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==游戏玩法 ==

游戏引入了几个新的游戏玩法元素。不同于大多数的索尼克游戏只控制一个角色,玩家可以在三个角色中自由选择,其中一个角色作为队长,其余两个角色跟随其后。<ref name="ignreview">{{Cite web|url=http://uk.cube.ign.com/articles/449/449162p1.html|title=Sonic Heroes Review|publisher=[[wikipedia:IGN|IGN]]|last=Casamassina|first=Matt|date=5 January 2004|accessdate=8 July 2008}}</ref>每个角色都有独特的能力:速度,用于快速通关;力量,用于破坏物体和战斗;或者飞行,用于到达更高的平台。每种能力在界面上都有对应的颜色,速度为蓝色,飞行为黄色,力量为红色。这些能力也有相应的元素,速度使用风,飞行使用闪电,力量使用火。这些能力可以用于解决必须通过各个阶段的各种难题,尤其是在卡奥蒂斯团队的Mystic Mansion。玩家必须使用这些能力来穿越十四个阶段。<ref name="ignreview" />除了控制三个角色,玩家在游戏开始时还可以选择其中一个四个团队进行游戏。每个团队还有独特的团队爆炸技能,具有强大的威力和额外的效果。在故事模式中,分为四个主要故事以及一个隐藏的第五个最终故事。<ref name="ignreview" />

