

Saikishiro讨论 | 贡献2023年11月23日 (四) 22:56的版本
"Sonic's world" redirects here. For other uses of the term, see Earth (disambiguation) and Sonic's world (disambiguation).


索尼克Sonic Adventure 2 File:QuotEarth.ogg

地球[1] (地球 Chikyū?),也被称为索尼克的世界[2][3]索尼克刺猬系列的主要整体设定。以其众多奇观和隐藏的奇迹而闻名,[4] 它是索尼克的宇宙中一个郁郁葱葱、美丽的星球,居住着各种生物,尤其是人类和拟人化动物。

在其历史上超过十亿年的时间里,[5] 地球见证了古代 文明的兴衰、重大战争悲剧,以及来自外星 文明 外星 行星的访客。不幸的是,地球上的一些居民开发了武器 大规模 毁灭性 武器,一些权力欲 暴君引发了事件和危机。因此,地球远非和平之地,尽管一些人提议将所有居民统一在一个没有暴力的世界中,但这些尝试都未能成功。[6] 尽管如此,地球上的大多数人本质上都是善良的,只希望过上他们的生活,实现他们的梦想。[7][8]



索尼克刺猬被创造为世嘉的吉祥物,取代了其前吉祥物亚历克斯·基德。为了最大化这个新角色的吸引力,他的背景(以及他居住的星球)在系列的最初游戏中(从第一款游戏Sonic R)没有给出详细信息。这允许公司的不同分支(世嘉日本、世嘉美国和世嘉欧洲)各自创造自己的故事,以适应第三方赞助商,如漫画和动画电视系列。[请求来源 ]

索尼克的星球在1991年的世嘉美国系列《索尼克圣经》中被命名为莫比乌斯。这个名称被采纳进西方的动画片和漫画中,并偶尔在视频游戏说明书中提到。然而,自从Sonic Adventure发布以来,这个名称就不再与视频游戏相关联了。

这个星球最初在其他媒体中未命名,大多数早期连续剧则发生在虚构的莫比乌斯星球上。几乎没有例外,游戏中这个星球的名称从未被提及;然而,游戏通常被假定发生在一个虚构的地球上,其中一些地点基于现实世界的地方。为了保持原始的日本剧本,它在Sonic Adventure 2中被称为"地球",标志着该名称首次在游戏的英文本地化中使用。从那时起,它在许多剧本中被重复使用。


小行星,地球的自然卫星之一,来自Sonic the Hedgehog CD

地球,就像现实生活中的行星一样,是一个球形的天体。它拥有一个由诸如氢[9]和氧气等众多气体组成的可呼吸大气,它会燃烧小型太阳系物体,以防止它们与地球发生碰撞。[10] 其表面主要覆盖着水,使其主要呈蓝色。点缀在地球表面的还有许多大型大陆,可以从轨道上看到,以及无法从太空看到的“数以百万计”的小岛屿。[4] 此外,它拥有围绕其运行的月球。其他卫星和类似物体包括小行星,它是一个微小的世界,每年在永不湖上空出现一个月,然后在剩下的十一个月中完全消失;[11][12] 以及失落六角,一个隐藏在地球天空中的未探索的浮动大陆。[13]

覆盖地球的景观非常多样,以至于整个星球可以被认为是一个相当疯狂的地方,主要是由于其棋盘格土壤、漂浮的 各种大小的岛屿,以及自然形成的环形山岩层,这可以归因于“大自然的扭曲、弹性之美”。[4] 这个星球的自然环境从贫瘠的 沙漠 峡谷,到肥沃的 山谷沙质的 海岸线火热的 废土冰冻的 极地草地 山丘广阔的 丛林 森林地下 隧道 网络水下 地区

地球还是许多文明建造的定居点的所在地,包括但不限于遍布全球的无数城市,至少有六个城市对其他地区拥有重大影响。[14] 一些城市在技术方面非常先进,特别是像金属城单极城这样的尖端城市,拥有机器人、飞行汽车、极限装备和运输管道。其他人工区域包括古代 遗迹废弃的 堡垒空中 建筑朴素村庄。机器人和突破性技术也很常见。

人类和拟人化动物,地球上最具代表性的物种,来自Sonic Jam

地球是许多不同物种和生物和平共存的家园,包括人类、各种物种和种族的动物(拟人化的或其他)、查奥,以及后来的怀斯普[15] 尽管人类仍是这个星球的主导物种。这个星球还容纳了多种形式的超自然生物,如幽灵,以及一段时间的黑盖亚的爪牙;几个神灵,包括混沌索拉里斯;以及大自然的物质化身,如黑盖亚光盖亚。甚至地球本身也被推测拥有自己的意志。[16]

地球充满了迷人的国家,每个国家都有自己的文化和人民。拟人化动物通常生活在星球上点缀的岛屿上,而人类则倾向于生活在更大的国家。[4] 著名的国家包括联合联邦艾格曼帝国索莱安娜公国。还有其他国家存在,每个国家都是根据现实世界的地点来模仿的。

地球在黑暗武装 事件期间的描绘,来自Shadow the Hedgehog




Adabat盖亚神庙内壁画描绘了暗盖亚光盖亚的永恒冲突,来自Sonic UnleashedXbox 360/PlayStation 3版本。

地球在时间的开始时就已经存在。[17] 大约在那个时候,两个星球对光明与黑暗平衡的渴望的体现诞生了:暗盖亚光盖亚[16] 从那时起,遵循一个永恒的循环,暗盖亚会在每隔几百万年从地球核心醒来,一旦聚集了足够的力量,就会破坏这个星球,试图摧毁它,直到光盖亚阻止暗盖亚并修复在所谓的觉醒时期期间造成的损害。一旦这个事件过去,这两个实体会回到地球核心睡眠,直到它们能够醒来继续他们的循环。[17] 许多年前,为了帮助在地球被破坏时恢复星球,世界各地建立了盖亚神庙来容纳星球的力量。[18]

在古代,地球的文明非常原始,技术水平也不发达。在那时,最先进的社会是来到这个星球的外星种族。显著地,几万年前,一个被称为Ancients的民族来到地球,因为他们的母星被一个名为The End的未知实体攻击并摧毁了。这个文明在偏远的Starfall Islands上建立营地,但他们在地球环境中重建社会遇到了困难,不得不应对不同的自然环境和在母星上不存在的技术不兼容问题。他们还创造了一个名为Cyber Space的另一个世界来保存他们的文化遗产,并在Starfall Islands上布满了武器和先进的机器人,以防万一The End再次入侵。当这样的入侵确实发生时,Ancients用他们的Titans捆绑了这个实体,并将其封印在Cyber Space中,以防止它摧毁地球。

传说中的古代Babylonians,来自Sonic Riders.

几个世纪后,另一群外星人,被称为Babylonians,在被迫从他们的宇宙飞船中弹出引擎单元Arks of the Cosmos后,在地球上坠毁,这些引擎单元成为了Babylon Garden,围绕地球轨道运行,以防止黑洞的形成。[19][20] Babylonians在地球上安居乐业,将Babylon Garden作为他们的家,它被称为"神之翼" (神の翼 Kami no tsubasa?),一个传说中神通过天堂骑行的传奇鸟。[21][22] 然而,Babylonians仍然渴望回家,也会等待Arks of the Cosmos从轨道上坠落,以便他们使用它们回家。[20] 随着时间的推移,Babylonians回收了两个Arks of the Cosmos,并将它们放在安全的位置。[23] 随着时间的推移,Babylonians也成为了一支伟大的盗贼和Extreme Gear专家的传奇团伙,被称为Babylon Rogues,他们在世界各地寻找宝藏。[22] 然而,据说,Babylon Rogues招致了神的愤怒,他们将Babylon Garden投入地球深处,使Babylonians永远分散。[22] 然而,Babylonians的一个分支,被称为Babylon氏族,[24] 继续他们的盗窃方式,代代相传,作为Babylon Rogues继续存在,并沿袭着Key to Babylon Garden。 数万年前,地球经历了另一个觉醒时期。这一事件被视为一次传奇灾难,并记录在盖亚手稿中。[25]

自从混沌翡翠被远古人类从他们的家园带来以来,它们在历史上多次出现。值得注意的是,在遥远的过去,西岸岛的人们使用这些翡翠来发展他们的文明并取得巨大繁荣。然而,当这些人试图滥用混沌翡翠时,这种繁荣一夜之间消失了,据说促使神灵将它们封印在岛上的某处。[26] 然而,与混沌翡翠相对的是大师翡翠,这是另一个来源未知的遗物,具有中和混沌翡翠能量的特殊能力。[27][28]

