

(重新導向自Sonic Lost World
  • 平台
  • 動作冒險
英文名Sonic Lost World
引擎Hedgehog Engine[1]
版本4.0.0 (2014 年 3 月 27 日)
發行日期JP 2013 年 10 月 24 日
NA 2013 年 10 月 29 日
EU 2013 年 10 月 18 日
平台Wii U
  • Wii U光盤
  • 數字下載
硬件要求8474.6MB 空間
  • Wii U Pro Controller
  • Wii Remote
  • Wii Remote & Nunchuck
開發者Sonic Team

Rise Against the Deadly Six!

— 標語

索尼克失落世界 (Sonic Lost World ソニックロストワールド?, Sonikku Rosuto Wārudo)超音鼠系列中的一款3D平台遊戲,由Sonic Team開發,SEGA在日本和美洲發行,任天堂在歐洲和澳大利亞發行。遊戲於2013年10月在Wii U平台上發佈。由Dimps開發的任天堂3DS版本也在大約同一時間發佈。這款遊戲的玩法類似於《超級瑪利歐銀河》,玩家將控制索尼克穿越球形世界,並依靠獨特的跑酷技巧來完成關卡。


與前作《索尼克繽紛色彩》和《索尼克世代》相比,《索尼克失落世界》收到了褒貶不一的評價。主要的批評集中在六鬼眾和遊戲控制方面,但對於畫面和音樂則得到了讚賞。該遊戲是SEGA和任天堂合作系列中的第一個作品,其他作品還包括《瑪利歐與索尼克 AT 索契2014冬奧會》以及《索尼克音爆:崛起之詩》和《索尼克音爆:破碎水晶》。2015年,Wii U版本的遊戲在進行了一些改動後重新發佈到了Steam平台上。

遊戲情節[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]





After Tails fixes the Tornado, Sonic goes to Desert Ruins, where Eggman sends Zomom, the fat gluttonous Zeti, after Sonic. He is also revealed to be controlling the Deadly Six using the Cacophonic Conch which causes them pain if they disobey or offend him. After Sonic defeats Zomom the first time, Eggman activates a machine called the Extractor to drain energy from Earth so he can take it over. However, because the machine is unstable, he is forced to shut it down to avoid destroying Earth. Zavok eavesdrops at this event and expresses interest in doing so. After Sonic defeats Zomom a second time, he finds Eggman controlling the Deadly Six with his conch and kicks it away (ignoring Tails' warning not to). Because of this, the Deadly Six are now free of Eggman's enslavement and manipulate the magnetic fields around the Badniks and make them attack Eggman. In the resulting battle, Cubot's body is destroyed (with his voice chip damaged in the process) and Orbot takes his head to safety, while Tails is injured and Sonic grabs him to get him to safety. Sonic, Tails along with Eggman and the two robots escape from the battle.

As Sonic goes to Tropical Coast, the oldest member of the Deadly Six, Master Zik, goes to fight Sonic in order to test him. After Sonic defeats Zik the first time, Zomom expresses interest in killing and eating Eggman. Zavok decides to take revenge by destroying Earth and using its energy to increase their power and activates the unstable Extractor, which begins to drain Earth's energy. Amy, who is currently with Knuckles, tells Sonic of Earth's peril. After Sonic defeats Zik a second time, Eggman tells Sonic that the Deadly Six are destroying the earth. As destroying the Extractor would cause a cataclysmic explosion, Eggman must reprogram it to shut down. Thus, Sonic and Eggman must work together to stop the Deadly Six, against Tails' wishes, saying that they didn't need Eggman.

When Sonic enters Frozen Factory, after Tails fixes Cubot's broken voice chip (which made him talk like a pirate - again), he and Sonic get into an argument since Tails thinks that Sonic trusts Eggman more than him to shut the Extractor down, even though Sonic tries to explain himself. Zeena, the only female Zeti, is encountered by Sonic, but is busy with coating her nails. After Sonic defeats her twice, Orbot puts Cubot's head on a snowman. This inspires Tails to put his head on a destroyed Crabmeat. Eggman considers blowing up the Extractor to kill the Deadly Six even though it would mean killing many innocents. When Cubot turns aggressive and attacks Tails, Eggman unexpectedly saves him before Sonic knocks Cubot's head off, returning him to his senses. Sonic scolds Tails for nearly killing himself, further straining their relationship.

While at their base, Zavok begins to plan turning Sonic into a robot and make him their slave. Sonic, Tails and Eggman find a capsule in Silent Forest, and Sonic goes to activate it, but Tails realizes it is a trap and saves Sonic, but gets himself trapped inside the capsule, which is teleported to the Deadly Six's base. This makes Sonic grim and depressed. Zor, the sixth Zeti, and a depressing pessimist, encounters Sonic, and after Sonic defeats him, goes to tell the others that Sonic was not captured, but they have already found Tails in the capsule by now, and decide to use him for their plans instead.

Orbot goes to Sonic and asks if he can become Sonic's new sidekick if they don't find Tails, as he likes him better than Eggman; Sonic rejects the offer, saying that he will find Tails no matter the cost, but this only makes Orbot more inspired (in front of Eggman, no less). Cubot's head is attached to Orbot, much to their chagrin. Sonic fights Zavok at Sky Road and defeats him by knocking him off a robotic snake. Zavok survives, however, and plans to turn Tails into a robot and make him fight Sonic. As soon as Zavok and Zomom are out of sight, Tails grabs a toothpick in Zomom's sandwich with one of his tails and uses it to reprogram the machine.

When Sonic, Eggman, Orbot and Cubot enter Lava Mountain, they are attacked by Zazz and Zomom with boulders, causing the bridge, which they are standing on, to collapse and Orbot and Cubot fall toward the lava below. Eggman then grabs the remaining piece of the bridge and grabs Sonic's hand. Eggman then tosses Sonic onto solid ground before Eggman careens into the lava. Sonic looks down and searches for Eggman before he's forced to fall back. Zazz, Master Zik and Zomom then encounter Sonic and prepare themselves to destroy him. After seeing Amy apparently die from a lack of energy due to the Extractor's destruction, Sonic becomes even more desperate. Then Sonic encounters Zavok, Zeena and Zor, who try to convince Sonic to join them but to no avail. They then send Tails, seemingly modified into a robotic slave, after him. But Tails, due to his reprogramming the machine, is still himself and attacks the three Zeti, who retreat. Sonic fights them one by one, presumably defeating Zeena in battle before sending Zor and Zavok falling into the lava.

