref>

After combating several Yagyu members who believed the four heroes were travelers, Sally and company traveled with one member to their headquarters the following day. Along the way, Sally questioned Ken if he thought that convincing the Yagyu would be easier or harder, as they had no proper bride and probably would not fall back on tradition or not want to give up the Iron Queen. Ken replied that he did not know, and that if they couldn't deal with the lord, then they would have to play it by ear. After a difficult meeting with the Yagyu Lord, Khan eventually negotiated a deal to let the Yagyu return to their old thieving ways in exchange for breaking away from the Iron Dominion. Knowing that the Yagyu would be less efficient without its clan system, the pair felt a measure of success, which came to an end as they found Sonic and Tails in company with Fiona Fox and the original [[Fearsome Foursome]], minus [[Lightning Lynx]].<ref name="SU14">[[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 14|''Sonic Universe'' #14]], "Journey To The East Part Two: High Price for Rich Nights"</ref>
在与几名认为四位英雄是旅行者的Yagyu成员战斗后,Sally和同伴第二天与一名成员一起前往他们的总部。在路上,Sally询问Ken他是否认为说服Yagyu会更容易或更困难,因为他们没有合适的新娘,可能不会依赖传统或不愿放弃Iron QueenKen回答说他不知道,如果他们不能处理领主,那么他们将不得不随机应变。在与Yagyu领主的一次艰难会面后,Khan最终谈判达成了一项协议,允许Yagyu返回他们的旧盗窃方式,以换取脱离Iron Dominion。知道没有其部族系统,Yagyu会效率较低,两人感到了一定的成功,这一成功随着他们发现SonicTailsFiona Fox和原始的[[Fearsome Foursome]],减去[[Lightning Lynx]]相伴而结束。<ref name="SU14">[[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 14|''Sonic Universe'' #14]], "Journey To The East Part Two: High Price for Rich Nights"</ref>

当Sonic和Tails发起攻击时,Sally命令Monkey Khan加入战斗,而她自己也加入了战斗,但当Fiona宣布她想要达成协议时,战斗很快就结束了。Fiona解释说,他们的目标——让[[Raiju Clan]]脱离铁统治——可以与他们希望让Lightning Lynx回归他们的愿望相联系。然而,当Sally和Sonic表现出不信任时,她试图利用Tails对她仍然存在的感情并试图操纵这位年轻的狐狸;Sally对Fiona的行为感到厌恶,她一拳打在Fiona的肚子上,并告诉她,如果她想要达成协议,就应该这样做。最终,两个团队开始合作,Sally和Fiona一起努力打开铁堡内的一扇门;Fiona将这种团队合作比作她作为自由战士的日子,对此Sally回应说,虽然Fiona曾经是团队的一部分,但她从未真正成为一个自由战士。两支队伍观看Monkey Khan和[[Bride of Conquering Storm]]同意进行决斗,结果Sonic打败了Lightning,后者再次被他的族群放逐。达成目标后,Sally和其他人走到外面,Tails感谢Sally早些时候阻止了Fiona。Sally说不用谢,并解释说,虽然她明白Tails正在成长,但她无法忍受看到Fiona玩弄他。然而,她承认这一行为让她感到野蛮,当男孩们对这一行动感到满意时,她嘟囔说自己被睾酮淹没了。随着团队随后考虑寻找Shinobi Clan的任务时,[[Espio the Chameleon (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Espio]]——族群成员和Chaotix的前成员——出现并提供帮助。<ref name="SU15">[[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 15|''Sonic Universe'' #15]], "Journey To The East Part Three: No Love in a Conquering Storm"</ref>
[[File:Slugged.jpg|thumb|200px|Sally objects to [[Fiona Fox|Fiona]]'s manipulation of [[Miles "Tails" Prower (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Tails]], from [[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 15|''Sonic Universe'' #15]].]]
As Sonic and Tails launched an attack, Sally ordered Monkey Khan to join in the fight as she herself got into the fray, but it quickly came to an end when Fiona announced she wanted to make a deal, explaining that their goal - getting the [[Raiju Clan]] to break from the Iron Dominion - could tie into their desire to get Lightning Lynx to return to them. However, as Sally and Sonic showed distrust, she tried to take advantage of Tails' lingering feelings for her and attempted to manipulate the young fox; Sally, disgusted by Fiona's actions, punched her in the stomach and told her that if she wanted to deal, she should do it. Eventually the teams came to work together, with Sally and Fiona working together to disengage a door inside the Iron Fortress; Fiona likened the teamwork to her days as a Freedom Fighter, to which Sally replied that while Fiona had been on the team, she was never a Freedom Fighter. The two teams watched as Monkey Khan and the [[Bride of Conquering Storm]] agreed to a duel, which resulted in Sonic defeating Lightning, the latter being banished from his clan again. Having reached their goal, Sally and the others stepped outside, where Tails thanked Sally for stopping Fiona earlier. Sally said he was welcome, and explained that while she understood that Tails was growing up, she couldn't stand to see Fiona toying with him. She admitted however that the act made her feel brutish, and when the boys seemed pleased with the action, muttered that she was drowning in testosterone. As the group then contemplated the task of locating the Shinobi Clan, [[Espio the Chameleon (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Espio]]- clan member and former member of the Chaotix- appeared offering his help.<ref name="SU15">[[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 15|''Sonic Universe'' #15]], "Journey To The East Part Three: No Love in a Conquering Storm"</ref>

Naturally, Sally and her teammates were immediately suspicious of Espio's motives. Though he assured them that his loyalty was to the Shinobi Clan and that he only served the Iron Dominion through "extenuating circumstances", Sally was still unwilling to trust him to guide them to the [[Bride of Constant Vigil]]. The Chameleon then decided to reveal information he had acquired about each of the four that he had kept secret, eliminating any sort of advantage he might have possessed, one which was the location of Sally's royal birthmark-the latter of which caused her some embarrassment.<ref name="SU16">[[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 16|''Sonic Universe'' #16]], "Journey To The East Part Four: A World Under Constant Vigil"</ref>
自然地,Sally和她的队友立即对Espio的动机表示怀疑。尽管他向他们保证,他的忠诚属于Shinobi Clan,并且他只是在“特殊情况”下服从铁统治,Sally仍然不愿意信任他引导他们到[[Bride of Constant Vigil]]。这位变色龙随后决定透露他关于四人的信息,这些信息他一直保密,消除了他可能拥有的任何优势,其中一个是Sally皇家胎记的位置——后者让她感到尴尬。<ref name="SU16">[[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 16|''Sonic Universe'' #16]], "Journey To The East Part Four: A World Under Constant Vigil"</ref>

===Returning To New Mobotropolis===
后来,他们在龙王国的任务完成后,Sally和她的队友返回新莫比特罗波利斯对抗铁女王。<ref name="StH210">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 210|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #210]], "Home Invasion Part One: Breaking and Entering"</ref> 他们及时到达支援Amy、Antoine和Geoffrey St. John,并在Nicole试图捕获铁女王时得到反过来的支援。在冲突中,她面对Snively,告诉他她给了他一次又一次的救赎机会,对他如何对待她的慷慨感到深深的失望。片刻之后,他觉得自己占了上风,因为铁统治还有三个更多的忍者族群可以释放,但Sally只是露出了恶狠狠的微笑,因为Monkey Khan飞到天空中并通知了Yagyu Clan他们与铁统治的联系已被切断。一旦铁王被处理,铁统治的其他力量逃离,Sally和其他人围绕铁女王,告知她现在孤立无援,如果她安静地投降,不会受到伤害,这是她和Khan回来路上讨论过的。但她拒绝了,并使用城市的纳米技术构建了一个由她控制的机械龙。Sally转向Nicole,希望她能做些什么,但这超出了AI的能力,除了阻止她使用城市的更多纳米技术外,她无能为力。然后,城市中更强大和更有资源的自由战士联合起来对抗龙,Sonic发出了最后一击,Sally看着铁女王从上面掉落进Monkey Khan的魔法云中。在Nicole的快速报告后,Sally宣布他们赢得了这一天,并在他们的胜利中拥抱Ken。<ref name="StH211">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 211|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #211]], "Home Invasion Part 2: Security Measures"</ref>
[[File:Sally_and_Snively.jpg|thumb|left|Sally confronts [[Snively Robotnik|Snively]] upon her return to [[New Mobotropolis]], from [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 211|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #211]].]]
Later, their mission in the Dragon Kingdom completed, Sally and her teammates returned to New Mobotropolis to confront the Iron Queen.<ref name="StH210">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 210|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #210]], "Home Invasion Part One: Breaking and Entering"</ref> They arrived just in time to aid Amy, Antoine, and Geoffrey St. John, and were aided in turn as Nicole revealed her true colors by attempting to capture the Iron Queen. During the conflict she confronted Snively, telling him that she had given him chance after chance at redemption and was deeply disappointed at how he treated her generosity. For a moment, he felt he had the upper hand since the Iron Dominion had three more ninja clans to unleash, but Sally just showed a nasty smirk as Monkey Khan flew up to the sky and informed the Yagyu Clan their hold to the Iron Dominion had been severed. Once the Iron King had been dealt with and the rest of the Iron Dominion's forces had fled, Sally and the others rounded on the Iron Queen, informing her she was all alone now and that if she surrendered quietly no harm would come to her, something she'd discussed with Khan on the way back. But she refused and used the city's nanites to construct a mechanical dragon at her control. Sally rounded on Nicole, hoping she could do something, but it was currently beyond the AI's power and could do nothing more than stop her from using any more of the city. Then the more powerful and resourceful Freedom Fighters in the city banded together to fight the dragon and Sonic issued the final blow, and Sally watched as the Iron Queen fell from it into Monkey Khan's magic cloud. After a quick report from Nicole, Sally declared they had won the day before embracing Ken at their victory.<ref name="StH211">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 211|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #211]], "Home Invasion Part 2: Security Measures"</ref>

Sally and Khan later returned to the Dragon Kingdom to ensure that the Iron Queen was safely imprisoned, and talked over the trials that lay ahead for them both. Khan asked Sally if she would stay and become Queen of the Free People, but she turned him down, feeling a need to remain in New Mobotropolis and to explore her relationship with Sonic further. Returning home, she was welcomed by Nicole and then Sonic, whose cryptic report to Nicole left Sally wondering what had occurred in her absence. To Sonic's surprise, Sally invited him to tell her about it over lunch, and the two walked off arm-in-arm.<ref name="StH212">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 212|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #212]], "The Roads We Take"</ref>
SallyKhan后来返回龙王国,以确保铁女王被安全监禁,并讨论了他们俩面临的考验。KhanSally是否会留下来成为自由人民的女王,但她拒绝了,感觉需要留在新莫比特罗波利斯,并进一步探索与Sonic的关系。回家后,她受到了Nicole和随后Sonic的欢迎,Sonic对Nicole的神秘报告让Sally好奇在她离开期间发生了什么。令Sonic惊讶的是,Sally邀请他一起吃午餐,讲述这一切,两人手挽手走了。<ref name="StH212">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 212|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #212]], "The Roads We Take"</ref>

Sonic和Sally后来被邀请成为新[[Wolf Pack Nation]]的荣誉成员,代表他们的整个团队接受邀请,因为其他人无法参加。他们惊讶地了解到Lupe已经辞去了她的部落首领职务,但在她宣布自己为Wolf Pack Nation的大首领后,情况得到了澄清。在了解到[[Ancient Onyx]],一件对狼人神圣且对他们的入会仪式必不可少的神器,已经不见了后,Sally和Sonic惊讶地遇到了[[Big the Cat (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Big the Cat]]。他们的老盟友解释说,他的人民,[[Felidae]]——狼人的古老对手,对Ancient Onyx也有自己的要求——因为神器的失踪而大为兴奋,所以他决定就此事与狼人交涉。在考虑这一问题后,Sally决定——与Sonic一起——帮助狼人找回神器并与Felidae解决问题。当Sonic和Big去会见猫族时,Sally根据Knuckles告诉她的关于他与Felidae的遭遇的故事,前往[[Mystic Ruins (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Mystic Ruins]]。在反思这一文化的悲伤历史后,Sally惊讶地发现一个[[Dark Egg Legion]] [[Soumerca Dark Egg Legion|章节]]在该地区活动,并在与大师[[Drago Wolf]]和[[Razorklaw]]交战后,因为面对Legion的压倒性数量而投降。<ref name="StH213">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 213|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #213]], "Reigning Cats and Dogs Part One"</ref> 后来,被两位大师囚禁时,她简短地与Drago对峙,然后利用他的自负来希望收集他们计划的信息。完成这项任务后,Sally发现自己面临死亡威胁,但幸运的是Big和Sonic伴随着狼人和Felidae及时赶到拯救了她。拿着Ancient Onyx,她用它集中了两个相互对立的团体的注意力,提醒他们如何克服分歧,团结起来对抗共同的敌人。然后,她制定了一项协议,将Ancient Onyx保存在Felidae领土的废墟中,狼人在需要时会取回。之后,她和Sonic以及Big一起被正式引入Wolf Pack。Sally与Sonic分享了她担心Onyx可能是一颗混沌翡翠的想法,但Sonic提醒她现在只存在七颗翡翠,他没有从Onyx中感受到它们所拥有的相同力量。<ref name="StH214">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 214|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #214]], "Reigning Cats and Dogs Part Two"</ref>
[[File:Sally_and_Canus.jpg|thumb|[[Canus]] welcomes Sally, from [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 213|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #213]].]]
Sonic and Sally were later invited to become honorary members of the new [[Wolf Pack Nation]], accepting the invitation of behalf of their entire team, as the others were unable to attend. They were surprised to learn that Lupe had stepped down as chief of her tribe, but things were cleared up after she announced herself as the Grand Chief of the Wolf Pack Nation. After catching up and learning that the [[Ancient Onyx]], an artifact sacred to the Wolves and necessary for their initiation ceremony, was gone, Sally and Sonic were surprised by the appearance of [[Big the Cat (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Big the Cat]]. Their old ally explained that his people, the [[Felidae]]—ancient rivals to the Wolves and with their own claim on the Ancient Onyx—were in an uproar over the artifact's disappearance, and so he had decided to approach the Wolves about it. Thinking over the matter, Sally decided-along with Sonic-to help the Wolves recover the artifact and settle things with the Felidae. While Sonic and Big went to meet with the Cats, Sally traveled to the [[Mystic Ruins (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Mystic Ruins]] based on stories Knuckles had told her about his own encounters with the Felidae. After reflecting on the sad history of the culture, Sally was alarmed to find a [[Dark Egg Legion]] [[Soumerca Dark Egg Legion|chapter]] operating in the area, and briefly engaged Grandmasters [[Drago Wolf]] and [[Razorklaw]] before surrendering to the far superior numbers of the Legion.<ref name="StH213">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 213|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #213]], "Reigning Cats and Dogs Part One"</ref> Later, held prisoner by the two Grandmasters, she briefly contended with Drago before playing off his ego in hopes of gathering information on their plans. With this task accomplished, Sally found herself threatened with death, but fortunately Big and Sonic accompanied by the Wolves and Felidae arrived in time to save her. Carrying the Ancient Onyx, she used it to focus the attention of the two feuding groups, reminding them how they had overcome their differences to come together against their common foes. She then worked out a deal to keep the Ancient Onyx in the ruins in Felidae territory, where the Wolves would retrieve it when needed. Afterwards, she and Sonic were finally inducted into the Wolf Pack along with Big. Sally shared with Sonic her fears that the Onyx might somehow be a Chaos Emerald, but Sonic reminded her that only seven Emeralds now existed, and he couldn't sense the same power they possessed emanating from the Onyx.<ref name="StH214">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 214|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #214]], "Reigning Cats and Dogs Part Two"</ref>

Sally later had lunch with Amy Rose at [[Chuck's Chili Dogs]] and greeted Tails, Antoine and Bunnie back from their vacation before giving Sonic and Bunnie a mission to [[Sand Blast City]].<ref name="StH216">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 216|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #216]], "Family Matters Part Two"</ref><ref name="StH217">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 217|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #217]], "Thicker Than Water Part One"</ref>
Sally后来与Amy Rose[[Chuck's Chili Dogs]]吃午餐,并欢迎TailsAntoineBunnie从他们的假期返回,之后给SonicBunnie一个前往[[Sand Blast City]]的任务。<ref name="StH216">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 216|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #216]], "Family Matters Part Two"</ref><ref name="StH217">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 217|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #217]], "Thicker Than Water Part One"</ref>

===Mina's message and a reunion===
当新闻传到新莫比特罗波利斯,说Geoffrey似乎变节了,有人建议为了安全起见,搬移Acorn家族;然而,Elias知道他的妹妹不会满足于坐着躲藏。<ref name="StH220">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 220|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #220]], "In Service to the King Part Two"</ref> 随着时间的推移,Sally对Geoffrey的行为和可能的威胁仍然感到担忧,即使她和Sonic参加了[[Forget Me Knots]]音乐会,试图让他们从问题中解脱出来。音乐会开始前,Sonic和Sally讨论了Mina、她的音乐和他们的关系,然后Nicole加入了他们。Sally很高兴见到她,他们拥抱,但最终Nicole承认她感到自我意识强烈,担心她在公共场合不再受欢迎。Sally告诉她,经历了[[Iron Dominion]]的占领以及[[Knothole的毁灭]],市民感到紧张是有道理的,但她保证Nicole他们最终会平静下来。然而,情况很快崩溃了,因为Mina的歌曲在Ixis Naugus的秘密影响下,使人群反对Nicole;A.I.感到痛苦并逃离了音乐会,尽管Sally试图与她交谈。担心的Sally和Sonic在音乐会后去和Mina谈话;在Naugus的影响下,情绪很快升温,Mina解释说她觉得Sally和其他人不负责任,而Sally解释说Mina根本没有考虑到Nicole的感受。<ref name="StH221">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 221|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #221]], "Changing Tempo"</ref>
[[File:Salsupport.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Sally reassures [[Nicole (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Nicole]], from [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 221|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #221]].]]
When news reached New Mobotropolis that Geoffrey had seemingly gone rogue, it was suggested the Acorn family be moved for safety's sake; however, Elias knew his sister would not be content to sit and hide.<ref name="StH220">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 220|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #220]], "In Service to the King Part Two"</ref> As time passed, Sally remained concerned about Geoffrey's actions and the possible threat, even when she and Sonic attended a [[Forget Me Knots]] concert in order to take their minds off their problems. Before the concert began, Sonic and Sally discussed Mina, her music, and their relationship before Nicole joined them. Sally was overjoyed to see her and they hugged, but eventually Nicole admitted that she felt self-conscious and worried that she was no longer welcome in public. Sally told her that after the [[Iron Dominion]] occupation, as well as the [[destruction of Knothole]], it made sense that the citizens are jumpy, but she assured Nicole that they'd calm down eventually. However, things soon fell apart as Mina's songs, affected secretly by Ixis Naugus, turned the crowd against Nicole; the A.I. became distraught and fled the concert, despite Sally's attempts to talk with her. Concerned, Sally and Sonic went to speak with Mina after the concert; thanks to the influence of Naugus, tempers soon flared as Mina explained that she felt that Sally and the others were being irresponsible, while Sally explained that Mina had not considered Nicole's feelings at all.<ref name="StH221">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 221|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #221]], "Changing Tempo"</ref>

一段时间后,Sonic和Sally终于安排了一个适当的约会;Sally在龙王国度过了一天,与Monkey Khan谈论她的恐惧,后来,在她母亲的建议下准备约会。然而,当她和Sonic到达餐馆时,情况开始走下坡路;Sally看到Mina和Ash也在那里,承认她理解Mina的担忧,希望她之前处理得更好。然后,工作人员开始纠缠他们关于Nicole的问题,这很快降级为顾客之间的争吵。在Amy Rose的帮助下,Sally和Sonic摆脱了人群,继续他们的约会,在Rings湖边,开玩笑地谈论他们过去的关系,并讨论他们自己的关系。<ref name="StH222">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 222|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #222]], "The World Can Wait"</ref>
Some time later, Sonic and Sally finally arranged for a proper date; Sally spent the day in the Dragon Kingdom, talking with Monkey Khan about her fears, and later, preparing for her date with advice from her mother. However, when she and Sonic arrived at the restaurant, things began to go downhill; Sally saw that Mina and Ash were there as well, and admitted that she understood Mina's concerns, wishing she had handled things better earlier. Then the staff began to pester them for answers regarding Nicole, which soon degraded into bickering among the patrons as well. With some help from Amy Rose, Sally and Sonic got away from the crowd and continued their date by the Lake of Rings, teasing about their past relationships and discussing their own.<ref name="StH222">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 222|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #222]], "The World Can Wait"</ref>

几天后,Sally命令自由战士们监视由Forget Me Knots举办的免费音乐会,以确保情况不会像之前那样失控。然而,Geoffrey St. John突然出现,并开始煽动群众反对Nicole,宣扬Ixis Naugus作为能够处理AI“威胁”的合法国王。Sally让Sonic去阻止Naugus接近议会,然后命令皇家卫队逮捕Geoffrey,认定他是叛徒;Geoffrey利用他的职位(秘密服务队长)和形势对他有利,并告诉她,如果她想过去,他们就必须动手。对他明显的背叛感到愤怒,她毫不犹豫地下令攻击。自由战士们与Geoffrey战斗,尽管他有技术优势,Sally还是设法将他诱入Nicole设置的陷阱。然而,Geoffrey使用魔法逃脱,揭示自己是一名Ixis巫师。Sally问他的妻子对这一切有何看法,令所有人震惊的是,Geoffrey透露Hershey已经去世。<ref name="StH223">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 223|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #223]], "Chaos and the Crown Part One: The Right to Rule"</ref> 战斗继续,Sally表示虽然她之前愿意给Geoffrey以怀疑的好处,但她再也不能容忍他的行为;她甚至称他为杀人犯,这让困惑的Geoffrey坚称他与Hershey的死无关,并告诉大家不要贬低他妻子的牺牲。最终,随着战斗无意义地拖延,Sally尝试了另一种策略;如果Geoffrey真的相信他的行为是正确的,他应该投降,让正义走其道。Geoffrey感到好笑,然后投降。控制了叛徒后,Sally去查看坐在地上心烦意乱的Nicole。Nicole解释说Naugus用他的魔法完全改变了她纳米机器人的结构,摧毁了它们。听到这个,附近的人群开始窃窃私语,Sally建议Nicole“暂时消失”。在押送Geoffrey与其他自由战士时,Sally惊恐地看到[[Death Egg Mark 2]]突然在新莫比特罗波利斯上空升起。<ref name="StH224">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 224|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #224]], "Chaos and the Crown Part Two: Total Authority"</ref>
===Naugus' coup===
A few days later, Sally had the Freedom Fighters stake out a free concert by the Forget Me Knots to ensure things didn't get out of hand as they did before. However, Geoffrey St. John suddenly appeared and began to rally the crowd against Nicole, promoting Ixis Naugus as the rightful king able to handle the "threat" of the AI. Sally told Sonic to stop Naugus from reaching the Council, then ordered the Royal Guard to arrest Geoffrey as a traitor; Geoffrey used his rank (Commander of the Secret Service) and the situation to his advantage and told her if she wanted to get past him, they'd have to get their hands dirty. Angry at his apparent betrayal, she readily gave the order to attack. The Freedom Fighters fought Geoffrey, and despite his technical advantage, Sally managed to manipulate him into a trap sprung by Nicole. However, Geoffrey escaped using magic, revealing himself to be an Ixis wizard. Sally asked what his wife has to say about all this, and to everyone's shock, Geoffrey revealed that Hershey had died.<ref name="StH223">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 223|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #223]], "Chaos and the Crown Part One: The Right to Rule"</ref> The struggle resumed, and Sally said that while she had been willing to give Geoffrey the benefit of doubt earlier, she can no longer abide by his actions; she went so far as to call him a murderer, causing a confused Geoffrey to insist that he had had nothing to do with Hershey's death and to tell them all to not belittle his wife's sacrifice. Eventually, as the fight dragged pointlessly on, Sally tried another tactic; if Geoffrey truly believed his actions to be in the right, he should surrender and allow justice to take its course. Amused, Geoffrey gave in. With the traitor under control, Sally went off to check on Nicole, who sat distraught on the ground. Nicole explained that Naugus had used his magic to completely alter the structure of her nanites, destroying them. Hearing his, the nearby crowd began to murmur, and Sally suggested that Nicole "disappear" for a bit. While escorting Geoffrey with the other Freedom Fighters, Sally looked on in horror as the [[Death Egg Mark 2]] suddenly rose above New Mobotropolis.<ref name="StH224">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 224|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #224]], "Chaos and the Crown Part Two: Total Authority"</ref>

