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Sonic Riders (ソニックライダーズ Sonikku Raidāzu?)刺猬索尼克 系列中的一款赛车视频游戏,也是 Sonic Riders 系列的首款游戏。该游戏由 Sonic Team 开发,并由 Sega 在2006年出版,以庆祝 Sonic 系列的15周年纪念





File:Sonic Riders Heroes intro 28.png
索尼克 第一次面对 鹰杰特

某个晚上,在 金属城索尼克泰尔斯纳克尔斯 正在寻找一颗 混沌翡翠。然而,泰尔斯的 翡翠探测器 警告说有东西干扰了翡翠的信号。突然,三个身影骑着 极限装备 从附近的窗户冲出来,警察紧随其后。泰尔斯发现这些人物拥有混沌翡翠,于是三人便开始追逐他们。当绿色人物轻松超过索尼克时,纳克尔斯将灰色人物从他的 极限装备 上打下来。一个紫色人物接住她的伙伴并快速离开,泰尔斯注意到他们丢下的极限装备上有一只鸟的标志。索尼克随后使用这个装备追赶他们,最终赶上了绿色人物,后者承认索尼克在使用极限装备上还不错。但这个人物突然让索尼克措手不及,从他头上跳过,击晕了他。当这个人物嘲笑索尼克并带着他的队友离开时,索尼克与泰尔斯和纳克尔斯重逢,兴奋地认为他现在有了一个新的对手。

第二天,索尼克、泰尔斯和纳克尔斯注意到本地屏幕正在播放由 蛋头博士 宣布的消息,他宣布组织了一场名为 "EX世界大奖赛" 的极限装备锦标赛,参赛者需以一颗混沌翡翠作为报名费,获胜者将获得全部七颗混沌翡翠。尽管索尼克起初看似不以为然,但蛋头博士展示了三名当前参赛者:鹰杰特燕韦芙信天翁斯托姆;正是索尼克遇到的同三个人。这引起了刺猬的注意,使他、泰尔斯和纳克尔斯加入了锦标赛。

经过在金属城和 溅水峡谷 的几场比赛后,三人遇到了 艾米,她透露自己也报名参加了锦标赛,为的是和索尼克在一起。随后泰尔斯表示,他认为鹰杰特、燕韦芙和信天翁斯托姆可能是一群传说中的盗贼,名为 "巴比伦流氓",据传他们住在一个名为 巴比伦花园 的漂浮岛上。他还解释说,据传说,巴比伦人 的行为激怒了神明,神明将巴比伦花园投入了 地球 深处。但同样的传说也声称岛上有宝藏。此后,英雄们遇到了燕韦芙,她嘲笑泰尔斯手中的极限装备 蓝星,称其为“一堆垃圾”。尽管英雄们对她的行为感到愤怒,但他们没有注意到她在蓝星上安置了一个炸弹。

后来,在 蛋工厂,纳克尔斯与信天翁斯托姆进行了短暂的战斗,意外地损坏了一个 E-10000R。最后,他们决定用一场比赛来解决问题,纳克尔斯赢得了比赛。之后,英雄们在 绿洞 观看索尼克练习他的极限装备。在那里,他们找到了鹰杰特,后者说虽然索尼克跑得很快,但在极限装备上并不令人印象深刻。鹰杰特随后离开,泰尔斯回忆起燕韦芙对他的极限装备的评论。为了不让燕韦芙占上风,泰尔斯承诺索尼克,他将为他们揭开极限装备的秘密。之后,泰尔斯与燕韦芙进行了一场比赛,最终他赢得了比赛。

接下来,在 沙漠遗迹小超 正在主持EX世界大奖赛的最后一场比赛。艾米为即将与鹰杰特竞赛的索尼克加油。鹰杰特再次嘲笑索尼克,说他显然是因为运气而不是技巧赢得了之前的比赛,尽管索尼克相信自己会赢。比赛结束时,索尼克即将击败鹰杰特。然而,燕韦芙引爆了索尼克极限装备上的炸弹,摧毁了索尼克的蓝星,并让鹰杰特获胜并获得了混沌翡翠。鹰杰特随后使用翡翠和 巴比伦花园的钥匙 召唤出巴比伦花园,它从附近的沙漠升起,飞入天空。突然,蛋头博士从鹰杰特手中夺走巴比伦花园的钥匙,并驾驶他的 蛋形机动车 飞往巴比伦花园。