曾经,南海上的一个孤岛上有一个古老的文明,进入了一个繁荣时期。然而,在不明情况下,这个文明消失了,其古老的遗迹,现在被称为Regal Ruin,成为了一个神秘的迷宫和考古遗址。[29][30]


Knuckles Clan突袭翡翠祭坛,来自Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut

大约3000年前,混沌翡翠和大师翡翠位于翡翠祭坛。这个祭坛和居住在其中的切奥由一位被称为水之精灵的神灵守护。那时,还有一个古老的针鼹文明被称为纳克尔斯氏族,在神秘遗迹地区的领土上统治,当时是一个敌对军阀的时代。在氏族首领帕查卡马克的领导下,为了追求统治和权力,他带领他的氏族进行了一系列成功的战争,极大地提高了纳克尔斯氏族的繁荣。然而,不满足于此并渴望更多权力的帕查卡马克密谋偷取混沌翡翠。不赞成他好战的行为,帕查卡马克的女儿蒂卡尔试图阻止这次不必要的突袭。然而,她的努力白费了,帕查卡马克在攻击祭坛时最终伤害了蒂卡尔和许多切奥。看到他的朋友受伤,水之精灵因愤怒和悲伤变成了一个腐败的存在,并利用混沌翡翠变成了完美混沌。在完美混沌攻击纳克尔斯氏族时,蒂卡尔牺牲了自己,将自己和水之精灵封印在大师翡翠内,以防止完美混沌毁灭世界的其余部分。之后,混沌翡翠失落了,水之精灵被称为“Chaos”。受到攻击的教训,纳克尔斯氏族的剩余成员利用大师翡翠的力量将翡翠祭坛区域悬挂在天空中,创造了天使岛。在那里,纳克尔斯氏族将生活,承担观察和保护大师翡翠的责任,以免再次发生与Chaos相关的事件。[33] 然而,随着时间的推移,纳克尔斯氏族逐渐衰落。

另一个外星种族,被称为黑臂,也在观察地球。这些生物居住在一个被称为黑彗星的天体上,每五十年经过地球一次。[34] 他们的领导者黑末日特别计划收割地球上的人类作为食物,供养他的继承者,作为他的繁荣仪式的一部分。[35] 然而,地球的大气层阻止了黑末日将黑彗星带到地球进行他的仪式。[10] 超过2000年前,为了帮助他的计划,黑末日将一支天船舰队运送到地球上的象形峡谷[36]


五十多年前,地球历史上最杰出的头脑之一,杰拉尔德教授,被当时的联合联邦总统请来,创建终极生命形式,政府计划将其作为战争的武器。[37][38] 尽管杰拉尔德最初拒绝了,但他发现可以通过合作不朽研究来找到治愈他的孙女,患有不治之症神经免疫缺陷综合症玛丽亚的方法。在环绕地球轨道上的太空殖民地方舟上开始“影子计划”,杰拉尔德和他的同事们开始了工作。[37] 然而,在发展过程中,杰拉尔德需要帮助,所以在黑彗星经过地球时联系了黑末日。[39][40] 他们之间达成了一个协议:黑末日将为影子计划提供他的DNA样本,杰拉尔德将让他的创造在黑彗星五十年后再次返回时带给黑末日七个混沌翡翠。[40] 然而,杰拉尔德最终发现了黑末日的真实计划,因此开发了日蚀炮,用来在他们返回时摧毁黑彗星和黑臂。[41] 最终,在黑末日的DNA帮助下,杰拉尔德创造了终极生命形式:影子刺猬[42] 在此期间,杰拉尔德还发现了Gizoid并发现了其能力,促使他研究如何控制它,防止它被用于邪恶。[32][43][44] 尽管如此,由于上层管理层发疯,并威胁要冻结影子计划,杰拉尔德将Gizoid交给了政府,以换取更多时间进行他的研究。[45]继续翻译如下:

[46] 不幸的是,Gizoid很快就失控了,但最终被制服。由于无法摧毁Gizoid,杰拉尔德不得不为其编程赋予自由意志,以便它选择不成为大规模毁灭性武器。[47] 最终,国家守护单位(GUN)认为杰拉尔德的研究过于危险。因此,GUN实施了一项行动,他们入侵了方舟,并开始消灭与“影子计划”相关的所有人,目的是拘留杰拉尔德,并将方舟的随后关闭归咎于一次事故。在袭击中,玛丽亚在将影子送往地球时被杀害。[37][48] 之后,杰拉尔德被拘留并被带到监狱岛继续他在影子上的工作,影子被GUN发现并在岛上被置于军事控制下的休眠状态。[49] 无法忍受失去玛丽亚的痛苦,杰拉尔德逐渐疯狂。[50] 在对Gizoid的自由意志程序做出最后修改后,[48] 杰拉尔德最终失去理智,并制定了一个计划,以摧毁地球作为对人类杀害玛丽亚的报复,并在影子醒来时洗脑他执行这个计划。[50] 不久之后,当GUN开始担心他的报复时,他被处决。[49]

Ten years ago, the Duke of Soleanna began the Solaris Project in hopes of harnessing the time-controlling powers of Soleanna's deity, Solaris. However, the project backfired, resulting in Solaris being split into Iblis and Mephiles the Dark. With the aid of Shadow and Silver however, who had come from the future to witness the Solaris Project, Mephiles was sealed inside the Scepter of Darkness while Iblis was sealed inside the Duke's daughter, Princess Elise, although the Duke died soon after.

In the recent past, Gerald's grandson, the infamous Dr. Ivo Robotnik, began planning to establish his own empire and dominate the world. Some of his known operations involved establishing MeteorTech, a security company which he secretly used to plant his robot armies everywhere;[51][52] and building a massive interstellar amusement park to harness the Hyper-go-on energy of the alien Wisps. However, he was unable to finish the park until years later.[53] In addition, his other plans for domination would be wrecked by a young hedgehog named Sonic, who soon became his worst enemy.[54]


For some time, various conflicts between Dr. Robotnik, later known as "Eggman", and Sonic would occur on certain regions of the earth over the fate of the planet. Fortunately, the hedgehog would always come out victorious, ensuring the world would live in peace before the doctor would strike back, repeating the process.[54]

At some point, Cocoa Island was invaded by the Battle Kukku Empire when its leader, the tyrannical Great Battle Kukku XV, sought to get the Chaos Emeralds that were resting there to achieve world domination.[55] However, their operations soon began to backfire due to interference from Miles "Tails" Prower, who repelled the empire's forces from the island. Eventually, Tails infiltrated the Battle Kukku Empire's base of operations, the Battle Fortress, and defeated what was left of the empire, leaving the Battle Fortress to sink in the sea.

Around this time period, Dr. Eggman and his minions invaded South Island in the doctor's bid to find the six of the seven Chaos Emeralds resting there and use them to conquer the earth,[54] but this plan was foiled by Sonic, sending the six Emeralds, alongside the seventh one, to West Side Island.[56] In the aftermath of this incident, Little Planet made its annual appearance over Never Lake. Seeking to get the seven Time Stones resting on the tiny planet to control time itself, Eggman chained Little Planet to a mountain in Never Lake and took over the planet.[57] Fortunately, however, Sonic went to Little Planet, where he defeated Eggman and secured the Time Stones. After being saved, Little Planet would leave earth for another year.

Dr. Eggman's Death Egg re-entering the earth's atmosphere after the events of the West Side Island incident, from Sonic Origins.

Soon after, Dr. Eggman invaded West Side Island to get the seven Chaos Emeralds there, much like how he did on South Island earlier. This time though, he wanted the Emeralds to create a massive superweapon, the Death Egg, and launch it to space to achieve global domination.[26] However, interference from Sonic and his new sidekick, Tails, forced the doctor to launch the space station without the Chaos Emeralds. Onboard the Death Egg, Sonic encountered and defeated Mecha Sonic and the Death Egg Robot, triggering a chain-reaction that caused the massive fortress to enter the earth's orbit and plummet down to the Floating Island. There, Eggman manipulated the island's local guardian, Knuckles, to help him repair the Death Egg. When Sonic and Tails arrived on the Floating Island, the space station was almost finished and ready to be launched to space. However, the heroes managed to damage the Death Egg and make it fall down to the Floating Island's main volcano. This time, Eggman betrayed Knuckles and stole the Master Emerald from him to power the once-again-repaired Death Egg, but Sonic and Tails managed to destroy the space station for good and return the Master Emerald back to the Floating Island.