===Shot down===
[[File:Sally_about_to_be_shot.png|thumb|left|200px|Sally moments before being gunned down, from [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 225|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #225]].]]
[[File:Sally_about_to_be_shot.png|thumb|left|200px|Sally被枪击前的瞬间,来自[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 225|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #225]].]]
As the Death Egg represented an immediate threat to everyone, Sally struck a truce with Naugus. She , Sonic and Tails boarded the Tornado while Antoine, Bunnie, Amy and Geoffrey (under watch) took off in the Freedom Fighter Special. Realizing that the Death Egg is actually the former Egg Dome, Sally was able to locate their previous point of entry and directed Tails to fire upon a specific weak point, opening a hole in the hull. Sally and Sonic leaped from the Tornado towards the Death Egg, entering through the breech. It is sealed closed again by a robot, trapping the two inside. They soon found a hidden elevator and begin to explore, finding a strange room. However, the elevator soon delivered a new threat: [[Silver Sonic v3.0]]. Sonic was enthralled by the challenge, but as Doctor Eggman began to taunt them over the intercom, Sally realized that the robot was a mere distraction; she announced that they needed to move on, but Sonic continued to battle the robot doppelganger. Sally ran down a hallway, only to find herself facing a turret that deployed from the wall and shot her down. While Sonic raced towards Sally, who lay motionless on the floor, the world became awash in white as Eggman began [[Operation: Clean Sweep]].<ref name="StH225">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 225|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #225]], "One Step Forward..."</ref>
由于Death Egg对所有人都构成了直接威胁,Sally与Naugus达成了休战。她、SonicTails乘坐Tornado出发,而AntoineBunnieAmy和(在监视下的)Geoffrey乘坐自由战士特别机出发。意识到Death Egg实际上是以前的Egg Dome,Sally能够定位他们之前的进入点,并指示Tails向一个特定的弱点开火,打开了船体上的一个洞。SallySonicTornado跳向Death Egg,通过破口进入。入口被一个机器人封闭,将两人困在里面。他们很快找到了一个隐藏的电梯并开始探索,发现了一个奇怪的房间。然而,电梯很快送来了一个新的威胁:[[Silver Sonic v3.0]]Sonic对这个挑战感到兴奋,但当Doctor Eggman通过对讲机开始嘲讽他们时,Sally意识到这个机器人只是一个干扰;她宣布他们需要继续前进,但Sonic继续与机器人对手战斗。Sally跑进一个走廊,只找到自己面对从墙上部署的炮塔,并被射击。当Sonic冲向躺在地板上一动不动的Sally时,随着Eggman开始执行[[Operation: Clean Sweep]],世界变成了一片白色。<ref name="StH225">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 225|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #225]], "One Step Forward..."</ref>

[[File:Sallygenesis.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Sally and [[Sonic the Hedgehog (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Sonic]] meet anew, from [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 226|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #226]].]]
[[File:Sallygenesis.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Sally[[Sonic the Hedgehog (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Sonic]]重新相遇,来自[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 226|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #226]].]]
Sonic发现自己在一个陌生的世界,几乎记不起自己正在做什么。他偶然发现了一个监狱舱,并打开它,释放了其中包括Sally和她的朋友们"Boomer Walrus"和"Antoine Depardieu"在内的几个被困动物。她解释说,她和她的朋友们正在调查最近的奇怪事件(包括绑架和地震),他们认为这是某个叫做Dr. Eggman的人的所作所为,补充说他们可以用上Sonic的帮助。他们穿过大理石区,发现事情时不时地似乎奇怪地熟悉。最终,他们决定利用Eggman的一台被砸毁的机器人;然而,机器人需要一个小动物作为电池。Sally用歌声一般的语调呼唤附近的Flicky鸟,并请求它通过临时为机器人供电来帮助他们。他们逃脱了由于地震突然引发的岩浆流,然后Sonic和Flicky驱动的机器人跑在前头,直面Dr. Eggman。经过一场快速战斗,这位疯狂的科学家撤退了,Sally感谢Flicky的帮助。Sally然后带领团队进入她认为会通往Eggman巢穴的地下通道,宣称他们将给他一个教训,因为他搞乱了他们的世界。<ref name="StH226">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 226|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #226]], "Genesis Part One: In the Beginning..."</ref>
Sonic found himself in a strange world, unable to quite remember what it was he was doing. He came across a prison pod and, opening it, released several trapped animals within—including Sally and her friends, "Boomer Walrus" and "Antoine Depardieu." She explained that she and her friends were investigating recent strange events (including kidnappings and earthquakes) which they thought to be the work of someone called Dr. Eggman, adding that they could use Sonic's help. They traveled through the Marble Zone, finding that things seemed oddly familiar at times. Eventually, they decided to use one of Eggman's smashed robots to their advantage; however, the robot would need a small animal as a battery. In a singsong tone, Sally called to a nearby Flicky bird and asked it to help them by temporarily powering the robot. They escaped a magma flow caused by a sudden earthquake, and then Sonic and the Flicky-powered robot ran off ahead, confronting Dr. Eggman himself. After a quick battle, the madman retreated, and Sally thanked the Flicky for its assistance. Sally then lead the group to an underground passage she believed would lead to Eggman's lair, declaring that they'd teach him a lesson for having messed with their world.<ref name="StH226">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 226|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #226]], "Genesis Part One: In the Beginning..."</ref>

Sally led the group through the Labyrinth and Scrap Brain Zones, eventually catching up to Dr. Eggman. Sonic seemingly chased off the doctor, leading Sally to think they had succeeded in their mission; however, using a computer in Eggman's base, she discovered that his production plants were still functioning, forcing them to conclude that Eggman had not given up. Sonic took the group to meet his old friend, Tails Prower. As more earthquakes struck, Sally insisted that they still needed to shut down Eggman's operations; she wanted to target his infrastructure primarily, while Sonic thought it would be better to take out Eggman directly. With Tails alongside, they journeyed to the [[Chemical Plant Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Chemical Plant Zone]], dodging its dangers through another earthquake. However, after narrowly escaping another hazard, Sonic and Sally again began to discuss their plan of attack. Sally told him that rushing in would only get someone hurt. Sonic began to retort but was suddenly struck by a vague memory: Sally in danger on the Death Egg. He suddenly told her that she could do things her way, but he was going after Eggman alone. The two had a brief argument, and then Tails apologetically left with Sonic while an irritated Sally led Boomer and Antoine to shut down the plant. Later, in the Oil Ocean Zone, Boomer stepped in, saying that Sally should have made more of an effort to keep Sonic around, as they could use his help. She admitted to as much, but then another quake struck. Feeling the need to hurry, they rushed on ahead, unaware that Badniks were approaching.<ref name="StH227">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 227|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #227]], "Genesis Part Two: Fate and Friends"</ref><ref name="StH228">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 228|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #228]], "Genesis Part Three: Divide And Conquer"</ref>
Sally带领团队穿过迷宫和废铁大脑区,最终追上Dr. EggmanSonic似乎赶走了博士,让Sally认为他们完成了任务;然而,使用Eggman基地的电脑,她发现他的生产工厂仍在运作,迫使他们得出Eggman尚未放弃的结论。Sonic带领团队去见他的老朋友,Tails Prower。随着更多地震发生,Sally坚持他们仍需要关闭Eggman的运作;她想主要瞄准他的基础设施,而Sonic认为最好直接解决Eggman。在Tails加入他们后,他们前往[[Chemical Plant Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|化学工厂区]],在又一次地震中躲避危险。然而,在勉强逃脱另一个危险后,Sonic和Sally再次讨论攻击计划。Sally告诉他,冲动行事只会让某人受伤。Sonic开始反驳,但突然被一种模糊的记忆打断:Sally在Death Egg上处于危险中。他突然告诉她,可以按照她的方式做,但他要单独追捕Eggman。两人进行了简短的争论,然后Tails带着歉意和Sonic一起离开,而一个恼怒的Sally带领BoomerAntoine关闭工厂。后来,在油海区,Boomer介入说,Sally应该更努力地留住Sonic,因为他们可以利用他的帮助。她承认如此,但随着另一次地震发生。感到需要赶快行动,他们急忙前进,未察觉到Badniks正在接近。<ref name="StH227">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 227|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #227]], "Genesis Part Two: Fate and Friends"</ref><ref name="StH228">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 228|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #228]], "Genesis Part Three: Divide And Conquer"</ref>

很快,Sally和其他人试图寻找掩护,同时被Badniks追赶。Boomer再次说,Sonic在场会很有帮助,Sally同意她应该更努力地与他理性交谈。他们很快发现他们的路径被一个奇怪的陷阱阻挡,陷阱两侧有尖刺;当Boomer想知道这样的装置是什么时,Sally注意到即将到来的Badniks。在移动空间有限并且受到攻击的情况下,Sally和Antoine从他们站立的狭窄平台上掉落;Antoine安全着陆,而Boomer抓住Sally的手,将她悬在边缘上。令她震惊的是,Sally突然记起了[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 47|另一次]]她处于类似位置的时刻。然而,当Boomer把她拉到安全时,她发现记忆已经开始消退。告诉自己要集中注意力,她问附近的一只小企鹅(从Badnik内释放出来)是否知道找到该地区主控阀的位置。有了新的方向,他们出发了。他们最终设法关闭了油流,最终切断了Eggman的资源(他们不知道,这导致Eggman逃回Death Egg)。虽然他们不知道在巨大的飞船上发生了什么,但他们都见证了从它发出的巨大光波。当Boomer感到担忧时,Sally确信Sonic已经控制了一切。随着世界逐渐消失,她向天空伸出手,说,“''再见,Sonic...''”<ref name="StH229">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 229|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #229]], "Genesis Part Four: Reset"</ref>
Soon, Sally and the others were attempting to find cover while being chased by Badniks. Boomer again said that Sonic being around would have been helpful, and Sally agreed that she should have tried harder to reason with him. They soon found their path blocked by an odd trap featuring spikes on its sides; as Boomer wondered what such a contraption could be, Sally noticed the incoming Badniks. With little room to move and under attack, both Sally and Antoine fell from the narrow platform upon which they were standing; Antoine landed safely while Boomer grabbed Sally's hand, dangling her over the edge. To her shock, Sally suddenly remembered [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 47|another time]] she'd been in a similar position. However, as Boomer pulled her to safety, she found the memories already beginning to fade. Telling herself to focus, she asked a nearby small penguin (freed from within a Badnik) if it knew where to find the main control valves of the region. With a new direction, they set off. They eventually managed to shut down the oil flow, finally cutting off Eggman's resources (unknown to them, this led to Eggman fleeing back to the Death Egg). While they were unaware of what happened on the massive ship, they all witnessed the massive wave of light that emanated from it. While Boomer was concerned, Sally was sure that Sonic had everything under control. As the world faded away, she reached out to the sky, saying, "''See you, Sonic...''"<ref name="StH229">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 229|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #229]], "Genesis Part Four: Reset"</ref>

===Sally's sacrifice===
[[File:Sallysacrifice.jpg|thumb|200px|left|Sally ensures that she will be the only victim, from [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 230|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #230]].]]
[[File:Sallysacrifice.jpg|thumb|200px|left|Sally确保自己将是唯一的受害者,来自[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 230|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #230]].]]
世界恢复到第一波光芒发出前的十秒钟。当Sally走在一个走廊上时,Sonic把她抱起来,在炮塔射击她之前救了她,让追赶的Silver Sonic代替她承受了攻击。Sally有些困惑,但他们继续前进,最终到达了一个计算机控制台。Sally将Nicole接入,注意到很多Death Egg的能量被分流到下面的甲板,所以他们乘电梯到下层甲板调查。在那里,他们发现了一个看似是机器人化装置,Eggman到来解释说这是一个用于整个世界的机器人化装置。最初英雄们表示怀疑,但随着博士解释他的计划,他们恐惧地意识到这个星球真的面临着巨大的危险。Sally绝望地试图与博士理论,指出他的计划将对他自己的黑暗蛋军团力量造成毁灭性的影响,但Eggman残酷地一笑置之,说他一旦拥有了新的Robians军队,就不再需要他们了。激怒的Sonic发动攻击,但不仅被严重损坏的Silver Sonic阻挡,还有一台新的[[Metal Sonic v3.0|Metal Sonic]]。当Sonic忙于分散机器人的注意力时,Sally爬到地板瓷砖下;挤在大电缆之间,她再次将Nicole接入系统。Sally绝望地寻找阻止机器人化器命令信号或以其他方式阻止其发射的方法,但考虑到他们拥有的时间很少,Nicole告诉她这是不可能的;唯一的选择是反转光束。毫不犹豫,Sally下达了命令,设置了一个手动执行程序,然后确保Nicole的核心程序会安全返回新莫比特罗波利斯。担心的Nicole提出反对,说Sally不会免疫。Sally告诉她的朋友,她得到了第二次机会,并有机会用它拯救所有人;她需要Nicole的帮助。<ref name="StH230">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 230|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #230]], "...Two Steps Back"</ref>
The world had reverted to a point ten seconds before the first wave of light. As Sally headed down a hallway, Sonic scooped her up and saved her just before the turret shot her, leaving the pursuing Silver Sonic to take the hit instead. Sally was slightly bemused, but they continued on, eventually reaching a computer console. Sally hooked Nicole in, noticing that a lot of the Death Egg's power was being diverted to a deck below, so they took an elevator to the lower deck in investigate. There, they found what appeared to be a roboticizer, and Eggman arrived explaining it was a roboticizer intended for the entire world. At first the heroes were doubtful, but as the doctor explained his plan, they realized with horror that the planet truly was in immense danger. Sally desperately tried to reason with the doctor, pointing out that his plan would prove devastating to his own Dark Egg Legion forces, but Eggman cruelly brushed it off, saying that he would no longer need them once he had a new army of Robians. Enraged, Sonic attacked, only to be stalled by not only the badly damaged Silver Sonic, but a new [[Metal Sonic v3.0|Metal Sonic]] as well. While Sonic kept the robots distracted, Sally crawled beneath a floor tile; crammed between large cables, she hooked Nicole into the system again. Sally desperately looked for a way to block the Roboticizer's command signal or otherwise prevent its firing, but with as little time as they had, Nicole informed her that it would be impossible; the only option available would be to invert the beam. Without hesitating, Sally ordered her to do so, setting up a manual executable before ensuring Nicole's core programs would be safe back in New Mobotropolis. Worried, Nicole protested, saying that Sally would not be immune. Sally told her friend that she'd been given a second chance and the opportunity to save everyone with it; she needed Nicole's help.<ref name="StH230">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 230|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #230]], "...Two Steps Back"</ref>

在Nicole完成下载后,Sally伤感地微笑,道别,并执行了程序,就在Eggman下令启动世界机器人化装置时。机器人化装置的反冲击击中了它所在的正是那个房间,破坏了许多机器(包括两个机器人)并引发了一场大爆炸。Sonic和Eggman从废墟中挣扎出来时,Sally突然从废墟中出现,被机器人化并被爆炸损坏,Sonic惊恐地看着,而Eggman欣喜若狂,因为[[Mecha Sally]]站了起来。<ref name="StH230"/>
[[File:Mechasallyreveal.jpg|thumb|200px|A [[Roboticization (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|roboticized]] Sally rises again, from [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 230|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #230]].]]
Once Nicole had finished her download, Sally smiled sadly, said good-bye, and executed the program as Eggman ordered the world roboticizer to fire. The roboticizer rebounded into the very chamber it was in, destroying much of the machinery (including the two robots) and causing a large explosion. Sonic and Eggman struggled from within the rubble, when Sally suddenly emerged from the rubble, roboticized and damaged by the explosion Sonic looked on in horror and Eggman cackled in delight as [[Mecha Sally]] got to her legs.<ref name="StH230"/>

Mecha Sally seized Sonic by the throat, with Sonic pleading with Sally to fight Eggman's control. Eggman, delighted about this turn of events, stated that while it would be sensible to order her to march the two of them into an incinerator, he wanted to enjoy this, and so had Mecha Sally throw Sonic out of a waste disposal hatch. She then accompanied Eggman to the bridge of the Death Egg where they were met by Snively. When Snively objected to Eggman's order to launch an assault on New Mobotropolis, stating that the Death Egg was too heavily damaged, Eggman had Mecha Sally grab him by the collar of his uniform and demand that he follow her master's commands.<ref name="StH231">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 231|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #231]], "Lost In the Moment"</ref>
Mecha Sally抓住了Sonic的喉咙,Sonic恳求Sally抗拒Eggman的控制。Eggman对这一转折感到高兴,表示虽然让她带着他们俩走进焚化炉是明智的,但他想要享受这一刻,因此命令Mecha SallySonic从废物排放口扔了出去。然后她陪同Eggman前往Death Egg的舰桥,那里他们遇到了Snively。当Snively反对Eggman下令攻击新莫比特罗波利斯时,声称Death Egg损坏严重,Eggman让Mecha Sally抓住他的制服领子,要求他听从她主人的命令。<ref name="StH231">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 231|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #231]], "Lost In the Moment"</ref>

===Upgraded enforcer===
{{Main|Mecha Sally}}
{{Main|Mecha Sally}}
Hoping to fully take advantage of the situation, Eggman opted to upgrade Mecha Sally and spent an excessive amount of time on the process while leaving the Death Egg's repairs to the [[Egg Mite (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Egg Mites]], much to Snively's frustration.<ref name="StH232">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 232|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #232]], "Dark Tidings"</ref> His modifications included rocket-powered flight and a [[Power Ring (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Power Ring]] as a special power source, noting that it would not risk restoring her free will. Some time after completion, Dr. Eggman deployed the new Mecha Sally, along with [[Metal Sonic v3.0|Metal Sonic]], to intercept former king [[Elias Acorn]] and his [[Megan Acorn|wife]] & [[Alexis Acorn|step daughter]] while relocating from [[New Mobotropolis]] to [[Feral Forest]]. After easily overpowering the Freedom Fighters, Metal Sonic self-destructed and seriously injured Antoine. Following this, she retreated to the Death Egg as per Dr. Eggman's orders.<ref name="StH234">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 234|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #234]], "Unthinkable"</ref>
Eggman希望充分利用这一形势,选择对Mecha Sally进行升级,并在过程中花费了大量时间,同时让[[Egg Mite (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Egg Mites]]负责Death Egg的修理,这让Snively感到沮丧。<ref name="StH232">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 232|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #232]], "Dark Tidings"</ref> 他的修改包括火箭动力飞行和一个[[Power Ring (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|力量环]]作为特殊能源,注意到这不会冒险恢复她的自由意志。完成后不久,Dr. Eggman部署了新的Mecha Sally,连同[[Metal Sonic v3.0|Metal Sonic]],拦截前国王[[Elias Acorn]]及其[[Megan Acorn|妻子]][[Alexis Acorn|继女]],他们正从[[New Mobotropolis]]迁往[[Feral Forest]]。在轻松压制自由战士后,Metal Sonic自爆,严重伤害了Antoine。此后,她按照Dr. Eggman的命令撤退到Death Egg<ref name="StH234">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 234|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #234]], "Unthinkable"</ref>

Dr. Eggman后来向他的[[Grandmaster (Sub-Boss)|大师]]们展示了新的Mecha Sally,将她和其他[[Metal Series]]机器人一起作为执行者,以“帮助”确保[[Dark Egg Legion]]各章节的有效运作。在解散大师们后,Eggman让Mecha Sally陪同他乘坐[[Egg 'Stache Flyer]]追捕逃跑的Snively。<ref name="SU37">[[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 37|''Sonic Universe'' #37]], "Scrambled Part 1: The Man in Charge"</ref> 随后他部署Mecha Sally和新的Metal Sonic v3.6在[[Central City (Archie)|中央城市]],连同一支整个军队,以寻找Snively。在与[[E-123 Omega (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|E-123 Omega]]战斗后,Mecha Sally和其余军队撤退,因为发现Snively已经离开中央城市。<ref name="SU38">[[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 38|''Sonic Universe'' #38]], "Scrambled Part 2: Family"</ref> 在追踪到Snively到龙王国后,Mecha Sally与Eggman一起到达,并被派出对抗Monkey Khan。由于她的力量环几乎用尽,她开始难以对抗他。Khan无私地放弃了他的力量环王冠,以救她的命,此后Eggman向他解释,没有它她将会死去。在恢复后,她抓住了Khan的喉咙,使Robotnik能够给他安装一个[[Command Crown]],将猴子置于Robotnik的控制之下。随后,当Snively带着[[Iron Oni]]到达时,她和Khan一起被树木压倒。<ref name="SU39">[[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 39|''Sonic Universe'' #39]], "Scrambled Part 3: Line in the Sand"</ref> 当[[Regina Ferrum]]用她的技术魔法控制他时,她又被迫再次与Khan战斗。为了分散他的注意力,Sally的知识和记忆被操纵,但被洗脑的国王没有注意到,他试图摧毁她。Khan随后从Regina的控制中解放出来,Mecha Sally进入待机模式。在她受损的状态下,她被Khan交还给Robotnik,Khan认识到这位疯狂的医生是唯一希望能够修复她的人。<ref name="SU40">[[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 40|''Sonic Universe'' #40]], "Scrambled Part Four: In the Name in Love!"</ref>
[[File:Mechasallyupgrade.jpg|130px|thumb|left|[[Mecha Sally]], post modification, from [[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 37|''Sonic Universe'' #37]].]]
Dr. Eggman later unveiled the new Mecha Sally to his assembled [[Grandmaster (Sub-Boss)|Grandmasters]], presenting her, along with other [[Metal Series]] robots, as enforcers to "help" ensure the [[Dark Egg Legion]] chapters were performing effectively. After dismissing the Grandmasters, Eggman then had Mecha Sally accompany him aboard the [[Egg 'Stache Flyer]] in pursuit of Snively after he fled.<ref name="SU37">[[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 37|''Sonic Universe'' #37]], "Scrambled Part 1: The Man in Charge"</ref> He then deployed Mecha Sally and the new Metal Sonic v3.6 in [[Central City (Archie)|Central City]], along with an entire army, in order to find Snively. After fighting with [[E-123 Omega (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|E-123 Omega]], Mecha Sally and the rest of the army retreated due to finding out that Snively left Central City.<ref name="SU38">[[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 38|''Sonic Universe'' #38]], "Scrambled Part 2: Family"</ref> After tracking down Snively to the Dragon Kingdom, Mecha Sally arrived with Eggman and was sent out to confront Monkey Khan. She started to have difficulty fighting him since her Power Ring was practically all used up. Khan selflessly gave up his Power Ring crown in order to save her life after Eggman explained to him that she would die without one. After being restored, she grabbed Khan's throat, enabling Robotnik to fit him with a [[Command Crown]], putting the Monkey under Robotnik's control. She then got crushed under some trees along with Khan when Snively arrived with the [[Iron Oni]].<ref name="SU39">[[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 39|''Sonic Universe'' #39]], "Scrambled Part 3: Line in the Sand"</ref> She was then forced to fight Khan yet again when [[Regina Ferrum]] took control of him with her technomagic. Sally's knowledge and memories of Khan were manipulated in an effort to distract him, but the brainwashed king paid it no attention as he attempted to destroy her. Khan was then freed from Regina's hold, and Mecha Sally went into standby mode. In her damaged state, she was returned to Robotnik by Khan, who recognized that the mad doctor was the only one who could hope to repair her.<ref name="SU40">[[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 40|''Sonic Universe'' #40]], "Scrambled Part Four: In the Name in Love!"</ref>

While this was going on, the Freedom Fighters reorganized themselves into two new units: [[Team Freedom (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Team Freedom]] and [[Team Fighters (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Team Fighters]]. The latter team embarked under Sonic's leadership with a twofold mission: to thwart Robotnik's plans and to rescue Sally.<ref name="StH236">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 236|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #236]], "Cry Freedom!"</ref> Their pursuit took them to [[Soumerca (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Soumerca]], where Robotnik once again took advantage of Sally's knowledge and previous involvement with local groups. Having brokered an uneasy peace between the Felidae and Wolf Pack, Mecha Sally recognized that the two factions would go to war if their leaders were not present to maintain the truce. Taking advantage of her expertise, Robotnik sent her to abduct Queen Hathor and Lupe.<ref name="StH237">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 237|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #237]], "Loyalty Part One: The Right to Rule"</ref> Mecha Sally would then engage Team Fighters when they arrived looking to rescue the two rulers. After forcing Tails to let her go with the realization that stopping her could jeopardize others, Mecha Sally was sent on another diabolical mission: leading an invasion force to [[Feral Forest]] to assassinate her own brother Elias.<ref name="StH238">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 238|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #238]], "Loyalty Part Two: Dire Choices"</ref> Despite the assistance of [[Silver Sonic v3.0]] and her [[Egg SWAT (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Egg SWATs]], Mecha Sally was unable to complete her mission, and left her troops to be destroyed while she rejoined the Death Egg.<ref name="StH239">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 239|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #239]], "Heroes Part One: Team Building"</ref>
在此期间,自由战士们重新组织成两个新单位:[[Team Freedom (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Team Freedom]][[Team Fighters (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Team Fighters]]。后者在Sonic的领导下出发执行双重任务:阻止Robotnik的计划和营救Sally<ref name="StH236">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 236|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #236]], "Cry Freedom!"</ref> 他们的追踪将他们带到了[[Soumerca (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Soumerca]],Robotnik再次利用Sally的知识和之前与当地团体的牵连。在Felidae和狼群之间谈判出一个不稳定的和平后,Mecha Sally意识到,如果没有他们的领袖维持休战,这两个派系将会开战。利用她的专长,Robotnik派她绑架女王HathorLupe<ref name="StH237">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 237|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #237]], "Loyalty Part One: The Right to Rule"</ref> Mecha Sally随后在Team Fighters寻找营救两位统治者时与他们交战。在意识到阻止她可能会危及其他人后,Tails让她离开,Mecha Sally被派遣执行另一个邪恶任务:带领一支入侵力量到[[Feral Forest]]暗杀她自己的兄弟Elias<ref name="StH238">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 238|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #238]], "Loyalty Part Two: Dire Choices"</ref> 尽管有[[Silver Sonic v3.0]]和她的[[Egg SWAT (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Egg SWATs]]的帮助,Mecha Sally未能完成她的任务,并在她的部队被摧毁时离开,重新加入Death Egg<ref name="StH239">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 239|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #239]], "Heroes Part One: Team Building"</ref>

Mecha Sally would later appear in attendance to Eggman giving orders to the latest Metal Sonic to travel to the [[Interdimensional Gateway]] in order to meet his newest partner.<ref name="SU50">[[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 50|''Sonic Universe'' #50]], "Forged in Fire"</ref> She would then be deployed against [[Team Fighters (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Team Fighters]] and the [[Arctic Freedom Fighters]], who had joined forces in a rescue attempt. After stunning Amy and Sonic, she attempted to kill the pair, but was then shorted out by Silver the Hedgehog. The time traveler had joined the mission to rescue Sally, whom he had identified as having a part to play in [[3437 P.X.E.|his future]]'s devastation. However, realizing her unwilling role, he determined to rescue her rather than eliminate her as he had attempted with previous "traitor" suspects. Unfortunately, the heroes had no time to celebrate before both they and the inert Sally were caught up in a second [[Genesis Wave (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Genesis Wave]].<ref name="StH247">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 247|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #247]], "At All Costs Part One: Fate Interrupted"</ref>
Mecha Sally后来出现在Eggman向最新的Metal Sonic下达命令的场合,命令它前往[[Interdimensional Gateway]]会见他的新伙伴。<ref name="SU50">[[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 50|''Sonic Universe'' #50]], "Forged in Fire"</ref> 随后,她被部署对抗[[Team Fighters (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Team Fighters]]和加入救援行动的[[Arctic Freedom Fighters]]。在使AmySonic震惊后,她试图杀死这对搭档,但随后被时空旅行者Silver the Hedgehog短路。这位时间旅行者加入了营救Sally的任务,他认定Sally在[[3437 P.X.E.|他的未来]]的毁灭中扮演了一部分。然而,意识到她不情愿的角色,他决定营救她,而不是像之前对待其他“叛徒”嫌疑人那样消灭她。不幸的是,在他们和失活的Sally被第二波[[Genesis Wave (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Genesis Wave]]卷入之前,英雄们没有时间庆祝。<ref name="StH247">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 247|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #247]], "At All Costs Part One: Fate Interrupted"</ref>
:''Note: From this point, Sally's history continues from [[Sally Acorn (Archie)#Countdown to Chaos|her new life in the altered timeline]].''
:''注意:从这一点开始,Sally的历史从[[Sally Acorn (Archie)#Countdown to Chaos|她在改变时间线中的新生活]]开始。''

Sally is strong-minded and opinionated. She is often logical and focused with a playful side, and prefers to plan ahead in almost all situations. She often takes the role of a leader, not only in directing and organizing people en masse but also through mediation and offering suggestions or compromises to difficult situations.