每个关卡的每个团队都有不同的布局,为每个故事提供不同的挑战。 <ref name="gsreview">{{Cite web|url=http://uk.gamespot.com/gamecube/adventure/sonicheroes/review.html?om_act=convert&om_clk=tabs&tag=tabs;reviews|publisher=GameSpot|date=6 February 2004|accessdate=8 July 2008|title=Sonic Heroes for GameCube Review}}</ref>每个团队的关卡方面如下:
*'''[[Team Sonic]]''': 这个团队及其相关关卡被设计为中等或正常难度,并包含一些高速部分。<ref name="USManual1" /> 团队的次要任务涉及在时间限制内到达终点。
*'''[[Team Dark]]''': 这个团队及其相关关卡被设计为难度高,需要技巧和专注来忍受激烈的战斗。<ref name="USManual3" /> 团队的次要任务涉及在关卡中消灭100个敌人。
*'''[[Team Rose]]''':这个团队及其相关的关卡是专为年轻玩家设计的,任务较短,允许玩家跳过许多关卡中较难的部分。<ref name="USManual5" /> 该团队的次要任务涉及收集200个金环。
*'''[[Team Chaotix]]''': 这个团队及其相关的关卡提供了与其他三个团队完全不同的体验,因为大多数任务都是基于任务的,只有在达到任务目标时才会完成。<ref name="USManual7" />因此,他们的关卡经常会回到起点,以便玩家可以搜寻可能被忽视的任何物品。任务主要包括收集或破坏特定于关卡的物品,[[查欧]]通常是收集的目标。次要任务通常会给正常目标增加额外的挑战,例如收集或破坏两倍的目标或在没有被敌人看到的情况下完成任务。
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="6" |Button formation
! rowspan="3" |Movement
! rowspan="2" |[[PlayStation 2|PS2]]
! rowspan="2" |[[Nintendo GameCube|GameCube]]
! rowspan="2" |[[Xbox]]
! colspan="3" |[[PC]]
!Keyboard (P1)
! Keyboard (P2)
! Mouse
|{{Left Analog Stick}}
|{{Analog Stick}}
|{{Left Analog Stick}}
|Hold left click
|{{Cross Button (PS)}}
|{{A Button (GameCube)}}
| {{A Button (Xbox)}}
| ['''A''']/['''SPACE''']
|Left + right click
| colspan="4" |Jump
|{{L2 Button (PS)}}/{{R2 Button (PS)}}
|{{L Button (GameCube)}}/{{R Button (GameCube)}}
|{{LT Button (Xbox)}}/{{RT Button (Xbox)}}
| colspan="2" |['''SHIFT''']/['''CTRL''']
|Hold right click + scroll wheel
|Move camera left/right
|{{Triangle Button (PS)}}/{{Circle Button (PS)}}
|{{Y Button (GameCube)}}/{{X Button (GameCube)}}
|{{Y Button (Xbox)}}/{{B Button (Xbox)}}
|['''Y''']/['''S'''] // ['''B''']/['''D''']
|Scroll wheel
|Change formation
|{{R1 Button (PS)}}
|{{Z Button (GameCube)}}
|'''White Button'''
|['''PAGE UP''']/['''PAGE DOWN''']
|Scroll wheel click
|[[Team Blast]]
| colspan="3" |'''START'''
|Left + right + scroll wheel click
Speed Formation =
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!colspan="6"|Button formation
!rowspan="2"|[[PlayStation 2|PS2]]
!rowspan="2"|[[Nintendo GameCube|GameCube]]
!rowspan="2"|[[file:Formchange pc 017nic.png]]<br/>[[Sonic the Hedgehog|Sonic]]
!rowspan="2"|[[file:Formchange pc 017sh.png]]<br/>[[Shadow the Hedgehog|Shadow]]
!rowspan="2"|[[file:Formchange pc 017.png]]<br/>[[Amy Rose|Amy]]
!rowspan="2"|[[file:Formchange pc 017espi.png]]<br/>[[Espio the Chameleon|Espio]]
!Keyboard (P1)
!Keyboard (P2)
|Hold {{Square Button (PS)}} while moving
|Hold {{B Button (GameCube)}} while moving
|Hold {{X Button (Xbox)}} while moving
|Hold ['''X''']/['''ESC'''] while moving
|Hold ['''DELETE'''] while moving
|Hold right click while moving
|colspan="4"|[[Spin Attack|Spin]]
|Hold {{Square Button (PS)}} > Release {{Square Button (PS)}} when teammates gather
|Hold {{B Button (GameCube)}} > Release {{B Button (GameCube)}} when teammates gather
|Hold {{X Button (Xbox)}} > Release {{X Button (Xbox)}} when teammates gather
|Hold ['''X''']/['''ESC'''] > Release ['''X''']/['''ESC'''] when teammates gather
|Hold ['''DELETE'''] > Release ['''DELETE'''] when teammates gather
|Hold right click > Release right click when teammates gather
|colspan="4"|[[Rocket Accel]]
|Hold {{Square Button (PS)}} > Release {{Square Button (PS)}} before teammates gather
|Hold {{B Button (GameCube)}} > Release {{B Button (GameCube)}} before teammates gather
|Hold {{X Button (Xbox)}} > Release {{X Button (Xbox)}} before teammates gather
|Hold ['''X''']/['''ESC'''] > Release ['''X''']/['''ESC'''] before teammates gather
|Hold ['''DELETE'''] > Release ['''DELETE'''] before teammates gather
|Hold right click > Release right click before teammates gather
|[[Swinging Hammer Attack]]
|[[Shuriken (move)|Shuriken]]
|{{Cross Button (PS)}} (mid-air)
|{{A Button (GameCube)}} (mid-air)
|{{A Button (Xbox)}} (mid-air)
|['''A''']/['''SPACE'''] (mid-air)
|['''END'''] (mid-air)
|Left click + right click (mid-air)
|colspan="4"|[[Homing Attack]]
|Jump > {{Square Button (PS)}}
|Jump > {{B Button (GameCube)}}
|Jump > {{X Button (Xbox)}}
|Jump > ['''X''']/['''ESC''']
|Jump > ['''DELETE''']
|Jump > right click
|[[Blue Tornado]]
|[[Black Tornado]]
|[[Tornado Hammer]]
|[[Leaf Swirl]]
|Hold {{Square Button (PS)}} near trail of [[Ring]]s
|Hold {{B Button (GameCube)}} near trail of [[Ring]]s
|Hold {{X Button (Xbox)}} near trail of [[Ring]]s
|Hold ['''X''']/['''ESC'''] near trail of [[Ring]]s
|Hold ['''DELETE'''] near trail of [[Ring]]s
|Hold right click near trail of [[Ring]]s
|colspan="2"|[[Light Speed Dash|Light Dash]]
|Hold {{Cross Button (PS)}} (mid-air)
|Hold {{A Button (GameCube)}} (mid-air)
|Hold {{A Button (Xbox)}} (mid-air)
|Hold ['''A''']/['''SPACE'''] (mid-air)
|Hold ['''END'''] (mid-air)
|Hold left click + right click (mid-air)
|[[Propeller Hammer]]
|colspan="6"|[[Homing Attack]] towards wall > Jump while on the wall
|colspan="4"|[[Triangle Jump]]
Fly Formation =
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!colspan="6"|Button formation
!rowspan="2"|[[PlayStation 2|PS2]]
!rowspan="2"|[[Nintendo GameCube|GameCube]]
!rowspan="2"|[[file:Formchange pc 015tail.png]]<br/>[[Miles "Tails" Prower|Tails]]
!rowspan="2"|[[file:Formchange pc 015rouge.png]]<br/>[[Rouge the Bat|Rouge]]
!rowspan="2"|[[file:Formchange pc 0er.png]]<br/>[[Cream the Rabbit|Cream]]
!rowspan="2"|[[file:Formchange pc 015.png]]<br/>[[Charmy Bee|Charmy]]
!Keyboard (P1)
!Keyboard (P2)
|Jump > Hold {{Cross Button (PS)}}
|Jump > Hold {{A Button (GameCube)}}
|Jump > Hold {{A Button (Xbox)}}
|Jump > Hold ['''A''']/['''SPACE''']
|Jump > Hold ['''END''']
|Jump > Hold left + right click
|colspan="4"|[[Ascending Flight]]
|[[Ascending Flight]] + {{Cross Button (PS)}}
|[[Ascending Flight]] + {{A Button (GameCube)}}
|[[Ascending Flight]] + {{A Button (Xbox)}}
|[[Ascending Flight]] + ['''A''']/['''SPACE''']
|[[Ascending Flight]] + ['''END''']
|[[Ascending Flight]] + Left + right click
|colspan="4"|[[Quick Ascent]]
|{{Square Button (PS)}} with teammates gathered
|{{B Button (GameCube)}} with teammates gathered
|{{X Button (Xbox)}} with teammates gathered
|['''X''']/['''ESC'''] with teammates gathered
|['''DELETE'''] with teammates gathered
|Right click with teammates gathered
|colspan="4"|[[Thunder Shoot]]
|{{Square Button (PS)}} without teammates gathered
|{{B Button (GameCube)}} without teammates gathered
|{{X Button (Xbox)}} without teammates gathered
|['''X''']/['''ESC'''] without teammates gathered
|['''DELETE'''] without teammates gathered
|Right click without teammates gathered
|colspan="2"|[[Dummy Ring Bomb]]
|[[Chao Attack|Cheese Attack]]
|[[Sting Attack]]
Power Formation =
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!colspan="6"|Button formation
!rowspan="2"|[[PlayStation 2|PS2]]
!rowspan="2"|[[Nintendo GameCube|GameCube]]
!rowspan="2"|[[file:Formchange pc 013knuc.png]]<br/>[[Knuckles the Echidna|Knuckles]]
!rowspan="2"|[[file:Omega Icon.png]]<br/>[[E-123 Omega|Omega]]
!rowspan="2"|[[file:Formchange pc 013.png]]<br/>[[Big the Cat|Big]]
!rowspan="2"|[[file:Formchange pc 013vec.png]]<br/>[[Vector the Crocodile|Vector]]
!Keyboard (P1)
!Keyboard (P2)
|colspan="6"|Moving nearby enemies