Following the Death Egg's destruction, Dr. Eggman's rage peaked and made him revisit his past inventions to defeat Sonic once and for all,[58] but this plan ended in failure. Over the next few months, more crises would arise on earth due to the doctor's operations, forcing Sonic to go and stop him. In one circumstance, Eggman kidnapped Sonic, alongside Mighty the Armadillo and Ray the Flying Squirrel, and sent them to the trap-ridden Eggman Island, where he planned to execute them. However, the trio teamed up and managed to overcome the island's many traps, forcing Eggman to activate a self-destruction mechanism that caused Eggman Island to explode. Regardless, Sonic, Mighty and Ray successfully escaped in one piece. Another incident would see Little Planet returning to earth, allowing the doctor to build a second Death Egg around it, but Sonic and Tails foiled this plan.

During the Phantom Ruby incident, Dr. Eggman discovered an ancient power buried on Angel Island, and sent an elite squad of Eggrobos to obtain it. However, by the combined efforts of Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, Eggman's plans were foiled, which also resulted in Sonic and the Phantom Ruby being sent to the future. Regardless, Sonic returned shortly afterwards alongside the Phantom Ruby, only to find two of his friends, Mighty and Ray, both of whom were trapped in a capsule. After Sonic freed the duo though, one of them was revealed to be the Heavy Magician in disguise, who had survived the previous incident, and set off to revive the other Hard Boiled Heavies who had been destroyed. Thus, now with the aid of Mighty and Ray by his side, alongside Knuckles and Tails, Sonic set off in search of the Phantom Ruby once again. Despite the combined efforts of Sonic and his group, Eggman once again took the Phantom Ruby, and rematched them with old foes. After chasing down Eggman to the Titanic Monarch, Sonic and friends were finally able to stop Eggman, causing a chain reaction which caused the Phantom Ruby to go haywire and create a rift that consumed it and the doctor, and put an end to that scheme for good.

The horrors of the Knuckles Clan's actions returning to the present with Perfect Chaos flooding Station Square, from Sonic Adventure.

During the Chaos incident, Eggman learned of the legends of Chaos, and shattered the Master Emerald to liberate the beast and use him to destroy Station Square and build Eggmanland on its ruins. To further his agenda, the doctor created the first line of E-Series robots, the E-100 Series, and built the Egg Carrier.[59] Throughout the incident, Eggman would collect the Chaos Emeralds to power up Chaos and make him reach his maximum potential for his plan to succeed. Despite interference from Sonic and his friends, Chaos was eventually able to collect all seven Chaos Emeralds. After betraying Dr. Eggman, the beast turned into Perfect Chaos and flooded Station Square on his own. Fortunately, before Chaos could cause any further damages, Sonic turned into Super Sonic and defeated the beast.

When the Space Colony ARK incident came around, Dr. Eggman discovered documents of his grandfather, Gerald Robotnik, that mentioned an "Ultimate Lifeform". Wanting to use Gerald's creation to conquer earth, Eggman raided Prison Island on his own and released this Ultimate Lifeform, Shadow the Hedgehog. From the hedgehog, the doctor learned of the ARK's weapons of mass destruction, including the Eclipse Cannon, and wanted to use it to subjugate the world to his empire. Meanwhile, Sonic was arrested after being mistaken with Shadow, prompting his friends to go to Prison Island and release him. With help from Rouge the Bat, Eggman and Shadow destroyed Prison Island and, with six Chaos Emeralds, destroyed part of one of the moons to show off the Eggman Empire's power to the United Federation. After a battle against Tails onboard the ARK, Eggman was able to get the last Chaos Emerald and install it into the Eclipse Cannon. However, this activated a doomsday program written by Gerald Robotnik that would make the ARK enter into a collision course with the earth, destroying it instantly. This forced Eggman, Rouge and Shadow to team up with Sonic, Tails and Knuckles to stop the space station from destroying the planet. However, they faced interference from the Biolizard, who had fused with the ARK itself as Finalhazard, allowing the station to continue its collision course towards the earth. Fortunately, Sonic and Shadow, transformed into Super Sonic and Super Shadow, respectively, defeated the Finalhazard and sent the ARK back to space again with a super-powered Chaos Control, preventing the planet from being destroyed, seemingly killing Shadow in the process, though it would later be revealed that he was saved by Eggman at some point afterwards.

Later incidents would see Sonic dealing with Eggman again when the doctor made more attempts to establish his Eggman Empire on earth, while befriending new faces such as Cream the Rabbit in his adventures. Eventually, however, the doctor's empire was taken over by Metal Sonic, who, transformed into Neo Metal Sonic, sought to destroy Sonic once and for all to prove himself as the real Sonic. During this crisis, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles formed Team Sonic and, after teaming up with Teams Dark, Rose, and Chaotix, defeated Neo Metal Sonic, turning him back to normal.

During the Emerl incident, Eggman would once again look into his grandfather's documents, eventually learning of a weapon of mass destruction named the Gizoid. Wanting to use this robot to achieve world domination, Eggman acquired the Gizoid, but got disappointed after seeing it could not respond to his commands. The doctor thus disposed of the Gizoid and built replicas of it that could obey him. Days afterwards, Sonic found the Gizoid on a beach, and named it "Emerl". Through encounters with Sonic and his friends, Emerl was able to develop a new personality, learn different battle moves, and get the seven Chaos Emeralds. Meanwhile, refusing to give up, Eggman built a new Death Egg and equipped it with the Final Egg Blaster, which was powerful enough to destroy all of earth in an instant. After luring Emerl to a trap onboard his space station, Eggman was able to put him under his command. However, Emerl went rogue and threatened to use the Final Egg Blaster to obliterate the planet. Fortunately, Sonic went to the Death Egg and defeated the robot in less than thirty seconds, though this caused Emerl to self-destruct.

Following this incident, Eggman somehow got Emerl's data and used it to build Gemerl, a new robotic lackey of his. He subsequently used a Chaos Emerald to activate a massive Chaos Control that split the earth into multiple pocket dimensions. As usual though, Sonic and his allies put a stop to the doctor's plans and managed to restore the planet back to normal. However, Gemerl betrayed Eggman and used the seven Chaos Emeralds to transform into Ultimate Gemerl and threaten the earth. Using the Chaos Emeralds as well, Sonic turned into Super Sonic and, with Eggman's help, defeated Gemerl, who would later be turned into a friendly robot by Tails and live with Cream and her family afterwards.

The Black Arms invading the earth, from Shadow the Hedgehog.

Later on, the Black Arms invaded earth and began to bring destruction and darkness to the world immediately after their arrival.[60] The aliens' leader, Black Doom, reached to Shadow and ordered him to hand over the Chaos Emeralds "as promised" for a prosperity ritual. Desiring to learn more about his past, the black hedgehog went to find the Emeralds, which he managed to do so following unspecified events. However, when he was about to give them to Black Doom onboard the Black Comet, his allies came in and begged him not to do so, but the alien took the Emeralds for himself and used them to teleport the Black Comet to earth's surface, releasing a powerful, paralyzing gas that spread all across the planet. Black Doom then explained how Shadow came to be and left. However, the hedgehog followed the alien and used the Chaos Emeralds to transform into Super Shadow as Black Doom turned into Devil Doom. After defeating the alien, the hedgehog used the Eclipse Cannon to destroy the Black Comet.

During the Sol Emerald incident, the earth and all of Sonic's universe were threatened when Dr. Eggman made a cooperation with his descendant from the future, Eggman Nega, to create an interdimensional Eggmanland. To create their desire paradise, the villains sought to harness the powers of the Chaos and Sol Emeralds, bringing the dimension into a collision course with the Sol Dimension, another universe. Fortunately, the combined efforts of Sonic and Blaze the Cat resulted in the scientists being defeated and both dimensions being restored.

When Dr. Eggman learned of the so-called "treasure" of the ancient Babylonians sealed within Babylon Garden, he reached the Babylon Rogues, the descendants of this society, and had them collect the seven Chaos Emeralds in an EX World Grand Prix the doctor would host. After a long series of races between the Rogues and Team Sonic around the world, the thief group got the seven Emeralds and used the Key to Babylon Garden to hoist the ancient spaceship back up into the sky. The scientist took this opportunity to infiltrate the Garden and take the ancient treasure there. However, it turned out to be a Magic Carpet, which disappointed Eggman, who was expecting a powerful technology to take over the world.

