
Lumina Flowlight



— 露米娜·弗洛光,《Sonic Shuffle

露米娜·弗洛光 (ルミナ・フロウライト Rumina Furouraito?) 是出現在索尼克系列的一個角色。她是夢幻世界統治者艾露米娜的一半,代表着給人們帶來夢想的積極情感。露米娜被創造後,成為了寶石之心的保護者。當它被她的另一半,虛空,破壞後,露米娜努力在索尼克和他的朋友們的幫助下恢復它,最終與虛空重聚。

歷史[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

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《Sonic Shuffle》[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Sonic Shuffle中,作為她信息的回應,索尼克塔爾斯納克魯斯艾咪被傳送到了夢幻世界。然而,由於來的人太少,露米娜擔心人們已經忘記了夢想和夢幻世界。[4]



File:Lumina and Void.png
露米娜和虛空重聚,來自Sonic Shuffle



性格[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Lumina是一個充滿活力的年輕女孩。儘管她看上去很孩子氣,但她說話的方式非常成熟和理智。她很固執,無論情況有多糟,都不會放棄。[5] 但當只有少數人回應了她的信息後,Lumina開始擔心人們已經放棄了夢想,忘記了Maginaryworld,這讓她擔心會變得孤單。[4] 隨着時間的推移,Lumina的疑慮越來越多,直到她陷入了絕望,但在Sonic和其他人的幫助下,她重新找回了信仰。


能力與技巧[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


角色關係[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

朋友/盟友[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

其他媒體[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Archie漫畫[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

File:Lumina Flowligtht (Archie).jpg
來自Sonic the Hedgehog #92的Lumina Flowlight。

在由Archie Comics出版的Sonic the Hedgehog漫畫系列及其衍生作品中,Lumina作為他們對Sonic Shuffle的改編的一部分出現。就像在遊戲中一樣,她是由Illumina創造的,當這位女神陷入自我懷疑時。她 enlist 了SonicTailsKnucklesAmy的幫助,以恢復Master Precioustone,在Void將其打碎後,最終回歸到她原來的存在。

台詞[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

"...Please, please help me! I need your help! I need to gather the pieces of the Precioustone!"
—Lumina asking Sonic and his friends for help
"Please! Stop! Please don't destroy the Precioustone! Please don't destroy our world made of everyone's dreams!!"
—Lumina telling Void to stop his actions
"The spirit of dreams are to travel through air, land, sea, and even between stars... There may be differences but the spirit is the same... like the phoenix."
—Lumina about the spirit of freedom and dreams
"Nature is so beautiful! You have to respect Mother Nature. Our dreams... A world we want to protect... But... Sometimes people forget to love Mother Nature... I'm afraid... nobody will wish for this world..."
—Lumina about the Nature Zone
"Everyone's dreams... What is a dream? Is it the wish to do something, become something or change something?"
—Lumina about the nature of dreams
"But... There are many different kinds of dreams. Ambition, Possession, Domination... These are dreams from the dark realm."
—Lumina about dark dreams
"A heart... a delicate and precious thing that can be broken easily. But everyone has a darkside deep in their heart. At times, people can be trapped in their worst nightmare. But they won't know that they are trapped."
—Lumina about the darkness in people's hearts
"...Thank you everyone. I was probably the one... who had lost myself in my dark feelings..."
—Lumina after coming out of her despair

冷知識[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  • Lumina與Nights有很強的相似性。
  • Dreamcast的日期設置為12月24日(或者當遊戲機的內部時鐘識別到那一天到來時),Nights會替代Lumina,除了在劇情片段中。

圖冊[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

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參考資料[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  1. Sonic Team, Hudson Soft (14 November 2000). Sonic Shuffle. Dreamcast. Sega. Area/Level: Opening sequence. "Lumina: Illumina, the Goddess of Dreams, and I are the protectors of the Precioustone."
  2. 2.0 2.1 Sonic Shuffle (Dreamcast) North American instruction booklet, pg. 2.
  3. Sonic Team, Hudson Soft (14 November 2000). Sonic Shuffle. Dreamcast. Sega. Area/Level: Opening sequence. "Lumina: When the Precioustone shattered, Illumina lost her powers and became a prisoner in a faraway world..."
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Sonic Team, Hudson Soft (14 November 2000). Sonic Shuffle. Dreamcast. Sega. Area/Level: Riot Train. "Lumina: I sent everybody a message. To the people who dreamed of this world. But... You were the only one who answered. My message did not reach anybody else. Nobody dreams of this world. Did everyone forget to dream? Is a dream not precious any more? Am I the only one who is all alone?"
  5. Sonic Shuffle (Dreamcast) North American instruction booklet, pg. 23.

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