使用 龙卷风2号,英雄们抵达巴比伦花园。在 巴比伦流氓的飞船 旁,三人注意到蛋头博士正骑着他的 E-骑士 经过。索尼克准备追逐他,但在此之前,泰尔斯给了他 蓝星II。然而,他遭到鹰杰特的挑战,要求进行最后一场比赛。最终,索尼克赢得了比赛。尽管鹰杰特因挫败而发脾气,索尼克还是看到了巴比伦花园上一个巨大门前的蛋头博士。索尼克正要攻击博士,但在此之前,蛋头博士透露他挟持了艾米作为人质。索尼克随后使用两个 龙卷风 攻击蛋头博士,夺回巴比伦花园的钥匙。索尼克不需要巴比伦的宝藏,于是把钥匙交给了鹰杰特,后者抱怨说他已经输了,不想要索尼克的怜悯。燕韦芙坚称“宝藏就是宝藏”,无论如何接过了钥匙,鹰杰特勉强接受了。就在英雄们离开之前,艾米出现了,因为索尼克知道她在那里却还攻击蛋头博士而感到愤怒。索尼克试图找借口安抚她,但收效甚微。然后艾米拿着她的 啪咔啪咔锤 追着索尼克跑,泰尔斯和纳克尔斯在一旁观看,感到好笑。


在他的 飞船 办公室里,鹰杰特 正在仔细检查他手中的 巴比伦花园的钥匙。突然,信天翁斯托姆 进来,让鹰杰特滑稽地从座位上摔下来。燕韦芙 也走了进来,因斯托姆的无礼而斥责他。斯托姆注意到巴比伦花园的钥匙,鹰杰特解释说他是从 他父亲 那里继承的。燕韦芙和斯托姆开始争吵,鹰杰特打断他们,问他们为什么进入他的办公室。他们告诉他 蛋头博士 想见他。博士走进房间,注意到斯托姆手中的巴比伦花园钥匙。蛋头博士告诉鹰杰特,他需要收集 混沌翡翠,尽管鹰杰特认为他的任务会很容易,但蛋头博士警告他要小心 索尼克。尽管如此,鹰杰特并不担心,他相信自己能在极限装备比赛中轻松击败索尼克(他评论说,尽管索尼克在地面上可能是最快的,但在空中,他只是个笑话)。

夜间追逐 中向索尼克证明了自己之后,燕韦芙在 红色峡谷 遇到索尼克、泰尔斯纳克尔斯艾米。她看到了泰尔斯自己设计和定制的极限装备 蓝星,燕韦芙自言自语地说对于一个“业余爱好者”来说还不错。然后她嘲笑泰尔斯的装备是“一堆垃圾”,并偷偷在上面安装了一个炸弹,接着在与愤怒的艾米的比赛中获胜。

回到巴比伦流氓的飞船上,鹰杰特再次在办公室检查巴比伦花园的钥匙,斯托姆突然再次闯入。斯托姆说他在 蛋工厂 与纳克尔斯的比赛中输了,燕韦芙批评他,两人又开始争吵。鹰杰特对蛋头博士的意图感到怀疑,他派斯托姆去蛋头博士在 冰工厂 的基地之一,寻找博士真正计划的线索。


当信天翁斯托姆在探索冰工厂时,鹰杰特和燕韦芙在 白洞 等待他,抱怨斯托姆花的时间太长。尽管如此,鹰杰特并不是很在意,这让他因为作为领导者的责任感缺失而受到燕韦芙的一阵斥责。鹰杰特随后注意到索尼克正在做一些特技,而泰尔斯和纳克尔斯在旁观看,他悄悄地溜走,没有让燕韦芙注意到。当燕韦芙发现鹰杰特不见了,她抱怨了一阵之后也离开了。

后来,在 黑暗沙漠,鹰杰特和燕韦芙与信天翁斯托姆重聚,斯托姆给他们带来了他找到的一个小微芯片。燕韦芙拿起它,显示出一个带有蛋头博士日记的全息监视器。这透露了他打算找到 巴比伦人 的古代技术,并将其据为己有,以征服世界。得知此事后,鹰杰特决定离开,认为这一切都是徒劳的,他对世界统治或先进技术不感兴趣。然而,燕韦芙阻止了他,说服他说蛋头博士寻求的这种先进技术必定比银或金更有价值。在想象自己躺在财富中休息后,鹰杰特决定参加 EX世界大奖赛 的决赛。