Sonic and Tails go to turn off the Extractor, but it has already been turned off by Eggman, who used a jet pack to avoid falling into the lava and saved Orbot and Cubot as well. He faked his death so he could be separated from Sonic and use the extracted energy to create a giant mech and take over what's left of the world. Sonic, however, defeats Eggman and his mech, foiling his plans. After that, Tails reprograms the Extractor to return all of Earth's energy and Sonic apologizes to Tails forever doubting him, mending their friendship. Eggman tries to fly away with his jet pack, but due to Sonic taking the exhaust hose from the jet pack, Eggman falls over a cliff, down to Earth. Sonic and Tails return to Amy and Knuckles, and Sonic takes a nap after "a day like today".

In a post-credits scene, it is revealed that Eggman survived his fall, falling into a soft spot of dirt. Orbot and Cubot get him out, but not before half his mustache is torn off by a rabbit, who mistakenly believes it to be a carrot. Cubot tries to reveal this to Eggman, but Orbot silences him. Eggman eventually hears them discussing it, however, and they promptly run off as he throws another tantrum. Template:Endspoiler

遊戲玩法[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

玩家在遊戲中控制刺蝟索尼克,關卡在管狀的世界中進行,透視角度會發生變化,使得遊戲既有2D又有3D的玩法。關卡會通過不同的特點和美學元素進行變化,比如在「Desert Ruins」中有一個以糖果為主題的2D關卡,在「Frozen Factory」中有一個雪球彈球區域,在「Silent Forest」中有一個以潛行為中心的區域。與最近的3D系列不同,本作放棄了以前「提速一體化」玩法,而採用了類似於《索尼克大冒險》系列的新控制方式。遊戲將超音鼠過去的一些招式重新引入,例如「旋轉衝刺」、「反彈跳躍」和「超級飛溜」。此外,一種改進版的「追蹤攻擊」,類似於「光速攻擊」,被稱為「鎖定追蹤攻擊」,也被引入到遊戲中。遊戲還引入了「跑酷」系統,允許索尼克穿越障礙物和在牆上奔跑。遊戲還推出了新的和回歸的「色彩能量」系統,這是《索尼克繽紛色彩》和《索尼克世代》中的元素,每個遊戲版本都有獨特的「威斯」。與系列中以往的作品類似,每個關卡的目標是讓玩家到達終點,即「膠囊」的位置。關卡中還可以找到更小的「膠囊」。《索尼克繽紛色彩》和《索尼克世代》的紅星環也再次出現,可以收集以解鎖可收藏的內容。

在Wii U版本中,使用左側的控制搖杆會讓索尼克以適度的速度移動,同時按住右側的扳機按鈕會使他加速奔跑。按下左側的扳機按鈕可以讓索尼克執行「旋轉衝刺」動作。索尼克可以通過A或B按鈕跳躍,但是B按鈕將會進行雙重跳躍,而A按鈕則會對附近的敵人執行「追蹤攻擊」。通過按下Y按鈕,索尼克可以執行飛踢攻擊,摧毀那些追蹤攻擊無法擊敗的敵人。Miiverse以物品分享的形式出現,玩家可以獲得和分享各種膠囊,比如獨特於這一特性的元素護盾和黑色小精靈(Black Wisps)。收集所有紅星環將為普通遊戲解鎖超級索尼克。遊戲包括在線排行榜,索尼克可以與時間競賽,獲得系列的特點等級 - S、A、B、C和D,取決於關卡表現。

Wii U版本提供多人對抗與多人合作模式,但沒有在線多人遊戲模式。在多人遊戲模式中,一名玩家使用Wii U Gamepad操控索尼克,而另一名玩家使用Wii遙控器來協助(合作)或與另一名玩家競速(對戰)。

記分系統[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

控制[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Button formation  Movement[2]
Template:A Button (Wii/DS)/Template:B Button (DS) Jump
Jump > Template:A Button (Wii/DS)/Template:B Button (DS) Double Jump
Jump > Template:X Button (Wii/DS)/Template:Y Button (Wii/DS) Stomp
+ Template:ZR Button (Wii U) Dash
Template:ZL Button (Wii U) Spin Dash
Template:X Button (Wii/DS)/Template:Y Button (Wii/DS) Duck
Lock-on > Template:A Button (Wii/DS) Homing Attack
Lock-on > Template:X Button (Wii/DS)/Template:Y Button (Wii/DS) Kick

對象[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

物品[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

機關與障礙物[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

角色列表[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

可玩角色[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

不可玩角色[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

六鬼眾[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


Name Image Description
Zavok is the leader of the Deadly Six, being the member behind the destruction of the world and the depletion of Sonic. He is encountered at Sky Road.
Zazz is the more short-tempered and hot-headed member of the Deadly Six, though he harbours plans for the destruction of the world. He is encountered at Windy Hill.
Zeena is the only female member of the Deadly Six, who is also in the plan for the destruction of the world. She is encountered at Frozen Factory.
Master Zik
Master Zik is the oldest member of the Deadly Six. He is encountered at Tropical Coast.
Zomom is the largest member of the Deadly Six. He is encountered at Desert Ruins.
Zor is the most very depressed of the Deadly Six, as he hates upbeat or cheerful people. He carries a blue rose with him at all times. He is encountered at Silent Forest.

威斯[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Being the third Sonic the Hedgehog game to feature the Wisps–intergalactic aliens that first appeared in Sonic Colors, the Wii U version of Sonic Lost World features five new Wisps along with four returning Wisps (five, if counting the White Wisps).

