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這篇文章涉及到Sonic Adventure 2測試版元素



File:SonicAdventure2 UnusedEye1.png

在遊戲文件中似乎有不同的圖形用於Emerald Radar,這最有可能是用作Egg Quarters中的雷達來探測Egg Beetle,但這個想法最終被放棄。


File:SonicAdventure2 RandomRing.png
Random Ring icon.

遊戲文件中有一個Item Box圖像,上面有一個帶問號的Ring。根據原始文件名,這會給玩家一個隨機數量的金環。


所有的Dreamcast版本的可解鎖多人遊戲角色(Amy, Metal Sonic, Chao Walker, Big, TikalChaos) 都有自己的life圖標,但由於該模式不使用生命系統,所以它們未被使用。


File:SonicAdevnture2 DarkUnused.png
Multiplayer graphic.



與遊戲的各個方面相關的未使用文本有很多,例如Chao RaceDreamcast版本中被取消的世界排名,這使用了日文文本。





有一些解釋Level Up Item和特殊攻擊的視頻在最終遊戲中沒有出現,儘管它們仍然可以在角色的文件中找到。


File:SonicAdventure2 UnusedSceneSelectIcon.png

Dark story的場景選擇中有一個選項可以在第二次Sonic boss battle中開始遊戲。但是,玩家必須完成一個關卡才能訪問Hero story中的等效部分,因為其場景選擇不包括相應的boss battle。不過,該選項的圖標確實存在,與Dark story的場景選擇中使用的圖標略有不同。


Shadow's afterimage model.

當Sonic執行他自己版本的Light Dash時,可以看到殘影模型。然而,儘管遊戲文件中存儲了殘影模型,但當執行該動作時,Shadow並沒有使用他的殘影模型。


File:SonicAdventure2 y renda02.png
Monitor screen texture.

左側的屏幕本應在Dr. Eggman的監視器上顯示,這是在他意識到Sonic的團隊從金字塔基地到達Space Colony ARK的過程中的一個剪輯,但它從未顯示過並且已經被替換了。







導彈有一個選項可以阻止發射器打開並發射導彈,除非某些敵人被擊敗,就像Prison Lane和設置在Space Colony ARK的關卡中的門一樣。儘管這是一個完全功能性的選項,但遊戲中沒有導彈被設置為這樣,所以這一功能未被使用。


File:SA2 Iron Gate dash pad.png

Iron Gate的第一個鎖定門後,有一個帶有電梯的房間,該電梯通往一個狹窄的隧道。在隧道通向的房間之前,右側的牆內有一個Dash Panel


White Jungle包含了Green Forest早期版本的一些殘餘物。一些物體的屬性已損壞,但如果將Green Forest的物體文件替換為White Jungle的文件,那麼場外的物體將完美匹配該關卡。

區域的起點附近,有一個放置不當的Dash Panel,位於起始隧道的正下方。此外,還有兩個額外的衝刺面板,位於Shadow在起始隧道開始時使用的衝刺面板的稍下方,這使它們變得無用。GameCube版本中也存在這兩個衝刺面板。

視野之外還有更多的物體,這些物體表明這個關卡在開發過程中經歷了重大的變化。這些物體包括浮動的平台、一對Ring軌跡、更多的衝刺面板、兩個無敵 Item Box、一個奇怪的旋轉物體和眾多的Beetle Series敵人。這些物體似乎與任何東西都沒有太大的關聯,沒有作弊代碼,玩家無法觸及它們。

在GameCube版本上,這些物體的排列已經被重新安排。它們保持了相同的格式,但物品盒和奇怪的旋轉物體已經消失,與此同時,Beetle Series敵人執行了不同的操作。當Shadow觸摸關卡的Goal Ring後,四個金環會在屏幕之外出現。這些金環由於某種原因排列不均勻,並且在遊戲結束之前無法收集。