Sally's attitude towards her title of princess is one of duty; she is a firm leader with a strong sense of justice and a warm heart. Caring by heart, she loves her people and strives to do the best she can for them. In this she shows passion, bravery and determination, often remaining undeterred by setbacks. She similarly goes out of her way to make sure her friends are safe and happy. While inwardly compassionate, she can often come off as confrontational, overbearing, hard, sardonic and condescending when stifled enough. When her emotions are open however, she is often only protective of her friends, constantly worried about their well being in the field.

她的个人情感有时控制得不那么好,在一些极端情况下,她陷入了关于与他人,尤其是她的父亲,King Acorn,和Sonic的关系的混乱中。她非常关心她的家人,并迅速与她失散已久的母亲和兄弟建立了联系,尽管她对父亲的爱有时因为他的过去、行动和决策经常与她的理想发生冲突而变得紧张。在某些情况下,她培养了一些背叛和嫉妒的感觉,尽管她通常在做这些事情时就意识到了。因此,她经常向NICOLE吐露心声。由于她倾向于给自己太大的压力,以最明智的方式反应,如果Sally认为自己在过去的某个情况下失败或误判,她通常会对自己有极大的自我怀疑,有时会因为对自己感知到的无能为力而泪流满面。尽管是公主,Sally有点偏向男孩子气(有时被称为“假小子公主”),如果需要,她不会犹豫进入粗糙或凌乱的情况,通常不会以王室的方式着装或表现得像一个被救的少女,而是作为一个战斗者。
Her personal emotions are sometimes less well-controlled, and under some extreme situations she's fallen into turmoil concerning her relationships with others, especially with her father, King Acorn, and Sonic. She cares deeply for her family and was quick to establish connections with her long-lost mother and brother, though her love for her father is sometimes strained as his past, actions and decisions often cause friction with her ideals. In some cases she fostered some feelings of betrayal and jealousy, though she usually recognizes it while she's doing it. As such, she often confides in NICOLE. Having a tendency to put too much pressure on herself to react in the most wise way, should Sally think herself to have failed or misjudged a situation in the past, she will often have tremendous self-doubts in herself, sometimes coming to tears in frustration of her perceived inability. Despite being a princess, Sally is a bit of a tomboy (sometimes referred to as a "Tomboy Princess"), not hesitating to get into rough or messy situations if needed and does not typically dress regally or act as a damsel, but rather acts as a fighter.

==Powers and abilities==
Sally is agile and proficient in basic combat, martial arts (such as judo, karate, and kung fu), weaponry skills and hand to hand combat, having been trained by her mentor Julayla to improve her reflexes and self-defence abilities despite average physical strength. Her agility often lends itself to acrobatic maneuvers and skilled climbing. She's a quick thinker and tactician, often using NICOLE to gain information or statistics in order to create her plans, and is familiar with computers in general. She has strong leadership and organization capabilities and has shown to have good aim with various projectile weapons. Sally can also work and operate many varieties of vehicles, aircraft, and machines. Her "Genesis" reality self could also talk to Flickies by singing, though it is unknown if Sally retains this ability following reality returning to normal.

Another noteworthy skill is Sally's ability to settle most disputes, whether trivial or outright hostile, in a short time. She is a natural mediator and diplomat.

{{Main|Sword of Acorns}}
For a brief time, Sally wielded the Sword of Acorns. While it was in her possession, she could use the Sword of Acorns for unusual feats, but eventually rejected it.

===Antoine D'Coolette===
Early in the series, Antoine very openly declared his love to Sally on a regular basis, but the feeling was never mutual. As Antoine won the heart of [[Bunnie D'Coolette (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Bunnie Rabbot]] however, he no longer had interest in Sally.
在系列的早期,安托万非常公开地定期向莎莉表达他的爱意,但这种感情从未得到莎莉的回应。然而,当安托万赢得了[[Bunnie D'Coolette (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Bunnie Rabbot]]的心后,他不再对莎莉感兴趣。

Years later, [[Maximillian Acorn|King Maximillian Acorn]] was in declining health and commanded Sally to marry Antoine, so he could help her rule the kingdom. Sally was not happy about the arrangement, but went through with it out of obligation towards her nation. It turned out Antoine was actually [[Patch D'Coolette]] in disguise, and he had set it all up to get himself into power. After Patch was defeated and the real Antoine was found, he went back to [[Bunnie D'Coolette (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Bunnie]] and Sally was once again single.
多年后,[[Maximillian Acorn|King Maximillian Acorn]]健康状况恶化,命令莎莉嫁给安托万,以便他能帮助她治理王国。莎莉对这个安排并不开心,但出于对国家的义务,她还是接受了。事实证明,安托万实际上是[[Patch D'Coolette]]的伪装,他安排了这一切以获取权力。在Patch被击败并找到真正的安托万后,他回到了[[Bunnie D'Coolette (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Bunnie]]身边,莎莉再次单身。

莎莉和[[Nicole (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Nicole]]是非常亲密的朋友。在两人身体互换后,Nicole想要成为活生生的存在,莎莉支持Nicole的追求。
Sally and [[Nicole (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Nicole]] were very close friends. After the two switched bodies and Nicole wanted to be alive, Sally supported Nicole's quest to become a living being.

====Sonic the Hedgehog====
[[File:Sonicsallykiss.png|thumb|200px|Sally and [[Sonic the Hedgehog (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Sonic]] kiss, from [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 130|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #130]].]]
[[File:Sonicsallykiss.png|thumb|200px|莎莉和[[Sonic the Hedgehog (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Sonic]]亲吻,来自[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 130|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #130]].]]
多年来,莎莉有过许多调情和爱情对象,最主要的是[[Sonic the Hedgehog (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Sonic the Hedgehog]]。在作为[[Freedom Fighters (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|自由战士]]对抗Dr. Ivo Robotnik的战斗中,两人隐藏了彼此的感情,尽管偶尔提到过结婚的想法,大多是开玩笑的。此外,由于他们性格上的冲突,两人都不愿意让他们的关系更进一步。当Sonic发现莎莉幸存下来,并在[[Operation: EndGame]]后两人浪漫地接吻时,他们彼此的感情变得更加明显。
Over the years Sally has had numerous flirtations and love-interests, the largest being [[Sonic the Hedgehog (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Sonic the Hedgehog]]. During their battles against Dr. Ivo Robotnik as [[Freedom Fighters (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Freedom Fighters]], the two hid their feelings for each other, though the idea of marriage had come up on occasion, mostly as a joke. Additionally, because of their clashing personalities, both were reluctant to make anything more out of their relationship. Their mutual feelings for each other became far more obvious when Sonic discovered Sally had survived [[Operation: EndGame]] and the two kissed romantically.

当King Max在从巫师[[Ixis Naugus]]的控制中解放后不久与女儿讨论婚姻话题时,莎莉请求Sonic成为她未来的丈夫。年长的国王断然拒绝了她的提议,说[[Source of All]]最终会决定她的丈夫是谁,就像它决定了Max的妻子和他父亲的妻子一样。
When King Max discussed the topic of marriage with his daughter shortly after he'd been freed from the wizard [[Ixis Naugus]]' control, Sally requested that Sonic should be her future husband. The aged king flat-out refused her offer, saying that the [[Source of All]] would ultimately decide who her husband would be, as it had dictated Max's wife and his father's wife before him.

在接下来的几个月里,Sonic在追逐Ixis Naugus环游地球,而莎莉则分开。Sonic回来后不久,Dr. Eggman开始了重新夺回Mobotropolis和机器人化Mobians的行动,这阻止了Sonic和莎莉亲近。更糟糕的是,在建立了Knothole王国后,莎莉被迫在家接受教育,而Sonic和其他人去了公立学校。莎莉作为公主的职责让她忙碌并与Sonic保持距离一段时间。当莎莉最终试图拜访Sonic时,她发现他被[[Mina Mongoose]]亲吻。此后,莎莉认为Sonic已经继续前进。两人后来恢复并在Sonic从赏金猎人[[Nack the Weasel (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Nack the Weasel]]中解救莎莉时彻底承认了他们对彼此的爱。
Sonic and Sally spent the next few months apart, while Sonic was chasing after the Ixis Naugus around the planet with Tails. Shortly after his return, Dr. Eggman began his campaign to retake Mobotropolis and roboticize the Mobians, which prevented Sonic and Sally from getting close. To make matters worse, after the Kingdom of Knothole was formed, Sally was forced to be home schooled while Sonic and the others went to public school. Sally's duties as princess kept her both busy and distant from Sonic for some time. When Sally finally attempted to visit Sonic, she caught him being kissed by [[Mina Mongoose]]. After this, Sally believed Sonic had moved on. The two later recovered and fully admitted their love for one another when Sonic freed Sally from the bounty hunter [[Nack the Weasel (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Nack the Weasel]].

After almost a year had passed since Max's original decision to force Sally to marry Antoine, his opinion had drastically changed, after Sonic had proven himself a worthy candidate for a spouse. Max accepted Sonic and Sally's request for marriage, but shortly after this, the Xorda's attack on Mobius occurred, which resulted in Sonic being lost in space for over a year. With all of Mobius believing Sonic to be dead, Sally is left emotionally shattered.

Upon Sonic's return from space, the two wasted no time rekindling their love for one another: Sally claimed that she had known that Sonic was alive this entire time, but it is later revealed to be a lie. However, their relationship took a turn for the worse when Sally was put in charge of the kingdom and requested that Sonic stay by her side, as opposed to risking his life on numerous combat missions. Sonic reluctantly refused. An enraged Sally slapped him and accused him of being selfish, when in reality, she didn't want to lose him again. She asked whether his fight with Eggman was more important than his love for her. Unable to get an answer, she ran off crying, later resulting in a bitter break up.

尽管Sonic试图解决问题,莎莉通常对他冷淡并命令他,最终达到她实际上单方面将Sonic投入监狱的地步,理由是非法侵入和破坏她与安托万(实际上是Patch)的婚礼。然而,安托万返回后,她开始冷静下来。从那以后,Sonic和Fiona Fox约会,但当Sonic发现Fiona实际上对他的邪恶双胞胎[[Scourge the Hedgehog]]更感兴趣时,两人分手了。在安托万和Bunnie宣布他们将要结婚后,莎莉承认她想念Sonic,并感到嫉妒,因为不是她和Sonic将要结婚。
Even though Sonic tried to work things out Sally usually acted cold to him and bossed him around, eventually getting to the point where she actually had Sonic unilaterally thrown in prison for illegal trespassing and crashing her wedding reception following her brief marriage to Antoine (who was really Patch). She did, however, start to calm down after Antoine's return. Since then, Sonic has dated Fiona Fox, but the two broke up when Sonic discovered Fiona was actually more interested in his evil double, [[Scourge the Hedgehog]]. After Antoine and Bunnie announced they were getting married, Sally admitted she missed Sonic and felt jealous that it wasn't her and Sonic who was getting married.

自从安托万和Bunnie的婚礼以来,Sonic和莎莉再次显示出对彼此感兴趣的迹象。莎莉特别是通过与Sonic调情和暗示这一点。有一次,两人几乎亲吻了对方,但被打断了。就在Dr. Eggman最终被击败并陷入疯狂之前,莎莉对Sonic的个人安全表现出了强烈的关心,并在Sonic跳入通往Eggman的洞穴前拥抱了他,告诉他要小心。
Since Antoine and Bunnie's marriage, Sonic and Sally have once again showed signs of interest in one another. Sally in particular has flirted and hinted at this with Sonic. At one point, the two almost kissed each other, but were interrupted. Immediately prior to Dr. Eggman's final defeat and push into insanity, Sally shows intense concern for Sonic's personal safety, along with her hugging him before Sonic dove into the hole leading to Eggman, telling him to be careful.

当Monkey Khan出现后,莎莉决定完全重新点燃她与Sonic的友谊,并开始与Ken恋爱。Sonic适应这一改变很困难,尽管Sonic不知道,莎莉感觉她结束了他们的恋情不够好,因此对他不公平。然而,莎莉在从龙王国返回后告诉他,她还没准备好与Khan正式交往,然后邀请Sonic一起吃午餐。
After Monkey Khan showed up, Sally decided to fully rekindle her friendship with Sonic, and start a romance with Ken. It has been hard for Sonic to get used to the change, though unbeknownst to him Sally came to feel that she had ended their romance badly and thus been unfair to him. However, Sally informed him after returning from the Dragon Kingdom that she wasn't ready to become seriously involved with Khan yet, and then took Sonic out to lunch.

后来,随着Geoffrey St. John背叛Sonic和Mina的歌曲驱使市民相信Nicole是邪恶的事件发生,Sonic决定带莎莉去一家高档餐厅约会。事情似乎进行得很好,直到一位服务员问他们是否打算“关闭Nicole”。另一个人争论说Nicole也是一名自由战士。这件事闹得如此之大,以至于Sonic和莎莉决定离开。人群试图阻止他们离开,只有Amy用她的锤子威胁他们,要求他们让Sonic和莎莉单独享受他们的约会。后来,Sonic和莎莉去了[[Lake of Rings (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|湖畔]],周围环绕着萤火虫和Chao。他们通过争论彼此以前的恋情中谁更嫉妒对方开玩笑。那天晚上以莎莉询问Sonic是否可以放慢脚步,这样她就能陪在他身边结束,他接受了。后来,在跳入战斗时,莎莉和Sonic分享了一个吻,完全重新点燃了他们的爱情。
Later, with the events going on such as Geoffrey St. John betraying Sonic and Mina's song driving the citizens to believe Nicole is evil, Sonic decides to take Sally on a date to a fancy restaurant. Things seem to go fine until one of the waiters ask them if they plan on "pulling the plug on Nicole." Another person argues saying that Nicole is a freedom fighter as well. This gets out of so much that Sonic and Sally decide to leave. The crowd tries to stop them from leaving, only to have Amy threaten them with her hammer demanding them to leave Sonic and Sally alone so that they can enjoy their date. Later, Sonic and Sally go to the [[Lake of Rings (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Lake of Rings]] surrounded by fireflies and Chao. They tease one another by fighting over who was more jealous of each other's previous relationships. The night ends with Sally asking Sonic if he could slow down a bit so she could be by his side, to which he accepts. Later on, while jumping into battle, Sally and Sonic shared a kiss fully rekindling their romance.

====Geoffrey St. John====
====Geoffrey St. John====
[[File:Sally and st.john.jpg|thumb|180px|left|Sally kissing [[Geoffrey St. John|Geoffrey]].]]
[[File:Sally and st.john.jpg|thumb|180px|left|莎莉亲吻[[Geoffrey St. John|Geoffrey]].]]
When [[Geoffrey St. John]] first met Princess Sally, he assisted her in training the [[Substitute Freedom Fighters]] and foiling Dr. Robotnik's scheme of creating robotic duplicates of the Freedom Fighters. After seeing Geoffrey's heroics, the skunk gained a place in Sally's heart, nearly rivaling Sonic. After the events of [[Operation: EndGame]] and Sonic's revival of Sally, Geoffrey realized her heart belonged to Sonic, but continued to clash with the hedgehog on numerous occasions. Some time later, Geoffrey established a relationship with [[Hershey St. John|Hershey the Cat]], eventually marrying her and lost his feelings for Sally, although they are still good friends. This friendship seems to be severely challenged however as it has been revealed that Geoffrey was in league with [[Ixis Naugus]] and had been branded a traitor after attacking Sonic and stealing a [[Chaos Emerald (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Chaos Emerald]] during a mission to the [[Special Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Special Zone]].
[[Geoffrey St. John]]第一次遇到Princess Sally时,他协助她训练[[Substitute Freedom Fighters]]并挫败了Dr. Robotnik创建自由战士机器人复制品的计划。在见证了Geoffrey的英雄行为后,这只臭鼬赢得了莎莉的心,几乎与Sonic相当。在[[Operation: EndGame]]事件和Sonic复活莎莉之后,Geoffrey意识到她的心属于Sonic,但继续在多个场合与这只刺猬发生冲突。一段时间后,Geoffrey与[[Hershey St. John|Hershey the Cat]]建立了关系,最终与她结婚,失去了对莎莉的感情,尽管他们仍然是好朋友。然而,这种友谊似乎遭到了严峻的考验,因为Geoffrey[[Ixis Naugus]]结盟的事实被揭露,并在攻击Sonic和偷窃[[Chaos Emerald (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|混沌翡翠]]期间被标记为叛徒。
莎莉在遇见索尼克之前很久就认识了[[Knuckles the Echidna (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|纳克鲁斯]],在她父亲定期访问天使岛期间。由于两人都没有同龄的玩伴,他们很快成为了朋友。

====Knuckles the Echidna====
Sally had known [[Knuckles the Echidna (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Knuckles the Echidna]] long before she met Sonic, during her father's regular visits to Angel Island. The two quickly became friends as neither one had anyone else their age to play with.

不久之后,纳克鲁斯被同族的[[Echidna (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|针鼹猬]] [[Julie-Su]]追求,她现在是纳克鲁斯的女友和灵魂伴侣。莎莉和纳克鲁斯的友谊因后者决定留在天使岛上,而不是帮助自由战士对抗蛋头博士而暂时受损,尽管两人随着时间的推移修复了他们的友谊。
Years later, when Knuckles came to Knothole to fight against Mecha Sonic, the two reminisced about their childhood days. Sally even showed signs of interest in Knuckles at this point, especially due to the anger she felt towards Sonic, who everyone thought had deliberately allowed himself to be roboticized.

====Monkey Khan====
Not long after this however, Knuckles was pursued by the fellow [[Echidna (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|echidna]] [[Julie-Su]], who is currently Knuckles' girlfriend and soul mate. Sally and Knuckles' friendship was temporarily damaged when the latter decided to remain on Angel Island rather than assist the Freedom Fighters on Mobius against Dr. Eggman, though the two repaired their friendship over time.
[[File:KhanSallyKiss.jpg|thumb|180px|莎莉亲吻[[Monkey Khan|肯]].]]
当莎莉意外地将[[Monkey Khan]]从他的静止状态中释放时,这只猴子立即被迷住了。他甚至绑架了她,希望她成为他的伴侣,但莎莉说服他,他可以成为一个伟大的英雄。之后他离开了,但他对莎莉的感情仍然挥之不去。<ref name="StH55"/> 大约一年后,当肯警告铁王朝的危险时,他表达了他对索尼克和她不在一起的事实感兴趣。<ref name="StH201"/> 莎莉似乎也对肯有所回应,告诉他用她的名字称呼她,并在铁皇后控制时告诉索尼克不要伤害他。<ref name="StH203"/><ref name="StH204"/><ref name="StH206"/><ref name="StH208"/> 当他因连续失败而感到沮丧时,她甚至安慰了他,并与他共进午餐。<ref name="StH202"/><ref name="StH207"/><ref name="StH209"/><ref name="SU13"/> 当莎莉因自己的失败而感到沮丧时,肯来到她身边试图让她感觉更好。莎莉与肯交谈后去找了Bunnie。与Bunnie交谈后,莎莉决定在肯从索尼克的任务回来后与他谈谈。后来,两人可以看到手牵手,索尼克在旁边观看。<ref name="StH207"/>

莎莉和肯有时可以看到彼此调情,有一次肯亲吻了莎莉右手的背部。<ref name="SU13"/><ref name="SU14"/> 在铁王朝被击败后,肯甚至问莎莉是否愿意成为自由人民的女王,并亲吻了她的嘴唇以表达他的感情。莎莉
==== Monkey Khan ====
[[File:KhanSallyKiss.jpg|thumb|180px|Sally kissing [[Monkey Khan|Ken]].]]
When Sally accidentally released [[Monkey Khan]] from his stasis, the monkey was instantly smitten. He even kidnapped her so he could have her as a companion but Sally convinced him that he could be a great hero. He then left but his feelings for Sally still lingered.<ref name="StH55"/> Around a year later, when Ken warned about the Iron Dominion, he expressed his interest in the fact that Sonic and her are not together.<ref name="StH201"/> Sally also seemed to reciprocate some feelings towards Ken, telling him to call her by her first name, and when the Iron Queen took control, told Sonic not to hurt him.<ref name="StH203"/><ref name="StH204"/><ref name="StH206"/><ref name="StH208"/> She even comforted him when he was upset over repeated failures, as well as have some lunch with him.<ref name="StH202"/><ref name="StH207"/><ref name="StH209" /><ref name="SU13"/> When Sally was upset about failures of her own, Ken came to her trying to make her feel better. Sally went to Bunnie after talking to Ken. After talking with Bunnie, Sally decided to talk with Ken once he came back from his mission with Sonic. Later, the two can be seen holding hands with Sonic looking on.<ref name="StH207"/>

回答说,虽然提议很诱人,但她觉得她欠索尼克另一次机会,因为她结束他们之间的关系方式很糟糕。肯接受了这个消息,但让莎莉笑了起来,告诉她当“[索尼克]搞砸这次机会”时,他会在那里。<ref name="StH212"/>
Sally and Ken can be seen flirting with each other sometimes, one time it goes as far as Ken kissing the back of Sally's right hand.<ref name="SU13"/><ref name="SU14"/> After the Iron Dominion was defeated, Ken even asked Sally if she would become Queen of the Free People, kissing her on the lips to express his feelings. Sally replied that while the offer was tempting, she felt that she owed Sonic another chance given how poorly she had ended things between them. Ken accepted the news, but made Sally laugh by telling her that he would be there "when [Sonic] screws up this chance."<ref name="StH212"/>

When Ken fought her as Mecha Sally, he sacrificed his Power Ring, the only thing protecting him from the Iron Queen's mind control, to save her.

