

英文名Shadow the Hedgehog
日文名シャドウ・ザ・ヘッジホッグ Shadō za Hejjihoggu
  • 夏總 (粉絲稱呼)
  • 傻兜 (音譯 粉絲稱呼)
  • 暗影(早期國代版翻譯)
  • 究極生命體
  • 究極刺蝟
  • 假貨 (Faker)
  • 假刺蝟 (Fake Hedgehog)
  • 黑色旋風
  • 夏特計劃
  • 黑色刺蝟
  • 黑色殘影
  • 機械人 (Android, 蛋頭的稱呼)
日語配音游佐浩二 (2001–今)
  • David Humphrey (2001–2004)
  • Ryan Drummond (索尼克大冒險 2 中特定的音頻)
  • Jason Griffith (2004–2010, 2021) (僅網絡系列)
  • Kirk Thornton (2010–至今)
  • 白色
  • 黑色
  • 深紅
  • 白色
  • 黑色
  • 深紅
  • 白色手套
  • 火箭靴
  • 限制環
  • 紅白色的手套
  • 索尼克大冒險 2
  • 索尼克大冒險 2: 戰鬥
  • 索尼克彈球派對 (被提及)
  • 索尼克戰鬥
  • 索尼克群英会
  • SEGA明星
  • 索尼克寶石合集
  • 刺蝟夏特
  • 暗影衝擊—音 速 小 子系列
  • 索尼克競速
  • 刺蝟索尼克 (2006)
  • 索尼克競爭者
  • 索尼克與神秘金環
  • 瑪利歐與索尼克在 2008 年北京奧運會上
  • 索尼克競爭者 2
  • 索尼克競速: 零重力
  • 任天堂明星大亂鬥 (配角)
  • SEGA明星網球
  • 索尼克編年史: 黑暗兄弟會
  • 索尼克釋放 (被提及)
  • 索尼克與黑暗騎士
  • 瑪利歐和索尼克在冬奧會上
  • 索尼克在冬奧會上
  • 索尼克與SEGA全明星賽車
  • 索尼克自由滑板競速
  • 索尼克繽紛色彩 (NDS)
  • 索尼克世代 (主機/PC)
  • 索尼克世代 (3DS 配角)
  • 瑪利歐與索尼克在2012年倫敦奧運會上
  • 索尼克大跳越 (2012 配角)
  • 索尼克與全明星塞車: 變形
  • 索尼克衝刺 (手遊)
  • 瑪利歐與索尼克在 2014 年索契冬奧會上
  • 索尼克狂熱大跳越
  • 任天堂明星大亂鬥 (3DS/Wii U 配角)
  • 索尼克奔跑者
  • 瑪利歐與索尼克在 2016 年里約奧運會上
  • 索尼克奔跑者大冒險
  • 索尼克力量: 速度之戰
  • 索尼克力量
  • SEGA英雄
  • 任天堂明星大亂鬥: 特別版 (配角)
  • 團隊索尼克賽車
  • 索尼克賽車
  • 瑪利歐與索尼克在 2022 年東京奧運會上
  • 索尼克在 2022 年東京奧運會上
  • 黑暗隊
  • 黑色軍隊 (《刺蝟夏特》黑暗線)
  • 反抗軍 (《索尼克力量》)
  • 蛋頭帝國 (曾經)
  • 永生
  • 超高速
  • 超級力量
  • 強大的持久力
  • 強大的跳越能力
  • 強大的耐力
  • 極端的雜技技巧和反應
  • 韌力
  • 近戰攻擊
  • 武器格鬥
  • 駕駛車輛
  • 極限騎行裝備
  • 滑軌
  • 傳送
  • 駕馭混沌能力
  • 混沌加速變身
  • 混沌能來
  • 英雄夏特與黑暗夏特的變身
  • 變身超級形態
  • 變身究極形態
  • 大島直人
  • 中裕司
  • 大島直人 (1991-97)
  • 上川祐司 (1998-今)