Wisp Color Description Color Power
Black The Black Wisp allows Sonic to transform into the Black Bomb Color Power, which can let Sonic explode and roll on foes. Can only be obtained via the Bonus Edition, DLC, or Miiverse.
Crimson The Crimson Wisp allows Sonic to transform into the Crimson Eagle Color Power, which can let Sonic soar through the air and perform a Light Speed Dash.
Cyan The Cyan Wisp allows Sonic to transform into the Cyan Laser Color Power, which can let him shoot himself like a laser around Prisms.
Gray In the Wii U version, this Wisp is exclusive to the multiplayer races and is not a power-up in regular gameplay. The Gray Wisp allows Sonic to transform into the Gray Quake Color Power, which grants Sonic the ability to briefly create a shockwave, which can stun the other player.
Green The Green Wisp allows Sonic to transform into the Green Hover Color Power, which gives Sonic the ability to fly around for a limited time in the air. The Light Speed Dash is available to use while using the Green Hover.
Indigo The Indigo Wisp allows Sonic to transform into the Indigo Asteroid Color Power, which gives Sonic the power to destroy nearby objects and Badniks and make it debris for the Asteroid Ring to grow.
Magenta The Magenta Wisp allows Sonic to transform into the Magenta Rhythm Color Power, which can let Sonic bounce around, flip upside down, and collect musical notes as a way of moving around.
Orange The Orange Wisp allows Sonic to transform into the Orange Rocket Color Power, which can let Sonic burst into the sky as a rocket and skydiving after he transforms back to his regular form.
Yellow The Yellow Wisp allows Sonic to transform into the Yellow Drill Color Power, which grants Sonic the ability to burrow through the ground or swim underwater for a limited time.

敵對[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

世界[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


Windy Hill[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Windy Hill

《索尼克失落世界》中的第一個關卡是「Windy Hill(風之丘)」。風之丘有四個區域;第一區域位於一個類似於1991年遊戲《超音鼠》中的碧綠丘陵的星體牧場的開放領域。第二區域發生在日落時分,逐漸過渡到第一區域的午夜場景,只是以2D視角呈現。第三區域發生在一個類似於《超音鼠》中的Marble Zone的圓形寶石礦內。第四區域是一個白天場景,從3D視角切換到2D視角。在這個關卡中,Zazz會在第二區域和第四區域的末尾各出現一次。

Desert Ruins[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Desert Ruins

《索尼克失落世界》中的第二個關卡是「Desert Ruins(沙漠廢墟)」。沙漠廢墟有四個區域;第一區域是位於沙漠中的古代廢墟的開放領域。第二區域是一個3D背後視角的高速部分,玩法為索尼克向下奔跑,同時處於類似蜜蜂蜂巢的區域。第二區域的玩法類似於《索尼克繽紛色彩》中的「Terminal Velocity」。第三區域以2.5D視角展開,區域內充滿了類似於《索尼克繽紛色彩》中的「Sweet Mountain」的甜點。實際上,第三區域在開場卡片上被稱為「Dessert Ruins」。第四區域與沙漠廢墟的第一區域相似,但以2D視角展現,與《索尼克&納克魯斯》中的「Sandopolis Zone」相似。整個關卡中索尼克會被一股龍捲風追逐,直到他面對Zomom。Zomom會在本關卡中兩次出現,分別在第二區域和第四區域的末尾。

Tropical Coast[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Tropical Coast

Tropical Coast is the third level of Sonic Lost World. Tropical Coast has four zones; Zone 1 is an open-field of an beach-styled planetoid. Zone 2 is a 2D-perspective zone, where giant fruits are shown to be used as obstacles. Zone 3 is a giant underwater tube filled with rails that Sonic can grind on, as well as giant robotic eels that pop up and try to attack Sonic. Zone 4 is similar to Zone 2, featuring the same fruit theme and gimmick. Master Zik is encountered twice in this level, at the end of both Zone 2 and Zone 4.

Frozen Factory[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Frozen Factory

Frozen Factory is the fourth level of Sonic Lost World. Frozen Factory has four zones; Zone 1 is an open-field of a snowy planetoid full of machinery equipment used as gimmicks. Zone 2 takes place on an open-field, as well, but it takes place during the nighttime, as well as the fact that Sonic is now a snowball and that the player must roll Sonic around to get through the zone. Zone 3 takes place at a casino area that marks resemblance to Casino Night Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Zone 4 is a 2D-perspective zone similar to Zone 1 of Frozen Factory, but now Sonic can go through an actual factory location of the zone. Zeena is encountered twice in this level, at the end of both Zone 2 and Zone 4.

Silent Forest[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Silent Forest

Silent Forest is the fifth level of Sonic Lost World. Silent Forest has four zones; Zone 1 is an open-field of a giant forest with swamps and mud dominating the land on planetoids. Zone 2 is a 2D-perspective zone, which takes Sonic to a midnight-setting of a forest with several patches of ruins. Zone Three takes place inside an ancient ruins-based setting, which also takes elements from Zone 3 of Windy Hill. Zone 4, however, takes place also inside an ancient ruins, but this time the player must activate switches to turn on the lights, as the lights of the stage will go off and turn the screen almost completely dark. Zor is encountered twice in this level, at the end of both Zone 2 and Zone 4.

Sky Road[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Sky Road

Sky Road is the sixth and penultimate level of Sonic Lost World. Sky Road has four zones; Zone One is a open-field planetoids located high above the sky during the daytime. Zone 1 bears resemblance to Sky Sanctuary Zone from Sonic & Knuckles. Zone 2 takes place in a same location as Zone 1, only it is in the middle of a thunderstorm where ruins of cities on clouds. Zone 3 is an zone similar to Zone 2, only that it takes place in a 3D-perspective plain than in the designs of Zone 2. Zone 4 returns back to daytime like Zone One, only in a side-scrolling view. Zavok is encountered twice in this level, at the end of Zone 2 and Zone 4. In the 3DS version of the game, Sky Road Zone 1 and Zone 2 are casino-themed instead of Frozen Factory.

Lava Mountain[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Lava Mountain

Lava Mountain is the seventh and final level of Sonic Lost World. Lava Mountain has four zones; Zone 1 is set on a planetoid, featuring a boss rush fight with Zazz, Zomom, and Zik. Zone 2 is similar to Zone 3 of Tropical Coast. Zone 3 takes place in an open-field behind-the-back perspective where lava dominates the ground as only stone-platforms are allowed to walk on, and throughout the level, Sonic rematches Zeena, Zor, and Zavok. In Zone 4, Dr. Eggman himself is the boss of this zone in a level very similar to the final boss of the Wii version of Sonic Colors and the remastered version Sonic Colors: Ultimate.

Hidden World[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Hidden World.

Exclusive to the Wii U version, after defeating Eggman in Lava Mountain Zone 4, there will be a colorful world with a hub map similar to Sky Road's map. This world is characterized by a colorful, abstract background and completely different gameplay in each zone.

