

(创建页面,内容为“{{FA}} {{Tab|图册}} {{Otheruses4}} {{Infobox transformation |image = SFSBWerehog.png |caption = Sonic the Werehog, from ''Sonic Forces: Speed Battle''. |artist = Shinkichi Tanahashi<ref name="DesignJap2"/> |first = ''Sonic Unleashed'' (Xbox 360/PlayStation 3) |games = *''Sonic Unleashed'' (Xbox 360/PlayStation 3) *Sonic Unleashed (Wii/PlayStation 2)|''Sonic Unleashed'' (Wii/Pla…”)
(Saikishiro移动页面Sonic the Werehog狼人索尼克

於 2023年12月31日 (日) 21:14 的最新修訂

本文譯自 Sonic News Network 的專題文章

Template:Infobox transformation


— 狼人索尼克,《刺蝟索尼克:開放世界 File:QuotSonictheWerehog.ogg

狼人索尼克[1] (ソニック・ザ・ウェアホッグ[1] Sonikku za Weahoggu?),也簡稱為狼人 (ウェアホッグ Weahoggu?),是《刺蝟索尼克系列》中出現的一種變身。它是索尼克的一種野獸般、類似狼人的極端身體變化[2],當索尼克意外吸收了黑暗蓋亞的能量時產生,儘管這種變化本身只會在夜間觸發,並在白天保持活躍。經過多次使用後,索尼克在黑暗蓋亞收回導致變化的能量時永久失去了這種形態。


概念和創作[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

狼人索尼克的早期概念藝術作品,暫時命名為"野獸索尼克" (獣ソニック Kemono Sonikku?)

最初,狼人索尼克在開發團隊內被稱為「邪惡索尼克」,因為他不平整、粗糙的外觀,但由於「邪惡」一詞在西方國家具有惡棍角色的含義,美國SEGA建議使用「狼人」這個名字。[3][4] 儘管如此,他在最終遊戲的文件中仍被稱為邪惡索尼克。



外觀[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

File:Sonic Channel - Sonic the Werehog.png
狼人索尼克,《Sonic Art Assets DVD



出場[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

遊戲[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

刺蝟索尼克:開放世界[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

File:Sonic going Werehog Sonic Unleashed.jpg
索尼克第一次變成狼人索尼克,《刺蝟索尼克:開放世界Xbox 360/PlayStation 3版本。

在《刺蝟索尼克:開放世界》的Xbox 360/PlayStation 3版本和Wii/PlayStation 2 版本中,當索尼克以他的超級狀態蛋頭博士混沌能量大炮捕捉時,他被剝奪了混沌翡翠,這讓他變得虛弱,因為大部分的能量被完全吸收到了大炮中。蛋頭博士然後反轉了翡翠的極性,並使用大炮釋放負面混沌翡翠能量爆炸,通過分裂地球喚醒黑暗蓋亞。然而,由於索尼克靠近混沌翡翠,當黑暗能量被釋放時,黑暗蓋亞的一部分能量感染了索尼克。[9] 這導致他第一次變成了野性的狼人索尼克。在變形後不久,索尼克被大炮的空間站拒之門外,並墜落地球,帶着失去能量的混沌翡翠。在下落過程中,索尼克的墜落被一種神秘力量暫時打破,儘管他仍然頭朝下墜入風車島。在那裡,他發現了昏迷的奇普,後者讓索尼克意識到了他的新形態。不過,一旦索尼克得知奇普患有失憶症,無法回憶起他是誰,索尼克同意幫助他恢復記憶,默默地將奇普的失憶歸咎於自己。不久後,太陽升起,索尼克恢復了正常。然而,索尼克在隨後的日落時再次變成了狼人索尼克,使他理解了他變形的性質。他還發現了他的這種形態能夠伸長手臂的能力,當他抓住了奇普掉落的冰淇淋蛋筒時。狼人索尼克不久後拯救了尾巴,使他免受黑暗蓋亞的爪牙的攻擊,之後前往斯帕格尼亞找到匹克爾教授。在追蹤教授到蛋頭博士附近的馬祖里基地後,狼人索尼克、尾巴和奇普將匹克爾從蛋頭博士的囚禁中解救出來,並返回斯帕格尼亞,匹克爾為他們提出了一項行動計劃,以修復地球並阻止黑暗蓋亞:找到蓋亞神廟並將混沌翡翠插入其中,這將治癒混沌翡翠和地球。與此同時,索尼克尋求治癒他的狼人狀況的方法。在週遊世界一段時間後,狼人索尼克和奇普返回斯帕格尼亞,只被艾米發現。然而,艾米沒有認出狼人索尼克,因此離開了他們。看到艾米沒有認出他(並沒有因為奇普的評論而好轉),讓索尼克對自己的狀況感到沮喪。儘管如此,索尼克繼續前進,最終在艾米被黑暗蓋亞附身的人纏住時幫助了她。在驅魔後,索尼克無法面對艾米,離開了,不過他最終向她坦白了一切。