|colspan="4"|[[Auto Homing]]
|{{Square Button (PS)}}
|{{B Button (GameCube)}}
|{{X Button (Xbox)}}
|Right click
|colspan="4"|[[Forward Power Attack]]
|[[Forward Power Attack]] > {{Square Button (PS)}}
|[[Forward Power Attack]] > {{B Button (GameCube)}}
|[[Forward Power Attack]] > {{X Button (Xbox)}}
|[[Forward Power Attack]] > ['''X''']/['''ESC''']
|[[Forward Power Attack]] > ['''DELETE''']
|[[Forward Power Attack]] > right click
|colspan="4"|[[Remote Power Attack]]
|[[Remote Power Attack]] > {{Square Button (PS)}}
|[[Remote Power Attack]] > {{B Button (GameCube)}}
|[[Remote Power Attack]] > {{X Button (Xbox)}}
|[[Remote Power Attack]] > ['''X''']/['''ESC''']
|[[Remote Power Attack]] > ['''DELETE''']
|[[Remote Power Attack]] > right click
|[[Volcanic Dunk]]
|[[Omega Arm]]
|[[Big Fishing]]
|[[Vector Breath]]
|Hold {{Square Button (PS)}}
|Hold {{B Button (GameCube)}}
|Hold {{X Button (Xbox)}}
|Hold ['''X''']/['''ESC''']
|Hold ['''DELETE''']
|Hold right click
|colspan="4"|[[Fire Combination]]
|[[Fire Combination]] > Hold {{Cross Button (PS)}}
|[[Fire Combination]] > Hold {{A Button (GameCube)}}
|[[Fire Combination]] > Hold {{A Button (Xbox)}}
|[[Fire Combination]] > Hold ['''A''']/['''SPACE''']
|[[Fire Combination]] > Hold ['''END''']
|[[Fire Combination]] > Hold left + right click
|colspan="2"|[[Fireball Jump]]
|[[Fire Combination]] > Jump > {{Square Button (PS)}}
|[[Fire Combination]] > Jump > {{B Button (GameCube)}}
|[[Fire Combination]] > Jump > {{X Button (Xbox)}}
|[[Fire Combination]] > Jump > ['''X''']/['''ESC''']
|[[Fire Combination]] > Jump > ['''DELETE''']
|[[Fire Combination]] > Jump > Right click
|[[Fire Dunk]]
|[[Fire Launcher]]
|[[Jump Fire Knock]]
|[[Jump Fireball]]
|Jump > {{Square Button (PS)}}
|Jump > {{B Button (GameCube)}}
|Jump > {{X Button (Xbox)}}
|Jump > ['''X''']/['''ESC''']
|Jump > ['''DELETE''']
|Jump > Right click
|[[Body Press]]
|[[Hammer Down]]
|Hold {{Cross Button (PS)}} (mid-air)
|Hold {{A Button (GameCube)}} (mid-air)
|Hold {{A Button (Xbox)}} (mid-air)
|Hold ['''A''']/['''SPACE'''] (mid-air)
|Hold ['''END'''] (mid-air)
|Hold left + right click (mid-air)
|colspan="2"|[[Triangle Dive]]
|[[Umbrella Descent]]
|[[Bubblegum Descent]]
===对象 ===
| style="vertical-align: top" |
*[[Casino chip]] {{only}}
*[[Castle Key]] {{only}}
*[[Cell key]] {{only}}
*[[Chaos Emerald]]
**[[Cage (metal bar container)|Cage]]
**[[Case]] {{1st}}
**[[Steel Container]]
**[[Unbreakable Container]]
**[[Wooden Container]]
*[[Engine Core]] {{only}}
*[[Floating Item Box]]
* [[Goal Ring]]
| style="vertical-align: top" |
*[[Hermit crab]] {{only}}
*[[Item Box]]
**[[1-Up|1 UP]]
**[[Fly Charge]] {{only}}
**[[Power Sneakers (power-up)|High Speed]]
**[[Rings (power-up)|Rings]] {{1st}}
**[[Power Core (power-up)|Power Core]] {{only}}
**[[Team Blast Ring]] {{only}}
*[[Light spider marking]] {{only}}
*[[Power Core]] {{1st}}
*[[Special Stage Key]] {{1st}}
*[[Torch (item)|Torch]] {{1st}}
| style="vertical-align: top" |
*[[Switch|Ball Switch]]
*[[Bobsled (Sonic Heroes)|Bobsled]] {{only}}
* [[Bomb (obstacle)|Bomb]]
*[[Bumper wall]]
*[[Star Post|Check Point]]
*[[Conveyor Belt]]
*[[Dash Panel]]
*[[Dash Rail]] {{1st}}
*[[Dash Ring]]
*[[Detonator Switch]] {{only}}
*[[Drop Target]]
| style="vertical-align: top" |
* [[Fireball (obstacle)|Fireball]]
*[[Flower]] {{only}}
*[[Formation Change Gate]] {{only}}
*[[Giant Frog]] {{only}}
*[[Giant Switch]] {{only}}
*[[Grind Rail]]
*[[Hint Ring]] {{1st}}
*[[Iron ball]]
*[[Jump Panel (ramp)|Jump Panel]]
*[[Kao]] {{1st}}
*[[Laser field]]
| style="vertical-align: top" |
*[[Orb switch]] {{only}}
*[[Power Gong]] {{only}}
*[[Propeller]] {{only}}
*[[Rainbow Ring]] {{1st}}
* [[Slot machine]]
*[[Target Switch]] {{only}}
*[[Trolley]] {{only}}
*[[Warp Flower]] {{only}}
*[[Wide spring]]
| style="vertical-align: top" |
*[[Team Chaotix]] {{1st}}
**[[Vector the Crocodile(贝库特)|贝库特]]
*[[Team Dark]] {{1st}}
**[[E-123 Omega(奧米伽)|E-123 Omega]] {{1st}}
*[[Team Rose]] {{1st}}
| style="vertical-align: top" |
*[[Team Sonic]] {{1st}}
***[[超级塔尔斯]] {{1st}}
**[[索尼克]]*** [[超级索尼克]]
**[[Chocola]] {{1st}}
**[[Dark Chao]]
**[[Hero Chao]]
**[[Neo Metal Sonic]] {{1st}}
***[[Metal Madness]] {{1st}}
***[[Metal Overlord]] {{1st}}
*[[Shadow Android]] {{1st}}
| style="vertical-align: top" |
*[[Bomb Flapper]] {{1st}}
*[[Cameron]] {{1st}}
*[[Cannon Flapper]] {{1st}}
*[[E-2000]] {{1st}}
*[[E-2000R]] {{1st}}
*[[Egg Bishop]] {{1st}}
*[[Egg Hammer]] {{1st}}
*[[Egg Knight]] {{1st}}
*[[Egg Magician]] {{1st}}
*[[Egg Pawn]] {{1st}}
*[[Egg Pawn (Casino version)]] {{1st}}
*[[Falco]] {{1st}}
*[[Flapper]] {{1st}}
| style="vertical-align: top" |
*[[Gold Cameron]] {{1st}}
*[[Gold Klagen]] {{1st}}
*[[Gun Flapper]] {{1st}}
*[[Heavy-Egg Hammer]] {{1st}}
*[[Klagen]] {{1st}}
*[[Laser Flapper]] {{1st}}
*[[Needle Flapper]] {{1st}}
*[[Pumpkin ghost]] {{1st}}
*[[Rhinoliner]] {{1st}}
*[[Search Flapper]] {{1st}}
*[[Solid Flapper]] {{1st}}
*[[Solid Pawn]] {{1st}}
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!No.!![[Team Sonic]]!! [[Team Dark]]!![[Team Rose]]!![[Team Chaotix]]!!最终
|1|| colspan="4" |[[Egg Hawk]]||[[Metal Madness]]
|2||[[Team Rose (boss)|Team Rose]]||[[Team Chaotix (boss)|Team Chaotix]]||[[Team Sonic (boss)|Team Sonic]]||[[Team Dark (boss)|Team Dark]]||[[Metal Overlord]]
|3|| colspan="4" |[[Robot Carnival]]|| rowspan="5" |N/A
|4|| colspan="4" |[[Egg Albatross]]
|5||[[Team Dark (boss)|Team Dark]]||[[Team Sonic (boss)|Team Sonic]]||[[Team Chaotix (boss)|Team Chaotix]]||[[Team Rose (boss)|Team Rose]]
|6|| colspan="4" |[[Robot Storm]]
|7|| colspan="4" |[[Egg Emperor (Sonic Heroes)|Egg Emperor]]
===1P Play===
<ol start="0"><li>[[Sea Gate]] ([[Team Sonic]]/[[Team Rose]])</li><li>[[Seaside Hill (Sonic Heroes)|Seaside Hill]]</li><li>[[Ocean Palace]]</li><li>[[Grand Metropolis]]</li><li>[[Power Plant]]</li><li>[[Casino Park]]</li><li>[[BINGO Highway]]</li><li>[[Rail Canyon]]</li><li>[[Bullet Station]]</li><li>[[Frog Forest]]</li><li>[[Lost Jungle]]</li><li>[[Hang Castle]]</li><li>[[Mystic Mansion]]</li><li>[[Egg Fleet (stage)|Egg Fleet]] </li><li>[[Final Fortress]]</li></ol>
===2P Play===
| style="vertical-align: top" |
====Action Race====
#[[Seaside Hill (Sonic Heroes)|Seaside Hill]]
#[[Grand Metropolis]]
#[[BINGO Highway]]
#[[City Top]]
#[[Casino Ring]]
#[[Turtle Shell]]
| style="vertical-align: top" |
====Bobsled Race====
#[[Seaside Course]]
#[[City Course]]
#[[Casino Course]]
====Expert Race====
#[[Frog Forest]]
#[[Rail Canyon]]
#[[Egg Fleet (stage)|Egg Fleet]]
| style="vertical-align: top" |
====Quick Race====
#[[Road Rock]]
# [[Mad Express]]
#[[Terror Hall]]
====Ring Race====
#[[Egg Treat]]
#[[Pinball Match]]
# [[Hot Elevator]]
====Special Stage Race====
#[[Special Stage 1]]
#[[Special Stage 2]]
#[[Special Stage 3]]
{{Main|Special Stage (Sonic Heroes)}}<gallery type="slideshow" position="right" widths="225">
File:Heroes Special Stage C Challenge.png|Team Chaotix 在“Bonus Challenge”特殊关卡。
File:Heroes Special Stage E Challenge.png|[[Team Rose]] 在 "Emerald Challenge" 特殊关卡
</gallery>《索尼克英雄》中的特殊关卡是一系列可选关卡,发生在圆形管道内,可玩角色向前奔跑。要进入这些关卡,玩家必须找到一个特殊关卡钥匙,并在未失去它的情况下完成任务。特殊关卡本身分为两种类型:“奖励挑战(Bonus Challenge)”,让玩家获得更多分数;和“翡翠挑战(Emerald Challenge)”,在其中玩家可以获得混沌翡翠。每种类型都有七个特殊关卡,总共有十四个特殊关卡。