In an aborted timeline involving Solaris, the horrors of the Solaris Project returned after ten years when Eggman sought the "Flames of Disaster" sealed within Princess Elise the Third to conquer all of time. While Sonic would fight to protect the sovereign from the doctor's claws, Silver, an inhabitant of a ruined future, came to the present to kill the blue hedgehog, hoping that this would restore his timeline as a suspicious figure known as Mephiles the Dark had promised him, while Shadow would have several confrontations with the creature. As it turned out, Mephiles was one of Solaris' halves, alongside the Flames of Disaster, known as Iblis. Eventually, the two monsters reunited to form Solaris and threaten to consume all of earth, followed by Sonic's universe itself and later all dimensions. Fortunately, however, Sonic and Elise went back in time to erase the sun god from existence, resulting in these events being undone.

While this catastrophe was aborted, the future of the earth would be under threat again when Eggman Nega returned to the present armed with a mysterious camera that would allow him to turn objects into cards. Angry that Dr. Eggman's failures would not give him the reputation he deserved in his timeline, the villain turned his ancestor into a card and took over his empire in his bid to improve his family's image in the future. In addition, he managed to transport the future Angel Island, known as Onyx Island, to the present. However, with interference from Sonic and his friends, as well as Silver, Nega was defeated, causing him to try to use his camera to turn all of the earth into a card, but was fortunately stopped and trapped into a card himself. He would resurface not long after though, planning to release the interdimensional Ifrit to Sonic's universe to destroy the world. As part of this plan, the villain hired Rouge to collect the seven Chaos Emeralds to open the portal to the Ifrit's home dimension, the Chaotic Inferno, and also kidnapped various Chao to use them as a livestock for the beast. However, various duos of heroes and villains opposing Nega would defeat him and prevent the Ifrit from wreaking havoc, thus saving the earth.

The last two Arks of the Cosmos falling down to the earth's surface, from Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity.

Months after the incident involving the Babylon Rogues, the last two of the five Arks of the Cosmos landed on earth, resulting in a global robot rampage that Eggman wanted to take advantage of to conquer the world. However, this eventually led to the formation of a black hole within Babylon Garden when the Arks were reunited there, forcing Team Sonic and the Babylon Rogues to work together to overcome this threat. Luckily, they were able to disconnect the Garden's core unit, subsiding the black hole and sending the spaceship into orbit around earth. Later on, Eggman hosted a second EX World Grand Prix to prove himself the best at riding Extreme Gear. During this event, he had Metal Sonic copy the data of all the other racers and then give them to the doctor. However, this data turned out to be useless for the scientist as the robot had given him false information and used the real data to make himself the fastest Gear racer. Soon after, Sonic would stop the treacherous machine, but he and the others were disappointed that the villain did not have any awards or prize to begin with.

The earth having been split apart by Dr. Eggman's Chaos Energy Cannon, from Sonic Unleashed.

During the Dark Gaia incident, Dr. Eggman learned of the Gaia Manuscripts, which told of Dark Gaia and the time of awakening that would shatter the earth. Wanting every few millennia to harness the ancient creature's powers to finally make his dreams of building Eggmanland become a reality, the doctor kidnapped Professor Pickle, a scholar with great knowledge on the Manuscripts, and took away all of his data and intel. Soon after, following a confrontation with Sonic in outer space, the villain took the seven Chaos Emeralds the hedgehog had with him and used them to power his "Chaos Energy Cannon", which he fired at the planet, shattering it and prematurely waking up Dark Gaia along with its light counterpart, Light Gaia. With help from Light Gaia, who gained the nickname "Chip", Sonic used the drained Chaos Emeralds to restore the earth's continents and recharging the gems. Eventually, however, Dark Gaia completed its awakening as Perfect Dark Gaia and fought Sonic, now transformed into Super Sonic, during an epic showdown. Fortunately, the evil creature was defeated and sealed in the earth alongside Chip.

When the Wisp incident came along, Eggman completed his Egg Planet Park by chaining five planets to it; while he claimed that this was done as a public apology for his past transgressions, the doctor was actually using the chained planets to enslave a local alien race known as Wisps and harness their Hyper-go-on power to fuel a Mind Control Ray, which he would then use to take control of the earth as a stepping stone to achieve universal domination. When Sonic inevitably interfered and liberated the planets from his rule, the villain would fire the charged mind control cannon at earth. However, as the cannon had been damaged, it instead created a Hyper-go-on void that consumed the entire amusement park. Fortunately, the Wisps would neutralize the void, preventing it from causing further damages, and sent the hedgehog back to the surface of the earth.

Following this incident, Eggman would be left stranded in space, where he would come across a mighty creature known as the Time Eater which possessed the power to consume time and space. Coveting this monster's abilities to erase his past mistakes, the doctor tamed the creature and teamed up with a version of himself from the distant past to perfect him. Following that, the villains would tamper with the earth's history, trapping various of its locations and sending them to a white void known as White Space. However, Sonic and Tails, alongside younger versions of themselves, managed to stop this threat and the Time Eater was destroyed. The doctors would then be trapped within White Space and the heroes would return to their respective times while the earth was restored back to normal.

The life energy of the earth being drained by the Extractor, from Sonic Lost World.

Eventually, Dr. Eggman set foot on the lost continent known as the "Lost Hex" and enslaved its inhabitants, six Zeti demons known as the Deadly Six, to control their electromagnetic abilities. Additionally, he built an Extractor on the floating landmass to drain the life of the earth, which he would then use to power his machines. However, due to interference from Sonic and Tails, the Deadly Six were liberated from their enslavement and rebelled against the doctor, forcing him to team up with the heroes to stop the evil creatures from harnessing the planet's life for their own gain. When the hedgehog defeated the demons though, the scientist used this opportunity to use the extracted life to power a massive Eggrobo mech, which he tried to use to destroy his nemesis. As expected, nevertheless, the villain was defeated, while Tails tampered with the Extractor to return the stolen energy to the dying earth, restoring it yet again.

Following a previous incident, the mystical Phantom Ruby was transported to the present earth. Happening across this gem, Eggman learned of its impressive powers and sought to use it during his campaign to conquer the world. Having hired the Jackal Squad, a group of mercenaries run by a jackal called Infinite, the doctor ran various tests on the Phantom Ruby, discovering its potential and creating various prototypes based off of it, the final one being incorporated within Infinite to give him the gem's powers. When he invaded a City, the scientist's forces managed to overwhelm Sonic himself and imprisoned him inside of a new Death Egg. Over the next six months, the virtually unopposed Eggman Empire would conquer 99% of the planet in what became known as the War to Take Back the Planet. It was during this conflict that the villain's empire would be opposed by the Resistance, a rebellion created by Sonic's friends. Eventually, the heroes managed to rescue the hedgehog and, with him, reclaim various territories formerly controlled by the empire, destroy the Death Egg and diminish its forces. They would also have help from Classic Sonic and a person known as the Avatar. In the meantime, Eggman moved his army to the Eggman Empire Fortress, where he prepared a doomsday plan to wipe the Resistance out with a sun created by the Phantom Ruby in three days. When the moment came, however, the Avatar used the last remaining Phantom Ruby prototype to dispose of this sun at the last moment, saving the Resistance. With Infinite having been taken out for good by Sonic and his friends, Eggman dispatched a massive Death Egg Robot powered by the real Phantom Ruby as a last-ditch effort to dispose of the heroes. Luckily though, Sonic, Classic Sonic and the Avatar joined forces to defeat this mech, thus ending the Eggman Empire's rule over the earth.

Some time later, the Chaos Emeralds were attracted by advanced technologies on an unexplored archipelago. Once Dr. Eggman discovered it, he planned to make the technologies his and created an artificial intelligence he called Sage. Just as he inserted Sage into a portal on Kronos Island, activating the Ancients' technologies, Eggman was sucked in. To discover Eggman's intentions, Sonic, Tails and Amy reached the Starfall Islands on the Tornado, but the plane was suddenly sucked into a wormhole. Sonic managed to escape and found himself alone on Kronos Island, attracting the attentions of a spooky female voice. This voice persuaded the blue hedgehog to "find the Chaos Emeralds, destroy the Titans and tear down the walls between dimensions". Sonic found Amy, Knuckles and Tails as holograms trapped in Cyber Cages on Kronos, Ares and Chaos Islands, destroying the three Titans and absorbing more and more Cyber Energy. After defeating the third Titan, the mysterious voice ordered Sonic to shut down the six towers on Rhea Island, so that he would've ended his task. Once the last tower was shut, Sonic's friends and Eggman were released from Cyber Space, but the hedgehog ended being stuck between reality and Cyber Space due to his full Cyber Corruption. Sage warned his creator to re-enter Cyber Space in order to be safe from the exiting threat, who claimed to be finally free since immemorial time. Not giving up, Tails, Amy and Knuckles returned into Cyber Space to restore Sonic, so that he could get the Chaos Emeralds one fourth time on Ouranos Island with the help of Eggman and Sage. Once Super Sonic defeated the last Titan, the entity retired into space to regain its' full powers; Sage joined Sonic by piloting Supreme and faced their enemy, who introduced itself as The End. During the fight, The End shot a powerful beam to annihilate its enemies, but it was blocked and Super Sonic smashed the enemy. The End attempted to blow itself up in desperation to wipe out the Earth, but Sage sacrified herself flying into The End to contain the explosion, asking the supersonic hedgehog to "protect... Father". Sonic's friends were free at last and left the archipelago onboard the Tornado, while Eggman, saddened by the loss of his "daughter", managed to restore her inputting a command on a computer.

