
「马力欧&索尼克 AT 2016里约奥运」:修訂間差異

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{{Nihongo|'''''马力欧&索尼克 AT 里约奥运'''''|Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games|マリオ&ソニック AT リオオリンピック|Mario & Sonikku AT Rio Orinpikku|lit. "Mario & Sonic AT Rio Olympics"}} 是[[Mario & Sonic series|马力欧和索尼克系列]]的第五款游戏,分别发行了[[Wii U]]和[[Nintendo 3DS]][[Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (Nintendo 3DS)|版本]]。该游戏于2015年5月31日首次在日本任天堂Direct上公布。<ref name="first announcement">{{Cite web |url=http://www.sonicstadium.org/2015/05/mario-sonic-at-the-rio-2016-olympic-games-unveiled-for-wii-u-and-3ds/|title=Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games unveiled for Wii U and 3DS|accessdate=31 May 2015|publisher=Sonic Stadium|date=31 May 2015}}</ref><ref name="Nintendo-Direct">{{Cite web|url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUxgnYVD_-Q|title=Nintendo Direct 2015.5.31 プレゼンテーション映像|accessdate=31 May 2015|work=YouTube|date=31 May 2015}}</ref>
{{Nihongo|'''''马力欧&索尼克 AT 2016里约奥运'''''|Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games|マリオ&ソニック AT リオオリンピック|Mario & Sonikku AT Rio Orinpikku|lit. "Mario & Sonic AT Rio Olympics"}} 是[[Mario & Sonic series|马力欧和索尼克系列]]的第五款游戏,分别发行了[[Wii U]]和[[Nintendo 3DS]][[Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (Nintendo 3DS)|版本]]。该游戏于2015年5月31日首次在日本任天堂Direct上公布。<ref name="first announcement">{{Cite web |url=http://www.sonicstadium.org/2015/05/mario-sonic-at-the-rio-2016-olympic-games-unveiled-for-wii-u-and-3ds/|title=Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games unveiled for Wii U and 3DS|accessdate=31 May 2015|publisher=Sonic Stadium|date=31 May 2015}}</ref><ref name="Nintendo-Direct">{{Cite web|url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUxgnYVD_-Q|title=Nintendo Direct 2015.5.31 プレゼンテーション映像|accessdate=31 May 2015|work=YouTube|date=31 May 2015}}</ref>

与以前的游戏不同,这款游戏获得了第31届夏季奥林匹克运动会国际奥林匹克委员会的官方授权,故事情节发生在主办城市巴西里约热内卢。<ref>{{Cite web|author=Replay Editor|url=http://www.replaymag.com/sega_june2016/|title=Sega Celebrates Sonic's 25th Birthday! - May 2016|publisher=Replay Magazine|date=1 June 2016|archivedate=24 October 2017|archiveurl=http://web.archive.org/web/20171024093921/http://www.replaymag.com/sega_june2016/|accessdate=17 August 2018|quote=Mario and Sonic have been responsible for some of the biggest selling video titles of all time, and while they’ve both been seen in a number of coin-op games, they’ve never been seen in the same one until now. This 2016 Rio Olympic Games – Arcade Edition game is the first to be officially licensed by the International Olympic Committee, by the way.}}</ref>游戏的两个版本均于2016年发行。<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://e3.nintendo.com/games/wiiu/mario-and-sonic-at-the-rio-2016-olympic-games/|title=Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games|accessdate=17 June 2015|publisher=[[Nintendo]]}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://e3.nintendo.com/games/3ds/mario-and-sonic-at-the-rio-2016-olympic-games/|title=Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games|accessdate=17 June 2015|publisher=[[Nintendo]]}}</ref>
与以前的游戏不同,这款游戏获得了第31届夏季奥林匹克运动会国际奥林匹克委员会的官方授权,故事情节发生在主办城市巴西里约热内卢。<ref>{{Cite web|author=Replay Editor|url=http://www.replaymag.com/sega_june2016/|title=Sega Celebrates Sonic's 25th Birthday! - May 2016|publisher=Replay Magazine|date=1 June 2016|archivedate=24 October 2017|archiveurl=http://web.archive.org/web/20171024093921/http://www.replaymag.com/sega_june2016/|accessdate=17 August 2018|quote=Mario and Sonic have been responsible for some of the biggest selling video titles of all time, and while they’ve both been seen in a number of coin-op games, they’ve never been seen in the same one until now. This 2016 Rio Olympic Games – Arcade Edition game is the first to be officially licensed by the International Olympic Committee, by the way.}}</ref>游戏的两个版本均于2016年发行。<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://e3.nintendo.com/games/wiiu/mario-and-sonic-at-the-rio-2016-olympic-games/|title=Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games|accessdate=17 June 2015|publisher=[[Nintendo]]}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://e3.nintendo.com/games/3ds/mario-and-sonic-at-the-rio-2016-olympic-games/|title=Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games|accessdate=17 June 2015|publisher=[[Nintendo]]}}</ref>
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於 2023年5月13日 (六) 16:17 的修訂