*[[Freedom Fighters (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Freedom Fighters]]
*[[Freedom Fighters (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|自由战士]]
**[[Arctic Freedom Fighters]]
**[[Arctic Freedom Fighters]]
***[[Augustus the Polar Bear]]
***[[Augustus the Polar Bear]]
第295行: 第296行:
***[[Guntiver the Arctic Wolf]]
***[[Guntiver the Arctic Wolf]]
***[[Sealia Seal]]
***[[Sealia Seal]]
**[[Chaotix (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Chaotix]]
**[[Chaotix (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|查尔克斯]]
***[[Charmy Bee (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Charmy Bee]]
***[[Charmy Bee (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|查米]]
***[[Espio the Chameleon (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Espio the Chameleon]]
***[[Espio the Chameleon (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|艾斯皮欧]]
***[[Knuckles the Echidna (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Knuckles the Echidna]]
***[[Knuckles the Echidna (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|纳克鲁斯]]
***[[Mighty the Armadillo (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Mighty the Armadillo]]
***[[Mighty the Armadillo (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|麦迪]]
***[[Ray the Flying Squirrel (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Ray the Flying Squirrel]]
***[[Ray the Flying Squirrel (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|]]
***[[Saffron Bee]]
***[[Saffron Bee]]
***[[Vector the Crocodile (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Vector the Crocodile]]
***[[Vector the Crocodile (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|贝库特]]
**[[Knothole Freedom Fighters]]
**[[Knothole Freedom Fighters]]
***[[Amy Rose (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Amy Rose]]
***[[Amy Rose (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|艾咪·罗斯]]
***[[Antoine D'Coolette (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Antoine D'Coolette]]
***[[Antoine D'Coolette (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|安托万·D'库利特]]
***[[Bunnie D'Coolette (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Bunnie D'Coolette]]
***[[Bunnie D'Coolette (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Bunnie D'Coolette]]
***[[Dulcy the Dragon (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Dulcy the Dragon]]
***[[Dulcy the Dragon (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|杜尔西龙]]
***[[Miles "Tails" Prower (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Miles "Tails" Prower]]
***[[Miles "Tails" Prower (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|塔尔斯]]
***[[Nate Morgan]]
***[[Nate Morgan]]
***[[Nicole (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Nicole]]
***[[Nicole (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Nicole]]
***[[Rotor Walrus]]
***[[Rotor Walrus]]
***[[Sonic the Hedgehog (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Sonic the Hedgehog]]
***[[Sonic the Hedgehog (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|索尼克]]
**[[Substitute Freedom Fighters]]
**[[Substitute Freedom Fighters]]
***[[Arlo Armadillo]]
***[[Arlo Armadillo]]
第319行: 第320行:
***[[Hamlin Pig]]
***[[Hamlin Pig]]
***[[Penelope Platypus]]
***[[Penelope Platypus]]
**[[Wolf Pack (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Wolf Pack]]
**[[Wolf Pack (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|狼群]]
***[[Lupe Wolf]]
***[[Lupe Wolf]]
*[[Guardian Units of the Nation (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Guardian Units of the Nation]]
*[[Guardian Units of the Nation (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|G.U.N]]
**[[Hope Kintobor]]
**[[Hope Kintobor]]
**[[Team Dark (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Team Dark]]
**[[Team Dark (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|黑暗小队]]
***[[E-123 Omega (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|E-123 Omega]]
***[[E-123 Omega (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|E-123 Omega]]
***[[Rouge the Bat (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Rouge the Bat]]
***[[Rouge the Bat (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|露姬]]
***[[Shadow the Hedgehog (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Shadow the Hedgehog]]
***[[Shadow the Hedgehog (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|夏特]]
*[[Big the Cat (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Big the Cat]]
*[[Big the Cat (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|大猫比格]]
*[[Forget Me Knots]]
*[[Forget Me Knots]]
**[[Mina Mongoose]]
**[[Mina Mongoose]]
第336行: 第337行:
*[[Rosie Woodchuck]]
*[[Rosie Woodchuck]]
*[[Sir Charles Hedgehog]]
*[[Sir Charles Hedgehog]]
*[[Silver the Hedgehog (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Silver the Hedgehog]]
*[[Silver the Hedgehog (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|希弗尔]]

*[[Eggman Empire (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Eggman Empire]]
*[[Eggman Empire (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|蛋头帝国]]
**[[Doctor Eggman (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Dr. Eggman]]
**[[Doctor Eggman (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|蛋头博士]]
**[[Metal Sonic v3.0]]
**[[Metal Sonic v3.0]]
**[[Snively Robotnik]]
**[[Snively Robotnik]]
第353行: 第354行:
*[[Suppression Squad]]
*[[Suppression Squad]]
**[[Boomer Walrus]]
**[[Boomer Walrus]]
**[[Miles Prower (Anti-Miles)|Miles Prower]]
**[[Miles Prower (Anti-Miles)|迈尔斯·普劳尔]]
**[[Patch D'Coolette]]
**[[Patch D'Coolette]]
**[[Princess Alicia Acorn]]
**[[Princess Alicia Acorn]]
第359行: 第360行:
*[[Iron Queen]]
*[[Iron Queen]]

*Sally的中间名偶尔被拼错为“Elisha”。这个名字,像Sally的许多特征一样,来源于《Sonic the Hedgehog》电视系列,在剧集《Blast to the Past, Part 1》中,她在遇到年轻的自己时使用它作为别名。
*Sally's middle name has occasionally been misspelled as "Elisha." The name, as with much of Sally's attributes, comes from the ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog (TV series)|Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' television series, where she used it as an alias upon meeting her younger self in the episode "[[Blast to the Past, Part 1]]."
*由于她是美国漫画的主角,所以当《Sonic Mega Collection》发售时,她首次正式介绍给日本的Sonic观众。
*As she was a main character in the American comics, she was first officially introduced to the Japanese ''Sonic'' audience when ''[[Sonic Mega Collection]]'' was released.
*Sally原本在“Endgame”篇章中设定将会死去。这个想法是要以足够的尊严杀死这个角色,以免驱赶走任何角色的粉丝。在Robotropolis内执行任务期间,Sally在她的速降绳被切断后坠落数层楼而死;Sonic被诬陷为她的死因。编剧方面的理由是,King Max的到来会取代Sally的权力,使她变得不必要,而且由于Sega对书籍的限制,使得继续写她与Sonic的关系变得太困难。然而,Sega有关于这个角色的促销计划,命令她被复活。Archie编辑Justin Freddy Gabrie拒绝了这个想法,并使得作家Ken Penders改变故事情节,使她陷入昏迷。{{Citation needed}} 角色的回归被写入第50期,这干扰了日程安排,并导致几页被删减。该期后来被修订并作为《Sonic Super Special》重新发行。她预定的死亡在第101期的一个随机现实中被强调。
*Sally was originally supposed to die during the "Endgame" saga. The idea was to kill the character with enough dignity to not drive away any of the character's fans. During a mission inside Robotropolis, Sally is slain after her rappel wire is cut, sending her falling several stories to the ground; Sonic was framed for her death. The reasoning on the part of the writers was that the arrival of King Max would displace Sally's power, making her unnecessary and that the restrictions placed on the book by [[Sega]] made it too difficult to continue writing the character as having a relationship with Sonic. Sega, however, had promotional plans for the character and ordered her to be revived. Archie editor [[Justin Freddy Gabrie]] rejected the idea and made writer [[Ken Penders]] change the storyline so that she was in a coma instead.{{Citation needed}} The character's return was written into [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 50|issue #50]], which interfered with scheduling and caused several pages to be cut. The issue was later revised and reissued as a ''[[Sonic Super Specials|Sonic Super Special]]''. Her intended death was emphasized in one of the random realities in [[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 101|issue #101]].
**On the now-defunct Archie ''Sonic'' blog, however, writer [[Ian Flynn]] claimed differently, stating that Sally's supposed "revival" in issue #50 was planned from the start, and the actual plan was for this "Sally" to gradually grow more and more distant from Sonic in the issues following #50, before being revealed to be a robotic replica of the original deceased Sally as a postmortem trick from [[Doctor Ivo Robotnik (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Robotnik]].<ref name="Blog">{{Cite web|url=http://www.archiecomics.com/blog/sonic/2010/07/|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20101224212921/http://www.archiecomics.com/blog/sonic/2010/07/ |archivedate=24 December 2010 |title=Sonic the Hedgehog: July 2010 Archives |author=[[Ian Flynn]] |date=9 June 2010 }}</ref>
**在现已不存在的Archie Sonic博客上,然而,作家Ian Flynn声称不同,声称Sally在第50期的所谓“复活”是从一开始就计划好的,实际计划是这个“Sally”会在#50之后的剧集中逐渐变得和Sonic越来越疏远,最终被揭示为原本已故Sally的机器人复制品,作为Robotnik死后的把戏。<ref name="Blog">{{Cite web|url=http://www.archiecomics.com/blog/sonic/2010/07/|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20101224212921/http://www.archiecomics.com/blog/sonic/2010/07/ |archivedate=24 December 2010 |title=Sonic the Hedgehog: July 2010 Archives |author=[[Ian Flynn]] |date=9 June 2010 }}</ref>
*根据Ian Flynn(在Archie Sonic博客上以Dr. Eggman的身份回答粉丝信件)的一篇帖子,Sally Acorn的短尾巴来自她母亲的家族。<ref name="Blog2"/>
*According to a post made by Ian Flynn (roleplaying as [[Doctor Eggman (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Dr. Eggman]] for a fan-letter answering session) on the Archie ''Sonic'' blog, Sally Acorn's short tail comes from her [[Alicia Acorn|mother]]'s side of the family.<ref name="Blog2"/>
*According to [[Espio the Chameleon (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Espio]]'s intel in an effort to show his sincerity to the heroes after his betrayal, and Sally's own reaction to it, her royal family birthmark, a star-shaped birthmark, is located in a very embarrassing place.<ref name="EspioSallySecret">{{Cite book|format=comic book|title="[[Archie Sonic Universe Issue 16|Journey To The East Part Four: A World Under Constant Vigil]]"|publisher=[[Archie Comics]]|date=19 May 2010|quote='''Sally Acorn''': Well? / '''[[Espio the Chameleon (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)|Espio the Chameleon]]''': The location of your royal birthmark. / '''Sally''': ... / '''Epsio''': ... [cough expression] When [[Elias Acorn|Elias]] (her brother) came back, I had to verify his claim, so... / '''Sally''': No, no. We won't speak of it further.}}</ref>
*根据Espio的情报,在他背叛后为了向英雄们展示他的真诚,以及Sally对此的反应,她的皇室胎记,一个星形胎记,位于一个非常尴尬的位置。<ref name="EspioSallySecret">{{Cite book|format=comic book|title="Journey To The East Part Four: A World Under Constant Vigil"|publisher=[[Archie Comics]]|date=19 May 2010|quote='''Sally Acorn''': Well? / '''Espio the Chameleon''': The location of your royal birthmark. / '''Sally''': ... / '''Epsio''': ... [cough expression] When Elias (her brother) came back, I had to verify his claim, so... / '''Sally''': No, no. We won't speak of it further.}}</ref>
*Sally's shoe size is 5 1/2.<ref name="StHM1">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 1 (miniseries)|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #1]] "Run, Sally, Run!"</ref>
*Sally的鞋码是5 1/2<ref name="StHM1">[[Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 1 (miniseries)|''Sonic the Hedgehog'' #1]] "Run, Sally, Run!"</ref>
*Sally's color scheme has been changed three times, in total.
*[[Ben Bates]] revealed in a tweet that, if the comics were not rebooted, Sally would have been in cryostasis and the next five year arc would feature Sonic traveling the world to find her.<ref name="Bates">{{cite web|url=https://twitter.com/benbatesart/status/1247625791149617153|title=Ben Bates (@benbatesart) on Twitter|work=Twitter|date=7 April 2019|accessdate=1 November 2020|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20200407204304/https://twitter.com/benbatesart/status/1247625791149617153|archivedate=1 November 2020|quote='''[[Ben Bates]]''': I had no idea! The way it was sold to me: Mecha Sally and her later form "Neo Sally" would be revealed as advanced Eggman robotics and a sleeper agent. The REAL Sally Acorn was in cryostasis and the next five years arc would be Sonic traveling the world to find her.}}</ref> [[Ian Flynn]] replied that he did not know where Bates had gotten that information, but that those were not his plans and that Sally was going to be restored at the end of the arc.<ref name="Flynn1">{{cite web|url=https://twitter.com/IanFlynnBKC/status/1288252501846904832|title=Ian Flynn (@IanFlynnBKC) on Twitter|work=Twitter|date=28 July 2020|accessdate=1 November 2020|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20201101162115/https://twitter.com/IanFlynnBKC/status/1288252914180513792|archivedate=1 November 2020|quote='''[[Ian Flynn]]''': I have no idea where Ben got that information. That isn't remotely what I had planned. Sally would've been restored at the end of the "King Naugus Arc," Aroud #200.}}</ref><ref name="Flynn2">{{cite web|url=https://twitter.com/IanFlynnBKC/status/1288252914180513792|title=Ian Flynn (@IanFlynnBKC) on Twitter|work=Twitter|date=28 July 2020|accessdate=1 November 2020|quote='''[[Ian Flynn]]''': Wait... #200 was the Eggman defeat, wasn't it? #250 then. Whatever the milestone was. It's been awhile and two reboots - cut me some slack =P"}}</ref>
*Ben Bates在一条推文中透露,如果漫画没有被重启,Sally将处于冷冻状态,接下来的五年故事将围绕Sonic环游世界寻找她。<ref name="Bates">{{cite web|url=https://twitter.com/benbatesart/status/1247625791149617153|title=Ben Bates (@benbatesart) on Twitter|work=Twitter|date=7 April 2019|accessdate=1 November 2020|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20200407204304/https://twitter.com/benbatesart/status/1247625791149617153|archivedate=1 November 2020|quote='''Ben Bates''': I had no idea! The way it was sold to me: Mecha Sally and her later form "Neo Sally" would be revealed as advanced Eggman robotics and a sleeper agent. The REAL Sally Acorn was in cryostasis and the next five years arc would be Sonic traveling the world to find her.}}</ref> Ian Flynn回复说他不知道Bates从哪里得到这些信息,但那不是他的计划,Sally会在“King Naugus Arc”结束时被恢复。<ref name="Flynn1">{{cite web|url=https://twitter.com/IanFlynnBKC/status/1288252501846904832|title=Ian Flynn (@IanFlynnBKC) on Twitter|work=Twitter|date=28 July 2020|accessdate=1 November 2020|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20201101162115/https://twitter.com/IanFlynnBKC/status/1288252914180513792|archivedate=1 November 2020|quote='''Ian Flynn''': I have no idea where Ben got that information. That isn't remotely what I had planned. Sally would've been restored at the end of the "King Naugus Arc," Around #200.}}</ref><ref name="Flynn2">{{cite web|url=https://twitter.com/IanFlynnBKC/status/1288252914180513792|title=Ian Flynn (@IanFlynnBKC) on Twitter|work=Twitter|date=28 July 2020|accessaccessdate=1 November 2020|quote='''Ian Flynn''': Wait... #200 was the Eggman defeat, wasn't it? #250 then. Whatever the milestone was. It's been awhile and two reboots - cut me some slack =P"}}</ref>

==See also==


==External links==
*{{ME link|Sally Acorn/Pre-SGW}}
*{{ME link|Sally Acorn/Pre-SGW}}
[[de:Sally Acorn]]
[[es:Sally Acorn (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)]]
[[fr:Sally Acorn (Mobius Prime)]]
[[Category:Knothole Freedom Fighters]]
[[Category:Squirrels and chipmunks]]
[[Category:House of Acorn]]

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— Sally Acorn, Sonic the Hedgehog #197

Princess Sally Alicia Acorn(出生於3220年的第186天)[1]是由Archie Comics出版的Sonic the Hedgehog漫畫系列及其衍生作品中的主要角色之一。她是一隻mobian松鼠-花栗鼠混血,是前國王Maximillian Acorn和前皇后Alicia Acorn的小女兒,也是現任國王Elias Acorn的妹妹。Sally也被認為是自由戰士的領導者。當大戰對莫比安人不利時,她被父親送到了Knothole Village的避難所,並在Dr. Ivo Robotnik在大戰結束後不久奪取權力時,帶領Knothole Freedom Fighters執行了許多針對他的外出任務。

在King Acorn康復並恢復國王職位後,Sally再次帶領Knothole自由戰士一段時間,直到該組織解散。幾個月來,她與自由戰士的合作受到限制,因為她的皇室職責占據了她的時間。這種情況持續了一年多,直到Elias取代King Acorn成為國王。從這些責任中解放出來後,Sally重新全職參與外出任務,與其他自由戰士一起參加了許多不同的任務,直到在Operation: Clean Sweep期間她在執行任務中犧牲,她犧牲了自己的自由意志來摧毀World Roboticizer,在這個過程中,成為了Eggman的新機器人手下。

概念和創造[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Sally的概念和設計基於原版Sonic the Hedgehog視頻遊戲中看到的通用松鼠動物朋友 Ricky,在她被創造的時候,已經被重新命名為「Sally Acorn」在早期的西方Sonic媒體中。

在早期的漫畫中,Sally Acorn經歷了幾次外觀變化,最終確定為一個人形松鼠/花栗鼠。在她的首次亮相中,Sally有橙色的皮毛和金色的頭髮,但很快就變成了粉色的皮毛、棕色的頭髮和藍色帶白邊的靴子。她在漫畫中的實際比例隨着藝術家的不同而變化,與Sonic the Hedgehog電視系列中的Sally的卡通形象一致。Sally最終設計的創造者是Ken Kinoshita,他最終確定了Sally擁有棕色的皮毛和深栗色的頭髮。那時,她沒有穿背心。

外觀[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

在漫畫的早期問題中,Sally的設計經歷了許多早期的顏色方案(紅色和黃色,粉色和黑色),在與Sonic the Hedgehog電視系列(在試播集中採用了粉色和黑色設計)同步之前被最終確定。在這些早期設計中,她的臉頰是光滑和圓潤的,她戴着一種頭帶,她的唯一裝束是一雙藍色靴子,帶有白色邊緣。


有一段時間,Sally戴着頭帶。在更官方的功能中,她經常被描繪成某種形式的皇家服飾,包括一件重型藍色斗篷,帶有白色邊緣,權杖,皇冠和頭飾,甚至是一件華麗的,有翅膀的,金色和紅色的斗篷。在特殊場合,她有時會穿着白色的婚紗,一件富麗堂皇的紫色連衣裙,配上金色的珠寶,以及一件淺綠色的開叉裙,配上相匹配的無袖上衣和拖鞋(以及粉色的面紗)。當頭髮較長時,有時會為特殊場合以花哨的馬尾辮式樣設計。作為孩子時,她有時被描繪為穿着長襯衫,運動鞋和一個藍/綠色的蝴蝶結(或兩個)在她的頭髮中,雖然更常用的是Sonic the Hedgehog電視系列的設計:一套綠/藍色的准阿拉伯風格的服裝,配有捲曲的拖鞋,以及一頂鑲嵌在她頭髮中的珠寶,金色的頭飾,其頭髮被綁在一個長的,分段的馬尾辮中。在一些任務中,她戴着防護眼鏡。在Genesis弧中,她的典型設計基本未變,儘管它被略微簡化,失去了眉毛。

歷史[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

早年生活[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Knuckles回憶起他和Sally小時候的時光,來自Knuckles the Echidna #29

Sally出生於馬克西米利安·埃克恩國王和艾麗西亞·埃克恩王后之間的大戰期間,[2]埃克恩家族有史以來出生的第一位女性繼承人。[3] 在她生命的最初幾年,Sally過着無憂無慮的生活,對周圍的衝突一無所知。她經常陪同她的父親前往浮島,在那裡她第一次遇見了Knuckles the Echidna。當國王Max和Knuckles的父親Locke去討論事務時,Sally和Knuckles會相互陪伴,建立了深厚的友誼。然而,在Sally最後一次訪問後,兩人多年未再見面。[4][5]

回到摩博托波利斯後,Sally與一隻快速的藍色刺蝟Sonic成為朋友。兩人經常一起在皇宮玩耍,搞惡作劇。[6] 隨着大戰升級和摩博托波利斯被圍攻,Sally、Sonic和城市中的大多數其他孩子被疏散到諾索爾村的安全避難所。在那裡,Sally的母親和兄弟Elias,Sally沒有記憶的人,被送往浮島隱藏,直到戰爭剩餘時間。然而,他們的飛機被擊落,兩人十多年來被認為已經死亡。[7][8]

大戰結束後,Sally和其他被疏散的家庭返回了摩博托波利斯。然而,不久之後,Warlord Julian發動了長期策劃的背叛計劃。他將名字

改為Dr. Ivo Robotnik,發動了全面的政變,捕獲了Sally的父親,並圓滿了數百萬摩比安人被機器化。在政變發生時,當時5歲的Sally與許多其他孩子一起被RosieJulayla迅速帶到了諾索爾。[6] 在那裡,她再次與Sonic和其他童年朋友會合,包括Antoine D'CooletteRotor Walrus。他們在那裡安全隱藏,免受Robotnik的暴政。[9]

Sally和Sonic深受Original Freedom Fighters及其抵抗Dr. Robotnik的啟發。在原始自由戰士被擊敗和消失後,Sally與Sonic及其朋友締結了一個協議,繼續他們的鬥爭。最早在十歲時,Sally開始帶領Knothole Freedom Fighters與Robotnik作鬥爭。[9][10]

早期戰役和諾索爾的領袖[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

自由戰士的最終目標是推翻壓迫暴君Dr. Robotnik,並恢復埃克恩王國。隱藏在大森林深處的諾索爾叛軍總部,自由戰士對Robotnik的行動進行了游擊攻擊。[11][12] 作為自由戰士的領導者,Sally監督了許多針對Robotnik的行動,但她不是那種留在前線後面的人。她參與了許多使自己處於巨大危險中的任務,包括一個將Rotor偽裝成Robotnik以防止炸彈使用的計劃(結果是一個蟲子炸彈),[11] 參加了Robotnik設置的被操縱的奧林匹克競賽,[13] 一個前往廢棄場尋寶的任務,據信是查爾斯叔叔留下的強大武器(結果是一盒裝有Sonic銅製嬰兒鞋的箱子),[12] 一個拆除地雷的任務,導致與Nerb Kingdom接觸並發現Robotnik背後的地下鑽探計劃,[14] 一次直接攻擊Robotropolis以竊取一個將Sonic發送到Prehistoric Mobius並將他帶回的裝置,[15] 一個任務破壞大規模機器化 航天器,導致在行星Muckury上降落並幾乎窒息而死,[16] 以及一次幾乎是自殺性的向Robotropolis進軍,迫使Robotnik投降,當時Sonic被認為已經死亡。[17]


在諾索爾居住了一段時間後,Sally的導師和老師Julayla生病了。Sally非常尊敬Julayla,當她因老年死亡時,Sally感到非常悲傷。[18] Julayla去世前,將埃克恩皇家印章交給了Sally,並告訴她她已經準備好領導自由戰士。[18][19] Julayla還留給了Sally一件藍色的背心,她多年來一直穿着。此後不久,Sally獲得了一個「朋友」,即Nicole,一台來自另一個未來的有感知的超級計算機,那裡的Sally是女王。感覺到她過去的自己會嚴重需要一個朋友,Sally讓Rotor設計了Nicole並將她送回了過去。在Nicole的幫助下,Sally執行了一項原本意味着單獨執行的任務(但自由戰士陪同),前往禁區,通過守衛着的CyclopsGriffonPolysaurus Rex,找到了一卷刻有「忠於自己」的話的捲軸。這似乎也是未來的Sally寫的。[20]

在Robotnik被他的叛變創造物,E.V.E.[21] 所謂的「死亡」之後,Sally監督其他自由戰士將SWATbot零件從Robotropolis搬出,但對Snively在他叔叔缺席時繼續征服摩比斯表示擔憂。她的疑慮部分被證實是正確的,當Snively無意中說出了激活Robotnik超越墳墓的復仇計劃的密碼詞,這使得所有他的機器人出動摧毀這個星球,因為如果他不能擁有,那麼沒有人可以擁有,而自由戰士被捲入交火中。Sally試圖組織疏散,但來自SWATbots的攻擊浪潮太猛烈,無法進行任何工作。令人驚訝的是,Robotnik及時返回並取消了程序,讓Sally和自由戰士知道他是他們生存的負責人,同時削弱了Sonic的自尊。[22]


訓練新自由戰士[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

在Robotnik的許多計劃因為她的戰術才能而失敗之後,他意識到這位公主對他的控制構成了嚴重威脅,並將她的捕獲列為首要任務。Robotnik相信Geoffrey St. John已經背叛到他這邊,招募了這位Rebel Underground領袖,計劃用一個惡意的機器人雙胞胎替換Sally,並且有一個次要計劃,準備創建一整系列模仿關鍵抵抗成員的機器人。在Geoffrey的幫助下,真正的Sally揭露了這個陰謀,揭穿了假Sally,並在與她的實習生一起執行破壞Robotropolis防禦網格所謂的子站的實踐任務時,摧毀了Robotnik的其餘複製品。[24][25][26]