Main locations



Main political factions

Bodies of water

Cities and territories


Natural satellites

In other media


Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie

Planet Freedom, from Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie.

In Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie, the earth goes mainly by the name of Planet Freedom and serves as the home planet of Sonic and his friends and enemies. In this media, it is divided into two layers: the Land of the Sky and the Land of Darkness.

Sonic X

The Earth, from "Showdown in Space".

In the Sonic X anime series and its comic series published by Archie Comics, it is revealed that Sonic, his friends and Dr. Eggman originate from an alternate reality version of Earth. A long time ago, Sonic's world and Earth were once one, but a cataclysmic event split the planet into two and sent them to different dimensions. The flow of time in Sonic's world is considerably slower than on Earth, with one month in Sonic's world equaling an entire year on Earth.

When Sonic came to Earth, the two worlds began to merge into one once again, which would ultimately stop the flow of time completely, thus forcing Sonic and co. to return to their world.

Sonic Boom

The earth, from "Dude, Where's My Eggman?".

In the Sonic Boom franchise, earth is where the series takes place.[61] In this media, the planet resides in the Sonic Boom World and holds a mysterious past that has spawned both legends and lore alike. Its surface consists mostly of lush and wild nature filled with jungles, mountains, undersea civilizations, cloud cities, and all kinds of other environments. The earth has very little urbanization and most of the residents live in and around a Village.[62] The series centers around Seaside Island where Team Sonic fight against Dr. Eggman to keep the doctor from achieving domination over the planet.[63]

The majority of the planet's population is made up of anthropomorphic animals referred to as animal people,[64] though humans like Dr. Eggman are also present. While civilization here is predominantly rustic, modern commodities such as ice cream stands, airplanes, televisions and highly advanced technology are also found here, though in much lesser quantity. A few places on the planet, like Dr. Eggman's lair and the Ancients' civilization, are highly futuristic and technological areas.

Books and comics

Sonic the Hedgehog (manga)

In the Sonic the Hedgehog manga published by Shogakukan, the Earth is the home planet of Nicky, Dr. Eggman, and many others.

Archie Comics

In the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics, the Earth was almost identical to the real-world planet, with a history virtually identical to that of its real-life counterpart. In the early 21st century, however, Earth was contacted by an alien race known as the Xorda. However, the Xorda ambassador was captured and dissected by humanity, and the aggressive Xorda race declared war on Earth. Though some of humanity managed to preserve themselves, the Xorda ended the world with their Gene Bombs which broke all forms of life down to their basic components. Thousands of years later, this combined biomatter gave birth to the mobian race, who would repopulate the Earth and rename it Mobius.

After the Super Genesis Wave re-wrote history, Mobius became known as Sonic's World. The planet is now virtually identical to its game counterpart.

Sonic the Comic

The Earth, from Sonic the Comic #114. Art by Roberto Corona and John M. Burns.

In the Sonic the Comic series published by Fleetway Editions, the Earth is considered entirely separate from Sonic's home planet of Mobius. In an early Sonic's World strip, the Kintobor Computer claimed that Mobius was in a small galaxy that was "117,63222[sic] light years from Earth", in a parallel dimension, in a different time zone and the whole region is made up of dark matter.[65]

Amy Rose and Tekno the Canary crash-landed on Earth in a spaceship after being teleported across the universe accidentally. During this short stay, they were mistaken for aliens. They befriended a human named Professor Cratermass and earned the enmity of Colonel Granite, the deranged commander of Operation Starwatch, who believed they were the vanguard of an invasion fleet. Amy and Tekno managed to escape and teleport back to Mobius with some help from Professor Cratermass, who deleted the teleportation program afterwards so that Colonel Granite could not follow.[66][67] Amy and Tekno encountered Granite again on Earth during their trips through the Ring of Eternity,[68][69] and as a result of this story, rogue British military forces led by Colonel Granite subsequently invaded Mobius before being hurled out by the spirit of the planet itself.[70][71] An even later story showed that, due to their highly similar ecosystems, Earth and Mobius were twin planets.

Sonic Adventures

In the Sonic Adventures comic series published by Sirène, Earth is known as Mobius. In this media, it is the home planet of Sonic and his friends.

IDW Publishing



The Earth, from Sonic the Hedgehog.

In the Sonic the Hedgehog film series produced by Paramount Pictures, Earth is a planet on the far side of the universe. Sonic was sent to Earth to hide from people who want to use his power by Longclaw. In this media, the Earth closely resembles the real planet.

After staying in hiding on Earth for ten years, Sonic accidentally made his presence known to the United States government, who sent Dr. Robotnik out to investigate the matter, prompting Sonic to try and leave Earth. Robotnik himself tried to capture Sonic, but with the aid of Tom Wachowski, Sonic banished him to the Mushroom Planet. Afterward, Sonic settled down on Earth once more, but in the company of the Wachowski family.


  • Few real-world civilizations are known to exist on earth; in early Western manuals, there are references to the Romans and Egyptians in the descriptions of Aquatic Ruin and Regal Ruin, respectively,[72][73] but these peoples are not mentioned in Japanese sources. The Sonic Riders series features the Babylonians as ancestors of the Babylon Rogues, but Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity confirms that these people have no relation to the ancient settlement in modern-day Iraq.
  • The backgrounds of Chaos Angel and Crimson Crater from Sonic Advance 3 and Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity show two moons in the sky of earth.[77][78] In Sonic Channel's "Sonic X Shadow" cover story, it is confirmed that the Space Colony ARK can be seen in front of the moon once every year, though it is unknown whether the space station is actually this "second moon" seen in the aforementioned levels.[79]
  • Yuji Naka in a 2011 interview asserted that action on earth begun at Christmas Island, with Sonic traveling to more urbanized and human filled lands like Station Square between the Classic games and Sonic Adventure.[80]
  • Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood is the first and only instance in the series so far to use the terms "earth", "Sonic's world", and "Sonic's World" in the same game.
  • In interviews leading up to the release of Sonic Forces, Takashi Iizuka once said that the Sonic games takes place across two worlds: one is human, and the other one is set on the non-human side, the latter of which Sonic Colors takes place in.[81] However, it has not been clarified whether this means the games literally take place across two different versions of the earth like in Sonic X, or across different societies. The PR and Social Media Manager of Sonic the Hedgehog Aaron Webber, to his understanding, confirms the former while former Sega Europe community manager Kevin Eva disapproves it.[82][83] In a later interview, Iizuka stated that the portrayal and nature of the earth depends on which of these two worlds is being portrayed in each game, and sometimes there may be some "crossovers" between them.[84] This idea of the canon world structure has now since been abandoned in the lead up to Sonic Frontiers, reunifying Sonic's world as one in a creative sense.
    • Ian Flynn also backed up the now abandoned idea at the time, stating that according to Sega, Sonic's world and the human world are two separate planets, with travel between them accomplished via the use of Giant Rings.[85] However, Flynn later implied that this was no longer officially considered to be the case, though stated that he was unable to elaborate at the time.[86]
      • As of the first official broadcast of TailsTube, this bit of lore appears to no longer be considered to be part of the Sonic series, as humans and anthropomorphic animals are stated to both inhabit a single world, albeit different parts of it.
      • Ian Flynn officially refers Sonic's world as earth, due to the new canon of the series seems fitting.[87]