在“Bonus Challenges”(奖励挑战)中,玩家必须在时间耗尽之前收集尽可能多的分数,这是通过收集球体来完成的,球体会增加他们的得分。他们也可以获得能量球来填充能量冲刺仪表板,玩家可以通过能量冲刺来增加速度,但会消耗能量。在“Emerald Challenges”(绿宝石挑战)中,玩家需要在绿宝石到达管道尽头之前到达绿宝石。任何一个队伍获得所有七个混沌绿宝石并完成所有四个故事,就会解锁游戏的最后一个故事。
本游戏使用了[[RenderWare]]引擎,这使得在GameCube、PlayStation 2、Xbox和PC CD-ROM之间进行编程和移植变得容易。<ref name="ginfwire">{{Cite web|url=http://www.gameinfowire.com/news.asp?nid=2361|title=Sega Chooses RenderWare For The Creation Of Sonic Heroes|date=29 May 2003|accessdate=8 July 2008}}</ref>

游戏设计师[[飯塚隆]]表示,他不想让索尼克英雄成为另一个索尼克大冒险游戏,因为他担心这么做只有核心玩家会购买,相反,他更愿意创建一款适合普通用户的游戏。<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=8490&Itemid=2|title=INTERVIEW: Nights Watchman : Next Generation - Interactive Entertainment Today, Video Game and Industry News - Home of Edge Online|publisher=Next Generation Magazine|accessdate=17 April 2008}}</ref> 根据前川司郎的说法,在开发的早期阶段,曾计划制作6个团队,但最终决定18个可玩角色“太多了”。最初计划的团队是:<ref name="mizuhanoTWT">{{Cite web|url=https://twitter.com/mizuhano/status/989669646730067968|title=Shiro Maekawa on Twitter|work=Twitter|date=26 April 2018|accessdate=5 May 2018|language=Japanese}}</ref>
*[[卡奥斯]]、 [[E-102 Gamma]]和[[比格]]
*[[艾斯皮欧]]、[[查蜜]]和[[Vector the Crocodile(贝库特)|贝库特]]
*[[Fang the Sniper|Fang]], [[Bean the Dynamite|Bean]], 和 [[Bark the Polar Bear|Bark]]
*[[金属索尼克]], [[Ray the Flying Squirrel(瑞)|瑞]], 和[[Mighty the Armadillo(麥迪)|麦迪]]
最初,前川并没有计划把[[夏特]]带进游戏,因为他被认为已经死了,但是在开发会议后,决定让夏特复活。<ref name="mizuhanoDIEorNOT">{{Cite web|url=https://twitter.com/mizuhano/status/989671387055902720|title=Shiro Maekawa on Twitter|date=26 April 2018|work=Twitter|accessdate=5 May 2018|language=Japanese}}</ref>
{{Main|Complete Trinity: Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrax}}[[File:Complete Trinity Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrax.jpg|thumb|225px|The cover of ''[[Complete Trinity: Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrax]]''.]]''[[Complete Trinity: Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrax]]'' 是游戏的原声大碟,共有两张光盘,收录了游戏中的音乐,于2004年3月发行。《Triple Threat: Sonic Heroes Vocal Trax》则是游戏的歌唱原声大碟,包含游戏和角色主题曲,于2004年2月发行。另一张收录《索尼克英雄》音乐的专辑名为《Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition》,于2011年8月发行,以纪念索尼克系列20周年。游戏的主题曲《Sonic Heroes》由瀬上純作曲。

