

於 2023年12月17日 (日) 16:44 由 Saikishiro對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 (创建页面,内容为“{{FA}} {{Tab|剧本|制作名单|漏洞|测试元素|图册}} {{Otheruses4}} 继续翻译如下: {{Nihongo|《'''索尼克彩色'''》 (美式英语)|ソニックカラーズ|Sonikku Karāzu}} 或《'''索尼克颜色'''》 (英式英语), 是一款为《索尼克刺猬》系列开发的平台游戏,发布于Wii平台。游戏首次在2010年5月26日由Sega|…”)
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索尼克繽紛色彩》 (美式英語) (ソニックカラーズ Sonikku Karāzu?) 或《索尼克顏色》 (英式英語), 是一款為《索尼克刺蝟》系列開發的平台遊戲,發佈於Wii平台。遊戲首次在2010年5月26日由SEGA在意大利的一份新聞稿中宣佈,其中包括一段預告片。該遊戲於同年11月在全球發佈。遊戲的另一個版本《索尼克繽紛色彩》(任天堂DS版),由丁普斯開發,並與Wii版本同時發佈。






歷經數年製作,艾格曼博士開設了一個名為「蛋星公園」的遊樂園,這個位於太空中的巨大遊樂場由幾個行星大小的景點組成,他聲稱這是因為多年來他所引起的麻煩而產生的悔意。[1] 對艾格曼博士的意圖表示懷疑的索尼克塔爾斯在開幕日之前調查蛋星公園。[1] 當他們評論這個地方有多漂亮時,他們看到奧博特丘博特正在追逐兩個類似外星生物的生物;索尼克迅速救出了他們,並發現其中一些具有奇妙的能力。這些外星生物被稱為小精靈,索尼克救出的一隻名叫雅克。為了與雅克交流,塔爾斯在他的邁爾斯電器中構建了一個翻譯器。通過與雅克交流(儘管由於翻譯器有多個故障導致詞語混亂,因此存在溝通困難),他們得知其他小精靈被艾格曼博士捕獲,博士計劃利用他們的能量,稱為超級能量,來實施他的邪惡計劃。




在片尾彩蛋中,艾格曼博士與奧博特和丘博特一起被困在太空中。 Template:Endspoiler 繼續翻譯如下:


圖片 角色 簡介
索尼克刺蝟 索尼克是一隻熱愛自由和真理的刺蝟。他無法放任需要幫助的人,多年來一直在從艾格曼博士的狡猾計劃中拯救受害者。他不會輕信那個圓胖的科學家,尤其是當艾格曼博士聲稱他正在做好事時。[2]
邁爾斯·「塔爾斯」·普羅爾 塔爾斯是一隻會飛、有兩條尾巴的狐狸,他在索尼克的許多冒險中幫助他。塔爾斯的機械天才經常讓他們擺脫困境,並幫助他們始終領先於艾格曼博士的手下。在《索尼克繽紛色彩》中,塔爾斯製作了一個翻譯器,讓他們能夠與被艾格曼博士抓獲的小精靈溝通。[2]
亞克 亞克是一隻捲曲頭髮的白色小精靈,它勉強逃脫了艾格曼博士的邪惡機械人。它請求索尼克和塔爾斯幫助它拯救被囚禁的小精靈,三人便開始了他們的旅程。[2]
艾格曼博士 儘管艾格曼博士是一個擁有300智商的科學天才,他的邪惡計劃卻不斷被索尼克挫敗。他以他的令人印象深刻的主題公園說服了所有人他的慷慨——除了索尼克。他真正的目的是什麼呢...?[3]
奧博特 奧博特是艾格曼博士製造的機械人,用於服侍他。儘管奧博特忠實地服從艾格曼博士,但他並不是很喜歡他。[3]
庫博特 庫博特是艾格曼博士的另一項創造,與奧博特搭檔執行各種職責。他喜歡艾格曼博士,但他很懶惰,試圖逃避做任何工作。他的多種聲音是最讓艾格曼博士煩惱的事情。