See also


  1. Sonic Team (23 June 2001). Sonic Adventure 2. Dreamcast. Sega. "玛利亚: Shadow,你认为地球上是什么样子的?"
  2. Sonic Team (12 November 2010). Sonic Colors (Wii). Sega. "艾格曼: 很快,我的精神控制武器将充满我从外星人那里吸取的能量,而索尼克的世界将成为我星际主题公园的中心。"
  3. Dimps (21 April 2012). Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II. PC. Sega. "怎么玩/第二集故事: 在Sonic the Hedgehog CD中的小行星再次靠近索尼克的世界几个月后。"
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 "TailsTube #1 (feat. Sonic)". YouTube. Sonic the Hedgehog. 24 March 2022. Retrieved 24 March 2022.
  5. 索尼克与塔尔斯2 (Sega Game Gear) 日本说明书,第24页。
  6. Sonic Team (27 February 2004). Sonic Battle. Game Boy Advance. Sega. 剧情: 结局 (Emerl's Episode). "塔尔斯: 总有一天……如果这个世界终于知道了真正的和平……如果这个世界不再需要武器或战争……如果我们长大后可以创造一个真正和平的世界……如果我们可以创造一个只有笑声的世界……你认为我们将能再次和Emerl一起玩吗? / 索尼克: ... ... ... ...是的!绝对可以!"
  7. Sonic Team USA (23 June 2001). Sonic Adventure 2. Dreamcast. Sega. 地区/关卡: 最后的故事. 剧情: 剧情 5. "艾米: 一定有办法!我知道人们为了最琐碎的事情而争吵。有些人可能很自私,就像教授说的那样……但他们基本上都是好人,只要他们尽力并且永不放弃他们的愿望。他们总有理由快乐;这就是为什么你应该帮助他们!拯救他们是件好事!Shadow,我求你,为了他们请做这件事!给他们一个机会!"
  8. Sonic Team (9 December 2008). Sonic Unleashed. PlayStation 3. Sega. 剧情: 没有理由. "Chip: 这太有趣了!能看到世界。我从这个星球开始就住在这里,但……我一点都不知道。它是如此美丽,食物味道如此美妙,人们是如此友好!我很高兴能有机会和你一起发现这一切。"
  9. Sonic Team (27 February 2004). Sonic Battle. Game Boy Advance. Sega. "Ult. 1st Attack - 通过与空气中的氢产生摩擦而产生的爆炸性拳击。"
  10. 10.0 10.1 Sonic Team (18 November 2005). 影子刺猬. PlayStation 2. Sega. 区域/关卡: The Last Way. "索尼克: 那些黑色生物刚刚用混沌控制把彗星传送到地面上! / Rouge: 不!这不可能! / 影子刺猬: 这就是为什么你需要混沌翡翠。 / 黑末日: 哈哈哈... 正是。彗星的速度不足以穿过另一个行星的大气层。翡翠放大了混沌控制的时空控制能力。我们需要它们来充满能量。这是一个完美的计划。这就是为什么我需要教授来帮我..."
  11. 索尼克刺猬 CD (2011) 指令菜单,"一个无视时间的世界"
  12. Sonic the Hedgehog CD (Sega CD) 日本说明书,第4页。
  13. Berry, Jason (12 June 2013). "TSS @ E3: TAKASHI IIZUKA INTERVIEW "纯粹的平台动作"". The Sonic Stadium. Archived from the original on 15 June 2013. Retrieved 27 March 2022.
  14. Sega Studio USA (15 November 2005). Shadow the Hedgehog. Nintendo GameCube. Sega. 剧情:完成Westopolis后。 "GUN Soldier: 全球六个主要城市遭到黑暗外星人的袭击,每个城市都报告了重大的破坏和伤亡。"
  15. Sega. "ソニック & ウィスプ キャラクター紹介". ソニック & ウィスプ キャラクター紹介 (in Japanese). Sonic Channel. Archived from the original on 10 September 2021. Retrieved 12 September 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  16. 16.0 16.1 Sonic Team (9 December 2008). Sonic Unleashed. PlayStation 3. Sega. 剧情: 节省演讲. "皮克尔教授: 我们不能没有夜晚生活。我们都必须睡觉。我们都必须休息。黑暗是我们世界的一部分,就像光明一样。也许黑暗并没有被消灭,只是被安置休息。它在千万年里变得强大,上升,然后被光明安置休眠。也许这就是暗盖亚和光盖亚真正的平衡。这种平衡也许是星球本身的意志。"
  17. 17.0 17.1 Sonic Team (9 December 2008). Sonic Unleashed. PlayStation 3. Sega. 剧情: 没有理由. "Chip: 我的……我的真名是光盖亚。我从白天和光明中汲取力量,并引导星球重生。我的工作是保护星球免受暗盖亚的伤害。但艾格曼博士自己把世界分裂开来,暗盖亚和我都在不该醒来的时候被唤醒了。这就是为什么暗盖亚分裂开来,我不知道自己是谁。我不记得我应该做什么。都是因为这不是醒来的合适时机。 / 索尼克: 醒来的时机? / Chip: 暗盖亚在数百万年中成长,然后升起来摧毁世界。而我把一切重新组合在一起。我们从时间的开始就一次又一次地做这件事……"
  18. Sonic Team (9 December 2008). Sonic Unleashed. PlayStation 3. Sega. 区域/关卡: 教授室. "皮克尔教授: 根据盖亚手稿,总共有7座神庙。它们在很久以前被建造在世界各地,以容纳星球的力量。"
  19. Sonic Team, CRI Middleware (22 February 2008). Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity. PlayStation 2. Sega. "Wave: ...我们已经作出决定。我们必须从这艘飞船上切断引擎单元。因为如果我们延迟,引擎核心的收缩将导致无光之黑吞噬一切。"
  20. 20.0 20.1 Sonic Team, CRI Middleware (22 February 2008). Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity. PlayStation 2. Sega. Area/level: Ending sequence (Babylon Story). "Tails: 他们在古代坠落到这个星球... 他们断开了单元... / Amy: 并且将其留在轨道上,希望有一天它能落回地面。每当他们看到流星... / Sonic: 我打赌他们希望能回到他们的母星。"
  21. Sonic Team, CRI Middleware (22 February 2008). Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity. PlayStation 2. Sega. Area/Level: Gigan Rocks. "Amy: 神之翼? / Tails: 是的,传说中神通过天堂骑行的传奇鸟。"
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Sonic Team, Sonic Team USA (17 March 2006). Sonic Riders. PlayStation 2. Sega. Area/Level: Splash Canyon. "Tails: 是的;巴比伦流氓的标志。很久以前,有一个名为巴比伦花园的漂浮岛屿。据说,强盗住在那里。根据传闻... 这个“传说”中的团伙,巴比伦流氓,是伟大的盗贼。传说还说,由于他们的罪行,巴比伦流氓招致了神的愤怒,岛屿被投入地球深处。之后,据说巴比伦人被永远分散,再也找不到。但是他们说,巴比伦流氓的宝藏仍然留在那个岛上,等待被发现。还有传闻说,巴比伦流氓是极限齿轮的专家。"
  23. Sonic Team, CRI Middleware (22 February 2008). Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity. PlayStation 2. Sega. Area/Level: Gigan Rocks. "Knuckles: ...我们,巴比伦的子孙,在这里封印一颗星,另一颗则封印在天堂坠落形成的巨大伤痕中,直到神之翼升起的时刻。"
  24. Sonic Team, CRI Middleware (22 February 2008). Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity. PlayStation 2. Sega. Area/Level: MeteorTech Premises. "Jet: 它们不仅仅是一些岩石。它们在巴比伦氏族的传说中被提到为..."
  25. Sonic Team (9 December 2008). Sonic Unleashed. PlayStation 3. Sega. 剧情片段: 盖亚手稿. "皮克教授: 这些古文献被称为盖亚手稿。它们讲述了数万年前发生在我们星球上的一场灾难的传说。 / 泰尔斯: 一场灾难...? / 皮克教授: 没错。根据盖亚手稿... 这不是地球第一次被分裂成碎片。"
  26. 26.0 26.1 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Sega Mega Drive) 日文说明书, 第 4-8 页。
  27. Sonic Team (3 May 2002). Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. Nintendo GameCube. Sega. 区域/关卡: Wild Canyon. "纳克斯: 大师翡翠包含特殊的力量,可以中和混沌翡翠的能量。"
  28. Sonic Team (19 October 1999). Sonic Adventure. Dreamcast. Sega. 区域/关卡: 神秘遗迹 (大猫的版本). "Tikal: 所以这些是7个翡翠... ?! 难道是?服务器是... 7个混沌翡翠... 统一于一个控制者... 7个混沌... 控制者本身... 难道这是控制7个混沌的翡翠吗?"
  29. "地图与驾驶技术". ソニックR官方指南. SoftBank. 24 December 1997. p. 73.
  30. "索尼克R赛道形象". Sonic Channel (in Japanese). Retrieved 1 August 2022. Regal Ruin (里加尔废墟) - 一个设置在南海浮动遗址上的神秘赛道。穿越曾经繁荣的巨大美丽古代文明。 [Regal Ruin - 一个设置在南海浮动遗址上的神秘赛道。穿越曾经繁荣的巨大美丽古代文明。]{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  31. Sonic Team (27 February 2004). Sonic Battle. Game Boy Advance. Sega. 区域/关卡: Gimme Shelter (Shadow's Episode). "Rouge: 你永远不会改变,对吧?那个机器人... Gizoid 被称为“终极生命形式”。就像你一样,只不过它比你年长4000年。我听说博士隐藏了一些非常重大的东西,我猜这就是它..."