瑪利歐&索尼克 AT 2016里約奧運
  • 體育
  • 派對
英文名Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games
系列瑪利歐 & 索尼克 系列
發行日期JP 2016 年 6 月 23 日[2]
NA 2016 年 6 月 24 日[3]
EU 2016 年 6 月 24 日
AU 2016 年 8 月 1 日
DE 2016 年 8 月 9 日[4]
平台Wii U
開發者Arzest/Spike Chunsoft

瑪利歐&索尼克 AT 2016里約奧運 (Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games マリオ&ソニック AT リオオリンピック?, Mario & Sonikku AT Rio Orinpikku) lit. "Mario & Sonic AT Rio Olympics"瑪利歐和索尼克系列的第五款遊戲,分別發行了Wii UNintendo 3DS版本。該遊戲於2015年5月31日首次在日本任天堂Direct上公佈。[5][6]







本遊戲共有35個可玩角色。所有以前遊戲中的21個角色都會在本遊戲中回歸,同時增加了14個新角色(其中13個在Nintendo 3DS版中)。在本遊戲中,以前版本中可以玩的角色在所有活動中都是可玩的,而新來者(在本遊戲中被稱為「客人」)則各自限定在一個活動中。在完成比賽後,必須打敗「客人」才能解鎖他們。

Team Sonic

圖標 角色 旗幟 簡介
索尼克 索尼克是一隻擁有高速奔跑能力的藍色刺蝟,他有着探險精神。他厭惡任何不公平的事情,並且會冒險去幫助需要幫助的人。對於索尼克來說,拯救世界只是他生活中的另一個驚險經歷。他現在希望把自己天生的速度變成一些金牌。
塔爾斯 索尼克最好的朋友和可靠的搭檔,塔爾斯可以利用他的兩個尾巴飛行,使他能夠幫助索尼克到達難以到達的地方。塔爾斯也是個技術天才,將他的機械專業知識應用於發明各種車輛和其他機械人裝置。他不畏懼索尼克的速度,決心利用自己的智慧將自己推向金牌。
艾咪 一個過於熱情但善良的刺蝟女孩,喜歡可愛的東西、甜食和購物。艾咪一直試圖縮小她和索尼克之間的差距,但藍刺蝟也是個難纏的傢伙。她希望能夠在里約熱內盧的奧運會上欣賞美景,帶着一枚金牌作為紀念品回家。
納克魯斯 納克魯斯是一隻紅色的針鼴,擁有強壯的肌肉,他可以說是索尼克「最好的敵友」。他是一名能幹的寶藏獵人,但他的直率和信任的天性有時會讓他和一些不太道德的角色牽扯在一起。他渴望在奧運會上充分測試他驚人的敏捷性和巨大的力量。
布蕾姿 布蕾姿是來自另一個維度的貴族公主,也是日耀翡翠的守護者。布蕾姿心地善良,總是站在那些無法為自己辯護的人身邊。除了運動能力外,她還有控制火焰的能力。在一段時間的離開後,她再次穿越維度,以重新點燃舊友情誼並在奧林匹克比賽中展示自己的技巧。
夏特 一個黑紅相間的刺蝟,與索尼克長得非常相似。雖然夏特似乎是索尼克的競爭對手,但他個人不喜歡兩人被看成一夥。作為一個沉默寡言的完美主義者,夏特對自己的卓越能力非常自豪。他希望奧林匹克運動會能為他提供終極的比賽,而他絕不打算輸掉。
希弗爾 來自未來的銀色刺蝟,與索尼克有着複雜的過去,但也曾與他一起進行過拯救世界的冒險。希弗爾可以利用他的念力移動物體甚至自己漂浮。他的思維方式相對直接,喜歡和平與藍天。正義和公平的奧林匹克精神吸引了希弗爾回到現在參加比賽。
蛋頭博士 這個邪惡的科學天才無需介紹。蛋頭博士一直在密謀實現他征服世界、重建為他理想的「埃格曼地」的願望,但索尼克總是設法阻止他。他目前的瘋狂計劃是贏得獎牌比賽,然後劫持比賽並將奧林匹克運動會變成他自己蛋頭贊助的活動。
金屬索尼克 這個高性能戰鬥機械人是由蛋頭博士建造的,目的是為了打敗索尼克。金屬索尼克的外形與索尼克相似,同樣擁有極快的速度、力量和耐力。像索尼克一樣,金屬索尼克計劃在奧林匹克運動會上將自己的超凡速度發揮到極致。
貝庫特 這隻狡猾的鱷魚是卡奧蒂斯偵探事務所的領袖。貝庫特的語氣粗魯,但他運用自己的推理能力以尊嚴和尊重的方式解決任何案件。貝庫特是一位真正的領袖,夢想成為富豪,但他經常因為接受那些幫助別人但是沒有報酬的工作而一貧如洗。他有很大的可能會在奧林匹克運動會上空着肚子參賽。
Icon Character Flag Playable Event(s) Profile
Espio the Chameleon Triple jump This straight-laced detective is the voice of reason in the Chaotix Detective Agency, but his reserved demeanor hides a burning sense of justice and a refusal to let evil have its way. Trained as a ninja, this chameleon is a master of throwing kunai, and can vanish using his Leaf Swirl technique. For Espio, these Olympic Games are merely a step along the path to perfecting his art.
Jet the Hawk Football
Duel Football