通過修改玩法,使SonicShadowMeteor Herd中玩時,可以找到一個隱藏的Grind Rail。這個軌道的一端開始於中央塔,然後陡然向下通過兩個連續的loop,最後結束在關卡的起點附近。


File:SonicAdventure2B FinalChase.png

如果玩家轉向Shadow並向後研磨在開始的Grind Rail上,他最終會遇到一個將他彈入bottomless pit的屏幕之外的Spring

多人模式City Escape

Dreamcast版本的遊戲文件包含一個未使用的對象佈局,用於多人模式的City Escape,它與Sonic Adventure 2: Battle的正常版本和多人模式版本都大不相同。由於不完整的City Escape在多人模式中從未使用過,所以這個佈局完全未被使用。值得注意的是,這個佈局更像是Sonic Adventure 2: The Trial中的City Escape版本,而不是遊戲的最終版本。

多人模式Cosmic Wall

出於某種原因,大部分的物體和Cosmic Wall的部分幾何結構在Sonic Adventure 2: Battle的關卡的雙人版本中都被加載了,這通常只包括一個有三個層級的平台。它通常是看不見的,但可以使用月跳代碼到達。





某些關卡的奇怪位置可以找到隱藏的戒指,通常位於起點的下方。如果沒有死或擁有Thunder Shield來吸引它們,通常是無法獲得它們的。



黑市原本打算出現在遊戲的Dreamcast版本中,但最終被取消,只出現在Sonic Adventure 2: Battle中。




File:Sa2 ChaoLibraryLevel.png

曾經計劃建立一個Chao圖書館,玩家可以從Chao Kindergarten進入。在圖書館裏,玩家可以下載或創建Chao Adventure 2的新故事。雖然這從未完全實現,但Chao Adventure 2仍然擁有支持多個故事所需的模塊設計。光盤上有一個文件(OSAMPO2S)代表一個空白的Chao Adventure 2 VMU程序,沒有Chao或故事加載,它與Chao數據和故事文件結合。在VMU上運行空白程序不會崩潰,並顯示沒有Chao可用的消息。光盤上有十個故事文件,每種語言有兩個文件。




Sonic Adventure 2 包含了二十種獨特的 Chao。但是,其中只有十種,包括可下載的Chao,可以被玩家獲得。在遊戲中,大部分無法獲得的品種通常只能通過某些Chao比賽看到,但可以通過作弊在花園中看到。

Sonic Adventure 2: Battle 中,大部分來自Dreamcast版本的未使用Chao被移除,然後在其位置上增加了更多未使用的Chao。


除了Sonic Adventure 2: Battle中的無法獲得的Chao,還有它們的獨特類型的蛋。唯一沒有相應蛋的Chao是月亮Chao







片段 角色 台詞 備註
File:SA2-unused sonic-pain.mp3
Sonic Those robots are a total pain in the- Intended for the cutscene introducing Shadow in the Hero story.
Shadow My name is Shadow. The greatest life form who was given the power of Chaos Control from Pr. Gerald.
File:SA2-unused sonic-shoot.mp3
Sonic Shoot...
GUN Soldier There's a dead end up ahead. Spread out and find them. Intended the scene where Tails decides to intercept the President's limo to figure out where Dr. Eggman is. It was removed from the English version.
Shadow I see... We really do seem to look alike. A reflection in the mirror... you're like my shadow...
Shadow Impostor? Heh, aren't you the fake one here? No... aren't you on a completely different level... to be called fake? This line was repurposed for the cutscene in Green Forest.
Knuckles What?! A ghost? A more frightened version of Knuckles' line before his fight with King Boom Boo.
Eggman From this moment forward, you are all citizens of the great Eggman empire! For the "Day X" cutscene.
Tails It's not fair, Eggman! As Dr. Eggman shoots Sonic into space. Eggman's reply exists as a single line in the game files of the Preview, and is removed from the final version's files.
Eggman I can choose any means for my goals!! That's my policy!
Eggman We may be partners, but this doesn't mean I trust you. Intended for the end of Dr. Eggman and Rouge's first encounter.
Rouge Bad day or what?
Sonic No worries, Egghead! Just after Sonic's comment on Knuckles piloting the shuttle to the Space Colony ARK.
Sonic I don't really care that much. Intended for after Eggman demanded he hand over the Emerald to save Amy.
Sonic There's no time for this! Intended for the cutscene where Sonic and Knuckles come across the Biolizard. Sonic would have said this after Knuckles identified it as the sealed prototype.