Button formation File:Ui 1up.png Movement
Wii Remote
& Nunchuk
Wii Remote
Template:Z Button (Wii) Template:B Button (Wii) Template:X Button (Wii Classic) Crouch
Template:A Button (Wii/DS) Template:2 Button (Wii) Template:A Button (Wii Classic) Hop/Jump
Template:A Button (Wii/DS) while in midair Template:2 Button (Wii) while in midair Template:A Button (Wii Classic) while in midair while in midair Double Jump/Homing Attack
Template:A Button (Wii/DS) while on wall Template:2 Button (Wii) while on wall Template:A Button (Wii Classic) while on wall while on wall Wall Jump
left/right left/right left/right left/right Quick Step/Grind Step
+ Template:Z Button (Wii) + Template:B Button (Wii) + Template:X Button (Wii Classic) + Slide
Template:Z Button (Wii) while in midair Template:B Button (Wii) while in midair Template:X Button (Wii Classic) while in midair while in midair Stomp
Move left/right + Template:B Button (Wii) Move left/right + Template:1 Button (Wii) Move left/right + Template:B Button (Wii Classic) Move left/right + Drift
Template:B Button (Wii) Template:1 Button (Wii) Template:B Button (Wii Classic) Boost/Air Boost
Shake Wii Remote Template:R Button (Wii Classic) Unleash Color Power
Template:Plus Button (Wii) START Pause




  • Cubot (首次登場)
  • Dr. Eggman
  • Miles "Tails" Prower
  • Orbot (首次登場)
  • Wisps (首次登場)




  • 熱帶度假村: 一個美妙的太空公園,遊客可以在懸浮汽車中欣賞索尼克的家鄉景色,並在這個奢華天堂中享受購物、觀光和樂趣。這個度假村以鬱鬱蔥蔥的熱帶植被和城市工業主義為中心,就是為了放鬆和享受。
  • 甜蜜山: 一個由糖果、漢堡包甚至爆米花等各種食物組成的非常「甜美」和歡樂的土地。這個星球與其他星球截然不同,整個景觀是軍事工業主義和看似無限層次的蛋糕地面的混合體。甜蜜山非常美麗,從其糖果手杖磨軌到高聳的漢堡,甚至其機械部分也令人嘆為觀止。此外,最美麗的特點之一是其粉紅色、桃橙色的天空。
  • 星光嘉年華: 星光嘉年華是一個太空艦隊,設在太空的黑暗中,被覆蓋一切的發光霓虹燈照亮。太空艦隊從蟲洞中出現,它們在太空中傳送並帶來大型節日燈光秀。沿着光的路徑,穿過節日星艦,橫穿其燈光照亮且色彩繽紛的甲板,確實是一次令人驚嘆的體驗。
  • 行星小精靈: 行星小精靈是小精靈的家園。它曾經是遠在太空中的一個鬱鬱蔥蔥和和諧的小星球,但邪惡的艾格曼博士用一台強大的牽引光束將和平的小精靈的家園奪走,目前正被改造成一個主題公園,所以這個區域對公園遊客是禁止進入的。行星小精靈充滿了非常突出的外星植物和美麗的地球般的天空,但由於艾格曼的原因,機械至少佔據了半個星球,可以看到曾經清澈的水域被有毒廢物湖泊所侵佔。
  • 水族公園: 水族公園是一個華麗而驚人的東方主題水下水族館。遊客可以欣賞到令人驚嘆的寶塔城市和數不清的泳池和水族館,裏面充滿了各種海洋生物(以及機械)。這是一個被水淹沒的表面的星球;因此,它由許多包含城市和海洋生物的水下球體組成。它最


