



下一關卡 >>

英文名Lost Valley
日文名ロストバレー Rosutobarē

There's sand everywhere! Green Hill's looking a lot more like Sand Hill right now.

Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Forces

迷失山谷 (Lost Valley ロストバレー?, Rosutobarē) 是《索尼克力量》中的第一個關卡,也是遊戲中作為索尼克角色進行遊戲的第一個關卡。該關卡是對Sega Mega Drive平台上的原版《刺蝟索尼克》中的碧綠丘陵進行重新製作的。


關卡描述[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

「Lost Valley」開始時呈現出一個寧靜自然的景觀,遠處有基於方塊的褐色山脈,天空被藍天和雲朵覆蓋。與原版相似,這個關卡有無數大小和排列方式各異的方塊狀山丘。關卡的大部分區域也覆蓋着隨風擺動的綠色條紋草地(甚至在環形跑道上),土壤本身則覆蓋着不同色調的褐色方格圖案。


與其原版不同,迷失山谷有一個重要的變化:通常在背景中占主導地位的明亮湖泊被一個炙熱的沙海所取代,所有的瀑布都變成了流沙,仿佛一個沙漠從舞台上湧現出來。隨着玩家深入關卡,景觀變得更加乾旱,沙漠變得更加顯眼,更多死去和乾枯的植被出現在道路兩側,包括向日葵已經枯萎並且掉落了一些花瓣,一些圖騰柱也顯示出腐朽和破碎的跡象。在地平線上還可以看到類似金字塔的建築。在路邊還有被摧毀的大量量產的「死蛋機器人」(Death Egg Robots)。在關卡的某個部分,可以在背景中看到沙蟲已經在曾經的湖泊所在的沙漠中建立了居所。終點背後的遠處還能看到黑煙升起,表明城市正在受到圍攻。

故事背景[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


玩法[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Lost Valley is a relatively short, fast-paced stage filled with Hint Rings to explain how to play as Sonic. The stage has an number of regular enemies and obstacles, such as spikes. There are also Wisp Capsules with White Wisps for the player to charge their Boost Gauge with. There are also a couple of ledges on cliffs that will crumble a second after the player steps on them. There are also platforms attached to chains that swing in horizontal directions. These platforms are useful when the player has to cross gap sections or reach higher ground.

There are a number of pathways in the stage to choose from, whether it be if the player wants to go along a higher route or a lower route. Standard objects in Lost Valley include Springs, ramps, Boosters and loops.

總覽[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The stage begins with Sonic speeding through Green Hill in 3D. Eventually, he will jump through half-destroyed loops. After that, Sonic will enter a 2.5D section with an upper, middle and lower route, most of which feature moving swing platforms.

At the end of this 2.5D section, the player will encounter automatic, S-shaped tunnels that will take the player through large hills. Once on the other side of these tunnels, Sonic will slide down a sand fall and into a 3D section. From here, the player has to blast through a Shuttle Loop to a wooden scaffold and then run across a sandfall before blazing to the goal as the Sandworm leaps overhead before reaching it.

評級[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


S-Rank A-Rank B-Rank C-rank
950,000 515,000 330,000 <330,000

其他遊戲出場[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Sonic Speed Simulator[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Lost Valley, from Sonic Speed Simulator.

In Sonic Speed Simulator, Lost Valley appears as the game's second world, which can be unlocked after the player reaches level 25. Features included in this world are Grind Rails and the destroyed remains of a mass-produced Death Egg Robot. The level is as well completely covered in sand. In addition, there is a mission card here that allows the player to unlock Tails as a playable character.

冷知識[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  • The music for the stage is an alternate instrumental remix of "Fist Bump," which was also featured in Sonic Forces: Speed Battle where it plays in most of the stages, except for Mystic Jungle which has the music played in Luminous Forest, respectively.
    • Additionally, before the official reveal of the stage's name, it was found in the game files of Sonic Forces: Speed Battle.
  • During the stage, Sonic says "Green Hill's looking a lot more like Sand Hill right now". Coincidentally, Sand Hill was a stage featured in Sonic Adventure.
  • Lost Valley is one of the three stages that were available in the pre-release Japanese-only public demo for Sonic Forces, although the demo ends the stage early after it is played for one minute.

音樂[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

名稱 作曲家 長度 音樂
"Lost Valley" 大谷智哉 2:37

視頻[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

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