File:Vlc 2016-08-25 22-26-04-234.png
索尼克被剝奪黑暗蓋亞的能量,治癒了他的狼人形態,《刺蝟索尼克:開放世界Xbox 360/PlayStation 3版本。


在《刺蝟索尼克:開放世界》的Xbox 360/PlayStation 3版本中,狼人索尼克只能在夜晚版本的城鎮關卡動作關卡入口關卡中可玩。在動作關卡中,狼人索尼克的目標與索尼克白天形態的目標相同:在時間限制內到達終點。然而,狼人索尼克比索尼克白天形態慢得多。作為回報,他可以跳躍(儘管沒有進入旋轉跳躍)、雙重跳躍,並通過衝刺移動得更快。他還可以使用抓取技術撿起並操縱某些敵人和物體。根據狼人索尼克的技能等級,他可以在握住敵人時對敵人執行各種攻擊。此外,一些裝置,如懸掛的岩架和杆子,可以被狼人索尼克抓住,從而使他能夠攀爬或擺動到其他無法到達的區域。同樣,當遇到敵人時,狼人索尼克可以使用多種近身戰鬥技術通過攻擊連擊來對其造成傷害。攻擊連擊可以用Template:X Button (Xbox)/Square // /開始。以Template:X Button (Xbox)/Square開始攻擊連擊會導致環形攻擊,通常會對索尼克周圍的更大範圍造成傷害。以/開始攻擊連擊會導致直線攻擊,通常會對索尼克前方的敵人造成更重的傷害。一旦用Template:X Button (Xbox)/Square // /開始連擊後,玩家可以根據自己的意願結合Template:X Button (Xbox)/Square, /, Template:A Button (Xbox)/Cross, 和 Template:B Button (Xbox)/Circle來執行不同的動作。玩家還可以按住Template:X Button (Xbox)/Square // /來積攢充能攻擊(升級後可用)。狼人索尼克還可以對某些虛弱的對手執行致命攻擊。除了攻擊連擊外,玩家還可以防禦攻擊並啟動釋放模式,使狼人索尼克暫時變得更強壯且無敵。另外,在遊戲的大多數環境中,狼人索尼克依賴於生命計量器,用於確定他能承受的最大傷害量,釋放計量器,用於確定他使用釋放模式的時長,以及護盾計量器,用於確定他的防禦技術可以抵消多少傷害。此外,隨着經驗的分配,玩家可以升級狼人索尼克的「戰鬥」(可用技能數量)、「力量」(攻擊力)、「生命」(生命計量器大小)、「釋放」(釋放計量器大小)和「護盾」(護盾計量器大小)參數。

In the Wii/PlayStation 2 version of Sonic Unleashed, Sonic the Werehog is only playable in the Night Stages and all Gaia Gates except for the main room of Apotos' Gaia Gate. In the Night Stages, the objective of Sonic the Werehog is to reach the Goal Ring within a limited time, much like in Sonic's daytime Stages. However, in these levels, Sonic the Werehog is much slower than Sonic's regular form. In exchange, he can jump (without it turning into a Spin Jump), Double Jump, and move faster with the Dash technique. Also, when encountering enemies, Sonic the Werehog can inflict damage on them with the following attacks:

PS2 Wii
Wii Remote
& Nunchuk
Right-Handed Attack Circle Shake Wii Remote Template:Y Button (Wii Classic)
Left-Handed Attack Square Shake Nunchuk Template:X Button (Wii Classic)
Two-Handed Attack Cross Shake Wii Remote + Nunchuk Template:A Button (Wii Classic) +