這些台詞出現在 Mission Street 之前的過場動畫之後,並且沒有對應的英文台詞。它們似乎是早期劇本的一部分,因為在最後一場比賽中Tails使用總統的豪華轎車來定位博士

Clip Character Transcript
English Japanese
Amy What are you doing, Tails? どうなの? テイルス?
Tails Just a little more... Bingo! Detection successful!! Um, the remaining Chaos Emerald's location is... Uh. もう少し… ビンゴッ! 探知成功!! えーと、殘りのカオスエメラルドの位置は…っと
Amy What's wrong? どうしたの?
Tails ARK... The first man-made space colony that got sealed off due to an accident 50 years ago. アーク…50年前に事故で封鎖された人類最初のスペースコロニー
Amy What does that mean? どういうこと?
Tails Eggman's gang is in space right now. We'll have no choice but to go to space and attack that weapon directly in order to stop it. エッグマン達は今宇宙にいるんだ あの兵器を止めるには宇宙に行って、直接破壊するしかないよ
Amy What'd you say?! なんですってぇー!?


Clip Character Transcript Notes
Secretary The space colony is still accelerating toward earth. In five minutes, there will be no way to stop it.
President Nothing can stop the colony now.
Rouge Mr. President, don't give up just yet! Sonic and his friends can still help us.
Secretary I've located the two hedgehogs. They're in the lower quadrant. The space colony has entered the Earth's atmosphere and it's accelerating.
President That's ridiculous. There's no way two hedgehogs can stop the colony now.
Amy They can! I believe in them! Together, they can do it. I just know it!
Tails Go for it, Sonic! Supposed to be played during the cutscene after the final boss.
Eggman Shadow, we're counting on you!
Rouge I'm counting on both of you!
Amy Hang in there, Sonic! Shadow!
Secretary There's an emergency message from the space bureau. They're tracking the space colony's re-entry trajectory, and it seems to have re-appeared in quadrant L1. These lines would have appeared before the credits roll.
President You know when I was a kid, I used to dream about heroes like them and their heroic deeds.
Secretary Mister president, that's why you should be like them. Never give up, believing in your dreams.
Tails Where are you going? These lines were omitted from the ending credits.
Eggman Next time, I will pull this off without anyone's help. I will use my own power to take over the world.
Eggman Next time we meet, all bets are off!
Tails Same here!


Clip Character Transcript Notes
Tails Something's on the radar! We are very close! Intended for Route 101.
Rouge The signal is strong... The emerald's close! Yes! I've got it! Intended for Route 280.
Sonic It's no use! Intended for the Shadow vs. Sonic fights.
Sonic Heh! Is that all you got?
Shadow I'll show you the power of the real ultimate lifeform! Intended for the Biolizard boss battle.

Boss 戰

Clip Character Transcript
Eggman Hahahaha! What's wrong?! Ready to surrender?
Eggman Hahahaha! Now, give me the emerald!
Rouge Now it's my turn to take what's mine.
Shadow Tch! Not even close.
Sonic Uh! My emerald! Give it back!
Tails What's up? Ready to surrender?!
Tails Take that, Eggman! You ready to give up?