Jet is the leader of the Babylon Rogues, and Sonic's rival when it comes to "Extreme Gear" racing. His mastery of the board is so impressive, he's earned himself the name of "Legendary Wind Master". When he's not seeking treasure, he's looking for new speed challenges. The pace and technical skill required in ball sports caught his eye, and he intends to add a few Olympic medals to his collection.
Wave the Swallow BMX A member of the Babylon Rogues, Wave serves as the team's mechanic as well as strategist. She can't abide anyone she considers less intelligent than herself - which in her mind is pretty much everyone else. Nevertheless, she still admires Jet and serves as his faithful follower. She seems especially fond of Olympic events that involve riding on things.
Rouge the Bat Beach Volleyball
Duel Beach Volleyball
A sultry bat with an air of mystery who specializes in jewels, Rouge is a brave and seasoned spy who boasts excellent footwork in a fight. Although a treasure hunter by nature, her love for gems can sometimes cause her thieving tendencies to take over. Perhaps she entered the competition in order to get her hands on a shiny and sate her lust for glitter.
Sticks the Badger Archery A free-spirited badger who lives on the outskirts of the jungle. Sticks is a bit wild due to her woodland upbringing, but she's a talented hunter who can take down any prey with her trusty boomerang. She's also obsessed with things that glitter, and so has come to Rio after hearing she might be able to win a shiny medal.
Zavok Boxing Zavok is the strongest of the sinister Zeti and the leader of the Deadly Six. As the last disciple of Master Zik, he's a certified force to be reckoned with. Along with his formidable physical prowess, a calm demeanor and penchant for quick-thinking makes him well-suited to leadership. His greatest joy is in improving his skills, which makes the straight-forward competitive nature of the Olympic Games quite appealing.
Zazz Table Tennis The wild and crazy member of Dr. Eggman's Deadly Six, Zazz is every bit the metalhead he looks like and his unruly and unpredictable personality makes him destructive even by Deadly Six standards. He hates boredom above all else, and will fly into a rage when held back from a fight. His competitive style is a bit more chaotic than is usually seen in the Olympic Games.