可下載內容[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Nightmare Zone[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Sonic fighting Zavok and Gillwing in Nightmare Zone.

In the Deadly Six Bonus Edition and PC versions of the game, a bonus boss rush Zone based off of the Nights series featuring re-skinned versions of the first encounters of the Deadly Six battles, using the Nightmaren bosses from Nights into Dreams.

Yoshi's Island Zone[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Sonic with several Yoshis in Yoshi's Island Zone.

This zone was available via downloadable content, and wass free for owners of Sonic Lost World. This was released due to the launch of Yoshi's New Island. In the said DLC, Sonic can travel through a 2.5D side-scrolling zone featuring an influx of items, both Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Mario Bros.-themed. The level itself was removed in 2023 due to the closure of the Nintendo EShop.

塞爾達傳說空間[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Sonic with Link in The Legend of Zelda Zone.

The Legend of Zelda Zone was the third zone available as downloadable content for Sonic Lost World. The Zone was based on Link's adventures in various games in The Legend of Zelda series. The player can roam freely in the open landscape of Hyrule, collecting Rupees and defeating enemies from The Legend of Zelda series. In this Zone, Sonic is dressed like Link and Link himself can be seen a few times as well. The level itself was removed in 2023 due to the closure of the Nintendo EShop.

多人遊玩[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


The Wii U version of Sonic Lost World contains versus races, where the player controls different colored Virtual Hedgehogs, who are previously seen in the Wii version of Sonic Colors. Numerous Zones are possibly redesigned for multiplayer modes. These multiplayer modes can have two players only, as one of the players can use the Wii U GamePad. Their gameplay is shown on the Wii U GamePad's screen. Another player is able to control his/her playable character with a Wii remote or Wii U Pro Controller, while his/her gameplay is shown on the TV screen. In the PC version, the multiplayer mode of the original Wii U version is lacked, however, its remnants still exist in the game files.

The Wii U version also includes a two-player Co-Op Mode, in which a second player with either a Wii Remote or Wii U Pro Controller can control an RC Vehicle to assist Sonic in single player stages. The player starts out with only the standard Helicopter, but can gain access to new vehicles, unlock different color variants or level up their vehicles by either completing specific Omochao missions, rescuing 11,000 Animals (and every 1000 thereafter), or connecting to the 3DS version. The Extra Stages, DLC Stages and Hidden World cannot be played in Co-Op.

發展[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

A screenshot showing Sonic and Tails riding towards Lost Hex. This was the first screenshot of game that was unveiled.

After the development for Sonic Colors ended, a few members of Sonic Team began experimenting with a new Sonic game. During this time, Sonic Team also planned to build a game which fully utilized the 3DS' various features. Eventually, between the release of Sonic Generations and the announcement of the Wii U, development for a PC version of Sonic Lost World had fully begun.[4][5] Sega eventually decided it would be best to develop the game for a Nintendo platform, considering Sonic's success on Nintendo consoles, and started to develop a Wii U version of the game, taking advantage of the Wii U's dual-screen capability and Gamepad. Once the basic stage structure and storyline was confirmed, a 3DS version of the game was added to the development.

After the positive reception of Sonic Colors's Color Powers, Sega decided to bring back the Color Powers for Sonic Lost World. The Color Powers were implemented from the outset, and provided the development team with a chance to utilize the GamePad. No other specific elements from Sonic Colors were brought into Sonic Lost World, as the game was intended to focus on pushing Sonic forward.

This time, Sonic Team wanted to create a game that was "100 percent Sonic". The combination of forward-view and side-view platform-action gameplay had been established as a staple of the series. But this time, Sega wanted to try something completely new with Sonic Lost World and provide a new experience by giving the player something Sonic had never experienced in the past twenty years. During one brainstorming session, the team suggested a "twisted tube-like level", drawing inspiration from the children's story "Jack and the Beanstalk".[5] The development team, however, had had no experience with this sort of level design. Just the first stage had to be created, broken down, recreated, and broken down again for half a year in order for the level to reach its finished state. Even more work went into the 3DS version's levels due to the system's processing power.[5] A parkour system was also designed specifically for the game, as it fit the level design nicely.[6] The development team, however, still attempted to maintain an equal balance between two-dimensional and three-dimensional platforming.

Sega officials Aaron Webber and Sam Mullen also revealed the reasoning behind some of the decisions Sega made in Sonic Lost World. According to the pair:

"The whole parkour system, conceptually, comes from the simple fact that in past Sonic games, Sonic would move really fast and he was kind of uncontrollable, and then you'd run into objects and just stop. So we went back to basic controls and said, 'Okay, how to we get past this? People do not like running around fast, fast, fast and then stop.' It started out with really simple things, like when Sonic hit a corner he would just glance past it. So we thought, what if he runs up walls or grabs ledges? And it sort of evolved from there into the state it is now... It's a matter of giving players reasons to use that kick attack versus the homing attack, and having enemies where you'll have to use a certain combination, such as the homing attack and then a kick. It's really nice to have that kind of control in a Sonic game... It all boils down to the fact that we want the player to maintain a flow, even if they're not having a sort of perfect playthrough. This way, the flow of a high-level Sonic player can be enjoyed even by a novice player."[7]

At the Summer of Sonic 2013 convention, Takashi Iizuka stated that Sega wanted "Mario fans" to play Sonic Lost World, due to the slower-balanced platforming used in Sonic Lost World.[8] Iizuka also revealed that the game had been under development for a full two and half years, starting during Sonic Generations' development as a prototype of the different geometries.[請求來源 ]

Sega registered the trademark and the web address of the game's website on 16 May 2013,[9] a few days before the game was first announced at a presentation of Nintendo Direct on 17 May 2013.[10] According to Nintendo's Satoru Iwata, it was announced that Nintendo itself had entered into a worldwide partnership with Sega regarding the Sonic the Hedgehog series.[10]

原聲帶[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

File:Sonic Lost World OST - Wonder World Main Title Theme-0

《索尼克失落世界》的音樂總監是大谷智哉,曾為遊戲《索尼克釋放》的音樂總監。遊戲的主題曲名為「Wonder World」。

遊戲的官方原聲音樂專輯Without Boundaries: Sonic Lost World Original SoundtrackWave Master於2013年11月27日發行。