By alternating between the aforementioned right and left attacks, Sonic the Werehog can normally execute a variety of attack Combos. However, the player can also use the same attack option to achieve the same effect. The player can also perform the Dash, pick up and throw certain enemies and objects with the Grab technique, protect Sonic from attacks with the Guard technique, and initiate the Unleashed Mode to increase Sonic the Werehog's attack power and lower the damage he would otherwise receive. With the Grab technique in particular, Sonic the Werehog can also climb Vertical Poles, swing on Horizontal Poles and Swinging Poles, and traverse Hanging Ledges. In addition, in the game's environments, Sonic the Werehog relies on a Vitality Gauge that determines the maximum amount of damage he can take and the Unleashed Gauge that determines his usage of Unleashed Mode. Also, as red orbs are allotted in gameplay, the player can upgrade Sonic the Werehog's "Vitality," "Combat," and "Attack Power Rank" parameters, as well as his number of skills, on the Orb Result screen.

Sonic Generations[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

In the console/PC version of Sonic Generations, Sonic the Werehog makes a small cameo appearance during the game's ending credits. Also, in the Nintendo 3DS version of the game, the Werehog makes a small cameo appearance on a bonus artwork in the Collection Room.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

In Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, Sonic the Werehog appears as an icon on the game's "Genesis" Sticker.

Mario & Sonic series[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
The Mii costume of Sonic the Werehog, from the Wii version of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games.

In the Wii version of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games, Sonic the Werehog does not physically appear. However, a Mii costume based on Sonic the Werehog can be unlocked in the game by placing first twenty-five times in Single Event Mode, after which Espio will send the player the costume in the mail.

Sonic Dash[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

In Sonic Dash, Sonic the Werehog (shortened to simply "Werehog" in-game) is featured as one of the playable characters. In this game, he can be unlocked after obtaining 150 of his character cards.

Image Rarity Affinity Bonus Upgrade Profile
Power-Up Highest level
File:Sonic Dash Werehog Portrait 7.0.png
Legendary N/A Dash Boost 9
x2 Multiplier 11
Magnet 11
Shield 11
Headstart 8
Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

In Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games, Sonic the Werehog does not physically appear. However, a Mii costume based on Sonic the Werehog can be unlocked in the game by scoring four points at one end of the Curling event.

Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

In the Wii U version of Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, Sonic the Werehog does not physically appear. However, a Mii costume set based on Sonic the Werehog can be unlocked in the game. However, it must be collected in two separate parts, each with its own stat changes.

Sonic Runners[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

File:Werehog (Sonic Runners).png
Sonic the Werehog, from Sonic Runners.

In Sonic Runners, Sonic the Werehog was a playable Power/Wild Type character with the following characteristics:

Icon Type Controls Profile Unlock Requirement
File:Sonic Runners Werehog Icon.png
File:Sonic Runners Power Wild.png
  • Dash attack
  • 37% Distance bonus
  • 37% Animal bonus
As a result of Dr. Eggman's trap, Sonic turns into the Werehog after dark! He is incredibly strong, and has extendable arms. Available on Premium Roulette.

Sonic Forces: Speed Battle[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

In Sonic Forces: Speed Battle, Sonic the Werehog (shortened to simply "Werehog" in-game) is one of the playable characters, who was added to the game's roster on 14 October 2021. He has the following gameplay characteristics:

Image Rarity Stats Items
Projectile Boost Trap

Speed: 6/10

Acceleration: 5/10

Strength: 9/10

Dark Blast
Feral Dash
Storm Cloud

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Sonic the Werehog appears as a Support Spirit with the following characteristics:

Image Spirit Battle
Enemy Fighter(s) Enemy Power Stage Battle conditions
File:SSBU Werehog Artwork.png Wolf 4,200 Luigi's Mansion Rule(s): Move Speed ↓; Attack Power ↑; Hazard: Fog
  • The stage is covered in fog
  • The enemy's physical attacks have increased power
  • The enemy has increased attack power
Name Type Class Music Acquisition
Sonic the Werehog Attack ★★ (Advanced) "Knight of the Wind"
  • Summon with cores from Togedemaru and Werewolf
  • Battle via Spirit Board (unlocked after obtaining spirit once)
  • Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G (unlocked after obtaining spirit once)
No. Slot Cost Ability
796 1 Physical Attack ↑

Sonic Speed Simulator[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

In Sonic Speed Simulator, Sonic the Werehog is a playable character. He first appeared during the "Unleash the Beast Event" on 29 October 2022.