In Sonic Adventure 2, the characters have two unique idle lines per stage. However, in the Japanese voice files of the game, Sonic and Knuckles each have a third unique quote for Final Rush and Meteor Herd, respectively. 在「索尼克冒險2」中,角色每個關卡有兩條獨特的空閒線。然而,在遊戲的日文語音文件中,索尼克納克魯斯分別對最終衝刺流星群都有第三個獨特的台詞, 分別。

Clip Character Transcript Notes
English Japanese
Sonic My feet would rather stick to the ground! Isn't that right? オレの足のついてるほうが地面さ!そうだろ? Intended for Final Rush.
Knuckles I'm the one who's digging into a meteorite with my bare hands! 隕石を素手で掘ってるヤツなんてオレくらいだぜ! Intended for Meteor Herd.


在「索尼克大冒險 2」中,有幾行默認菜單語音從未使用:

Clip Transcript
Type Select
Emblem Records.
Kart Racing.

Secretary Variant

The Secretary theme has a variant of all the lines where the player is referred to as "Mr. President":

Clip Transcript
Which story do you wish to try, Mr. President?
Please choose a scene, Mr. President.
Please choose a character. Mr. President.
Is this the stage you would like to go to, Mr. President?
Which story are you interested in, Mr. President?
Please take a look at your past results, Mr. President.
Consider which one you prefer, Mr. President.
Which game would you like to play, Mr. President?
You can change things to your liking here, Mr. President.
Which music would you like to listen to, Mr. President?
Please enter your ID and password, Mr. President.
Please choose a file, Mr. President.
Is there a memory card in your controller, Mr. President?
There's just not enough memory to save your game, Mr. President.
Well done, Mr. President.
Is this okay with you, Mr. President?
Check how others rank in the world, Mr. President.
This is the result of the emblems collected so far, Mr. President.
This is the kart driving game, Mr. President.
Here are the events downloaded so far, Mr. President.
Would you like to customise the main menu, Mr. President?
Please make your selection carefully, Mr. President.
Accessing the central computer, Mr. President.


Clip Character Transcript
Default menu voice World Ranking
Sonic Check out World Rankings!
Tails Compete with people around the world!
Knuckles Find out how you rank with those around the world!
Shadow World Rankings
Rouge There's only one number 1!
Dr. Eggman World conquest is your goal!
Amy See how you rank with your friends around the world!
Omochao You can compete with people around the world!
Maria You can see the rankings of people around the world!
Secretary Check how others rank in the world.
Default menu voice Access to the database.
Sonic Updating database.
Tails Connecting to the internet!
Knuckles Connecting to the database.
Shadow Update the database.
Rouge Accessing the server.
Dr. Eggman Updating the database!
Secretary Accessing the central computer.
Sonic Enter your ID and password.
Dr. Eggman
Maria Tell me your ID and password!
Secretary Please enter your ID and password.