  • 小行星過山車: 小行星過山車是一個以狂野和危險的遊樂設施為中心的主題公園。這個巨大的岩石行星被一個巨大、無盡的小行星場所包圍,這些小行星場也用於無數的過山車。這些遊樂設施穿越小行星場、廣闊的太空和充滿有毒污泥的大型星球體,它們在尖銳、龍形、骷髏狀的過山車車廂中以危險的曲線、環形螺旋行駛。
  • 終端速度: 終端速度是一條在太空電梯上進行的失控太空賽道,這個運輸塔將索尼克的家世界與蛋星公園連接起來,具有極高的加速度和速度。索尼克使用終端速度逃離遊樂園,並與艾格曼博士的小精靈驅動創造物戰鬥,但在系統故障後開始崩潰,導致路徑的塊狀部分從原位升起。







圖片 顏色 描述
白色 填充加速槽,允許玩家激活加速
橙色 允許玩家在變身為火箭時到達更高的區域。
黃色 允許玩家鑽地。
綠色 允許玩家變成飛行器飄向高處,並通過穿過戒指軌跡進行衝刺以增加速度。
青色 允許玩家變成激光以極快的速度到達區域和摧毀敵人。
藍色 將阻礙的方塊轉化為藍色戒指以通過關卡。
粉色 粉色小精靈允許玩家在捲曲成尖刺球時粘附到垂直牆壁上。
紫色 將玩家變成一隻巨大的頭部,擁有大牙,允許它在「咀嚼」時穿越障礙物。


索尼克團隊審視了之前《索尼克刺蝟系列》作品受到的批評,並對《索尼克繽紛色彩》進行了調整。這些更改包括了2.5D和3D級別設計和圖形的融合,以及像《索尼克與黑騎士》中的劍這樣的核心「噱頭」的省略。[4][5] 其中一個最初的開發決定是,設置不應該是《索尼克故事書系列》的一部分,而應該回歸到更簡單、有趣的根源,就像經典的2D標題中所見,以避免最近3D標題所困擾的問題,同時設定一個遊樂園。索尼克團隊然後意識到,「任何陸地上的遊樂園對於索尼克的冒險來說都太小了。」於是產生了行星公園的想法,這將允許在遊戲中有更多的創造力和變化。然後,音樂被創作為「超越通常的『酷』索尼克聲音,專注於製作有趣、快節奏的音樂,真正讓玩家的血液沸騰。」[4] Template:Multiple image 繼續翻譯如下:

在開發過程中,高橋敬司將《索尼克繽紛色彩》定位為面向年輕觀眾的遊戲,他表示這款遊戲是為了「讓大約六到十二歲之間的孩子們玩耍」,以確保「每個人都能控制並享受遊戲」,這也包括鐵杆粉絲。[5][6] 雖然高橋敬司此前承認,幾乎不可能取悅所有的索尼克玩家。[7] 這一聲明使一些批評家和喜歡《索尼克:解放》和《索尼克刺蝟4:第一章》等之前作品的核心玩家感到被排斥。[8] 美國SEGA後來保證這款遊戲是為更廣泛的受眾群體設計的,目的是使其對年輕消費者和核心粉絲都易於接近。[9] SEGA還承認這款遊戲也是為了吸引《瑪利歐》的粉絲,並補充說,「從這個角度來看,[他們]希望《瑪利歐》的粉絲真的能夠享受在《索尼克繽紛色彩》中扮演索尼克的樂趣。」[10] 高橋敬司後來解釋了他的評論,稱這款遊戲是針對Wii任天堂DS的主流平台遊戲,旨在擴大從《瑪利歐與索尼克》系列獲得的受眾。[11] 《索尼克:解放》的白天關卡也成為了這款遊戲的靈感來源。[12] Another improvement that was added to the game is the Color Powers. Iizuka described them as a way to avoid including more characters and to differ gameplay elements. Orbot and especially Cubot were added so they could add a "real fun and joyous aspect to the story" as well.[13] The script for Sonic Colors was co-written by MadWorld and Happy Tree Friends writers Ken Pontac and Warren Graff, so that the story would be one both kids and adults could enjoy.[14]


Cover art for Vivid Sound X Hybrid Colors: Sonic Colors Original Soundtrack.