Team Mario

Icon Character Flag Profile
Mario This cheerful hero is known for his red cap and mustache. He's incredibly athletic, and excels at nearly any sport he tries. He and his brother Luigi are currently competing to see who can win the most Olympic medals.
Luigi This green-capped Mario brother is easily scared, but a kind person at heart. Although he often finds himself overshadowed by his older brother, he's actually quite skillful himself. He's come to Rio with the goal of winning more Olympic medals than Mario, who always seems to hog all the attention.
Princess Peach The princess of the Mushroom Kingdom. She's come to the Olympic Games with a bevy of Toads by her side, and is driven to put on a brilliant performance in the name of all the Toads back home who couldn't attend.
Yoshi This voracious friend of the Mario brothers hails from Yoshi's Island. He uses his long tongue to eat just about anything, but is especially fond of melons and other fruits. He's attending these Olympic Games with a host of colorful friends at his side.
Princess Daisy The peppy princess from Sarasaland is having a blast at the Olympic Games! In her downtime, she plans to chow down at fine restaurants and maybe get a little shopping in with Peach.
Wario Money, money, money! This scoundrel has taken on all sorts of jobs in his pursuit for cash, including treasure hunter, adventurer, and even president of a game company. His latest scheme involved dominating the Olympic Games with the power of garlic, thus allowing him to hog all the valuable gold medals for himself.
This oddball sports a hat with an upside-down L on the front. Although his distinctively scrawny physique leaves him without much power, he makes up for it with flexibility and athleticism. Despite his seemingly lackadaisical attitude, he actually trains quite hard behind the scenes.
Bowser The vicious and egoistical King of the Koopas! He's come to these Olympic Games with a host of seasoned minions in tow, and ordered them to win gold on penalty of fire breath - even though he plans to keep all of them for himself. It's just what any good villain would do.
Bowser Jr. Bowser's prankster of a son. Since Dad spoiled him rotten, he now expects to get his way. Despite his selfishness, he still holds Father in high regard, and wants nothing more than to impress him.
Donkey Kong Although this mild-mannered king of the jungle isn't the brightest banana in the bunch, he boasts exceptional strength with which he hopes to dominate the Olympic Games. Since DK and his friends normally live in the jungle, these Olympic Games are perfect for his training regimen.
Icon Character Flag Playable Event(s) Profile
Toad 4x100m Relay One of the many Mushroom Kingdom Toads who serve Peach. Many of his fellow Toads are involved with running the Olympic Games, while others are participating in the actual events.
Rosalina Gymnastics A mysterious woman who travels aboard the Comet Observatory starship. She's taller than Peach and Daisy, and has an air of mystique about her. Having seen past Olympic Games from her observatory, she's finally decided to come enjoy the fun in person.
Dry Bowser Javelin Throw Bowser's skeletal form. This bony transformation grants him the agility of lightweight competitors while maintaining his heavyweight power. Only those who've boned up on their skill set can hope to pull off such a humorous technique.
Larry Equestrian One of Bowser's seven Koopaling henchmen. His unique ruffled mohawk and blue head star give him a flashy appearance. In the Olympic Games, he performs acrobatic movements on horseback to thrill the crowd!
Wendy 100m Freestyle Swimming This lone girl among the seven Koopalings has a bullish attitude and always seems angry. She's also very style-conscious - wearing a necklace, bracelets and high heels. Because of her personality, her only focus now is on winning the Olympic Games.
Nabbit 100m This mysterious creature carries a large sack over its shoulder, and also conducts research about Mario from a base on Secret Island. He's surprisingly fast despite the hefty sack, and hopes to use that speed to full effect in the Olympic Games.
Diddy Kong Rugby Sevens
Duel Rugby Sevens
Although this simian lacks the brute strength of his buddy Donkey Kong, he makes up for it with keen agility and technique. This skill set makes him particularly well-suited for dodging tackles in rugby sevens.