在最后一场比赛之后,小超 播报了 巴比伦花园 神秘地出现在黑暗沙漠附近的消息,索尼克、泰尔斯和纳克尔斯去调查了。在那里,燕韦芙和信天翁斯托姆遇到了泰尔斯和纳克尔斯,意外地与他们发生了争执。英雄们向鹰杰特提供了巴比伦花园的钥匙,因为他们对它无用,但鹰杰特拒绝了,认为这是一种怜悯。尽管如此,燕韦芙代表巴比伦流氓接受了它,并指出“宝藏就是宝藏”。流氓们随后使用它打开了一扇大门,意外地召唤出了 巴比伦守护者。与索尼克和他的朋友们合作,巴比伦流氓击败了守护者,揭示了巴比伦的宝藏。然而,这个宝藏只是一张 魔法地毯,让所有人都感到惊讶。蛋头博士抵达后,为了争夺宝藏,他认为他的EX世界大奖赛计划是浪费时间,并随后因震惊而昏倒。鹰杰特将地毯视为巴比

伦流氓是精灵后裔的标志。之后,巴比伦流氓与索尼克及其团队告别,鹰杰特发誓要回来再次面对索尼克。 Template:Endspoiler


图片 角色 简介
索尼克 索尼克和他热爱自由一样讨厌邪恶。索尼克有时会脾气暴躁,但总会对陷入困境的人展现出温柔的一面。他通常是无忧无虑、随和的,即使在困境中也是如此;但在对决时,他会变得积极专注,就像一个着了魔的刺猬!


File:Jet 1.png 鹰杰特 被誉为“传奇风之大师”的鹰杰特是巴比伦流氓的领导者,这是一个才华横溢的盗贼团体。鹰杰特的极限装备技能广受赞誉,为他赢得了令人印象深刻的声誉。
泰尔斯 他的真名是“Miles Prower”,但他的朋友们都叫他“泰尔斯”。他是一个有两条尾巴、心地善良的小狐狸。他喜欢摆弄机械,为索尼克制作了各种装置。这次他作为团队的机械师,修理极限装备。[2]
File:Wave the Swallow.PNG 燕韦芙 燕韦芙是一位出色的机械师,负责维护巴比伦流氓的所有极限装备。尽管她能修理许多东西,但极限装备是她的专长,她在这一领域的知识和经验超过了泰尔斯和蛋头博士。[2]
纳克尔斯 出生在天使岛的纳克尔斯,他的日常是守护一颗称为大师翡翠的珍贵宝石;尽管他自己也不理解其中的原因。他倔强的性格使他容易受骗,不止一次被蛋头博士欺骗。他带着天生的攻击性参加比赛,计划向蛋头博士证明,这一次他是认真的![3]
File:Storm The Albatross 1.png 信天翁斯托姆 信天翁斯托姆是巴比伦流氓邪恶计划背后的肌肉力量,也是鹰杰特的得力助手。他在智力上有所不足,但以强大的力量弥补了这一点。他脾气暴躁,但行动迟缓。他在兴奋或困惑时往往会口吃。[3]


File:Metal City 01.png

Sonic Riders 是一款3D第三人称赛车视频游戏。在这里,玩家与其他七名选手竞赛,共有十六条赛道,其中九条需要通过故事模式的进展解锁,另

外两条则通过在每个世界大奖赛中获得金牌解锁(每个大奖赛有5条赛道)。游戏设有两个主要队伍,每队三个角色:英雄队,有索尼克泰尔斯纳克尔斯;以及巴比伦流氓,有鹰杰特燕韦芙信天翁斯托姆;尽管可以解锁额外的角色。就像在Sonic Heroes 中一样,虽然所有角色的玩法完全相同,但他们每个人都拥有不同的统计数据和角色类型,决定了他们擅长的领域:

  • 速度类型:这些角色具有最高的最高速度统计数据,但加速度和耐久性只是平均水平。他们可以通过按/[X]/Template:A Button (Xbox)/Cross两次(一次跳到轨道上,第二次在其上)在赛道的某些部分放置的磨轨
  • 飞行类型:这些角色拥有最高的加速度统计数据和良好的最高速度统计数据。然而,他们的耐久性和转弯性能因角色而异,使得这些统计数据在某种程度上不明确。他们可以通过空中骑乘 加速器,通常可以访问捷径和不同的对象。
  • 力量类型:这些角色具有最佳的越野耐久性,可以穿越赛道上的路障和其他物体,尽管他们的速度和加速度统计数据只是平均水平。

