
Find Your Flame

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Find Your Flame
  • Metalcore
  • Post-hardcore
作曲Tomoya Ohtani

"Find Your Flame" 是 索尼克未知边境Knight Boss 战的主题曲,由 Tyler SmythKellin Quinn 演奏。[1]

歌词[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

We won't back down
We won't (yeah, yo)
I'm here to go beyond my limit, not to compromise
And you can tell me if I mean it looking in my eyes
'Cause I've been waiting for my moment to strike
So come close, let me show you what it's like, yeah
You can try to stand in my path but you're gonna regret it
I'll be the one who laughs last while I'm making my exit
'Cause this is only for the strong of heart, nod if you get it
And no matter what the outcome, you better accept it
I can cut right through steel, I can bury the pain
So don't doubt for a second; just get out of my way
You cheat and you steal, I'm not lеtting it go
So take this as a lesson, 'cause it's all that we know
Will the whole world know your name
When we dance with destiny?
I've been there, and I've seen it
I'm never gonna stop believing
You'll find your flame
Oh, we can save the day (the day!)
We won't back down
We won't (yeah, alright)
It's like I'm seeing double vision. Take a seat; I'm on a mission
We got everything to gain (everything to gain, yeah)
To become everything you're not, you just give it all you got
And take the pleasure with the pain, yeah
I can feel my fire awaken; no time for being complacent
There's a dream on the horizon, you know we gotta chase it
And when we get to where we're going, then we start the invasion
Best me? Nah, you must be mistaken (hey)
You know I'll turn you into rust, grind you right down to dust
You thought you were the best; well, you haven't met us
I'll bring the fire and rain, call me the hurricane
I'm not letting it go, 'cause it's all that I know
Will the whole world know your name
When we dance with destiny?
I've been there, and I've seen it
I'm never gonna stop believing
You'll find your flame
Now here we go, it's the end of the show
Hear them? They're calling your name
'Cause in the end, it's you and your friends
You'll find your flame (go!)
Now here we go, it's the end of the show
Hear them? They're calling your name
'Cause in the end, it's you and your friends
You'll find your flame

冷知识[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  • 由于两曲拥有相同的歌手、类似的结构与说唱、合唱部分的旋律,本歌曲很容易让人想起索尼克力量茵弗尼特的主题曲《Infinite》。
    • 然而,相比之下,这首歌主要是从“超级索尼克”形态的索尼克的角度来演唱的,因此歌词被赋予了一种更有力量、更励志的主题,而不是《Infinite》的贬低、散布恐惧的歌词。
  • 可能是由于索尼克拿起骑士剑对抗泰坦的过场动画,玩家可在游戏文件中找到 Find Your Flame 的微延长版本,其中包含额外的吉他独奏。原曲的循环从开场诗到吉他独奏开始,之后歌曲重播到 “We won't back down”。片尾曲以吉他独奏为特色,延续到最后一节,但从第一个音频文件开始缺少“Go!”。

参考内容[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  1. "Kellin Quinn on Twitter". Twitter. 8 November 2022.

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