Copacabana Beach


  • Boom Boom (Rugby Sevens teammates)
  • Birdo (Football goalie)
  • Egg Pawn (Rugby Sevens teammates and Football goalie)




在 Wii U 版本的《瑪利歐&索尼克 AT 里約奧運》中,共有14個比賽項目和3個對決項目。其中三個比賽項目還有另一種形式,稱為「對決項目」,其中包含來自瑪利歐和索尼克系列的元素,取代了以前版本中的夢境比賽。

  • 足球
    • 對決足球
  • 七人制橄欖球
    • 對決七人制橄欖球
  • 沙灘排球
    • 對決沙灘排球
  • BMX(自行車越野)
  • 100米短跑
  • 三級跳遠
  • 100米自由泳
  • 拳擊
  • 馬術
  • 韻律體操
    • 音樂:
      • "From the New World - Antonín Dvořák, Symphony No. 9"
      • "Vento brasileiro"
      • "Super Bell Hill" (Remix) - Super Mario 3D World
      • "Reach for the Stars" (Arrangement) - Sonic Colors
  • 4x100米接力賽
  • 標槍
  • 射箭
  • 乒乓球


Aggregate scores
Aggregator Score
Metacritic 65%[14]
Review scores
Publication Score
Digitally Downloaded 4/5 stars[15]
ImpulseGamer 4.3/5[16]

《瑪利歐&索尼克 AT 里約奧運》在評論匯總網站Metacritic上得到了65%的評分。[14] ImpulseGamer讚揚了從前一部作品延續下來的畫面和音效,但批評了操作方式。[16]然而,福布斯認為這不是能夠取代以前的《瑪利歐與索尼克》系列的遊戲,儘管仍然適合朋友和家人一起玩。[17]其他評論者,如 Digitally Downloaded 和 Atomix,讚揚了遊戲的整體運動表現,但批評了遊戲玩法的缺乏深度以及新的奧林匹克節日。[15][18] 總的來說,遊戲缺乏挑戰和深度,其中一些事件缺乏動作控制,導致反響不太好。有些人也覺得遊戲過於重複,背叛了《瑪利歐與索尼克》系列的粉絲。[19][20]



Role English voice actor Japanese voice actor French voice actor Italian voice actor German voice actor Spanish voice actor Dutch voice actor
Announcer Tiago Augusto Souza Barreiro (male) Olivier Deslandes Angelo Cola Steffan Boje Fabio Tassone Lars Oostven
Ana Carolina Souza Barreiro (female)