  32. 32.0 32.1 Sonic Team (27 February 2004). Sonic Battle. Game Boy Advance. Sega. 区域/关卡: 结束序列 (索尼克的章节). "Prof. Gerald's Journal 1: 我从仓库中发现了一个非常有趣的样本。我相信它是由古人制作的某种木偶或机器人。起初我并不认为它有什么特别之处,但当我在实验“混沌翡翠”时,它开始移动。这表明即使是古代文明也能利用“混沌翡翠”的力量。当我研究与“混沌翡翠”和这个机器人相关的各种文件时,我发现这个机器人可能是第四大文明毁灭的原因。不过,我现在还不敢完全相信。"
  33. "混沌翡翠传说". 索尼克冒险导航指南 (in Japanese). SoftBank. 16 March 1999. pp. 156–158. ISBN 978-4797308624.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  34. Sonic Team (18 November 2005). 影子刺猬. PlayStation 2. Sega. 区域/关卡: Final Haunt. "影子刺猬: 那是什么? / 索尼克刺猬: 每隔50年,那个黑彗星就会经过这个星球。"
  35. Sonic Team (18 November 2005). 影子刺猬. PlayStation 2. Sega. 区域/关卡: The Last Way. "黑末日: 哈哈哈... 无知的愚人。我们来这里是为了拯救人类免于他们自己的灭亡。我们提供... 救赎。 / 影子刺猬: 什么? / 黑末日: 他们的贪婪、权力渴望和背叛倾向使他们走上了自我毁灭的道路。他们的行为将导致他们种族的灭绝。我们在这里是为了拯救他们免于自己... 用我们的完美秩序... 让他们安心地过完他们绝望的生命。人类是我们的伟大能量来源... 他们将被好好照顾。 / 影子刺 猬 和其他人: 啊?! / 黑末日: 让我们开始我们的繁荣仪式。混沌... 控制!"
  36. Sonic Team (18 November 2005). 影子刺猬. PlayStation 2. Sega. 区域/关卡: Sky Troops. "影子刺猬: 我敢打赌没人想到这个婴儿能飞。 / 黑末日: 我在2000多年前把这个辉煌的飞行堡垒运送到这个星球。它太壮观了!完美的杀戮机器... 准备以难以想象的方式施加恐怖。"
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 Famitsu (10 October 2001). "五十年前的真相". 索尼克冒险2完美指南. Enterbrain. ISBN 978-4757706255. Retrieved 2 February 20022. {{cite book}}: Check date values in: |access-date= (help); Unknown parameter |chapterurl= ignored (|chapter-url= suggested) (help)
  38. Sonic Team (27 February 2004). Sonic Battle. Game Boy Advance. Sega. 区域/关卡: Gimme Shelter. "Rouge: 他并不感兴趣研究武器。他在研究如何为所有人带来幸福和希望。但,他被政府和军方强迫用他的研究来进行战争。这就是为什么他赋予了你和Gizoid“灵魂”。一个与他心爱的孙女玛丽亚相同的灵魂。"
  39. Sonic Team (18 November 2005). 影子刺猬. PlayStation 2. Sega. 区域/关卡: The Last Way. "杰拉尔德: 如果你在听这个,那么最糟糕的事情已经发生了... 你需要知道真相。政府计划关闭这个研究设施。政府计划停止我们所有的研究... 并监禁所有知道你的人。我犯了一个可怕的错误,影子。这都是我的错... 与那个彗星接触。"
  40. 40.0 40.1 Sonic Team (18 November 2005). 影子刺猬. PlayStation 2. Sega. 区域/关卡: The Last Way. "Black Doom: 教授正在研发终极生命形式,但他需要我的帮助。所以我们达成了一个协议... 我帮助他,他答应把七个混沌翡翠交给我。"
  41. Sonic Team (18 November 2005). 影子刺猬. PlayStation 2. Sega. 区域/关卡: The Last Way. "杰拉尔德: 影子... 一切都取决于你,只有你可以阻止他们!我开发了日蚀炮... 它是唯一可以摧毁那个黑彗星的武器。影子,你是拯救人类的唯一希望... 依靠你!这个星球的未来取决于... 你!"
  42. Sonic Team (18 November 2005). 影子刺猬. PlayStation 2. Sega. 区域/关卡: The Last Way. "Black Doom: 这样的勇气对于一只小刺猬来说!我以为你和其他人不一样... 但也许不是。我们比你想象的更相似... 相同的血液流淌在我们的血管中。 / 影子刺猬: 这不可能... 啊... 我到底是... 谁? / Black Doom: 你不知道吗?你是用我的血创造的..."
  43. Sonic Team (27 February 2004). Sonic Battle. Game Boy Advance. Sega. 区域/关卡: 结束序列 (泰尔斯's 片段). "Prof. Gerald's Journal 2: 我再也无法忽视这个机器人确实摧毁了第四大文明的可能性。我发现了一块石碑,上面解释了这一点。根据石碑,'当天上的人物坠落,神之石被连接,所有存在的东西将再次成为一体。' 尽管很难相信,这个机器人一直在监视我的动作,模仿我做的一切。我对这个存在的扫描感到惊讶。令人惊讶的是,成卷的数据滚动并导致我的最强大的计算机崩溃。更令人感兴趣的是,数据都是关于那个时代的近战战斗和武器。最终,如果这个存在恢复到它曾经的状态,它将利用所有数据,重新创造它曾经拥有的所有武器和战斗能力... 这还不是全部。如果我的猜测正确,它还将有能力吸收现代武器。我做了什么?我发现了一个可怕的武器..."
  44. Sonic Team (27 February 2004). Sonic Battle. Game Boy Advance. Sega. 区域/关卡: 结束序列 (Rouge's 片段). "Prof. Gerald's Journal 3: 我现在明白为什么这个存在被称为'Gizoid'。在古语中,它意味着'一切'。根据石碑,如果Gizoid与某人建立了'联系',Gizoid将对那个人宣誓忠诚。也许它还缺少'混沌翡翠'的能量,但它已经用断断续续的声音对我说了'联系'这个词。它接着解释说:'向我展示你的真正力量,我就会服从。我是所有事物,一切都将属于我。' 所以,按照它的建议,我把我的模型枪收藏品带到它面前,然后全部开火。然后,突然,它说:'我会遵循你的每一个命令,永远不会离开你的身边。' 从那以后,它就拒绝听任何人的命令。虽然它仍然是一个可怕的毁灭性武器,但只要它仍在我的控制下,至少它不会被用于邪恶。然而,如果一个怀有邪恶意图的人与Gizoid建立了'联系'... 我甚至不想想会发生什么。我必须研究如何与Gizoid重新建立'联系'..."
  45. Sonic Team (27 February 2004). Sonic Battle. Game Boy Advance. Sega. 区域/关卡: 结束序列 (Knuckles's 片段). "Prof. Gerald's Journal 4: 上层管理层正在发疯。也许,他们打算冻结“影子”计划。不久,终极生命形式“影子”将被完成... 我孙女的应用也迫在眉睫。我不能让他们在这个时候停止我的研究。因为我是唯一可以拯救我孙女生命的人。"
  46. Sonic Team (27 February 2004). Sonic Battle. Game Boy Advance. Sega. 区域/关卡: 结束序列 (艾米的章节). "Prof. Gerald's Journal 5: 上层人士威胁要关闭这个研究设施。我别无选择,只能把Gizoid交给他们,为我的研究争取更多时间。我试图小心行事,命令它不要吸收任何危险技术。然而,我听说其他研究人员已经让Gizoid吸收武器。显然,让Gizoid形成一个新的“链接”的方法是向它展示超过其前主人的力量。虽然这带来了巨大的危险,但我不能冒失去玛丽亚的风险。"
  47. Sonic Team (27 February 2004). Sonic Battle. Game Boy Advance. Sega. 区域/关卡: 结束序列 (奶油兔的章节). "Prof. Gerald's Journal 6: 我最糟糕的恐惧成真了。Gizoid吸收了足够多的武器和技术,开始失控。由此引起的破坏几乎摧毁了整个“方舟”。... 我已经解读了剩余的石碑。上面写着:“当Gizoid学到了它能学的一切后,它成了一个愤怒的神,一切都被摧毁了。”研究人员设法制服了Gizoid并将其封印。幸运的是,它只安装了一个“混沌翡翠”。如果安装了所有7个翡翠,它可能会摧毁整个星球。Gizoid风险太大。我试图摧毁它的核心,但我所做的一切都没有用。我对构建它的技术了解得太少。我最好的希望是尝试将其AI重新编程成基于自由意志、情感的AI..."
  48. 48.0 48.1 Sonic Team (27 February 2004). Sonic Battle. Game Boy Advance. Sega. 区域/关卡: 结束序列 (影子刺猬的章节). "Prof. Gerald's Journal 7: 我听说研究设施发生了事故。... ... ... 一切都没了。我自己的玛丽亚的名字也在伤亡名单中。我心爱的孙女... 他们告诉我她临终的话是,“给人类带来希望。”我决定将激活Gizoid自由意志情感基础AI程序的关键词设为这些话。'给人类带来希望。'我可怜的、可怜的玛丽亚..."
  49. 49.0 49.1 Prima Development (20 June 2001). "The Beginning". Sonic Adventure 2: Prima's Official Strategy Guide. Prima Games. pp. 2–3. ISBN 978-0761536147.
  50. 50.0 50.1 Sonic Team (11 February 2002). Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. Nintendo GameCube. Sega. 区域/关卡: 在Cannon's Core之前。 "Rouge/Gerald: 我不太清楚发生了什么,或者出了什么问题。创造终极生命形式是个错误吗?我以为这将是对人类有益的东西。但那天军事警卫登陆了殖民地。他们被派来摧毁我一直在研究的研究项目。我的研究设施的同事,我的孙女玛丽亚。我希望你们都安全。殖民地被完全关闭,可能是为了防止原型机落入错误的手中。方舟以发生事故为由被关闭。我在方舟关闭时死去的人名单中发现了玛丽亚的名字。她对我意味着一切,我无法忍受她因为我的研究而死去的想法。我失去了一切。我已经没有更多的活下去的理由... 我发疯了。我所能想到的只是为她复仇... 以某种方式。我变得害怕,因为我再也无法控制我的思想。我所能想到的只是我希望一切都结束。根据我最初的预测,我能够完成我的项目,影子。我设计了它的思维,完美、纯净。我将一切交给他。如果你愿意,释放并唤醒它,向世界展示。如果你希望用毁灭填满这个世界..."
  51. Sonic Team, CRI Middleware (22 February 2008). Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity. PlayStation 2. Sega. Area/level: Crimson Crater (Heroes Story). "Tails: He's probably planning to use the stones' power to issue an order to all the worlds' robots from this tower. Sooner or later, he was planning to set the robots rampaging. / 'Amy: That was probably his reason for forming the MeteoTech in the first place. / Sonic: The Eggman Land project again, huh? He never gives up, does he?"