發售[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

《索尼克失落世界》的Wii UNintendo 3DS版本都於2013年10月18日首次在歐洲發佈。遊戲最初計劃在2013年10月22日發佈美國版,但因延遲而推遲到了10月29日。遊戲的兩個版本都於2013年10月24日在日本發佈。任天堂SEGA在這款遊戲上進行了合作,因此SEGA在美國和日本發售,而任天堂則在歐洲和澳大利亞市場擔任分銷商。[11]

在北美地區從亞馬遜預購Wii U版本會額外獲得25條生命作為預購獎勵。[12]如果遊戲是通過GameStop預訂的,玩家將獲得一款罕見的「索尼克玩具查歐小工具」遙控工具,可幫助收集金環。除了外觀類似於索尼克之外,其他方面並沒有太大不同。預訂方式會根據預訂方式向玩家發送代碼,會通過電子郵件或收據發送。

附加內容[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

索尼克 玩具查歐

Sega launched two accessory kits as collector items during the Japanese release of the game on 24 October 2013. The first kit contained a protection cover for Nintendo 3DS XL models and a small Sonic-themed storage bag. The kit also contained a bonus soundtrack CD for the game. The second kit contained blue earbuds and two small keychains, which were a pair of Sonic's Speed Shoes and Tails' set of tails.[13]

六鬼眾特別版[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

The Deadly Six Bonus Edition of the game.

Pre-ordering the game would grant the player the "Deadly Six Bonus Edition" (known as "Deadly Six Edition" in PAL regions) that includes DLC content. This promotion was exclusively for the Wii U was only available for a limited time. This bonus edition contains Nightmare Zone with different boss fights from the original version that take place in the world of the Nights series. These boss fights are featured in the extra level, where all Deadly Six members are riding boss characters from Nights into Dreams. By pre-ordering the exclusive version of the game, the player is able to obtain the Black Wisp, originally found at Miiverse.

第二個 DLC 描述。

More pre-order DLC was available Sonic Lost World; this DLC includes a golden Omochao RC Vehicle that the second player can use while helping Sonic out in levels. The second pack includes five more Black Wisps, as they can transform Sonic into the Black Bomb Color Power.

The third DLC includes Yoshi's Island Zone, which its elements are based on the Yoshi series. There is another DLC that was released featuring The Legend of Zelda Zone themed around The Legend of Zelda series.

PC 發售[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Two years after the game's release, on 2 November 2015, the Wii U version was re-released to the PC via Steam.[14] On 6 October 2015, Sega Europe's Twitter account confirmed the PC release.[14][15] The Steam version of the game includes the Nightmare Zone DLC and a solid frame rate of 60FPS.[16] The PC version of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed was offered as a free bonus for pre-purchasing the game.[17]

配音演員[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Role English voice actor Japanese voice actor French voice actor Italian voice actor German voice actor Spanish voice actor
Sonic the Hedgehog Roger Craig Smith Jun'ichi Kanemaru Alexandre Gillet Renato Novara Marc Stachel Jonatán López
Miles "Tails" Prower Kate Higgins Ryō Hirohashi Marie-Eugénie Maréchal Benedetta Ponticelli Anke Kortemeier Graciela Molina
Dr. Eggman Mike Pollock Chikao Ōtsuka Marc Bretonnière Aldo Stella Hartmut Neugebauer Francesc Belda
Orbot Kirk Thornton Mitsuo Iwata Tony Marot Massimo Di Benedetto Romanus Fuhrmann Albert Vilcan
Cubot Wally Wingert Wataru Takagi Benjamin Pascal Luca Sandri Matthias Horn Xadi Mouslemeni Mateu
Knuckles the Echidna Travis Willingham Nobutoshi Canna Sébastien Desjours Maurizio Merluzzo Claus-Peter Damitz Sergio Mesa
Amy Rose Cindy Robinson Taeko Kawata Naïké Fauveau Serena Clerici Shandra Schadt Meritxell Ribera
Zavok Travis Willingham Jōji Nakata Benoît Allemane Gianni Gaude Klaus Lochthove Miguel Ángel Jenner
Zazz Liam O'Brien Yutaka Aoyama Gilbert Levy Diego Sabre Gerold Ströher Rafael Parra
Zomom Patrick Seitz Chafūrin Franck Sportis Pietro Ubaldi Viktor Pavel Santi Lorenz
Master Zik Kirk Thornton Mugihito Philippe Catoire Riccardo Rovatti Romanus Fuhrmann Rafael Turia
Zeena Stephanie Sheh Yumi Tōma Valérie Nosrée Loretta Di Pisa Marianne Graffam Meritxell Ribera
Zor Sam Riegel Yūki Tai Luc Boulad Davide Garbolino Ilja Köster Ivan Labanda
Wisp Announcer Roger Craig Smith Fumihiko Tachiki Alexandre Gillet Renato Novara Marc Stachel Xadi Mouslemeni Mateu

反響[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Aggregate scores
Aggregator Score
GameRankings 62[18]
Metacritic 63%[19]
Review scores
Publication Score
Computer and Video Games 7/10[20]
Destructoid 7.5/10[21]
Edge 4/10[22]
Eurogamer 4/10[23]
Famitsu 36/40[24]
Game Informer 5/10[25]
GameSpot 5/10[26]
GamesRadar 4/5[27]
GameTrailers 7.6/10[28]
IGN 5.8/10[29]
Official Nintendo Magazine 80%[30]
Polygon 6/10[31]
VideoGamer 5/10[32]
Empire 2/5[33]

Sonic Lost World received mixed reviews from critics. The Wii U received a score of 63% from review aggregator Metacritic,[19] and 61.95% from GameRankings.[18]

During its opening week in the UK, Sonic Lost World charted at #11 on the All-formats chart for sales, while also achieving the top spot on the Wii U chart.[34] As of the end of 2013, Sega had shipped 640,000 copies of the game.[35] As of 31 March 2014, the game had sold 710,000 copies.[36]