Image Unlocking requirement Rarity
  • Complete all three event tasks during "Unleash the Beast Event"
  • Purchase for 999 Robux during "Unleash the Beast Event"

In this game, the Werehog is controlled in the same way as the other characters in the game. He also has the Spin Dash, Spin Jump, Spin Dash Charge, and Homing Attack in his move set. His base speed and jumping height depend on the player's current level.

Powers and abilities[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

As the Werehog, Sonic loses his trademark ability to move at super speed.[1][2] In exchange, he receives an increase in muscular density[9] that grants him overwhelming[1] physical strength. His powerful arms[2] in particular have enough strength to throw and topple creatures as large as a Titan and the Dark Gaia Phoenix, pick up and swing around enemies, and smash open metal vaults with a single punch. Nonetheless, he retains his lightning-fast reflexes and agility, being perfectly capable of performing various aerial stunts during interactions and Critical Attacks on Dark Gaia's Minions and reacting accordingly to Dark Guardian's near-instantaneous movements. Sonic is likewise very durable as the Werehog, being able to survive being hammered into the ground by Dark Guardian's hammer and still retain consciousness. He can also achieve above-average running speed by dashing on all fours.

Sonic the Werehog stretching his arm out, from the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 version of Sonic Unleashed.

In addition to the above, Sonic the Werehog also has the ability to stretch his arms at will.[1][2] His maximum stretching limit is unknown though. Sonic mainly uses this ability to attack and grab enemies from a distance[2] and build momentum for his attacks. He can even enlarge his arms, hands, and feet to increase the power of his attacks. Outside combat, Sonic can also use this ability to move around by grabbing targets from a distance and easily swinging or jumping from pole to pole.[1][2] In addition, Sonic the Werehog possesses sharp claws that can cut through solid rock and Badnik armor. Combining these abilities, Sonic can utilize a moveset of ferocious combat techniques that make up for his lack of speed.[2]

Sonic the Werehog is also capable of harnessing the energies of Dark Gaia for different applications. He mainly applies it in his combat techniques to empower his attacks, put up a force-field when guarding, and harness excess Dark Gaia Force. Gathering up enough of the aforementioned energy allows Sonic to enter the Unleashed Mode, a temporary state that increases his strength and durability.

Color Powers[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

By harnessing different variants of Hyper-go-on from Wisps, Sonic the Werehog can use specific Color Powers to transform into a certain form, such as a drill, a laser, or even a planet, each one possessing its own unique abilities. So far, Sonic the Werehog has been able to transform into the Cyan Laser, Yellow Drill, and Indigo Asteroid. However, these transformations require a steady supply of Hyper-go-on to be maintained.

In other media[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Books and comics[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Archie Comics[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Sonic the Werehog, from Sonic the Hedgehog #279.

In the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics, the Werehog first appeared in the In Another Time, In Another Place reality, where Sonic was turned into the Werehog after falling into one of Dr. Eggman's traps.

In the Prime Zone, the Werehog appeared shortly after Sonic the Hedgehog came into contact with some concentrated Dark Gaia energy. Each time under extreme stress following that, Sonic would start to transform into the Werehog, only for it to subdue. When caught by the Soumerca Egg Army however, Sonic finally turned into Werehog and briefly lost control. After receiving training from Moss the Sloth though, Sonic gained control over his Werehog form, which would return during nighttime and revert at dawn from then on. Sonic later lost this transformation permanently when Dark Gaia reabsorbed the Dark Gaia energy Sonic had ingested.

IDW Publishing[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Sonic the Werehog, from Sonic the Hedgehog #16.

In the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series published by IDW Publishing, Sonic the Werehog makes a cameo appearance. During the time the world was broken apart by Dr. Eggman's Chaos Energy Cannon, Sonic came down with an illness that caused him to transform into Sonic the Werehog. However, he eventually rid himself of that condition.[10][11]

Quotes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

"Mister... Monster Guy?! Looks like things have gotten pretty ugly."
—Sonic the Werehog after Chip calls him "Mister Monster Guy," Sonic Unleashed
"I'm fine... I just need to be careful who sees me like this."
—Sonic the Werehog after the second time he transforms, Sonic Unleashed
"Weird. But it could be useful!"
—Sonic the Werehog, realizing his arms can stretch, Sonic Unleashed
"Sorry, I'm in a rush here!"
—Sonic the Werehog after defeating the Dark Moray, Sonic Unleashed (Xbox 360/PlayStation 3)