Sonic Riders 的比赛中,可玩角色和对手们会在一个带倒计时和电障碍的小区域内徒步站立。一旦倒计时达到零,障碍将被解除,赛车手们将能够通过,比赛开始。然而,如果玩家在比赛开始前触碰到障碍,他们将在比赛开始后的一秒钟内被电击。

Sonic Riders 使用 极限装备 作为载具,这些基本上是悬浮的载具,形式包括滑板、摩托车或火箭滑板鞋。每个极限装备在性能和统计数据上都有所不同,甚至可能赋予角色平时不具备的能力。极限装备由 空气 驱动,这是有限的并存储在 空气罐 中。当极限装备有大量的空气时,玩家将能够执行跳跃、转向和刹车。然而,如果玩家的空气快用完了,转向和刹车将变得更加复杂,甚至不可能。一旦极限装备完全耗尽空气,可玩角色将只能徒步奔跑。空气可以通过在空中执行 特技、捡起 空气 物品盒,或利用 空气坑 等方式获得。在执行特技后,玩家将根据表现获得特定的 等级;等级越高,他们获得的空气就越多:

Rank Points earned
File:C Rank (Sonic Riders).png 0

Sonic Riders 还设有 ,在比赛中可以偶尔找到。环可以用来立即升级玩家的极限装备,使其更快。三十个环可以让玩家移动更快,并在角色范围内攻击对手。它们还填满空气罐,能够储存更多的空气。六十个环改进了这些功能,使可玩角色更快。然而,如果玩家被对手攻击或掉下赛道,他们将失去所有的环。这样做将导致玩家获得的所有升级被逆转。


Button formation Movement
GameCube PC PlayStation 2 Xbox
P1 P2
left/right [←]/[→] [8]/[6] on numpad left/right left/right Steer
[X] [END] Cross Template:A Button (Xbox) Jump
/ [A]/[S] [DELETE]/[PAGE DOWN] L1/R1 Template:LT Button (Xbox)/Template:RT Button (Xbox) Brake
Steer + / Steer + [A]/[S] Steer + [DELETE]/[PAGE DOWN] Steer + L1/R1 Steer + Template:LT Button (Xbox)/Template:RT Button (Xbox) Air Slide
/ [Z] [HOME] Square/Circle Template:B Button (Xbox)/Template:X Button (Xbox) Air Boost
+ [A] + [S] [DELETE] + [PAGE DOWN] L1 + R1 Template:LT Button (Xbox) + Template:RT Button (Xbox) Tornado
near a Grind Rail [X] near a Grind Rail [END] near a Grind Rail Cross near a Grind Rail Template:A Button (Xbox) near a Grind Rail Grinding
(Speed Types)
while midair [↑]/[↓]/[←]/[→] while midair [2]/[4]/[6]/[8] while midair while midair while midair Air Tricks
up/down after touching an Accelerator [↑]/[↓] after touching an Accelerator [2]/[4] after touching an Accelerator up/down after touching an Accelerator up/down after touching an Accelerator Float up/down
(Flight Type)
while on foot [←]/[→] while on foot [8]/[6] while on foot while on foot while on foot Move
START [F] [.] START Pause






Icon Character Type Stats
Dash Limit Power Cornering
Sonic the Hedgehog Speed ★★★☆ ★★★★ ★★★☆ ★★☆☆
Miles "Tails" Prower Flight ★★★★ ★★★☆ ★★☆☆ ★★★☆
File:Knuckles (Sonic Riders - Shop icon).png Knuckles the Echidna Power ★★★☆ ★★★☆ ★★★★ ★★☆☆
File:Amy (Sonic Riders - Shop icon).png Amy Rose Speed ★★★☆ ★★★★ ★★★☆ ★★☆☆
File:Jet (Sonic Riders - Shop icon).png Jet the Hawk
Speed ★★★☆ ★★★★ ★★★☆ ★★☆☆
File:Wave (Sonic Riders - Shop icon).png Wave the Swallow
Flight ★★★★ ★★★☆ ★★★☆ ★★☆☆
File:Storm (Sonic Riders - Shop icon).png Storm the Albatross
Power ★★★☆ ★★★☆ ★★★★ ★★☆☆
File:Dr. Eggman (Sonic Riders - Shop icon).png Dr. Eggman Power ★★★☆ ★★★☆ ★★★★ ★★☆☆
File:Cream (Sonic Riders - Shop icon).png Cream the Rabbit Flight ★★★★ ★★★☆ ★★☆☆ ★★☆☆
File:Rouge (Sonic Riders - Shop icon).png Rouge the Bat Flight ★★★★ ★★★☆ ★★★☆ ★★☆☆
File:Shadow (Sonic Riders - Shop icon).png Shadow the Hedgehog Speed ★★★☆ ★★★★ ★★★☆ ★★☆☆
File:Elog (Sonic Riders - Shop icon).png E-10000G
Power ★★★☆ ★★★☆ ★★★☆ ★★☆☆
File:Elor (Sonic Riders - Shop icon).png E-10000R
Speed ★★★☆ ★★★★ ★★★☆ ★★☆☆
File:Aiai (Sonic Riders - Shop icon).png AiAi Power ★★★☆ ★★★★ ★★★☆ ★★☆☆
File:NiGHTS (Sonic Riders - Shop icon).png Nights Flight ★★★☆ ★★★★ ★★★☆ ★★☆☆
Ulala Speed ★★★☆ ★★★★ ★★★☆ ★★☆☆
N/A Super Sonic Speed N/A N/A N/A N/A