Clip Transcript Notes
Special attacks are awarded after collecting 20, 50 and 100 rings. This line points to an earlier requirement for special attacks. The clip used in-game mentions the correct requirements of 20, 40 and 60 rings.
When the health gauge at the top of the screen becomes zero, you die. Referring to Tails and Eggman's Health Gauges. In the final version, the line correctly says that it is at the bottom of the screen.
In certain places, you can perform action combos to score technique points Explanation for Trick Actions.
Press A button while in midair to glide. But you already knew that Explanation for Gliding.
Try the screw kick technique. Full circle on the analog thumb pad, plus B button Explanation for Rouge's Screw Kick.
Try the Magic Hand technique. It turns enemies into balls. Use these balls to defeat other enemies Explanation for Sonic's Magic Gloves Level Up Item.
The Sunglasses will allow you to see things you couldn't before. It may even help you locate the emeralds quicker Explanation for Knuckles' Sunglasses Level Up Item.
Did you get the Shovel Claw? In mid-jump press B button to dig into the ground Explanation for Knuckles' Shovel Claw Level Up Item.
Get the Hammer Gloves and use them to break open the steel containers Explanation for Knuckles' Hammer Gloves Level Up Item.
After picking up an item, hold B button to shake it Explanation for picking up items.
To bust a trick on the rail, press A button at the right time to perform cool tricks Explanation for Grinding on Grind Rails.
There are three Master Emeralds hidden in this stage. Use your radar and hints to find them all Oddly, this line says "Master Emeralds" instead of "Emerald Shards".
Let me tell you about Sonic and Shadow games This line is used in-game, but not in the non-robotic voice used here.
Let me tell you about Tails and Eggman games
Let me tell you about Knuckles and Rouge games
Hi, I'm Omochao! Let me be your guide! Select the category that you would like to explore. There are no categories in the game where this line could appear.
To visit the Chao Kindergarten, you have to go online. Make sure to ask your parents first! The Chao Kindergarten is so much fun! Intended for the Chao Kindergarten, as it was originally going to be online exclusive.
There is also the black market, where you can download a lot of surprises! Intended for the Black Market, which was not present in the Dreamcast version of the game.
You can download a new scenario of Chao Adventure from the library! Intended for a planned downloadable scenario for Chao Adventure.
A message for the Chao Kindergarten. Check the bulletin board! At some point, players would have been able to access a different bulletin board system in the Chao Kindergarten.
Visit the parks and classrooms to meet new friends from around the world! The place of which this line speaks of is inaccessible in the final version.
Did you know the doctor's mustache is fake? In Lego Dimensions, this voice clip is referenced in the Sonic the Hedgehog Level Pack.
I'll use my propeller to fly in space. Why is that?
I wonder how Big is doing...
Made in the U.S.A. for our fans!
My allowance is all gone!
Don't make fun of me!
Am I annoying you?
The Chao Kindergarten is so much fun! Omochao wants to go the Chao Kindergarten!
Uh, oh! Your Chao has become a Dark Chao. I don't know what to do
A new gate has opened
Ow-owch! Chao doctor, help me!
Omochao knows everything!
Omochao wants to be Chao!


Clip Transcript Notes
This is the lantern room. Aren't the blue flames pretty? Intended for Aquatic Mine.
This is the ghost. There are a lot of spirits here.
Watch the enemy detector, which is next to the emerald radar! If the detector lights up, be careful! Explains how Rouge's intended radar for the Egg Beetle would have worked in the Egg Quarters.
Don't let go of the analog thumb pad while doing the loop-de-loop! Intended for Metal Harbor.
This is the bumpy planet. Intended for Mad Space.
This is the dimpled meteorite. Looks like you can't go up! Intended for Meteor Herd, showcasing an earlier idea of having many different types of Meteorites.
This is the huge meteorite. Beware of falling meteorites!
This is the small meteorite. Watch for dangerous traps!
This is the holy meteorite. If you fall in, you die.
This is the cracked meteorite.
This is the huge meteorite. Beware of falling meteorites!
This is the meteorite with a huge wall.
This is the tunnel meteorite.
I sense an electrical disturbance here. The detector is not working right. About the Hint Boxes in Mad Space.
These ghosts sure like teasing you. Kinda scary though.
Be careful of the Artificial Chaos' sting. It hurts!
Be careful of the traps that are around here. Intended for the second Shadow vs. Sonic fight.
Attack Sonic when he is trapped and weakened.
To avoid the missile, hide behind the wall. Intended for the second battle between Tails and Eggman.
Phew! That big truck scared me. This line would go on to appear in City Escape in Sonic Adventure 2: Battle.
Hmm... this looks like a game I've seen before. This line would go on to appear in Crazy Gadget in Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. It is a reference to Tetris.
This fog reminds me of San Francisco. This line would go on to appear in White Jungle in Sonic Adventure 2: Battle.