自由戰士領域領袖[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Sally與她的反面自我戰鬥,來自Sonic the Hedgehog #24

當Sally確認她的實習生為自由戰士,而Sonic再次未能找回King Max時,反自由戰士前往Mobius Prime,通過假裝成他們Prime-verse的對應物造成混亂。這使得諾索爾的村民轉向自由戰士,所以Sally和其他人不得不逃離村莊,以弄清楚發生了什麼。Sally決定等待冒牌貨公開露面,並偽裝成吉普賽人。當反自由戰士乘坐他們的車輛到達時,Sally使用弓箭迅速製作了一個絆線,壞蛋們從他們的座駕上摔了下來。隨後發生了一場混戰,每個人都與他們的對立面交戰。這些戰術證明是無效的,因為他們都能一拳換一拳地匹配對方,所以Sally命令大家換對手來調整局勢(這被證明是個好主意,因為她很容易就打敗了Patch)並允許他們打敗他們的邪惡分身並將他們送回家。[27]

Sally後來協助Rotor在Sonic的鞋上安裝了一個微型攝像頭,以便在他進行新任務調查Collision Chaos Zone時跟蹤他的狀態。在得知Robotnik劫持了Amy之後,Sally召開了一個會議來決定如何救出Amy。然而,Sonic自作主張,派Tails去偵察新的區域,讓Sally想知道「Princess Di」是否也有這樣的日子。在Tails被捕並且Sonic前往該區域後,Sally注意到Sonicam上的畫面有些奇怪,通過倒立手站來倒着看畫面。看到是偽裝成Robotnik的Snively在Sonic身後點燃軌道,Sally想知道Robotnik為什麼要讓Sonic只能一個方向前進,並命令Rotor獲取Sonic最後已知位置的定位,以便他們能參與行動並提供幫助。他們乘飛機前往該區域,當Sally跳傘降落在Robotnik上方時,她用降落傘成功着陸,並破壞了他的最終陷阱,阻止了他壓扁Sonic的機會。[28]

在一個特別炎熱的日子裡,Sonic通過在河上跑步,向他的自由戰士盟友,包括Sally,噴灑冷卻水來幫助他們。很快,Sally感到一陣寒意,天空開始出現雪雲。Sally將這一情況告知Nicole,Nicole確定這是一個「人造環境調節器」,讓Sally立即懷疑是Robotnik的所為。隨着暴風雪襲來,Sally試圖帶領他們所有人回到諾索爾,但雪讓這幾乎成為不可能。她試圖使用Nicole找到一個附近的洞穴,但她的電路因寒冷而凍結。幸運的是,他們自己找到了一個洞穴。Sally和其他人隨後被Flip帶到洞穴的一個更溫暖的部分,那裡他們遇到了他的隊友,Arctic Freedom Fighters。在他們的幫助下,Sally和諾索爾自由戰士成功地通過在北極自由戰士創建的人造環境中練習來應對寒冷天氣。Sally然後組織了對天氣殲滅器的炮擊攻擊,使用周圍的雪為他們建造的彈弓裝填彈藥。最終天氣變得如此糟糕以至於Sally無法再瞄準,他們嘗試了直接攻擊,導致Snively用冰凍結了他們所有人直到肩膀,儘管當Snively試圖運輸他們時,他們被北極自由戰士救了出來。戰鬥結束後,北極自由戰士乘坐Snively的車輛離開,Sonic建議進行雪球戰,Sally加入了轟炸他的雪球戰。[29]

有一次,Sally被迫將Sonic視為敵人。Sonic失去了記憶,並被Robotnik說服認為自由戰士是世界的惡棍。當Rotor的安全系統在通往諾索爾的隧道中檢測到一個秘密植入Sonic身上的發射器時,Sally命令封鎖路線,但Robotnik已經在Sonic的手套中安裝了一個激光器,並用它炸毀了將他鎖在外面的門。Sally認為這證明了Sonic已經變節,不得不悲痛地選擇淹沒隧道。然而,這也失敗了,Sonic沖入諾索爾,面對Sally和Rotor。[30] Sally隨後試圖表現得好像沒事一樣,但失敗了,因為Sonic使用他的速度打敗了Rotor然後向她發起攻擊。當他從後面抓住她時,Sally將他拋到了房間的另一邊,Tails和Bunnie來支援她,而她和Sonic正處於混戰中。儘管他們盡了最大努力,Sonic還是占了上風,直到Sally的實習生,Dylan Porcupine,在黑暗中落在他身上,他才被制服。Sally在Sonic的床邊,一旦他恢復了記憶,Rotor向他們倆揭示了微型發射器。Sally有了一個主意,讓Tails進行偵察,而Sonic使用發射器引導Robotnik的拆遷拖拉機隊伍出海。[31]

機器化的Sally用槍指着自由戰士,來自Sonic the Hedgehog #29

然後,Sonic和Dulcy龍發現了Rotor確定的一個便攜式De-Roboticizer,它只能進行最後一次去機器化。Sally認為他們應該使用它來治療Bunnie,但她想到了讓他們中的一個人被機器化,這樣他們就可以在Robotnik鼻子底下破壞他的總部,然後稍後恢復正常。Sally自願被機器化。幾天後,當Sally(裝備了Neuro-Overrider)故意讓自己被捕時,這個計劃被執行。然而,裝置從她身上掉落了,Sally完全被機器化過程影響,失去了自由意志,就像所有其他的Robians一樣。現在作為Mecha Sally,Sally透露了她原本計劃與自由戰士會面的Robotropolis的秘密出口,並用除了Sonic之外的所有人都被捕獲的機會捕捉了他們,Sonic當時忙於將Robotnik的SWATbots作為分心。Sonic回來後,看到他的朋友們被捕,並且在Robotnik、Snively和機器人Sally的面前。在自由戰士們拒絕告訴他們去機器化裝置在哪裡之後,Robotnik命令所有人都由Sally機器化。幸運的是,Dulcy及時用去機器化裝置將Sally恢復正常,阻止了她機器化自己的盟友。但隨後Robotnik將她推開,決心機器化自由戰士,但Dulcy用她的火焰呼吸融化了控制面板,並在過程中點燃了Robotnik的褲子,他們所有人都返回了諾索爾。[32]

過了一段時間,Sally偶然遇到了正在吃他的鞋子睡着的Sonic,並將他喚醒。Sonic透露他一直在夢見他的叔叔,Sir Charles Hedgehog,以及他們營救他的失敗嘗試。同一天晚些時候,Chuck透露他已經恢復了自由意志,而Snively在Robotnik被困在Void時運營事務。Sally使用Nicole估計Snively可能會做什麼,她透露Snively可能會摧毀整個星球。幸運的是,Snively的計劃被挫敗。[33]

Sally後來潛入Robotropolis調查有關發送新機器人來鞏固Robotnik在大陸西部控制的謠言。她帶着Nicole一起去,並讓她下載機器人的設計圖。然後Robotnik Express來了,當Sally從一座橋上跳到火車上時,Nicole不得不邊下載邊走。之後不久,Sally成功登上了運載DYNAMAC-3000的車廂,並讓Nicole掃描它。隨後,她被Geoffrey St. John從後面抓住,Geoffrey開玩笑地親吻了她,但Sally不會因為任務而分心,發現她和Geoffrey都希望停止DYNAMAC。然後火車被Geoffrey的手下強行停止,激活了DYNAMAC的應急功能。Sally詢問Nicole建議,她說他們應該撤退並等待援軍。不幸的是,這不是一個選項。DYNAMAC-3000隨後追擊剛剛降落在火車上的Sonic,Sally在Sonic被攻擊後去檢查他。然後DYNAMAC變形成蜘蛛形態,與Rotor和Antoine在他們的飛機上對抗。在表達了對Sonic和Geoffrey爭吵的挫敗感後,Sally諮詢了Nicole,她說他們應該利用機器人的兩個弱點,即它一次只能應對一種給定的戰鬥情況,並且可以通過Sonic攜帶的設備關閉。然後Sally被DYNAMAC抓住,只是在Sonic分散它的注意力並且Geoffrey救她免於墜落時被釋放。Sonic關閉了機器人,然後Geoffrey的手下將其炸毀。兩組人都利用了火車上的補給,Sally和Geoffrey以一個吻告別,然後她乘坐自由戰士的飛機離開。[34]

在一次新任務中,Sally和其他人在雪山中時遭到SWATbots的伏擊,Sally在交火中懸掛在一根繩子上被抓住。她的繩子斷了,多虧了Tails和他的飛行能力,她和其他人才得以倖存。然後他們逃跑,並發現他們被Sonic的機器化寵物狗Muttski追蹤。在Sir Charles及時叫停機器人之後,他建議撤退,Antoine不小心發現了一個被Tails稱為「Mobie」的凍結的洞穴熊。它被Rotor解凍後,在諾索爾小鎮上搞了一場小小的破壞,差點傷到了肩膀上扛着鍋的Sally。Antoine試圖面對Mobie以保護公主,但Bunnie迅速到達並將他安全地放在一棵樹上。他們討論了如何處理他,Bunnie建議通過圖片與他交流,但這只是喚起了他對失去的生活的記憶,他回到了他們發現他的山上。後來,Mobie和已經恢復意識的Muttski一起被帶回了諾索爾,然後決定Mobie應該住在他會感到賓至如歸的叢林中。[35] 不久之後,Sally和除了Sonic之外的所有自由戰士因為厭倦了吃辣椒熱狗而點了外賣。食物來自McRobo's,實際上是Robotnik通過細菌戰新策略擁有的,使用他稱為French Frirus的機器細菌。Sally後來住院,經Rotor通知Sonic後,被Sonic的努力和Sally自己的Auntie Bodies治癒。現在恢復健康的Sally享受了一頓正餐,實際上是用辣椒熱狗做的雞湯。[36] 後來,在一個下雪的日子,她參加了一場與自由戰士以及Snively和一群SWATbots為了他們的生命進行的曲棍球比賽。[37]

在Dulcy向Sally和其他自由戰士報告Robotnik製造了新的Combots,並計劃在第二天使用它們消滅大森林中的所有人之後,Sally意識到他們必須在機器人都聚集在同一地點時摧毀它們。Sonic、Uncle Chuck和Muttski選擇在Combots被儲存的地方放置炸藥,Sally同意了。第二天黎明時,Bunnie、Antoine和Tails在未能與Sonic等人會合併且沒有發現爆炸跡象後回到了大森林。Sally隨後發現有東西向他們移動,只見Robotnik駕駛一輛坦克,Sonic被鎖在其前方,Chuck和Muttski與Combots一起行進。Sally意識到被機器化的Mobians一定是重新對齊到了Robotnik的一方,並決定將諾索爾的所有人移至地下避難所,但Chuck駕駛一艘氣墊船引導Robotnik到避難所,切斷了自由戰士逃生的最後機會。Sally勇敢地面對Robotnik,告訴他他無法抓住所有人,並且總有一天他們中的一個人會找到方法打敗他。Robotnik在一個方面糾正了她,揭示Combots能追蹤有機生命體,並將為此摧毀大森林。Sally對此感到震驚,說Robotnik不敢這麼做。Robotnik試圖證明她錯了,下令他的Combots摧毀森林並捕捉Mobians,但它們都朝着懸崖行進並墜入海中。Sonic隨後解放自己並控制了Robotnik的坦克,只是在Robotnik乘坐Chuck駕駛的氣墊船飛走時被Muttski攻擊。Sonic和Rotor隨後向大家揭示Chuck和Muttski仍然保持自由意志並作為間諜活動,這既讓Sally感到高興又因為她沒有被告知計劃而感到憤怒。[38]

Sally後來被Sonic告知他在獲得第十億個力量環後與Ancient Walkers的遭遇,並看到了這個神奇物體安裝在Sonic的牆上。[39]


Sally和Sonic後來去到Robotropolis郊外的一個垃圾場與Sir Charles見面。他從一堆垃圾中顯露出隱藏他的秘密總部,並告訴兩人Robotropolis即將遭受一場大地震的襲擊,地震發生時Dr. Robotnik和他的SWATbots將撤離城市。Chuck告訴他們,他計劃進入城市去為被留下的Robians去機器化,以便他們能逃離地震。他們潛入Robotropolis,並得益於地震造成的破壞而成功到達去機器化裝置。Sir Charles隨後安排了這台機器爆炸,以便當所有Robians來捕捉入侵者時,爆炸能將他們去機器化。他的計劃成功了,Rotor開着一架飛機來接所有人,但迎接他的是比預期中更多的人。Sally命令Chuck留下,以便她能和Sonic一起跑出城市。在命令Nicole規劃他們的逃生路線時,碎片落在了Sally身上,Sonic不得不背着她昏迷不醒地返回諾索爾。在那裡,她為Sir Charles和Nicole頒發了他們的行動獎章。[41]


最後的手段[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Sally檢查受傷的Bunnie,來自Sonic the Hedgehog #39

Sonic後來帶着一個打敗Robotnik的計劃來到Sally和大多數自由戰士面前:他將使用Rotor的神經重寫器,自願讓Robotnik機器化他,然後他將使用他的機器身體打敗Robotnik並摧毀Robotropolis。Sally和其他人拒絕了他執行計劃的許可,因為有太多可能失敗的因素。Antoine建議密切關注Sonic,因為他似乎對他們拒絕這個計劃感到非常生氣,但Sally公開拒絕了Sonic對自由戰士不忠的概念,並確保Antoine不再提出這樣的建議。後來,Nicole探測到一個機器人接近,並向Sally確認那是被機器化的Sonic。Mecha Sonic試圖對她、Rotor和Antoine進行掃射,她不得不推Rotor躲避Robian的激光火力。然後她命令Nicole執行DLG. 70操作,以便諾索爾出現他們三人的全息圖,同時派Bunnie來幫忙。當Mecha Sonic一個接一個地摧毀全息圖時,Bunnie飛翔在空中並發起進攻。Sally隨後讓Nicole將她與Tails連接,告知他們有一個「紅色狀況」,以便他可以召喚Knuckles the Echidna來支援。Mecha Sonic隨後暫時使Bunnie失能,Sally和Rotor過去檢查她,儘管她似乎昏迷不醒,但很快恢復並使用她的脈衝炮對Robian開火。Rotor隨後告訴公主,那是Bunnie打敗Mecha Sonic的最佳射擊。Robian隨後使用他的激光炮擊中Bunnie並擊暈了她,但Knuckles及時到達接手戰鬥,但他很快也被擊倒。隨着諾索爾看起來註定要毀滅,Sally下令執行「最後的手段」行動。[43]

Sally告訴猶豫不決的Rotor採取行動,他把昏迷的Knuckles交給了Antoine。在他離開的時候,Sally命令Nicole向她展示諾索爾,電腦告訴她,儘管Mecha Sonic在肆虐,所有的居民都已經被疏散。然後Rotor帶來了一台從用來機器化Bunnie Rabbot的機器中回收的便攜式機器人化裝置,並認為它是可操作的。Rotor問這是否真的是正確的事情,因為這樣做他們會降低到Robotnik的水平。Sally簡單地說,他們需要以牙還牙來贏得這場戰鬥。Knuckles隨後恢復意識,開始攻擊Antoine,認為他是Mecha Sonic。然後他誤以為Rotor是Robotnik並攻擊他,Sally不得不用一個後翻踢讓他恢復理智。他們想了一會兒他們沒時間回憶的舊時光,Sally告訴他們準備好了機器人化裝置和神經重寫器,Knuckles沒有浪費時間就使用它們讓自己變成了Mecha Knuckles。一場大戰發生了,他們被撞到Robotropolis和那裡儲存的核彈頭中,Sally在其他人遠處默默哭泣,因為看起來他們都遇到了厄運。實際上,他們兩個都活了下來,但都嚴重受損,尤其是Mecha Sonic。Mecha Knuckles把他帶回了諾索爾,Sally跑回來找出發生了什麼,並給了Mecha Knuckles一個擁抱,感謝他所做的一切。Nicole告訴Sally,Mecha Knuckles的情況有多糟,她命令Tails去把他去機器人化。Sally然後提醒Rotor,他們正在使用的舊機器人化裝置不會對Mecha Sonic起作用,但他堅持認為他能感覺到Sonic在裡面。當Sonic以Robian形態對Sally說話,說他不配活着因為背叛了他的朋友時,他被證明是對的。Sally然後把Nicole給了Rotor,讓他們想出一個計劃,同時她去給Mecha Knuckles敬了一個快速的禮,然後返回Nicole和Rotor那裡。Nicole告訴Sally,Sonic獲得了他的第十億個力量環,如何賦予了他一個保護光環和內部盾牌,所以他的生命力和個性在被機器人化時仍深藏在他體內。Nicole然後讓Rotor告訴她壞消息;他的實驗室被摧毀了,沒有足夠的時間製造必要的設備來拯救Sonic。Nicole,然而,說她可以把他帶回來。Sally讓她試試,Nicole成功地把Sonic恢復到了他的精神和身體形態。Sally隨後站在Sonic的身邊,Knuckles過來和Sonic談話,但他對他不屑一顧,完全不記得戰鬥的事情。Sally因為Sonic侮辱Knuckles而感到憤怒,然後看着Antoine因叛國逮捕了Sonic。[44]

Sonic後來被監禁,等待審判。Sally在監獄外觀察了由Amy Rose領導的一場集會,要求釋放Sonic,同時Rotor問她他是否會被判無罪,她說她不能討論這類事務,並要求重建的進展報告。Rotor告訴她,King Maximilian Acorn的災難計劃非常周到,因為它為他們的大多數重型設備提供了備用單元。Sally說她的父親總是想得很遠,除了當Robotnik背叛他的時候。然後Rotor花時間告訴Sally她很好地填補了他的位置,她感謝他,說做皇室成員並不容易,然後當她想起她將不得不對Sonic進行軍事法庭審判時稍微有點崩潰。Sally然後試圖控制自己,面對Amy Rose,後者認為她來這裡是為了滿足她的要求並釋放Sonic。當她被證明是錯的時,Sonic大聲說出他被錯誤指控,Sally告訴他要表現出一些責任感,因為Amy懸掛在他的每一個字上。第二天,Sally作為皇家法官主持了Sonic的審判。Antoine作為檢察官,試圖讓Sonic被判流放。然而,Sonic反擊他,並指出監獄空無一人。特別是,Nack the Weasel。Sally指出這是Sonic的審判,而不是Antoine的,然而,法官宣布Sonic犯有叛國罪。但Sonic最後懇求Sally,她說她會將他的判決延遲二十四小時。後來,在二十四小時結束前,Sonic自己出現,帶着被捕的Nack the Weasel來坦白他的清白。Rotor帶走了罪犯,而Sally感謝Sonic,並說她會宣布公開道歉和Sonic的復職,但這隻刺蝟告訴她不用麻煩,因為有太多事情要做。Sally說Sonic是她喜歡的自由戰士類型,同時她希望Antoine,正在為他的接受演講安排樂隊,可以更像他。[45]

國王歸來[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

後來,Sally計劃執行一次營救任務,從仍然不穩定的沉默區中救出她的父親。Rotor告訴公主,他缺少一件關鍵設備來製造一個中和器,以便他們可以拯救該區域並救出國王,所以Sally派Sonic去執行取回任務,Geoffrey St. John等待作為後備。很快,Sonic拿到了他們需要的部件,但很快又開始與St. John爭吵,導致Sally不得不制止他們的爭鬥。Rotor完成了中和器,Sally告訴大家她會獨自去,因為上次他們面對的危險。Sonic和Geoffrey都反對這一點,因為自由戰士需要他們的領袖,這又導致兩人之間的更多爭吵。Sally再次打斷他們並同意他們可以和她一起去。Rotor打開了通往沉默區的門戶並給了他們三個原型噴氣背包。Sally和她的兩個朋友穿過門戶,在沉默區漂浮,Sonic和Geoffrey繼續爭吵,直到Nicole通知Sally區域的磁場波動,他們都突然感到疼痛並漂流,直到着陸在一塊岩石上。Sonic隨後找到了他們上次見到國王時國王的頭盔,Sally假設了最壞的情況。然後他們看到了他們第一次在沉默區面對國王時自己的超現實場景。Sally請求Nicole解釋,她說這可能是Robotnik對該區域的實驗結果,影響了其量子能量水平,破壞了基本原子結構的能量,並創建了「裂縫」,允許人們在該區域看到過去和未來的事件。然後他們看到了國王抵達沉默區的情況以及該區域的生物如何接納國王並給他新的盔甲,任命他為他們的領袖。然後他們注意到區域中的風暴,並被風吹得飛起來,再次粗暴着陸。在Sonic由於該區域經歷了時間差錯後,Sally解釋說沉默區正在與他們一起崩潰,他們無法阻止。Geoffrey然後想知道為什麼噴氣背包不工作,Sally在思考同樣的問題後,Nicole回應說它們沒有燃料了,需要正能量來充電。然後他們看到所有國王的部下被吸入正在吞噬該區域的宇宙漩渦中,然後Sally意識到中和器是正能量的來源,但這意味着犧牲沉默區。情況進一步複雜化,當國王出現要求該裝置時。Sally試圖讓她的父親記起她,但失敗了,所以Sonic攻擊了國王,而Geoffrey為Sally的噴氣背包充電並起飛。Sonic騎着國王的飛馬與他們會合,並告訴St. John激活中和器。然後他們帶着昏迷的國王返回了Mobius Prime。[46]

Sally後來邀請Geoffrey St. John來到她的小屋,並在Sonic偷偷接近她的家時澄清了一個誤會。她邀請他們倆進來,並向他們展示了狀況惡化、現在變成水晶的國王Acorn。Sally然後透露,Geoffrey的角色是保護她的父親,並保密他的歸來,同時他們試圖治癒他,這隻臭鼬立即接受了他的職責。Sally向Rotor詢問了關於國王狀況的理論,他最好的猜測是他的身體適應了沉默區的條件,被帶回Mobius Prime是導致結晶化的原因。Tails隨後指出水晶看起來像是混沌翡翠。Sally和其他人然後想到使用它們的力量和類似的魔法物品來看看是否有任何效果,Sonic立刻衝去拿他的第十億個力量環。它幫助國王恢復了理智,但只持續了幾分鐘就恢復了原樣。Rotor推測,由於第十億個力量環與Sonic相連,它對國王不起作用,唯一的選擇是收集儘可能多的其他力量環。自由戰士隨後開始制定計劃,Sally建議去力量環湖,因為進入區域會太長和危險。Tails以為她指的是Robotropolis外的那一個,但她指的是最近在大森林中發現的那一個。Sally然後決定將自由戰士分成三組;Antoine和Bunnie調查一個湖,而Sonic和Tails搜索另一個,她和Rotor會和國王待在一起。[47] 在兩隊去搜索湖泊一段時間後,Sally向Nicole求助於她父親的狀況,但她無法提供幫助,只能提供更新。Rotor隨後報告說Antoine和Bunnie仍在前往Robotropolis附近的湖的路上,而他們仍然沒有聽到Sonic和Tails的消息。一時間,壓力讓Sally流下了幾滴眼淚,倚在Rotor的懷裡,因為他們所努力的一切似乎都在崩潰。[48] Sally和諾索爾的其他人(以及大部分星球)隨後看到並感受到了Robotnik的新Death Egg被Sonic和Tails摧毀的破壞,儘管當時她不知道這一點。她隨即通過無線電聯繫了Sonic,並命令他和Tails帶着他們的力量環回家,因為國王現在情況危急。[49]

Robotnik後來設法潛入諾索爾,帶着Sally的父親,即King Max的複製品。叛徒自由戰士Drago安排了Sally的刺殺計劃,將罪名嫁禍給Sonic,這是一個複雜的陷害:他讓Hershey偽裝成Sonic(使用內置傳感器的面具,使每個人都看起來像Snively),並切斷了Sally的繩索,Sally似乎因為跌落而死亡。[50]

Robotnik在假King Max泄露了其位置後,出人意料地出現在諾索爾。在抵達自由戰士的家門口並挾持他們所有人為人質後,Robotnik宣布了他的計劃,將叛軍總部作為他的超級武器的測試場,他打算用這個武器根除地球上所有非機器生命。然而,他的「終局」計劃被叛亂軍破壞,而Robotnik在武器反噬時被蒸發。[51]

然後被揭露,跌落實際上使Sally陷入昏迷狀態,Dr. Quack設法保住了她的生命。在得知Sally還活着後,Sonic設法喚醒了她。[51]

在Robotnik被擊敗後,Sally努力重建舊王國,從奪回Robotropolis開始,這個城市被Snively和他的DYNAMAC機器人占領。[52][53] 甚至在此之前,她就與Mobius各地的其他自由戰士取得了聯繫。[54] 她迅速歡迎剩餘的Robians回歸,拒絕讓他們與其他人民分開。[53] 她還歡迎了Knuckles和Julie-Su的訪問。[55]