Role English voice actor Japanese voice actor French voice actor Italian voice actor German voice actor Spanish voice actor
Sonic the Hedgehog Roger Craig Smith Jun'ichi Kanemaru Alexandre Gillet Renato Novara Marc Stachel Jonatán López
Miles "Tails" Prower Colleen O'Shaughnessey Ryō Hirohashi Marie-Eugénie Maréchal Benedetta Ponticelli Anke Kortemeier Graciela Molina
Knuckles the Echidna Travis Willingham Nobutoshi Canna Sébastien Desjours Maurizio Merluzzo Claus-Peter Damitz Sergio Mesa
Amy Rose Cindy Robinson Taeko Kawata Naïké Fauveau Serena Clerici Shandra Schadt Meritxell Ribera
Dr. Eggman Mike Pollock Kotaro Nakamura Marc Bretonnière Aldo Stella Hartmut Neugebauer Francesc Belda
Shadow the Hedgehog Kirk Thornton Kōji Yusa Benoît DuPac Claudio Moneta Klaus Lochthove Manuel Gimeno
Silver the Hedgehog Quinton Flynn Daisuke Ono Hervé Grull Davide Albano Roland Wolf Ángel de Gracia
Blaze the Cat Laura Bailey Nao Takamori Delphine Braillon Tania De Domenico Greta Galisch Carmen Ambrós
Vector the Crocodile Keith Silverstein Kenta Miyake Philippe Roullier Diego Sabre Andi Krösing Alfonso Vallés
Sticks the Badger Nika Futterman Aoi Yūki Claire Morin Anna Mazza Nicole Hannak Carmen Ambrós
Espio the Chameleon Matthew Mercer Yūki Masuda Antoine Nouel Silvio Pandolfi Andreas Hofer Dani Albiac
Rouge the Bat Karen Strassman Rumi Ochiai Marie Lenoir Jasmine Laurenti Marianne Graffam Ana Vidal
Wave the Swallow Kate Higgins Chie Nakamura Anouck Hautbois Deborah Morese Jennifer Weiß Laura Prats
Jet the Hawk Michael Yurchak Daisuke Kishio Benjamin Bollen Andrea De Nisco Roland Wolf Sergio Mesa
Zavok Travis Willingham Jōji Nakata Benoît Allemane Gianni Gaude Klaus Lochthove Miguel Ángel Jenner
Zazz Liam O'Brien Yutaka Aoyama Gilbert Levy Diego Sabre Gerold Ströher Rafael Parra
Cream the Rabbit Michelle Ruff Sayaka Aoki Marie Millet Sabrina Bonfitto Nicole Hannak Geni Rey
Charmy Bee Colleen O'Shaughnessey Yōko Teppōzuka Emanuela Pacotto Luisa Wietzorek Graciela Molina
Orbot Kirk Thornton Mitsuo Iwata Tony Marot Massimo Di Benedetto Romanus Fuhrmann Albert Vilcan
Cubot Wally Wingert Wataru Takagi Benjamin Pascal Luca Sandri Matthias Horn Xadi Mouslemeni Mateu
Omochao Laura Bailey Etsuko Kozakura
Big the Cat Kyle Hebert Takashi Nagasako


Role Voice actor
Mario Charles Martinet
Peach Samantha Kelly
Daisy Deanna Mustard
Rosalina Laura Faye Smith
Yoshi Kazumi Totaka
Donkey Kong Takashi Nagasako
Diddy Kong Katsumi Suzuki
Bowser Kenny James
Dry Bowser
Bowser Jr. Caety Sagoian
Larry Koopa Michelle Hippe
Wendy O. Koopa Ashley Flannegan
Nabbit Natsuko Yokoyama
Boom Boom Sho Murata
Lakitu Tadd Morgan
Pianta Scott Burns
Shy Guy Nate Bihldorff


  1. "Zoney (@TwilightZoney) on Twitter". 18 November 2017. Retrieved 24 November 2022. Zoney: A lot of Hedgehog Engine 2's file formats were already in Mario and Sonic Rio Olympics. And we just never knew it... Shaders/Material setups/Texture naming/Lightfield stuff pretty much everything...
  2. "マリオ&ソニック AT リオオリンピック" (in Japanese). Nintendo (JP).{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  3. "Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games". Nintendo (US). Archived from the original on 3 July 2018.
  4. Thigolf (12 January 2016). "Potentieller Releasetag für Mario & Sonic 2016 Wii U aufgetaucht [Update]" (in German). Spin Dash.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  5. "Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games unveiled for Wii U and 3DS". Sonic Stadium. 31 May 2015. Retrieved 31 May 2015.
  6. "Nintendo Direct 2015.5.31 プレゼンテーション映像". YouTube. 31 May 2015. Retrieved 31 May 2015.
  7. Replay Editor (1 June 2016). "Sega Celebrates Sonic's 25th Birthday! - May 2016". Replay Magazine. Archived from the original on 24 October 2017. Retrieved 17 August 2018. Mario and Sonic have been responsible for some of the biggest selling video titles of all time, and while they've both been seen in a number of coin-op games, they've never been seen in the same one until now. This 2016 Rio Olympic Games – Arcade Edition game is the first to be officially licensed by the International Olympic Committee, by the way. {{cite web}}: |author= has generic name (help)
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