Dreamcast版本中,無法在攜帶Omochao的情況下完成關卡,但在Sonic Adventure 2: Battle中,一些關卡在Goal Ring處增加了Omochao。玩家可以撿起他並與他一起完成關卡,從而出現這些語音線。這需要使用"moonjump"作弊代碼[note 1]來完成指定的關卡。然而,這些台詞在兩個版本的遊戲文件中都可以找到。

Clip Transcript Stage
What are you thinking, trying to finish this stage with me? Wild Canyon
All I can see is water. Where is my home? Metal Harbor
I gotta get outta here before the island blows up! Green Forest
Wow, that was scary. I'm going home to watch TV. Pyramid Cave
Where am I? Somebody help me. Death Chamber
How'd I get into outer space? Oh well. Meteor Herd
I feel dizzy. Radical Highway
I'm going to play with the turtle now! Sonic or Shadow in Dry Lagoon
Let me out of this safe! Sonic or Shadow in Security Hall
I can't believe you cleared the stage holding me! Sonic or Shadow in some stages


Sonic Adventure 2中,Chao幼兒園的Chao醫生會用各種台詞描述玩家的Chao,但這些台詞在隨後的移植版中被刪除了。其中包括描述玩家角色與Chao關係的台詞。令人驚訝的是,在查看遊戲文件時,可以看到Chao醫生也有關於Amy的台詞:

  • "Looks like this Chao likes Amy a lot."
  • "Looks like this Chao likes Amy."
  • "Looks like this Chao wants to be friends with Amy."
  • "Looks like this Chao does not like Amy."
  • "Looks like this Chao hates Amy."


File:Sa2b unused continue.ogg

Sonic Adventure繼續音樂被保留到Sonic Adventure 2中。然而,由於後者遊戲沒有"繼續"系統,這段音樂沒有被使用。


最初,有三個名為"BASIC TEST"、"KNUCKLES TEST"和"SONIC TEST"的測試關卡。儘管"BASIC TEST"後來會包括在GameCube版本中,但這三個關卡在Dreamcast版本中都不存在。然而,這些關卡的任務文本和一些紋理仍然可以在遊戲文件中找到:


  • Level 0
    • 1st Mission: Make sure we debug this!
    • 2nd Mission: Find 100 bugs!
    • 3rd Mission: Find bugs that you could not find!
    • 4th Mission: Debugged in 2 minutes!
    • Last Mission: Try bug 0!


  • Level 2
    • 1st Mission: This stage is cool!


A Japanese hint for "KNUCKLES TEST" can be found in the game files. It contains the following string repeated five times:

  • "このメッセージはテストナリよ。" (Kono messēji wa tesutonari yo.?) which, when translated, means "This message is for a test".


未使用的《Sonic Adventure 2: Battle》開場動畫

從《Sonic Adventure 2: Battle》的事件目錄中可以找到Dreamcast版本原始開場動畫的文件,但在調試菜單的事件測試中雖然可以訪問,但並不播放。

儘管如此,在被移植到Radical Highway序列之前,該場景似乎已經進行了一些工作。查看該場景的紋理可以發現,它們與原始遊戲中使用的紋理略有不同。


當《Sonic Adventure 2: Battle》的開場動畫結束時,遊戲的標誌出現。這個標誌是3D呈現的,因此有兩個版本——一個使用日本標誌,另一個使用英文標誌。然而,由於一個疏忽,存儲英文標誌的特殊發光效果的視頻文件被遺棄,而存儲日文標誌的特效視頻文件被用於英文和日文標誌。因此,發光效果與標誌的英文文本不匹配。

在2012年重製的《Sonic Adventure 2》中,這個問題得到了修復。


這個遊戲的角色菜單主題原本是要在線下載的。然而,ShadowAmyOmochaoMariaSecretary的主題從未公開,因此它們的音頻和圖形都未被使用。這些主題仍然存在於《Sonic Adventure 2: Battle》中,可以在遊戲中解鎖。




  • 列表包含了幾個角色的測試關卡。
  • 一個列為「無名」的未知關卡/boss。
  • Egg Golem僅命名為"Golem",而Biolizard則被命名為"The Biohazard"。