Trivia[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  • Sonic the Werehog is based on the mythical Werewolf.
    • Despite the term "Werehog" being a portmanteau of werewolf and hedgehog, it is actually a misnomer. The word werewolf is the modern English continuation of a late Old English "wer(e)wulf," a compound of were 'man' (cognate with Gothic wair, Latin vir) and wulf "wolf"; cognate with Middle Dutch weerwolf, Old High German werwolf. The term is literally "man-wolf," a man who becomes a wolf. Consequently, the term "Werehog" would literally mean "man-hog", an inaccurate term that would imply a man who becomes a hog rather than a hedgehog who becomes a wolf.
  • Oddly, when turning back to normal, Sonic's gloves repair themselves. In the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 version of Sonic Unleashed, Chip will even acknowledge this if the player feeds him enough food by asking, "Where do you put your gloves at night?"
  • In the game, Lambros notes Sonic as being "shorter and stouter than before." However, Sonic grows almost a whole foot taller in his Werehog form, from 100cm (3'3") to 125cm (4'1").
  • Sonic the Werehog's ability to stretch and extend his arms is a trait that several of Dark Gaia's Minions possess, especially the Nightmare variant. This might be due to Dark Gaia's energy being the source of both Sonic the Werehog's and Dark Gaia's Minions' powers.
    • Additionally, the Nightmares are shown to guard like the Werehog, as well as execute the Wild Whirl.
  • Sonic the Werehog is the second of Sonic's transformations to have a profile on Sonic Channel, the first one being Super Sonic.
  • In the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 version of Sonic Unleashed, if a player would press the jump button just as he grabs a ledge, the Werehog would perform a Spin Jump similar to Sonic's.
    • This also happens when releasing a horizontal pole, grabbing an enemy while in midair, and jumping while sliding down a slippery path.
  • In 2009 a Sonic costume pack for Little Big Planet was released with a Werehog costume along with the Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Eggman costumes.
  • Sonic fought the Egg Dragoon as the Werehog at night. But moments later, when Dark Gaia becomes Perfect Dark Gaia, Amy states, "It was broad daylight a minute ago!", implying that it had been daytime for several hours. Amy was in Shamar, which is east of Eggmanland on the map screen, so it was at least sunrise in Eggmanland. If this is so, Sonic probably should not have fought the Egg Dragoon at night.
    • Granted, he was far underground and away from the sun.
  • In the opening of Sonic Unleashed, Sonic the Werehog's fangs are noticeably sharp, defined, and smooth. However, for the rest of the game, his fangs appear shorter and more in line with the rest of his teeth.
  • Sonic the Werehog’s voice sounds nearly identical to Darkspine Sonic's voice. Both sound like Sonic talking in a growling voice, however Darkspine Sonic's voice sounds similar to his original voice, while his voice in Werehog form has him speak in a very deep and growly voice.

Notes[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

參考資料[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 引用錯誤:無效的 <ref> 標籤,未定義名稱為 SC 的參考文獻內容文字。
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Sonic Unleashed (Xbox 360) United States instruction booklet, pg. 6.
  3. "Creators Interview 027: Hashimoto Yoshihisa". 2009年2月20日. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  4. "クリエイターズ インタビュー/027:橋本 善久" (in Japanese). Sega. 2009年2月20日. Archived from the original on 2015年12月26日. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= and |archivedate= (help)CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  5. "Outta Bounds Blog by Sonic World Adventure Female Staff: Three Days Before Release ☆ Werehog Secrets Outta Bounds! (Part One)". 2009年2月16日. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  6. "『発売3日前☆ ウェアホッグの秘密をハミだし!(前編)』" (in Japanese). Sega. 2009年2月16日. Archived from the original on 2015年7月2日. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= and |archivedate= (help)CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  7. "Outta Bounds Blog by Sonic World Adventure Female Staff: Two Days Before Release ☆ Werehog Secrets Outta Bounds! (Part Two)". 2009年2月17日. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  8. "『発売2日前☆ ウェアホッグの秘密をハミだし!(後編)』" (in Japanese). Sega. 2009年2月17日. Archived from the original on 2015年7月2日. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= and |archivedate= (help)CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 刺蝟索尼克:開放世界》(Xbox 360)美國說明書,第2頁。
  10. Sonic the Hedgehog #5, "The Fate of Dr. Eggman, Part 1"
  11. Sonic the Hedgehog #16, "Infection"

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