{| class="wikitable"
|[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]
| rowspan="2" |[[Ryan Drummond]]
| rowspan="2" |[[Jun'ichi Kanemaru]]
|[[Metal Sonic]]
|[[Doctor Eggman|Dr. Eggman]]
|[[Deem Bristow]]
|[[Chikao Ōtsuka]]
|[[Miles "Tails" Prower]]
|[[William Corkery]]
|[[Ryo Hirohashi]]
|[[Knuckles the Echidna]]
|[[Scott Drier]]
|[[Nobutoshi Canna]]
|[[Shadow the Hedgehog]]
|[[David Humphrey]]
|[[Kōji Yusa]]
|[[Rouge the Bat]]
|[[Lani Minella]]
|[[Rumi Ochiai]]
|[[E-123 Omega]]
|[[Jon St. John]]
|[[Taiten Kusunoki]]
|[[Amy Rose]]
|[[Jennifer Douillard]]
|[[Taeko Kawata]]
|[[Cream the Rabbit]]
|[[Sarah Wulfeck]]
|[[Sayaka Aoki]]
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |[[Ryō Hirohashi]]
|[[Big the Cat]]
|[[Jon St. John]]
|[[Takashi Nagasako]]
|[[Espio the Chameleon]]
|[[Bill Corkery]]
|[[Yūki Masuda]]
|[[Vector the Crocodile]]
|[[Marc Biagi]]
|[[Kenta Miyake]]
|[[Charmy Bee]]
| [[Emily Corkery]]
|[[Yōko Teppōzuka]]
| [[Omochao]]
|[[Lani Minella]]
|[[Etsuko Kozakura]]
<references group="note"/>
<references group="note"/>

於 2023年4月8日 (六) 17:55 的修訂

  • 平台
  • 動作冒險
英文名Sonic Heroes
引擎RenderWare (Version[note 1]
發行日期Nintendo GameCube:
JP 2003 年 12 月 30 日[1]
NA 2004 年 1 月 6 日[2]
EU 2004 年 2 月 6 日[3]

Xbox/PlayStation 2:
JP 2003 年 12 月 30 日[1]
NA 2004 年 1 月 27 日[2]
EU 2004 年 2 月 6 日
JP 2004 年 12 月 9 日[4]
NA 2004 年 11 月 16 日[5]
EU 2004 年 11 月 26 日

PlayStation Network:
JP 2014 年 9 月 17 日[6]
EU 2012 年 2 月 22 日[7][8]
CERO: All Ages
PEGI: 3+
  • CD-ROM
  • Digital download (EU/JP)
  • GameCube Optical Disc
  • CPU: Pentium III 866 MHz
  • GPU: 16 MB Direct3D 兼容
  • OS: Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP/Vista
  • Sound: DirectX 9.0b
  • Space: 800 MB
  • 12x speed CD-ROM drive
  • 鍵鼠
  • GameCube 控制器
  • Xbox 控制器
  • DualShock
  • DualShock 2
  • DualShock 3 (EU/JP)
開發者Sonic Team USA

A Tough Team for a Tough Job.