刺蝟夏特 (英文: Shadow the Hedgehog; 日文: シャドウ・ザ・ヘッジホッグ Shadō za Hejjihoggu) 是《刺蝟索尼克》系列中的一個角色,是一隻外貌和索尼克非常相像的黑色刺蝟。他是刺蝟和黑厄的混合體,是索尼克的主要競爭對手。他是由蛋頭博士的祖父——世紀的天才科學家・傑拉德博士所製造出來的究極生命體(英文: Ultimate Life Form; 日文: 究極生命體 Kyūkyoku Seimeitai),擁有使用混沌翡翠穿越時空的「混沌控制」能力。夏特是傑拉德·羅博尼克博士利用黑厄的 DNA 創造的,是夏特計劃的最終結果。創造出他的目的是為無法治癒的致命疾病提供治療方法,更具體地說是為傑拉德博士的孫女瑪麗亞·羅博尼克 (Maria Robotnik) 提供治療方法,但在《索尼克大冒險 2》的 50 年前他被認為對人類構成威脅時,他被 GUN 軍隊抓捕並封鎖了起來。

50年後,夏特被蛋頭博士釋放,以幫助他征服地球。最初,夏特與蛋頭博士一起行動,但背後秘密地試圖摧毀地球,以報復被軍方殺害的瑪麗亞,但後來被說服要拯救地球免受傑拉德的世界末日計劃。在這個過程中,夏特失去了他的記憶,因此試圖揭示他的過去的真相,在這個過程中遇到了 Black Doom 和Black Arms;最終,夏特重新獲得了他的記憶,重拾真相,挫敗了 Black Doom 的計劃,拯救了世界。從那時起,他繼續履行自己的使命,為了瑪麗亞保護人類。

夏特機智敏銳,總是處於警戒狀態,有着強烈的目的感,總是願意用任何手段來實現他的目標,[1]而且總是很嚴肅。基本上是索尼克的黑暗版本,夏特可以與索尼克在速度和技能方面匹敵,並可以使用混沌控制和混沌翡翠來扭曲時間和空間。[2][3] 雖然更喜歡獨自行動,但在需要時他會幫助索尼克和他的盟友。

概念與創作[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Shadow and Sonic, along with a Hero, Dark and neutral Chao, from Sonic Adventure 2.



在設計夏特的時候,這個角色最初的名字是「Terios」,這個名字翻譯成英文是「reflection of」,很可能是為了體現遊戲中英雄/反派的動態。根據星野一幸的說法,夏特的紅色條紋是受到歌舞伎化妝的啟發而設計的。

在《索尼克大冒險2》公佈之前,夏特的身份和特點一直是嚴格保密的。在首個遊戲預告片中,該角色首次向公眾展示,但其名稱並未被揭示。GameSpot 描述了展示的內容:類似外觀,但膚色更深,眼睛更傾斜,面容也更為兇狠,而不是索尼克的標誌性微笑。[6]


外貌[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]





性格[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

夏特的形象,來自Xbox 360版《索尼克世代》。




在許多事件中,夏特總是表現出不屈不撓的決心去追擊敵人。他通常會不惜一切代價去實現自己的願望或者完成某項任務。在「奪回星球戰爭(War to Take Back the Planet)」之前,有強烈的暗示表明夏特無情地屠殺了一支名為「豺狼小隊(Jackal Squad)」的僱傭軍隊伍,而他本人似乎不在意此事(幾個月後,他甚至不記得發生過這樣的事情),甚至略微驕傲地嘲諷僱傭防禦隊伍,稱他們自己也需要一個防禦隊伍。在黑蝕事件中,他還表現出了相當粗俗的語言。


Since when did you become someone who secretly works for everyone's peace?
...I'm not interested in peace or whatever. I don't care what happens to others. I just don't like it when fools do whatever they please on this planet. Whether it's the doctor or anyone else, including you. Don't get me wrong.