The game's presentation was well received. Chris Plante of Polygon praised the game's visuals and music as "arguably the best" in the series.[31] Game Informers Tim Turi wrote that "the orchestrated tracks evoke Mario Galaxy in the best ways."[25] GameSpot's Mark Walton[26] and Computer and Videogames's Chris Scullion[20] singled out the candy-themed "Dessert Ruins" level as a visual highlight. However, Turi made note of "ultra-compressed" cutscenes in the 3DS version.[37] IGN's Vince Ingenito was favorable to the "pleasant" art direction and stable framerate, but criticized the "subdued" color palette.[29] Roger Hargreaves of Metro stated that the "imaginative" designs and "spectacular set piece[s]" kept him "interested to know what comes next."[38] Chris Schilling of Eurogamer was even more effusive: "Blue skies forever!"[23]

Strong criticism was directed at the game's control scheme, especially the new parkour mechanic. Turi "never got a good feel for the rhythm of wall running and jumping, and felt lucky to pass sections where it was forced."[25] Hargreaves,[38] Walton,[26] and Official Nintendo Magazines Matthew Castle[30] agreed. Ingenito found it problematic that Sonic tends to wall-run on every nearby vertical surface.[29] Schilling singled out the multi-lock homing attack, writing that while "most of the time it works perfectly well," it appeared to "inexplicably fail" on occasion.[23] Ingenito,[29] Turi,[25][37] and Hargreaves agreed.[38] Matthew Castle of Official Nintendo Magazine struggled with the homing attack "locking on too late or attacking enemies in awkward sequence."[30] However, GamesRadar's Justin Towell defended the control scheme, explaining that while it had a learning curve, it also "modernize[s] environmental traversal" and "provide[s] a distinct safety net." Towell argued that Sonic was mainly hard to control in the "more complex 2D sections" because there are "so many rules for how Sonic reacts contextually to his environment."[27] Reona Ebihara of Famitsu stated that the ability to slow down made the game easier to play for beginners.[24] However, Turi criticized Sonic's "odd sense of momentum" and imprecise jumps,[25] stating that switching between two speeds is "jarring" and produces "touchy platforming."[37] Schilling excoriated the "profoundly frustrating" controls as the worst in the series, explaining that "Sonic's too sluggish while walking, and too skittish to cope with the trickier platforming bits when running."[23] Ingenito agreed: "I've played a lot of Sonic over the years, and the controls have never felt as alien and inconsistent as they do here."[29]

Reaction to the game's level design was mixed. Turi made note of oddly placed invisible springs in the game's "confusing" and "aggravating" levels. Walton preferred the "inoffensive" 2D sections to the "frustrating mishmash of speed and exploration" found in 3D.[26] Plante praised the game's 3D stages as "wildly creative exercises in platforming experimentation" while decrying its 2D stages as "so clunky and tiresome that it's hard to imagine a time when a side-scrolling Sonic was actually good."[31] Ingenito stated that the game's levels were stuck in "design gridlock" and "lack[ed] rhythm and cohesion."[29] Castle stated that the Wii U version's "best stages play to the strengths of Sonic's tiered speed."[30] Totilo praised "the intuitive, flowing, player-friendly levels of the 3DS version" but panned "the badly-explained, choppy, punitive levels of the Wii U version."[39] Schilling wrote that he "came perilously close to biting [his] GamePad at one particularly sharp difficulty spike."[23] Edge noted that "Sonic games, and platformers in general, have always been about memorizing the lay of the land, but rarely have mistakes been so costly or heavily punished."[22]

The alternate gameplay styles polarized many critics. Daniel Cairns of VideoGamer.com highlighted the level where Sonic becomes a giant snowball as "genuinely excellent"[32] and "a cool riff on Monkey Ball,"[30] whereas Turi and Ingenito described it as "atrocious,"[25] "uncontrollabl[e]," and "the exact opposite of fun."[29] Turi "received multiple game overs during a mundane mandatory pinball sequence."[25] Walton felt that some of the Wisps were an "amusing aside," while others suffered from "frustrating motion controls."[26] GameTrailers' Justin Speer stated that the Wisps "don't really feel like they belong" in the game.[28] Totilo preferred how the Wisps were used in the 3DS version,[39] but Towell stated that while they were "more integral" to the design, they tended to interrupt "the free-form gameplay" with "clumsy mechanic[s]."[40] Totilo and Castle criticized the Wii U version's Jetpack Joyride-style flying levels as "regrettable"[39] and "horribly imprecise."[30] Turi and Totilo criticized the game's balloon-popping minigame as "mind-numbing"[25] and "awkward."[39] Turi called the co-op mode "useless,"[25] although Seedhouse believed it was "suitable for families with younger players."[41] Castle wrote that "two-player races would be a cool addition were it not for the horrible framerate issues."[30]

The Deadly Six were negatively received. Although Towell enjoyed their "fun, stereotypical personalities," he was disappointed by their "awful" dialogue.[27] Speer called the boss battles "weirdly anticlimactic,"[28] and Ingenito stated the characters were "some of the most boring in the series' history,"[29] Turi referred to the Deadly Six as "generic," "forgettable," and "some of the most aggressively annoying villains ever."[25]

Critics disagreed over what to make of the game as a whole. Destructoid's Jim Sterling said it "can wildly swing from brilliant to horrific at the drop of a hat, but when one steps back and takes a look at the whole production, one sees far more to love than hate."[21] Plante noted that "the early stages display a degree of design ingenuity and polish which gradually degrades."[31] Empire's David McComb called it "A cheap, cruel, crushing disappointment in the wake of Sonic Colors and Generations."[33] Walton concluded that "in overtly coveting the great Italian plumber, it smothers the talents of its blazing blue hedgehog."[26]

漫畫改編[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Sonic Super Special #9 的封面。

In Sonic Super Special #9, published by Archie Comics, an adaption of Sonic Lost World is presented which is written by Ian Flynn, head writer for the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs. This story serves as a prequel to Sonic Lost World and tells about how Dr. Eggman first came to the Lost Hex and enslaved the Deadly Six and how Sonic and Tails began their hunt and subsequent chase after the doctor in the beginning of the game. This story is twenty pages long, making it to this day the longest game adaption featured in Archie Comics. It was later stated by Ian Flynn stated that the story actually will be canon to the main continuity in the comics "later".