— Tagline

索尼克群英会 (Sonic Heroes ソニック ヒーローズ?, Sonikku Hīrōzu)刺蝟索尼克系列中的一款3D平台遊戲,由 Sonic Team 開發,SEGA發行,發行平台為GameCube、PlayStation 2和Xbox,於2003年12月在日本首次發佈,隨後在接下來的幾個月內在其他國家發佈。之後,SEGA於2004年11月發佈了Microsoft Windows PC版本。作為PlayStation 2經典遊戲計劃的一部分,PlayStation 2版本在2012年9月通過PlayStation Network在歐洲重新數碼化發行,亞洲則在2014年1月發行。《索尼克群英会》之所以引人注目,是因為它是第一款在索尼和微軟遊戲機上發佈的索尼克遊戲。




遊戲引入了幾個新的遊戲玩法元素。不同於大多數的索尼克遊戲只控制一個角色,玩家可以在三個角色中自由選擇,其中一個角色作為隊長,其餘兩個角色跟隨其後。[9]每個角色都有獨特的能力:速度,用於快速通關;力量,用於破壞物體和戰鬥;或者飛行,用於到達更高的平台。每種能力在界面上都有對應的顏色,速度為藍色,飛行為黃色,力量為紅色。這些能力也有相應的元素,速度使用風,飛行使用閃電,力量使用火。這些能力可以用於解決必須通過各個階段的各種難題,尤其是在卡奧蒂斯團隊的Mystic Mansion。玩家必須使用這些能力來穿越十四個階段。[9]除了控制三個角色,玩家在遊戲開始時還可以選擇其中一個四個團隊進行遊戲。每個團隊還有獨特的團隊爆炸技能,具有強大的威力和額外的效果。在故事模式中,分為四個主要故事以及一個隱藏的第五個最終故事。[9]

每個關卡的每個團隊都有不同的佈局,為每個故事提供不同的挑戰。 [10]每個團隊的關卡方面如下:

  • Team Sonic: 這個團隊及其相關關卡被設計為中等或正常難度,並包含一些高速部分。[11] 團隊的次要任務涉及在時間限制內到達終點。
  • Team Dark: 這個團隊及其相關關卡被設計為難度高,需要技巧和專注來忍受激烈的戰鬥。[12] 團隊的次要任務涉及在關卡中消滅100個敵人。
  • Team Rose:這個團隊及其相關的關卡是專為年輕玩家設計的,任務較短,允許玩家跳過許多關卡中較難的部分。[13] 該團隊的次要任務涉及收集200個金環。
  • Team Chaotix: 這個團隊及其相關的關卡提供了與其他三個團隊完全不同的體驗,因為大多數任務都是基於任務的,只有在達到任務目標時才會完成。[14]因此,他們的關卡經常會回到起點,以便玩家可以搜尋可能被忽視的任何物品。任務主要包括收集或破壞特定於關卡的物品,查歐通常是收集的目標。次要任務通常會給正常目標增加額外的挑戰,例如收集或破壞兩倍的目標或在沒有被敵人看到的情況下完成任務。




Button formation Movement
PS2 GameCube Xbox PC
Keyboard (P1) Keyboard (P2) Mouse
[T]/[F]/[G]/[H] [↑]/[←]/[↓]/[→] Hold left click Move
Cross Template:A Button (Xbox) [A]/[SPACE] [END] Left + right click Jump
L2/R2 / Template:LT Button (Xbox)/Template:RT Button (Xbox) [SHIFT]/[CTRL] Hold right click + scroll wheel Move camera left/right
/Circle / /Template:B Button (Xbox) [Y]/[S] // [B]/[D] [INSERT]/[HOME] Scroll wheel Change formation
R1 White Button [Z] [PAGE UP]/[PAGE DOWN] Scroll wheel click Team Blast
START [TAB] [ENTER] Left + right + scroll wheel click Pause