Non-playable characters


Sonic Riders 是第一个引入 极限装备 的游戏,这是一种由空气驱动的高科技悬浮板载具,角色们骑乘它们,它们是游戏玩法的核心组成部分。每个可玩角色都有自己独特的默认极限装备,只有他们可以使用,但游戏中可以通过在商店里用购买或完成某些要求来获得额外的极限装备,例如完成一个或多个任务并获得特定的等级。它们都有不同的大小、外观和颜色。 Sonic Riders 中的极限装备分为三种不同类型,每种都有自己的属性和基本外观:

  • :类似普通滑板。板类型是极限装备中较为平衡的类别,具有平均的统计数据和平均的燃料消耗率。
  • 摩托车:类似摩托车。摩托车类型是极限装备中较为强大的类别,但操控性较差,燃料效率也较低。它们可以在完成巴比伦故事模式后首次解锁,然后才能购买,更不用说使用了。
  • 滑板鞋:类似轮滑鞋。滑板鞋类型是极限装备中较弱的类别,但更加敏捷和燃料效率更高。它们可以在完成英雄故事模式后首次解锁,然后才能购买,更不用说使用了。


Sonic Riders 中,总共有54种不同的极限装备可以获得。以下极限装备按照在装备画廊中的出现顺序列出。极限装备编号1-38为板类型,编号39-48为摩托车类型,编号49-54为滑板鞋类型。