重建Robotropolis這片荒蕪的廢墟證明是困難的,而對Robians的歧視威脅要引發內戰。[53][56][57] 更糟糕的是,Sally自己的父親希望將Robians拆解,這後來被揭露是Ixis Naugus努力控制他的心智並主張王國的結果,這是為了感激國王在生存沉默區時提供的幫助。[56][58] 與其他自由戰士一起,Sally還將面對Snively的Eggbots的威脅,[57][59] 她自己不小心釋放的機械猴Monkey Khan[59] 甚至是在Angel Island上的Master Mogul[60] 之前最終利用Sword of Acorns釋放她的父親並使他恢復正常。[61] Sally迅速派遣Sonic和Tails追逐逃跑的巫師,在他出發前向Sonic深情告別。[62] 當她的朋友們在Mobius漫遊時,Sally得到了她父親關於她家族歷史和Source of All責任的歷史課。然後她父親向她提出了一系列無禮的要求:即她將嫁給Antoine並忘記Sonic。證明她一如既往的堅強,她拒絕屈服於父親的命令,即使面對失去她的頭銜,也選擇跟隨自己的心。[63][64][65]

Sally反對她父親的決定將帶來意想不到的結果,因為他將她排除在他涉及改革的Royal Secret Service新項目之外。[66] Sonic的生日的到來轉移了她的注意力,尤其是當一個衛星驅動的流星雨在Sonic與Tails和Overlander Nate Morgan一起返回時落在Mobotropolis。Sally收到了更大的驚喜,因為秘密服務從前往Angel Island的任務中帶回了她的母親Alicia和兄弟Elias。此外,Max宣布不是Sally,而是Elias將登上王位。[7][67] 更糟的是,Max隨後宣布諾索爾自由戰士將被解散,秘密服務將接管許多他們的職責。這一切都在Nate被一群逃犯綁架後開始,這些逃犯差點就幹掉了自由戰士。[68] Sally隨後會幫助Sonic拯救諾索爾免受衛星攻擊。[69]

公主,外交官,戰士[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

在Mobotropolis的電視網絡被Dr. Robotnik的廣播劫持,以及Robians從諾索爾消失後,Sally將帶領諾索爾自由戰士執行前往衛星的任務。[70][71][72] 在那裡,他們發現了被重新奴役的Robians,以及他們的老敵人Robo-Robotnik,他返回來取代原始的Robotnik。[72][73] 他在戰鬥中被摧毀,但通過將他的思想數字化轉移到一個新的機器人身體中,他能夠作為"Dr. Eggman"繼續生存。[73] 一段時間,Sally主持了新成立的Kingdom of Knothole,這是一個直到Eggman像Robotnik一樣了解其位置之前的避難所。[74][75][76] 在那之前,Sally幫助植入了一個病毒,防止他從他前任的文件中獲得信息,[74][75] Sally還帶領一次前往Station Square的任務,自由戰士幫助了那裡的human居民應對Dr. Eggman和Chaos的威脅。[77][78][79][80][81][82][83] 他們隨後面臨了首次Silver Sonic v2.0的威脅,然後返回家園。[84] Sally和自由戰士再次投入行動,與King Max一起努力拯救被Robotnik綁架的Elias。[85] 他們成功了,只是Max受到了導致癱瘓的傷害,讓她照顧他和從昏迷中恢復的母親Alicia。[86][87][88][89][90][91][92] Alicia很快醒來,全家人歡喜,[86] 只是Elias逃跑了,因為他認為自己應對了王國所遭受的一切,並說Sally會成為更好的統治者。[93]

Robotnik後來設法潛入諾索爾,帶着Sally的父親,即King Max的複製品。叛徒自由戰士Drago安排了Sally的刺殺計劃,將罪名嫁禍給Sonic,這是一個複雜的陷害:他讓Hershey偽裝成Sonic(使用內置傳感器的面具,使每個人都看起來像Snively),並切斷了Sally的繩索,Sally似乎因為跌落而死亡。[50]

Robotnik在假King Max泄露了其位置後,出人意料地出現在諾索爾。在抵達自由戰士的家門口並挾持他們所有人為人質後,Robotnik宣布了他的計劃,將叛軍總部作為他的超級武器的測試場,他打算用這個武器根除地球上所有非機器生命。然而,他的「終局」計劃被叛亂軍破壞,而Robotnik在武器反噬時被蒸發。[51]

然後被揭露,跌落實際上使Sally陷入昏迷狀態,Dr. Quack設法保住了她的生命。在得知Sally還活着後,Sonic設法喚醒了她。[51]

在Robotnik被擊敗後,Sally努力重建舊王國,從奪回Robotropolis開始,這個城市被Snively和他的DYNAMAC機器人占領。[52][53] 甚至在此之前,她就與Mobius各地的其他自由戰士取得了聯繫。[54] 她迅速歡迎剩餘的Robians回歸,拒絕讓他們與其他人民分開。[53] 她還歡迎了Knuckles和Julie-Su的訪問。[55]

重建Robotropolis這片荒蕪的廢墟證明是困難的,而對Robians的歧視威脅要引發內戰。[53][56][57] 更糟糕的是,Sally自己的父親希望將Robians拆解,這後來被揭露是Ixis Naugus努力控制他的心智並主張王國的結果,這是為了感激國王在生存沉默區時提供的幫助。[56][58] 與其他自由戰士一起,Sally還將面對Snively的Eggbots的威脅,[57][59] 她自己不小心釋放的機械猴Monkey Khan[59] 甚至是在Angel Island上的Master Mogul[60] 之前最終利用Sword of Acorns釋放她的父親並使他恢復正常。[61] Sally迅速派遣Sonic和Tails追逐逃跑的巫師,在他出發前向Sonic深情告別。[62] 當她的朋友們在Mobius漫遊時,Sally得到了她父親關於她家族歷史和Source of All責任的歷史課。然後她父親向她提出了一系列無禮的要求:即她將嫁給Antoine並忘記Sonic。證明她一如既往的堅強,她拒絕屈服於父親的命令,即使面對失去她的頭銜,也選擇跟隨自己的心。[63][64][65]

Sally反對她父親的決定將帶來意想不到的結果,因為他將她排除在他涉及改革的Royal Secret Service新項目之外。[66] Sonic的生日的到來轉移了她的注意力,尤其是當一個衛星驅動的流星雨在Sonic與Tails和Overlander Nate Morgan一起返回時落在Mobotropolis。Sally收到了更大的驚喜,因為秘密服務從前往Angel Island的任務中帶回了她的母親Alicia和兄弟Elias。此外,Max宣布不是Sally,而是Elias將登上王位。[7][67] 更糟的是,Max隨後宣布諾索爾自由戰士將被解散,秘密服務將接管許多他們的職責。這一切都在Nate被一群逃犯綁架後開始,這些逃犯差點就幹掉了自由戰士。[68] Sally隨後會幫助Sonic拯救諾索爾免受衛星攻擊。[69]

公主,外交官,戰士[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

在Mobotropolis的電視網絡被Dr. Robotnik的廣播劫持,以及Robians從諾索爾消失後,Sally將帶領諾索爾自由戰士執行前往衛星的任務。[70][71][72] 在那裡,他們發現了被重新奴役的Robians,以及他們的老敵人Robo-Robotnik,他返回來取代原始的Robotnik。[72][73] 他在戰鬥中被摧毀,但通過將他的思想數字化轉移到一個新的機器人身體中,他能夠作為"Dr. Eggman"繼續生存。[73] 一段時間,Sally主持了新成立的Kingdom of Knothole,這是一個直到Eggman像Robotnik一樣了解其位置之前的避難所。[74][75][76] 在那之前,Sally幫助植入了一個病毒,防止他從他前任的文件中獲得信息,[74][75] Sally還帶領一次前往Station Square的任務,自由戰士幫助了那裡的human居民應對Dr. Eggman和Chaos的威脅。[77][78][79][80][81][82][83] 他們隨後面臨了首次Silver Sonic v2.0的威脅,然後返回家園。[84] Sally和自由戰士再次投入行動,與King Max一起努力拯救被Robotnik綁架的Elias。[85] 他們成功了,只是Max受到了導致癱瘓的傷害,讓她照顧他和從昏迷中恢復的母親Alicia。[86][87][88][89][90][91][92] Alicia很快醒來,全家人歡喜,[86] 只是Elias逃跑了,因為他認為自己應對了王國所遭受的一切,並說Sally會成為更好的統治者。[93]

在她努力恢復到以前的角色中,Sally悄悄離開了Castle Acorn幫助她的朋友們應對一個瘋狂的Warlord Kodos,使用回收的橡樹之劍擊敗了他。[94][95] 之後,她使用這把劍解放了RobotropolisRobians,與他們和自由戰士一起逃脫。[95] 像Mobius的其他居民一樣,她被捲入了Chaos Knuckles試圖改變歷史的嘗試,這讓她處於一個交替的現實中,那裡Robotnik在他的政變前就被擊敗了,而她與Knuckles訂婚,但仍然與Sonic保持着親密的關係。[96] 在現實恢復正常後,她和她的家人被一個重新編程的HeavyBombRoyal Secret Service的前代理人攻擊。[93] 之後,她被任命為Station Square的大使,但談判被敵對的龍Zan打斷。[97][98] 她和其他自由戰士隨後處理Dr. Robotnik的回歸,[99] Hope Kintobor希望在Knothole獲得庇護,[100] 使用橡樹之劍解放Walrus Herd脫離Dr. Eggman的控制,[101]Mina Mongoose討論他們對Sonic的感情,[102] 面對由於Sally為Station Square的O.T.I.S.電腦提供的信息導致的核毀滅威脅。[103]

Sally在擊倒Nack後持槍,來自Sonic the Hedgehog #123.

Sally隨後被Arachne Clan追蹤,他們是已故Uma Arachnis的孩子,希望擁有他們母親曾經擁有的橡樹之劍。Sally被橡樹之劍越來越多地試圖強加給她不想要的命運所恐懼,她把它託付給了他們。[104] 然後,她歡迎來訪的LupeWolf Pack,幫助他們說服Chuck原諒自己在Dr. Eggman控制下所犯的行為。[105] 後來,她向Geoffrey和Hershey告別,當他們出發去找她的兄弟Elias。[106] 她還會協助Mina Mongoose作為一個自由戰士的訓練,[107] 並與她的母親Alicia Acorn一起回憶她已故的導師Julayla,度過美好時光。[19] 後來,她幫助從Eggman的侵擾中救出她的兄弟Elias,同時遇見了她的嫂子Megan Acorn[108] Nack the Weasel和他的手下(KarlJeffKonor)後來綁架了她,但她在Sonic來救她之前就巧妙逃脫了。兩人隨後承認了彼此的愛,Mina通過接住Nack發射的子彈,救了Sally的命。[109][110] Sally和Sonic隨後向她的父母宣布他們的訂婚,只是外星人Xorda到來,向Mobius的居民發出了他們的致命最後通牒。經過仔細研究,Sally發現Xorda關於Mobius曾經是Earth的說法是真的,並試圖與他們溝通尋找和平的解決方案。被拒絕後,她陪同Sonic前往Eggman的城市,在那裡他們登上了他的Giga-Bot Prime與Xorda作戰,只是最後被它們俘虜。逃脫後,他們發現唯一能阻止Quantum Dial武器摧毀Mobius的方法是讓Sonic犧牲自己,這導致兩人之間發生了悲傷的告別。[111][112]

在Sonic離開的那一年裡,Sally讓她的頭髮長長了,從未停止哀悼她逝去的愛人。當Sonic返回時,她就在他的墓地被發現,Sonic被傳送到了太空而沒有被殺死。[113] 他們的歡樂重聚很快被Dr. Eggman發起的Operation: Triple Threat打斷,迫使Sonic和其他自由戰士進入戰鬥,而Sally留在安全的後方。[113][114][115] 從遠處觀看戰鬥的Sally因看到Sonic受傷而感到心碎,恐懼他會再次失去。[116] 他回來後,她提出他在她身邊執政的位置,而她的父母去世界旅行。Sonic拒絕了,說他做不到,這導致她打了他一個耳光,指責他自私。這是在大多數朋友面前發生的激烈爭論之後。Sally流着眼淚問Sonic,他是寧願與Robotnik作戰,還是與她在一起,因為Sonic無法回答,Sally跑了出去,後來在一次常規任務後與Sonic分手。[117] 她隨後帶領自由戰士執行任務,阻止Eggman的新Auto Automatons並救出Tommy Turtle[118] 然後,她讓Sonic和Chaotix,他們已經在Knothole定居,出發去救被捕的Locke[119]

在一次慶祝活動中,Sally在慶祝Amy Rose對Fort Acorn防禦的貢獻時,向Knothole自由戰士發表講話。意識到她已經成熟並成為一名能夠獨立作戰的戰士,Sally詢問Amy是否願意在授予她榮譽勳章後成為自由戰士的官方成員,這是Amy接受的機會。[120] 後來,在她努力治癒自己破碎的心時,她以假名"Aly"在Knothole Inquirer開始了一個專欄,回答這樣的愛情困惑居民的來信。[121] Sally與Nicole的關係隨後達到了更深層次,當一次實驗室事故短暫導致兩人互換身體時,讓Nicole體驗到了擁有Mobian身體的感覺。[122] 這導致Nicole創造了自己的身體,她在一個罕見的和平夜晚向Sally展示。[123]

Sally被欺騙與Patch結婚,來自Sonic the Hedgehog #156.

當King Max意外陷入昏迷時,Sally最終屈服於他很久以前的要求,她將與Antoine結婚。[124] 然而,第二天,當她的新郎被證明是來自平行宇宙的Antoine的邪惡版本Patch時,婚禮迅速被取消。在她的兄弟Elias登基和她的父親仍因Patch的毒藥而陷入昏迷後,Sally回到了更積極地監督自由戰士的角色,甚至再次加入戰鬥。[125]

重回前線[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Sally同意成為Antoine和Bunnie婚禮上的伴娘,而Sonic擔任最佳男士。[126] 婚禮結束不久,Sally成為了在Knothole空襲期間被捕的眾多Mobians之一,但很快被幾位未被捕獲的人:Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, 和Nicole發起的營救任務解救出來。Knothole被徹底摧毀後,Dr. Eggman將他的視線轉向了New Mobotropolis[127][128] 在New Mobotropolis'的護盾內休息期間,Sally與Antoine和Bunnie交談,並讓Bunnie將她的頭髮剪回以前的肩長,象徵着她再次成為了她自己,並且回復了自信。然後她親自帶領對抗敵人的衝鋒,結果自由戰士和Chaotix擊敗了Eggman的Egg Beater戰鬥裝甲。[129]

不久之後,Sally打斷了她的兄弟Elias和Amadeus Prower之間的決鬥,他們兩人分別領導着在分裂中的不同派系,這種分裂威脅着將New Mobotropolis拖入內戰。提醒他們她自己的統治經驗,她成功地結束了決鬥,並與他們一起建立了新的政府體系。雖然新的統治機構要求包括Elias在內的七名議會成員,Sally拒絕參選,顯然她很願意暫時離開政治。遺憾的是,她因避免了危機而感到的鬆懈很快就消失了,因為Dimitri帶來了恐怖的消息:Enerjak已經回來了。[130][131]

Sally在Sonic the Hedgehog #182中召集New Mobotropolis的市民對抗Enerjak

當得知Enerjak已經回來,並且儘管Knuckles持續缺席,也不會派遣任務前往天使島時,Chaotix試圖未經授權離開New Mobotropolis,只是被Sally阻止,並請求他們留在城市中幫助準備迎接Enerjak的到來。為了安撫他們,她還派Sonic和Tails前往天使島,看看他們能發現關於Knuckles的什麼信息。[132] 同時,Nicole向天使島發送了一個探測器來觀察Enerjak的活動,Sally在由於Eggman的干擾而未能聯繫到各個全球自由戰士團體以尋求支持後也觀看了這些活動。幸運的是,她能夠與Rouge the Bat取得聯繫,後者向她保證一名G.U.N.代理人將到達提供援助。Sally隨後組織了自由戰士和Chaotix,因為Enerjak到來,但當他揭示自己竟然是被洗腦的Knuckles時,她感到震驚。[133] 幸運的是,Sonic和Tails及時返回,Sonic與Enerjak戰鬥,而其他人躲避。不幸的是,即使是Shadow的到來也未能阻止Enerjak,Sally領導的大規模衝鋒也是如此。Egg Fleet的到來導致Enerjak被傳送到New Megaopolis,Sally不確定是否應該發起救援任務,考慮到他所帶來的威脅。很快,這個決定就被Enerjak逃脫並幾乎將城市夷為平地的行為奪走了。[134][135] 最終,得益於Super SonicLocke的犧牲,Knuckles恢復了正常。[136]

在Mammoth Mogul從監獄逃脫後,他接管了Robotnik的老Casino Night Zone並將其改造成自己的形象。與此同時,Sally和Sonic在Knothole的廢墟中單獨度過了一些時間,談論他們的過去和對彼此的感情。他們的對話被Bean和Bark以及Destructix打斷。最終,Sonic被Nack the Weasel的一槍擊倒,然後Sally被給了十秒鐘的時間去尋求幫助,而Sonic被Destructix拖走。[137] 她很快就在Amy Rose和Geoffrey的幫助下解救了他。然而,當英雄們面對Mogul時,他否認了所有的不當行為指控,因為他的指控者缺乏無可辯駁的證據。Sally和她的朋友們被公開羞辱地送走了。[138]

Sally與Fiona對峙,來自Sonic the Hedgehog #189.

此後,Suppression Squad通過Star Posts來到Mobius Prime,並開始攻擊Freedom HQ。Sonic剛回到Freedom HQ,Scourge就出現了。[139] 不幸的是,自由戰士與Suppression Squad的戰鬥旗鼓相當,基地也因戰鬥而受損,所以Sally說服了Sonic和其他人撤退。[140]

後來,Sally告訴Sonic他被派遣執行一項任務,與Amy Rose一起入侵反Mobius。在他們離開期間,來自Suppression Squad的Miles被派去轟炸New Mobotropolis。Sally和自由戰士趕到現場,只發現Miles實際上願意提出聯盟對抗Scourge。在Miles解釋了Scourge是如何接管他們的世界後,Sally同意幫助他。[141][142]

然而,自由戰士和Suppression Squad都不是Scourge的對手。Sonic返回後對Scourge發起攻擊,他們兩人都被Boomer炸飛,被Miles扔回了Moebius。之後,Boomer關閉了星帖,因此,Sonic和Scourge無法返回Mobius。[143]

Sally和Alicia最終因為將Sonic和Amy留在Moebius上而發生爭執,但當Rob o' the HedgeSilver the Hedgehog到達時,兩人被打斷。Sally繼續向他們解釋Sonic和Amy在Moebius上的情況以及他們是如何被留在那裡的。隨後,Silver使用傳送戒指與Rob O' the Hedge一起前往那裡。Sally然後告訴Tails開始修理星帖。[144]

在Tails修好星帖並他們通過它們到達Moebius後不久,自由戰士和Suppression Squad被Super Scourge伏擊,他試圖傷害懦弱的Miles,但Silver使用他的心靈動力抓住並阻止了Scourge,儘管Scourge最終還是掙脫了。Sally隨後命令Silver再次嘗試,以便其他人能夠堆疊在Super Scourge上足夠長的時間讓他失去超級形態,但Silver的力量再次失敗,Scourge將其他人甩開。Scourge後來多虧了Sonic的機智被擊敗,因為當他力量下降時,Anarchy Beryl消耗了Scourge的力量。Sally隨後與其他人一起回到了Dr. Kintobor通過Globe Posts返回Mobius。[145]

因叛國罪受審[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

被控以叛國罪,Sally為自己辯護,來自Sonic the Hedgehog #197.

從Moebius返回後,Sally被帶到Council of Acorn前,進行聽證會以決定她是否因違反了他們的命令(他們已決定反對採取行動對抗Eggman,而不是Suppression Squad)而應被逮捕,她的前學生Hamlin擔任檢察官。針對Sally的案件相當有力,但這位公主通過提出一個替代方案來扭轉局面,即如果她因違背議會的意願做出決定而被認定有罪,她將來會拒絕在戰鬥中行動而不經議會同意,以確保她不會再犯同樣的錯誤。她還補充說,她不會求助於Chaotix。或者允許她繼續作為現場領導者做決定,就像她一直以來做的那樣,並簡單地信任她能正確執行她的職責。除Hamlin外的所有人隨後投票決定放棄對Sally的指控。她後來與Hamlin交談,不理解他的行為,他解釋說他加入了替代自由戰士是想做出改變,但大部分時間都被留在了後面。然後他說,如果他不被允許在戰場上做出改變,那麼他希望確保自由戰士能按照規則行事,以利於所有人。Sally對他的苦澀感到有些不安。[146]

領導對抗Eggman的衝鋒[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

第二天,Sally領導了對Eggdome的攻擊,指揮了Knothole自由戰士和Chaotix。利用她的戰術,兩支隊伍成功擊敗了Dark Egg Legion並迫使其撤退。在他們能讓該團隊投降之前,Egg Phoenix出現並開始攻擊。Sally提出了一個計劃,讓Sonic分散Eggman的注意力,同時讓RayCharmySaffron在飛行器上放置Tails的Neutralizing Mine,導致其引擎失敗並墜毀。在Egg Phoenix被摧毀後,Sally命令團隊搭建夜間營地,因為除了Sonic外,他們都感到疲憊。[147] 第二天,Sally幫助Rotor設置了直播到New Mobotropolis,認為遠在家鄉的市民有權了解戰鬥的進展。在進入Eggdome本身後,她通過Nicole與Julie-Su連接,以便協調兩支隊伍。然而,他們最終發現Legionnaires已撤退;他們也發現由於一個旨在瓶頸團隊的障礙而無法繼續前進;Espio得出結論,這是設計讓Sonic單獨通過。Sonic決定接受邀請,其餘人稍後支援,儘管Sally反對,但Sonic提醒她這是他們通常的作戰方式。Sally勉強同意,給了Sonic一個擁抱,並告訴他小心。[148]


對抗鐵統治[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

在慶祝Eggman的失敗期間,Sally帶Sonic去聽音樂會,試圖讓Sonic享受自己,而他則在思考Eggman陷入瘋狂的事情。然而,在Forget Me Knots開始演奏之前,Monkey Khan激烈地打斷了他們,指責英雄們在世界其他地方處於動盪時慶祝。Sally對Khan的出現感到驚訝,但Sonic只是試圖攻擊這位機械人。幸運的是,Sally在身體接觸發生前介入。Sally試圖向Khan解釋Eggman已經被擊敗,但Khan表示只是管理層發生了變化,現在Iron Dominion控制了Eggman帝國。當Sonic和Khan決定直接進攻時,Sally試圖警告他們可能面臨的危險,但她的警告被忽視,兩位戰士離開去戰鬥,而Sally留下,感到擔憂。[150]

在他們返回後,她是第一個了解New Megaopolis當前狀態以及Espio the Chameleon明顯背叛的人。[151] Sally後來領導自由戰士面對進入New Mobotropolis的Iron Queen和Snively Robotnik,要求兩人投降,並在他們拒絕遵從時派遣Bunnie和Tails對抗入侵者。當Bunnie的電子設備被Iron Queen的Magitek能力接管並被迫攻擊她的盟友時,她隨後呼叫Chaotix作為支援。Sally然後目睹Iron Queen利用她的能力控制Monkey Khan,並將他釋放對抗城市。[152] 一旦Sonic將Bunnie安全送達後返回,Sally向他簡報了情況,並在Sonic與他交戰時要求Sonic不要傷害Monkey Khan。隨後她與Antoine、VectorMighty一起拖延被控制的Monkey Khan,足夠長的時間讓Sonic從Lake of Rings獲得一個Power Ring。一旦Monkey Khan從Iron Queen的控制中解放出來,Sally安慰他,重申記住誰是我們的朋友和盟友的重要性。[153]

Sally在數字世界中創建防火牆,來自Sonic the Hedgehog #209.