  52. Sonic Team, CRI Middleware (22 February 2008). Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity. PlayStation 2. Sega. Area/level: Ending sequence (Heroes Story). "Mother computer: System error detected. All commands canceled. / Eggman: My Eggman Land plans are in ruins, after all these years!"
  53. Sonic Colours (Nintendo DS) European instruction booklet, pg. 3.
  54. 54.0 54.1 54.2 Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega Mega Drive) Japanese instruction manual, pgs. 7-10.
  55. Tails Adventures (Sega Game Gear) Japanese instruction booklet, pgs. 4-6.
  56. Sega, Headcannon (23 June 2022). Sonic Origins. Nintendo Switch. Sega. Cutscene: Sonic 1 Ending.
  57. Sonic the Hedgehog CD (Sega CD) Japanese instruction booklet, pgs. 4-5.
  58. "Sonic the Hedgehog 4 :: Episode I". Story. Sega. Archived from the original on 12 May 2013. Retrieved 27 October 2017.
  59. "All Star Cast". Sonic Adventure Tokyo International Forum Unveiling Booklet. 22 August 1998. p. 9.
  60. Shadow the Hedgehog (Nintendo GameCube) United States instruction booklet, pg. 8.
  61. Sanzaru Games (21 November 2014). Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal. Nintendo 3DS. Sega. Area/Level: Shadow Canyons. "Tails: Well, y'know... multitasking. I also balanced my checkbook, invented a car that can circle the earth on half a jar of kosher pickles..."
  62. "Hit new TV Series Sonic Boom Premiered #1 in its time slot with boys 6-14!* Now on Cartoon Network". Retrieved 20 November 2014.
  63. Sonic Boom #1
  64. Freiberger, Sam (22 July 2017). "Return of the Buddy Buddy Temple of Doom". Sonic Boom. Season 2. Episode 89. Boomerang.
  65. Sonic the Comic #25, "Prologue: Once Upon a Planet..."
  66. Sonic the Comic #114, "Earthbound"
  67. Sonic the Comic #115, "Earthbound"
  68. Sonic the Comic #140, "Out of Time"
  69. |Sonic the Comic #141, "Out of Time"
  70. Sonic the Comic #146, "Earth Attacks"
  71. |Sonic the Comic #147, "Earth Attacks"
  72. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Sega Genesis) United States instruction booklet, pg. 13.
  73. Sonic R (Sega Saturn) United States instruction booklet, pg. 16.
  74. Prima Development (20 June 2001). "The Beginning". Sonic Adventure 2: Prima's Official Strategy Guide. Prima Games. p. 3. ISBN 978-0761536147. Professor Gerald Robotnik - Of all the genius scientists, Professor Gerald is the most intelligent. He has mastered many areas of study, from genetics to astrophysics to robotics, and is a modern day scientific Da Vinci.
  75. Sonic Team (14 November 2006). Sonic the Hedgehog. Xbox 360. Sega. Area/level: Soleanna Castle Town (Sonic Episode). "Aristo: I'm Aristo. Named after Aristotle, I'm a young scientist."
  76. Sonic Team (14 November 2006). Sonic the Hedgehog. Xbox 360. Sega. Area/level: Soleanna New City (Shadow Episode). "Alfano: I'm Alfano, the mathematician. I have a higher IQ than the famous Einstein."
  77. Dimps, Sonic Team (7 June 2004). Sonic Advance 3. Game Boy Advance. Sega. Area/level: Chaos Angel.
  78. Sonic Team, CRI Middleware (22 February 2008). Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity. PlayStation 2. Sega. Area/level: Crimson Crater.
  79. Sega (28 June 2021). "ソニック & シャドウ" (in Japanese). Sonic Channel. Archived from the original on 28 June 2021. Retrieved 28 June 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  80. https://forums.sonicretro.org/index.php?threads/unseen-naka-iizuka-maekawa-interviews.33744/
  81. "Sonic Colours: Interview with Takashi Iizuka". GAME.com. Archived from the original on 17 August 2010. Retrieved 13 August 2015. GAME: Could you tell us a bit about the story behind Sonic Colours? It looks more like the old games, which were set on Moebius, than the new-style Sonics set in Station Square... / Takashi Iizuka: We have two different worlds for Sonic games – one is human, and one is set on the non-human side. Sonic Colours is set on the non-human side. The only human in the game is Dr Eggman, who tries to build this huge amusement park which, as you will see on the world map, ties all these planets together with a tractor beam.
  82. "Swingin' Report Show #80: Interview with Aaron Webber, Sonic the Hedgehog PR & Social Media Manager". YouTube. SEGAbits II. 2 July 2015. Retrieved 13 August 2015.
  83. Eva, Kevin (17 August 2015). "Sega's Secret Sonic Bible that we'll probably never see "TO MARS!"". Sonic Stadium Message Board. Retrieved 20 August 2015.
  84. Brian Shea (10 June 2017). "More Burning Questions About The Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise Answered". GameInformer. Retrieved 10 June 2017.
  85. "BumbleKast Q&A for August 10, 2020". YouTube. BumbleKing Videos. 10 August 2020. I have been instructed at multiple points in my career that it is literally two different planets. I received a series bible ... that specified that they are two different planets in two different dimensions ... and it was explained that yes, it's two different planets that are accessed via secret Giant Rings.
  86. "BumbleKast Q&A for July 26, 2021". YouTube. BumbleKing Videos. 26 July 2021. I'm gonna say it again: forget about 'two worlds'. I can't specify why, just don't worry about it anymore ... you know my position on 'two worlds' and I say this with a calm and satisfied smile: don't worry about it anymore.
  87. "BumbleKast for June 10th, 2022 - Standard Q&A Podcast with Ian Flynn". YouTube. 10 June 2022. Retrieved 10 June 2022.