Gear No. Name Image User(s)
1 Blue Star File:Blue Star - Artwork - (1).png Sonic
2 Yellow Tail File:Yellow Tail - Artwork - (1).png Tails
3 Red Rock File:Red rock SR.png Knuckles
4 Pink Rose File:Pink Rose SR.png Amy
5 Type-J File:Type-J SR.png Jet
6 Type-S File:Type-S SR.png Storm
7 Type-W File:Type-W - Artwork - (1).png Wave
8 Temptation File:Temptation SR.png Rouge
9 Smile File:Smile SR.png Cream
10 High Booster File:High Booster SR.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, Ulala, AiAi, E-10000G, E-10000R
11 Auto-Slider File:Auto Slider SR.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, Ulala, AiAi, E-10000G, E-10000R
12 Powerful Gear File:Powerful Gear SR.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, Ulala, AiAi, E-10000G, E-10000R
13 Fastest File:Fastest SR.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, Ulala, AiAi, E-10000G, E-10000R
14 Turbo Star File:Turbo Star SR.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, Ulala, AiAi, E-10000G, E-10000R
15 Speed Balancer File:Speed Balancer SR.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, Ulala, AiAi, E-10000G, E-10000R
16 Blue Star II File:Blue Star II SR.png Sonic
17 Access File:Access SR.png Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Shadow, Ulala, AiAi, E-10000G, E-10000R
18 Beginner File:Beginner SR.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, Ulala, AiAi, E-10000G, E-10000R
19 Accelerator File:Accelerator SV v2.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, Ulala, AiAi, E-10000G, E-10000R
20 Trap Gear File:Trap Gear SR.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, Ulala, AiAi, E-10000G, E-10000R
21 Light Board File:Light Board SR.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, Ulala, AiAi, E-10000G, E-10000R
22 Slide Booster File:Slide Booster SR.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, Ulala, AiAi, E-10000G, E-10000R
23 Legend File:Legend SR.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, Ulala, AiAi, E-10000G, E-10000R
24 Magic Carpet File:Magic Carpet SR.png Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Shadow, Ulala, AiAi, E-10000G, E-10000R
25 Air Broom File:Magic Broom.png Tails, Knuckles, Wave, Storm, Cream, Nights, Rouge, AiAi, E-10000G
26 Hovercraft File:Hovercraft.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, Ulala, AiAi, E-10000G, E-10000R
27 Chaos Emerald File:Chaos Emerald SR.png Sonic
28 Faster File:Faster SR.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, Ulala, AiAi, E-10000G, E-10000R
29 Gambler File:Gambler.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, Ulala, AiAi, E-10000G, E-10000R
30 Power Gear File:Power Gear SR.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, Ulala, AiAi, E-10000G, E-10000R
31 Opa Opa File:Opa Opa SR.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, Ulala, AiAi, E-10000G, E-10000R
32 The Crazy File:The Crazy SR.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, Ulala, AiAi, E-10000G, E-10000R
33 Night Sky File:Night Sky SR.png Nights
35 E-gearG File:E-gearG.png E-10000G
36 E-gearR File:E-gearR.png E-10000R
37 Channel5 File:Channel5 SR.png Ulala
38 Berserker File:Berserker.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, Ulala, AiAi, E-10000G, E-10000R
39 E-Rider File:E-Rider SR.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, AiAi, Dr. Eggman
40 Air Tank File:Air Tank SR.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, AiAi, Dr. Eggman
41 Heavy Bike File:Heavy Bike SR.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, AiAi, Dr. Eggman
42 Destroyer File:Destroyer SR.png Sonic, Tails, Amy, Jet, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights
43 Omnipotence File:Omnipotence SR.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, AiAi, Dr. Eggman
44 Cover-S File:Cover S SR.png Sonic, Amy, Jet, Shadow
45 Cover-F File:Cover F SR.png Tails, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Nights
46 Cover-P File:Cover P SR.png Knuckles, Storm, Dr. Eggman, AiAi
47 Hang-On File:Hang On SR.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, AiAi, Dr. Eggman
48 Super Hang-On File:Super Hang-On SR.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, AiAi, Dr. Eggman
49 Darkness File:Darkness SR.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, AiAi, Ulala
50 Grinder File:Grinder SR.png Tails, Knuckles, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Nights, AiAi
51 Advantage S File:Advantage S SR.png Sonic, Amy, Jet, Shadow, Ulala
52 Advantage F File:Advantage F SR.png Tails, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Nights
53 Advantage P File:Advantage P SR.png Knuckles, Storm, AiAi
54 Cannonball File:Cannonball SR.png Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Jet, Storm, Wave, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, Nights, Ulala, AiAi




No. Heroes Babylon
1 Metal City Night Chase
2 Splash Canyon Red Canyon
3 Egg Factory Ice Factory
4 Green Cave White Cave
5 Sand Ruins Dark Desert
6 Babylon Garden Sky Road
7 N/A Babylon Guardian




Role English Voice Actor Japanese Voice Actor
Sonic the Hedgehog Jason Griffith Jun'ichi Kanemaru
Miles "Tails" Prower Amy Palant Ryō Hirohashi
Knuckles the Echidna Dan Green Nobutoshi Canna
Jet the Hawk Jason Griffith Daisuke Kishio
Wave the Swallow Bella Hudson Chie Nakamura
Storm the Albatross Dan Green Kenji Nomura
Amy Rose Lisa Ortiz Taeko Kawata
Dr. Eggman Deem Bristow Chikao Otsuka
Mike Pollock
Shadow the Hedgehog Jason Griffith Koji Yusa
Rouge the Bat Kathleen Delaney Rumi Ochiai
Cream the Rabbit Rebecca Honig Sayaka Aoki
E-10000G Maddie Blaustein Daisuke Kishio
Babylon Guardian Maddie Blaustein Kenji Nomura
Omochao Liza Jacqueline Etsuko Kozakura
Babylon Computer Bella Hudson Chie Nakamura
AiAi Kaoru Morota
Ulala Apollo Smile

Some clips of Wave are actually clips of Blaze from Sonic Rush, as Bella Hudson voiced both characters. In addition, most of Dr. Eggman's gameplay dialogue is recycled from Deem Bristow's recordings for Sonic Adventure 2.


The original soundtrack of the game is Speedbeats Grand Prix: Sonic Riders Original Soundtrack and was composed by Tomonori Sawada, Kenichi Tokoi, and Fumie Kumatani. Sawada directed the sound and recorded the sound effects, while Tokoi and Kumatani did the music for the game. Most of the game's music involves techno and synthesizers, as such it has an electronic, futuristic-type of feel.