Button formation Movement
PS2 GameCube Xbox PC
File:Formchange pc 017sh.png
File:Formchange pc 017.png
File:Formchange pc 017espi.png
Keyboard (P1) Keyboard (P2) Mouse
Hold Square while moving Hold while moving Hold Template:X Button (Xbox) while moving Hold [X]/[ESC] while moving Hold [DELETE] while moving Hold right click while moving Spin
Hold Square > Release Square when teammates gather Hold > Release when teammates gather Hold Template:X Button (Xbox) > Release Template:X Button (Xbox) when teammates gather Hold [X]/[ESC] > Release [X]/[ESC] when teammates gather Hold [DELETE] > Release [DELETE] when teammates gather Hold right click > Release right click when teammates gather Rocket Accel
Hold Square > Release Square before teammates gather Hold > Release before teammates gather Hold Template:X Button (Xbox) > Release Template:X Button (Xbox) before teammates gather Hold [X]/[ESC] > Release [X]/[ESC] before teammates gather Hold [DELETE] > Release [DELETE] before teammates gather Hold right click > Release right click before teammates gather Kick Swinging Hammer Attack Shuriken
Cross (mid-air) (mid-air) Template:A Button (Xbox) (mid-air) [A]/[SPACE] (mid-air) [END] (mid-air) Left click + right click (mid-air) Homing Attack
Jump > Square Jump > Jump > Template:X Button (Xbox) Jump > [X]/[ESC] Jump > [DELETE] Jump > right click Blue Tornado Black Tornado Tornado Hammer Leaf Swirl
Hold Square near trail of Rings Hold near trail of Rings Hold Template:X Button (Xbox) near trail of Rings Hold [X]/[ESC] near trail of Rings Hold [DELETE] near trail of Rings Hold right click near trail of Rings Light Dash N/A
Hold Cross (mid-air) Hold (mid-air) Hold Template:A Button (Xbox) (mid-air) Hold [A]/[SPACE] (mid-air) Hold [END] (mid-air) Hold left click + right click (mid-air) N/A Propeller Hammer N/A
Homing Attack towards wall > Jump while on the wall Triangle Jump
Button formation Movement
PS2 GameCube Xbox PC
File:Formchange pc 015rouge.png
File:Formchange pc 0er.png
File:Formchange pc 015.png
Keyboard (P1) Keyboard (P2) Mouse
Jump > Hold Cross Jump > Hold Jump > Hold Template:A Button (Xbox) Jump > Hold [A]/[SPACE] Jump > Hold [END] Jump > Hold left + right click Ascending Flight
Ascending Flight + Cross Ascending Flight + Ascending Flight + Template:A Button (Xbox) Ascending Flight + [A]/[SPACE] Ascending Flight + [END] Ascending Flight + Left + right click Quick Ascent
Square with teammates gathered with teammates gathered Template:X Button (Xbox) with teammates gathered [X]/[ESC] with teammates gathered [DELETE] with teammates gathered Right click with teammates gathered Thunder Shoot
Square without teammates gathered without teammates gathered Template:X Button (Xbox) without teammates gathered [X]/[ESC] without teammates gathered [DELETE] without teammates gathered Right click without teammates gathered Dummy Ring Bomb Cheese Attack Sting Attack
Button formation Movement
PS2 GameCube Xbox PC
File:Omega Icon.png
File:Formchange pc 013.png
File:Formchange pc 013vec.png
Keyboard (P1) Keyboard (P2) Mouse
Moving nearby enemies Auto Homing
Square Template:X Button (Xbox) [X]/[ESC] [DELETE] Right click Forward Power Attack
Forward Power Attack > Square Forward Power Attack > Forward Power Attack > Template:X Button (Xbox) Forward Power Attack > [X]/[ESC] Forward Power Attack > [DELETE] Forward Power Attack > right click Remote Power Attack
Remote Power Attack > Square Remote Power Attack > Remote Power Attack > Template:X Button (Xbox) Remote Power Attack > [X]/[ESC] Remote Power Attack > [DELETE] Remote Power Attack > right click Volcanic Dunk Omega Arm Big Fishing Vector Breath
Hold Square Hold Hold Template:X Button (Xbox) Hold [X]/[ESC] Hold [DELETE] Hold right click Fire Combination
Fire Combination > Hold Cross Fire Combination > Hold Fire Combination > Hold Template:A Button (Xbox) Fire Combination > Hold [A]/[SPACE] Fire Combination > Hold [END] Fire Combination > Hold left + right click Fireball Jump N/A
Fire Combination > Jump > Square Fire Combination > Jump > Fire Combination > Jump > Template:X Button (Xbox) Fire Combination > Jump > [X]/[ESC] Fire Combination > Jump > [DELETE] Fire Combination > Jump > Right click Fire Dunk Fire Launcher Jump Fire Knock Jump Fireball
Jump > Square Jump > Jump > Template:X Button (Xbox) Jump > [X]/[ESC] Jump > [DELETE] Jump > Right click N/A Body Press Hammer Down
Hold Cross (mid-air) Hold (mid-air) Hold Template:A Button (Xbox) (mid-air) Hold [A]/[SPACE] (mid-air) Hold [END] (mid-air) Hold left + right click (mid-air) Triangle Dive Umbrella Descent Bubblegum Descent









No. Team Sonic Team Dark Team Rose Team Chaotix 最終
1 Egg Hawk Metal Madness
2 Team Rose Team Chaotix Team Sonic Team Dark Metal Overlord
3 Robot Carnival N/A
4 Egg Albatross
5 Team Dark Team Sonic Team Chaotix Team Rose
6 Robot Storm
7 Egg Emperor


1P Play

  1. Sea Gate (Team Sonic/Team Rose)
  2. Seaside Hill
  3. Ocean Palace
  4. Grand Metropolis
  5. Power Plant
  6. Casino Park
  7. BINGO Highway
  8. Rail Canyon
  9. Bullet Station
  10. Frog Forest
  11. Lost Jungle
  12. Hang Castle
  13. Mystic Mansion
  14. Egg Fleet
  15. Final Fortress

2P Play

Action Race

  1. Seaside Hill
  2. Grand Metropolis
  3. BINGO Highway


  1. City Top
  2. Casino Ring
  3. Turtle Shell

Bobsled Race

  1. Seaside Course
  2. City Course
  3. Casino Course

Expert Race

  1. Frog Forest
  2. Rail Canyon
  3. Egg Fleet

Quick Race

  1. Road Rock
  2. Mad Express
  3. Terror Hall

Ring Race

  1. Egg Treat
  2. Pinball Match
  3. Hot Elevator

Special Stage Race

  1. Special Stage 1
  2. Special Stage 2
  3. Special Stage 3


《索尼克群英会》中的特殊關卡是一系列可選關卡,發生在圓形管道內,可玩角色向前奔跑。要進入這些關卡,玩家必須找到一個特殊關卡鑰匙,並在未失去它的情況下完成任務。特殊關卡本身分為兩種類型:「獎勵挑戰(Bonus Challenge)」,讓玩家獲得更多分數;和「翡翠挑戰(Emerald Challenge)」,在其中玩家可以獲得混沌翡翠。每種類型都有七個特殊關卡,總共有十四個特殊關卡。