Sonic the Hedgehog and Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Channel


夏特常常因為失去瑪利亞而感到沮喪,這也是他獨來獨往的原因。他與瑪利亞的關係顯而易見,他竭盡所能地保護這個星球,並維持瑪利亞對和平與繁榮的夢想。他還與他的隊友露姬和歐米茄保持着強烈的聯繫,這些都能證明,雖然他的態度讓人覺得他是一個不在乎別人的人,但他確實有一些同情心,比他所表現的要多。然而,夏特會忽略掉大多數送來的善意或同情;在Neo Metal Sonic事件中,當露姬對他表示關心時,他直截了當地回絕了她的關心。在黑色軍團事件中,當索尼克提議一些「友好比賽」時,遭到夏特直截了當的拒絕[20]。然而,有時候,夏特會對真正的關心表示感激;在太空殖民方舟事件的高潮時刻,當艾咪讓他記起他對瑪利亞的承諾時,夏特公開地決定履行他對瑪利亞和艾咪的承諾來保護這個星球。在中止的Solaris事件中,當露姬告訴夏特她會一直在他身邊時,夏特也表示認同。

儘管夏特經常為了更大的利益而戰,但由於他的道德觀和手段,他通常被視為反英雄。他會為了自己想要或認為正確的事情而採取必要的手段,儘管這種熱情會導致他冒險並沒有完全考慮清楚後果就投入行動。[21]雖然他不一定是邪惡的,但夏特冷酷、目的不明確的個性有時會讓自己變成索尼克的敵人。[22]他還和露姬一起在第二屆EX世界大獎賽中獲勝後帶走了獎金和珠寶,並且兩人不顧開幕和閉幕式,在沒有第三名隊友的情況下遲到,在大獎賽結束時,帶着(後來被證明是)虛假的獎金和寶石離開了。[23]儘管如此,夏特確實有他的無私和英雄主義的時刻;在太空殖民地方舟的最後,他差點犧牲自己拯救地球,並幫助希弗爾在一個失敗的時間線中拯救索尼克,並揭露Solaris計劃(Solaris Project )的真相。

能力與技能[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


據說夏特在幾乎所有能力上[24][25][26]都能與索尼克匹敵[27][28][29],其強大的戰鬥能力和技巧使他能夠與系列中最強大的敵人抗衡。他從不刻意控制自己的強大力量,這使他成為了一個無情的戰士。單憑自己的力量,夏特就能夠擊敗GUN的各種戰鬥機械人、蛋頭博士的戰鬥機械人、黑暗之王,甚至連神明也難以匹敵。此外,黑色軍團事件中,夏特甚至能夠擊敗獲得「Diablon」支持的索尼克。雖然艾梅爾獲得了七顆混沌翡翠作為能源,但夏特依然能夠在戰鬥中打敗他[30](儘管艾梅爾很快就超越了他)。 夏特能夠以超音速移動。據說他擁有「終極速度」[31],能夠與能夠達到超音速的索尼克相媲美[32][33][34][35]。雖然夏特的火箭靴被認為是他速度的來源,[36][37]但他強大的身體也能輕鬆與索尼克的超世界級速度相媲美[38]。由於如此之快的速度,他能夠攀爬垂直的表面和天花板,超越子彈的速度,並且以超過肉眼所見的速度攻擊。[39]即使如此,夏特也可以將他的速度提高到更高的水平;通過包裹自己在橙色的能量場中,他能夠在地面和空中超越音障,短暫地加速,使他不僅能像彈丸一般穿透敵人和障礙物,而且還能在空中飛行極遠的距離。使用某些技巧,他甚至能夠瞬間達到光速。雖然有一些關於夏特與索尼克的速度不一致的說法,但通常認為他們的速度完全相等。[40]夏特在任何環境下都能完全掌握他的速度。他不僅能在直線上以最大傾斜角度奔跑,還能在圓圈和急轉彎中全速控制他的動量。就耐力而言,夏特的耐力似乎是無限的,他從來不會因奔跑而感到氣喘吁吁。他的速度還使他能夠執行一些令人印象深刻的壯舉,例如以超高速旋轉或旋轉他的四肢,製造出足以攻擊或吹走/吸入對手的強風,類似於空氣運動。

夏特展示他的雜技,來自刺蝟索尼克 (2006)。


由於他作為「終極生命體」的生理特性,夏特擁有不朽的身體,賦予了他不老不死的能力。[49][50][51] 此外,在黑色軍團事件中得知,由於他有一部分屬於黑色軍團,夏特與黑色軍團的群體意識相連接,使他能夠感知自己族群的存在並對黑色軍團的麻痹性神經毒氣免疫。[52]