Aggregate scores
Aggregator Score
GameRankings 63.46% (GCN)[4]
59.70% (PS2)[5]
58.84% (Xbox)[6]
43.33% (PC)[7]
Metacritic 59% (GCN)[8]
55% (PS2)[9]
56% (Xbox)[10]
Review scores
Publication Score
Electronic Gaming Monthly 5.5/10[11]
Eurogamer 5/10[12]
GamePro 3.125/5 (Xbox)[13]
GameSpot 6.6/10[14]
Hyper 65%[15]
IGN 6.2/10[16]
Nintendo Power 8.0/10 (GCN)[17]
Official PlayStation Magazine (UK) 5/10 (PS2)[18]
Official Xbox Magazine (UK) 4.9/10 (Xbox)[19]

Sonic Riders received mixed reactions from reviewers, with Metacritic sitting at 59% for the GameCube version,[8] 55% for PlayStation 2,[9] and 56% for the Xbox version.[10] The later released PC port of the game received the lowest scores overall compared to the other three versions, with a 43.33% on GameRankings.[7]

With many criticizing its confusing gameplay,[15] Alex Navarro of GameSpot praises the turbulence mechanic along with the game's multiplayer modes.[14] Matt Casamassina of IGN said that at least "this is a much better game than Shadow the Hedgehog, exclaiming that the game does a good job at "mixing up the levels".[16] Frank Dry of Hyper criticizes the fact that "the blue wonder is forced to hop on a naff hoverboard to race",[15] as the game strays from the Sonic series' trademark gimmick: running. The replay value given by the three character types was praised[17], but the little incentive to do so overshadows it.[18]


Cover of Sonic the Hedgehog #163.

Archie Comics made a two-part arc covered in Sonic the Hedgehog #163-#164, which served as a loose adaptation of Sonic Riders, with the art for the story mimicking the game's 2D art style. It was also stated that the events of the game happened in the Post-Super Genesis Wave timeline, though no adaptation was ever made.