Since the game has an amusement-park setting and a more fantastical visual style, they're trying to expand the usual "cool" Sonic sound and focus on making fun, up-tempo music that will really get players' blood pumping.

Takashi Iizuka

The game had its own soundtrack called Vivid Sound X Hybrid Colors produced by Wave Master. It also consists of the main themes and the in-game level music.

The theme song of the game is "Reach for the Stars", sung by Jean Paul Makhlouf from the band Cash Cash. The ending theme of the game is "Speak with Your Heart", which is also sung by Cash Cash.


Role English voice Japanese voice
Sonic the Hedgehog Roger Craig Smith Jun'ichi Kanemaru
Miles "Tails" Prower Kate Higgins Ryō Hirohashi
Yacker Utako Yoshino
Dr. Eggman Mike Pollock Chikao Ōtsuka
Orbot Kirk Thornton Mitsuo Iwata
Cubot Wally Wingert Wataru Takagi
Announcer Roger Craig Smith Fumihiko Tachiki



Aggregate scores
Aggregator Score
GameRankings 78.84%
Metacritic 78%[15]
Review scores
Publication Score
Eurogamer 8/10[16]
Famitsu 34/40[17]
Game Informer 7.0/10[18]
GameSpot 8/10[19]
GamesRadar 7/10[20]
GameTrailers 6.4/10[21]
IGN 8.5[22][23]
Joystiq 4/5[24]
Nintendo Power 9/10[25]
Official Nintendo Magazine 86%[26]
NGamer 86%[27][28]
WiiMagazin 92%[29]
CNET 4/5 stars[30]
Entity Award
Nintendo Power Best Wii Graphics[25]
IGN Quick Fix Award[31]

A preview of the Nintendo Power gaming studios said that the action was fast, the levels were nice and long, and that there were loads of different routes available through each level. Their favorite Wisp was the Drill Wisp. In the end they mentioned that Sonic was at his best at mimicking Mario elements similar to the hit game, Super Mario Galaxy 2. They said the game will be the equivalent of all-daytime stages of Sonic Unleashed. As of 2011, the game has nearly sold 2 million copies worldwide.[32]

IGN said that Sonic Colors might be "the best Sonic game of this generation," praising its level design and fully-packed action with vibrant colors. It also was also nominated as the "Best of E3" by IGN, though it did not win. Sonic Colors was nominated for "Best Platformer Game" at GameTrailers' E3 2010 awards.


Reviews for the game were mostly positive, with a Metacritic ranking of 78 out of 100,[15] and a GameRankings score of 78.84%. IGN gave the game a score of 8.5/10, calling it "the best Sonic game in 18 years," praising its gameplay, level design and vivid graphics, while criticizing some difficulty spikes later in the game, as well as the two player co-op, noting that the one screen isn't enough both players.[22][23] They also gave it the 'Quick Fix Award' in their Best of 2010 awards.[31] Famitsu gave the game 34/40.[17] NGamer gave Sonic Colors a 86%, praising its gameplay and soundtrack, though criticizing some easy and "rehashed" bosses.[27][28] Nintendo Power gave Sonic Colors a 9 out of 10, praising the game as "an unequivocal success". At the Nintendo Power awards, the game won "Best Wii Graphics" and was nominated for "Best Wii Game of the Year."[25] Official Nintendo Magazine gave the Wii version of the game 86% and the Nintendo DS version an 85%.[26]

WiiMagazin, a German gaming magazine, gave the game 92%, praising the game with the remark: "there is a God, and he's a Sonic-fan".[29] Joystiq gave the game 4 out of 5 stars, saying that "Sonic Colors succeeds where so, so many other Sonic games have failed."[24] Eurogamer gave the game 8/10, calling it "stupefying fast and utterly thrilling."[16] GameSpot gave the Wii version an 8 out of 10 praising the game's level design, sense of speed, and graphics, but criticizing its bare-bones, poorly-designed co-operative play.[19] CNET reviews gave the game 4 stars, praising that the game offers a mix of 3D action and classic Sonic side-scrolling with dazzling visuals and exhilarating platforming.[30] Wired gave the Wii version a 7/10, praising its "Excellent music, colorful graphics" and "fun and varied level design" while criticizing its "somewhat twitchy jumping controls" and the fact that later levels "are filled with cheap deaths."