Sally後來成為許多見證Eggman在New Mobotropolis被監禁的Mobians之一,這是在他逃脫後。[154] 這位公主後來與Bunnie和Ken進行了一些心與心的交談,決定與Sonic完全和解,並與Ken建立關係。[155] Iron Queen後來控制了Nicole和New Mobotropolis,迫使Sally、Tails、Ken和Sonic使用Tornado逃離。[156] 在自由戰士總部,Sally因發生的事件責備自己。在Ken和Sonic的安慰下,Sally和Sonic隨後傳送到了New Mobotropolis的軟件中。當Sally通過防火牆與Nicole取得聯繫時,Nicole告知了她Iron Dominion的力量並制定了一個計劃。在他們討論計劃後,Sally和Sonic返回到自由戰士總部,並向Tails、Sonic和Khan通報了計劃。[157]

東方之旅[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

到達龍王國後,Sally被Gossamer Clan俘獲,以確保Sonic會與Monkey Khan和Tails一起會見Bride of the Endless Reach。在Sonic到達後,他們被釋放,但Khan注意到Sally似乎有些心不在焉,並停下來與她交談了幾分鐘。Sally向他坦白,她最近的行動給她造成了嚴重的壓力,甚至讓她質疑自己的能力,但Khan通過說她現在是他們獲勝的唯一希望,幫助她調整了心態。此後,與Bride of Endless Reach的談判開始,Sally介紹了自己,並堅持要求Khan稱自己為Free People的國王,並說服她反抗Iron Dominion以求和平,儘管她預見這是一段漫長而困難的旅程,她同意了這一點。後來,他們返回到金蓮寺,並在與Li Yuen一起用餐時與Ken交談,這時一枚攜帶着一張紙條的手裏劍穿過窗戶飛來,上面寫着Yagyu Clan希望見他們。[158]

在與幾名認為四位英雄是旅行者的Yagyu成員戰鬥後,Sally和同伴第二天與一名成員一起前往他們的總部。在路上,Sally詢問Ken他是否認為說服Yagyu會更容易或更困難,因為他們沒有合適的新娘,可能不會依賴傳統或不願放棄Iron Queen。Ken回答說他不知道,如果他們不能處理領主,那麼他們將不得不隨機應變。在與Yagyu領主的一次艱難會面後,Khan最終談判達成了一項協議,允許Yagyu返回他們的舊盜竊方式,以換取脫離Iron Dominion。知道沒有其部族系統,Yagyu會效率較低,兩人感到了一定的成功,這一成功隨着他們發現Sonic和Tails與Fiona Fox和原始的Fearsome Foursome,減去Lightning Lynx相伴而結束。[159]

當Sonic和Tails發起攻擊時,Sally命令Monkey Khan加入戰鬥,而她自己也加入了戰鬥,但當Fiona宣布她想要達成協議時,戰鬥很快就結束了。Fiona解釋說,他們的目標——讓Raiju Clan脫離鐵統治——可以與他們希望讓Lightning Lynx回歸他們的願望相聯繫。然而,當Sally和Sonic表現出不信任時,她試圖利用Tails對她仍然存在的感情並試圖操縱這位年輕的狐狸;Sally對Fiona的行為感到厭惡,她一拳打在Fiona的肚子上,並告訴她,如果她想要達成協議,就應該這樣做。最終,兩個團隊開始合作,Sally和Fiona一起努力打開鐵堡內的一扇門;Fiona將這種團隊合作比作她作為自由戰士的日子,對此Sally回應說,雖然Fiona曾經是團隊的一部分,但她從未真正成為一個自由戰士。兩支隊伍觀看Monkey Khan和Bride of Conquering Storm同意進行決鬥,結果Sonic打敗了Lightning,後者再次被他的族群放逐。達成目標後,Sally和其他人走到外面,Tails感謝Sally早些時候阻止了Fiona。Sally說不用謝,並解釋說,雖然她明白Tails正在成長,但她無法忍受看到Fiona玩弄他。然而,她承認這一行為讓她感到野蠻,當男孩們對這一行動感到滿意時,她嘟囔說自己被睾酮淹沒了。隨着團隊隨後考慮尋找Shinobi Clan的任務時,Espio——族群成員和Chaotix的前成員——出現並提供幫助。[160]

自然地,Sally和她的隊友立即對Espio的動機表示懷疑。儘管他向他們保證,他的忠誠屬於Shinobi Clan,並且他只是在「特殊情況」下服從鐵統治,Sally仍然不願意信任他引導他們到Bride of Constant Vigil。這位變色龍隨後決定透露他關於四人的信息,這些信息他一直保密,消除了他可能擁有的任何優勢,其中一個是Sally皇家胎記的位置——後者讓她感到尷尬。[161]

返回新莫比特羅波利斯[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

後來,他們在龍王國的任務完成後,Sally和她的隊友返回新莫比特羅波利斯對抗鐵女王。[162] 他們及時到達支援Amy、Antoine和Geoffrey St. John,並在Nicole試圖捕獲鐵女王時得到反過來的支援。在衝突中,她面對Snively,告訴他她給了他一次又一次的救贖機會,對他如何對待她的慷慨感到深深的失望。片刻之後,他覺得自己占了上風,因為鐵統治還有三個更多的忍者族群可以釋放,但Sally只是露出了惡狠狠的微笑,因為Monkey Khan飛到天空中並通知了Yagyu Clan他們與鐵統治的聯繫已被切斷。一旦鐵王被處理,鐵統治的其他力量逃離,Sally和其他人圍繞鐵女王,告知她現在孤立無援,如果她安靜地投降,不會受到傷害,這是她和Khan回來路上討論過的。但她拒絕了,並使用城市的納米技術構建了一個由她控制的機械龍。Sally轉向Nicole,希望她能做些什麼,但這超出了AI的能力,除了阻止她使用城市的更多納米技術外,她無能為力。然後,城市中更強大和更有資源的自由戰士聯合起來對抗龍,Sonic發出了最後一擊,Sally看着鐵女王從上面掉落進Monkey Khan的魔法雲中。在Nicole的快速報告後,Sally宣布他們贏得了這一天,並在他們的勝利中擁抱Ken。[163]


Sonic和Sally後來被邀請成為新Wolf Pack Nation的榮譽成員,代表他們的整個團隊接受邀請,因為其他人無法參加。他們驚訝地了解到Lupe已經辭去了她的部落首領職務,但在她宣布自己為Wolf Pack Nation的大首領後,情況得到了澄清。在了解到Ancient Onyx,一件對狼人神聖且對他們的入會儀式必不可少的神器,已經不見了後,Sally和Sonic驚訝地遇到了Big the Cat。他們的老盟友解釋說,他的人民,Felidae——狼人的古老對手,對Ancient Onyx也有自己的要求——因為神器的失蹤而大為興奮,所以他決定就此事與狼人交涉。在考慮這一問題後,Sally決定——與Sonic一起——幫助狼人找回神器並與Felidae解決問題。當Sonic和Big去會見貓族時,Sally根據Knuckles告訴她的關於他與Felidae的遭遇的故事,前往Mystic Ruins。在反思這一文化的悲傷歷史後,Sally驚訝地發現一個Dark Egg Legion 章節在該地區活動,並在與大師Drago WolfRazorklaw交戰後,因為面對Legion的壓倒性數量而投降。[165] 後來,被兩位大師囚禁時,她簡短地與Drago對峙,然後利用他的自負來希望收集他們計劃的信息。完成這項任務後,Sally發現自己面臨死亡威脅,但幸運的是Big和Sonic伴隨着狼人和Felidae及時趕到拯救了她。拿着Ancient Onyx,她用它集中了兩個相互對立的團體的注意力,提醒他們如何克服分歧,團結起來對抗共同的敵人。然後,她制定了一項協議,將Ancient Onyx保存在Felidae領土的廢墟中,狼人在需要時會取回。之後,她和Sonic以及Big一起被正式引入Wolf Pack。Sally與Sonic分享了她擔心Onyx可能是一顆混沌翡翠的想法,但Sonic提醒她現在只存在七顆翡翠,他沒有從Onyx中感受到它們所擁有的相同力量。[166]

Sally後來與Amy Rose在Chuck's Chili Dogs吃午餐,並歡迎Tails、Antoine和Bunnie從他們的假期返回,之後給Sonic和Bunnie一個前往Sand Blast City的任務。[167][168]

Mina的信息和重聚[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

當新聞傳到新莫比特羅波利斯,說Geoffrey似乎變節了,有人建議為了安全起見,搬移Acorn家族;然而,Elias知道他的妹妹不會滿足於坐着躲藏。[169] 隨着時間的推移,Sally對Geoffrey的行為和可能的威脅仍然感到擔憂,即使她和Sonic參加了Forget Me Knots音樂會,試圖讓他們從問題中解脫出來。音樂會開始前,Sonic和Sally討論了Mina、她的音樂和他們的關係,然後Nicole加入了他們。Sally很高興見到她,他們擁抱,但最終Nicole承認她感到自我意識強烈,擔心她在公共場合不再受歡迎。Sally告訴她,經歷了Iron Dominion的占領以及Knothole的毀滅,市民感到緊張是有道理的,但她保證Nicole他們最終會平靜下來。然而,情況很快崩潰了,因為Mina的歌曲在Ixis Naugus的秘密影響下,使人群反對Nicole;A.I.感到痛苦並逃離了音樂會,儘管Sally試圖與她交談。擔心的Sally和Sonic在音樂會後去和Mina談話;在Naugus的影響下,情緒很快升溫,Mina解釋說她覺得Sally和其他人不負責任,而Sally解釋說Mina根本沒有考慮到Nicole的感受。[170]

一段時間後,Sonic和Sally終於安排了一個適當的約會;Sally在龍王國度過了一天,與Monkey Khan談論她的恐懼,後來,在她母親的建議下準備約會。然而,當她和Sonic到達餐館時,情況開始走下坡路;Sally看到Mina和Ash也在那裡,承認她理解Mina的擔憂,希望她之前處理得更好。然後,工作人員開始糾纏他們關於Nicole的問題,這很快降級為顧客之間的爭吵。在Amy Rose的幫助下,Sally和Sonic擺脫了人群,繼續他們的約會,在Rings湖邊,開玩笑地談論他們過去的關係,並討論他們自己的關係。[171]

幾天後,Sally命令自由戰士們監視由Forget Me Knots舉辦的免費音樂會,以確保情況不會像之前那樣失控。然而,Geoffrey St. John突然出現,並開始煽動群眾反對Nicole,宣揚Ixis Naugus作為能夠處理AI「威脅」的合法國王。Sally讓Sonic去阻止Naugus接近議會,然後命令皇家衛隊逮捕Geoffrey,認定他是叛徒;Geoffrey利用他的職位(秘密服務隊長)和形勢對他有利,並告訴她,如果她想過去,他們就必須動手。對他明顯的背叛感到憤怒,她毫不猶豫地下令攻擊。自由戰士們與Geoffrey戰鬥,儘管他有技術優勢,Sally還是設法將他誘入Nicole設置的陷阱。然而,Geoffrey使用魔法逃脫,揭示自己是一名Ixis巫師。Sally問他的妻子對這一切有何看法,令所有人震驚的是,Geoffrey透露Hershey已經去世。[172] 戰鬥繼續,Sally表示雖然她之前願意給Geoffrey以懷疑的好處,但她再也不能容忍他的行為;她甚至稱他為殺人犯,這讓困惑的Geoffrey堅稱他與Hershey的死無關,並告訴大家不要貶低他妻子的犧牲。最終,隨着戰鬥無意義地拖延,Sally嘗試了另一種策略;如果Geoffrey真的相信他的行為是正確的,他應該投降,讓正義走其道。Geoffrey感到好笑,然後投降。控制了叛徒後,Sally去查看坐在地上心煩意亂的Nicole。Nicole解釋說Naugus用他的魔法完全改變了她納米機器人的結構,摧毀了它們。聽到這個,附近的人群開始竊竊私語,Sally建議Nicole「暫時消失」。在押送Geoffrey與其他自由戰士時,Sally驚恐地看到Death Egg Mark 2突然在新莫比特羅波利斯上空升起。[173]

被擊落[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Sally被槍擊前的瞬間,來自Sonic the Hedgehog #225.

由於Death Egg對所有人都構成了直接威脅,Sally與Naugus達成了休戰。她、Sonic和Tails乘坐Tornado出發,而Antoine、Bunnie、Amy和(在監視下的)Geoffrey乘坐自由戰士特別機出發。意識到Death Egg實際上是以前的Egg Dome,Sally能夠定位他們之前的進入點,並指示Tails向一個特定的弱點開火,打開了船體上的一個洞。Sally和Sonic從Tornado跳向Death Egg,通過破口進入。入口被一個機器人封閉,將兩人困在裡面。他們很快找到了一個隱藏的電梯並開始探索,發現了一個奇怪的房間。然而,電梯很快送來了一個新的威脅:Silver Sonic v3.0。Sonic對這個挑戰感到興奮,但當Doctor Eggman通過對講機開始嘲諷他們時,Sally意識到這個機器人只是一個干擾;她宣布他們需要繼續前進,但Sonic繼續與機器人對手戰鬥。Sally跑進一個走廊,只找到自己面對從牆上部署的炮塔,並被射擊。當Sonic沖向躺在地板上一動不動的Sally時,隨着Eggman開始執行Operation: Clean Sweep,世界變成了一片白色。[174]

創世紀[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Sally和Sonic重新相遇,來自Sonic the Hedgehog #226.

Sonic發現自己在一個陌生的世界,幾乎記不起自己正在做什麼。他偶然發現了一個監獄艙,並打開它,釋放了其中包括Sally和她的朋友們"Boomer Walrus"和"Antoine Depardieu"在內的幾個被困動物。她解釋說,她和她的朋友們正在調查最近的奇怪事件(包括綁架和地震),他們認為這是某個叫做Dr. Eggman的人的所作所為,補充說他們可以用上Sonic的幫助。他們穿過大理石區,發現事情時不時地似乎奇怪地熟悉。最終,他們決定利用Eggman的一台被砸毀的機器人;然而,機器人需要一個小動物作為電池。Sally用歌聲一般的語調呼喚附近的Flicky鳥,並請求它通過臨時為機器人供電來幫助他們。他們逃脫了由於地震突然引發的岩漿流,然後Sonic和Flicky驅動的機器人跑在前頭,直面Dr. Eggman。經過一場快速戰鬥,這位瘋狂的科學家撤退了,Sally感謝Flicky的幫助。Sally然後帶領團隊進入她認為會通往Eggman巢穴的地下通道,宣稱他們將給他一個教訓,因為他搞亂了他們的世界。[175]

Sally帶領團隊穿過迷宮和廢鐵大腦區,最終追上Dr. Eggman。Sonic似乎趕走了博士,讓Sally認為他們完成了任務;然而,使用Eggman基地的電腦,她發現他的生產工廠仍在運作,迫使他們得出Eggman尚未放棄的結論。Sonic帶領團隊去見他的老朋友,Tails Prower。隨着更多地震發生,Sally堅持他們仍需要關閉Eggman的運作;她想主要瞄準他的基礎設施,而Sonic認為最好直接解決Eggman。在Tails加入他們後,他們前往化學工廠區,在又一次地震中躲避危險。然而,在勉強逃脫另一個危險後,Sonic和Sally再次討論攻擊計劃。Sally告訴他,衝動行事只會讓某人受傷。Sonic開始反駁,但突然被一種模糊的記憶打斷:Sally在Death Egg上處於危險中。他突然告訴她,可以按照她的方式做,但他要單獨追捕Eggman。兩人進行了簡短的爭論,然後Tails帶着歉意和Sonic一起離開,而一個惱怒的Sally帶領Boomer和Antoine關閉工廠。後來,在油海區,Boomer介入說,Sally應該更努力地留住Sonic,因為他們可以利用他的幫助。她承認如此,但隨着另一次地震發生。感到需要趕快行動,他們急忙前進,未察覺到Badniks正在接近。[176][177]

很快,Sally和其他人試圖尋找掩護,同時被Badniks追趕。Boomer再次說,Sonic在場會很有幫助,Sally同意她應該更努力地與他理性交談。他們很快發現他們的路徑被一個奇怪的陷阱阻擋,陷阱兩側有尖刺;當Boomer想知道這樣的裝置是什麼時,Sally注意到即將到來的Badniks。在移動空間有限並且受到攻擊的情況下,Sally和Antoine從他們站立的狹窄平台上掉落;Antoine安全着陸,而Boomer抓住Sally的手,將她懸在邊緣上。令她震驚的是,Sally突然記起了另一次她處於類似位置的時刻。然而,當Boomer把她拉到安全時,她發現記憶已經開始消退。告訴自己要集中注意力,她問附近的一隻小企鵝(從Badnik內釋放出來)是否知道找到該地區主控閥的位置。有了新的方向,他們出發了。他們最終設法關閉了油流,最終切斷了Eggman的資源(他們不知道,這導致Eggman逃回Death Egg)。雖然他們不知道在巨大的飛船上發生了什麼,但他們都見證了從它發出的巨大光波。當Boomer感到擔憂時,Sally確信Sonic已經控制了一切。隨着世界逐漸消失,她向天空伸出手,說,「再見,Sonic...[178]

Sally的犧牲[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Sally確保自己將是唯一的受害者,來自Sonic the Hedgehog #230.

世界恢復到第一波光芒發出前的十秒鐘。當Sally走在一個走廊上時,Sonic把她抱起來,在炮塔射擊她之前救了她,讓追趕的Silver Sonic代替她承受了攻擊。Sally有些困惑,但他們繼續前進,最終到達了一個計算機控制台。Sally將Nicole接入,注意到很多Death Egg的能量被分流到下面的甲板,所以他們乘電梯到下層甲板調查。在那裡,他們發現了一個看似是機器人化裝置,Eggman到來解釋說這是一個用於整個世界的機器人化裝置。最初英雄們表示懷疑,但隨着博士解釋他的計劃,他們恐懼地意識到這個星球真的面臨着巨大的危險。Sally絕望地試圖與博士理論,指出他的計劃將對他自己的黑暗蛋軍團力量造成毀滅性的影響,但Eggman殘酷地一笑置之,說他一旦擁有了新的Robians軍隊,就不再需要他們了。激怒的Sonic發動攻擊,但不僅被嚴重損壞的Silver Sonic阻擋,還有一台新的Metal Sonic。當Sonic忙於分散機器人的注意力時,Sally爬到地板瓷磚下;擠在大電纜之間,她再次將Nicole接入系統。Sally絕望地尋找阻止機器人化器命令信號或以其他方式阻止其發射的方法,但考慮到他們擁有的時間很少,Nicole告訴她這是不可能的;唯一的選擇是反轉光束。毫不猶豫,Sally下達了命令,設置了一個手動執行程序,然後確保Nicole的核心程序會安全返回新莫比特羅波利斯。擔心的Nicole提出反對,說Sally不會免疫。Sally告訴她的朋友,她得到了第二次機會,並有機會用它拯救所有人;她需要Nicole的幫助。[179]

在Nicole完成下載後,Sally傷感地微笑,道別,並執行了程序,就在Eggman下令啟動世界機器人化裝置時。機器人化裝置的反衝擊擊中了它所在的正是那個房間,破壞了許多機器(包括兩個機器人)並引發了一場大爆炸。Sonic和Eggman從廢墟中掙扎出來時,Sally突然從廢墟中出現,被機器人化並被爆炸損壞,Sonic驚恐地看着,而Eggman欣喜若狂,因為Mecha Sally站了起來。[179]

Mecha Sally抓住了Sonic的喉嚨,Sonic懇求Sally抗拒Eggman的控制。Eggman對這一轉折感到高興,表示雖然讓她帶着他們倆走進焚化爐是明智的,但他想要享受這一刻,因此命令Mecha Sally將Sonic從廢物排放口扔了出去。然後她陪同Eggman前往Death Egg的艦橋,那裡他們遇到了Snively。當Snively反對Eggman下令攻擊新莫比特羅波利斯時,聲稱Death Egg損壞嚴重,Eggman讓Mecha Sally抓住他的制服領子,要求他聽從她主人的命令。[180]

升級執行者[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Eggman希望充分利用這一形勢,選擇對Mecha Sally進行升級,並在過程中花費了大量時間,同時讓Egg Mites負責Death Egg的修理,這讓Snively感到沮喪。[181] 他的修改包括火箭動力飛行和一個力量環作為特殊能源,注意到這不會冒險恢復她的自由意志。完成後不久,Dr. Eggman部署了新的Mecha Sally,連同Metal Sonic,攔截前國王Elias Acorn及其妻子繼女,他們正從New Mobotropolis遷往Feral Forest。在輕鬆壓制自由戰士後,Metal Sonic自爆,嚴重傷害了Antoine。此後,她按照Dr. Eggman的命令撤退到Death Egg。[182]

Dr. Eggman後來向他的大師們展示了新的Mecha Sally,將她和其他Metal Series機器人一起作為執行者,以「幫助」確保Dark Egg Legion各章節的有效運作。在解散大師們後,Eggman讓Mecha Sally陪同他乘坐Egg 'Stache Flyer追捕逃跑的Snively。[183] 隨後他部署Mecha Sally和新的Metal Sonic v3.6在中央城市,連同一支整個軍隊,以尋找Snively。在與E-123 Omega戰鬥後,Mecha Sally和其餘軍隊撤退,因為發現Snively已經離開中央城市。[184] 在追蹤到Snively到龍王國後,Mecha Sally與Eggman一起到達,並被派出對抗Monkey Khan。由於她的力量環幾乎用盡,她開始難以對抗他。Khan無私地放棄了他的力量環王冠,以救她的命,此後Eggman向他解釋,沒有它她將會死去。在恢復後,她抓住了Khan的喉嚨,使Robotnik能夠給他安裝一個Command Crown,將猴子置於Robotnik的控制之下。隨後,當Snively帶着Iron Oni到達時,她和Khan一起被樹木壓倒。[185]Regina Ferrum用她的技術魔法控制他時,她又被迫再次與Khan戰鬥。為了分散他的注意力,Sally的知識和記憶被操縱,但被洗腦的國王沒有注意到,他試圖摧毀她。Khan隨後從Regina的控制中解放出來,Mecha Sally進入待機模式。在她受損的狀態下,她被Khan交還給Robotnik,Khan認識到這位瘋狂的醫生是唯一希望能夠修復她的人。[186]

在此期間,自由戰士們重新組織成兩個新單位:Team FreedomTeam Fighters。後者在Sonic的領導下出發執行雙重任務:阻止Robotnik的計劃和營救Sally。[187] 他們的追蹤將他們帶到了Soumerca,Robotnik再次利用Sally的知識和之前與當地團體的牽連。在Felidae和狼群之間談判出一個不穩定的和平後,Mecha Sally意識到,如果沒有他們的領袖維持休戰,這兩個派系將會開戰。利用她的專長,Robotnik派她綁架女王Hathor和Lupe。[188] Mecha Sally隨後在Team Fighters尋找營救兩位統治者時與他們交戰。在意識到阻止她可能會危及其他人後,Tails讓她離開,Mecha Sally被派遣執行另一個邪惡任務:帶領一支入侵力量到Feral Forest暗殺她自己的兄弟Elias。[189] 儘管有Silver Sonic v3.0和她的Egg SWATs的幫助,Mecha Sally未能完成她的任務,並在她的部隊被摧毀時離開,重新加入Death Egg。[190]

Mecha Sally後來出現在Eggman向最新的Metal Sonic下達命令的場合,命令它前往Interdimensional Gateway會見他的新夥伴。[191] 隨後,她被部署對抗Team Fighters和加入救援行動的Arctic Freedom Fighters。在使Amy和Sonic震驚後,她試圖殺死這對搭檔,但隨後被時空旅行者Silver the Hedgehog短路。這位時間旅行者加入了營救Sally的任務,他認定Sally在他的未來的毀滅中扮演了一部分。然而,意識到她不情願的角色,他決定營救她,而不是像之前對待其他「叛徒」嫌疑人那樣消滅她。不幸的是,在他們和失活的Sally被第二波Genesis Wave捲入之前,英雄們沒有時間慶祝。[192]


性格[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]



她的個人情感有時控制得不那麼好,在一些極端情況下,她陷入了關於與他人,尤其是她的父親,King Acorn,和Sonic的關係的混亂中。她非常關心她的家人,並迅速與她失散已久的母親和兄弟建立了聯繫,儘管她對父親的愛有時因為他的過去、行動和決策經常與她的理想發生衝突而變得緊張。在某些情況下,她培養了一些背叛和嫉妒的感覺,儘管她通常在做這些事情時就意識到了。因此,她經常向NICOLE吐露心聲。由於她傾向於給自己太大的壓力,以最明智的方式反應,如果Sally認為自己在過去的某個情況下失敗或誤判,她通常會對自己有極大的自我懷疑,有時會因為對自己感知到的無能為力而淚流滿面。儘管是公主,Sally有點偏向男孩子氣(有時被稱為「假小子公主」),如果需要,她不會猶豫進入粗糙或凌亂的情況,通常不會以王室的方式着裝或表現得像一個被救的少女,而是作為一個戰鬥者。



武器[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


關係[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

安托萬·D'庫利特[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

在系列的早期,安托萬非常公開地定期向莎莉表達他的愛意,但這種感情從未得到莎莉的回應。然而,當安托萬贏得了Bunnie Rabbot的心後,他不再對莎莉感興趣。

多年後,King Maximillian Acorn健康狀況惡化,命令莎莉嫁給安托萬,以便他能幫助她治理王國。莎莉對這個安排並不開心,但出於對國家的義務,她還是接受了。事實證明,安托萬實際上是Patch D'Coolette的偽裝,他安排了這一切以獲取權力。在Patch被擊敗並找到真正的安托萬後,他回到了Bunnie身邊,莎莉再次單身。

Nicole[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


戀情[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

索尼克[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

莎莉和Sonic親吻,來自Sonic the Hedgehog #130.