Cannon's Core提示文件

Cannon's Core的遊戲文件中,存在KnucklesRouge的提示文件,但它們的內容似乎只是Wild CanyonDry Lagoon的日文提示的複製品。


E3 2000預告片

早期的GUN Military Truck
  • 在遊戲的預告片中,Sonic在Green Forest中喘氣。由於某種原因,他的上半身被大大地加深了顏色。
  • Sonic在一個未知的劇情片段中講話,這是Sonic首次展示出有獨立的手指以及新的嘴部位置。它還看起來相當模糊,像是一個紋理,與最終版本不同。
  • 還有一個劇情片段,Sonic指向某物。這個攝像機在最終版本中是不同的,他使用了一個類似的動畫來呼叫Shadow。其中的拍攝地點與boss battle area不同。
  • Sand Ocean的音樂在遊戲的alpha和最終版本之間有所改變。
File:GBA VMU.jpg
早期的Transporter Machine
  • 展示《Sonic Adventure 2: Battle》原本是不需要Chao Transporter Machine來工作的早期圖片,在遊戲宣佈後分發了一段時間。從這個版本到最終版本,有很多的外觀變化:
    • 在原型中,Game Boy Advance是紅色的,並在正面上有'GAMEBOY ADVANCE'的啟動屏。在最終遊戲中,Game Boy Advance是白色的,並有一個模仿啟動屏的畫面,上面寫着"CHAO ADVENTURE"。
    • 另一個外觀變化是機器的顏色。原型是黃色和綠色,但最終是藍色和橙色。



2000年底或2001年初,伴隨《Phantasy Star Online》作為附贈光盤為Dreamcast發佈了Sonic Adventure 2的試玩版。唯一可以玩的關卡是City Escape,背景音樂是稍有不同的器樂版本。在這個版本中,Sonic穿着他的傳統鞋子,而不是Grind Shoes,他的藍色比遊戲的最終版本淺。剪輯的字幕和部分音效也有所不同。City Escape中的一些海報也進行了更改,宣傳的是Phantasy Star Online


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索尼克冒險2:預覽版是2001年3月18日構建的Sonic Adventure 2原型版本,作為向新聞界的預覽而發送。與最終版本最明顯的區別是菜單屏幕,允許玩家選擇Hero或Dark side。選擇一個方向後,玩家可以選擇與該方向的對應角色玩遊戲。Hero的故事有四個可玩的關卡;SonicCity EscapeGreen ForestTailsPrison Lane,和KnucklesWild Canyon。Dark的故事只有三個階段;ShadowRadical HighwayEggmanSand Ocean,和RougeDry Lagoon


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索尼克冒險2:TRIAL版本是為了產生宣傳而贈送給日本某些商店的Sonic Adventure 2原型版本。主要階段中唯一可玩的角色是SonicShadow,同時還提供了多人遊戲選項。



Space World demo

在2001年Space World的遊戲公告中,從最終版本的遊戲文件中可以找到標題屏幕的部分內容,其中仍在使用原始的標誌,並帶有子標題。這個版本與最終版本的區別在於,Hero角色顯示在右邊,Dark角色顯示在左邊。丟失的Chao也在不同的位置。此外,背景上的浮動球體是背景圖像的一部分,而不是單獨的圖形效果。

來自Space World版本的即將推出的橫幅和選擇菜單也存在於最終版本的遊戲文件中。演示的選擇菜單可以讓玩家選擇在單人或多人中玩Green ForestCity Escape


最終版本的文件中也存在來自東京遊戲展演示的殘留精靈圖。它們與Space World演示版本非常相似,區別僅在於,日文版的Sonic Adventure 2: Battle標誌代替了原始的英文Sonic Adventure 2標誌。




  1. "[SA2B] "All" the Unused Models". Chao Island. 11 May 2016. Retrieved 14 September 2016.
  2. Sonic Cult



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