  • Unlike other contemporary multi-platform games in the Sonic series, the console differences in all four versions of Sonic Riders are largely negligible:
  • The PlayStation 2 version contains freely selectable text languages, though there is no voice setting unlike previous PS2 Sonic games.
  • The Xbox version contains dual languages dependent on system settings. This release also has the highest resolution. However, the FMV cutscenes have frame rate issues and lagging.
  • The GameCube version also lacks voice language settings, however unlike previous GameCube ports, the controls here are almost as good as the other versions thanks to it being a racing game.
  • The PC version is an up-scaled port of the Xbox version, therefore it features selectable voiced languages. The audio in this version has been down-sampled and the game only supports two players. There is also no exit game option.
File:SonicRidersPC 06.png
Animation difference for Storm between the PlayStation 2 version (left) and PC version (right).
  • The PC version also features an error where the characters' mouths and animations are misplaced.
  • There was a demo available for the PC version of the game, which featured running-only gameplay in Metal City.[20]
  • During development, Nintendo Power announced AiAi as a playable character in the game. Nintendo Power also claimed that Mario would be a GameCube exclusive character, which was later proven false.
  • All Xbox and PlayStation 2 copies of the game bought at Target came with a free Sonic X DVD.
  • This is the first Sonic game since Sonic the Hedgehog CD to have an anime-style opening cutscene.
  • Sonic Riders is the first Sonic game to support widescreen display.
  • Shadow and Eggman are the only characters that do not have Extreme Gear exclusive to themselves, as Darkness and E-Rider, can be ridden by any character in the game.
  • In one of the Babylon story cutscenes, when Jet opens a door with his control box, the control box disappears but is then in is his hands again in the next frame.
  • In the last cutscene, Amy's gloves are different.
  • In one of the Babylon story cutscenes, Wave is shown detaching the red jewel from her necklace, which is a small computer, to look at Eggman's diary entry bought by Storm. However, if one looks carefully in one of the scenes while Jet is reading what Eggman says, the red jewel is reattached to her necklace again as she is still showing the digital file.
  • Normally, the tip of Knuckles' tail would be pointing downwards, but it points upwards in this game during gameplay and the non-CG cutscenes. Strangely, his tail is also not crooked at all and is rather straight in the CG cutscenes, this would be the case in the CG cutscenes of Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity as well.
  • This is the only Sonic Riders game where the Air Tricks are named.
  • This was the last Sonic game Yuji Naka produced before leaving Sega.
  • Sonic Riders was the last Sonic game released for both the Xbox and the GameCube, along with being the last for the PlayStation 2 in Japan.
  • Ulala has 3D artwork in this game, but Nights and AiAi do not. However, her artwork is recycled from Sega Superstars.
  • In Rouge's official art her eyelids are blue, but in gameplay, her icon on the tailing map at the bottom of the screen has pink eyelids.
  • This is the second Sonic game where Amy chases Sonic with her Piko Piko Hammer at the end of the game, with the first being Sonic Rush.
  • Whenever a male character performs a complex trick, Omochao exclaims: "And she sticks the landing!" and vice versa for female characters.
  • This is the only game in the Sonic Riders trilogy that doesn't have a robot as the final boss.
  • In the opening cutscene of the Heroes story, just before the Babylon Rogues show up, the SEGA Carnival music is played in the background.
  • In the opening cinematic of the game, while the members of Team Sonic and the Babylon Rogues are passing through a wall of graffiti paintings, if one looks very closely, it features the painting taken from the cover art of Limp Bizkit's second studio album, Significant Other.
  • The PC version's instruction manual features an advert for Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) that states that it would be released on Xbox 360 and PC, instead of Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
  • A Game Boy Advance version of Sonic Riders was in development by Backbone Entertainment, but it was cancelled due to a tight schedule.[21] Despite this, Sega liked the company and worked with them again for the Sonic Rivals series.
    • The Game Boy Advance version was initially pitched to Sega as Sonic Extreme, similar to the cancelled Sonic the Hedgehog Extreme, which was skateboarding game.[22]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Sonic Riders (Nintendo GameCube) 美国说明书, 第3页。
  2. 2.0 2.1 Sonic Riders (Nintendo GameCube) 美国说明书, 第4页。
  3. 3.0 3.1 Sonic Riders (Nintendo GameCube) 美国说明书, 第5页。
  4. "Sonic Riders". GameRankings. Archived from the original on 14 May 2019. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
  5. "Sonic Riders". GameRankings. Archived from the original on 21 May 2019. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
  6. "Sonic Riders". GameRankings. Archived from the original on 22 May 2019. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
  7. 7.0 7.1 "Sonic Riders". GameRankings. Archived from the original on 12 May 2019. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
  8. 8.0 8.1 "Sonic Riders: GameCube". Metacritic. Retrieved 17 February 2022.
  9. 9.0 9.1 "Sonic Riders: PlayStation 2". Metacritic. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
  10. 10.0 10.1 "Sonic Riders: Xbox". Metacritic. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
  11. Bettenhausen, Shane (April 2006). "Review Crew: Sonic Riders" (PDF). Electronic Gaming Monthly (202): 98. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
  12. Bramwell, Tom (4 April 2006). "Sonic Riders". Eurogamer. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
  13. Ouroboros (April 2006). "Quick Hits: Sonic Riders" (PDF). GamePro (211): 76. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
  14. 14.0 14.1 Navarro, Alex (1 March 2006). "Sonic Riders Review". GameSpot. Retrieved 17 February 2022.
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Dry, Frank (May 2006). "Review: Sonic Riders" (PDF). Hyper (151): 75. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
  16. 16.0 16.1 Casamassina, Matt (23 February 2006). "Sonic Riders". IGN. Retrieved 17 February 2022.
  17. 17.0 17.1 Thomason, Steve (May 2006). "Reviews: Road 'Hog" (PDF) (203). Nintendo Power: 87. Retrieved 23 February 2022. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  18. 18.0 18.1 Wilson, Ben (April 2006). "Review: Sonic Riders" (PDF). PlayStation 2 Official Magazine - UKpages=106 (71). Retrieved 23 February 2022.
  19. Jackson, Mike (April 2006). "Reviews: Sonic Riders" (PDF). Official Xbox Magazine (UK). Future Publishing (54): 84. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
  20. Bramwell, Tom (19 October 2006). "Sonic Riders PC demo". Eurogamer. Retrieved 30 December 2022.
  21. Shadzter (11 December 2014). "Sonic Riders Was Once Planned For GBA". Sonic Stadium. Retrieved 21 June 2016.
  22. "Arvin Bautista (@Biggedy) on Twitter". Twitter. 24 June 2019. Retrieved 25 June 2019. Back at #BackboneEntertainment, we did a pitch for a #GBA Sonic racing game

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