Before the release of Sonic Super Special #9, this single story alone is also featured as a separate free comic in many comic shops across America as a part of 「Free Comic Book Day」 event that is held during the Halloween season.[42]

更新歷史[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

冷知識[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  • This is the first 3D mainline Sonic game since Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) to not utilized the Boost formula.
  • This game shares its name with an action stage from Sonic Adventure.
  • The music used in the debut trailer is an instrumental version of "Cinema" by Benny Benassi.[45] The Nintendo 3DS version's trailer uses an instrumental version of "Game Boy" by Invigilators x Ceezlin.
  • This is the first 3D Sonic game since Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) to feature Item Boxes in 3D stages.
  • The game shares some similarities with Sonic X-treme, a canceled game for the Sega Saturn. Both games have a story where six creatures get out of Eggman's grasp (which was one of several stories for the latter), both have a first stage inspired by Green Hill Zone (the former being Windy Hill and the latter Jade Gully Zone), both have freely floating level structures and both have gravity playing a key role. Despite Sega of America employee Aaron Webber noting the game was an influence, Takashi Iizuka has claimed that the developers of Sonic Lost World did not know about Sonic X-treme, meaning it had no intended influence on Sonic Lost World whatsoever.
    • It also shares some similarities with Super Mario Galaxy, another game that has freely floating, circular level structures, traveling between several planetoids, and has gravity playing a key role. Windy Hill Zone 1's segmented structure resembles the levels from the Super Mario Galaxy series of games and Super Mario 3D Land.
      • Takashi Iizuka admitted that Sonic Lost World had "ended up a bit too close to Super Mario Galaxy"[46]
  • In the first gameplay footage of the Nintendo 3DS version, the Invincibility and Speed Shoes theme was an instrumental version of "Sonic Heroes", but in the final project the Speed Shoes music was replaced with an instrumental version of "Reach for the Stars." The Wii U version still retains "Sonic Heroes."
  • This is the only main series Sonic game to be released on the Wii U, and the second main series Sonic game to be released exclusively for Nintendo platforms, with the first being Sonic Colors.
    • In addition, it is the first main series Sonic game to be released on an eighth generation console.
  • Before Version 3.0.0 was released, the player would not receive an Extra Life upon collecting one hundred Rings.
  • The lives counter, timer, animal counter, and Red Ring counter will normally only appear when Sonic is at a completely dead stop, but occasionally show up when Sonic destroys an enemy, gets Rings or an extra life, or collects Red Star Rings.
  • This is the fifth home console Sonic game to be rated E10+ by the ESRB.
  • This is the first Sonic game in which Eggman actually calls Orbot and Cubot by their names, after he did not do so in Sonic Colors.
  • This game has more major antagonists than any other game where Sonic and Eggman team up, with six in total.
  • Sonic Lost World is the third game in the entire Sonic the Hedgehog video game series in which Dr. Eggman is seen holding a gun, the previous two being Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Riders. Unlike in those games, Eggman actually uses the gun in this game.
  • This game has a similar twist as the Nintendo 3DS game Mario & Luigi: Dream Team, as the series antagonist (Bowser/Eggman) is seemingly overshadowed in their role by another villain (Antasma/Zavok) who they temporarily work with, only to reveal themselves as the true main villain by using a character to help them further a secret goal (Bowser uses Antasma, while Eggman uses Sonic), and become the final boss, while Antasma and Zavok serve as the second to last boss.
The Game Over screen in the Wii U version of Sonic Lost World.
  • The Game Over screen of the Wii U version of Sonic Lost World is heavily reminiscent of the Continue screen from the original Sonic the Hedgehog.
  • This is the first game to have Orbot and Cubot as playable characters, but only in the Circus minigames.
  • This is the second 3D Sonic game to not have a vocal main theme, the first being Sonic Generations.
  • There are numerous grammatical errors in this game. For example, when Zazz says, "Right, Master?", the subtitles read "right Master?". Also, Sonic says "Wow" at one point, but the subtitles state that he said "Whoa". At another point, he says: "Man", while the subtitles say: "Oh, man".
  • In one cutscene, Orbot is seen holding Cubot's head and saying, "Alas, poor Cubot, I knew him well," a clear reference to the famous "Alas, poor Yorick" scene from William Shakespeare's Hamlet.
  • In the opening cutscene, the Tornado's wing gets shot, but in the cutscene at the end of Windy Hill, Tails says that he fixed the plane's propeller.
  • In the Wii U/PC version of Sonic Lost World, there is a strange glitch in Frozen Factory Zone 3 which gives the illusion of an epileptic seizure.
  • The Yoshi's Island DLC marks the first time where there is interaction between the Mario and Sonic series in a main series title.
  • The Legend of Zelda DLC is the second time the Sonic franchise has interacted with a Nintendo franchise that wasn't Mario, the first being Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
  • Super Sonic isn't completely animated with certain movements in the game. For example, Wall-Jumping will result in a yellow-colored normal Sonic rather than Super Sonic.
  • Unlike Sonic Generations, each voice actor for Sonic also voices the Wisp announcer in their respective audio tracks - except in Japanese, in which Fumihiko Tachiki still reprises that role since Sonic Colors.
  • On several occasions, the voices and the subtitles don't line up correctly. For example, when Sonic is talking to Zeena, Sonic says "Oh, no, what I meant to say is I am so sorry that you have nothing more important to do in life.", but the subtitles read "Oh, no, what I meant to say is I am so sorry you have nothing more important to do in life."
  • During some of the cutscenes, Eggman is shown to run in an odd way. This happens to match his running animation while he is in the Chao Garden in Sonic Adventure 2.
  • This is the second game in which Eggman saved Sonic from falling into a lava pit, the first being the 8-bit version of Sonic the Hedgehog 2.
Super Sonic's mouth error.
  • The Wii U version of Sonic Lost World has a rendering bug that leaves Super Sonic with a mouth on each side of his muzzle.
  • The 2014 edition of Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition erroneously stated that Sonic Lost World was released on the Nintendo DS.
  • There is unused data present in the game's files for the Blue Cube and Pink Spikes Color Powers, as well as an unused Snake transformation.[47]
  • The animations for the Spin Dash are reversed in this game compared to previous games. The wind up in previous games is the traveling animation in this game, and vice versa.
  • Sonic's death sound effects and the impatient falling animation where he looks at the camera were reused in Sonic Forces.