GameTrailers was more critical of the game, citing unresponsive controls and underused Wisp powers, giving the game a score of 6.4/10.[21] GamesRadar gave Sonic Colors 7/10, praising the game's replayability while criticizing some "horribly cheap deaths."[20] Game Informer gave the game a 7.0 score, criticizing floaty physics and inconsistent difficulty.[18]

In 2022, IGN placed Sonic Colors as the fifth best Sonic game in their "10 Best Sonic Games" list,[33] while WatchMojo put it at third in their "Every 3D Sonic Game Ranked" video.[34]


As a celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Sonic the Hedgehog series, a remaster of the Wii version called Sonic Colors: Ultimate was produced by Blind Squirrel Games and Sonic Team. It was released on 7 September 2021 for the PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch. While Sonic Team developed the original version, Blind Squirrel Games handled the ports for the Sonic Colors: Ultimate version.


The Sonic the Hedgehog comic series published by Archie Comics made an adaptation of Sonic Colors in the story of the same name in Sonic the Hedgehog #219. It serves as a preview for the game.

In 2021, Sonic Colors' plot was adapted twice again to promote the release of its remastered version, Sonic Colors: Ultimate. Sonic Colors Comic was a two-story Japanese manga that served as a prologue for the game. Also, a short series, Sonic Colors: Rise of the Wisps, was produced by Tyson Hesse and takes place at some point during the events of the game.