參考文獻[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  1. "Shadow the Hedgehog". Sonic Characters. Sega of America. Archived from the original on 5 March 2005. Retrieved 26 October 2017. Shadow is the spitting image of sonic except for his black body. The world's greatest scientist, Professor Gerald, created him for a purpose known only to the professor. Ageless and immortal, Shadow has the special ability to harness the power of the Chaos Emerald, which allows him to warp time and space. Sharp-witted and willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants, he always seems to be on the edge. Maria, who was raised with Shadow and was Maria's only friend, died in front of his very eyes. Her final wish was that Shadow save the world. Saving the world from what is a secret only Shadow knows. Traumatized by the grief of her death, Shadow remains strong enough to keep the promise he made to her.
  2. Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (Nintendo GameCube) United States instruction booklet, pg. 7.
  3. 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 06LeakedScript 的參考文獻內容文字。
  4. 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 Rivals 2 Interview 的參考文獻內容文字。
  5. 5.0 5.1 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 Windii 的參考文獻內容文字。
  6. "Sonic Adventure 2 Hands-On". GameSpot. Retrieved 2 December 2019.
  7. PAUL.STR337 (18 July 2011). "SUMMER OF SONIC 2011: SONIC TEAM ON STAGE". Sonic Stadium. Takashi Iizuka: The Shadow character idea was something that we all had in our minds in the dev team when we were creating the first Sonic Adventure. When creating that game, we had the intention of creating a rival character for Sonic Adventure 2 and we didn't really talk about it that much, but we were all thinking about it. When we were working on Sonic Adventure 2, we all did a bit of brainstorming and we brought this to the table and prepared the storyline for the Dark side and the Hero side. As you know in the story, Shadow was only meant to appear in that single title. But because of the reaction of the fans, we decided to bring him back in Sonic Heroes and eventually you saw him in his own title.
  8. "Shadowing a Hedgehog". Yahoo!. Retrieved 16 December 2008.
  9. "Shadow the Wrestling Hedgehog". 1Up.com. Retrieved 26 January 2009.
  10. "Sega's Yuji Naka Talks!". GameSpy. Retrieved 11 July 2008.
  11. 11.0 11.1 "Sonic City". Sega. Archived from the original on 29 February 2008.
  12. Sonic Team USA (23 June 2001). Sonic Adventure 2. Dreamcast. Sega. Cutscene: Face off with Sonic. "Shadow: That blue hedgehog again, of all places... / Sonic: I've found you, faker! / Shadow: Faker? I think you're the fake hedgehog around here. You're comparing yourself to me? Ha! You're not even good enough to be my fake!"
  13. 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 SonicCity2 的參考文獻內容文字。
  14. Sega (28 June 2021). "ソニック & シャドウ" (in Japanese). Sonic Channel. Archived from the original on 28 June 2021. Retrieved 28 June 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  15. Sonic Team USA (23 June 2001). Sonic Adventure 2. Dreamcast. Sega. Cutscene: Cutscene 28. "Rouge: Do you actually believe that... you're the real Shadow? / Shadow: No doubt. / Rouge: Even your memories might not be real, you know? / Shadow: Even if my memories are not real, it's still me; Shadow. And I will fulfill my promise to Maria. That's the only thing that matters to me now"
  16. 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 SonicXShadow2 的參考文獻內容文字。
  17. Sonic Team (27 February 2004). Sonic Battle. Game Boy Advance. Sega. Area/level: Central City (Tails' Episode). "Shadow: There's no need to repeat past tragedies! Nobody else ever needs to go through the things that I have!"
  18. Sonic Team (27 February 2004). Sonic Battle. Game Boy Advance. Sega. Area/level: Gimme Shelter (Shadow's Episode). "Shadow: Why did Gerald give me a soul?! / Rouge: He was not interested in researching weapons. He was researching a way to bring happiness and hope to all people. But, he was forced by the government and by the military to use his research for war. That's why he gave you [...] a soul identical to his beloved granddaughter, Maria. [...] His hope was that no matter how crazed and obsessed with destruction mankind might became, the weapons themselves would never fight. Shadow, you are afraid of your own power. It troubles you. But, you've never used your power recklessly. You've never used it selfishly. Gerald's wishes have come true."