視頻[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

參考資料[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  1. "Sajid (@Sajidur78) on Twitter". 15 January 2021. Retrieved 24 November 2022. Sajid: Now for the more technical parts, Colors and Lost World share a lot of code. For instance, the Universe library and the set object manager is pretty much the same, screenshots below. Some arguments appear incorrect because of the decompiler. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  2. Sonic Lost World (Wii U) Australian instruction booklet, pgs. 1-4.
  3. Kellie (18 December 2013). "Sonic Lost World – Yoshi's Island DLC Now Available!". SEGA Blog. Sega. Archived from the original on 16 July 2015.
  4. King, Ashley (29 July 2013). "Sega explains why Sonic Lost World is Nintendo exclusive". Archived from the original on 28 June 2014.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Whitehead, Thomas (16 October 2013). "Interview: SEGA On Bringing Sonic Lost World to Wii U and 3DS". Nintendo Life.
  6. Swiss (9 August 2013). "SUMMER OF SONIC 2013: TAKASHI IIZUKA INTERVIEW". Sonic Stadium.
  7. Corriea, Alexa Ray (23 September 2013). "Sonic: Lost World pays homage to the series' past while revamping for the future". Polygon.
  8. "Iizuka: "We want Mario players" for Sonic Lost World". TSSZ News. Archived from the original on 15 August 2014.
  9. Berry, Jason (16 May 2013). "SEGA TRADEMARKS "SONIC LOST WORLD(S)"". Sonic Stadium.
  10. 10.0 10.1 "Nintendo Direct 5.17.2013". YouTube. Nintendo. 17 May 2013.
  11. Martin, Matt (17 May 2013). "Sega Europe hands Sonic publishing duties to Nintendo". Games Industry.
  12. Kellie (1 October 2013). "Pre-Order Sonic Lost World at Amazon and Get 25 Extra Lives". SEGA Blog. Sega. Archived from the original on 4 October 2013.
  13. "Sonic Lost World se paie des kits d'accessoires" (in French). Sega Mag. 18 July 2013.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  14. 14.0 14.1 "Sonic Lost World's Wii U Exclusivity Ends With Budget PC Release". Nintendo Life. 6 October 2015. Retrieved 6 October 2015.
  15. "SEGA of Europe on Twitter". Twitter. 6 October 2015. Retrieved 6 October 2015. The blue blur spins on to Steam with Sonic Lost World, coming November 2nd
  16. Makuch, Eddie (6 October 2015). "Previously a Wii U/3DS Exclusive, Sonic: Lost World Coming to PC With 60FPS Support". GameSpot. Retrieved 31 March 2022.
  17. "Sonic Lost World Coming To PC". Sonic Stadium. 6 October 2015. Retrieved 6 October 2015.
  18. 18.0 18.1 "Sonic: Lost World for Wii U". GameRankings. Retrieved 6 December 2013.
  19. 19.0 19.1 "Sonic: Lost World for Wii U Reviews". Metacritic. Retrieved 6 December 2013.
  20. 20.0 20.1 Scullion, Chris (18 October 2013). "Review: Sonic Lost World stumbles at high speed". Computer and Video Games. Retrieved 6 December 2013.
  21. 21.0 21.1 Sterling, Jim (18 October 2013). "Review: Sonic Lost World". Destructoid. Retrieved 13 December 2013.
  22. 22.0 22.1 Edge Staff (18 October 2013). "Sonic: Lost World review". Edge Online. Retrieved 13 December 2013.
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 Schilling, Chris (18 October 2013). "Sonic Lost World review". Eurogamer. Retrieved 13 December 2013.
  24. 24.0 24.1 Gifford, Kevin (18 October 2013). "Japan Review Check: Sonic: Lost World, Armored Core, BlazBlue". Polygon. Retrieved 15 December 2013.
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.6 25.7 25.8 25.9 Turi, Tim (18 October 2013). "Sonic Lost World: Lost and Damned". Game Informer. Retrieved 13 December 2013.
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 26.5 Walton, Mark (18 October 2013). "Sonic: Lost World Review". GameSpot. Retrieved 13 December 2013.
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 Towell, Justin (2013-10-18). "Sonic Lost World review". GamesRadar. Retrieved 2013-12-13.
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Speer, Justin (18 October 2013). "Sonic Lost World Review". GameTrailers. Retrieved 13 December 2013.
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4 29.5 29.6 29.7 Ingenito, Vince (18 October 2013). "Sonic Lost World Review". IGN. Retrieved 13 December 2013.
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 30.5 30.6 Castle, Matthew (18 October 2013). "Sonic: Lost World Wii U review". Official Nintendo Magazine. Archived from the original on 11 November 2014. Retrieved 13 December 2013.
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 Plante, Chris (18 October 2013). "Sonic: Lost World review: Living in the Past". Polygon. Retrieved 13 December 2013.
  32. 32.0 32.1 Cairns, Daniels (18 October 2013). "Sonic Lost World Review". VideoGamer.com. Retrieved 13 December 2013.
  33. 33.0 33.1 McComb, David (18 October 2013). "Sonic Lost World Review". Empire. Retrieved 14 December 2013.
  34. East, Thomas (21 October 2013). "UK chart: Skylanders beats Pokemon X and Y, Sonic misses out on top ten". Official Nintendo Magazine. Archived from the original on 2014-11-11. Retrieved 13 December 2013.
  35. Campbell, Evan (7 February 2014). "Sonic: Lost World Ships 640,000, SEGA Game Sales Down". IGN. Retrieved 24 February 2014.
  36. Yin-Poole, Wesley (9 May 2014). "How are Sega's video games selling?". Eurogamer. Retrieved 9 May 2014.
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 Turi, Tim (29 October 2013). "Sonic Lost World: Another Portable Misstep For Dimps". Game Informer. Retrieved 13 December 2013.
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 Hargreaves, Roger (18 October 2013). "Sonic: Lost World review – galaxy class?". Metro. Retrieved 13 December 2013.
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 Totilo, Stephen (18 October 2013). "Sonic: Lost World: The Kotaku Review x2". Kotaku. Retrieved 13 December 2013.
  40. Towell, Justin (18 October 2013). "Sonic Lost World 3DS review". GamesRadar. Retrieved 13 December 2013.
  41. Seedhouse, Alex (18 October 2013). "Sonic Lost World (Wii U) review". Nintendo Insider. Retrieved 18 December 2013.
  42. Berry, Jason (27 August 2013). "FREE SONIC LOST WORLD COMIC THIS HALLOWEEN". Sonic Stadium.
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Sonic the Hedgehog console mainline games

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