多年來,莎莉有過許多調情和愛情對象,最主要的是Sonic the Hedgehog。在作為自由戰士對抗Dr. Ivo Robotnik的戰鬥中,兩人隱藏了彼此的感情,儘管偶爾提到過結婚的想法,大多是開玩笑的。此外,由於他們性格上的衝突,兩人都不願意讓他們的關係更進一步。當Sonic發現莎莉倖存下來,並在Operation: EndGame後兩人浪漫地接吻時,他們彼此的感情變得更加明顯。

當King Max在從巫師Ixis Naugus的控制中解放後不久與女兒討論婚姻話題時,莎莉請求Sonic成為她未來的丈夫。年長的國王斷然拒絕了她的提議,說Source of All最終會決定她的丈夫是誰,就像它決定了Max的妻子和他父親的妻子一樣。

在接下來的幾個月里,Sonic在追逐Ixis Naugus環遊地球,而莎莉則分開。Sonic回來後不久,Dr. Eggman開始了重新奪回Mobotropolis和機器人化Mobians的行動,這阻止了Sonic和莎莉親近。更糟糕的是,在建立了Knothole王國後,莎莉被迫在家接受教育,而Sonic和其他人去了公立學校。莎莉作為公主的職責讓她忙碌並與Sonic保持距離一段時間。當莎莉最終試圖拜訪Sonic時,她發現他被Mina Mongoose親吻。此後,莎莉認為Sonic已經繼續前進。兩人後來恢復並在Sonic從賞金獵人Nack the Weasel中解救莎莉時徹底承認了他們對彼此的愛。



儘管Sonic試圖解決問題,莎莉通常對他冷淡並命令他,最終達到她實際上單方面將Sonic投入監獄的地步,理由是非法侵入和破壞她與安托萬(實際上是Patch)的婚禮。然而,安托萬返回後,她開始冷靜下來。從那以後,Sonic和Fiona Fox約會,但當Sonic發現Fiona實際上對他的邪惡雙胞胎Scourge the Hedgehog更感興趣時,兩人分手了。在安托萬和Bunnie宣布他們將要結婚後,莎莉承認她想念Sonic,並感到嫉妒,因為不是她和Sonic將要結婚。

自從安托萬和Bunnie的婚禮以來,Sonic和莎莉再次顯示出對彼此感興趣的跡象。莎莉特別是通過與Sonic調情和暗示這一點。有一次,兩人幾乎親吻了對方,但被打斷了。就在Dr. Eggman最終被擊敗並陷入瘋狂之前,莎莉對Sonic的個人安全表現出了強烈的關心,並在Sonic跳入通往Eggman的洞穴前擁抱了他,告訴他要小心。

當Monkey Khan出現後,莎莉決定完全重新點燃她與Sonic的友誼,並開始與Ken戀愛。Sonic適應這一改變很困難,儘管Sonic不知道,莎莉感覺她結束了他們的戀情不夠好,因此對他不公平。然而,莎莉在從龍王國返回後告訴他,她還沒準備好與Khan正式交往,然後邀請Sonic一起吃午餐。

後來,隨着Geoffrey St. John背叛Sonic和Mina的歌曲驅使市民相信Nicole是邪惡的事件發生,Sonic決定帶莎莉去一家高檔餐廳約會。事情似乎進行得很好,直到一位服務員問他們是否打算「關閉Nicole」。另一個人爭論說Nicole也是一名自由戰士。這件事鬧得如此之大,以至於Sonic和莎莉決定離開。人群試圖阻止他們離開,只有Amy用她的錘子威脅他們,要求他們讓Sonic和莎莉單獨享受他們的約會。後來,Sonic和莎莉去了湖畔,周圍環繞着螢火蟲和Chao。他們通過爭論彼此以前的戀情中誰更嫉妒對方開玩笑。那天晚上以莎莉詢問Sonic是否可以放慢腳步,這樣她就能陪在他身邊結束,他接受了。後來,在跳入戰鬥時,莎莉和Sonic分享了一個吻,完全重新點燃了他們的愛情。

Geoffrey St. John[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


Geoffrey St. John第一次遇到Princess Sally時,他協助她訓練Substitute Freedom Fighters並挫敗了Dr. Robotnik創建自由戰士機器人複製品的計劃。在見證了Geoffrey的英雄行為後,這隻臭鼬贏得了莎莉的心,幾乎與Sonic相當。在Operation: EndGame事件和Sonic復活莎莉之後,Geoffrey意識到她的心屬於Sonic,但繼續在多個場合與這隻刺蝟發生衝突。一段時間後,Geoffrey與Hershey the Cat建立了關係,最終與她結婚,失去了對莎莉的感情,儘管他們仍然是好朋友。然而,這種友誼似乎遭到了嚴峻的考驗,因為Geoffrey與Ixis Naugus結盟的事實被揭露,並在攻擊Sonic和偷竊混沌翡翠期間被標記為叛徒。

納克魯斯[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]



不久之後,納克魯斯被同族的針鼴蝟 Julie-Su追求,她現在是納克魯斯的女友和靈魂伴侶。莎莉和納克魯斯的友誼因後者決定留在天使島上,而不是幫助自由戰士對抗蛋頭博士而暫時受損,儘管兩人隨着時間的推移修復了他們的友誼。

Monkey Khan[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


當莎莉意外地將Monkey Khan從他的靜止狀態中釋放時,這隻猴子立即被迷住了。他甚至綁架了她,希望她成為他的伴侶,但莎莉說服他,他可以成為一個偉大的英雄。之後他離開了,但他對莎莉的感情仍然揮之不去。[59] 大約一年後,當肯警告鐵王朝的危險時,他表達了他對索尼克和她不在一起的事實感興趣。[150] 莎莉似乎也對肯有所回應,告訴他用她的名字稱呼她,並在鐵皇后控制時告訴索尼克不要傷害他。[152][153][154][156] 當他因連續失敗而感到沮喪時,她甚至安慰了他,並與他共進午餐。[151][155][157][158] 當莎莉因自己的失敗而感到沮喪時,肯來到她身邊試圖讓她感覺更好。莎莉與肯交談後去找了Bunnie。與Bunnie交談後,莎莉決定在肯從索尼克的任務回來後與他談談。後來,兩人可以看到手牽手,索尼克在旁邊觀看。[155]

莎莉和肯有時可以看到彼此調情,有一次肯親吻了莎莉右手的背部。[158][159] 在鐵王朝被擊敗後,肯甚至問莎莉是否願意成為自由人民的女王,並親吻了她的嘴唇以表達他的感情。莎莉



朋友/盟友[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

敵人[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

冷知識[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  • Sally的中間名偶爾被拼錯為「Elisha」。這個名字,像Sally的許多特徵一樣,來源於《Sonic the Hedgehog》電視系列,在劇集《Blast to the Past, Part 1》中,她在遇到年輕的自己時使用它作為別名。
  • 由於她是美國漫畫的主角,所以當《Sonic Mega Collection》發售時,她首次正式介紹給日本的Sonic觀眾。
  • Sally原本在「Endgame」篇章中設定將會死去。這個想法是要以足夠的尊嚴殺死這個角色,以免驅趕走任何角色的粉絲。在Robotropolis內執行任務期間,Sally在她的速降繩被切斷後墜落數層樓而死;Sonic被誣陷為她的死因。編劇方面的理由是,King Max的到來會取代Sally的權力,使她變得不必要,而且由於Sega對書籍的限制,使得繼續寫她與Sonic的關係變得太困難。然而,Sega有關於這個角色的促銷計劃,命令她被復活。Archie編輯Justin Freddy Gabrie拒絕了這個想法,並使得作家Ken Penders改變故事情節,使她陷入昏迷。[請求來源 ] 角色的回歸被寫入第50期,這干擾了日程安排,並導致幾頁被刪減。該期後來被修訂並作為《Sonic Super Special》重新發行。她預定的死亡在第101期的一個隨機現實中被強調。
    • 在現已不存在的Archie Sonic博客上,然而,作家Ian Flynn聲稱不同,聲稱Sally在第50期的所謂「復活」是從一開始就計劃好的,實際計劃是這個「Sally」會在#50之後的劇集中逐漸變得和Sonic越來越疏遠,最終被揭示為原本已故Sally的機器人複製品,作為Robotnik死後的把戲。[193]
  • 根據Ian Flynn(在Archie Sonic博客上以Dr. Eggman的身份回答粉絲信件)的一篇帖子,Sally Acorn的短尾巴來自她母親的家族。[194]
  • 根據Espio的情報,在他背叛後為了向英雄們展示他的真誠,以及Sally對此的反應,她的皇室胎記,一個星形胎記,位於一個非常尷尬的位置。[195]
  • Sally的鞋碼是5 1/2。[196]
  • Sally的色彩方案共改變了三次。
  • Ben Bates在一條推文中透露,如果漫畫沒有被重啟,Sally將處於冷凍狀態,接下來的五年故事將圍繞Sonic環遊世界尋找她。[197] Ian Flynn回覆說他不知道Bates從哪裡得到這些信息,但那不是他的計劃,Sally會在「King Naugus Arc」結束時被恢復。[198][199]

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參考資料[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  1. 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 StH101file 的參考文獻內容文字。
  2. Sonic the Hedgehog: The Complete Sonic Comic Encyclopedia,"Sally Acorn"
  3. Sonic the Hedgehog: The Complete Sonic Comic Encyclopedia,"Acorn Lineage"
  4. 4.0 4.1 Knuckles the Echidna #29,"我的特別朋友"
  5. Sonic Super Special #9,"我的特別朋友"
  6. 6.0 6.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #43,"夢想區"
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Sonic the Hedgehog #69,"一天的生活"
  8. Knuckles the Echidna #20,"禁區第二部分:摩博托波利斯的往事"
  9. 9.0 9.1 Sonic Super Special #5,"當你和我還是年輕的Sally"
  10. Sonic the Hedgehog #143,"原始自由戰士第二部分"
  11. 11.0 11.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #3,"炸彈讓我煩!"
  12. 12.0 12.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #7,"查爾斯叔叔的寶藏!"
  13. Sonic the Hedgehog #5,"奧運會試驗和錯誤"
  14. Sonic the Hedgehog #10,"Nerbs的復仇"
  15. Sonic the Hedgehog #12,"及時到達!"
  16. Sonic the Hedgehog #13,"太空中的你的臉!"
  17. Sonic the Hedgehog #20,"那是精神!"
  18. 18.0 18.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #18,"夜晚的寧靜 莎莉公主的十字軍第二部分"
  19. 19.0 19.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #120,"皇家印章"
  20. Sonic the Hedgehog In Your Face!,"任務 莎莉公主的十字軍:結論!"
  21. Sonic the Hedgehog #21,"E.V.E.的三個階段"
  22. Sonic the Hedgehog #22,"回歸"
  23. Sonic the Hedgehog #23,"Io Robotnik, 自由戰士!"
  24. Princess Sally #1,"最致命的物種 第1部分"
  25. Princess Sally #2,"最致命的物種 第2部分"
  26. Princess Sally #3,"最致命的物種 結論"
  27. Sonic the Hedgehog #24,"當刺蝟碰撞!"
  28. Sonic the Hedgehog #25,"放手吧... Mecha我的一天!"
  29. Sonic the Hedgehog #26,"Way Way Past Cool!"
  30. Sonic the Hedgehog #27,"一個混亂的刺蝟"
  31. Sonic the Hedgehog #28,"周六晚上適合打架!"
  32. Sonic the Hedgehog #29,"鋼帶Sally"
  33. Sonic the Hedgehog #30,"Uncle Chuck的回歸"
  34. Sonic the Hedgehog #31,"機器人橫穿鐵路"
  35. Sonic the Hedgehog #32,"來自過去的爆炸"
  36. Sonic the Hedgehog #33,"讓我們變小!"
  37. Sonic the Hedgehog #33,"Sonic Shot"
  38. Sonic the Hedgehog #34,"要『機器人』還是不要『機器人』!"
  39. Sonic the Hedgehog #35,"真理之環!"
  40. Sonic the Hedgehog #36,"黑暗之心"
  41. Sonic the Hedgehog #37,"Robotropolis之日"
  42. Sonic the Hedgehog #38,"Robotropolis的崛起... Sonic的隕落!"
  43. Sonic the Hedgehog #39,"機器人競賽"
  44. Sonic & Knuckles: Mecha Madness Special,"Mecha Madness"
  45. Sonic the Hedgehog #40,"軍事法庭"
  46. Sonic the Hedgehog #41,"...And One Shall Save Him!"
  47. Sonic Quest #1,"Sonicquest: The Death Egg Saga Book One - Scrambled"
  48. Sonic Quest #2,"Sonicquest: The Death Egg Saga Book Two - Poached"
  49. Sonic Quest #3,"Sonicquest: The Death Egg Saga Book Three - Over Easy"
  50. 50.0 50.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #47,"Taking the Fall!"
  51. 51.0 51.1 51.2 51.3 Sonic the Hedgehog #50,"The Big Goodbye"
  52. 52.0 52.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #51,"Reality Bytes"
  53. 53.0 53.1 53.2 53.3 53.4 53.5 Sonic Super Special #2,"Brave New World"
  54. 54.0 54.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #52,"First Contact"
  55. 55.0 55.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #53,"Unfinished Business"
  56. 56.0 56.1 56.2 56.3 Sonic the Hedgehog #55,"Rise of the Robians!"
  57. 57.0 57.1 57.2 57.3 Sonic the Hedgehog #54,"Running to Stand Still"
  58. 58.0 58.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #53,"Sounds of Silence"
  59. 59.0 59.1 59.2 59.3 59.4 Sonic the Hedgehog #55,"Monkey Madness"
  60. 60.0 60.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #56,"Immortality is forever... life is finite."
  61. 61.0 61.1 Sonic Super Special #4,"The Return of the King"
  62. 62.0 62.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #57,"Back to Basics"
  63. 63.0 63.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #58,"The Living Crown"
  64. 64.0 64.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #59,"The People's Princess"
  65. 65.0 65.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #60,"The Ultimatum"
  66. 66.0 66.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #63,"On the Majesty's Secret Service Part 3"
  67. 67.0 67.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #68,"Surprise"
  68. 68.0 68.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #70,"Saving Nate Morgan"
  69. 69.0 69.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #71,"Retro Activity"
  70. 70.0 70.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #72,"I, Robotnik!"
  71. 71.0 71.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #73,"The Truth is Out There"
  72. 72.0 72.1 72.2 72.3 Sonic the Hedgehog #74,"Don't Call it a Comeback!"
  73. 73.0 73.1 73.2 73.3 Sonic the Hedgehog #75,"I Am the Eggman!"
  74. 74.0 74.1 74.2 74.3 Sonic the Hedgehog #76,"Business as Usual"
  75. 75.0 75.1 75.2 75.3 Sonic the Hedgehog #77,"Rebel Without a Pause"
  76. 76.0 76.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #78,"Changes"
  77. 77.0 77.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #79,"The Discovery"
  78. 78.0 78.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #80,"If Wishes Were Acorns"
  79. 79.0 79.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #81,"City of Dreams..."
  80. 80.0 80.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #82,"Night of Chaos!"
  81. 81.0 81.1 Sonic Super Special #13,"Sonic Adventure"
  82. 82.0 82.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #83,"Menace to Society"
  83. 83.0 83.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #84,"Perfect Chaos"
  84. 84.0 84.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #85,"The Big Payback"
  85. 85.0 85.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #88,"Family Matters"
  86. 86.0 86.1 86.2 86.3 Sonic the Hedgehog #89,"Thicker Than Water"
  87. 87.0 87.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #90,"Sword of Omens"
  88. 88.0 88.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #93,"Crime 'n Punishment"
  89. 89.0 89.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #94,"New Order"
  90. 90.0 90.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #95,"Enemy Mine"
  91. 91.0 91.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #96,"The Messenger"
  92. 92.0 92.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #97,"My Secret Identity"
  93. 93.0 93.1 93.2 Sonic the Hedgehog #102,"Family Dysfunction"
  94. Sonic the Hedgehog #99, "Blow by Blow"
  95. 95.0 95.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #100, "Reunion"
  96. Sonic the Hedgehog #101, "Altered States"
  97. Sonic the Hedgehog #106, "Crouching Hedgehog, Hidden Dragon"
  98. Sonic the Hedgehog #107, "Crouching Hedgehog, Hidden Dragon Part Two"
  99. Sonic the Hedgehog #108, "Robotnik x2=Trouble!"
  100. Sonic the Hedgehog #108, "A Girl Named Hope!"
  101. Sonic the Hedgehog #109, "I Heard It Through the Pipeline"
  102. Sonic the Hedgehog #109, "...The Crush!"
  103. Sonic the Hedgehog #110, "Station Square Attacks!"
  104. Sonic the Hedgehog #111, "Kids of the Spider Woman"
  105. Sonic the Hedgehog #112, "Forgiven"
  106. Sonic the Hedgehog #118, "Heart to Heart"
  107. Sonic the Hedgehog #120, "She's gotta have him"
  108. Sonic the Hedgehog #121, "The Prince & The Revolution"
  109. Sonic the Hedgehog #122, "Heart Held Hostage Part One"
  110. Sonic the Hedgehog #123, "Heart Held Hostage Part Two"
  111. Sonic the Hedgehog #124, "Sonic Adventure 2.5: Alpha"
  112. Sonic the Hedgehog #125, "Sonic Adventure 2.5: Omega"
  113. 113.0 113.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #130, "Home Part 1 of 4: The Blue Blur Returns!"
  114. Sonic the Hedgehog #131, "Home Part 2 of 4: The Gathering"
  115. Sonic the Hedgehog #132, "Home Part 3 of 4: A.D.A.M. & Evil"
  116. Sonic the Hedgehog #133, "Home Part 4: Finale"
  117. Sonic the Hedgehog #134, "Home: Epilogue Say You Will"
  118. Sonic the Hedgehog #137, "Robo-Dyne Systems"
  119. Sonic the Hedgehog #138, "Return to Angel Island Part 1: The Message"
  120. Sonic the Hedgehog #142, "I Wanna Be a Freedom Fighter!"
  121. Sonic the Hedgehog #144, "Love And Loss"
  122. Sonic the Hedgehog #146, "Circuit Me"
  123. Sonic the Hedgehog #151, "Stargazing"
  124. Sonic the Hedgehog #155, "Line of Succession Part One"
  125. Sonic the Hedgehog #156, "Line of Succession Part 2"
  126. Sonic the Hedgehog #174, "Union"
  127. Sonic the Hedgehog #175, "Eggman Empire"
  128. Sonic the Hedgehog #176, "Cracking the Empire"
  129. Sonic the Hedgehog #177, "Home, New Home"
  130. Sonic the Hedgehog #178, "House of Cards Part 1 of 2"
  131. Sonic the Hedgehog #179, "House of Cards Part Two: Royal Flush"
  132. Sonic the Hedgehog #180, "Preparations For War"
  133. Sonic the Hedgehog #181, "Enerjak: Reborn Chapter One: Rising Evil"
  134. Sonic the Hedgehog #182, "Fallen Angel"
  135. Sonic the Hedgehog #183, "Desperate Times"
  136. Sonic the Hedgehog #184, "Chaos Angel"
  137. Sonic the Hedgehog #187, "Mister Popular"
  138. Sonic the Hedgehog #188, "Beating the House"
  139. Sonic the Hedgehog #189, "A Bold New Moebius Part One: Unwelcome Guests!"
  140. Sonic the Hedgehog #190, "A Bold New Moebius Part Two: Duality!"
  141. Sonic the Hedgehog #192, "Metal and Mettle Part 2"
  142. Sonic the Hedgehog #193, "Otherside Part One: How the Other Half Lives"
  143. Sonic the Hedgehog #194, "Otherside Part 2: Cross World Conflict!"
  144. Sonic the Hedgehog #195, "Hedgehog Havoc! Part 1"
  145. Sonic the Hedgehog #196, "Hedgehog Havoc! Part 2"
  146. Sonic the Hedgehog #197, "Consequences"
  147. Sonic the Hedgehog #198, "Phoenix-down!"
  148. Sonic the Hedgehog #199, "Knocking On Eggman's Door"
  149. Sonic the Hedgehog #200, "Turn About Is Fair Play"
  150. 150.0 150.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #201, "Change In Management"
  151. 151.0 151.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #202, "Dangerous Territory"
  152. 152.0 152.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #203, "Heavy is the Head Part One: Surprise Visit"
  153. 153.0 153.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #204, "Heavy is the Head Part Two: Iron Khan"
  154. 154.0 154.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #206, "On the Run Part Two: Trouble by the Dozen"
  155. 155.0 155.1 155.2 Sonic the Hedgehog #207, "Blackout"
  156. 156.0 156.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #208, "Iron Dominion Part One"
  157. 157.0 157.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #209, "Iron Dominion Part 2"
  158. 158.0 158.1 158.2 Sonic Universe #13, "Journey to the East Part One: Endless Reach of Fate"
  159. 159.0 159.1 Sonic Universe #14, "Journey To The East Part Two: High Price for Rich Nights"
  160. Sonic Universe #15, "Journey To The East Part Three: No Love in a Conquering Storm"
  161. Sonic Universe #16, "Journey To The East Part Four: A World Under Constant Vigil"
  162. Sonic the Hedgehog #210, "Home Invasion Part One: Breaking and Entering"
  163. Sonic the Hedgehog #211, "Home Invasion Part 2: Security Measures"
  164. 164.0 164.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #212, "The Roads We Take"
  165. Sonic the Hedgehog #213, "Reigning Cats and Dogs Part One"
  166. Sonic the Hedgehog #214, "Reigning Cats and Dogs Part Two"
  167. Sonic the Hedgehog #216, "Family Matters Part Two"
  168. Sonic the Hedgehog #217, "Thicker Than Water Part One"
  169. Sonic the Hedgehog #220, "In Service to the King Part Two"
  170. Sonic the Hedgehog #221, "Changing Tempo"
  171. Sonic the Hedgehog #222, "The World Can Wait"
  172. Sonic the Hedgehog #223, "Chaos and the Crown Part One: The Right to Rule"
  173. Sonic the Hedgehog #224, "Chaos and the Crown Part Two: Total Authority"
  174. Sonic the Hedgehog #225, "One Step Forward..."
  175. Sonic the Hedgehog #226, "Genesis Part One: In the Beginning..."
  176. Sonic the Hedgehog #227, "Genesis Part Two: Fate and Friends"
  177. Sonic the Hedgehog #228, "Genesis Part Three: Divide And Conquer"
  178. Sonic the Hedgehog #229, "Genesis Part Four: Reset"
  179. 179.0 179.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #230, "...Two Steps Back"
  180. Sonic the Hedgehog #231, "Lost In the Moment"
  181. Sonic the Hedgehog #232, "Dark Tidings"
  182. Sonic the Hedgehog #234, "Unthinkable"
  183. Sonic Universe #37, "Scrambled Part 1: The Man in Charge"
  184. Sonic Universe #38, "Scrambled Part 2: Family"
  185. Sonic Universe #39, "Scrambled Part 3: Line in the Sand"
  186. Sonic Universe #40, "Scrambled Part Four: In the Name in Love!"
  187. Sonic the Hedgehog #236, "Cry Freedom!"
  188. Sonic the Hedgehog #237, "Loyalty Part One: The Right to Rule"
  189. Sonic the Hedgehog #238, "Loyalty Part Two: Dire Choices"
  190. Sonic the Hedgehog #239, "Heroes Part One: Team Building"
  191. Sonic Universe #50, "Forged in Fire"
  192. Sonic the Hedgehog #247, "At All Costs Part One: Fate Interrupted"
  193. Ian Flynn (9 June 2010). "Sonic the Hedgehog: July 2010 Archives". Archived from the original on 24 December 2010.
  194. 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 Blog2 的參考文獻內容文字。
  195. "Journey To The East Part Four: A World Under Constant Vigil" (comic book). Archie Comics. 19 May 2010. Sally Acorn: Well? / Espio the Chameleon: The location of your royal birthmark. / Sally: ... / Epsio: ... [cough expression] When Elias (her brother) came back, I had to verify his claim, so... / Sally: No, no. We won't speak of it further. {{cite book}}: |format= requires |url= (help)
  196. Sonic the Hedgehog #1 "Run, Sally, Run!"
  197. "Ben Bates (@benbatesart) on Twitter". Twitter. 7 April 2019. Archived from the original on 1 November 2020. Retrieved 1 November 2020. Ben Bates: I had no idea! The way it was sold to me: Mecha Sally and her later form "Neo Sally" would be revealed as advanced Eggman robotics and a sleeper agent. The REAL Sally Acorn was in cryostasis and the next five years arc would be Sonic traveling the world to find her.
  198. "Ian Flynn (@IanFlynnBKC) on Twitter". Twitter. 28 July 2020. Archived from the original on 1 November 2020. Retrieved 1 November 2020. Ian Flynn: I have no idea where Ben got that information. That isn't remotely what I had planned. Sally would've been restored at the end of the "King Naugus Arc," Around #200.
  199. "Ian Flynn (@IanFlynnBKC) on Twitter". Twitter. 28 July 2020. Ian Flynn: Wait... #200 was the Eggman defeat, wasn't it? #250 then. Whatever the milestone was. It's been awhile and two reboots - cut me some slack =P" {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |accessaccessdate= ignored (help)

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