  19. Sonic Team (27 February 2004). Sonic Battle. Game Boy Advance. Sega. Area/level: Emerald City (Shadow's Episode). "Sonic: Maybe you've forgotten, but I seem to recall you saving humanity at some point. / Shadow: ...That was for Maria. / Sonic: Exactly! If you have a heart, you would never use your power for the forces of evil! There's no way you could! Weapons aren't supposed to have 'hearts.' But, both you and Emerl do! You guys... You aren't just weapons! / Shadow: Hmph! No, you are wrong. We were created as weapons. If the people of this world ever want peace, they must destroy us."
  20. Sega Studio USA (15 December 2005). Shadow the Hedgehog. Nintendo GameCube. Sega. Cutscene: After Westopolis (Hero mission). "Sonic: Now that was sweet, Shadow! / Shadow: Yeah... Well I'm not here to save you! / Sonic: Thought you might say something like that! How about a little friendly competition? / Shadow: Don't waste my time."
  21. Pedigree Books (August 2013). "Eggman's IQ Math Test". Sonic the Hedgehog Super Interactive Annual 2014. Pedigree Publishers. p. 15. ISBN 978-1908152077. Fact: Shadow often launches into situations without fully thinking them through. That natural enthusiasm sees him take risks and dabble with danger as he tries to get what he wants, by any means necessary.
  22. 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 SonicXShadow3 的參考文獻內容文字。
  23. Sonic Team (4 November 2010). Sonic Free Riders. Xbox 360. Sega. Cutscene: Cutscene 1 (Team Dark). "Omochao: Huh? By my count we're one team short! What could possibly have come up to keep them from the ceremony?! Ah ah! There they are! Shadow and Rouge... Which means the missing racers were Team Dark! / Rouge: Would you pipe down? We just came here to collect the cash prize. Until the first race starts we're off the clock, darling. / Omochao: What are you talking about?! The opening ceremony started over fifteen minutes ago! / Shadow: I've no interest in these formalities. / Omochao: I guess not everybody here is as excited as me... Now I feel kind of self-conscious for getting all excited before. / Shadow: Pageantry aside, we're here to win. You can be sure of that. /Omochao: But there's only two of you. If you're here, where's your third teammate? / Rouge: Don't worry about us. The two of us can handle this just fine."
  24. Sonic Team, Dimps (12 November 2010). Sonic Colors. Nintendo DS. Sega. Area/Level: Asteroid Coaster. "Shadow: I'm happy to leave the racing around all day to them, thanks. / Omega: Unable to process. According to data, your ability equals Sonic's."
  25. Sora Ltd. (9 March 2008). Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Wii. Nintendo. Area/Level: Trophy Hoard. ""Shadow" trophy: Shadow the Hedgehog is a black hedgehog who resembles Sonic. He was created by Dr. Eggman's grandfather, Gerald Robotnik, to be the ultimate life-form. Not only does he look like Sonic, but he has equal abilities. He has great skill with the space-time warping technique called Chaos Control. To reach his goals, he'll use any means necessary."
  26. "Matching his great rival Sonic in almost every regard, Shadow is out to prove he's the ultimate competitor." - Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games website.
  27. Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing (PlayStation 3) United Kingdom instruction booklet, pg. 5.
  28. Sonic Team (4 November 2011). Sonic Generations. PlayStation 3. Sega. Area/Level: Collection Room. "Shadow's character profile: Created as the "Ultimate Life Form" by Professor Gerald Robotnik, Dr. Eggman's grandfather, Shadow is the spitting image of Sonic, sharing his agility and speed. He has a strong sense of purpose and pursues his goals by any means necessary."
  29. Sonic Heroes (PlayStation 2) United States instruction booklet, pg. 8.
  30. Sonic Team (27 February 2004)). Sonic Battle. Game Boy Advance. Sega. Area/Level: Gimme Shelter (Shadow's Episode).
  31. Sonic Battle (Game Boy Advance) United States instruction booklet, pg. 4.
  32. 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 S&SAR2 的參考文獻內容文字。
  33. 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 SGenerationsProfile2 的參考文獻內容文字。
  34. 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 SHeroesManual2 的參考文獻內容文字。