在「Bonus Challenges」(獎勵挑戰)中,玩家必須在時間耗盡之前收集儘可能多的分數,這是通過收集球體來完成的,球體會增加他們的得分。他們也可以獲得能量球來填充能量衝刺儀錶板,玩家可以通過能量衝刺來增加速度,但會消耗能量。在「Emerald Challenges」(綠寶石挑戰)中,玩家需要在綠寶石到達管道盡頭之前到達綠寶石。任何一個隊伍獲得所有七個混沌綠寶石並完成所有四個故事,就會解鎖遊戲的最後一個故事。


本遊戲使用了RenderWare引擎,這使得在GameCube、PlayStation 2、Xbox和PC CD-ROM之間進行編程和移植變得容易。[15]

遊戲設計師飯塚隆表示,他不想讓索尼克群英会成為另一個索尼克大冒險遊戲,因為他擔心這麼做只有核心玩家會購買,相反,他更願意創建一款適合普通用戶的遊戲。[16] 根據前川司郎的說法,在開發的早期階段,曾計劃製作6個團隊,但最終決定18個可玩角色「太多了」。最初計劃的團隊是:[17]



File:Complete Trinity Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrax.jpg
The cover of Complete Trinity: Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrax.

Complete Trinity: Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrax 是遊戲的原聲大碟,共有兩張光盤,收錄了遊戲中的音樂,於2004年3月發行。《Triple Threat: Sonic Heroes Vocal Trax》則是遊戲的歌唱原聲大碟,包含遊戲和角色主題曲,於2004年2月發行。另一張收錄《索尼克群英会》音樂的專輯名為《Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition》,於2011年8月發行,以紀念索尼克系列20周年。遊戲的主題曲《Sonic Heroes》由瀬上純作曲。



角色 英語配音 日語配音
Sonic the Hedgehog Ryan Drummond Jun'ichi Kanemaru
Metal Sonic
Dr. Eggman Deem Bristow Chikao Ōtsuka
Miles "Tails" Prower William Corkery Ryo Hirohashi
Knuckles the Echidna Scott Drier Nobutoshi Canna
Shadow the Hedgehog David Humphrey Kōji Yusa
Rouge the Bat Lani Minella Rumi Ochiai
E-123 Omega Jon St. John Taiten Kusunoki
Amy Rose Jennifer Douillard Taeko Kawata
Cream the Rabbit Sarah Wulfeck Sayaka Aoki
Cheese Ryō Hirohashi
Big the Cat Jon St. John Takashi Nagasako
Espio the Chameleon Bill Corkery Yūki Masuda
Vector the Crocodile Marc Biagi Kenta Miyake
Charmy Bee Emily Corkery Yōko Teppōzuka
Omochao Lani Minella Etsuko Kozakura


  1. 根據《索尼克群英会》的 RenderWare 引擎庫 ID 標記上的庫版本。庫版本使用十六進制數字,格式為 0xVJNBB,其中 V(3 位)是 RenderWare 版本,J(4 位)是主要版本,N(4 位)是次要版本,B(6 位)是二進制版本.例如版本 將被編碼為 0x35000。


  1. 1.0 1.1 Tochen, Dan (5 November 2003). "Sonic Heroes Japanese release delayed". GameSpot.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Calvert, Justin (27 January 2004). "Sonic Heroes ships for the PS2 and Xbox". GameSpot.
  3. "Sonic Heroes". Nintendo (UK). Archived from the original on 18 May 2019.
  4. "スーパーヒーローズ、夢の競演! Windowsに登場!" (in Japanese). Sega (JP). Archived from the original on 6 December 2004. Retrieved 9 January 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  5. "SEGA SHIPS SONIC HEROES FOR PC". Sega. 4 December 2008. Archived from the original on 16 February 2005. Retrieved 9 January 2022.
  6. "ソニック ヒーローズ" (in Japanese). Sony. Archived from the original on 25 November 2014. Retrieved 12 February 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  7. "Sonic Heroes" (in French). PlayStation Store (FR). Archived from the original on 3 April 2018. Retrieved 12 February 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  8. "'Heads-Up' Game Store Update 22nd February 2012". PlayStation Blog. 22 February 2012. Retrieved 3 January 2015.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Casamassina, Matt (5 January 2004). "Sonic Heroes Review". IGN. Retrieved 8 July 2008.
  10. "Sonic Heroes for GameCube Review". GameSpot. 6 February 2004. Retrieved 8 July 2008.
  11. 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 USManual1 的參考文獻內容文字。
  12. 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 USManual3 的參考文獻內容文字。
  13. 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 USManual5 的參考文獻內容文字。
  14. 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 USManual7 的參考文獻內容文字。
  15. "Sega Chooses RenderWare For The Creation Of Sonic Heroes". 29 May 2003. Retrieved 8 July 2008.
  16. "INTERVIEW: Nights Watchman : Next Generation - Interactive Entertainment Today, Video Game and Industry News - Home of Edge Online". Next Generation Magazine. Retrieved 17 April 2008.
  17. "Shiro Maekawa on Twitter". Twitter (in Japanese). 26 April 2018. Retrieved 5 May 2018.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  18. "Shiro Maekawa on Twitter". Twitter (in Japanese). 26 April 2018. Retrieved 5 May 2018.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)



Main article | Scripts (Team Sonic, Team Dark, Team Rose, Team Chaotix, Last) | Staff | Glitches | Beta elements | Gallery | Pre-releases (E3 version)
Sonic the Hedgehog console mainline games

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