  • This is the second 3D mainline Sonic game to utilize the Boost formula, following Sonic Unleashed.
  • This is the second game to feature three bosses with counterparts as the three next bosses, the first being Sonic Heroes.
  • This is the first main series Sonic game to feature the Studiopolis voice cast.
The Sonic Hat.
Limited Edition European Wii version of the game.
  • Limited Edition packs of the game were available in Australia and Europe and included either the Wii or DS version of the game with a Sonic action figure and three Wisp figurines made by Tomy. Each version had a different set of Wisps.[35]
The Sonic Colors-themed Classic Controller.
  • A blue Wii Classic Controller with the game's logo on it was available in a bundle with the game in Australia.[36]
  • This game marks the first time Sonic is able to perform a Double Jump since Sonic R in 1997.
    • Note that the Double Jump replaced the Jump Dash. However, the Jump Dash can be pulled off by boosting in midair when the boost gauge is empty, much like the PlayStation 2/Wii version of Sonic Unleashed.
  • Sonic Colors is the second Sonic game in which the main plot consists of Dr. Eggman attempting to take over the world by controlling its citizens' minds with a powerful weapon, the first being Sonic Jump.
  • In the E3 demo, when Sonic would activate the "Drill Power", the announcer would say, "Spin!", but in the final version of the game, he says, "Drill!" Also, before activating the power of any Wisps, the announcer would say, "Color!" in the demo version, but in the final build he does not say anything until Sonic activates the power.
  • When Eggman's mind-control machine explodes, it hits the moon instead of the world. This is a direct reference to Sonic Adventure 2.
  • This is the first main series 3D Sonic game where Sonic can transform into Super Sonic during the normal Stages, though he cannot fight bosses.
  • During an Act, when Super Sonic mode is activated, any Wisps' power cannot be used except from the White Wisp.
  • In Asteroid Coaster, entering a roller coaster will cause Super Sonic to de-transform.
  • It is the first main series 3D game in which the final boss is fought between Sonic and Eggman, with the former in his base form. Both of these things would re-occur in the two versions of Sonic Lost World and Sonic Forces.
  • An unused Eggman voice clip reveals that the Wisps' Hyper-go-on energy is more powerful than Chaos Emerald energy. Since this line was scrapped, the accuracy of this is unknown.
  • During one of Eggman's announcements, he mentions a yellow car with license plate "1NOM155" is about to get hit by an asteroid. This could be a reference to Crazy Taxi (another Sega game), as one of the characters, Axel, drives a taxi with the same license plate.
An image showing the screen of the Miles Electric.
  • Towards the end of the game, the Miles Electric's screen is shown. Earlier in the game, Tails says that the translations on there are in binary code, but the code shown on the device is in hexadecimal format (Tails may have switched it to a better code offscreen). The bottom line of code translates to: "If you can read this, you're a geek!".
    • However, professional hexadecimal format translators may notice that the code for the apostrophe is the wrong number, and the code for the letter "F" is put between the apostrophe and the "R," making it instead read "If you can read this, you'fre a geek!" The correct hexadecimal number for the apostrophe is 27, but the Miles Electric shows it as 81, which is actually the symbol received when an emoji is sent to a phone that does not have that emoji. It also displays the comma as hexadecimal code 20, which is the space. The comma is actually hexadecimal code 2C.
  • Unlike the other games, Sonic does not get an extra life upon grabbing one-hundred Rings.
    • By achieving an A/S Rank on any Act, the player will earn one life.
    • When Sonic attacks the "text" while in the results screen (using techniques such as Boost and Stomp), an extra life may pop out.
  • This is the first 3D Sonic game where, if the player starts a new game, they are taken to the first Stage immediately rather than showing a cutscene first or even saving a file.
  • In the cutscene after the credits to show what happens to Eggman after the ending, Cubot says "What's up with those things anyway?" However, the subtitles say "What's up with those guys anyway?"
  • In the back of the box of the game (the US version), there is a text that says "And preform new moves". It is supposed to say "And perform new moves."
    • Also, in the instruction manual, "Nega Wisp" is accidentally misspelled as "Mega Wisp".
  • This game is one of the few games where the regular boss fights are against Eggman's unmanned robots rather than Eggman in a manned robot.
  • When Orbot installs a new voice chip for Cubot, he says "The think bone's connected to the talk bone... the talk bone's connected to the mouth bone". This is a reference to Dem Bones, a traditional song written by James Weldon Johnson.
  • The Purple Wisp is revealed as Nega-Wisp in the manual and in the final cutscene.