  35. "Sonic Heroes official website". Characters: Team Dark. Sega. Retrieved 24 June 2004. Shadow is the dark incarnation of Sonic, created by the renowned scientist, Professor Gerald at the height of his career. This black hedgehog matches Sonic's great speed and skills and has the ability to distort time and space using "Chaos Control." Shadow was presumed dead after his fall at Colony Arc in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, but Rouge discovered him hidden away at Dr. Eggman's base. He has no memory of what happened to him but he's anxious to track down Dr. Eggman and find out.
  36. Sonic Rivals 2 (PlayStation Portable) United States instruction booklet, pg. 8.
  37. Sumo Digital (23 February 2010). Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing. PlayStation 3. Sega. Area/Level: Shadow the Hedgehog's profile card.
  38. Shadow the Hedgehog (Nintendo GameCube) United States instruction booklet, pg. 7.
  39. 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 Sonic06IntroShadow 的參考文獻內容文字。
  40. 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 SColors2 的參考文獻內容文字。
  41. "Official Sonic Heroes website". Characters: Team Dark (in Japanese). Sega. Archived from the original on 12 November 2004. Retrieved 29 July 2015.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  42. 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 SGenerationsProfile3 的參考文獻內容文字。
  43. Sonic Team (14 November 2006). Sonic the Hedgehog. Xbox 360. Sega. Cutscene: Shadow's infiltration (Shadow Episode).
  44. 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 S&SAR3 的參考文獻內容文字。
  45. Shadow the Hedgehog (Nintendo GameCube) United States instruction booklet, pg. 15.
  46. Sega Studio USA (15 November 2005). Shadow the Hedgehog. Nintendo GameCube. Sega. Area/Level: Cinematic intro.
  47. Sega Studio USA (15 November 2005). Shadow the Hedgehog. Nintendo GameCube. Sega. Area/Level: Devil Doom. "Eggman: Shadow, can you hear me? This might be the last chance I have to speak to you, so... what I said, about having created you? It was all a lie. Everyone thought you'd died during that horrible incident, but I rescued you with one of my robots! You'd lost your memory, that's all. You really are the Ultimate Lifeform my grandfather created!"
  48. Sonic Team (14 November 2006). Sonic the Hedgehog. Xbox 360. Sega. Cutscene: Omega appears (Shadow Episode).
  49. 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 SHeroesManual4 的參考文獻內容文字。
  50. "Mario and Sonic Tokyo". Sega. Archived from the original on 20 October 2020. Retrieved 21 August 2019. A black hedgehog known as the ultimate life form. Created with an immortal body, he wields Chaos Emeralds to warp space and time.
  51. "Sonic the Hedgehog European site". Characters: Shadow the Hedgehog. Sega. Archived from the original on 15 March 2007. Retrieved 5 May 2015. This mysterious hedgehog is a near-match for the blue hero though his body doesn't age and he can't be killed. Shadow, the ultimate life-form, is sent to Soleanna on a secret mission from the Federal Government and it's not yet known whether he's there to help or hinder Sonic. With his command of vehicles, Shadow can easily access areas that others can't.
  52. Sega Studio USA (15 November 2005). Shadow the Hedgehog. Nintendo GameCube. Sega. Area/Level: Final Haunt. "Sonic: Once every 50 years, that Black Comet passes by this planet. Oh! Do you think those black creatures are somehow connected with that comet? / Shadow: Black ... Comet. UGH! / Sonic: Shadow! What's wrong?! / Shadow: I think you're right... I feel it... they're up there. That's where the answers are... I've got to get to that comet!"
  53. Sega Studio USA (15 November 2005). Shadow the Hedgehog. Nintendo GameCube. Sega. Area/Level: The Last Way. "Black Doom: Such bravado for a little hedgehog! I thought you were different from the rest... but maybe not. We are more alike than you think... the same blood runs through our veins. / Shadow: This can't be... Uugghh... Just... who are YOU? / Black Doom: Don't you know? You were created from my blood... / Shadow: Wha...what!? / Black Doom: That's right... You are a part of me... do you feel that? I can control you... You can cannot escape me... nor can you escape your past! Hahahahaha... / ... / Black Doom: Gerald.. you fool! Shadow is already in my control... What's this?! Well, well, well... seems like you're immune to my mind control. / Shadow: You have no control over me, Black Doom! I now understand why I am here... I made a promise and I'm here to keep it! Today, I put my past behind me!"
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