  • During the cutscene where Tails first translates Yacker, Sonic "breaks the fourth wall" by looking at the screen, saying that he is "gonna stick with aliens, if that's okay with everyone."
  • When Sonic runs, his fists are noticeably not closed when they are behind his back. Instead, they are left open, similar to his running animation in Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2, except when boosting, they remain closed. The same thing occurs in Sonic Generations.
  • In the English version of Sonic Colors, Sonic makes it clear that he will call the Wisps "aliens". In the Japanese version, Sonic always calls them by their correct name, Wisps.
    • However, in the unused English voice clips, Sonic does refer to them as Wisps.
  • Some parts of the final boss theme sound similar to "Endless Possibility" from Sonic Unleashed.
  • In the final cutscene, where Sonic is captured by the black hole, Wisps that are exclusive to the DS version of the game also appear, as they rescue Sonic and dissipate the black hole.
  • Each time a new save file is chosen in the Wii version, the game gives as a default name a Sonic character's name (e.g Silver, Shadow, Big, Blaze, etc.).
  • Orbot's two lines "Don't think about it" and "Got it" from a few cutscenes were later used in Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games in a sticker copy feature where Cubot and Orbot copy one sticker.
  • Sonic Colors marks the first time in the series where Rings appear in a pre-rendered cutscene.
  • This is the first 3D Sonic game where Eggman is the final boss.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Sonic Colors (Wii) United States instruction booklet, pg. 3.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Sonic Colors (Wii) United States instruction booklet, pg. 4.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Sonic Colors (Wii) United States instruction booklet, pg. 5.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Thomason, Steve (2010年7月). "新畫布". 任天堂力量 (256): 50–57. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
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  9. Sterling, Jim (September 8, 2010). "Sega: Sonic Colors is for everyone!". Destructoid. Archived from the original on June 22, 2013.
  10. "Sonic Team Talks Sonic Colours". IGN. October 10, 2010. Archived from the original on October 14, 2014.
  11. Joscelyne, Svend (September 14, 2010). "Interviews// Sonic Colours Producer, Takashi Iizuka". SPOnG. Archived from the original on September 28, 2011.
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  14. Torres, Timothy (June 17, 2010). "E3 2010: Sonic Colors Wii". 2D-X.com. Archived from the original on May 30, 2012.
  15. 15.0 15.1 "Sonic Colors for Wii". Metacritic. Retrieved January 8, 2011.
  16. 16.0 16.1 Bickham, Al (November 11, 2010). "Sonic Colours Wii Review – Page 1". Eurogamer. Retrieved January 8, 2011.
  17. 17.0 17.1 RawmeatCowboy (November 9, 2010). "Famitsu - review scores". GoNintendo. Retrieved January 8, 2011.
  18. 18.0 18.1 Turi, Tim (November 9, 2010). "Sonic Drops the Ball Juggling the Second and Third Dimensions - Sonic Colors - Wii". Game Informer. Retrieved January 8, 2011.
  19. 19.0 19.1 Douglas, Jane (November 12, 2010). "Sonic Colors Review". GameSpot. Retrieved January 8, 2011.
  20. 20.0 20.1 Keast, Matthew (November 9, 2010). "Sonic Colors". GamesRadar. Retrieved January 8, 2011.
  21. 21.0 21.1 "Sonic Colors Review Pod (Wii)". GameTrailers. November 9, 2010. Retrieved January 8, 2011.
  22. 22.0 22.1 Gies, Arthur (November 8, 2010). "Sonic Colors Wii Review". IGN. Retrieved January 8, 2011.
  23. 23.0 23.1 Gallegos, Anthony (November 8, 2010). "Sonic Colors DS Review". IGN. Retrieved January 8, 2011.
  24. 24.0 24.1 Nelson, Randy (November 10, 2010). "Sonic Colors review: A bolt from the update". Joystiq. Retrieved January 8, 2011.
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 "Nintendo Power Gives Sonic Colours 9/10". TSSZ News.
  26. 26.0 26.1 Oliver, Tristan (October 28, 2010). "ONM: 86% for Sonic Colors Wii, 85% for DS". TSSZ News. Retrieved January 8, 2011.
  27. 27.0 27.1 "NGamer Reviews Sonic Colours Wii, Supports Miis". Sonic Stadium.
  28. 28.0 28.1 Ngamer Staff (November 9, 2010). "Sonic Colours Review". Computer and Video Games. Retrieved January 8, 2011.
  29. 29.0 29.1 Oliver, Tristan (October 29, 2010). "WiiMagazin gives Sonic Colors 92%". TSSZ News. Archived from the original on November 3, 2010.
  30. 30.0 30.1 "Sonic Colors Review (Wii)". CNET. Retrieved January 8, 2011.
  31. 31.0 31.1 "Best Quick Fix 2010 – Sonic Colors – Wii". IGN. Retrieved January 8, 2011.
  32. Grant, Stevie (February 9, 2011). "Sonic Colours sold close to 2 million". Sega Addicts. Retrieved January 7, 2016.
  33. IGN Staff (15 July 2022). "The 10 Best Sonic Games". IGN. Retrieved December 2, 2022.
  34. Kline, Aaron (2022). "Every 3D Sonic Game Ranked". WatchMojo. Retrieved December 2, 2022.
  35. Newton, James (September 21, 2010). "Sonic Colours Gets Special Edition Figures in PAL Regions". NintendoLife.
  36. Newton, James (October 29, 2010). "Grab a Blue Classic Controller with Sonic Colours Down Under". NintendoLife.


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